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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
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Your New Obsession: Dr. V’s Favorite Healing Teas​

The custom of drinking tea has been around for thousands of years. Legend has it that in 2737 B.C.E., the Chinese Emperor Shen Nong was boiling water in his garden. A wild tea tree leaf landed in the steaming pot, and the leaf began to infuse. The emperor curiously drank the concoction. He enjoyed it so much that he decided to investigate it further– and made more of it! Thus, the medicinal, cultural, and emotional significance of tea worldwide was born. Fast forward to today, we still enjoy a soothing cup of tea, and science is discovering the connection between tea and cancer prevention.

Tea Time With Dr. V​

Welcome to tea time with me! Put on your cozy clothes, turn on the kettle, and find a quiet spot to read this blog and slow down. Meditation also pairs nicely with a hot cup of tea. While the simple art of enjoying a cup of tea of reason is enough to make one, today’s tea time is all about the science of “tea therapy” for your healing journey. A study sponsored by University College London found that “Stress hormones such as cortisol fell by nearly twice as much in tea drinkers as non-tea drinkers after a stressful event.” MD Anderson‘s research also notes, “Chronic stress results in the activation of specific signaling pathways in cancer cells and the tumor microenvironment, leading to tumor growth and progression.”
Reducing chronic stress is just one of the ways tea heals. I have my routine cup of tea every afternoon while I am blogging or working on healing programs for our community. Below I pour out tea knowledge and share my five favorite teas to accompany your journey to vibrant health.

Bliss Doubt

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Research shines a light on the dark side of statins and cellular function​

Statins May Not Be So Good For Your Heart | NaturalHealth365

(NaturalHealth365) Just how safe and effective statins are? Experts raise concerns about their supposed benefit in reducing heart disease.

Yesterday I was talking to a friend I haven't seen in a while. She told me her husband quit the statins and starting taking sorrel capsules instead, and is happy with the outcome in the numbers. Learn something new every day. I've never heard of taking sorrel for whatever statins are supposed to treat, but I have read enough to know that statin drugs are destructive to human health.
Last edited:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yesterday I was talking to a friend I haven't seen in a while. She told me her her husband quit the statins and starting taking sorrel capsules instead, and is happy with the outcome in the numbers. Learn something new every day. I've never heard of taking sorrel for whatever statins are supposed to treat, but I have read enough to know that statin drugs are destructive to human health.
Statins are a poison that they mainly use for cholesterol


Cranky Old Fart
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Moderna’s ‘disinformation department’ monitors 150 million websites for ‘anti-vaccine’ narratives​



Diamond Contributor
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Dear Friend,
Thanksgiving is a special time to reflect on the things we are grateful for in our lives. It’s a time to count our blessings and appreciate the abundance that surrounds us. But did you know that practicing gratitude goes beyond just feeling good? Research shows that gratitude can have a profound impact on our physical, mental, and emotional health.
Gratitude is more than just a positive emotion — it is a mindset and a way of life that can bring about many health benefits. Studies have shown that thoughts and feelings of gratitude can lower stress hormones, reduce inflammation, enhance immunity, improve areas of the brain related to empathy and emotional processing, and much more.
Practicing appreciation is easy when things are going well in our lives. But what about those challenging times when nothing seems to be going right? It is during these difficult moments that embracing gratitude becomes even more important. By finding joy in the little things and appreciating what we do have — despite the chaos in life — we can shift our perspective.
None of this has to be complicated — it can start with simple daily rituals that help us shift our focus toward gratitude. As we celebrate Thanksgiving and enter the holiday season, remember to take time for yourself, practice gratitude, and extend love and compassion to all beings.
Wishing you a safe, happy, and vibrant Thanksgiving and winter holiday!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Top 4 Supplements to Improve Sleep

Sleep is a huge problem, and most people are looking for ways to improve sleep quality. In today’s society, it’s hard to come by someone who naturally has consistent and truly restorative sleep.

Lying in bed while your mind races about how you wish you could be sleeping can be super frustrating… That’s why I created this list of my top supplements to improve sleep because sometimes temporary relief can make a huge difference.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Facial Wrinkles: Root Causes and Natural Support Strategies
You can’t stop the years passing by. You can’t change the calendar. But you have some power over visible signs of aging.

Facial wrinkles are a natural part of aging. However, certain factors, including diet, lifestyle factors, environmental toxins, and health issues, may cause premature aging, early signs of facial wrinkles, or more facial wrinkles. Fortunately, with the help of some natural support strategies, you may reduce facial wrinkles.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This week's newsletter explores the dangers of a specific type of belly fat, why strawberries may be a good choice for brain health, the brain benefits of creatine, why women may benefit most from the psychedelic renaissance, and more...

-->> This Type of Hidden Belly Fat Linked to Higher Alzheimer's Disease Risk - Healthline (November 2023)​

Researchers at the Radiological Society of North America have linked a specific type of body fat to the development of Alzheimer’s Disease...

-->> Psychedelics are having a moment and women could be the ones to benefit - MIT Technology Review (August 2022)​

Psychedelics are being scientifically researched now more than ever. This time, women might finally benefit...

-->> Strawberry consumption may reduce dementia risk for middle-aged individuals - University of Cincinnati (November 2023)​

New research from the University of Cincinnati found that daily strawberry consumption could help reduce the risk of dementia for certain middle-aged populations...

-->> Creatine: An Undervalued Brain Booster? - Dr. Austin Perlmutter (November 2023)​

Dr. Austin Perlmutter outlines the latest reseach on the brain benefits of creatine...

-->> Why Emotional Music Makes It Easier for Us To Recall Memories - Technology Networks (October 2023)​

Study shows the dynamics of people’s emotions mold otherwise neutral experiences into memorable events...

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Do you have any idea how easy it is to be exposed to a DEADLY heavy metal?

Mercury is all around you—in your food, water, even in the air you breathe!

It’s imperative that you take action to protect yourself against the serious health consequences that can result from exposure to this metallic element.

Click here to read our blog post for a deep-dive into everything you need to know about mercury…
I promise that after reading this, you’ll never take the topic lightly again.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
After women reach 40 years old, their hormone balance goes downhill.

They are hit with the uncharted waters of menopause and perimenopause.

And sometimes it can even start 15-20 years earlier, with conditions like PCOS, irregular periods, and non-existent or erratic ovulation.

Any woman who wants to repair their hormones, this is the guide you need.

It’s written by Dr. Lara Briden, who has over 2 decades of experience in treating all kinds of women’s health issues in her medical practice.

She has particularly been instrumental in the hormone field, helping 1,000s of women reclaim their hormone balance, and recover from their conditions.

Let Dr. Briden help you too with her Hormone Repair Manual.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Do you know that there are veggies, fruits and spices that can save your life when it comes to cancer prevention and treatment?

This 61-page eBook is exclusively created by our friend and investigative journalist Jonathan Otto and his team of medical researchers, and it’s only available for a limited time, so make sure you grab your FREE copy now:

--->>Download 21 Natural Medicine Protocols for Cancer now!

Discover the scientific studies that show:

  • The tasty nut that decreased the growth rate of breast cancer cells by 89% in rodents;
  • Why eating this tasty veggie lowers the odds of developing stomach cancer by 28%;
  • Why smokers that eat this veggie have a 300% lower chance of developing cancer;
  • The black fruit reduces tumor incidence by 54% and decreases the number of tumors by up to 62%;
  • The flavorful fruit that reduces the risk of stomach cancer by 28%...
Plus many more groundbreaking scientific studies that were virtually unknown by people who need it the most.

You can download your FREE copy of this valuable, 61-page eBook for a limited time only:

--->>Download 21 Natural Medicine Protocols for Cancer now!

This vital resource shows the scientific proof behind foods with cancer-fighting properties.

When you download this you’ll also get access to an excellent 9-episode documentary series, Natural Medicine Secrets which dives deeper into this very topic.

That’s why it’s so important that we reach as many people as possible with this groundbreaking information — so please share this eBook with your friends and family.

--->>Unlock your complimentary eBook, 21 Natural Medicine Protocols for Cancer today!
Because health means everything,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
NEW Episode of The HEAL Podcast:
Healing the Pain of People Pleasing & A Powerful Year End Ritual with Kelly Noonan Gores
Join me, Kelly Noonan Gores, for this solo episode where I open up about transforming the unsustainable and soul crushing practice of people pleasing and perfectionism and recap my intense healing journey of 2023. I also speak about the exciting next chapter of the podcast and announce our new partner! And finally, I leave you with some food for thought about my favorite creative tool: GRATITUDE. I share how I use gratitude journaling to shift my state, manifest the life I desire, and drop into the precious present moment.

And in hopes of setting the stage to make 2024 your best year yet, I also share one of my all-time favorite New Year's rituals: the 13 Holy Nights Oracle deck by Lara J. Day. This beautiful deck and ritual BLEW MY MIND last year and I look forward to seeing the magic that this next year has in store. Be sure to tune in so you can get your deck in time to start the ritual on Christmas Eve!

I hope that you enjoy this episode and remember, as Dr. Joe Dispenza says, the emotional signature of gratitude means the thing you desire has already happened. So when you practice gratitude you change your frequency and become a magnet for more wonderful things that will have you feeling grateful, warm, connected, energized and in awe of this amazing journey we call life. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!! Grateful for the support, love, and light of our HEAL family. 💛

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Wow! Stamford CT rejects 5G due to health issues.



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Diamond Contributor
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The International COVID Summit #4 in Bucharest, Romania was a wonderful event.

Below are videos. And yes, it is also called the CRISIS Summit​

NOV 24
I can’t tell if my internet is too slow or if not all videos have been uploaded yet. If not, they should be soon. There were stellar speakers covering so many aspects of the COVID debacle, and there was a growing group of speakers talking about the coup that the WHO is trying to pull off for the globalists. That is me in the black suit. Thanks to the AUR party of Romania for hosting us in such a kindly, friendly way—and reassuring us that some politicians are equally concerned about the potential loss of their nations’ sovereignty. This was a 2 full day event with a third day of a press conference, which I had to miss.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
1. Favorite Recipe We Tried This Week
Crockpot Crustless Chicken Pot Pie Recipe (gluten & dairy-free)
Whether you’re looking for an easy, “set-it-and-forget-it” recipe after a long week of cooking or a healthy home-cooked meal following a binge-eating bender, Coach Cristina has you covered with a mighty delicious twist on a comfort-food classic: Chicken pot pie. But this isn’t the heavy, guilt-ridden version that you may be used to. This is a savory gluten-free, dairy-free, crustless chicken pot pie recipe that will leave you and your family feeling satisfied, light and energetic. Enjoy!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Top 5 Immune Supplements
Hey Jim,

Your first line of defense against most illnesses is to live a healthy lifestyle. Being consistent with general good-health guidelines (good diet, sleep, exercise, time in nature, etc.) is the best step you can take toward naturally keeping your immune system working correctly.

Every part of the body, plus the immune system, functions better when protected from environmental strikes and bolstered by healthy-living strategies such as taking vitamins and some natural herbs that are evidence-based and fit you.

But, even the best of us need some extra support every now and then.

In this podcast, I go over the top supplements for your immune system as well as when I recommend taking taking them. This one is for everyone who wants to live & feel healthier!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
Top 5 Ongoing Immune Supports | Podcast #341

In this episode, we cover:

Benefits of Glutathione and NAC
7:31 Vitamin D Levels
9:14 Zinc and Quercetin
11:11 Vitamin C as Antioxidant
13:38 Herbal Compounds
15:41 Medicinal Mushrooms and Herbs

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<

Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Retinol can boost collagen production and have a “plumping” effect on your skin that can reduce wrinkles.
It can also make your complexion look brighter and reduce dark spots — helping to restore your natural skin tone.
But it has some downsides.
For one, retinol is usually made from animal products. Plus, it can increase sun sensitivity. And it can irritate sensitive skin — causing redness, peeling skin, irritation, burning or stinging, and dryness.
So, is there a better alternative that actually works?
Yes, there is! In fact, there’s a plant-based compound that appears to be safer, just as effective, and 100% natural.
Get the whole story on retinol, and the best alternatives, in this article from Brian Vaszily.
Yours for healthy skin (the natural way),
Ocean Robbins
P.S. If you’re concerned about under-eye bags, crow’s feet, dark spots, and other signs of aging, or if you just want to feed your skin the best and most nourishing ingredients, it’s important to know what the studies tell us. Here’s what you need to know about retinol and what’s even better than retinol for your skin.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

We're just 4 days away from the start of the Stop Cancer Docu-Class!

Today I want to give you a sneak peek at one of our featured speakers: Dr. Peter Osborne...
During the Docu-Class, Dr. Osborne is going to speak about:

    Hear Dr. Osborne’s incredible personal story about how initially unrecognized mold exposure poisoned his entire family. They suffered scary problems like, loss of memory, total exhaustion, and one family member died … all due to this invisible threat. You'll also get a revealing look at why ‘standard’ mold inspections are worthless and what you need to do instead to see if you have unacceptable mold levels inside your home or office.

    Dr. Osborne will reveal which foods claim to be gluten free, but they're NOT. You'll get Dr. Osborne’s list of the best foods to help detoxify the body and also find out how to avoid destructive foods.
If you're concerned about avoiding cancer, then you definitely do NOT want to miss these two presentations.

I'll email you again in a few days with another "sneak peek" of the Stop Cancer Docu-Class featuring Dr. Group talking about the root cause that leads to a cancer diagnosis.

Remember: On Tuesday, November 28th, I'll be sending you a special link to start watching Dr. Osborne and other leading experts on cancer when we kick off the Stop Cancer Docu-Class.


Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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Image item

Hey Jimi!

Wow have we got a diverse line-up for you next week. Take in the musical sounds combined with breath with Jason . . . work off Thanksgiving with Ed as you weave breath and weights . . . connect with your inner warrior with Jesse . . . and get our “breath fitness” with Miles in the Japanese Garden in San Diego!

December classes are filled with enriching practices too. Don't miss out on our FREE holiday breath class December 13th.​
breathe. create. share​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Stem Cell Therapy Could Reverse Heart Failure

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Heart failure could be reversed by a new stem cell therapy now on trial in Britain that cuts out the need for surgery, and instead revitalizes damaged tissue using cells harvested from the patient's blood.

Special: Top Cardiologist Reveals Secret for a Healthy Heart

Dr. John Hung, a cardiology specialist in Edinburgh, said that because anyone can have the treatment, it has the potential to save huge numbers of lives and cut medical bills for the future care of heart failure patients.

Heart failure happens when the heart cannot pump enough blood and oxygen to support other organs in your body. About 5.7 million American adults suffer from heart failure, while one in nine deaths in 2009 included heart failure as a contributing factor.

The new procedure would boost the body's natural healing process by delivering a large number of specific stem cells that repair the ruptured muscle and small blood vessels flowing into it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It’s Thanksgiving holiday weekend here in the U.S.—a wonderful opportunity to practice gratitude and reflect on what we appreciate.

If you’re celebrating, we hope you’re having a meaningful and reflective holiday!

We've been doing some reflecting of our own, and we want you to know how much we appreciate your participation in our programs, and your commitment to evolving the world by evolving yourself.

It's an honor to be able to contribute to the growth and awakening of so many people around the globe, and today we just want to say thank you for giving us the opportunity to do such meaningful and uplifting work.

As a small expression of our gratitude, for this week’s newsletter, we're delighted to share two free guided meditation audios for you. We invite you to take some time over the holiday weekend to listen in.

Whether you’re a seasoned meditator or simply curious to give it a try, we encourage you to tune in to one or more of these meditations.

Thank you again for being part of our community and for your commitment to awakening.

We wish you a restful and meditative holiday weekend!

11-26-22 Face woman


Resting in the Ground of Being​

In this 30-minute guided meditation, Craig invites you to discover a part of yourself that is beyond time, change and becoming—the infinite depth of pure Being that is always already free from everything that happens in this world.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

You Are Not Your Mind​

In this 8-minute guided meditation excerpted from one of his virtual meditation workshops, Craig illuminates what it really means to be free from the mind. Rather than asking you to quiet your mind, he guides you to the discovery of who you are beyond the mind and invites you to rest in the depth and freedom of your true nature.


Diamond Contributor
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Many have asked us how their nation could exit the WHO. It turns out the WHO Constitution has no provisions to get out. But our international legal consultant has identified two ways to do it.

Door to Freedom will continue to chase down the legal ins and outs of the WHO's attempted coup​

NOV 25
The WHO Constitution doesn’t contain an option for withdrawal of Member States. This is true for international organizations created after the Second World War, in order to prevent destabilization, such as when Japan, Germany and Italy withdrew from the League of Nations in 1933.
The UN Charter doesn’t allow for withdrawals either. One country, Indonesia, sent a withdrawal letter in 1965 to the UN Secretary General, but about a year later reversed its decision. Indonesia’s effort was minimized by the UN to avoid attempts to characterize it as a real withdrawal and reinstatement.
Despite this, in theory, it is possible to suspend or withdraw from any organization based on a customary international law principle codified by the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties. The principle “rebus sic stantibus” (things thus standing) was construed by articles 61 and 62 of the Vienna Convention as below.
Article 61.2 essentially requires invoking a fault from the other party that makes it impossible for the remaining party to continue to execute the treaty. To base withdrawal on this, a State may, for example, claim that WHO has not respected its own Constitution…
Article 62 requires a fundamental change in circumstances not initially foreseen. This is also used in contract law and trade law. A State may use it if it doesn’t agree with where the WHO is going or plans to go.
In 1948, the USA added a reservation to its treaty with the newly formed WHO which allowed it to leave the organization with one year’s notice and payment of all outstanding dues. Possibly some other countries made similar reservations.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

To add some good vibrations and inner glow to your holidays, I have a cherished ancient elixir to share with you today. This one nourishes all the souls in my house, and I hope it does the same for you!

In Ayurvedic medicine, holy basil is classified as a Rasayana, or an herb that promotes overall health and boosts longevity. For 3,000 years, tea from this herb has been prepared daily and is believed to help balance the chakras, or energy centers, in the body.

Known as tulsi in India, holy basil is referred to as the “elixir of life” and can be found growing around the most revered Hindu shrines and temples. Aromatic and delicious, this fix-all has found its way into many surrounding cultures, including those of Southeast Asia and the Middle East.

This power herb has withstood the scrutiny of science as well. Holy basil is rich in antioxidants; is extremely detoxifying; regulates the adrenal system (making it an effective anti-stress tonic); and possesses unusually high levels of alpha-linolenic acid, which is an essential omega 3 that reduces inflammation.

This time-tested formula is one to keep close at hand during the cold months.

Holy Basil Elixir

(Serves 1)


1 1/2 cups water
1/4 teaspoon fennel seeds
1/4 teaspoon cumin, ground
1/2 teaspoon cloves, ground
1/3 teaspoon green cardamom, crushed
1 to 2 teaspoons holy basil (also known as tulsi)
1/2 teaspoon honey
Splash of coconut or oat milk


- Place all the herbs along with the water in a small pot, and simmer for 15 minutes.

- Strain the herbs, then pour the tea into a mug or cup.

- Stir in the honey and milk of your choice.

- Enjoy!

Wishing you a winter full of connection, self-nourishment and joy :)

Stay curious,

Nick Polizzi
Host of Healing Kitchen: Let Food Be Thy Medicine
& Founder of The Sacred Science

PS: If you enjoy this recipe, you're going to love our brand new Sacred Cookbook: Forgotten Healing Recipes Of The Ancients. It's loaded with the most powerful healing recipes we've come across in our travels around the world - and they're all delicious... Click here to take a peek!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Keto Creamy Hot Chocolate

I love drinking this creamy hot chocolate in the wintertime. It is low-carb, keto and fat burning and tastes delicious! Try this out and I believe it will be a family favorite.



Diamond Contributor
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10 Nutrients to Improve Thyroid Function
Thyroid function and its metabolic roles are reliant on nutrient feedback signals. Without specific nutrients, there is a lack of expression from a variety of physiological activities that ultimately cause a decline in total health.

Restore your vitality by addressing 10 key nutrients outlined in this article to improve thyroid function and see positive changes in your energy and mental clarity.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Facial Wrinkles: Root Causes and Natural Support Strategies
You can’t stop the years passing by. You can’t change the calendar. But you have some power over visible signs of aging.

Facial wrinkles are a natural part of aging. However, certain factors, including diet, lifestyle factors, environmental toxins, and health issues, may cause premature aging, early signs of facial wrinkles, or more facial wrinkles. Fortunately, with the help of some natural support strategies, you may reduce facial wrinkles.



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Facial Wrinkles: Root Causes and Natural Support Strategies
You can’t stop the years passing by. You can’t change the calendar. But you have some power over visible signs of aging.

Facial wrinkles are a natural part of aging. However, certain factors, including diet, lifestyle factors, environmental toxins, and health issues, may cause premature aging, early signs of facial wrinkles, or more facial wrinkles. Fortunately, with the help of some natural support strategies, you may reduce facial wrinkles.

wrinkles show that you have seen life
no wrinkles show you are vain


Diamond Contributor
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Episode 346: MIGHTY MOMS
Covid Vax Mandate Ban Passes in TX; Mom’s Across America reports shocking findings in fast food; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on The Fall of Bayer, a Tidal Wave of Health Problems in America, and Did the FCC just take over the internet?; Brianne Dressen and React-19’s study of vaccine injury looking for participants; ICAN Announces the ‘Million Dollar Match to Free The Five’ Campaign
Guests: Jackie Schlegel, Zen Honeycutt, Brianne Dressen​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,
You’re invited! If you didn’t get a chance to attend the full Cancer Breakthroughs Summit or want to continue learning, now’s your chance to gain exclusive access to some of the key breakthroughs discussed during expert interviews with renowned cancer care providers and researchers.
Join me for a free webinar on November 29th at 4 PM PT: How to Optimize the Cancer Healing Journey. During this live presentation, I’ll be sharing essential guidelines that I recommend in my own practice to help enhance treatment efficacy, reduce side effects of conventional therapies, and open the door to profound healing on every level.
>> Click here to register for this free webinar.
What you’ll learn:
  • Evidence-based, clinically recommended strategies to fight the cancer while optimizing long-term health
  • Groundbreaking research on natural anti-cancer solutions
  • Tools to unlock and increase your innate healing capacity
  • And more…
Successfully overcoming cancer is a highly individualized journey—but there are a handful of guiding principles and strategies that I universally recommend to improve your outcome and optimize your long-term vitality. Don’t miss this important event!
Hope to see you there,
Dr. Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc​

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