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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
You might want to sit down for this!
What you’re about to read could change the way YOU think about your food.
Today, if you’ve consumed any processed foods…
You’ve likely ingested glyphosate…a chemical herbicide and insecticide prevalent in non-organic farming worldwide.
This isn't just a minor issue! Glyphosate has alarming effects on YOUR health.
Why is glyphosate a MAJOR concern?
Because it is designed to KILL pests…BUT its impact on humans is far more insidious.
This chemical doesn’t just stay in your food…
It enters your body and disrupts DELICATE biological processes.
IT binds to essential minerals like copper and zinc AND depletes them from your cells.
The depletion of copper and zinc makes your cells MORE susceptible to mutations.
Guess what that does: It opens the door to CANCER.

My dear husband, Jonathan Otto, a highly acclaimed investigative journalist, filmmaker, and humanitarian…

Recently had a chat with Dr. Bryan Ardis, who actually puts it this way…
“This is a very important topic because all of you that are eating any processed foods whatsoever just today, the likelihood that you swallowed glyphosate, the herbicide and insecticide of choice for all non-organic farms in the world. By the time you eat their food,you've got glyphosate all inside the products you're consuming. Glyphosate is a chemical used as an insecticide to kill bugs.

It chelates out of every cell in your body, copper and zinc. Now, those cells are ripe for mutating into cancer cells or damaged genetic material cells that are going to mutate and replicate out of control, which is what every tumor in cancer is. So anybody that's been exposed to artificial processed foods with glyphosate you have a molecule inside your body that is injuring your body.”

I and all the phenomenal healers in the holistic health space…

Will always preach this message: Eating clean will save your life!
But Big Food money-makers don’t care to tell you this truth.
That’s Jonathan decided to write a BRAND NEW book, Deadly Synergy: The Intersection of Venoms, Viruses, and Cancer…
Download your f.ree copy right now:
>>>Click HERE to download your f.ree copy of Deadly Synergy: The Intersection of Venoms, Viruses, and Cancer

Here's a glimpse of what you'll uncover upon downloading this F.REE book:
  • Learn how environmental toxins and lifestyle choices contribute to the rapid rise of cancer cases, especially among younger adults.
  • Discover the intriguing roles that venoms and viruses play in driving cancer development, and how they enter our bodies.
  • Dive into expert insights from Dr. Joel Fuhrman and others on how dietary choices influence cancer risk and overall health.
  • Get practical strategies for mitigating your cancer risk by understanding and managing environmental and dietary factors.
  • And. So. Much. More!
And the BEST part is…
When you download this amazing book, you’ll also get F.REE VIP access to Jonathan's BRAND NEW 12-Episode docuseries Cancer Decoded.
You’ll hear from 50+ of the world’s top medical doctors and natural health experts who share the uncensored truth…
About highly effective ways to address cancer with natural medicine protocols!
Cancer Decoded
begins on the 9th of September and it will feature breakthrough after breakthrough.

The world-class health experts are dedicated to pouring out as much as they know so that YOU can gain control of your health.
All you need to do?

>>>Click HERE to download your f.ree copy of Deadly Synergy: The Intersection of Venoms, Viruses, and Cancer

See you on the 9th of September, 2024 at 8 PM ET for the world premiere launch of Cancer Decoded.
To your health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi,
You: “My car is making a terrible noise when I turn left.”

Mechanic: “No problem. Just, turn your radio up.”
You: “But, isn’t that ignoring the problem?”
Mechanic: “That’s the best I can do right now. Hey, there’s another car coming in that is a higher priority. Bring yours in if it breaks down.”
Ridiculous, right?
But that’s what happens when treatment is focused on symptoms instead of causes.
And that’s the #1 reason chronic pain sufferers like you fail to get the help they need.
When you seek treatment from conventional medicine for a chronic pain condition, highly-educated and well-meaning professionals will do everything they can to reduce the symptoms of your problem while almost universally ignoring the issues that brought the condition on in the first place.
Conventional medicine tends to treat every situation like an emergency - and in an emergency, speed is critically important. And one of the fastest ways to reduce a person’s symptoms is with pharmaceutical drugs.
Unfortunately, more and more research is demonstrating that these drugs are not only incapable of resolving pain - they actually make pain much worse!
This is not to say that there aren’t certain situations where the use of things like NSAIDs and pain killers is appropriate (and necessary), of course there are. However, there are often far better treatment options for people suffering with chronic pain.
But because most of those treatment methods require more time to use properly, they are rarely, if ever put to use.
That’s where my friend Dr. Yoni Whitten comes in.
For the last 18 years he’s been working with chronic pain sufferers who have fallen through the cracks in the conventional medical system to help them eliminate their pain, regain their functionality and take their lives back!
Dr. Whitten used what he’s learned in practice to create a webinar tailored specifically for people suffering with chronic pain.
During this powerful online event you’ll discover:
  • What are the underlying factors that set people up for the most common chronic pain conditions in the world?
  • Why globalization is causing rapid increases in the number of people suffering with chronic pain
  • Misconceptions about “pain management” – how the most commonly prescribed drugs increase pain intensity & prolong its’ duration
  • Simple but super-effective exercises you can use to improve your posture & breathe life back into your spine.
  • Ergonomic adjustments to reduce strain and improve mobility
  • Mind-body techniques to rapidly alter the way your brain perceives pain.

This isn’t just a lecture. You’re going to come away with plenty of action steps you can start doing right now – EVEN BETTER – steps you can take during the webinar.
This isn’t blue-sky theory, either.
Dr. Whitten’s material is extensively researched and fully referenced. He’s the real deal! His methods and the process he created is right in the scientific literature – and he’s been taking that knowledge and applying it to help countless chronic pain sufferers in his clinic since 2006.
Because Dr. Whitten cannot treat everyone, he wants to help as many people as he can now, so that's why he’s put together this webinar.
Sign up now to reserve your spot and learn how to overcome your pain once and for all!
Cheers to pain-free living,
P.S. Imagine your life without chronic pain. In 60 minutes, you will come away with a real path forward.
Dr. Yoni will tell you all about it on the webinar.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

At this point, Jimi, it’s common knowledge that modern tobacco products wreak havoc on your health and can cause cancer.

But did you know pure nicotine may have the POWER to combat certain cancers?

And can reduce brain tumors by 50%...

In just 72 HOURS?

But NOT just that…contrary to popular belief, nicotine isn't addictive.

In 1956, Dr. Stanley Cohen and his colleague, Rita, conducted a fascinating experiment where they induced brain tumors in the developing chicks.

AMAZINGLY…within just 72 hours…these tumors shrank by 50%.

HOW did that happen?

They used a natural nicotine antidote!

But how come you don’t know about this? Dr. Bryan Ardis said this…

“And within 72 hours, they published that they could create any brain tumor in that chicken just by exposing it to snake venom...The tumor shrunk by half in 72 hours, and then they canceled the study at the end of 72 hours. Do you want to know why they canceled it at the end of 72 hours? Because the natural nicotine antidote was working. Oh, we can’t let that get out. If they ran another 72 hours, you would have seen the whole thing dissolve, then you would have a cure for glioblastomas.”

The truth has been CENSORED.

That’s why I’m so grateful for the incredible Dr. Ardis…who is willing to lay down his life to expose the TRUTH.

He has been revealing how nicotine is actually one of the most powerful anti-cancer substances on Earth

There’s SO. much. more to learn about it and many other non-toxic cancer healing protocols.

That’s why Jonathan Otto decided to write a BRAND NEW special report,

Ground-Breaking Discoveries in Non-Toxic Cancer Healing Modalities

To reveal multiple non-toxic healing modalities that can treat cancer symptoms without leaving any side effects or the lower quality of life.​
Go HERE to download your copy of Ground-Breaking Discoveries in Non-Toxic Cancer Healing Modalities!

Here's a glimpse of what you'll uncover upon downloading this FREE special report:
  • Learn about various non-toxic treatments that can help manage cancer without the harsh side effects of traditional methods.
  • Discover new and exciting therapies like light and sound therapy, PEMF therapy, and cold plunge therapy and learn how they can help in cancer treatment.
  • Find out how certain nutrients and supplements, such as Vitamin C and Curcumin, can support cancer treatment and overall health.
  • Explore how mind-body practices like breathwork, emotional therapy, and acupuncture can improve your quality of life and aid in cancer recovery.
  • And more!
Head here to download your copy now.

When you download this amazing special report, you’ll also get FREE VIP access to my good friend, investigative journalist, filmmaker, and humanitarian, Jonathan Otto’s BRAND NEW 12-Episode docuseries Cancer Decoded.

You’ll hear from 40+ of the world’s top medical doctors and natural health experts who share the uncensored truth…

About highly effective ways to address cancer with natural medicine protocols!

Wishing you abundant health,

Jason Prall

P.S. Cancer Decoded begins on the 9th of September and it will feature breakthrough after breakthrough. You’ll hear from world-class health experts that are dedicated to pouring out as much as they know so that YOU can gain control of your health.

All you need to do?

Click here

If you no longer want to hear about the free resources related to Cancer Decoded, please click this link to let me know → I don’t want to receive any more emails related to this event.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Extraordinary Clarity Breathwork Experience: Heal, Transform & Rise into Your Magnificence!

When it comes to Breathwork there are no better teachers that I know of than Dana and Ashanna.

They are the co-founders and pioneers of Clarity Breathwork ~ a profound path of healing that has transformed thousands of lives. They are master teachers and trainers of Breathwork with over 7 decades of experience and lead with a gentle, feminine approach that allows their students to have extraordinary breakthroughs that are lasting and real.

They are sharing their amazing and effective tools to empower you to heal, transform, and rise into your magnificence in their FREE 5-Day LIVE Online Series The Extraordinary Clarity Breathwork Experience: Heal, Transform & Rise into Your Magnificence!

==> Click here to get your FREE ticket!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Stress-Reducing Hot Chocolate

Whether you're saying hello or goodbye to the cold, you don't have to justify drinking this hot chocolate! Hot tip - add a teaspoon of grass-fed gelatin for the extra health benefits and even more creaminess!
gut autoimmune masterclass

The Healing Kitchen Documentary Series

For decades, people have written off medicinal food and kitchen remedies as being ineffective. Well, they are wrong. Learn more about the power of medicinal superfoods and healing herbs in this exciting docuseries.

How to Understand Energy Density
vs Nutrient Density

You're probably familiar with the idea of "calories in vs calories out" being the golden standard to achieving optimal health. But we want to ask... what would happen if you paid more attention to counting nutrients instead of calories? In our latest article, we break down exactly what energy density is, what nutrient density is, and why the quality of your calories matters!
Did you know...?
Dates contain several minerals, including phosphorus, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. All of these have been studied for their potential to prevent bone-related conditions like osteoporosis and are vital for maintaining strong, healthy bones. Plus, they’re also a concentrated source of iron.
In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Greetings: Jimi​
We want to share something powerful with you.

Over the years, we’ve seen countless people transform their lives and their "incurable" conditions through Wisdom Healing Qigong.

From overcoming chronic pain to regaining mental clarity and emotional balance, these stories are nothing short of inspiring.

"Your body is a reflection of your mind and spirit. Healing one heals the others." – Master Mingtong Gu​

Here’s why it works:

Wisdom Healing Qigong isn’t just about managing symptoms—it’s about addressing the root causes of your health challenges and creating lasting change at the cellular and energetic levels.

This practice combines gentle movements, sounds, and visualizations that opens the flow of natural healing energy within and through you, transforming your health and well-being.​

Long-Term and Integrative Benefits of Qigong:

  • Enhance Flexibility and Balance: Reduce the risk of falls and maintain physical independence.

  • Deepen Spiritual Connection: Experience your essential self and the power of universal energy for a profound sense of peace and purpose.

  • Restore Neurological Health: Qigong has been found to benefit individuals with Parkinson’s and other neurological disorders, promoting better movement and coordination.
Imagine if you could hear directly from people who have overcome the same issues you’re dealing with.

Their stories might just inspire you to take the next step on your healing journey. We've put together a montage of healing highlights from several case studies for you for our upcoming webinar.

Sign Up for Mastering Self-Healing for Optimal Wellness: Transforming Chronic Health Challenges through Wisdom Healing Qigong to hear some of these inspiring stories and start your journey to wellness.
Mastering Self Healing


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

GcMAF: The Surprisingly Simple Answer to Vitamin D Absorption Problems​

To find out exactly what your beautifully unique body needs—test, test, test! For example, my body type will not thrive on a plant-based diet. Based on my metabolic type, I am a Balanced Carnivore. This means I need to supplement with specific nutrients since, for example, my body doesn’t convert beta-carotene into Vitamin A. I also do not convert Vitamin D from sunshine, supplements, or food alone. I discovered this (through Genetic Testing with the Nutrition Genome test) and many other unique aspects of my genetic makeup during my second healing journey.
However, optimal levels of Vitamin D are critical for a healthy immune system, bones, and mind. It can also help prevent cancers and provide anticancer effects for healing. Just about every woman with Breast Cancer that my team and I have supported had a deficiency in vitamin D. This study analyzed data from close to 100 women, half of whom had breast cancer. They found that serum Vitamin D levels lower than 20 ng/ml were equated with higher breast cancer risk overall.

This Week's Podcast​

Dr. V sits down with Dr. William Li, a renowned scientist and bestselling author, to uncover how the foods we eat can be our most potent medicine. This enlightening episode dives into:
  • Powerful Inhibitors: Learn how foods like blueberries and dark chocolate contain anthocyanins that inhibit the growth of blood vessels needed by tumors.
  • A Unique Journey: Dr. Li shares his transformative experience in a Greek monastery, where he learned the ancient art of healing with food.
  • Anti-Angiogenic Foods: Discover the magic of green tea, soy, and Omega-3 fatty acids in preventing tumor growth and enhancing overall health.
  • The Matcha Miracle: Understand why matcha tea is a powerhouse, capable of killing breast cancer stem cells and reducing the risk of cancer recurrence.
  • A New Approach to Cancer Treatment: Explore the future of cancer care, focusing on healing the body through nutrition and lifestyle changes to boost immunity and reduce inflammation.
Don’t miss this fascinating conversation that could transform your health journey.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cancer continues to claim MILLIONS of lives each year! What if the real dangers aren’t just the ones we see…

but lurking in the places we least expect?

Like the chemical compounds we use every day…

and vaccines we are told to trust!

-->> It’s time to uncover the TRUTH… Of what’s really influencing the rising cancer rates…
In today’s world, we are surrounded by countless chemical compounds and vaxxines that are marketed as "safe" and "effective."

Meanwhile, new data is starting to show us that some of these "developments" may carry HIDDEN risks.

In fact…the potential dangers of certain chemicals…

And vaccines have been overshadowed by the profit-driven agendas of the pharmaceutical industry.

It’s becoming MORE common to see that the chemical compounds used in everyday products and certain vaxxines

Are raising concerns among health experts and researchers.

Despite their widespread use, these substances may have unforeseen links to increased CANCER rates.

--> Discover the hidden dangers of chemical compounds and vaxxines.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Don't want these Bible Health Tips? Simply Unsubscribe.
In 2022 there were… 9.7 million cancer related deaths! Which begs the question…
What if there was a less invasive approach to fighting cancer…
One that could actually bring those numbers down?
It’s time that we go back to our ancient roots …
AND tap into the POWER of nutrition. So that we can put a stop to these climbing statistics, which is why we encourage you to...
--> Download, "Feed the Body, Starve the Cancer," and...
  • Understand how specific foods can help “starve” cancer cells by cutting off their fuel supply.
  • Learn the science behind why a nutrition-rich diet is essential in preventing and managing cancer.
  • Be inspired by real-life stories of individuals who have transformed their health through dietary changes.
  • Gain insights from leading experts on how to incorporate cancer-fighting foods into your daily routine.
  • And. So. Much. More!
--> Download, "Feed the Body, Starve the Cancer" today!
As always, praying you enjoy the abundant life.
~ Dr. Z & Mama Z


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
New Cancer Drugs May Also Slow Alzheimer's Disease

A new type of cancer drug might help treat brain diseases like Alzheimer’s, mouse studies suggest.

The drugs block an enzyme called indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase 1 (IDO1), researchers reported.

IDO1 inhibitors are being developed as a treatment for cancers like melanoma, leukemia and breast cancer, researchers said. The drugs fight cancer by blocking cancer cells’ ability to evade the immune system.

Special: 5 Signs You'll Get Cancer — and How to Stop It!

But the drugs also might be able to treat the early stages of degenerative brain diseases like Alzheimer’s, because the same enzyme has been implicated in problems with the way brain cells are fueled, researchers said.

“Inhibiting this enzyme, particularly with compounds that have been previously investigated in human clinical trials for cancer, could be a big step forward in finding ways to protect our brains from the damage caused by aging and neurodegeneration,” said senior researcher Dr. Katrin Andreasson, a professor of neurology and neurological sciences at the Stanford University School of Medicine.

The IDO1 enzyme breaks down tryptophan, the same molecule in turkey that can make you sleepy, into a compound called kynurenine, researchers explained.

The body’s production of kynurenine plays a critical role in how the brain is fueled using blood sugars, also called glucose, researchers said.

When IDO1 generates too much kynurenine, it interferes with the energy needed to power the brain’s synapses, researchers found in lab mice.

But suppressing IDO1 increased energy flow to the synapses in mice and restored proper brain function, researchers discovered.

“The brain is very dependent on glucose to fuel many processes, so losing the ability to effectively use glucose for metabolism and energy production can trigger metabolic decline and, in particular, cognitive decline,” said researcher Dr. Paras Minhas, a resident at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City.

One theory of Alzheimer’s disease holds that the buildup of toxic proteins like amyloid beta and tau disrupts the blood sugar metabolism needed to fuel the healthy brain, researchers said.

Studying mouse models of Alzheimer’s in which amyloid plaques or tau tangles cause brain degeneration, researchers found that blocking IDO1 actually protected brain function against both types of toxic brain proteins.

Researchers think kynurenine becomes over-activated by the buildup of amyloid plagues and tau tangles in the brain.

“We were surprised that these metabolic improvements were so effective at not just preserving healthy synapses, but in actually rescuing behavior,” Andreasson said in a Stanford news release. “The mice performed better in cognitive and memory tests when we gave them drugs that block the kynurenine pathway.”

It’s particularly important that the IDO1 inhibitors worked against the bad effects of both amyloid and tau, Andreasson added.

“We also can’t overlook the fact that we saw this improvement in brain plasticity in mice with both amyloid and tau mice models. These are completely different pathologies, and the drugs appear to work for both,” Andreasson said. “That was really exciting to us.”

The findings were published Aug. 22 in the journal Science.

The next step will be to test IDO1 inhibitors in people with Alzheimer’s disease, researchers said. They are working on clinical trials that could occur in the near future.

“We’re hopeful that IDO1 inhibitors developed for cancer could be repurposed for treatment of Alzheimer’s disease,” Andreasson said.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
As you’ll recall, on July 30, 2024, ICAN funded a lawsuit, led by its lead attorney Aaron Siri, on behalf of a journalist who was blocked by CDC on the social media platform X (Twitter). The blocking occurred shortly after the X user exercised her First Amendment rights by posting criticisms of CDC.
ICAN is pleased to announce that just days after the CDC was served with the lawsuit, it capitulated and unblocked this user. That is justice delivered, and quickly:

While this is great news for the American public, this suit is not yet over. A strong message must be sent to CDC that it must never violate anyone’s First Amendment rights. Ever. If CDC did not learn its lesson from this lawsuit, more will follow.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Live link

Hi Jimi!​

I hope the Exercise & Rest Module inspired you to incorporate some more movement into your life! :)

Tonight in Module 9 we'll cover specific food supplements, nutraceuticals, herbs and teas that can support your body's ability to repair, regenerate and detoxify.
The list includes key supplements I took to help my body heal cancer in 2004-2005, plus newer discoveries that I take now for prevention. I've pared it down to what I believe are the most essential and most beneficial. (This will not be a sales pitch!) :)

There are five supplement categories that we'll cover:
- Nutritional support
- Immune support
- Anti-cancer
- Anti-viral, Anti-bacterial, Anti-parasite
- Detoxification

Plus my favorite anti-cancer teas!
Get your pencil sharpened and your notepad ready!!!
Here's your link to watch Module 9:
Be there or be square!
Scratch that...
Be there AND be SQUARE!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

If you are having trouble viewing this email, click here.
Woo Hoo, Jimi!
The premiere episode of “A Global Quest” is LIVE... and we wanted to make 100% sure you had the link to watch it.

Watch Episode 1 for FREE >>
It’s called “The True History of Chemotherapy & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly” and it sets the stage for the entire series. You don’t want to miss this episode, because you need to know what’s going on…
Six things you can expect to learn tonight:
  • The true history of chemotherapy and how the original “chemos” were based on the mustard gas used in the world wars
  • Why has the “War on Cancer” become a 50-year “conflict” that’s failed miserably and resulted in millions of deaths?
  • Proof that corruption and fear are being used to enslave cancer patients
  • Big Pharma’s sneaky trick: “Ghost articles” that make it look like doctors are singing their praises, but guess who’s really writing them?
  • Meet the heroes: Doctors who dared to cure cancer and paid the ultimate price
  • The Hoxsey treatment: Discover the underground cancer cure happening in Mexico and meet the survivors who owe their lives to it
  • And that’s just the beginning...
Watch Episode 1 HERE right now >>
The only way we’re going to beat this disease is to understand exactly WHAT it is, WHY we treat it the way we do now, and what we can do DIFFERENTLY moving forward.
Help us spread the word by commenting and sharing in the section below the video.
God bless,
Ty & Charlene


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

Did you know our aging process has everything to do with our hormones?
Sagging skin, thinning hair, frail bones, belly fat, shrinking muscles, low energy…
These can all be avoided if we take good care of our hormonal health.
Dr. Michelle Sands and other functional doctors reveal more in episode 3, called:
“The Science of Youthful Energy: Optimize Your Hormones, Metabolism, and Cellular Health”
Episode 3 is LIVE now for the next 24 hours.
So click below and make sure you don’t miss this vital piece of the puzzle of aging:
Click here to watch episode #3.
In our newest episode, you will discover:
  • Why hormone levels in men and women dramatically plummeted in the last 20 years – and the common products that are crushing our hormones
  • Why metabolism changes in your 40s, and the #1 thing to do to reverse the rapid aging from metabolism dysfunction
  • Why some women feel exhausted, irritable and can’t sleep – And how to avoid the common symptoms of insufficient hormone production
  • The drug-free way to recover from hormone issues, PCOS, menopause and infertility
  • How to rewrite your health story and avoid the diseases that run in your family
  • The #1 cause of fatigue, weight gain, poor sleep, blood sugar issues, heart and brain diseases - completely missed by doctors
  • Why 2 out of 3 adults aged 65+ suffer from chronic fatigue and 4 ways to gain your energy back…
Plus so much more!
If you and your loved ones are dealing with chronic fatigue, diabetes or pre-diabetes, menopausal problems, low libido, or have trouble maintaining healthy weight, you'll love the knowledge and tips shared in this episode.
This is because our newest episode will uncover the true causes of these issues, and how to naturally restore your hormonal balance.
The episode is only available for 24 hours, so make sure you don’t miss out!
Click here to watch episode #3, “The Science of Youthful Energy: Optimize Your Hormones, Metabolism, and Cellular Health”


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Woo Hoo, Jimi!

The premiere episode of “A Global Quest” is LIVE... and we wanted to make 100% sure you had the link to watch it.

Watch Episode 1 for FREE >>

It’s called “The True History of Chemotherapy & The Pharmaceutical Monopoly” and it sets the stage for the entire series. You don’t want to miss this episode, because you need to know what’s going on…

Six things you can expect to learn tonight:

  • The true history of chemotherapy and how the original “chemos” were based on the mustard gas used in the world wars
  • Why has the “War on Cancer” become a 50-year “conflict” that’s failed miserably and resulted in millions of deaths?
  • Proof that corruption and fear are being used to enslave cancer patients
  • Big Pharma’s sneaky trick: “Ghost articles” that make it look like doctors are singing their praises, but guess who’s really writing them?
  • Meet the heroes: Doctors who dared to cure cancer and paid the ultimate price
  • The Hoxsey treatment: Discover the underground cancer cure happening in Mexico and meet the survivors who owe their lives to it
  • And that’s just the beginning...
Watch Episode 1 HERE right now >>

The only way we’re going to beat this disease is to understand exactly WHAT it is, WHY we treat it the way we do now, and what we can do DIFFERENTLY moving forward.

Help us spread the word by commenting and sharing in the section below the video.

God bless,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Dear Jimi,​

This week's newsletter explores new research on the potential benefits of fish oil, false memories, how sleep functions to facilitate learning, what accelerates brain aging, and more...

-->> Fish Oil May Benefit Some Older Adults Predisposed to Alzheimer's, Study Finds - Technology Networks (August 2024)​

GA subset of older adults with a predisposition to Alzheimer's disease may benefit from fish oil supplements...

-->> False Memory: What You Need to Know - Healthline (August 2024)​

Most false memories aren’t malicious or even intentionally hurtful. However, some false memories can have significant consequences, including in court or legal settings where false memories may convict someone wrongfully...

-->> 4 Things That Increase Your Risk Of Early Onset Dementia (That You Can Change) - MBG (August 2024)​

Yes, there are things you can do now to help lower your risk of developing dementia later on...

-->> Sleep Resets Neurons to Keep Learning Possible - Neuroscience News (August 2024)​

During sleep, the brain resets memory by silencing specific neurons in the hippocampus, allowing for continuous learning without overloading...

-->> What accelerates brain ageing? This AI ‘brain clock’ points to answers - Nature (August 2024)​

Exposure to air pollution and living in a country with high socioeconomic inequality are linked to a bigger gap between brain age and chronological age...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,

As the medical community struggles to address the complex and persistent neurological effects of Long COVID, innovative approaches to healing are desperately needed. Dr. Nafysa Parpia and the team at Gordon Medical have successfully incorporated chiropractic neurology into their protocols not only for Long COVID patients but also for many of their complex chronic illness patients.​
In the latest episode of the Gordon Medical Forum, Dr. Parpia sits down with neurological chiropractor Dr. Joe Smith to explore the often overlooked role of chiropractic neurology and its potential in addressing Long COVID symptoms. This conversation offers hope to those grappling with the lasting impacts of COVID on the brain and nervous system.

A few episode highlights include:
  • Addressing symptoms such as depression, brain fog, anxiety, MCAS/POTS, and stress-related issues
  • Understanding the physiological basis of Long COVID and the nervous system's role
  • Examining the six major physiological loops affected by COVID
  • The importance of prioritizing brain health in treating complex chronic illnesses
  • Why supplement-based treatments alone may be insufficient for breaking long-haul symptom cycles
  • Protocol for treating an injured vagus nerve
If you enjoyed this episode, we’d love for you to rate or leave a review on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Your feedback and support are appreciated. 🙏
On Spotify: Click ... Then click ☆ Rate show
On Apple: Scroll down to ‘Ratings & Reviews’ and then 'Tap to Rate' or click 'Write a Review''​
Why Are Some of Us So Sick?
Understanding the Complexities of Chronic Illness
Dr. Jamie Kunkle​
Dr. Kunkle was recently interviewed by Sharon Surita, PhD for her Functionally Enlightened Podcast. In this interview, they explored the top reasons why some patients are not able to find healing. It might come as no surprise that toxins play a large role.

Each one of us is affected differently by the toxins in our everyday environment. Some of us are able to easily expel them through the natural processes of our body, while others have genetic or other factors that allow the toxins to accumulate and create larger issues.

When the toxins are able to accumulate in your system, it can lead to conditions like POTS and other forms of dysautonomia as well as fibromyalgia and chronic pain responses. There are a number of treatment solutions that can help patients like this begin to release the toxins at the root of their symptoms. Methods like optimizing your autonomic nervous system, decreasing inflammation, improving sleep and the function of the organs of elimination. This conversation covers these factors and others that are keeping patients sick.

Other highlights include:
  • Toxins to be on the lookout for that we are exposed to on a daily basis
  • Low dose immunotherapy (LDI) and antigen therapy to isolate potential triggers , a treatment that can be done from home
  • The importance of working on mental/emotional healing when physical medicine alone is not enough
  • Dr. Kunkle’s approach when genetics impact metabolization, adjusting doses, route of administration, compounding (custom prescription) to minimize unnecessary ingredients


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Improve Health with Red Light Therapy
Have you ever heard about the “NASA Technology”... that can speed-up the human body’s “healing mechanism”?

In the 1990s NASA scientists discovered a weird “technology” that naturally promotes the growth of NEW human cells.

According to later studies, this “NASA Technology” could even reduce the side-effects of Chemotherapy

Now, this technology is helping thousands of everyday people to live a longer, healthier life.

We're talking about Red Light Therapy (RLT). Over 6,100 studies proved that this all-natural treatment is amazing to…

- ERASE joint pain
- FIX sleep issues & insonia
- ENHANCE your skin, brain, & hair growth
- COOL DOWN inflammation
- And a lot more…

Health researcher Trevor King has interviewed dozens of doctors, scientists, and Red Light Therapy experts about this topic. Join Trevor King TODAY, Thursday, August 29 @ 4pm EST, he will host a FREE webinar called “The Real Power of Red Light Therapy”.
Trust in Vaccines Plummets: Gallup Poll Reveals Seismic Shift in Public Opinion
In a stunning rebuke to public health authorities, a new Gallup poll reveals that American confidence in vaccines has plummeted to historic lows.
RFK Jr. and CHD Cleared to Take Biden Administration to Court Over Censorship
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Children's Health Defense (CHD) are free to proceed with a lawsuit accusing the Biden administration of censorship, the US District Court for the Western District of Louisiana has ruled.
Study Confirms What Grandma Knew: Fresh Yogurt Reigns Supreme
In an era of processed foods and quick fixes, a new study reaffirms what many have long suspected: when it comes to yogurt, fresher is indeed better.
What Wheatgrass, Chlorophyll & Sunlight Can Do For Your Body
A Global Quest
There’s a quiet health revolution brewing right now, but it’s getting louder and louder every day. And it involves one of our greatest foes on the planet… cancer.

Ty and Charlene Bollinger (our friends over at The Truth About Cancer®) are celebrating TTAC’s 10 year anniversary and have been on a personal mission to discover natural methods to prevent and reverse cancer for over two decades.

Chances are if you or a loved one has ever been diagnosed with cancer, the first words out of the mouth of the oncologist are “chemo” or “radiation” or “surgery.” Those words are enough to strike fear in anyone!

Join us and discover the truth about cancer in this 9-episode docuseries at A Global Quest, LIVE NOW!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,
It’s easy to feel grateful when things are going well in our lives. But what about those challenging times, when nothing is going right — do you appreciate your abundance?
When you actively cultivate gratitude and take time for self-care practices such as meditation, you open yourself up to true healing. You also expand your heart, increasing your innate love and compassion for yourself and others.
Studies show that thoughts and feelings of gratitude bring about significant health benefits, including reduced  stress hormones, decreased cellular inflammation, healthier eating behaviors, and increased resilience.
When life feels overwhelming, it can be easy to fall into negative thought patterns and ignore the positivity around you. But feeling grateful is more than being positive. It is about being honest and authentic, and finding joy in the little things, despite the chaos in life.
Click below to read more, including how to use the “peeling process” to move through challenges while embracing gratitude.​
Overcoming Unexpected Challenges
Life often presents unexpected challenges, like a sudden medical diagnosis. These moments can leave us feeling lost, overwhelmed, and searching for answers.
But what if these experiences could reveal inner strength you never knew you had?
Learn to navigate life's journey with emotional resilience at the upcoming Trauma to Transcendence Summit. I'm co-hosting this event alongside Dawson Church, PhD and Dr. Sue Morter from September 3rd - 9th. We'll cover dozens of topics, including:
  • How to overcome life's challenges
  • Developing emotional buoyancy
  • Transforming trauma into personal growth
>> Register Now
Cancer Decoded Docuseries
Research on cancer prevention and treatment and the cutting-edge innovations that emerge from this rapidly evolving field are among the most pressing topics of our era.
I recently sat down with my friend, investigative journalist and award-winning documentary filmmaker Jonathan Otto, for his 12-Episode docuseries, Cancer Decoded.
>> Watch the Trailer Now


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cancer cases are skyrocketing—but why?

There’s more to this story than you’ve been told.
Watch the trailer for Cancer Decoded to uncover the shocking truth behind the surge and what you can do to protect yourself.

>>> Click HERE to watch


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. Crandall: This Supplement Helps the Heart, Fertility, More
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), a compound that is naturally found in the body, has been found to help protect against chronic diseases, such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Production of CoQ10 decreases with age, and taking certain medications and other factors can result in low levels of CoQ10. So should you take a CoQ10 supplement?
Chauncey Crandall, M.D., the New York Times bestselling author of "The Simple Heart Cure: The 90-Day Program to Stop and Reverse Heart Disease," tells Newsmax’s “Newsline” that we should all know about the benefits of CoQ10. “This is a powerful antioxidant,” says Crandall, who is the director of preventive medicine at the Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic in Florida.
Editor’s Note: Transform Your Heart Health in Just 90 Days – Dr. Crandall Shows You How!
Crandall first discovered the power of CoQ10 when he ran the heart transplant program. He said that patients with a weak heart who were given CoQ10 supplements had improvement in their heart function and heart failure. The reason is that CoQ10 fights toxins in the body ─ free radicals and other substances that destroy the cells in your body, says Crandall, a Yale-trained heart surgeon and editor of the popular Dr. Crandall's Heart Health Report newsletter.
Supplementing with CoQ10 has been found to improve many health conditions, explains Crandall, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes. Crandall says that CoQ10 can help people undergoing chemotherapy for cancer, which can damage the heart. “CoQ10 has some protective properties to it,” says Crandall. He says that patients undergoing chemotherapy, and even those with Parkinson’s disease, can benefit from taking CoQ10.
Editor’s Note: Don't Buy CoQ10 at a Drugstore. Doctor Explains Why.
In addition, research has found that CoQ10 can boost fertility. “The best fertility rates are when people are in their 20s, but most people are getting married in their mid-30s and many men are having fertility problems, women as well,” says Crandall. And CoQ10 has been shown to give some benefit to them: “If you are having an infertility issue and you’re trying to have a baby, get on that coenzyme Q10. I believe it will help you,” he says.
Who Should Take CoQ10?
The bottom line is, according to Crandall, if you are eating a balanced diet, you are healthy and you have a healthy lifestyle, you may not need to take a supplement. CoQ10 is found in some foods, such as organ meats, pork, beef, and chicken, fatty fish (like trout, herring and sardines), legumes (soybeans, lentils, and peanuts), sesame seeds and pistachios, and soybean and canola oils.
Special: Dr. Crandall Saved His Own Heart With This
But many people are under a lot of stress, and want to prevent disease and live a long, healthy life. In that case, CoQ10 supplements, in the typically recommended dosage of 100 mg to 200 mg a day, may be beneficial.
“We know that coenzyme Q10 can help people live a longer life. So, think about it. Review it with your doctor. It might be a good decision for many people out there,” says Crandall.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi,
Herbaceous tabbouleh meets the natural sweetness of roasted red peppers in these two-bite taste sensations!
Forget the plates and flatware; this is unfussy finger food at its best.
Each little morsel is a complete package, but a drizzle or a dip into tahini sauce really puts them over the top.
Get the Tabbouleh-Stuffed Mini Sweet Peppers HERE


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Can you enjoy delicious desserts without compromising your health? Chef AJ says yes!
If you’re struggling with excess weight or food addiction, some “healthy” desserts could be problematic. But even then, there are some wonderful options.
Get the whole story on how to enjoy sweet indulgences that your body will love and three of Chef AJ’s favorite recipes, here.
Yours for loving foods that love you back,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Chef AJ just released her brand new cookbook, Sweet Indulgence. Find out all about it, and enjoy her World Famous German Chocolate Cake, The World's Healthiest and Easiest Pecan Pie, and Rustic Fruit Tart, right here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Happy Thursday, Jimi!

Wow! What an amazing first episode of “A Global Quest,” and thank you, everyone, for all the kind words and feedback!

We’re so honored to be able to give this to you and your family.

If you haven’t watched yet, be sure to go here ASAP to watch today before we take it down to move on to Episode 2 for tonight.

Here are just a few of the comments thus far:

  • "This first episode of "The Truth About Cancer," was mind-blowing. I knew about some of the information, however, what I learned tonight was way more, and I'm sure that the rest of the series will be even more phenomenal. If you have not tuned in to this series, you're doing yourself an injustice.”
  • "I'm 40 minutes in and my impression is this is brutal! Brutally honest and something I hope everyone watches & learns about."
  • “This is the best 2 hours I've ever spent in my entire life. Thank you so very much for caring enough about others to provide this so very important information. I can't wait for the remaining episodes.”
  • “This has been the most eye-opening documentary I have seen in a very long time!!! Everyone needs to watch this and you will learn more than you ever thought you could about cancer and the lies we have been told.”
This is a powerful show where you learn the history of chemotherapy − and how “involved” the pharmaceutical industry really is in what people are and are not being told about how to prevent and beat cancer − in a way like you’ve probably never heard it described.

We think you’re going to love it too.

Go here to watch the Episode 1 right now >>

God bless,
Ty & Charlene

P.S. Here’s a sneak peek at Episode 2 which airs tonight…


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi!​

I hope the Exercise & Rest Module inspired you to incorporate some more movement into your life! :)

Tonight in Module 9 we'll cover specific food supplements, nutraceuticals, herbs and teas that can support your body's ability to repair, regenerate and detoxify.

The list includes key supplements I took to help my body heal cancer in 2004-2005, plus newer discoveries that I take now for prevention. I've pared it down to what I believe are the most essential and most beneficial. (This will not be a sales pitch!) :)

There are five supplement categories that we'll cover:
- Nutritional support
- Immune support
- Anti-cancer
- Anti-viral, Anti-bacterial, Anti-parasite
- Detoxification

Plus my favorite anti-cancer teas!

Get your pencil sharpened and your notepad ready!!!

Here's your link to watch Module 9:

Be there or be square!

Scratch that...

Be there AND be SQUARE!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Greetings: Jimi​
We wanted to remind you that our free webinar, Mastering Self-Healing for Optimal Wellness: Transforming Chronic Health Challenges through Wisdom Healing Qigong is just around the corner.

You can watch the first session on Friday, August 30, 2024!

If you’ve been thinking about attending, now is the time to take action.

This is your chance to learn from Master Mingtong Gu and discover how Wisdom Healing Qigong can help you overcome chronic health challenges.

"Every time you practice Qigong, you are creating a space for healing and transformation." - Master Mingtong Gu​

Here’s how:

During the webinar, you’ll learn practical techniques that you can start using immediately to support your healing process.

Wisdom Healing Qigong works on a deep, energetic level to address the underlying causes of your symptoms, helping you create lasting change in your health and well-being.​

Scientific Research Highlights:

  • Fatigue Reduction: Research indicates that Qigong practices can alleviate fatigue and increase energy levels.
  • Mental Health Benefits: Evidence supports Qigong's positive impact on depression and anxiety, enhancing emotional well-being.
Imagine waking up each day feeling stronger, more energized, and ready to take on whatever life brings.

This can be your reality, but you have to take the first step.

Click Here to Register before it’s too late to catch this webinar!​
Mastering Self Healing
We hope you’ll join us.

Sending abundant energy and love,
Master Mingtong Gu, The Chi Center
Are you facing any kind of chronic health challenge…

Pain, Fatigue, Cancer, Autoimmune Diseases, Neurological Disorders, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, Lyme Disease, Fibromyalgia, Lupus, Arthritis, Parkinson’s Disease, Stroke, MS, Migraines, Epilepsy, Diabetes, or any other “incurable” condition?

Discover how you can transform your health and well-being through the ancient wisdom of Wisdom Healing Qigong.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Host, Del Bigtree, is pumped as the issues The HighWire reports on every week are now at the forefront of the minds of more Americans than ever before.

Then, Jefferey Jaxen reports on the ongoing housing crisis in America and the lengths states appear to be going to, to avoid helping U.S. citizens. Massachusetts implements new social restrictions over a mosquito-borne illness in the shadow of COVID lockdowns. Meta Founder & CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, comes clean on social media censorship collusion as Telegram's CEO gets nabbed in France. It's an all out assault on the First Amendment.

Also, ICAN scores a quick, big win for First Amendment rights on the popular platform, X.

Then, Del welcomes John & Charmaine Bostwick to the show to tell the story of their son, Aiden, whose tragic journey into the world of Fentanyl addiction paints a stark portrait of this crisis ravaging the country. Joining them is investigative journalist Ben Westhoff, author of Fentanyl, Inc. to discuss what he found in his journey into that dark world, including an undercover investigation into a Chinese chemical laboratory.

Don’t miss one of the most powerful and important episodes of the year!

And don’t forget, a NEW episode on Off the Record drops TONIGHT at 5 pm PT (8 pm ET) on HighWire+!

It all happens TODAY, 11AM Pacific Time, 2pm Eastern, at The HighWire!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Changes in Mental Well-Being May Predict Dementia
Research has found that changes in psychological well-being are linked to a higher risk of developing dementia. Now a recent study published in the journal Neuropsychiatry has found that specific changes in mental health can occur several years before a dementia diagnosis—allowing for early recognition and intervention.
For this study, researchers followed 910 cognitively healthy older adults for up to 14 years to observe changes in their psychological well-being before and after the onset of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia. They found that those who later experienced MCI had a faster decline in psychological well-being than those who remained cognitively healthy.
Two years before an MCI diagnosis, individuals showed a significant drop in overall well-being. Purpose in life began to decline three years prior to the diagnosis, while personal growth started to wane six years before the diagnosis. The overall pattern of well-being decline was consistent both before and after the MCI diagnosis, though positive relationships with others deteriorated more quickly after the diagnosis.
Look Before You Flush: What Your Urine Reveals About Your Health
Urine isn’t normally a topic discussed in casual conversation, but it can be an important indicator of your overall health. In some cases, urine color even serves as one of the first warning signs that something is wrong. While changes to the color of your urine aren’t necessarily reason to panic— especially if they are short-lived— most people aren’t sure which urine colors are normal and which are not (or who to ask).
Urine that is clear or pale yellow in color is considered normal and means you are well-hydrated. In fact, it’s the high amount of water present in your pee that makes it look pale rather than a darker yellow color. The only “caution” with completely colorless urine is that it could be a sign you are over-hydrating. Colorless pee may also happen if you are taking a diuretic (aka a water pill), which forces a higher volume of water out of your body.
If your urine is a fluorescent shade of yellow, that’s typically harmless. It may indicate the presence of vitamins—usually B vitamins—that are being excreted from your body via your pee. There’s only cause for concern if you have fluorescent urine and are not taking any supplemental vitamins. But what if your pee is amber, brown, orange, pink, red, or cloudy? Here’s what these urine colors may signal about your health.

Partner of the day:
Healing Kitchen

20 Best Anti-Aging Smoothies for Energy & Vitality (FREE today!)
Did you know you can affect how old you feel years from now with the dietary choices you make today? While genetics undoubtedly play a role in the aging process, research has consistently demonstrated the profound impact of nutrition on promoting healthy aging and preventing age-related diseases. After all, food is our best medicine.
However, making healthy, supportive dietary choices doesn't have to be a big “to-do,” requiring hours of thought and preparation. It can be as simple as throwing a bunch of anti-aging foods into a blender and making a smoothie.
This collection of 20 new smoothies, curated by the legendary health expert Nick Polizzi, showcases 35 top natural foods that best combat cellular dysfunction, oxidative stress, and chronic inflammation, all while helping to boost your energy levels, enhance your skin's radiance, and support cognitive function. Plus, they’re absolutely delicious!
Download Nick Polizzi’s newest guide, 20 Anti-Aging Smoothies for Energy and Vitality, FREE right now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Your Doctor May Be Skipping These Important Heart Tests
When it comes to heart health, most people know their cholesterol should be tested. However, there are a number of lesser-known tests that can help to create a more complete picture of heart health. For example, elevated high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) can predict heart disease before there are symptoms, helping to ward off a stroke or heart attack. Here’s a list of heart tests you may want to discuss with your doctor. (More)
Adding Clover Honey to Yogurt May Boost Gut Health
Probiotics in yogurt, like Bifidobacterium animalis, can support gut health by fostering beneficial bacteria and aiding digestion—if they’re not destroyed by the acids in your stomach. A recent study reveals that adding 10-20% clover honey to yogurt can significantly enhance the survival of these probiotics throughout the digestive process so they can benefit your gut. (More)
Which Proteins Are Best for the Planet? (Easy Chart)
According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), what we eat—and especially the type of proteins we choose—can have a significant impact on our climate. “Different foods have different climate impacts,” says the EWG. “For instance, the greenhouse gas emissions of 12 common proteins vary significantly.” Here are the top protein sources ranked by their carbon footprint, with nuts and tofu having the smallest environmental impact. (More)​
Your Personal Growth
Why Perfectionism Is Not Your Friend
Compelling Health Fact
Did you know the gluteus maximus, the muscle in your buttocks, is the largest and one of the strongest muscles in your body? It plays an important role in maintaining your posture and supporting your upper body.​
Garlic Panko Tofu
Quick and easy to make with a sweet & tangy sauce.
Stuffed Zucchini Boats
Filled with a delicious mixture of herbs, breadcrumbs, pine nuts, and more.
Butternut Squash Soup
This savory soup is enhanced with sage and nutmeg and a creamy splash of coconut milk.

“Well done is better than well said.” -Benjamin Franklin​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
In Craig’s latest podcast episode, “Beyond Duality: Seeing the Sacred in Everything,” he explores the mystical insight that a sublime essence is always present, even in the most mundane aspects of life.

This profound realization is one facet of a broader spiritual truth known as “nonduality.”

Craig explains that non-dual spiritual practice isn’t about ignoring the distinctions between good and bad, but rather about seeing everything as an expression of this sacred essence. He leads us in a brief meditation practice of embracing every experience as inherently enlightened, recognizing that every thought and sensation is a manifestation of a deeper reality.

Craig also discusses how daily distractions often disconnect us from this essence. However, through a specific set of practices, we come to see that every experience can be a gateway to the infinite, revealing the sacred essence that is always present in every moment.

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If you’re enjoying the podcast, it would be a big help to us if you would take a minute to give us a rating and click the “Follow” or “Subscribe” button in your podcast app—thank you!

The Meditation Changes Everything Team


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NEW Episode of the HEAL with Kelly Podcast - Parenting at Your Child’s Pace with Integrative Pediatrician Dr. Joel "Gator" Warsh
In this episode of the HEAL with Kelly Podcast, I speak with Dr. Joel "Gator" Warsh, a Board-Certified Pediatrician specializing in parenting, wellness, and integrative medicine. Dr. Gator is well known in the online world due to his very popular Instagram account, where he provides weekly parenting advice amongst other great content.

Within the episode we discuss his newest book, Parenting at Your Child’s Pace: The Integrative Pediatrician’s Guide to the First Three Years. Dr. Gator explains the role of an Integrative Pediatrician, emphasizing the critical importance of combining holistic practices with traditional medicine. He also emphasizes the value of a balanced approach, utilizing the strengths of modern medicine while addressing its limitations, especially in managing chronic illnesses. Together we explore the critical role of making informed daily choices — ranging from the foods we eat to the products we bring into our homes — and how these lifestyle changes can have a profound impact on conditions such as autism. Dr. Gator offers insights into the careful and mindful use of antibiotics and other medications, advocating for their use only when necessary to minimize potential long-term effects.

This episode is a powerful call to action, encouraging a shift in healthcare toward greater emphasis on prevention and holistic care. It’s a reminder that taking control of our health — and that of our children — starts with informed decisions and a proactive approach. Tune in to discover practical steps you can take today to contribute to a healthier future for you and your family.
You can also listen to this episode and all other episodes of the HEAL with Kelly Podcast now on both SPOTIFY or APPLE.


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Reddit Exile
NEW Episode of the HEAL with Kelly Podcast - Parenting at Your Child’s Pace with Integrative Pediatrician Dr. Joel "Gator" Warsh
In this episode of the HEAL with Kelly Podcast, I speak with Dr. Joel "Gator" Warsh, a Board-Certified Pediatrician specializing in parenting, wellness, and integrative medicine. Dr. Gator is well known in the online world due to his very popular Instagram account, where he provides weekly parenting advice amongst other great content.

Within the episode we discuss his newest book, Parenting at Your Child’s Pace: The Integrative Pediatrician’s Guide to the First Three Years. Dr. Gator explains the role of an Integrative Pediatrician, emphasizing the critical importance of combining holistic practices with traditional medicine. He also emphasizes the value of a balanced approach, utilizing the strengths of modern medicine while addressing its limitations, especially in managing chronic illnesses. Together we explore the critical role of making informed daily choices — ranging from the foods we eat to the products we bring into our homes — and how these lifestyle changes can have a profound impact on conditions such as autism. Dr. Gator offers insights into the careful and mindful use of antibiotics and other medications, advocating for their use only when necessary to minimize potential long-term effects.

This episode is a powerful call to action, encouraging a shift in healthcare toward greater emphasis on prevention and holistic care. It’s a reminder that taking control of our health — and that of our children — starts with informed decisions and a proactive approach. Tune in to discover practical steps you can take today to contribute to a healthier future for you and your family.
You can also listen to this episode and all other episodes of the HEAL with Kelly Podcast now on both SPOTIFY or APPLE.
oh please! protect your kids for sure, but dont get them brainwashed into the please no needles, oh yes theres another killer bug gonna get me mentality, let them be themselves!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi!​

The Final Module in the SQUARE ONE Healing Cancer Coaching Program is now LIVE!

If you’ve enjoyed watching the first 9 Modules, you’re gonna love Module 10. :)

Before you go watch Module 10, I have a little surprise for you… Module 9: Cancer Healing Herbs, Teas & Supplements is STAYING UP for another night!

If you missed it, here's your link to watch Module 9:

And now for the Final Module in the SQUARE ONE Healing Cancer Coaching Program...

Module 10: How to Test & Monitor Your Progress

Module 10 will give you the proper perspective as you go forward in your healing journey, and give you practical information on risky tests you might want to avoid and safer alternatives, tests that will help you identify the best therapies for your type of cancer, tests that will help you track your progress, and more.

Here's what you'll learn:
- What you need to know about CT scans, PET scans and MRIs
- Testing to determine the best treatments for you
- How to interpret your test results
- How to monitor your progress
- Safer testing methods for screening and monitoring
- Blood markers you should be watching
- Early detection testing you can order without a doctor
- And more!

Module 10 is Live Now. Here's your link to watch:

See you there!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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Hey Jimi,
Ty & Charlene here with a quick reminder.
Episode 2 - “Cancer Facts and Fictions, Breast Cancer, Hormones, Skin Cancer & Essential Oils” - is starting shortly...
This episode is important for every woman in the world to see.
“YES, there is a cure, and YES you can prevent it. I’m living proof. And thousands of women around the globe (and hundreds of thousands of people who’ve healed cancer in general) -- WE KNOW there is a cure.“ - Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, Breast Cancer Conqueror
Click here to watch Episode 2 >>
Looking forward to seeing you there.

God bless,
Ty & Charlene
P.S. Please help us in our mission to save lives. Spread the word by commenting and sharing in the comment section below the video.
Thanks in advance and enjoy Episode 2.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Last week on The HighWire, Del Bigtree introduced HighWire+, a space beyond The HighWire with the vision of providing new shows and films, as well as curated content as a gift exclusively for ICAN supporters.
The first new offering on HighWire+ is Off The Record, a show that answers the question, ‘What do they talk about when The HighWire ends and the cameras STOP rolling?’
In this new episode, number twelve in the series, Del goes Off The Record with Charmaine and John Bostwick, parents of their beloved Aiden, who lost his life to a Fentanyl overdose. Del and the Bostwicks join Fentanyl, Inc. author, Ben Westhoff, a journalist who went undercover to a Chinese chemical lab to investigate the origins of the fentanyl crisis. Del, the Bostwicks, and Ben sit down for an "Off the Record" conversation about how to talk to your children about the dangers of Fentanyl, the prevalence of addiction to anything from food and sugar to electronics and illegal drugs, and whether China's engaged in chemical warfare. Episode 12 of Off the Record is available on HighWire+ NOW!
If you aren’t aware, HighWire+ is our exclusive gift to monthly donors- a video-on-demand platform featuring a brand new show, 24/7 access to a selection of your favorite documentaries, and new titles coming soon!
*If you are an existing donor, sign up using the email address associated with your donation! If you are ready to become a recurring donor, then CLICK HERE and create your new monthly donation!
On behalf of all of us at ICAN and The HighWire, thank you for your continued support, get signed up on HighWire+, and enjoy this new episode of Off The Record!


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Member For 5 Years

Breathwork in a blink​

Your weekly 5-minute dose of breathwork from Mike Maher​

Jimi, This week’s Blink is all about lung capacity—a major predictor of longevity! Sounds shocking, right?

I once heard someone say that without proper care, we could end up "suffocating on our own ribcages."

But don’t worry—with the right stretches and breathing exercises, you can keep your lungs healthy and strong well into old age. So, this week is dedicated to helping you breathe easily and deeply. Enjoy!

Breath Quote I'm Pondering
“the greatest indicator of life span wasn’t genetics, diet, or the amount of daily exercise, as many had suspected. It was lung capacity.”
― James Nestor, Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art

Breathing Exercises Of The Week
This week, join me for a series of breathing exercises designed to open up your body and make breathing easier. Watch the full video here.

Study I've Been Reading This Week:
This week's study shows that Forced Vital Capacity (FVC), a measure of how much air you can exhale after a deep breath, can help better predict death risk, especially in people with intermediate heart disease risk. You can find the full study here...

Podcast of the Week
This week's podcast went viral! I had the pleasure of hosting Lotte Parrup, a brilliant physiotherapist and breath coach who specializes in fascia release. She was highly recommended by the amazing Anders Olsson. Lotte shares fascinating insights, including a technique for brushing your ribcage—really cool stuff! Check it out here...

Breath Tip Of The Week
Lotte Parrup (this weeks podcast guest) discusses a technique she calls "brushing the ribcage," which involves using your fingers to massage and stimulate the tissue around your ribcage, especially along the sternum and lower ribs.' This simple practice helps to release tension in the fascia, the connective tissue surrounding the muscles and organs, which can become stiff and restrict breathing. By gently massaging these areas daily, you improve circulation, increase flexibility, and create more space for your lungs to expand, leading to deeper, more efficient breaths. Incorporating this into your routine, much like brushing your teeth, can significantly enhance your overall breathing and reduce tension in your body. If you want to know more, click here and head to the 27:59 - 35:41 timestamp to hear Lotte Parrup explain this technique in detail.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Episode 134: How to Sleep Better in Midlife with Morgan Adams​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Greetings: Jimi​
Today’s the day!

Our 98-minute webinar, Mastering Self-Healing for Optimal Wellness: Transforming Chronic Health Challenges through Wisdom Healing Qigong, is starting soon, and we wanted to send you one last reminder to select your seat so you can log on to join us.

It's free.​
Mastering Self Healing

"The greatest gift you can give yourself is the commitment to heal." - Master Mingtong Gu​

Here’s what to expect:

Master Mingtong Gu will share the sage understandings of Wisdom Healing Qigong, guiding you through practices that engage with your body’s natural energy to bring about real transformation.

You’ll come away with a deeper understanding of how to work with your symptoms in a way that supports true healing.​

Why this matters:

Chronic health challenges can feel overwhelming, but there is hope.

With the right approach, you can overcome these challenges and live a life full of vitality and joy.

Wisdom Healing Qigong offers a path to a full and meaningful life.

Imagine starting your journey today:

It all begins with this webinar.

Click here to join now—We can’t wait to see you there!​
Wishing you health and happiness,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

If you've ever felt like you're in a constant battle with diabetes, constantly searching for a real solution that doesn't just mask the symptoms but actually tackles the root cause, then this message is the breakthrough you've been waiting for.

Introducing the Expert Diabetes Reversal Masterclass - Keys to Success - a one-of-a-kind live event where the veil is lifted on the secrets to truly reversing diabetes. And I'm inviting YOU to be a part of it.

Why should you care? Because this isn't another generic health seminar.

This Masterclass is being presented by a top-notch panel of experts, including Yours Truly, who are bringing you proven strategies, real-world success stories, and actionable steps that you can implement immediately. We're talking about reversing pre-diabetes, not just managing it.

Here's what's on the table:

  • Access to Cutting-Edge Strategies: Forget about piecing together information from countless sources. We're bringing the experts directly to you, delivering insights that are transformative and actionable.
  • A Personal Invitation to Change Your Life: This isn't just about diabetes. It's about reclaiming your freedom, your health, and your future. It's about waking up without the weight of your condition dictating your day.
  • An Exclusive Offer Just for You:** As a valued member of our community, you're getting first dibs on this opportunity at NO COST TO YOU.
♦️This is your pivot point. The moment where you can choose to continue on the path you're on, or take a leap towards a life where diabetes doesn't hold you back. I know which one I'd choose, and I hope you'll join me.

Click here to secure your spot now. Don't let this chance slip through your fingers.

To your health and freedom,


P.S. If you cannot make the live presentation, a replay of recording will be available the next day for all who sign up now.

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