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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Never Doubt Your Intention​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Greetings: Jimi​
We're excited to invite you to something truly special.

On August 30th, we’re beginning a free webinar: Mastering Self-Healing for Optimal Wellness: Transforming Chronic Health Challenges through Wisdom Healing Qigong.

Whether you’ve been dealing with chronic pain, fatigue, or emotional stress, we know these challenges can feel overwhelming, and can compromise your quality of life.

You might even feel isolated, misunderstood, or hollow.

This webinar will introduce you to a practice that addresses the root causes of chronic issues, helping you find lasting relief and renewed vitality.​
qigong practice

"Healing is not about fixing what’s broken, but about remembering the wholeness that is already within you." - Master Mingtong Gu​

Here’s how:

During the webinar, Master Mingtong Gu will share the powerful principles of Wisdom Healing Qigong—a practice that’s both ancient and cutting-edge, validated by modern science.

You’ll learn how this approach differs from conventional methods, offering a new way to heal that’s accessible, simple, and deeply effective.​

What makes this different?

Wisdom Healing Qigong is more than just a practice; it’s a way of life.

It combines gentle movements, sounds, and visualizations that open up your energy flow, addressing the underlying patterns that contribute to illness and imbalance.

This method has helped countless people, just like you, transform their health and well-being.​

Scientific Research Highlights:

  • Pain Management: Studies show that Qigong can significantly reduce chronic pain, improving quality of life.
  • Fatigue Reduction: Research indicates that Qigong practices can alleviate fatigue and increase energy levels.
  • Mental Health Benefits: Evidence supports Qigong's positive impact on depression and anxiety, enhancing emotional well-being.
  • Neurological Health: Qigong has been found to benefit individuals with Parkinson’s and other neurological disorders, promoting better movement and coordination.

Here’s why it works:

By reconnecting with your body’s natural healing energies, you’re no longer managing symptoms—you’re creating lasting change at the cellular level.

This isn’t about quick fixes
; it’s about empowering yourself to live with vitality and purpose.​

Imagine the possibilities:

You can overcome the challenges that have held you back.

You can thrive.

And it all starts with this webinar.
Qigong webinar
Sign Up Now to reserve your spot and refresh your journey toward self-healing.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi, it’s Sarah.

If you’re feeling stressed out lately, you’re not alone.

The never-ending newscycle, negativity on social media, economic anxiety – it can be a lot.

And because of the gut-brain connection, all that stress you’re feeling can trigger digestive issues like gas, bloating, and stomach upsets.

Worse, it can also fuel chronic inflammation and trigger autoimmune conditions.

The good news is, there are wonderful stress-relief options that go beyond meds and what you’re hearing from the media that can heal your gut-brain connection and flood you with peace, joy, and vibrant health.

And in tonight’s episode, our experts reveal those secrets (and more) with you!

👉 Go here to watch Episode 7 when it airs tonight at 8PM Eastern USA

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • The “sore throat” remedy that tones your vagus nerve. Costs nothing, takes seconds, and works wonders to relieve stress.
  • How to use last night’s dreams to lower your stress levels. Just do this first thing when you wake up.
  • Why past traumas could be sabotaging your gut health (even if you think you’ve moved on)
  • From deep breathing to cold showers: The top science-backed strategies to stimulate your vagus nerve and calm inflammation
And more!

If you’ve been dealing with stress lately (and who hasn’t?), you won’t want to miss this episode.

It’s called “Anti-inflammatory Solutions for Your Vagus Nerve”.

And it will put you on a path to a calmer mind and healthier gut.

It airs tonight at 8PM Eastern (USA), and will be available on this page for the next 24 hours.

(If that link isn’t working, you can copy and paste into your browser.)

I’m so excited to share this episode with you.

See you tonight at 8PM Eastern!

Yours for better health, naturally


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Live Link

Hey Jimi!​

SQUARE ONE Module 6: How to Eliminate Stress & Heal Your Heart is LIVE!

I think this is one of the most important modules in the entire course.

Watch it here:

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve observed cancer patients who seemed to be doing everything right – but weren’t able to turn a corner until they addressed the stress in their life. Especially unresolved emotional issues from their past.

My life was a Stress Mess before my cancer diagnosis, and even more so right after!

Identifying and removing the sources of stress in my life brought me peace and played a HUGE role in my recovery. And I know it will do the same for you. :)

Here's what you'll learn in Module 6...
- What stress really is
- The anatomy and physiology of stress
- Identifying the different sources of stress in your life
- Solving your problems
- Creating a peaceful life
- The secret to happiness
- The power of your thoughts
- Healing your heart
- Overcoming fear

I can’t WAIT to read your comments after you watch Module 6!

Here's your link to watch it now:

IMPORTANT: We have 3 different watch pages. If the Module video doesn't load on the page, there is a link below the video that will connect you to a back up page to watch.

I’ll see you there!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

We live in a time when we REALLY need to be careful!

I just found some gruesome information that everyone, including you, should know right away.

Are you aware of the HIDDEN threats that could be affecting your health?

They stealthily make their way into your body and if ignored…

These quiet problems create SERIOUS health issues…including cancer!

The American Cancer Society says…

“Certain parasitic worms that can live inside the human body can raise the risk of developing some kinds of cancer.”

This sounds like a horror movie…I know…BUT the truth is, with the kind of food we eat and the water we drink…

Even YOU could be affected.

The good news is that phenomenal healers like Dr. Cathleen Gerenger have proven that there are God-given solutions…

That can put these sneaky invaders at bay…she said…

“Vitamin C also helps to regulate our mood. What it does is that it improves the moods by decreasing the anxiety and the depression. Why? Because it helps to decrease the f.ree radical damage that we put onto our body by things that we eat, environmental toxins, and also parasites sometimes that we actually see in our body that we need to get rid of.

So make sure you have adequate amount of Vitamin C, to not only help your skin health, help your immune system, but help your overall health because it is one of those crucial vitamins that really helps your body to do what it needs to do to function properly because your body needs that Vitamin C.”

And here's the thing…

Your doctor might not even be aware of how effectively Vitamin C could get rid of carcinogenic parasites in your body.

It's not something they're taught in medical school.

That’s why my good friend, investigative journalist, filmmaker, and humanitarian, Jonathan Otto decided to write a BRAND NEW book, Feed the Body, Starve the Cancer…

To reveal the truth behind nutrition and its impact on cancer and explore how specific food groups can help “starve” cancer cells.​
Head HERE to download your copy of Feed the Body, Starve the Cancer

Here's a glimpse of what you'll uncover upon downloading this FREE book:
  • Learn how specific dietary choices, from high sugar intake to processed meats, can influence cancer risk and progression.
  • Discover which nutrient-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, and certain spices, can help combat cancer cells and improve overall health.
  • Dive into the latest research on how diet affects cancer development, including the impact of glycemic index, fat intake, and food processing.
  • Get practical advice on how to incorporate cancer-fighting nutrients into your diet, manage hydration, and make lifestyle changes to reduce cancer risk.
  • And. So. Much. More!
And the BEST part is…

When you download this amazing book, you’ll also get FREE VIP access to Jonathan’s BRAND NEW 12-Episode docuseries Cancer Decoded.

You’ll hear from 40+ of the world’s top medical doctors and natural health experts who share the uncensored truth…

About highly effective ways to address cancer with natural medicine protocols!

Wishing you abundant health,

Jason Prall

P.S. Cancer Decoded begins on the 9th of September and it will feature breakthrough after breakthrough. You’ll hear from world-class health experts that are dedicated to pouring out as much as they know so that YOU can gain control of your health.

All you need to do?

Click here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Don't want these Bible Health Tips? Simply Unsubscribe.
Yes, there are ways to fight cancer that don’t involve flooding your body with TOXINS…
AND don’t leave you battling against your own body!
If you've been curious about the TRUE role essential oils can play in cancer prevention & therapies, then read the report on our blog for a no-fluff answer.
It’s time to bring to light the hidden TRUTH … about natural, non-invasive protocols…
So that you can truly help your body prevent and fight cancer if you or a loved one has been diagnosed, which is why we encourage you to...
--> Download, "Ground-Breaking Discoveries in Non-Toxic Cancer Therapies" and:
  • Discover the fundamentals of non-toxic therapies that harmonize with your body’s healing mechanisms, avoiding the harsh effects of traditional cancer treatments.
  • Explore how Light and Sound Therapy improve cellular health and why Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy is a promising alternative for reducing cancer treatment side effects.
  • Be inspired by stories of individuals who have effectively combated cancer using non-toxic methods, significantly enhancing their quality of life.
  • Learn from experts about how non-toxic therapies specifically target and weaken cancer cells, addressing the disease’s root causes.
  • And SO much more!
--> Download, "Ground-Breaking Discoveries in Non-Toxic Cancer Therapies" today!
As always, praying you enjoy the abundant life.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are you struggling with digestive issues like acid reflux, bloating, or constipation?

You’re not alone.

In this week’s hot hormone tip - I share practical tips and insights to help achieve better digestive health and feel fabulous again!

It's so important important to listen to your body's signals. Symptoms like acid reflux, gas, bloating, and IBS are your body’s way of whispering that something needs attention. Don't ignore these gentle nudges; they are crucial for maintaining your well-being.

>> Click here to watch this week's Hot Hormone Tip

I also share some of the mindful eating practices that can transform your digestive health. They not only improve nutrient absorption but also enhance your overall well-being and connection to the food you eat.

Don’t let digestive issues keep you down. Your journey to feeling fabulous starts now!

>> Click here to learn more!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

This 2024, cancer cases are on the rise such as NEVER seen before.

You may have heard of “turbo cancers” (we shared about this previously) and studies have it that they are suddenly seen EVERYWHERE!

Pathologist and CEO of Cole Diagnostics, Dr. Ryan Cole, even revealed that recent “cancer growth patterns and behavior are completely out of character.”

Can you guess what could have prompted this?

Find out why cancer cases are on the rise and what you can do to protect yourself and your loved ones in Cancer Decoded.
You know from our emails that genetics only play a very small role in cancer development.

In fact, only 5% of cancer diagnoses are linked to genetics.

This means that MOST cancers are avoidable.

In Cancer Decoded, you’ll get 12 powerful episodes packed with natural protocols that could help you lower your cancer risk.

You’ll also get 12 BONUS episodes that dive even deeper, giving you the tools and knowledge to put these protocols into action for maximum results.

You’ll hear from over 40 world-renowned experts who share their natural approaches to tackling cancer—many of whom have successfully treated their own patients with these methods.

These are real strategies from the best in the field!

And starting September 9th, you can access a limited-time FREE screening of Cancer Decoded until September 20th.

Normally priced at $297, our good friend, investigative journalist, filmmaker, and humanitarian, Jonathan Otto is offering this to you as a complimentary gift for being part of our community…

… because we want you to have the tools you need to take charge of your health.

Watch the video now on how you can influence your odds of getting cancer!

To your health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

Imagine a life where pain no longer dictates your every move.

No more fences around you or how you plan your day…

What would it be like to wake up each morning knowing that you have the ability to do the things you love to do - trusting your body to move freely and confidence that you’re going to enjoy the day?

How would that feel?

Amazing right? Well, this is what it’s supposed to be like.

And my friend Dr. Yoni Whitten, an expert in rehabilitation and overcoming chronic pain, has created an online event that’s going to show you how to get there.

You’ll discover 3 secrets hidden in plain sight in the medical literature:

  • The most common factors contributing to the worldwide chronic pain epidemic (most of these things are completely ignored by conventional medicine)
  • The most effective (and efficient) way to shut off the “alarm bells” inside your brain that cause so much pain
  • How to do kinetic flow all day, every day, without thinking about it – so you can transform your life one day at a time.

A pain-free life is within your grasp now.

Dr. Whitten is going to lay out the strategies and techniques you need to overcome your chronic pain and take your life back!

There is no cost for this online event but space is limited.

So register now. The webinar is almost here!

Sign up now to get started.

Yours in a pain-free life,


P.S. Don’t suffer needlessly because you don’t have the strategies for chronic pain management.

Dr. Yoni will tell you all about them on the webinar.

The webinar is coming up soon – so register now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Featured Article​
The Truth About Emotional Intelligence
In our fast-paced world, managing emotions effectively is more important than ever. You may have heard the term "Emotional Intelligence" (EI), but do you truly understand its impact on your well-being?

Emotional Intelligence isn't just about being in touch with your feelings — it's about harnessing them to make better decisions, build stronger relationships, and lead a more fulfilling life! According to a fascinating article in Psychology Today, emotional intelligence can even influence your physical health, reduce stress, and enhance your mental resilience.

The article breaks down the key components of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills. It highlights how developing these areas can lead to greater success in both your personal and professional life.

Discover how you can cultivate emotional intelligence and transform your well-being...​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Discover The Greatest Health Conspiracy Of 2025
Ian Clark and Sayer Ji discussed one of today’s most significant, urgent, and critical threats that could be affecting every woman’s health (including yours and your loved ones), and it's happening right now.
From Korean Staple to Global Superfood: 10 Science-Backed Healing Properties of Kimchi
For centuries, kimchi has been a cornerstone of Korean cuisine, revered not just for its bold flavors but also for its perceived health benefits.
The FDA’s Missed Opportunity: The Case for MDMA-Assisted Therapy
Despite its designation as a 'breakthrough therapy' by the FDA seven years ago, MDMA-assisted therapy has hit a significant roadblock. In a decision that has sparked debate across the medical community, the FDA recently declined to approve MDMA for treating PTSD, a move that many, including Daniel, see as a tragic setback for millions of Americans suffering from the disorder.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Del Introduces HighWire+, a space beyond The HighWire which seeks to explore new shows and curated content from the movement, offered as a gift exclusively to monthly donors to ICAN; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on explosive net-zero updates, and CDC leverages a ‘COVID surge’ to push vaccination; Legendary Actress and Comedian Roseanne Barr lights up The HighWire Studio with Del.
Guest: Roseanne Barr​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Live link​

Hi Jimi,​

Most of my life I've taken the road less traveled.

I'm an only child and I never really fit in as a kid...

I questioned everything. And I was often inclined to do the opposite of what everyone else was doing... not because I wanted to be different. I just was different.

When faced with cancer, I went against conventional advice and instead, relied on my instincts, intuition and faith to guide me on the path to healing.

I prayed a lot. I prayed for wisdom and guidance. I prayed for strength. I prayed for my wife and family, and I prayed for peace, and for healing...

I was desperate, and I reached out and asked for help. And I got it.

I stepped out in faith, into the unknown, alone... And miracles happened. People and information came into my life at exactly the right time. I knew it wasn't coincidence.

Yes, I took Massive Action to change my life...

But it was clear to me that God was guiding me and answering my prayers.

Tonight's module on Spiritual Healing and last night's module on Stress are the two most important, most personal and powerful modules in the SQUARE ONE course.

In tonight's Module, I will be sharing my faith journey with you, things I never shared publicly until I created this course... my struggles, doubts and fears, and the answers I found when I went looking with an open mind and an open heart.

Module 7 will be challenging. And it may stir up some emotions...

As you will see, I barely kept my composure through some of the sections, because I'm a big softy. :)

This module is my heart.

And my hope is that it will cut through all the layers, straight to yours.

Here's your link to watch Module 7: Spiritual Healing now...

I’ll see you there,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Did you know that a parasite ate part of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s brain?

He started experiencing severe memory loss and brain fog, so much so that his friends feared it could be a brain tumor.
When top neurologists examined his scans, they found a dark spot on his brain and were convinced it was cancer.

He was immediately scheduled for surgery at Duke University Medical Center.

But just as he prepared for the procedure, he received a call that changed everything.

A doctor from New York Presbyterian Hospital had a different theory:

He believed the dark spot on Mr. Kennedy’s brain wasn’t a tumor at all…

…But the remains of a dead parasite that had burrowed into his brain, devoured part of it and then died.

Can you imagine that?

The scary truth is that parasitic infections can be fatal, but here’s the good news…

You can fight back—if you know the right protocols.

Dr. Bryan Ardis, a leading voice in natural medicine, shared with me an astonishing discovery.

He revealed this:

Many cancers aren’t actually cancer at all—but parasitic infections! And mainstream medicine has been hiding the truth.

One of the most powerful antiparasitic treatments Dr. Bryan discussed is Fenbendazole—a drug that’s been shown to cure all kinds of cancers.

He pointed to research from Paul Marik, co-founder of the FLCCC, that supports this claim.

Here’s the kicker: 80 to 90% of the so-called cancers Dr. Ardis has treated weren’t really cancer. They were parasitic infections in disguise.

That’s why his upcoming docuseries, Cancer Decoded, is a must-watch for you and yours.

It’s time to reveal the truth about what cancer REALLY is—and why it’s on the rise like never before.

>>> Watch the Cancer Decoded trailer HERE
In Cancer Decoded, you’ll learn from leading health experts who focus on treating the root cause of disease, not just the symptoms. You’ll discover:

  • The real truth about cancer: What if everything you thought you knew about cancer was wrong?
  • Hidden dangers: How everyday toxins could trigger dormant cancer cells and raise your risk.
  • The power of lifestyle choices: Why genetics play a smaller role in cancer than you’ve been led to believe, and how your environment and habits (epigenetics) are more important.
  • Life-saving protocols: Practical, proven methods you can use to protect your health and potentially reduce your cancer risk—without leaving home.
And that’s just the beginning!

We’ll share inspiring stories from real people who faced what seemed like hopeless diagnoses but found a way to heal.

Join me on this eye-opening journey. Together, we’ll uncover the secrets to a healthier life, guided by experts who aren’t afraid to challenge the status quo.

This isn’t just a docuseries—it’s your lifeline to a brighter, healthier future. Don’t miss out.

>>> Watch the Cancer Decoded trailer HERE


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
check out these recent episodes from Rosie Radio:

  • How to Reverse Weight Loss Resistance
    with Dr. Keesha Ewers
    • A commonly overlooked hidden stressor that might be causing your weight loss resistance
    • The surprising effect of Dr. Keesha’s 21-Day Detox
    • What does a detox lifestyle really look like and an amazing case study of how someone going through menopause is living it


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Weight Loss Redefined: Natural Strategies & Hidden Mistakes
Join Sayer Ji and Sachin Patel for an enlightening interview as they delve into natural and regenerative methods for weight loss. They will explore common mistakes people make, often overlooked areas, and why traditional diets fall short.

Discover how breathing affects weight loss and metabolic health, and learn how wearables can help you track your progress. They’ll also discuss strategies for making metabolic health a passive part of your lifestyle.

Plus, Sachin Patel will share compelling client success stories and provide insights on how you can learn more about this approach as well as work directly with the team. Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your weight loss journey naturally!

LIVE TODAY, Tuesday, August 27th @ 2pm EST.
Healing Rays: How Curcumin May Revolutionize Radiation Therapy Side Effects
In the quest to alleviate the painful skin damage caused by radiation therapy, scientists are turning to an unlikely hero: curcumin, the golden compound in turmeric that may hold the key to revolutionizing cancer care and offering new hope to millions of patients worldwide.
When Science Becomes 'Fake News': The Case of GreenMedInfo and Wikipedia's Controversial List
In an era where information is power, who decides what's real and what's fake? The case of, a natural health website with nearly 100,000 peer-reviewed scientific abstracts and/or extensively referenced translational articles, being labeled as a "fake news" site by Wikipedia, raises alarming questions about censorship, scientific debate, and the future of free speech in the digital age.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The human mind is complex and mysterious with capacities that are far greater than we can imagine and the upcoming 2024 Neuro Mastery Summit will give you access to tools to unlock your potential, cultivate inner peace, foster resilience, and manifest your dreams.

It's a voyage towards your fullest potential, an exploration into the core of who you truly are, and a journey that will support you in making your aspiration a reality.

--->>Get ready to immerse yourself in six days of profound change and transformation when you attend this complimentary, online event!

Be sure to mark your calendar for September 10-15, 2024!​
Join 60+ of the most prominent neuroscientists, trauma experts, meditation teachers, Indigenous wisdom holders, spiritual leaders, and sensemakers in this emerging field for an event like no other.

Event sessions will address many important topics, including:

  • Healing trauma and turning pain into power
  • The neuroscience of mindfulness and its role in achieving mental clarity
  • The power of self-directed positive neuroplasticity
  • Techniques for managing stress, fostering resilience, and self-healing
  • The power of manifesting: how to visualize and attract the life you desire
  • Practices for self-love/care to nourish your mind, body, and spirit
  • The path to self-actualization and personal transformation
Plus, LIFETIME ACCESS to 3 powerful video interviews with Steve Farrell, Venerable Dr. Pannavati Bhikkhuni, and John Vervaeke, PhD!

--->>We’ll see you online at the Neuro Mastery Summit when you register today!
So thankful that you’re making an investment in your health, your life and yourself.

Because health means everything,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
A common hurdle that people face on their natural healing path is the amount of money it often costs to get the herbs, superfoods, and other ingredients they need.
Well, I’ve got some good news for you… As long as you live near a grocery store (ANY grocery store), you have plenty of ingredients to start making your own kitchen remedies and nutrient-rich meals. If you love home remedies as much as we do, then you're in for a treat with this new docuseries...
CLICK HERE to watch Healing Kitchen: Let Food Be Thy Medicine. >>
This 9-part green medicine extravaganza is the first of its kind, and it's going to show you how to make medicinal foods and pantry remedies, while diving into the ancient origins and healing applications of each ingredient.

In this exclusive FREE series, you’ll discover:
  • How to create plant-based healing recipes that target specific health conditions and vital systems within your body
  • How to support your microbiome and rethink diet, so that rather than eating for one, you’re eating for several trillion
  • Ancient kitchen remedies that improve brain function and memory, even in patients with cognitive impairment
  • Healing dishes that help prevent and heal some of the most prevalent diseases of our time including Alzheimer’s and dementia, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, auto-immune disorders, and a long list of other illnesses
  • How eating vibrant foods can improve your skin health, hair health and overall complexion, supporting the aging process
  • Plant-based foods that help address the real source of hormone imbalance, infertility, and low libido
And much more!
It starts on September 10, so make sure to sign up before then HERE. >>
In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi, it’s Sarah.

You can still watch Episode 8 right here (it’s online for a few more hours!)

(If the link above isn’t working for you, you can copy and paste into your browser.)

I urge you to watch (or rewatch) this episode now if you or someone you love has ever thought:

I’m cursed with bad genes.

I know people who suffer because they believe their genes are setting them up for failure – baldness, weight gain, an autoimmune condition, or something else.

And sure, our genes influence our health (and so much more).

But our genes are NOT our fate.

Although we can’t change the genes we’re born with, we CAN impact how those genes are expressed by our lifestyle choices, particularly the foods we eat.

To illustrate how this works, imagine your genes as keys on a beautiful Steinway Grand Piano.

The keys on a piano can’t make music on their own; you need a pianist to play them.

Likewise, your genes need a “player” for them to influence your health. That’s where food enters the picture.

Breakthrough research shows that the foods you eat can turn genes off or on (what scientists call epigenetic modification).

When you eat the right foods, your genes create a beautiful melody full of radiant health and vitality. You sing and soar!

But eating the wrong foods is like asking an elephant to play the piano: it’s not going to sound good and probably won’t end well.

The choice is ours.

I find it empowering to know that the foods we eat can have a massive impact on our health by affecting how we function at the cellular level.

And in Episode 8, our experts reveal their secrets and strategies for reclaiming control of your health through the amazing power of food!

👉Tune in to watch Episode 8 now – before it goes offline in a few hours.

The episode is called, “Food Pharmacy Exposed: The Powerful Remedies Hiding in Your Kitchen”.

It’s one of the most profound episodes in the entire Gut-Autoimmune Solution masterclass – and one of my personal favourites.

I’ll see you there!

Yours for better health, naturally


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Big Hospitals Not Always Best

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

It’s often assumed that to get the best care you need to go to a large, well-known medical institution. But surgical patients often have better results at smaller hospitals, a recent survey finds.

Consumer Reports rated 2,463 U.S. hospitals in all 50 states for surgical care. Surprisingly, many big-name medical centers were near the middle of the pack — or even on the lower end.

Special: Brain Doctor: Simple Way to Stay Mentally Sharp

The survey looked at outcomes of common surgical procedures, including coronary angioplasty. Reviewers used data from Medicare, and they also adjusted for the fact that the larger institutions often see more complex and difficult cases.

Some of the better-known hospitals fared poorly in surgical outcomes. Massachusetts General in Boston, for example, got the lowest rating. Other famous institutions like Cleveland Clinic and Johns Hopkins in Baltimore rated average.

Some prestigious hospitals that did rank near the top include New York Presbyterian and Mount Sinai in New York.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Greetings: Jimi​
If you’ve been dealing with chronic conditions like Lyme disease, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Arthritis, Parkinson’s, or even Anxiety or Depression, you know how hard it can be to find sustainable relief.

Conventional approaches often focus on managing symptoms, but what if you could address the root causes of your health challenges?

Our upcoming 98-minute interview, Mastering Self-Healing for Optimal Wellness: Transforming Chronic Health Challenges through Wisdom Healing Qigong is a unique opportunity to learn from a master and gain insights that can change your life.

"Qigong is the art of bringing your energy into harmony with the energy of the universe." –Master Mingtong Gu​

Here’s how:

Wisdom Healing Qigong offers a unique method that works at the energetic level of your being to address the deeper causes of chronic and incurable conditions.

Through this practice, you’ll learn how to tap into your body’s innate healing powers, transforming your health from the inside out.​

Why this matters:

Chronic challenges often take time to heal, and quick fixes aren’t always the answer.

By engaging with the energy patterns that underlie your health challenges, Wisdom Healing Qigong helps you create a foundation for long-term wellness.

It’s a holistic approach that goes beyond the promise of a magical pill, treatment, or dependence on others.​
Can you envision releasing the constant weight of chronic pain or fatigue, feeling energized and connected to life again?

It’s possible, and this webinar is the first step.

Click Here to Sign Up for our free webinar Mastering Self-Healing for Optimal Wellness: Transforming Chronic Health Challenges through Wisdom Healing Qigong, and discover a new path to healing.
Mastering Self Healing


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

After yesterday’s email, people were asking if we had a preview of “The Truth About Cancer®: A Global Quest.” The answer is YES, and we couldn’t be more excited to share it with you!

This exclusive 22-minute preview offers a powerful glimpse into the groundbreaking 9-episode series that has already transformed countless lives. And now, we need your help more than ever. By forwarding this email to just a few people, you can play a crucial role in spreading this life-saving information.

Think about the power in numbers—if each of us shares this with just 5 friends or family members, and they do the same, together we can reach millions. But this only happens if we all take action. Don’t let apathy take over. The battle against cancer and the censorship industrial complex trying to silence us is real, and every click matters.

>> Watch the 22-Minute Preview Now!

Help us fight back and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to discover the truth about cancer. Click the link above to watch the preview and please, forward this email to those who need it most.

To Your Health & Liberty,

Ty & Charlene



Cranky Old Fart
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ECF Refugee
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Diamond Contributor
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Episode 9 is titled “The Autoimmune Kitchen: Strategies for Navigating Food Sensitivities” -- and experts like Kiran Krishnan, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Ocean Robbins, and more share proven strategies to conquer food sensitivities, naturally.

It airs tonight at 8pm Eastern (USA) on this page and will only be live for 24 hours.

Please don’t miss it!

Here’s a preview of what you’ll learn:

  • How to figure out your food sensitivities without expensive tests. Simple technique saves you time, treasure, and troublesome autoimmune flares.
  • Eat this, NOT that: Try these yummy alternatives to common trigger foods.
  • The WORST food to eat if you have an autoimmune condition – yet most Americans eat it every day. What it is and easy ways to replace it.
And more!

Today, food sensitivities are skyrocketing: 1 in 5 people now have food sensitivities and that number is rising fast.

Fortunately, you don’t have to let food sensitivities and dietary triggers turn your health upside down.

👉Don’t miss Episode 9 when it airs tonight at 8PM Eastern (USA) and learn how to conquer food sensitivities, naturally!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Regardless of your age right now, Jim, it’s a sure fact that you’re just going to get older from here…

But what you may not realize is that getting older and aging are two very different things: While you can’t prevent yourself from getting older, you can absolutely slow down the aging process.

That’s why I’m excited to share some FREE and delicious anti-aging smoothie recipes with you today. Inspired by ancient longevity and beauty remedies, these recipes will provide you with the exact ingredients you need for graceful aging.

Get your free copy of this 20 Anti-Aging Smoothies for Energy and Vitality eBook

You’ll discover easy recipes that will boost your energy, tighten and soften your skin, improve digestion, reduce inflammation, regulate blood sugar levels, and so much more…

And the best news is that making these health-boosting dietary choices is as simple as throwing ingredients into a blender!

Discover 20 delicious smoothie recipes for anti-aging!

To feeling young for the rest of your life,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
New Memory Loss Syndrome Can Be Mistaken for Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most widely diagnosed conditions for patients with age-related memory loss. However, a recent Mayo Clinic study has revealed that a condition called limbic-predominant amnestic neurodegenerative syndrome (LANS) can be mistaken for Alzheimer’s, yet the underlying brain changes and progression are different.
Alzheimer’s is caused by an accumulation of amyloid plaques and tau tangles that disrupt neuronal function throughout the brain. However, with LANS, brain changes are typically limited to the limbic system, which is the part of the brain associated with emotions, behavior, and memory. Upon autopsy, patients with LANS typically have a build up of TDP-43 protein in the brain, which is consistent with imaging taken when the patients were alive.
LATE can resemble Alzheimer’s disease, particularly in affecting memory. However, Alzheimer’s typically causes more pronounced early memory issues, while LANS’ memory issues may be less severe and more variable. Alzheimer’s also has a greater impact on language and communication, while LANS may involve more motor and movement symptoms. A thorough evaluation is important to determine the appropriate care and treatment.
For High Cholesterol, Fish Oil May Help to Overcome Genetics
Fish oil is known for its heart health benefits, including reducing inflammation, lowering triglyceride levels, and decreasing the risk of heart disease. Now a recent study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has found that fish oil may help to overcome a genetic disposition to high cholesterol.
The researchers examined genetic and health data from 441,985 participants in the UK. They assigned each person a genetic risk score based on four types of lipids: total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, and triglycerides. Then they looked at whether fish oil supplements modified the amount of circulating cholesterol.
The results indicated that fish oil reduced the impact of genetic predictions on levels of total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and triglycerides. However, it increased the association for HDL cholesterol among individuals of European ancestry. Specifically, fish oil users experienced a smaller rise in triglyceride levels compared to non-users. While these findings are promising, further research is needed to fully understand the implications.​

Partner of the day:

Why Being Magnesium Deficient is WORSE Than Eating Junk Food
Stress is rough on your entire body. It cannibalizes metabolic fuel, leading to brain fog, anxiety and depression, low energy, and lower blood sugar. The negative effects on your metabolic health are (literally) more detrimental than junk food.
To cope with stress, your body needs magnesium. In fact, it’s the ONLY nutrient that eases stress at the cellular level.Yet, oral magnesium supplements are largely ineffective due to low bioavailability—with up to 96% of it running right through you.
That’s where EASE comes in. This advanced spray delivers 25 mg of magnesium directly onto your skin, allowing for quick absorption within 90 seconds without any digestive upset. Just a few sprays a day will help to keep your magnesium levels healthy and even enhance sleep when applied right before bed.
Discover how to keep your magnesium levels exactly where they should be, right here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Alcohol + Sleeping While Flying May Strain Your Heart
Drinking alcohol while experiencing low cabin pressure on flights leads to poorer sleep, increased strain on the heart, and lower blood oxygen levels. When researchers measured the impact of alcohol in a sleep lab that simulated a high altitude, participants’ oxygen levels dropped to 85.3% and their heart rates increased to 87.7 beats per minute during sleep. This underscores the importance of avoiding in-fight alcohol if you plan to snooze. (More)
Having a Canine Companion Can Boost Your Health
A recent survey of over 2,000 dog owners found that having a dog contributes to better overall health and happiness. According to the results, 39% of Americans reported that their dog significantly improves their emotional well-being, 27% noted enhanced mental health, and 25% attributed better physical health to their canine companion. Many owners mentioned that their dogs offer comfort during tough times and help them manage stress more effectively. (More)
Vision Loss & High LDL Cholesterol May Boost Dementia Risk
Experts have long known that hearing loss, high blood pressure, depression, a lack of physical activity, diabetes, and alcohol may boost dementia risk. Now the Lancet Commission has added two more risk factors to that list—untreated vision loss and high LDL “Bad” cholesterol. The good news is that these risk factors are highly treatable and being aware of them can help to lower your dementia risk. (More)​
Compelling Health Fact
The lining of the stomach is replaced approximately every 2 to 4 days as a critical protective mechanism. The stomach produces strong digestive acids, such as hydrochloric acid, which are essential for breaking down food. These acids are so potent that they could potentially damage or erode the stomach's own tissues.​
Refreshing Mango Smoothie
This cool, creamy smoothie blends up in minutes for a healthy breakfast or snack.
Vegan Scrambled Eggs (Pumpkin Seeds!)
Fluffy, creamy, and super delicious, these “eggs” are made from pumpkin seeds (not tofu).
Cowboy Caviar
This easy-to-make dip combines 9 varieties of plants in one delicious bowl.​

“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” -Edith Wharton​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We're thrilled to announce the upcoming release of "Sweet Indulgence" by renowned plant-based chef and Youtube host, Chef AJ!

This groundbreaking cookbook features over 150 plant-based, gluten-free dessert recipes that are free from added sugar, salt, and oil.

From cakes and cookies to ice cream and pies, these treats are designed to satisfy your sweet tooth while supporting your health goals.

And what a better way to celebrate the release of this book than with a FREE cooking masterclass by Chef AJ herself!

Can you guess what she'll be cooking?

She calls is "The Apple Pie That Won't Make You Die"!

I know, it's hilarious but also DELICIOUS!

With only 350 spots available, this exclusive masterclass will fill up fast.

>>> Click Here to Secure Your Spot Now!

Seats are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

So sign up now and reserve your spot before they're all taken.

>>> Save Your Spot

See you there,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. Osborne here,

Get ready for an in-depth learning experience!

Join me tonight at 6 PM CST for Dr. Osborne Zone, where I’ll be delivering the most comprehensive crash course on Vitamin B1 you’ve ever seen.

Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine, plays a crucial role in your body’s energy production and overall health. During tonight’s show, we’ll explore:

  • The importance of Vitamin B1 in maintaining optimal health
  • Common signs of deficiency and how to address them
  • Best dietary sources and supplements to ensure you’re getting enough

This is an essential topic for anyone who wants to avoid common deficiency symptoms like fatigue, irritability, muscle weakness, and even more severe issues like nerve damage and heart problems.

📅 Tune in: on YouTube or Facebook


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi!​

If you are serious about healing and preventing cancer, and restoring your health, you have to take action... MASSIVE ACTION.

And that means getting off your butt. ;)

As one of my health heroes Jack Lalanne famously said, "Exercise is king and nutrition is queen: together, you have a kingdom."

So let's build your new kingdom!

We covered Anti-Cancer Nutrition in Modules 3 & 4, and tonight is...

Module 8: How Exercise & Rest Activate Healing

Watch it here now:

Daily movement and restorative sleep are vitally important to helping your body heal and stay well. And this module is super practical.

Here's what you'll learn in Module 8:
- How exercise helps heal and prevent cancer
- The best exercise for your immune system
- Practical ways to move your body more
- Good and bad types of exercise
- The importance of sleep to healing
- How much sleep you really need
- How to create the right conditions for regenerative sleep
- To nap or not to nap...
- How to take a day of rest
- And more!

Here's your link to watch Module 8 now:

I’ll see you there!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

Stefan here.
Have you watched episode 1 yesterday?
Those who did absolutely loved it!​
We’re so excited that Episode 1 already helped so many people understand how to get started on reversing their premature aging.
But episode #2 will be even better.
It’s called The Origin of All Disease: How to Measure the Wear & Tear on the Body and Stop the #1 Aging Accelerator...
So please watch it before it’s taken down.
Click here to watch Episode #2 [live for just 24 hours]
Here’s what you will discover in episode 2:
  • The scary link between everyday cleaning products and DNA damage, cancer and neurodegenerative disease
  • How to get the most important health information of your life for under $500
  • Dangerous everyday food that cause stubborn fat, leaky gut and chronic disease
  • “It’s like putting acid inside your body”: Stop doing this to prevent cell damage, disease formation and premature aging
  • Why some of us will age dramatically in just a couple of years, and how we can reverse accelerated aging now
  • When doctors don’t know why you feel sick: Recover your energy, mood and lean physique by applying these “universal principles of healing”
  • How to treat a disfunction before turning it into a disease
And many more.
Click here to watch episode #2: “The Origin of All Disease: How to Measure the Wear & Tear on the Body and Stop the #1 Aging Accelerator”


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Don't want these Bible Health Tips? Simply Unsubscribe.
It’s expected that for the first time EVER… There’ll be over 2 MILLION cancer cases in the U.S
The numbers are staggering! AND they’re only getting worse.
Could there be something SHOCKING that’s contributing to this alarming rise?
It’s time to reveal the TRUTH about Venoms and Viruses. They’re here. Now. And they’re impacting our health, which is why we encourage you to...
--> Download, "Deadly Synergy: The Intersection of Venoms, Viruses, and Cancer," and
  • Learn how venoms and viruses are silently driving the rise in cancer cases.
  • Discover the shocking truth about how environmental toxins are linked to these deadly agents.
  • Be inspired by real-life stories of individuals who have taken control of their health by understanding these hidden threats.
  • Gain insights from leading experts on how to protect yourself and your loved ones from these unseen dangers.
  • And. So. Much. More!
--> Download, "Deadly Synergy: The Intersection of Venoms, Viruses, and Cancer," today!
As always, praying you enjoy the abundant life.
~ Dr. Z & Mama Z


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

There’s a quiet health revolution brewing right now, but it’s getting louder and louder every day. And it involves one of our greatest foes on the planet… cancer.

- Do you have cancer or do you know someone with cancer?

- Does your medicine cabinet look like a “mini-pharmacy”?

- Do you feel that there must be a better way?

If you answered “yes” to any of the questions above, then you need to watch a groundbreaking, 9-episode docu-series, ‘A GLOBAL QUEST.’

Ty and Charlene Bollinger (our friends over at The Truth About Cancer®) are celebrating TTAC’s 10 year anniversary and have been on a personal mission to discover natural methods to prevent and reverse cancer for over two decades.

You see, they are not only investigative journalists and filmmakers, but they’ve also been devastated by the ravaging effects of cancer. The loss of 7 close family members (including Ty’s mother and father) led them on a quest to discover the cures for cancer.
Over the past decade, they’ve been releasing their documentaries for the world to watch, absolutely free. And with the release of their groundbreaking, 9-episode cancer docu-series, well, they've done it again!

>> Click here for a sneak peek at the trailer <<

Chances are if you or a loved one has ever been diagnosed with cancer, the first words out of the mouth of the oncologist are “chemo” or “radiation” or “surgery.” Those words are enough to strike fear in anyone!

The reality is that we’ve all been fed quite a bit of nonsense when it comes to the “treatment” of cancer with conventional methods.

The statistics are startling, one in two men and one in three women will get cancer in their lifetime. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to learn the truth about cancer.

Join us and discover the truth about cancer in this 9-episode docuseries at A Global Quest, starting TODAY, Wednesday, August 28!

To better health,
The GreenMedInfo Team

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