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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


New 5 Minute Read:
Which Form of Magnesium is the Best?

One of our must have supplements is magnesium. Not only does it help with sore muscles and better sleep but also improved energy. It can be confusing to know which form of magnesium is best to take and for what need, so we've broken it down for you in our newest article.

Latest Podcast:
Break Free from Emotional Eating: Tips for Creating a Healthy Relationship with Food

Have you ever wondered what drives the intense cravings you get? In this interview with Kat Finnerty, we delve into emotional eating, overcoming the triggers contributing to emotional eating, and practical steps to develop a healthier relationship with food and manage your emotions.



Trending Recipe:
Magnesium Boosting Smoothie

This smoothie is an all-rounder. We love it for breakfast, as a snack, and even as a post-workout treat since it contains wholefoods that are full of magnesium... And you can't even tell it's got spinach in it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Did you know that Ayurveda is often referred to as the "Mother of All Healing?"

Ayurvedic knowledge originated in India more than 5,000 years ago, and practitioners of Ayurveda know that health begins in the gut. That’s why one of the first steps to getting well in Ayurveda is a purification of your diet, based on your body’s unique needs and requirements. If you're interested in learning more about Ayurveda and eating for your body's unique needs, then you won't want to miss this eBook!

CLICK HERE for the 17 Ayurvedic Recipes for Gut Health eBook. >>

This free eBook from Nick Polizzi is jam-packed with powerful recipes and ancient wisdom that will turn your kitchen into a personal sanctuary of true nourishment.

Inside of this eBook, you will find:

  • The recipe for a nourishing beet and carrot casserole
  • The top Ayurvedic herbs and ingredients to stock your pantry (you probably already have some!)
  • A delicious recipe for a butternut coconut curry
  • How to roast cauliflower the Ayurvedic way
And much, much more!

Nick is sharing this eBook to celebrate the global free screening of his brand new docuseries Healing Kitchen: Let Food Be Thy Medicine — a nine part exploration of potent medicinal foods and herbs that covers all of the major health challenges of our time, showing you which ingredients are scientifically-proven to help.

You can get the eBook and sign up to the free docuseries HERE. >>

In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
You’ve probably heard about the hidden chemicals and health hazards surrounding many of the beauty and skincare products on the market.
But what exactly are the ones you need to keep away from?
I asked my friend, renowned natural beauty specialist Annmarie Gianni, what ingredients we should make sure to avoid putting on our skin.
Here are her top ten.
Some of them are widely used!
Yours for toxin-free health,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. When you know what to look for, you can add yourself to the rapidly growing group of empowered consumers who are being conscious about their product choices. Click here for Annmarie’s top 10 ingredients to avoid putting on your skin at all costs.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

What AI and ChatGPT Say About “Vaccine Risks – Most Influential Books”

Insights and Reflections on Vaccine Risks According to ChatGPT​

On August 22nd, Chris Downey asked ChatGPT to list the most important quotes from the top 11 books discussing vaccine risks. The request was to highlight quotes that shed light on legitimate concerns about vaccines, ideally to be investigated by objective and compassionate scientists with the public's and each individual's best interests in mind.
AI vaccine insights, ChatGPT vaccine risks, Dr. Paul Thomas vaccine information, DeeDee Hoover vaccine resources, Kids First Forever vaccine guidance
Here is Chris's prompt:
"For each book, produce the most important quote that shines a light on legitimate concerns with vaccines that would, in an ideal world, be investigated by objective, compassionate scientists with the good of both the public and each individual in mind."
Here is what ChatGPT reported:
  1. "The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child" by Dr. Robert W. Sears
    “My biggest concern is that we are asking infants whose immune systems are still developing to process so many vaccines at once. We simply do not know what the cumulative effects of these vaccines might be.”
  2. "The Vaccine-Friendly Plan" by Dr. Paul Thomas and Jennifer Margulis
    “We want to prevent serious illness, but we must also consider the long-term health of our children. What if, in protecting them from infections, we are inadvertently contributing to the rise of chronic conditions?”
  3. "Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History" by Dr. Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk
    “The assumption that vaccines are solely responsible for the decline in disease is far too simplistic and overlooks improvements in sanitation, nutrition, and hygiene. This is a critical oversight in our understanding of public health.”
  4. "Evidence of Harm: Mercury in Vaccines and the Autism Epidemic" by David Kirby
    “We are injecting children with substances that contain mercury, a known neurotoxin, and yet we haven’t adequately studied the potential long-term effects. Why is this allowed in modern medicine?”
  5. "How to End the Autism Epidemic" by J.B. Handley
    “If we truly care about children’s health, we must follow the science wherever it leads, including the possibility that vaccines are a contributing factor to the rise of autism.”
  6. "The Virus and the Vaccine: Contaminated Vaccine, Deadly Cancers, and Government Neglect" by Debbie Bookchin and Jim Schumacher
    “The SV40 contamination in the polio vaccine raises serious ethical questions about safety oversight. How did this happen, and how many lives have been affected? The potential long-term consequences cannot simply be ignored.”
  7. "Callous Disregard: Autism and Vaccines: The Truth Behind a Tragedy" by Dr. Andrew Wakefield
    “The question is not whether vaccines are good or bad, but whether every single vaccine is truly necessary and as safe as it can possibly be. That requires rigorous, transparent, and continuous scrutiny.”
  8. "Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness" by Dr. Thomas Cowan
    “Vaccines alter the natural balance of the immune system, sometimes with unintended consequences. The rise in autoimmune diseases cannot be separated from this discussion.”
  9. "A Shot in the Dark" by Harris L. Coulter and Barbara Loe Fisher
    “The fact that the DPT vaccine has caused neurological damage in children is undeniable. Why has this risk been downplayed, and why isn’t more being done to investigate safer alternatives?”
  10. "Journeys from Trust to Tragedy" by HPV vaccine injury survivors
    “We were told this vaccine would protect us, but instead, it has caused suffering that no one prepared us for. Our stories must be heard, and these risks must be taken seriously by those entrusted with public health.”
  11. "Turtles All the Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth"
    “The absence of rigorous independent placebo-controlled trials for most vaccines is a glaring gap in our understanding of their long-term effects. Without this data, how can we confidently assert that they are as safe as we claim?”
    This quote highlights a core issue raised by the book: the lack of long-term safety studies and the need for more rigorous scientific scrutiny in vaccine development and policy. It reinforces why many people consider Turtles an essential part of the vaccine-risk conversation.
I’m pleasantly surprised that AI can find and present accurate information. This suggests that the censorship of important information about vaccine risks may be the result of programs implemented to bury information that could harm the profits and agendas of powerful corporations, governments, and entities not looking out for our health and best interests.
The decision about whether to vaccinate or not—and which vaccines to consider for your circumstances—is challenging because there is so much junk “science” promoted by the system. To make an informed decision, you need pertinent information and must discern which sources are reliable.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
DOJ attorney caught on video admitting FDA’s war on ivermectin was illegal
Mike Adams
Huge news today implicating the FDA in a massive illegal act that cost people their lives.
Plus, we have updates on Ukraine, the collapsing U.S. retail economy (Dollar General plunged 30 percent in yesterday's markets) and a hard-hitting new interview with Ivan Raiklin, the "Deep State Marauder."
Find all that, plus today's sermon on cinnamon here.


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Reddit Exile


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
my business was in automation of packaging lines and robotics, part of my work was installing P.E.T bottling machimery if people had any idea about plastic bottles they would never use them. and i have to be amazed when i see health people drinking natural spring water from a plastic bottle! what a contradiction!
Thank you, you're right all plastic is bad for your health.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

SERIOUSLY Eye-Opening Epic Cancer Docu-Series
29 Aug 05:05 PM​

As more of our friends and loved ones get cancer these days, it is more important than ever that we share the truth about cancer.​


There’s a quiet health revolution brewing right now, but it’s getting louder and louder every day. And it involves one of our greatest foes on the planet… cancer.
  • Do you have cancer or do you know someone with cancer?
  • Does your medicine cabinet look like a “mini-pharmacy”?
  • Do you feel that there must be a better way?
If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, then you need to watch a groundbreaking, 9-episode docu-series!


Ty and Charlene Bollinger (my friends over at The Truth About Cancer®) are celebrating TTAC’s 10 year anniversary and have been on a personal mission to discover natural methods to prevent and reverse cancer for over two decades. You see, they are not only investigative journalists and filmmakers, but they’ve also been devastated by the ravaging effects of cancer. The loss of 7 close family members (including Ty’s mother and father) led them on a quest to discover the cures for cancer.
Over the past decade, they’ve been releasing their documentaries for the world to watch, absolutely free. And with the release of their groundbreaking, 9-episode cancer docu-series, well, they've done it again!

Click here for a sneak peek at the trailer

Chances are if you or a loved one has ever been diagnosed with cancer, the first words out of the mouth of the oncologist are “chemo” or “radiation” or “surgery.” Those words are enough to strike fear in anyone! The reality is that we’ve all been fed quite a bit of nonsense when it comes to the “treatment” of cancer with conventional methods.
The statistics are startling, one in two men and one in three women will get cancer in their lifetime. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to learn the truth about cancer.

Register to attend this free, online event!

Join me and discover the truth about cancer. I look forward to seeing you there!
In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Great Bone Scandal: How Millions Are Being Misdiagnosed and Mistreated
Are we sacrificing overall health in our misguided pursuit of denser bones?
The Acid Paradox: Why Suppressing Stomach Acid Often Worsens Heartburn
For decades, the medical establishment has approached heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) with a simple assumption: these conditions must be caused by excess stomach acid. This paradigm has led to widespread use of acid-suppressing medications like proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). However, emerging research and clinical experience suggest this approach may be fundamentally flawed. In fact, low stomach acid appears to be the root cause of most cases of heartburn and reflux. This article explores the critical functions of stomach acid, how its deficiency can paradoxically cause heartburn, and the potential risks of long-term acid suppression.
State Department Colluded With Social Media to Censor Content, New Twitter Files Show
According to independent journalist Paul D. Thacker, who today released the latest batch of "Twitter Files," emails reveal that the Biden administration worked closely with platforms like Twitter to censor content and influence social media content moderation policies.
Weight Loss Redefined: Natural Strategies & Hidden Mistakes
Join Sayer Ji and Sachin Patel for an enlightening interview as they delve into natural and regenerative methods for weight loss. They explored common mistakes people make, often overlooked areas, and why traditional diets fall short.

Discover how breathing affects weight loss and metabolic health, and learn how wearables can help you track your progress.They also discussed strategies for making metabolic health a passive part of your lifestyle.

Plus, Sachin Patel shared compelling client success stories and provide insights on how you can learn more about this approach as well as work directly with the team. Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your weight loss journey naturally!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Life has a way of presenting us with unexpected challenges, ones that leave us feeling lost, overwhelmed, and searching for answers.

I know you’re grappling with emotions that seem insurmountable, and each day might feel like a battle just to find some semblance of peace.

But imagine finding a way to turn those sleepless nights, the constant anxiety, and the moments of despair into a journey of healing and growth.

What if those very experiences could lead you to discover a strength within yourself that you never knew existed?

There is a way forward, one that’s filled with hope, resilience, and a community that understands exactly what you’re going through.

Together, we can explore paths to inner peace and learn how to embrace the lessons our experiences teach us.

>> Learn how to overcome life’s challenges

Here’s what’s possible:

  • Clarity: Understand why you feel the way you do and find meaningful ways to navigate through it.
  • Healing: Discover practical tools and strategies to manage your emotions and physical symptoms.
  • Connection: Join a supportive network that’s been through similar struggles and is here to lift you up.
  • Empowerment: Learn how to turn your pain into a source of strength and personal growth.

I want to invite you to take the first step towards a brighter tomorrow. It’s time to reclaim your power and find joy again.

>> Embrace a brighter future with tools for emotional resilience

You have the strength within you, Jim. Together, let’s find the light in the darkest moments.

Warm regards,


P.S. Curious about the transformation that awaits? Don’t wait—spaces are filling fast <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi,
From the civilizations of ancient Egypt, China and India all the way to the Mayan and Aztec empires, there was one simple truth that was shared by all… food is medicine.
We have always known this. Our relationship to food is one of the most sacred and intimate relationships we’re capable of, from sowing seeds in the Earth to merging with a plant’s energy through consumption.
Food has the power to change our mood, to bring people together, and it has the power to heal.
You may have heard the saying, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine thy food.” These words were spoken two thousand years ago by the celebrated Greek Physician, Hippocrates - commonly hailed as the father of modern medicine. He knew that the right foods combined with specific medicinal herbs was a recipe for a long and healthy life…
But somewhere along the way, we seem to have forgotten this simple truth.
We started mass-producing food with impersonal machines and artificial ingredients.
We told ourselves that the busy-ness of modern life required this “convenience.”
We went so far as to even dye our foods so that they would appear as though they were just as fresh and vital as they had been before our industrial practices and pesticides stripped away all their nutrients.
Sadly, it’s no surprise that people who consume foods that not only lack nutritional value, but also contain carcinogenic and other harmful ingredients – are winding up sick and even worse.
Because, just as the ancients knew – and as modern science finally demonstrates – the key to good health is… nutrient-dense, mineral-rich, fully-intact, consciously-created food.
If you want to be healthy and vital, you need to consume food that possesses these same qualities—and not just when you’re sick. It’s time for us to remember and embody this ancient truth, and to revive both ourselves and our kitchens.
That’s why I’m so excited to share a remarkable new docuseries that is screening in soon...
It’s called Healing Kitchen: Let Food Be Thy Medicine, and it’s a hard-hitting, transformative - and FREE - documentary series exploring the world’s most promising medicinal foods and how they can be used to prevent and heal disease.
This is going to be a real treat. Each episode is beautifully filmed and jam-packed with powerful recipes and ancient remedies that will turn your kitchen into a personal sanctuary of natural wellness and true nourishment.
Click HERE to watch the trailer!
In this exclusive FREE series, you’ll discover:
- How to create plant-based healing recipes that target specific health conditions and vital systems within your body
- How to support your microbiome and rethink diet, so that rather than eating for one, you’re eating for several trillion
- Ancient kitchen remedies that improve brain function and memory, even in patients with cognitive impairment
- Healing dishes that help prevent and heal some of the most prevalent diseases of our time including Alzheimer’s and dementia, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, auto-immune disorders and long list of other illnesses
- How eating vibrant foods can improve your skin health, hair health and overall complexion, supporting the aging process
- Plant-based foods that addresses the real source of hormone imbalance, infertility, and low libido
- And much more!

YES! I want FREE access to this groundbreaking docuseries!
Plus, you’ll meet a fun and inspiring group of experts, from farm to table chefs, herbalists, and wild food foragers, to small farmers, natural doctors, holistic nutritionists and more!
Are you ready to uncover the potent medicine of food?
This new 9-part documentary series is packed with wellness information that you can use immediately in both your own and your loved one’s lives. All you have to do is click the link to sign up.
And did I mention it’s free?
I’ll be tuning into Healing Kitchen for sure - I invite you to join me!
P.S. The Healing Kitchen docu-series will only be available for free for a short time before it’s taken down, so be sure to sign up now!
Click HERE to sign up for your FREE access to the premiere!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,

I hope you'll consider joining me for a truly unique event, the Trauma to Transcendence Summit, which I'm co-hosting with Dawson Church, PhD, and Dr. Sue Morter.

Co-hosting this summit has had a profound effect on me personally. We gathered top experts in trauma and healing, encompassing multiple aspects and understanding of trauma's causes and the journey of healing.

I had the privilege of interviewing some remarkable people from whom I learned so much, including Rollin McCraty, PhD, Jorina Elbers, MD, Alex Howard, Fleet Maull, PhD, Irene Lyon, and co-host Dawson Church, PhD. Each provides their unique expertise, having dedicated their life's work to the subject of trauma.

Throughout the interviews, I made a point to offer practical applications, exploring how each expert's unique work can affect your health, well-being, and your own journey of healing from trauma.

>> Register now for my upcoming online event, Trauma to Transcendence, September 3rd - 9th

The reason I'm so passionate about this topic is that trauma is far more significant than most people have realized. It's finally getting the recognition it has unfortunately earned as a driving force that shapes our life experiences and those of the people around us.

We are, in many ways, driven by our traumas. This is why the journey of healing from trauma is so crucial. It's not just about big, obvious traumas but also small, repetitive events that can diminish the multidimensional life we're all capable of experiencing.​
I share more about how trauma touches all aspects of our lives in this short video.

I was so inspired by this summit that I'm now developing a special multi-part program on understanding and healing from trauma. This program is a direct result of the insights gained from the summit. I will share more on the program in the upcoming months.

Please consider joining me at the Trauma to Transcendence Summit, even for just a handful of these important talks.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hide Temptations When Aiming to Lose Weight

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

If you’re working on losing weight, don’t put temptation in your path, says a recent study on self-control.

Researchers looked at the effectiveness of willpower versus voluntarily restricting access to temptations (such as avoiding purchasing fattening foods) — a strategy that is known as “pre-commitment,” which is deciding in advance to avoid small temptations that could derail one’s goals.

Special: Fight Fatigue With This Doctor's Secret Weapon

Healthy male volunteers were recruited and given a series of choices. Some rewards were mildly enjoyable, while others were extremely enjoyable. For some choices, the small reward was continuously available. The subjects had to exert willpower to resist choosing it until the large reward became available.

Meanwhile, for other choices, the subjects were given the opportunity to pre-commit.

The researchers found that advance decision-making was more effective than self-control in the face of temptation. They also found that the most impulsive people (those with the weakest willpower) benefited the most from such advance decision-making.

When you go shopping, avoid buying tempting foods that may not be healthy for your heart thinking that you’ll use willpower to deny yourself the foods in the future. Instead, fill your cupboards and refrigerator with healthy foods, so you can enjoy eating and maintain or lose weight.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

It's almost showtime Jimi!​

The SQUARE ONE LIVE Q&A starts in less than an hour at 11am Eastern time!

I’ll be LIVE online for about an hour to answer as many questions as possible.

This LIVE Q&A is specifically for cancer patients. Anyone can watch but please refrain from asking questions on this one if you are not a cancer patient or caregiver.

WHEN: TODAY Saturday, August 31st at 11am Eastern time.

WHERE: Live on Facebook:
Be sure you click “follow” and you’ll receive a notification when the Live Q&A starts. :)

HOW: The questions will be answered in the order they are received in the Facebook Live chat starting at 11am Eastern. Please do not email or post your questions in advance.

Even if you don’t have any questions you can think of, definitely tune in. There will be a LOT of other people asking great questions - questions you may not have thought to ask - and you may just get some answers you didn’t even know you were looking for.

*If you can't make it, I will send you a link to watch the replay tomorrow morning. :)

I'll see you LIVE online shortly!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Coming to you this fine Saturday afternoon with some good vibes, Jimi!

Thank you so much for the positive feedback so far. YOU are the reason we made this series, and we’re so glad that you’re getting so much out of it.

In the next episode of “A Global Quest,”, we’re going to take you inside a cancer clinic in Mexico and learn about an “unconventional” treatment that’s getting some amazing results, and we’ll meet several patients who are alive today because of it.

Watch a sneak preview of Episode 4 >>

And here’s a snapshot of the other “enlightening” moments coming tonight:

  • The shady tactics of the food industry to keep us hooked on “dead” food
  • An Indian doctor reveals the sugars that won’t kill you—and the ones that just might
  • Discover how “nature’s candy” could be your secret weapon against cancer
  • Grow your own nutrient-packed food at home for next to nothing—Big Ag hates this!
  • Two toxic food additives that practically invite cancer into your body
  • Get an inside look at a doctor’s private garden, where nature’s cures are just a pick away
  • And that's just scratching the surface...
Just wait ‘til you get to the part about using sound and light waves -- we guarantee you’ve never seen anything like THIS before!

Watch Episode 4 HERE starting at 9pm ET tonight >>

We’ll see you there and God bless,
Ty & Charlene

P.S. Episode 3 is still available until 9pm ET. If you haven’t watched it yet, then what are you waiting for?
Click here before we have to take it down for the next episode.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello, Jimi!​
From the civilizations of ancient Egypt, China and India all the way to the Mayan and Aztec empires, there was one simple truth that was shared by all... food is medicine.

We have always known this. Our relationship to food is one of the most sacred and intimate relationships we’re capable of, from sowing seeds in the Earth to merging with a plant’s energy through consumption.

Food has the power to change our mood, to bring people together, and it has the power to heal!

You may have heard the saying, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine thy food.” These words were spoken two thousand years ago by the celebrated Greek Physician, Hippocrates - commonly hailed as the father of modern medicine. He knew that the right foods combined with specific medicinal herbs was a recipe for a long and healthy life…

But somewhere along the way, we seem to have forgotten this simple truth.

We started mass-producing food with impersonal machines and artificial ingredients.

We told ourselves that the busy-ness of modern life required this “convenience.”

We went so far as to even dye our foods so that they would appear as though they were just as fresh and vital as they had been before our industrial practices and pesticides stripped away all their nutrients.

Sadly, it’s no surprise that people who consume foods that not only lack nutritional value, but also contain carcinogenic and other harmful ingredients – are winding up sick and even worse.

Because, just as the ancients knew – and as modern science finally demonstrates – the key to good health is... nutrient-dense, mineral-rich, fully intact, consciously-created food!

If you want to be healthy and vital, you need to consume food that possesses these same qualities—and not just when you’re sick. It’s time for us to remember and embody this ancient truth, and to revive both ourselves and our kitchens.

That’s why we're so excited to share a remarkable new docuseries called Healing Kitchen: Let Food Be Thy Medicine, it’s a hard-hitting, transformative - and FREE - documentary series exploring the world’s most promising medicinal foods and how they can be used to prevent and heal disease.

This is going to be a real treat. Each episode is beautifully filmed and jam-packed with powerful recipes and ancient remedies that will turn your kitchen into a personal sanctuary of natural wellness and true nourishment.

--->>Click HERE to watch the trailer!
In this exclusive FREE series, you’ll discover:

  • How to create plant-based healing recipes that target specific health conditions and vital systems within your body

  • How to support your microbiome and rethink diet, so that rather than eating for one, you’re eating for several trillion

  • Ancient kitchen remedies that improve brain function and memory, even in patients with cognitive impairment

  • Healing dishes that help prevent and heal some of the most prevalent diseases of our time including Alzheimer’s and dementia, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, auto-immune disorders and long list of other illnesses

  • How eating vibrant foods can improve your skin health, hair health and overall complexion, supporting the aging process

  • Plant-based foods that address the real source of hormone imbalance, infertility, and low libido

  • And more!
--->>Yes, I want FREE access to this groundbreaking docuseries!

Plus, you’ll meet a fun and inspiring group of experts, from farm-to-table chefs, herbalists, and wild food foragers, to small farmers, natural doctors, holistic nutritionists, and more!​
So thankful that you’re making an investment in your health, your life and yourself.

Because health means everything,​

VU Sponsors
