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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi!

When you look at your pantry, what do you see? Do you see fully stocked shelves lined with jars of nutrient-dense homemade sauces, herbs and preserves? Is it the pantry of your dreams?

What if we told you your ideal pantry was possible—and not hard to achieve?

>>> Yes! Sent me the Create Your Dream Pantry Guide

3D Image of Create Your Dream Pantry PDF as a paperback booklet This easy-to-download and print Guide contains done-for-you templates to transform your fresh food journey into a year-round lifestyle.

✏️ Plan the pantry you’ve always dreamed of having
📗 Receive done-for-you templates to simplify the process
🧑‍🍳 Get guidance on what to include in your pantry
🫙 Take the next steps to create your dream pantry

Enjoy all the delicious taste of vegetables whenever you want. Preserve your own harvest or the fresh foods you get at your local farmers market and have them easily accessible.

>>> Grab your copy of the Create Your Dream Pantry Guide

Enjoy your harvest!

🌱 The Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱

–When you download your Guide, you’ll also receive a complimentary ticket to the upcoming Enjoy Your Harvest Workshop Series.

The Enjoy Your Harvest Workshop Series is a 3-day online interactive event happening September 4-6. Learn from fresh food experts new and exciting ways to incorporate fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs—and even flowers!—into your meals.

From garden to table, this workshop will allow you to provide your family with the benefits of quality, tasteful, AND healthy nutrient-rich meals. 🫶

Download your copy of the Create Your Dream Pantry Guide and receive your complimentary ticket to the upcoming Enjoy Your Harvest Workshop Series.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Jimi, how much do you love coriander, aka cilantro?

I was once firmly in the camp of the coriander-haters (I thought it tasted like soap), but over the years, I’ve come to love it—not just on my tacos, but in soups, salads, and all sorts of dishes.

Recently, I’ve been doing a deep dive into all the amazing herbs and spices and have discovered there are a lot of impressive benefits to coriander in particular. You’d be surprised by what this bright, tasty green herb can do for you:

Boost micronutrient intake. Coriander is loaded with a wide range of vitamins and minerals, including the incredibly important Vitamin K. Vitamin K is needed for blood clotting and plays a role in bone repair. It’s crucial for staving off osteoporosis and keeping your skeletal system strong as you age. Vitamin K can even combat cardiovascular disease!

Antioxidant powerhouse. Coriander, like so many green herbs, is packed with antioxidants like caffeic acid, glycitin, and other phenolics. These antioxidants are particularly effective at combatting free radical and preventing oxidative damage. By eradicating free radicals, the antioxidants in coriander can slow your biological aging and decrease your risk of various cancers.

Aid in blood sugar control. Coriander seeds are particularly effective at helping you control your blood sugar better. They increase the activity of enzymes that are crucial for blood sugar control, lowering the amount of glucose released into your bloodstream following a meal. Not only that, but they can increase the release of insulin, which is your body’s natural way of controlling blood sugar.

Heart smart. Coriander can help improve your heart health by flushing toxins from your bloodstream and eliminating sodium that could contribute to high blood pressure. This in turn can lower your blood pressure. It’s also able to reduce LDL cholesterol and prevent the buildup of plaque in your arteries that contributes to heart disease.

Great for your brain. The antioxidants in coriander will reduce inflammation and protect against the buildup of toxins and amyloid plaques in your brain. The antioxidant effects of coriander can reduce nerve cell damage among those suffering from seizures, can improve memory in Alzheimer’s patients, and reduce anxiety symptoms.

Digestive aid. Coriander oil turns out to be a truly powerful digestion booster. In one 8-week study, people who took just a small dose of coriander oil (in an herbal medicine) saw significant improvement in their IBS symptoms and overall digestion. Bloating, constipation, discomfort, and abdominal bloating all decreased thanks to the oil. Coriander is also a natural appetite booster.

Cancer fighter. Multiple studies have found that coriander’s high antioxidant content and natural anti-inflammatory properties makes it a powerful cancer fighter. One study proved that it could help combat prostate cancer, while another study on its effects against breast cancer discovered that it not only fought the cancer, but prevented the damage of healthy cells as a result of oxidative stress.

Great for your skin. Coriander is good for your body both inside and out. One study from 2015 examines coriander’s ability to protect the skin against UVB radiation. An extract of coriander in an alcohol suspension was applied to the skin, and that mixture proved highly effective at shielding the skin against the damage caused by solar radiation. The high nutrient content and potent anti-inflammatory properties of coriander can also combat wrinkles and other signs of aging.

As you can see, coriander is a potent herb, with benefits in all its forms—not just the raw leaves, but the seeds and even the oil. If you’re not already including coriander in your cooking, now is the time to start for your body’s sake!​
Yours in good health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Ditch the Chemicals: 14 Herbal Oils Offering 50-87.5% UV Protection (SPF)
That bottle of sunscreen in your beach bag may be doing more harm than good. New research reveals the hidden dangers lurking in conventional sunscreens and highlights safer, natural alternatives that can protect your skin without toxic side effects.
Juicing for Fertility: New Study Reveals Natural Way to Enhance IVF Results
In the quest for parenthood, could the answer lie in a glass of homemade juice? A groundbreaking new study suggests that a simple blend of beetroot, watermelon, and ginger could significantly improve the success rates of in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments.
Unmasking the Real Disinformation: How Flawed Research and Media Bias Threaten Free Speech
When respected news outlets uncritically amplify dubious claims from shadowy organizations, who's really spreading disinformation - and at what cost to our fundamental freedoms?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Jonathan Emord, Pandemic Fears, Censorship - The RSB Show
Jonathan Emord, Avian Flu Pandemic Fears, Censorship Machine, Vermont Court's Big Pharma Decision, Kamala’s "Trump-Inspired" Idea, Grandma’s COVID Defiance, "Whole-of-Society" Rule, Gary Michael Vorhis, Democrats Emotional Illness, Lac Caninum Homeopathic Hit, and MORE!
Unlocking the POWER of Broccoli Sprouts: The Future of Wellness
With over a decade of research compiled at covering 300 health-related topics, we've uncovered compelling information about broccoli sprouts and sulforaphane. Now, we're excited to share these insights and discuss the latest scientific advancements in this field!
Long COVID Masterclass
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with so-called "Long COVID-19," you won't want to miss this event.

First, you’re not alone. Many millions are suffering from lasting symptoms of "Covid-19" (and the medical interventions used to prevent and treat it).

Whatever the cause of suffering may be, the symptoms can be debilitating and the conventional medical model offers little hope.

But there’s a way to take control and safeguard your future.

The Long COVID Masterclass is here to provide you with the knowledge and strategies you need.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT): Techniques to manage mental health and prevent cognitive decline.
- Probiotic and Prebiotic Foods: How to restore gut health and boost your immune system.
- Nutritional Support: Key vitamins and minerals that support long-term health and recovery.

The Long COVID Masterclass offers expert sessions that can help you take proactive steps towards a healthier future. Join us LIVE August 22-25!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

WITH THE WIND WITH DR. PAUL - SHOW 154; Pediatric Perspectives with Christiane Northrup, M.D.: Planning for Childbirth

Wednesday, 8/21, our 154th episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Aug 21
PP 050524 1920x1080 C
Click to watch the show at 11:30 am Wed!

Exploring the Power of Birth with Dr. Paul Thomas and Dr. Christiane Northrup​

In our latest episode of Pediatric Perspectives, we are thrilled to welcome back Dr. Paul Thomas, a distinguished pediatrician and advocate for informed decision-making in children's health, alongside Dr. Christiane Northrup, a renowned obstetrician-gynecologist and leading authority in women's health and wellness.
"When a woman is well-supported and free from fear, her body knows exactly how to give birth. Birth is not just a physical act but a profound emotional and spiritual experience that has the power to transform a woman into a mother. Trust in that process is essential."
—Dr. Christiane Northrup
This enlightening conversation delves deep into some of the most important and often misunderstood aspects of childbirth. Dr. Paul and Dr. Northrup explore the profound experience of birth from both medical and holistic perspectives, offering insights that challenge the conventional narratives surrounding childbirth.

Key Topics Discussed:​

▪Home Births vs. Hospital Births: Dr. Northrup shares eye-opening statistics on the safety and outcomes of home births compared to hospital deliveries, emphasizing the importance of a well-supported, fear-free environment for mothers.
▪The Impact of Fetal Monitoring: Dr. Northrup discusses the rise in C-section rates due to the advent of continuous electronic fetal monitoring and the lack of evidence supporting its effectiveness in improving birth outcomes.
▪The Power of the Mind-Body Connection: Both doctors talk about the significant role of a mother's mental and emotional state during labor, with Dr. Northrup highlighting how fear and stress can negatively impact the birthing process.
▪The Importance of Support Systems: Dr. Paul and Dr. Northrup stress the value of having a strong support system during labor, whether it be through the presence of a doula, midwife, or trusted family members, to create a positive and empowering birth experience.
▪Challenges in Modern Obstetrics: The episode also touches on the challenges faced in today's obstetric practices, including unnecessary interventions, the overuse of certain medical procedures, and the need for a more holistic approach to childbirth.
As always, this episode aims to empower parents with the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their health and the health of their children. Whether you’re expecting, planning for the future, or simply interested in understanding more about the natural processes of childbirth, this discussion is packed with valuable information.
Tune in to the full episode to gain deeper insights into these crucial topics and hear directly from experts who are at the forefront of advocating for a more thoughtful and supportive approach to childbirth.

Show available Wednesday 11:30 AM​

Watch the Show

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Diamond Contributor
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This Week on the Podcast​
Be sure to like, follow, and review our show on your favorite podcast app to help us continue to share these inspiring stories of healing!​
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is the founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror® and the 7 Essentials System® and is the best-selling author of Heal Breast Cancer Naturally. She received her Doctor of Chiropractic and has extensively studied the fields of “Energy Medicine,” such as Bio-Energetics, Meridian Stress Analysis, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Digital Thermography, EFT, and Chiropractic. In addition to overseeing many Radical Remission cases during her years in practice, Dr. V has personally faced 2 breast cancer journeys of her own and is dedicated to educating and empowering women with breast cancer on how to survive and thrive so that they can live a happier and healthier life, while never fearing breast cancer again.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Ignoring the early signs of dementia can lead to rapid deterioration in cognitive function, making recovery increasingly difficult. Knowledge of these signs can save your quality of life.

Dr. Partha Nandi's Dementia Risk Assessment Tool provides not only risk assessment but crucial education on the symptoms that many overlook until it's too late.

It’s designed for those who:

  • Are in the prime years of life but might be at hidden risk
  • Have observed slight but worrying changes in their memory or thought processes
  • Wish to take proactive steps to guard against cognitive decline
Completing this quick assessment will equip you with:

  • A comprehensive understanding of personal risk factors
  • Actionable steps to delay or prevent the onset of dementia
  • Essential knowledge to protect your future
--->>Learn key strategies to optimize and potentially reverse cognitive decline in this new Dementia Assessment Tool!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
High Blood Pressure Raises Odds for Alzheimer's

Untreated high blood pressure in your 60s could raise your risk for Alzheimer's disease later, new research shows.

The good news: Simple steps can ease hypertension, researchers said.

Special: Change How Your Brain Ages in a Matter of Days... More HERE!

The global study found that "taking blood pressure medications was associated with decreased risk of Alzheimer’s disease throughout later life,” said study lead author Dr. Matthew Lennon, of the University of New South Wales in Australia. “These results suggest that treating high blood pressure as a person ages continues to be a crucial factor in reducing their risk of Alzheimer’s disease.”

The findings were published Aug. 14 in the journal Neurology.

As Lennon explained in a journal news release, "taking blood pressure medications has also been found in previous research to reduce a person’s risk of dementias overall, but less is known about how blood pressure affects a person’s risk of Alzheimer’s disease."

Trying to answer that question, his team conducted a "meta-analysis" of data on more than 31,000 people who had been in 14 studies that measured cognitive change and dementia diagnosis over time.

Participants came from the United States, but also from a large number of diverse nationalities around the world.

A total of 1,415 cases of Alzheimer's disease were diagnosed among the group over an average follow-up of four years.

Overall, 9% of participants were found to have untreated high blood pressure, the researchers said. Another "51% were taking blood pressure medications, 36% did not have high blood pressure and 4% were noted as uncertain," according to the news release.

Folks with untreated high blood pressure had a 36% higher risk of going on to get Alzheimer's, Lennon's team found, compared to folks with healthy blood pressure. And they had a 42% higher risk for Alzheimer's compared to folks who were already on a blood pressure medication.

Special: Top Memory Doctor Shares His Brain-Boosting Secrets... Learn More!

“High blood pressure is a leading cause of stroke and cerebrovascular disease, and yet it can be controlled with medication, reducing a person’s risk of these diseases,” Lennon noted.

The study was designed to show an association between hypertension and dementia risk, so it could not prove cause-and-effect.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi! My link put here for those who didn't wanna register

Module 2: Why We Get Cancer & How to Eliminate the Causes is now LIVE!

It's free to watch for the next 24 hours.

Here's the link to watch Module 2:

If you're a little late to the free screening, then I have good news! We've decided to keep Module 1 LIVE for a little bit longer. The rest of the Modules will air as planned and each one will stay up for 24 hours. If you missed Module 1, here's the link to watch:

Please take advantage of the free screening!

Okay, so here’s what we're going to cover in Module 2…

Why We Get Cancer & How to Eliminate the Causes

The first question every cancer patient asks is "Why me? Why did I get cancer?"

This module will help you connect the dots and identify the many factors in our world that contribute to cancer. Once you know the causes of cancer, you can remove them from your life, making it easier for your body to heal and stay cancer free.

Here's what you'll learn:
- The origins of cancer
- The 3 pillars of health and healing
- Lessons from countries with the lowest cancer rates
- The cancer promoting diet vs. the cancer healing diet
- Cancer causers in our environment
- Cancer promoting habits
- And so much more!

Watch Module 2 here:

I’d love to know what you think about Module 2 after you’ve watched it… Please leave me a comment below the video. :)

See you there!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

When discussing the best ways to address cancer, the first things that probably come to mind is chemo, medications and all these other treatments that are done in the hospital.

However, there is one way to fight this disease that is criminally overlooked even by health experts: proper diet and nutrition.

Eating the right foods and integrating this diet into your lifestyle can fight cancer before it takes hold of your body and affects everything in your life.

Sadly, not a lot of doctors heavily promote the importance of an anti-cancer diet…

Which is why a lot of people with cancer would only take the steps to address it once it’s there, putting them at a higher risk.

The good thing is that there are doctors like Dr. Dana Flavin who still promotes the importance of such a diet in the battle against cancer.

And in this article from Nathan Crane, he draws from the expertise of Dr. Flavin to explain why everyone should integrate an anti-cancer diet in their lives.

Check out Dr. Flavin’s anti-cancer diet

To overcoming cancer naturally,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello, my friend!

It's easy to want to focus ONLY on weight loss, but when you can take a step back and focus on optimizing your longevity, you will be UNSTOPPABLE!

Here are 5 ways to get started. 🤫 Psst... the 5th one seems so unassuming, but this one is the game-changer!

1️⃣ Get good quality sleep.😴It's not just those 7-9 hours, it's the QUALITY of sleep. Aim for 1.5 hours of REM sleep after midnight.

2️⃣ Hydrate. But here's the catch... if the water isn't getting into your cells, you're just peeing it out! Drink half your body weight in ounces of water... with a pinch of sea salt to help carry the water to your cells.

3️⃣ Studies show that it's not just exercising, it's movement ✨throughout the day✨ that is beneficial for longevity.🚶‍♀️➡️ Stand up and walk around once an hour. Aim for a minimum of 8,000 steps a day.

4️⃣ Ditch the oatmeal or 2 eggs, and start your day with 30g of protein. TRY IT for a few days! You'll be surprised how long you feel full and have stable energy and blood sugar.

My biggest game-changer👇👇👇

5️⃣ Time in the quiet. Whether that's a quiet walk in the morning sun,🌞 or incorporating prayer or meditation when you first wake up, it's important for your nervous system to not be going 100mph all of the time.

This helps to reduce your cortisol and inflammation, which creates an optimal environment for productivity, clarity, and overall longevity (and weight loss!).

Here's the truth... everyone likes to throw this "back to the basics" stuff under the bus.
Oh I already know that.
It seems so stupid simple, how can it work?



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Connection Between MCAS and Mold​
Mold is an often invisible constant in our everyday environment. Most people go about their lives seemingly unaffected, while others experience severe allergic reactions and inflammation when exposed. If you already have Mast Cell Activation symptoms, an exposure to mold can trigger the mast cells, amplifying their inflammatory responses. If the mold exposure is severe enough, it can exacerbate symptoms, making it hard to tell if they’re dealing with mold illness, MCAS, or both.

In this recent blog, Lauren Tessier, ND and GMA medical researcher explores the overlapping symptoms and diagnostic challenges in differentiating between mold-related illness and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.

Some key highlights are:
  • How mold exposure can activate mast cells and lead to a variety of allergic and inflammatory symptoms
  • The overlap in symptoms between mold illness and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)
  • The importance of this connection in finding effective treatments and symptom management
Trauma’s Hidden Impact on Complex Chronic Illness​
Trauma plays a large role in treating complex, chronic illness. It can take many different forms, from emotional traumas throughout your life, to physical traumas like a car accident, or even medical trauma. Any of these events alone can trigger inflammation and other stress responses in the body that can impact your health in a myriad of ways if left untreated.

The effects of trauma in the body is an integral part of our work with complex, chronic illness and we believe that our community would greatly benefit from The Trauma To Transcendence Summit, hosted by Dawson Church, PhD alongside our friend and colleague, Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc, and Dr. Sue Morter.

This free event on September 3rd-9th, brings together world-renowned experts who delve into the hidden connections between trauma and chronic conditions, such as autoimmune disorders and chronic fatigue. In these expert talks, you'll learn how unhealed trauma could be contributing to your symptoms and learn techniques to reclaim your health.​
Gordon Medical Expert Talk Highlight​
Unraveling Chronic
Lyme's Multiple Causes
Nafysa Parpia, ND​
Chronic lyme is a complex condition that can deeply affect your neurological system, energy levels, and overall quality of life. Healing from chronic lyme looks different for each person. Each patient we see has a unique set of factors that are preventing them from healing. Through in depth conversations and advanced testing, we’re able to find the treatment path that is best suited for each patient.

Nafysa Parpia, ND was interviewed by Richard Horowitz, MD as part of the Healing Lyme Summit, an online event by DrTalks to help more people to understand the hidden impact of Lyme disease. Her primary focus for this talk was on the many root causes that can be at play when Lyme symptoms become chronic.

The discussion covered:

  • Understanding that Chronic Lyme involves more than just Lyme disease itself, revealing its intricate nature of the diagnosis
  • Our unique treatment approach at Gordon Medical
  • How detox protocols, when tailored to each patient, can be an important piece of treating complex chronic illness


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
As we continue our focus on Survivorship Care Planning, today we discuss a critical aspect applicable to managing any chronic illness: Building Your Integrative Team and Cutting-Edge Healing Protocols.

Whether you're dealing with cancer or any other chronic condition, assembling a team that supports your unique health needs is crucial for optimal management and recovery.

Understanding the Shift in Chronic Illness Management:The approach to chronic illness care is evolving, embracing holistic and innovative therapies that support overall well-being, not just treat symptoms.
In Today’s Video, Discover:
  • Paradigm Shift in Treatment: Explore the transformative shift towards more personalized and integrative approaches that consider every aspect of patient health.
  • Essential Team Members: Learn which primary professionals are crucial for your success, including specialists like nutritionists, physical therapists, and roles such as biological dentists who play a significant part in holistic health.
  • Bioenergetic Medicine: Understand the integration of cutting-edge therapies like bioenergetic medicine in managing chronic illnesses, and the importance of incorporating professionals like biological dentists into your care strategy.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The TRUTH is coming out
More and more people are coming forward with diagnoses of CANCER post CVD Vaxxes
The evidence is mounting… and “they” can’t deny it any longer!
Individuals, and dedicated health experts…
Are calling out the life-destroying effects these vaxxes are having on people's health!
The International Journal of Cancer Research and Therapy reported a case of a young 42-year old female…
Who was given the Janssen CVD-19 vaxx on July 9th, 2021.
On the 2nd of December 2021, she had a shot of the Pfizer vaxx.
And then on the 27th June 2022 her life changed forever…
She took the third dose of the Pfizer vaccine….
Just 7 days later she discovered a lump in her right breast.
Which was CANCEROUS.
At first she didn’t think it could be possible because she had just gone for all her gynecology exams 2 months prior…
And she had NO signs of cancer
She was healthy and strong.
But after receiving the 3rd dose of “The Solution” her results were what they call triple negative breast cancer…
Which means that it’s a more aggressive type of cancer…
With a faster growth rate
Higher risk of metastasis AND recurrence risk.
In a recent conversation with a world renown health expert, Dr. Peter McCullough…
He shared how this can happen to any of us that have had the vaxx.
Especially women.
The spike protein, the S2 segment, which one actually gets from the vaccine and not from the infection. The S2 segment in a paper by Singh and Singh from the University of Pittsburgh appears to inhibit the P53 and BRCA tumor suppressor systems.

Our natural tumor surveillance systems are impaired and if one has a loss of function mutation in either one of these, a woman would recognize this as being BRCA positive.

That would be a loss of function mutation in this surveillance system, that
could predispose somebody to cancer, particularly breast and female reproductive cancers.”
Cases just like this show us an URGENT need to further investigate the effects of The Spike Protein on cancer progression…
Particularly in breast cancers.
That’s why I decided to write a BRAND NEW special report, Endocrine Crossroads: Diabetes and Cancer's Shared Pathways…
In this book, you’ll also learn more from incredible health experts…

About the link between cancer and diabetes…​
Download your f.ree copy right now:
>>>Click HERE to download your f.ree copy of Endocrine Crossroads: Diabetes and Cancer's Shared Pathways

Here's a glimpse of what you'll uncover upon downloading this F.REE book:
  • Explore the biological and physiological connections between diabetes and cancer.
  • Discover evidence from studies and expert analyses that highlight the increased risk of specific cancers associated with diabetes.
  • Uncover the roles of chronic inflammation and hormonal imbalances in exacerbating both diabetes and cancer.
  • Gain Insights into actionable strategies for risk reduction and management.
  • And. So. Much. More!
And the BEST part is…
When you download this amazing book, you’ll also get F.REE VIP access to my BRAND NEW 12-Episode docuseries Cancer Decoded.
You’ll hear from 40+ of the world’s top medical doctors and natural health experts who share the uncensored truth…
About highly effective ways to address cancer with natural medicine protocols!
Cancer Decoded
begins on the 9th of September and it will feature breakthrough after breakthrough.

Our world-class health experts are dedicated to pouring out as much as they know so that YOU can gain control of your health.
All you need to do?
>>>Click HERE to download your f.ree copy of Endocrine Crossroads: Diabetes and Cancer's Shared Pathways
See you on the 9th of September, 2024 at 8 PM ET for the world premiere launch of Cancer Decoded.
To your health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Do you ever find yourself constantly clearing your throat for no apparent reason? It’s more than just an annoyance—it might be a sign of something that needs attention. Let’s talk about what might be causing it and how to find relief.

Why Am I Always Clearing My Throat?

There are several reasons why you might be experiencing this:

  • Post-Nasal Drip: Excess mucus from your nose drips down your throat, causing irritation. This can be due to allergies, sinus infections, or even cold weather.
  • GERD & LPR: Gastroesophageal reflux disease and its variant, laryngopharyngeal reflux, can cause irritation that prompts throat clearing, often without the usual heartburn symptoms.
  • Environmental Factors: Pollutants, smoke, and strong odors can be major irritants.
  • Medications: Some drugs, like ACE inhibitors for high blood pressure, can cause a dry cough that leads to throat clearing.
  • Chronic Cough Hypersensitivity: This condition causes an exaggerated response to stimuli that wouldn’t normally cause a cough.
  • Behavioral Factors: Sometimes, throat clearing can become a habit, especially in response to stress or anxiety.

Lifestyle Tips to Ease Throat Clearing

You can take simple steps to reduce throat irritation:

  • Stay Hydrated: Sip water throughout the day to keep your throat moist.
  • Use a Humidifier: Moist air can reduce throat irritation.
  • Avoid Smoking: Smoke is a major irritant. Consider quitting and avoid secondhand smoke.
  • Practice Vocal Hygiene: Avoid overusing your voice and speak at a comfortable volume.

Dietary Changes for Throat Health

What you eat and drink can make a big difference:

  • Choose Non-Acidic Foods: Bananas, melons, and leafy greens are gentle on your throat.
  • Avoid Dairy: It can thicken mucus for some people. Try non-dairy alternatives like almond milk.
  • Reduce Spicy Foods: These can trigger reflux and irritation.
  • Eat Hydrating Foods: Cucumbers and watermelon help keep your throat moist.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,
Cancer — it’s only six letters long, but this little word carries with it such enormous weight, instantly triggering feelings of fear and hopelessness.
It doesn’t help that we are constantly bombarded with reminders of it, from endless TV commercials for cancer drugs to dire news reports of rising cancer rates.
According to a study in the prestigious journal The Lancet, nearly 50% of all cancers worldwide are attributable to behavior — meaning lifestyle factors that can be modified.
Even still, nearly 90% of people polled believe genetics are the primary driver of cancer. Less than half of those surveyed think lifestyle habits influence the risk of developing some form of cancer.
That’s a lot of people who feel they have no control when it comes to cancer prevention!
As a doctor specializing in cancer treatment for 30+ years, I can assure you this is not true. Many cases of cancer can be prevented.
I’d like to introduce you to some lesser-known preventive strategies that can help you stay ahead of the cancer curve — and thrive.​
Trauma to Transcendence Summit
Post-traumatic growth (PTG) is a psychological phenomenon where individuals experience positive personal changes following highly challenging or traumatic life events. First identified by psychologists Richard Tedeschi and Lawrence Calhoun in the 1990s, PTG suggests that some people not only recover from trauma but also surpass their pre-trauma level of functioning in certain areas of life.
This growth is believed to occur through cognitive restructuring, as individuals reassess their core beliefs and worldviews in light of their traumatic experiences.
The science behind PTG is one of the dozens of topics discussed in the upcoming Trauma to Transcendence Summit, with researcher and author Dawson Church, PhD and co-hosted by Dr. Eliaz and Dr. Morter.
There is a way forward, one that’s filled with hope, resilience, and a community that understands exactly what you’re going through. Together, we can explore paths to inner peace and learn how to embrace the lessons our experiences teach us.
>> Learn how to overcome life’s challenges and join us for the Trauma to Transcendence Summit, September 3rd - 9th.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I am committed to sharing the best natural solutions that can significantly enhance your well-being. And today I’d like to talk about a remarkable supernutrient that has transformed the lives of thousands of people just like you…


Berberine is a powerful plant alkaloid with a rich history of use in Ayurvedic and traditional Chinese medicine. It offers a multitude of health benefits, making it an indispensable addition to your wellness regimen.

Blood Sugar Regulation

Berberine helps to lower blood sugar levels as effectively as prescription medications, but without the unwanted side effects. It enhances insulin sensitivity, which can be particularly beneficial for those managing diabetes or pre-diabetes.

Weight Loss and Metabolism Boost

By activating your body's AMPK pathway—often referred to as the metabolic master switch—berberine aids in rapid weight loss, especially in stubborn areas like the belly. It also inhibits the growth of fat cells at the molecular level, promoting long-term weight management.

Better Sleep and Stress Reduction

Berberine significantly lowers cortisol levels, the hormone responsible for stress. This reduction not only helps in managing stress but also improves deep sleep, ensuring you wake up feeling refreshed and revitalized.

Heart Health Support

This nutrient supports heart health by lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels. It helps reduce bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase good cholesterol (HDL), thereby decreasing the risk of heart disease and supporting overall cardiovascular health.

Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Properties

Berberine possesses strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help combat chronic inflammation and oxidative stress, both of which are linked to numerous health issues, including aging and chronic diseases.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Hidden Danger in Your Tissue Box: Extremely Toxic PFAS Contamination Uncovered in 46% of Products
That soft, absorbent facial tissue you reach for when you have a cold or need to wipe away tears might be harboring a toxic secret. A recent study has uncovered the presence of PFAS "forever chemicals" in nearly half of popular facial tissue brands tested, raising alarming questions about the safety of these everyday products. As you dab your nose or wipe your child's face, could you unknowingly be exposing yourself and your loved ones to potentially harmful chemicals?
Antiperspirants Exposed: The Hidden Chemistry of Breast Cancer Risk
What if the very product millions use daily to stay fresh is silently contributing to one of the most feared diseases among women? A growing body of evidence suggests the aluminum in antiperspirants may play an insidious role in breast cancer development - and it's time we took a closer look at research that was prematurely dismissed.
'Really Chilling': Five Countries to Test European Vaccination Card
Belgium, Germany, Greece, Latvia and Portugal will test the new vaccination card in a variety of formats, including printed cards, mailed copies and digital versions for smartphones. Critics called it a "direct threat to freedom."


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Simple Wellness Habits for a Healthier Life​

Simple Wellness Habits for a Healthier Life

In today’s fast-paced world, finding time for self-care can feel like a challenge. But the truth is, taking care of your wellness doesn’t have to be time-consuming or complicated. A few simple habits can help you stay healthy and feel your best, no matter how busy life gets.1. Hydrate First...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. Crandall: You Can Prevent a Stroke

Every 40 seconds, someone has a stroke in the United States. But there are ways to protect yourself from this silent killer, the nation's fifth-largest cause of death, according to Dr. Chauncey Crandall, one of America's most famed cardiologists.

"The bottom line is this: The body is amazing," Crandall, a New York Times bestselling author and director of preventive medicine at the Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic in Florida, told Newsmax's "Newsline" Friday. "It wants to get well, but you have to take care of it."

One way to keep yourself healthy is to have a yearly physical, Crandall said.

Editor's Note: What You Don't Know About Strokes Could Kill You

"Make sure your blood pressure is under control, your cholesterol is under control, that your blood sugar is under control, that you're not overweight, that you don't smoke, and that you're doing everything you possibly can to make yourself well," the doctor said.

"Strokes do not need to happen," he added. "We can take precautions against that."

Crandall is the author of the runaway bestseller "The Simple Heart Cure: The 90-Day Program to Stop and Reverse Heart Disease." The Yale-trained heart surgeon is also the editor of the popular Dr. Crandall's Heart Health Report newsletter.

Editor's Note: New Blood Test Could Spot Dangerous Type of Stroke

A stroke happens when the brain's blood supply is interrupted, preventing brain tissue from getting oxygen and nutrients. Risk factors include high blood pressure, artery disease, smoking, diabetes, and obesity.

Strokes are increasingly happening among younger people because of several factors, Crandall told Newsmax.

In the past, strokes happened when people were around age 60 and older, he said, but now people under the age of 40 are being affected.

"Many of these people are overweight, they have borderline diabetes," Crandall said. "They have hypertension. But the other thing that sets things off a little bit is COVID."

The bottom line, though, is to stay in shape, said the doctor.

"Let's exercise," Crandall said. "Let's eat well and make sure that you see your doctor once a year because he can intervene and prevent the things that cause stroke."


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
Citrusy Cauliflower Ceviche is a great twist on the traditional seafood dish. It’s light and fresh, and you can eat with with chips, but it’s also great on top of tacos & salads.
Contrary to popular belief, ceviche needn’t include any seafood to be considered “authentic,” or more importantly, to be considered delicious.
Tender cauliflower florets make a surprisingly satisfying base for this bold, fresh, and citrusy dish.
Starting with frozen cauliflower means you can step away from the stove and stay cool, since it’s already par-cooked. Beat the heat with this instant, effortless party starter!
Get the Citrusy Cauliflower Ceviche Recipe HERE


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Member For 5 Years
Caring for You: Why Colorectal Cancer Screening Matters for Thyroid Patients
I wanted to take a moment to reach out to you about something close to my heart. A loved one recently got diagnosed with colorectal cancer, and I wanted to be sure you are current on your screening.

Did you know that living with thyroid disease can increase your risk of colorectal cancer? It’s a connection that many people aren’t aware of, and I want to make sure you’re informed and protected.

I’ve recently been reminded of how precious health is after learning that someone close to me was diagnosed with colorectal cancer. It made me think about you and how important it is that we stay on top of our health, especially when it comes to something as preventable as colorectal cancer.

If you haven’t had your screening yet, please don’t wait. While nothing in medicine is perfect, the good news is that most cases of colorectal cancer are treatable when caught early. And if you’ve been putting off screening because of concerns about invasiveness, I have some encouraging news—there are now non-invasive options available that I’ll share with you below.

This message is especially important for women in their 50s and beyond. The hormonal and inflammatory changes that come with thyroid conditions can increase your risk, and I want to make sure you have all the information you need to protect yourself.

The Link Between Thyroid Disease and Colorectal Cancer

Thyroid disease isn’t just about metabolism and energy levels—it affects your whole body. Research published in the Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology suggests that thyroid dysfunction may increase the risk of colorectal cancer. This is due to several factors:

  • Hormonal Imbalances: Thyroid hormones regulate cell growth and metabolism. Imbalances can lead to changes in the gastrointestinal tract, potentially increasing the risk of abnormal cell growth that could turn cancerous.
  • Chronic Inflammation: Many thyroid disorders are associated with chronic inflammation, which can contribute to cancer development over time by causing DNA damage and mutations.
  • Immune System Changes: Autoimmune thyroid conditions, like Hashimoto's and Graves' disease, can alter your immune system, affecting its ability to detect and repair abnormal cells.
These factors highlight the importance of being proactive about colorectal cancer screening, especially if you have a thyroid condition.

Understanding Colorectal Cancer Screening

Colorectal cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, but it’s also one of the most preventable—if caught early. Screening can detect precancerous polyps before they turn into cancer or identify cancer in its early stages when treatment is most effective.

There are several screening options available, and I encourage you to talk to your healthcare provider about which one is right for you:

  • Colonoscopy: This is considered the gold standard for screening and allows for removing polyps during the procedure. It’s typically recommended every ten years for those at average risk.
  • Fecal Immunochemical Test (FIT): A non-invasive test that checks for hidden blood in the stool, done annually. Basically you do a home stool collection.
  • Stool DNA Test: This test looks for DNA changes in stool cells that may indicate cancer or precancerous polyps. It is usually done every three years. Also a home stool collection.
  • CT Colonography (Virtual Colonoscopy): An imaging test using CT scans to produce images of the colon and rectum. It’s less invasive but still requires bowel preparation.
Why Screening is Especially Important for You

Given the connection between thyroid disease and colorectal cancer, it’s so important not to delay screening. Early detection can dramatically improve your chances of successful treatment and long-term health.

The American Cancer Society recommends regular colorectal cancer screening starting at age 45, but if you have a family history or other risk factors, your doctor may suggest starting earlier.

Take Action Today

Your health matters to me—every part of it. If you haven’t already, please talk to your healthcare provider about getting screened. It’s a simple step that can make a big difference in your health and peace of mind.

Wishing you the best of health,

Dr. C


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Member For 5 Years
NEW Episode of the HEAL with Kelly Podcast -
Stolen Innocence: Overcoming Abuse and Advocating for Child Protection with Erin Merryn
In this powerful episode of the HEAL with Kelly Podcast, I speak with Erin Merryn, an internationally recognized author, speaker, and child abuse prevention activist. Erin shares her harrowing journey of surviving child sexual abuse, which ultimately led to her becoming a fierce advocate for child protection and body safety education.

DISCLAIMER: This episode of HEAL with Kelly features discussions about child sexual abuse and personal body safety education. The content may be sensitive and potentially triggering for some viewers. Viewer discretion is advised. The information shared in this episode is intended for informational and educational purposes and should not replace professional advice or guidance. If you need to disclose sexual abuse, please seek help from a trusted professional or contact local authorities. Get 24/7 Support from The National Sexual Assault Hotline. Go to Rainn.Org or CALL 800.656.HOPE (4673)

Recounting the traumatic experiences that stole her innocence, Erin emphasizes the long path to healing and the importance of breaking the silence and speaking out. Despite facing significant resistance, her relentless advocacy has led to her pioneering of Erin's Law - legislation she created and has gotten passed in 38 states and is now reaching internationally as far as Canada, Australia, and Kerala, India. She shares stories of survivors who, inspired by her work, found the courage to speak out, and highlights the critical need for comprehensive personal body safety education. Erin also offers practical advice for parents on how to teach personal body safety at home, emphasizing open communication, understanding safe versus unsafe touch, teaching how to identify trustworthy adults, and distinguishing between safe and unsafe secrets. Erin speaks about the power of forgiveness and transforming something negative into something positive. Her goal is to empower parents and children alike to protect themselves and speak up against abuse.

This episode is a testament to Erin's incredible resilience and her unwavering commitment to protecting children. It sheds light on the often-ignored issue of child sexual abuse and offers hope and guidance for survivors and advocates alike.


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Member For 5 Years
Transforming Pain into Empowerment and the Vital Role of Rest with Tracee Stanley
Does anyone else need help dedicating time to deep rest and just BE-ing rather than DO-ing to keep up with this unsustainable modern pace of life? In this nugget from last week's episode of the HEAL with Kelly Podcast, Tracee Stanley dives into the transformative power of rest and how it plays a crucial role in our healing journey. She shares her insights on turning pain into empowerment, illustrating how embracing rest can not only rejuvenate our bodies but also help us process and release past traumas. Tracee emphasizes that intentional rest is not a luxury but a necessity, guiding us toward a more balanced and empowered life. Tune in to explore how prioritizing rest can be a vital step in your own path to healing and growth.
You can also watch the full podcast episode with Tracee Stanley on YouTube by CLICKING HERE, or listen to it now on either SPOTIFY or APPLE.
Rob Wergin Guided Healing Experience Now Available on YouTube
Experience the transformative power of Rob Wergin's HEALing gift, with the replay of his most recent live session now available on YouTube! In this particular session, Rob guides participants through a profound healing journey, using his unique abilities to channel divine energy and facilitate deep emotional and physical release. This session offers a powerful opportunity to witness and experience Rob's extraordinary work in healing and transformation. Don't miss out on this chance to connect with his life-changing energy - watch now by clicking the button below!


Diamond Contributor
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Beware of Deadly Blood Clots

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a condition in which blood clots occur in a deep vein in your body (usually the legs). If that clot travels to the lungs, it can cause a deadly pulmonary embolism.

Travel is one of the major factors that can contribute to DVTs, because sitting still for hours — whether in a car, train, or plane — can cause the blood to pool in your legs, and lead to the formation of clots.

Special: Dr. Crandall Saved His Own Heart With This

When you travel by car, it is imperative to take advantage of every rest stop you come across to get out and stretch your legs. And if you’re on a train or plane, you need to get up and walk around frequently.

This sounds simple, but it’s your best protection.

If you’ve experienced any type of blood clot in the past, talk to your doctor about special precautions to take, such as wearing compression stockings. In addition, taking aspirin during your trip can help prevent blood clots.

Discuss that option with your physician before you set out.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Do you ever wake up feeling like you never went to sleep? Does fatigue drag you down, making it hard to enjoy life to the fullest? Fatigue conditions can rob you of energy and leave you feeling hopeless.

But there’s good news! Alex Howard & Anna Duchinsky, leading fatigue recovery experts, have compiled powerful insights in their FR-EE guide, “Fatigue – 12 Secrets To Recovery.”

Inside this life-changing guide, you’ll find:

👉 Inspiring stories: Real people share their journeys of overcoming fatigue and reclaiming their energy.

👉 12 key lessons: Discover essential emotional, psychological, and spiritual tools for recovery.

👉 Actionable tips: Learn practical strategies to integrate into your own healing journey.

>>12 FR-EE Secrets to Reclaim Your Energy<<

This guide is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but a powerful roadmap to understanding your unique situation and charting your path to recovery.

Whether you’re facing:

  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Adrenal fatigue
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Lyme disease
  • Or another debilitating condition
This guide can help you:
  • Identify the root causes of your fatigue
  • Develop a personalized recovery plan
  • Regain hope and inspiration to live your life to the fullest
Don’t let fatigue hold you back any longer! Download your FR-EE guide today and take the first step towards reclaiming your energy and well-being.

Uncover the Hidden Cause of Your Fatigue

Plus, as a special bonus, you’ll receive a FR-EE ticket to the Trauma to Transcendence Summit! Gain valuable insights from leading experts and connect with a supportive community dedicated to healing and growth.

Take back control of your energy and your life. Save your FR-EE spot now!

>> Click Here to Save Your FR-EE Spot Now <<

In health and hope,

Your DrTalks Family

P.S. Ready to feel energized and take back control of your life? Download your fr-ee guide and discover the 12 secrets to unlocking your full potential<<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Whether you've ever thought to make a living coaching others on health & nutrition or you want in-depth insights to best help friends, family, and yourself...

Check out the unique FREE training (and the free gift!) that Ocean Robbins at Food Revolution Network is providing you right here...

And just a friendly reminder, Jim, that this STARTS TOMORROW, August 23, at 9am Pacific / 12pm Eastern, so click above and make sure you are registered if you are interested!

As you'll see, you'll also receive guidance from other world-renowned luminaries, such as the pioneering nutrition doctor, Michael Klaper, MD... "The Plantrician Project" director, Scott Stoll, MD... and the million-copy bestselling author and nutrition expert, Brenda Davis, RD.

And when you consider this free training, consider this question, Jim:

How many of us have friends, family, and community members whose health is suffering because of the food they’re eating?

I definitely do, and it’s heartbreaking.

The truth is that most people are eating the wrong food and missing out on the nutrients and vitamins they need — and it’s causing a global health catastrophe.

However, it doesn’t have to be this way.

We now have years of solid scientific research showing that so many of the chronic diseases plaguing our loved ones and communities are preventable when people adopt a more whole food and plant-centered diet.

A diet rich in vegetables, healthy whole grains, colorful fruits, legumes, and nuts...

And low in processed foods, sugar, and animal products…

Has been shown to seriously slash the risk of diseases, including the world’s top killers.

So, if you’re someone who wants to make a difference in the lives of others, either personally or professionally, and/or you simply want to go "in-depth" for your own health...

Definitely DO consider Ocean's unique new and free online workshop that STARTS TOMORROW morning -- free for you right here:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This is my link I put here for you to use, so much information here, please use it.

Hey Jimi!​

I get more questions about anti-cancer foods and the cancer-healing diet than just about any other topic. After all, nutrition is the foundation of health.

So tonight’s Module is ALL about it!

Go here to watch Module 3: The Anti-Cancer Diet Part 1

In Module 3, I cover the specifics of anti-cancer nutrition. I will teach you exactly what to eat, and what not to eat, and show you the the nutritional science that supports it all. This is a simple, powerful, proven dietary protocol.

Topics include:
- What not to eat: Foods that promote disease
- The most potent anti-cancer veggies and spices
- My daily anti-cancer schedule
- Juicing, juice formulas and juicers
- And more!

Go here to watch Module 3:


Here are answers to Frequently Asked Questions about SQUARE ONE:

Is SQUARE ONE available to own?
Yes! The SQUARE ONE Program is available to own. There are three different package options and it's super discounted right now (50% Off) during the free online screening.

What’s included in the SQUARE ONE Program?
Each package includes 10 Video Modules, the Transcripts Book, the Guide Book, the Audio Book, an invitation to my Private Online Support Group, Access to 6 LIVE Monthly Q&As with me, and a Bonus Digital copy of the SQUARE ONE Program to give to someone you love, and five more bonuses!

This page explains it in detail:

I hope that helps! :)


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Episode 385: THE LAST LAUGH

Earlier today on The HighWire, Del Bigtree introduced HighWire+, a space beyond The HighWire with the vision of providing new shows and films, as well as curated content as a gift exclusively for ICAN supporters.
The first new offering on HighWire+ is Off The Record, a show that answers the question, ‘What do they talk about when The HighWire ends and the cameras STOP rolling?’
In this new episode, Del goes Off The Record with Roseanne Barr to ask, ’Is there a connection between childhood trauma and Hollywood Fame?’ Find out Roseanne’s secret to surviving the dark side of Hollywood, in this very candid new episode, available on HighWire+ NOW!
HighWire+ is our exclusive gift to monthly donors- a video-on-demand platform featuring a brand new show, 24/7 access to a selection of your favorite documentaries, and new titles coming soon!
*If you are an existing donor, sign up using the email address associated with your donation! If you are ready to become a recurring donor, then CLICK HERE and create your new monthly donation!
On behalf of all of us at ICAN and The HighWire, thank you for your continued support, get signed up on HighWire+, and enjoy this new episode of Off The Record!


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A Third Peer-Reviewed Paper from 2 more countries (Denmark and Sweden) reveals significant differences in adverse events by batch. Was it Vaccination or Russian Roulette?​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Have you ever practiced Tonglen meditation, Jimi?

This Tibetan Buddhist technique focuses on cultivating compassion, and today, I’d like to offer you a free guide to experience it yourself.

>> Click here for your free Tonglen Guide by Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc.

This guide will help you:

  • Quiet your mind: Master a simple yet powerful 3-step meditation technique
  • Heal your body: Discover the surprising link between meditation and your vital organs
  • Cultivate compassion: Embrace the ancient wisdom of Tonglen to transform suffering into strength
  • Thrive in life: Reduce stress, enhance focus, and unlock your full potential!
With this guide, you also have the chance to attend the Trauma to Transcendence Summit, September 3rd through 9th.

>> Click here to learn more about the summit, where neuroscience meets spirituality.

You’ll see me there on day 6, speaking about transforming stress for personal growth!

Don’t wait! Get your free meditation guide and summit pass today!

Yours in health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


New 5 Minute Read:
Why Daily Sunlight is Critical to Good Health

Often the key components to optimal health are the most overlooked. What if you didn't need a new supplement or serum and instead the answer to your health issue was in the basics? Check out our newest article to learn more about the importance of daily sunlight for your wellbeing.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Wellness in Minutes:
The Connection Between Digestion, Stress & Weight

Welcome to Wellness in Minutes, where we will be giving you bite-sized health information that’s easy to digest. In our first clip, join Laurentine and Jon Gabriel as they dive into the strong connection between digestion, stress, and weight.



Trending Recipe:
Bedtime Turmeric Tea

We will forever sing the praise of turmeric for its countless health benefits, including calming your digestive system to promote a good night of sleep. Try this recipe for a cozy bedtime drink that your body will thank you for.

Upcoming Event:
Trauma to Transcendence Summit

Feeling stuck and weighed down by past experiences? Trauma can impact everything from your relationships to your health, but there’s a path forward! This online event will empower you to reclaim your life and build a brighter future.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi,
Have you heard about Food Revolution Network’s live Plant-Based Coaching Workshop?
It’s starting TODAY, and it’s going to be off-the-charts amazing! This could be the workshop that catapults you into a revitalized career helping others.
Register here now
It all starts TODAY August 23 at 12 pm ET and runs through August 25. Each episode is about three hours — during which you’ll learn the three pillars of Plant-Based Nutrition, Coaching, and the profound Impact you can have.
Join the plant-based revolution and help people optimize nutrition, get healthy, and be part of the solution on planet Earth. You’ll even learn how you can find clients, build a business, and make a living while making a difference.
>> Find out more and join in the Plant-Based Coaching Workshop: The Recipe for Real and Lasting Change, right here.
In this action-packed free training, you’ll learn:
  • The must-have foods that are scientifically linked to disease prevention (including some of the world’s deadliest illnesses).
  • How successful coaches get booked out with new clients quickly (without a huge marketing budget, email list, or fancy website).
  • The secret sauce that coaches can use to help clients get — and stay — motivated. (Coaches who understand how to do this will skyrocket their results and set themselves apart in a competitive marketplace in any economy.)
  • And so much more…

I’ve been a fan of Food Revolution Network for years.
Not only is everything they present backed by credible science, but they’re absolute masters of teaching, so you’re in for a fun, lively, immersive experience.
If you’ve ever had any questions about what it takes to create a thriving coaching practice…
What it takes to help people go from simply wishing they ate healthier to doing it…
Or what the world’s longest-living people eat…
This training is for you.
>> RSVP for the Plant-Based Coaching Workshop here.
P.S. Whether you’re new to coaching or already a seasoned coach or wellness professional, this in-depth training will open your eyes and inspire you.
When you join live, you’ll get a free guide: 27 Rewarding Paths to a Thriving Career as a Plant-Based Coach. This is like a cheat sheet of all the best opportunities that have just opened up for plant-based coaches.
It’s yours when you join the Plant-Based Coaching Workshop today.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

There's something very important going on this weekend...

It's the replay of all Stop Cancer Docu-Class presentations!​
Why should you care?

We are facing a serious health crisis. Did you know that one out of every two people will be diagnosed with some form of cancer in their lifetime? And 1 in 4 people now die from some form of cancer?

To make matters worse, so many of the millions of deaths each year could be prevented if people had access to this information!

The answers to STOP CANCER are out there... if you know where to find them!

So, for this weekend only, you can get full access to all 8 episodes of the Stop Cancer Docu-Class! Click here to claim your weekend All Access Pass.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jim,
Imagine feeling completely fine every day, only to wake up today and realize everything is different… You start seeing things that aren’t there, words slip through your fingers, and speaking feels like an uphill battle.
This is the reality for many living with Multiple Sclerosis (MS), an unpredictable autoimmune disease that can impact anyone, regardless of age.
MS creeps in silently, altering lives in ways we can hardly imagine.

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