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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
A staggering fact: nearly 100,000 Americans die each year from blood clots, as per CDC data. This underscores the urgent need for proactive health measures.

Nature offers effective solutions for blood thinning, with the added benefit of fewer side effects compared to pharmaceutical options.

1. Water and Hydration: Staying well-hydrated is crucial. It prevents blood from thickening, thereby reducing the risk of clot formation.

2. Garlic: A powerhouse for heart health, raw garlic lowers cholesterol and triglyceride levels, minimizing the risk of blood clots.

4. Ginger: Ginger stands out for its anti-coagulating properties, effectively reducing platelet aggregation and serving as an excellent natural blood thinner.

5. Cayenne Pepper: A potent spice for blood thinning, cayenne pepper boosts circulation, reduces platelet adhesion, and is especially beneficial for those with high blood pressure.

6. Pineapple: Bromelain in pineapple not only helps prevent uric acid crystals but also acts as a natural blood thinner by reducing the stickiness of blood platelets.

7. High Water Content Fruits and Vegetables: These foods naturally thin the blood due to their high water content and alkalizing effect.

Top 2 Supplements for Blood Thinning

Omega-3 Fatty Acids:
Extensively researched for cardiovascular health, omega-3s reduce blood triglycerides, lower blood pressure, decrease the risk of arrhythmias, and reduce blood viscosity, making them an excellent choice for supporting heart health and reducing clot risks.

Turmeric (Curcumin): The active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin, is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It has a significant anticoagulant effect by inhibiting platelet aggregation and modifying blood clot formation, beneficial in preventing thrombosis.

As always, it’s essential to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating these supplements into your routine, especially if you’re on medication or have specific health conditions.

By adding these foods and supplements to your diet, you can take a significant step toward improving your cardiovascular health.

Remember, the journey to natural healing is gradual, but the long-term benefits for your heart and overall health are substantial.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
After an eventful Thanksgiving weekend which included:

Driving to and from Chicago on Thursday (that's 7 hours in the car if you're counting)...

Sifting through all the Black Friday deals and emails (of course)...

Picking out a Christmas tree (it's all decorated thanks to my wife and daughters)...

And all the modifications to our normal routine...

It's time for a reset.

I'll take a wild guess and assume you may need a reset, too.

So, let's start with a gut reset. 😀

If you don't want a cranky gut ruining your week (or life!), definitely check out the Gut Reset Summit which starts tomorrow.

You'll find out how to get your gut back on track like...

🚫 What sneaky suspects secretly wreak havoc in your gut

💡 Clues your cranky digestion is connected to brain fog

🔥 Undercover inflammation - how gut issues can spark full body pain

🧠 Tapped out? How your second brain holds the reins to health

😳 Hidden food triggers that slyly set off tummy turmoil

🤔 Why random cravings can sabotage your goals

🔐The key to unlocking nutrient absorption for all-day energy

😋 Gut-loving foods that soothe and strengthen

🧼 The truth about cleanses, detoxes and the power of fasting

😮 And more insider strategies for next level GI health...

(I tried something new with the emojis. I hope you like 'em. 😉)

Anyway, if you haven't signed up yet, head here for the Gut Reset Summit.

Make sure you don't miss my talk - Exploring the Dynamic Link Between Spinal Posture and Optimal Gut Health.

If you're thinking, "how the heck does my spine affect my gut??"... you'll find out, my friend.

As always, Be Your Own Guarantee for your health and life.

Dr. Ryan

P.S. There's absolutely no charge to watch the Gut Reset Summit this week. There are also complimentary gifts and resources to help your gut right now.

Plus, if you’d like to keep the expert talks and MORE gut-friendly gifts forever, please take advantage of the pre-event prices before Monday.

Learn more and register HERE.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
The “Blue Zones” are the regions of the world where people live the longest and healthiest lives.
And there’s one food that all of the people in the “Blue Zones” eat in abundance.
In fact, beans are the cornerstone of every longevity diet in the world: black beans in Nicoya, Costa Rica; lentils, garbanzo, and white beans in the Mediterranean; and soybeans and mung bean sprouts in Okinawa, Japan.
People in the “Blue Zones” eat an average of at least four times as many beans as most Americans do. And they’re the world’s healthiest people!
But can you cook beans to make them taste great? And to steer clear of any, ahem, undesirable flatulence?
Get the whole story on beans and how to cook them, here.
Yours for healthy foods that taste amazing,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Beans are one of the foods that Nichole Dandrea-Russert, RDN, and I feature in our best-selling new book, Real Superfoods: Everyday Ingredients to Elevate Your Health. Have you gotten your copy yet? Have you gotten extra copies to give to loved ones this holiday season? (It makes a great gift!) Find out all about it right here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How To Detox Your Body With Oil Pulling
3500 years ago, a powerful detox practice was born in the heart of India. Vedic folk healers learned that swishing a tablespoon of oil around in your mouth not only eliminates bad breath and makes the teeth stronger, but seems to speed up the body's recovery from a number of major illnesses and also promotes longevity​
Beyond Urinary Tract Infections: Five Health Benefits of Cranberries
It’s widely known that drinking cranberry juice is helpful for urinary tract infections, but have you ever wondered why this is so? Folk remedies are increasingly validated by science, and so it is that cranberries really are great for infections—and that’s the just the beginning of the storied benefits of this tart, little berry​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon

Urgent Call to Action: Block the Pandemic Treaty NOW​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,
Memory lapses. Chronic pain and fatigue. Weak immune function. Persistent brain fog … many of us have accepted these and other health challenges as a normal part of aging — or worse, the unstoppable trajectory of an all-too-common disease.
In other words: Something that cannot be reversed.
But research shows that with specific strategies and researched ingredients, you can take control of your whole-body health, safely and naturally. There is one approach that stands out from the crowd — clinically researched Modified Citrus Pectin.​
"Your body will love you for this! Every adult should take these supplements. You can feel it working from the inside out and does not appear to have many drug interactions. The perfect superfood!"
— Danielle E.​
"I have been incredibly pleased with PectaSol — my energy and well-being have improved since taking it. It is effective and free of side effects. Great customer service as well! I have tried many binders and PectaSol is the most effective and unique."
— Charles M.​
Formulated by world-renowned doctor and researcher Dr. Isaac Eliaz, PectaSol Modified Citrus Pectin is the only supplement of its kind that addresses health and aging at the source.*
This patented ingredient (made from the pith of certain citrus fruits) is one of nature’s most powerful nutrients — Dr. Eliaz has recommended it for years with patients to address many areas of health including oncology nutritional support, immune imbalances, cognitive function, heart health, and much more.
Modified citrus pectin is one of the most effective health-promoting nutrients and heavy metal binders on the planet.*
PectaSol is designed to be taken daily, and you can customize the dosage depending on your specific health goals.
>> Get 15% off today — an exclusive deal for summit attendees only!
P.S. Are you a healthcare practitioner interested in learning how these formulas can help you improve your patient outcomes?
Click here to learn more.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jim,

If you're on social media or listening to health podcasts, you might be hearing a lot about "PUFAS" and people are coming down on them pretty hard.

The oils you use to cook or bake into foods (and especially the ones used in packaged foods and in restaurants) may be a major culprit to your health issues, gut problems, and inflammation.

So today I wanted to talk a little about why this word "PUFA" is being thrown around, and get to the root of why people are starting to realize that these "polyunsaturated fatty acids" (PUFAs) are not helping our health.

If I asked my grandfather, “What did your grandmother cook you and what did she cook it with?” She was not using soybean oil. She was not using corn oils. She was not using rapeseed oil, which is canola. She was not using peanut oil.

If they did something fried, it was going to be fried in possibly bacon fat, which came from the pig in the backyard of the farm or it was going to be cooked in some type of like a beef tallow, where the cows were on the back part of the farm. Real, ancestral, saturated fats.

Ready to learn more about healthy fats -vs- PUFAs?

>> Click here to read to the blog post! <<

Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​


Diamond Contributor
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What has New Zealand's new government (sworn in earlier today) committed to w.r.t the WHO?

Now it is our job to help the government issue the appropriate documents that will guarantee these policies are carried out​

NOV 27
Here is the declaration:
And below are the relevant passages on page 10:
• Ensure a ‘National Interest Test’ is undertaken before New Zealand accepts any agreements from the UN and its agencies that limit national decision-making and reconfirm that New Zealand’s domestic law holds primacy over any international agreements.
• As part of the above, by 1 December 2023 reserve against proposed amendments to WHO health regulations to allow the incoming government to consider these against a “National Interest Test”.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Joe Gagnon: Transforming Challenges Into Triumphs | Nathan Crane Podcast Episode 40
In this episode of my podcast, I'm joined by Joe Gagnon, a beacon of high-performance living. We dive deep into the realms of health, self-improvement, and the art of helping others elevate their lives. Joe shares his extraordinary journey and lessons learned from ultra-endurance challenges. From running 100-mile races to embracing a lifestyle of resilience and determination, this episode is a treasure trove of inspiration and practical wisdom. Join the discussion! Share your thoughts, experiences, and goals in the comments below. Let's build a community that inspires and motivates each other to reach new heights!

-->> Watch or listen here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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Congratulate us--I just got word we (Door to Freedom) received our 501c3 status

Now I would be very grateful for contributions.​

NOV 27
Swiss attorney Philipp Kruse and I have been meeting with lawmakers in 6 parliaments over the past two months, separately and together, shedding light on the WHO’s shenanigans.
Today we are in Italy together, doing TV interviews. We are breaking through to the MSM, believe it or not. And to parliamentarians. Here we were last night at the Spanish Steps of Rome.
On Friday we will be at the Croatian parliament with dozens of lawmakers and other experts.
Board members and activists have paid for all of this, with my Substack earnings providing the bulk of the expenses for’s work, and some of the travel expenses.
We want to expand. We need our networker to come on full time. For a tiny organization we are making a huge difference. Now that we are a tax-deductible organization, please support us: to help save our democracies (what is left of them), turn back wholesale totalitarianism, and start building the better world that IS possible. We will do as much as you let us. Once this European trip is over, I will set up the Give Send Go, but a letter to the address below will work too. Thank you.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Also reminder and CORRECTED LINK (messed it up last email) Jim that the Beta Glucan black Friday sale is almost over!!

This is one of the
most powerful and effective immune modulators I know of, one that’s been recommended by countless holistic cancer researchers.

It was one of the first things we put my son on after he was diagnosed, and remains a staple in our immune support rotation to this day…

and right now is the BEST time of the year to stock up (we certainly do)! :)
Profound interview
with Dr. Dagmara Beine, where she shares her transformative journey from emergency medicine to integrative pediatric oncology.

Drawing from personal experience and a deep understanding of the limitations of conventional medicine, Dr. Beine offers innovative insights into cancer treatment and survivorship.

In this interview, you'll discover:
  • The potential of new therapies like Helleborus for acute leukemia
  • How mistletoe therapy is revolutionizing treatment for pediatric osteosarcoma
  • The critical role of personalized nutrition and gut healing in cancer recovery
Three key takeaways:
  • Integrative Guide to Pediatric Cancer: A forthcoming book that promises to be an indispensable resource for families.
  • Mistletoe Therapy: A game-changer in enhancing T-cell function and improving neutropenia levels.
  • Detoxification Strategies: Innovative methods for detoxifying from environmental toxins like glyphosate.
Embrace the wisdom of holistic approaches and gain practical strategies to empower your health journey.

Read the full summary or watch/listen to the complete interview on the website!

-Ryan Sternagel & The Anti-Cancer Revolution Team​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Wednesday, 11/29, our 128th episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Ep. 128 - IG - 1
Click to watch the show!​
In his From the Heart segment, Dr. Paul talks about living in the present. It is easy to get consumed with the dangers that exist in our world or to get stuck rehashing the past or planning for the future. Although there are a myriad of ways we can distract ourselves, choosing to be present with ourselves and for others can be a glorious experience, bringing the connection we are ultimately seeking.
This week, we meet Sienna, a young girl who previously released a video expressing her concerns about the Oregon Medical Board’s actions relating to Dr. Paul’s license. Come hear a powerful message about listening to diverse viewpoints, and the role of medical authorities when it comes to children’s rights and ethics!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Learn the truth about these 4 potentially toxic 'health foods.'
There are hundreds of millions around the world who still believe that these four foods are 'healthy,' or at least not toxic. Boy, are they in for a surprise! Join today's livestream with Sayer Ji, author of The Dark Side of Wheat, and Dr. Joel Bohemier, to learn the underreported truth about these incredibly popular yet sometimes highly toxic foods. And best of all, we will discuss healthy alternatives and provide a question and answer period for those eager to learn more! This is a free event! Join us at 3 pm Eastern today.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Black Seed May Treat Hypothyroidism (Hashimoto's Disease), Clinical Trial Reveals
A groundbreaking clinical trial indicates that the most common cause of hypothyroidism (Hashimoto's disease) may be improved with the addition of only two grams of powdered black seed daily.​
These Two Doctors Cured Thousands with Vitamin E
And it all began over 70 years ago...​


Gold Contributor
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Reddit Exile

Learn the truth about these 4 potentially toxic 'health foods.'

There are hundreds of millions around the world who still believe that these four foods are 'healthy,' or at least not toxic. Boy, are they in for a surprise! Join today's livestream with Sayer Ji, author of The Dark Side of Wheat, and Dr. Joel Bohemier, to learn the underreported truth about these incredibly popular yet sometimes highly toxic foods. And best of all, we will discuss healthy alternatives and provide a question and answer period for those eager to learn more! This is a free event! Join us at 3 pm Eastern today.​
i am startingto think there is nothing in this world that we can eat .


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

We're just 1 day away from the start of the Stop Cancer Docu-Class!

Today I want to give you a "sneak peek" at what I'll be talking about with Dr. Edward Group in episodes 3 and 7...
During the Docu-Class, Dr. Group is going to speak about...

    Hear all about Dr. Group’s shocking surprise in his cancer research. How one specific revelation brought tears to his eyes and how it dramatically changed the course of his life.

    You'll also get the ultimate checklist to avoid cancer cell growth, and Dr. Group will outline the most comprehensive list of practical strategies to implement right away.

    Discover the ‘secret remedy’ that’s been suppressed for years which can knock out unwanted pathogens and boost immune function. It is readily available to everyone. But Shhhh! This information has the potential to bankrupt the pharmaceutical industry.

I promise you are never going to get this kind of information from your oncologist or traditional doctor.

I'll be back tomorrow with your special link to access the presentations for Episode 1 of the Stop Cancer Docu-Class.

Talk to you again soon!


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
New Member
Reddit Exile

Hi Jimi,

We're just 1 day away from the start of the Stop Cancer Docu-Class!

Today I want to give you a "sneak peek" at what I'll be talking about with Dr. Edward Group in episodes 3 and 7...
During the Docu-Class, Dr. Group is going to speak about...
    Hear all about Dr. Group’s shocking surprise in his cancer research. How one specific revelation brought tears to his eyes and how it dramatically changed the course of his life.

    You'll also get the ultimate checklist to avoid cancer cell growth, and Dr. Group will outline the most comprehensive list of practical strategies to implement right away.

    Discover the ‘secret remedy’ that’s been suppressed for years which can knock out unwanted pathogens and boost immune function. It is readily available to everyone. But Shhhh! This information has the potential to bankrupt the pharmaceutical industry.

I promise you are never going to get this kind of information from your oncologist or traditional doctor.

I'll be back tomorrow with your special link to access the presentations for Episode 1 of the Stop Cancer Docu-Class.

Talk to you again soon!
geez them two look a bit suss!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This Thanksgiving, ICAN CEO and Host of ‘The HighWire,’ Del Bigtree, joins ICAN Lead Counsel, Aaron Siri, Esq., on the stage of Freedom Fest, in Memphis, TN, where they present ‘Vaccine Experts Under Oath: Shocking Revelations in the Fight for Transparency And Truth.’ Everything you thought you knew about vaccines, is wrong. Listen to Del and Aaron take you through court depositions and cross examinations of the world’s leading vaccine experts. Listen to shocking admissions by these experts, in their own words, when they are compelled to tell the truth, under oath. From our teams at ICAN and The HighWire, we give thanks for you, and we wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,
Thank you to everyone who has registered for How to Optimize Your Cancer Healing Journey, happening live on November 29th at 4:00 pm PT.
If you haven’t registered yet, you can do so HERE.
During this live presentation, I’ll be sharing essential guidelines that I recommend in my own practice to help enhance treatment efficacy, reduce side effects of conventional therapies, and open the door to profound healing on every level.
What you’ll learn
  • Evidence-based, clinically recommended strategies to fight the cancer while optimizing long-term health
  • Groundbreaking research on natural anti-cancer solutions
  • Tools to unlock and increase your innate healing capacity
  • And more…

I will be discussing key strategies, clinical solutions and groundbreaking research to help improve cancer outcomes and enhance long-term health.
>> Click here to register for this webinar.
Hope to see you there,
Dr. Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

Not too long ago, I had a fascinating chat with the incredible Dr. Tony Jiminez…
Who spoke about how fasting can keep cancer at bay and I was AMAZED
Here’s what Dr. Jiminez had to say:
One of the scientifically validated nutrition or diet programs for cancer and healing, it was called caloric restriction. We know that caloric restriction increases longevity. People that have caloric restriction throughout their life live longer, and cancer patients, especially brain cancer patients, where they're decreasing certain nutrients in the brain like glutamate and they decrease this, they have caloric restriction, they do better than patients that have high caloric intake. So, taking that a step further, one way to restrict calories obviously is by fasting.

I believe that fasting helps detoxify the body. It helps the cells get more energy because they're survival cells, they're healthy cells, and cancer cells really struggle with fasting because they're like bullies.
They need a lot of energy. So if you're not providing all these glucose molecules and calories, they're going to have a hard time.

We have to be careful, though, depending on what stage you're in and how things are in your lab. Fasting can be part of your treatment plan or way of life. But start off slowly, maybe an eight hour fast.
Build that up to a 12 hour fast, and manage yourself. Know your body, because what's right for one is not necessarily right for everyone else.

And while fasting can help to energize your cells and suffocate cancer cells…

It also has SO many other benefits…

And I reveal all of the ways in which this POWERFUL, age-old spiritual and physical practice can restore your health…

in my latest eBook, Unlocking Cellular Healing and Regeneration through Fasting: Harnessing the Power of an Ancient Therapeutic Approach…

Where you’ll have expert-guided insights into how you should start and end your fasts—and everything in between!​
Download your f.ree copy right now:
>>>Click HERE to download your f.ree copy of Unlocking Cellular Healing and Regeneration through Fasting: Harnessing the Power of an Ancient Therapeutic Approach…
This eBook takes you on a journey to understand the powerful principle of fasting…
When people hear about fasting, the immediate question arises – “Is starving the actual solution for diseases?”
This eBook gives you ALL the answers…
Inside, you'll uncover:
  • The scientifically backed advantages of fasting for your body
  • Expert insights into the principles of fasting for spiritual and physical cleansing
  • How fasting is a beneficial principle in combating the ticking time bombs—the deadly diseases in our food, water and air
  • How to overcome the initial challenges of fasting with confidence
  • And SO. Much. More!
And here's the BEST part:

When you download this amazing eBook, you’re also getting free VIP access to my BRAND NEW 12-Episode docuseries Healing Genesis Reloaded.
You’ll hear from 50+ of the world’s top medical doctors and natural health experts who share the uncensoredtruth about highly effective ways to reverse disease with natural medicine protocols…
And expose the deadly agenda of the global elites…
Healing GenesisReloaded begins December 18th, and it will feature breakthrough after breakthrough…

Our world-class health experts are dedicated to pouring out as much as they know so that YOU can gain control of your health.
All you need to do?
>>>Click HERE to download your f.ree copy of Unlocking Cellular Healing and Regeneration through Fasting: Harnessing the Power of an Ancient Therapeutic Approach…
See you Monday, December 18th at 8 PM ET for the world premiere launch of Healing Genesis Reloaded.
To your health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Getting diagnosed with a chronic disease is a nightmare to many…

But in reality, it’s only the beginning of their problems, and things are about to get worse.

Your days will be filled with pain, worry and frustration…

And you won’t be able to enjoy the things that made you happy and excited about life.

You try to approach doctors to help solve your issues, but all they give you are prescription medicines that temporarily treat your symptoms.

Not to mention that they also come with side effects which make you feel worse!

And the whole time you are left wondering if there’s still any hope for you to fully heal and enjoy life again…

The answer to that… is YES, there’s still hope.

But it’s not coming from Big Pharma…

It’s mother nature.

My good friend, Jonathan Otto, continues to dig into these gifts from mother nature and has released a docuseries titled Natural Medicine Secrets that explores many of these healing powers of plants and herbs.

Watch all episodes for F.REE here.

The good thing about using plants filled with natural vitamins and minerals is that they’re much cheaper than prescription medications…

Plus they are also proven to be more effective and safer.

Unfortunately, your doctor won’t share this information with you and will keep prescribing you things that could be more harmful than helpful to your body in the long run…

But if you really want to be healthy, disease-free, and enjoy the good things in life you truly deserve…

This 9-episode docuseries is something you simply cannot miss.

So don’t wait any longer and start learning how to take your life back with the power of healing plants!

Get access to all 9 episodes of Natural Medicine Secrets here!

Your friend in health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Colon Cleansing: Benefits and How to do a 3 Day Cleanse
Your colon is the home of billions of bacteria, including beneficial bacteria. They are essential for proper nutrient absorption, fighting off dangerous bacteria, reducing inflammation, and lowering your risk of pain and disease.

Having a well-functioning and healthy colon is incredibly important for your overall health and well-being. Having a compromised gut microbiome may lead to inflammation, pain, and disease.

This is why regular colon cleansing is essential to support your microbiome, detoxify your body, lower inflammation, and support your body.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are Weight Loss GLP-1 Drugs Like Ozempic Safe?
Ozempic has been all over the news for now. Doctors recommend it for type 2 diabetes. Non-diabetics are using it for weight loss. Celebrities are showing off their impressive weight loss results — from Ozempic, not a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Chances are, you’ve been curious about this medication. Is it safe? What are the side effects and risks? Are there any natural alternatives?

Today, I want to talk about this topic. You may not be surprised, but I recommend natural strategies for blood sugar balance, fat burning, and weight loss, instead of Ozempic.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Society makes you believe that menopause is some sort of off-switch for your sexual life.

You’re now old, fat, and dry, and can’t do anything about it. Things no longer feel right in the bedroom and you barely have the energy to even think about sex.

You feel broken, and its effects can extend beyond the bedroom.

If this sounds familiar, know that there is a way out.

You have the power to rekindle desire and regain your zest for life.

It’s all about knowing the root cause of your struggles and addressing them holistically.

So, are you ready to reclaim your lost vitality and get your SEXY back?

Then join me at the Solving Sexual Dysfunction Summit: Rekindling Desire and Boosting Libido.

This online summit is for people seeking real solutions beyond cursory information on search engines and social media. You’ll gain access to eye-opening talks such as:

☑️ Why Menopause May Lead to Your Best Intimacy

☑️ Harness Hormones and Peptides: Elevate Women’s Sexual Health

☑️ Overcome Dryness and Leaks for Better Intimacy

Two pioneers in sexual health and functional medicine will be hosting the summit:
  • Diane Mueller, ND, DAOM, LAc
  • Betsy Greenleaf, DO, FACOOG (Distinguished)
Together, they’ll interview dozens of leading experts in various fields to help you reclaim your lost vitality.

The Solving Sexual Dysfunction Summit is more than a collection of expert talks. It’s a lifeline of hope and empowerment for those struggling with low libido. It aims to equip you with the tools you need to reclaim your lost vitality.

You’d be hard-pressed to find the knowledge and tools at this event elsewhere, let alone in one place.

To Health,
Evan Brand, BCHN, FNTP
P.S. Please share this email with anyone you know who’s going through the same struggles. Together, we can create a supportive community that helps individuals find real and tangible solutions to sexual dysfunction.

Register for the summit here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Eat Chocolate for Gut Health

By Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Mike Roizen, MDs

Mayans concocted a bitter, frothy, hot brew from roasted cocoa bean paste, chili peppers, and cornmeal.

Later the Aztecs adopted the custom, but sipped what they called Chocolatl at room temperature; Montezuma is said to have downed 50 cups a day.

Mayans and Aztecs revered the cocoa bean's flavor and even used it as currency. They didn't suspect that its true powers were displayed in their guts.

Special: This Gut Health Secret Is Key to Your Body's Immune Challenges

A new study reveals that the magic bean acts as a PRE-biotic; its nondigestible components, including fiber, encourage growth of beneficial PRO-biotics, such as bifidobacterium and lactobacillus.

As these good gut bacteria feast on the chocolate, they ferment it, producing compounds that help tamp down potentially harmful bacteria like E. coli, ease inflammation, promote heart health, and aid digestion (preventing Montezuma's revenge, perhaps!). That happy tango helps keep your immune system balanced.

But hold off on chocolate syrups and candy bars! They're loaded with added sugar and not much chocolate goodness.

We recommend you enjoy 1/2 ounce of 70% dark chocolate, no less than a couple times a week and no more than once a day. One-half ounce delivers 85 calories and 6 grams of fat — 3.5 of them a saturated fat that your liver wonderfully converts to a healthy fat on its first pass through.

Our favorite ways to use that half-ounce: added to a spicy tomato sauce over grilled chicken; grated into black beans with a dash of cinnamon; or melted into a cup of coffee for an after-dinner treat.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Learn the Truth About These 4 Potentially Toxic 'Health Foods.'
There are hundreds of millions around the world who still believe that these four foods are 'healthy,' or at least not toxic. Boy, are they in for a surprise! Join today's livestream with Sayer Ji, author of The Dark Side of Wheat, and Dr. Joel Bohemier, to learn the underreported truth about these incredibly popular yet sometimes highly toxic foods. And best of all, we will discuss healthy alternatives and provide a question and answer period for those eager to learn more! This is a free event! Join us at 3 pm Eastern today.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Should Wheat Be Reclassified as a PATHOGEN?
A provocative, though still largely under appreciated study titled, "Parallels between Pathogens and Gluten Peptides in Celiac Sprue," published in PLoS in 2008 proposed a radically new definition of pathogen be employed to understand the extensively documented harm that the consumption of wheat is capable of doing to human physiology.​
Reviving the Ancient Healing Wisdom of Frankincense (Boswellia)
Frankincense oil may receive most of the fame and glory, but the humble boswellia tree from which it is derived, can also create another powerful natural medicine. Oil and extracts of boswellia have been used for thousands of years to treat numerous health conditions.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Mastering Thyroid Health: Techniques and Tests with Dr. Justin Marchegiani, DC
Hey Jim,

Recently I was a guest on the Vibrant Wellness podcast where I broke down my holistic approach to tackling physical, chemical, and emotional stressors. Here's what Vibrant Wellness had to say about the episode:

In this episode, we dive deep into mold illness, a frequently overlooked health issue. Understand how this hidden problem can lead to inflammation, and the practical steps to identify and address it—including regulating home humidity and opting for high-quality HEPA air filters.

We also explore the pivotal role of gut health in recovery. Dr. Justin's expertise is further solidified by his upcoming book, "The Thyroid Reboot," which offers a glimpse into his specialized technique for managing thyroid health through functional medicine tests.

Whether you're a health enthusiast or a seasoned practitioner, this conversation offers invaluable insights on documenting patient history, setting the right expectations, and tracing the origins of health issues. Join us for this enlightening conversation towards developing optimal well-being.

>> Click here to learn more! <<

Episode Chapters

(0:00:01) - Exploring Functional Medicine and Holistic Health
(0:06:26) - Exploring Mold Assessment and Remediation
(0:16:17) - Common Mistakes in Mold Remediation
(0:22:50) - Gut Health's Impact on Healing
(0:27:59) - Patient History and Managing Expectations
(0:33:26) - Thyroid Health and Functional Medicine Testing
(0:44:14) - Functional Medicine Success and Self-Care Tips
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Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​

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