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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

When it comes to fighting cancer, the road less traveled can lead to remarkable discoveries.

We are so grateful that you attended the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit a couple of weeks ago.

Were you able to watch all of the presentations?

If not, check out these engaging talks that explore approaches to cancer treatment beyond mainstream medicine.

These approaches highlight the importance of the mind-body connection and our bodies’ natural healing abilities.


Who knew tapping certain points around your face, hands, and body could have such a positive effect on healing? That’s what Michael Karlfeldt, ND, PhD, lets out in this eye-opening talk.

Join him as he delves into the transformative benefits of emotional freedom technique affirmations for cancer.

1️⃣ Understand the significance of trust in the body's ability to heal.

2️⃣ Find out how correcting energy can impact the immune system and hormone function.

3️⃣ Use this technique to address underlying emotions linked to cancer.


Would you believe us if we told you that it’s possible to eliminate cancer cells without medication?

In this captivating talk, Nathan Crane discusses a powerful ancient practice that has helped countless people heal from cancer without medication. It's astonishing how this approach hasn't gained more attention in the West.

1️⃣ Understand how an ancient technique can disrupt the cancer cell wall membrane.

2️⃣ Find out how energy can correct cancer signaling.

3️⃣ Recognize the importance of laughter, smiles, and helping others in healing.


Our bodies have the innate capacity to signal underlying health imbalances.

That’s what John Kortum discovered back in 1971. He was able to detect these warning signs only using his senses of sight and touch with incredible accuracy. John was shunned by the conventional medical community. Yet he emerged as the sole developer of a cutting-edge medical assessment called The Kortum Technique.

Watch this riveting talk to learn all about this technique and how you can take advantage of it.

1️⃣ Discover the origins and fundamentals of this visual health assessment technique.

2️⃣ Understand how the visual texture of organs correlates with vitality in cancer patients.

3️⃣ Learn about the nuanced language organs use to communicate health status.

We are confident these videos will provide you with even more insights and inspiration to prevail in the fight against cancer.

If you want to take it to the next level, we invite you to check out DrTalks Premium. Get instant access to all the summit content and exclusive bonuses to support your journey.

Here are just some of the benefits of upgrading to DrTalks Premium:

✅ Immediate access to all the summit content, including all the videos, transcripts, and audio files.

✅ Exclusive interviews and presentations from some of the world's leading health experts.

And so much more!

Thank you for being a part of our community. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.


Your DrTalks Family

P.S. Want to stay on the cutting edge of health and wellness? Join us today and start your journey to a better life.


Diamond Contributor
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Did the WHO actually conduct a vote on the May 2022 amendments, or not? Is the WHO breaking its own rules? European parliamentarians want the evidence NOW.

We saw video of a subcommittee "consensus" process, but where is the evidence that the entire WHA voted? Where is the video? Which nations voted yes?​

NOV 28
The European Parliament serves as the political control of the EU Commission, giving it the right to oversee matters involving WHO treaties. Rob Roos of the Netherlands and eleven other parliamentarians want to know what happened.
NEWS: #WHO wants to change international law on pandemics. To push it through, they are now attempting to break the rules. I, together with colleagues in the EU Parliament, formally object to this. We submitted this letter to
Help save democracy. Please share.


Diamond Contributor
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Considerations of procedural issues that likely void the ability of a nation's diplomats to approve the WHO's 2 proposed international treaties

From where do diplomats get the power to turn over their country's governance to the unelected WHO? The answer is that very few, if any, actually have the legal power to do so.​

NOV 28
While only a government’s top officials can send a rejection to the WHO by the end of November for the May 2022 amendments (that shorten the period of time for future amendments to come into force and for nations to reject future amendments), the new leaders of Slovakia and New Zealand have voiced their objections and may do so.
But any parliamentarian can challenge, either at the level of the WHO or at the level of their own government, various Constitutional issues and procedures that could nullify the ability to pass the two proposed treaties. Below are 7 areas to consider:
1. Where is the evidence that the world health assembly took a vote on the May 2022 amendments? How did each country vote? Where is the roll call? Where are the voting procedures recorded? See letter from 12 EU parliamentarians sent to the WHO today.
2. Do your government diplomats have the authority to approve the May 2024 pandemic treaty and international health regulations? These two documents give away sovereignty to the WHO from their nation. Does your constitution allow this? Many do not.
3. Were all negotiators to the WHO given the proper authority to negotiate issues of national sovereignty and other matters in the two treaties: the pandemic treaty, and the international health regulation amendments? Was a parliamentary vote held to give them this power?
4. The WHO constitution says it is an advisory body that provides recommendations and assistance to nations when requested. Where in the WHO constitution does it allow the organization to transform itself from an advisory body to a governing body that can give orders to member states that must be obeyed?
5. Under what authority does the WHO plan to withhold the final version of the amendments from the member states until after the four months’ deadline has passed during which nations must have to fully evaluate the proposed amendments? The international health regulations (2005) are completely clear in Article 55 that nation states need four months to consider any amendments before they can be voted on.
6. It is too early to reject the pandemic treaty and the proposed amendments as there exists no final version of either document, and the vote is planned to take place next May for both. However, any country can withdraw from the negotiations and announce it will not be bound by either treaty according to the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties.
7. A country can also announce its plans to leave the WHO.


Diamond Contributor
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Our truths have been packaged for academia

About time the academics had something worthwhile to read. Thank you Elizabeth Woodworth.​

NOV 28
Lizzy's Newsletter
Symposium Describing Global Subversion of National Democracies Under the Guise of Public Health: 2020-2023
For decades to come journal indexes will direct scholars and researchers to a ground-breaking symposium from the November, 2023 volume of the American Journal of Economics and Sociology…
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2 days ago · 9 likes · 4 comments · Elizabeth Woodworth​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Health Benefits of Houseplants​

Adopting a healthier lifestyle can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be hard. Make use of the health benefits of houseplants to promote healthier living.​


Diamond Contributor
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And in Australia...

Will NZ keep its promise and reject the May 2022 amendments, or will it sheepishly follow its neighbor Australia?​

NOV 29
Reclaim Ethical Medicine
No, the Australian parliament will NOT get to decide whether we hand our health sovereignty to the WHO
The Federal government in Australia is backing the WHO to be given extensive new powers. Don’t be fooled by reassuring platitudes that we will retain our sovereignty. This post explains how our parliament will NOT get to decide whether we should give these powers to the WHO. (If you’re not interested in the technicalities, just go straight to signing t…
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9 hours ago · 6 likes · Libby Klein
Dystopian Down Under
The People's Letter to the World Health Organisation
Community advocacy group Stand Up Now Australia is calling on Aussies to communicate their rejection of the 2022 World Health Organisation's (WHO) proposed amendments to its International Health Regulations (IHR) by reading and signing The People’s Letter…
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11 hours ago · 52 likes · 23 comments · Rebekah Barnett​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Joe Gagnon: Transforming Challenges Into Triumphs | Nathan Crane Podcast Episode 40
In this episode of my podcast, I'm joined by Joe Gagnon, a beacon of high-performance living. We dive deep into the realms of health, self-improvement, and the art of helping others elevate their lives. Joe shares his extraordinary journey and lessons learned from ultra-endurance challenges. From running 100-mile races to embracing a lifestyle of resilience and determination, this episode is a treasure trove of inspiration and practical wisdom. Join the discussion! Share your thoughts, experiences, and goals in the comments below. Let's build a community that inspires and motivates each other to reach new heights!

-->> Watch or listen here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Why Do I Have Low Motivation?​
Hey Jim,

Motivation is the process that initiates, guides, and maintains goal-oriented behaviors. It is what causes you to act, whether getting a glass of water to reduce thirst or reading a book to gain knowledge.

In this video, I am joined by Evan Brand to talk about what physiological issues may be behind decreasing motivation as well as the functional medicine strategies, hormones, and lifestyle changes you need to do to improve your mood and overall health function!

>> Click here to check out the episode! <<
Why Do I Have Low Motivation - Functional Medicine Solutions | Podcast #358
In this episode, we cover:
1:41 What are the root causes of low motivation?
4:14 The physiological explanation of low motivation
8:39 Functional medicine strategies to improve motivation
10:53 The role of thyroid function to your body’s overall function
16:38 Lifestyle upgrade to boost your motivation

>> Click here to check out the episode! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

We hope this message finds you in good spirits. Today, we want to share a story with you. It's about overcoming. It's about hope. It's about Debra.
If you've been battling illness, enduring chronic pain, or fighting the toll of stress and cancer, know that your journey is shared by many. Debra's story is one of those many, yet it stands out in its testament to resilience and healing.

Debra had been through it all - countless tests, diagnoses, treatments. Yet, nothing seemed to bring relief. Her life was overshadowed by pain and a debilitating brain fog, draining her time, energy, and hope.
Then, a simple recommendation from a friend opened the doors to something incredible - Qigong. Debra attended a two-day workshop, and what happened next was nothing short of miraculous.
By the end of that weekend, Debra felt a shift. Her pain began to ease; the brain fog started to clear. Those two days of Qigong did more for her than a decade of medical treatments and medications.
Debra's journey is powerful, but it's even more impactful when she and her family share it.
If you've been struggling and searching for a way to reclaim your health, this masterclass might be your answer.

We can't wait to see how it can help you, just like it helped Debra, to get your life back on track.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey there,

Jimi, have you ever heard of L-theanine?

If not, you’re missing out on one of the most effective health-boosting and stress-fighting remedies on the planet!

L-theanine is an amino acid that is found in particularly high concentration in the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant—the plant from which tea is made.

Black tea, white tea, oolong tea, and green tea all come from the same plant. All of them have L-theanine, though in different dosages. The tea that contains the most L-theanine is green tea—especially matcha green tea.

You see, green tea and matcha green tea are made using young, green leaves that are rich in this particular amino acid (along with antioxidants like catechins and polyphenols). Those leaves are either steamed or pan-fried—both quick heating methods that don’t reduce the levels of amino acids or antioxidants—before being dried and turned into the tea you drink.

L-theanine is a non-essential amino acid, meaning it’s not necessary for your body to produce muscle. However, it offers a lot of pretty amazing benefits.

Research has shown that L-theanine can improve sleep quality.

L-theanine is necessary for the production of GABA, a neurotransmitter and chemical messenger that plays a significant role in sleep. GABA creates a calming effect in your brain that helps you to relax and feel sleepy at night, ultimately drifting off. An increase in GABA caused by L-theanine can not only make it easier to fall asleep, but also increase sleep duration (especially in REM sleep) and improve sleep quality.

L-theanine can also enhance mental clarity. L-theanine increases alertness and mental clarity throughout the day. By improving sleep quality at night, it can also decrease daytime drowsiness.

But what makes L-theanine really useful is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety.

The GABA that is produced as a result of increased L-theanine intake can help you to feel relaxed and calm not only around bedtime, but all throughout the day. L-theanine also increases your natural production of serotonin and dopamine, two “feel-good” chemicals that can improve your sense of wellbeing while also combatting anxiety.

One 2019 study examined the effects of L-theanine and found that it had “potential to promote mental health in the general population with stress-related ailments and cognitive impairments”. Of the 30 individuals involved in the study, those who took L-theanine supplements for four weeks reported significantly lower stress-related symptoms.

As a bonus, their sleep quality improved, with less sleep latency and fewer sleep disturbances. Even overall use of sleep medications decreased as a result of L-theanine.

Improving sleep quality is another amazing way to reduce stress. Research has proven that “Sleep loss triggers our body’s stress response system, leading to an elevation in stress hormones, namely cortisol, which further disrupts sleep.”

The high levels of stress—and the hormone cortisol, in particular—can impair sleep, stop you from drifting off, and wake you frequently throughout the night. But by improving sleep quality, you decrease cortisol production and prevent stress from impacting your life negatively.

I hope you’re starting to have a clearer picture of just how amazing L-theanine has the potential to be!

It’s one of the most potent stress-reducing and sleep-improving remedies on the planet—and, best of all, it’s totally natural.

All you have to do to get more L-theanine in your life is add a cup or two of green tea, matcha green tea, black tea, white tea, or oolong tea to your day.

Green tea and matcha green tea, in particular, are both excellent sources of L-theanine and can replace your daily coffee intake with a source of caffeine that can actually decrease stress and anxiety and improve your stress response.

Now that’s a remedy you can get behind!​
Yours in good health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
In today's modern world, we do a lot to try and boost our energy.

We hit snooze on the alarm to get 5 more minutes of sleep. We drink coffee and matcha religiously. We eat foods that will help give us an energy kick - hello 3pm chocolate. But what if I told you that there was something you could do to double your energy levels? And it only took 10 minutes...

CLICK HERE to learn how you can use breathing practices to increase your energy. >>

My friend and energy expert Ari Whitten has partnered with world-renowned breathing expert Patrick McKeown to develop a brand-new system of specialized breathing practices to help you say goodbye to fatigue in this live, virtual event.

In this event coming soon, he’s giving away the secrets of how to use specific breathing practices to:

  1. Rewire your nervous system out of stress mode and dramatically decrease anxiety levels.
  2. Improve your fitness level and endurance dramatically.
  3. Improve your health by increasing oxygen delivery to your cells.
  4. Understand why dysfunctional breathing is a common cause of brain fog and mood problems (and how improving circulation to your brain with breathing can fix it).
  5. A powerful 10-minute morning routine that dramatically increases energy levels.
And that's just the tip of the iceberg!

This is NOT the typical “take deep abdominal breaths and relax” type of stuff. This is next-generation breathing science to rewire your brain and body for relaxation and energy.

You can save your seat HERE. >>

In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
this is a major missing link for many people who suffer from anxiety, insomnia, ADD/ADHD, asthma, inflammatory conditions, diabetes, and I could go on and on and on....

It's something most practitioners know nothing about - and you've probably never considered or thought much about.

But the more I learn about this subject, the more I'm convinced it's just as, if not more important than what you eat, how you move your body, and pretty much anything else when it comes to your mental, emotional, and physical health.

And our guest on the newest episode of Rebel Health Spotlight knows more about the subject than 99.9% of people on the planet.

His name is Patrick McKeown, and he's an author, educator, and world-renown expert on...


His book, The Breathing Cure, and his work as head of both Buteyko International and the Oxygen Advantage organizations, has completely changed how thousands of athletes, researchers, doctors, and regular people (like you and me!) think about breathing in relation to health and performance.

And being someone who's followed his work for quite some time, I can promise that what you think you know about breathing is most likely backwards.

There is no more powerful, direct, and simple way to impact our nervous system and the rest of our physiology than by changing the way we breathe.

And there is a lot of science behind his recommendations. (Over 800 references in his most recent book - Breathing for Yoga.)

Whether you're an athlete, someone who suffers from one of the aforementioned chronic conditions, or you're just curious how you can optimize your breathing for increased energy, improved moods, better sleep, reduced blood pressure, and so much more...

You must check out this episode.

Not only will you learn important facts and physiology around the breath, but you'll walk away with tools, practices, and resources (he's created a fantastic free app that customizes a breathing program for you!) that you can implement right away to shift your health and your life!

The first 15 months here in Italy, we lived in a small hilltop town and walked up and down very steep, very big hills, every day. When we first arrived, we'd be huffing and puffing and taking breaks. By the time we left, I was walking those same hills, with a weighted vest, barely elevating my breath, almost every morning.

Some of that was due to acclimation, but most of the progress I credit to the practices and techniques Patrick teaches.

This is incredibly important information for kids, also - so if you're a parent out there, please give it a watch or listen.

And, as always, let us know what you think!

In health and low and slow breathing,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

For thousands of years, there have existed individuals who are capable of doing seemingly impossible things. Borderline miraculous feats that the rest of the world is unable to do.

From a group of monks in Tibet who are able to stand outside naked in sub-zero temperatures for days... to a terminally ill cancer patient who spontaneously heals themselves...

How is this possible? What hidden forces are they tapping into?

Today, I’d like to share a powerful “reality hack” I was taught a number of years ago that changed my life. It happened while we were filming a sage elder for a documentary we were making - and his words stopped us all in our tracks.

The short video below is the first segment of a free 3-part series that I’ve created for you called Inner Alchemy. These are some of the most transformative personal practices I’ve ever experienced.

Click Here To Watch Video 1 Now

I hope this helps you on your path.

Stay curious,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
You’re probably familiar with B0TOX.
It seems like everyone from celebrities to influencers to your next door neighbor is saying “Yes” to these age-defying injections.
And no wonder: B0TOX is marketed as safe, minimally invasive, and effective.
But here’s the problem:
New studies reveal that B0TOX can actually make your skin look older, not younger!
Why don’t more people know this? Well…
B0TOX has exploded in popularity over the past few years.
And since more people are now doing it, we’re just starting to see the potential long-term side effects.
And they’re pretty scary.
Full the full story on how B0TOX ages your skin (as well as my favorite all-natural alternatives that are nearly as effective) check out today’s new blog post:
>> REVEALED: How B0TOX ages your skin (yes, ages it!)
Last edited:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

WITH THE WIND WITH DR. PAUL - SHOW 128; Featuring: Mother Angela & Siena 10-Year-Old former patient of Dr. Paul's with a video message to the Oregon Medical Board

Wednesday, 11/29, our 128th episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Click to watch!
In his From the Heart segment, Dr. Paul talks about living in the present. It is easy to get consumed with the dangers that exist in our world or to get stuck rehashing the past or planning for the future. Although there are a myriad of ways we can distract ourselves, choosing to be present with ourselves and for others can be a glorious experience, bringing the connection we are ultimately seeking.
"Yeah, I know that the Oregon medical board is telling doctors to recommend the vaccines whether they're safe or not. Right. And I believe that's wrong. That's why I sent the letter. [...] If the child is old enough, they should have some say and definitely the parents. [...] So when a child is first born, and they're born really healthy, do you think they should be vaccinated? Definitely not."
—Siena (10 YO Former patient of Dr. Paul)
This week, we meet Siena, a young girl who previously released a video expressing her concerns about the Oregon Medical Board’s actions relating to Dr. Paul’s license. Hear a powerful message about listening to diverse viewpoints and the role of medical authorities when it comes to children’s rights and ethics!
Watch the show here!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

New Discovery: Metabolic Flexibility For Breast Cancer Healing​

Your DNA is NOT your destiny. You do have control over your health and your life! “You got what you got” is an archaic way of thinking. This is proven by Epigenetics. It is the study of how the world you live in and how you interact with it can influence how your genes express themselves. Simply put, your genes aren’t the only thing that determines your health destiny. How you sleep, eat, manage stress, exercise, and enjoy life plays a massive role in preventing and healing from dis-eases, especially breast cancer. Learn more via this blog post on how epigenetics influences breast cancer.

Why Metabolic Health Matters.

A 2019 study found that only 12% of Americans, that’s 1 in 8, have optimal metabolic health. Keeping your weight “within a healthy range” does not necessarily mean you are metabolically healthy. Your metabolism is the set of cellular mechanisms that powers every part of the human body. It produces energy via the food and environment you surround yourself with. Metabolic health is the term used to describe how well your body generates and processes energy. It is vital for reducing risks of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, cancers, and other health issues.
Your body was originally designed for optimal metabolic flexibility. However, most Americans can no longer achieve this due to the constant barrage of processed foods, sugar, GMO grains, stress, artificial colors, environmental toxins, unhealthy carbs, etc.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
move and function like you did when you were younger?
If this sounds like you, please watch the Pain Fix Protocol Masterclass, led by Dr. Yoni Whitten.
  • Get 3 secrets for living in a pain-free body (without doctors, drugs, or surgery!)
  • Learn the NEW science of fixing chronic pain
  • Discover simple movements to realign your body and fix your posture
  • Deep dive on how to bring back your youthful body and get moving again!
  • Find out about powerful new research and methods for building a youthful, balanced, and energetic body
Join this powerful training to see just how POSSIBLE it is to…
… fix your posture
… increase mobility….
… support joint health
…and live in the balanced, aligned and energetic body you deserve.

To your best and healthiest life,
Dr. Tom O’Bryan

PS: I think we all NEED to get this education, to know the secrets in this webinar - to live your best and healthiest life possible. No one can really love their life (enough) when they’re overcoming pain most days.
This is a free one-hour education with lifelong benefits.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi

Yesterday, I shared with you my good friend Jonathan Otto’s docuseries, Natural Medicine Secrets, which explores the power of plants in treating chronic disease and inflammation.

In addition to that, to give you some extra help to overcome your symptoms…

Jonathan is offering you his e-book, 21 Natural Remedies for Autoimmune Disease, for F.REE.​

Get your copy now.

You’ll learn from this e-book that treating and reversing disease-inducing inflammation and autoimmunity doesn’t have to be as expensive as they say.

With just a few herbal remedies, you can improve your overall health and wellbeing, and protect yourself from debilitating diseases.

Here’s what else you’ll pick up in this e-book:

✅ A tasty spice proven to reduce brain inflammation and dramatically diminish the symptoms of multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and inflammatory bowel disease

✅ The Indian mushroom that has anti-inflammatory effects comparable to those of hydrocortisone, according to the US National Library of Medicine

✅ A soil-derived natural compound that can protect your brain from dementia and Alzheimer’s, according to the 2011 study published in the Journal Of Alzheimer’s Disease.

And a lot more!

Did I also mention that when you download your copy, you also get F.REE access to ALL episodes of Natural Medicine Secrets?

How’s that for helping your "plant 2 trees with 1 seed"?

I believe you can learn so much with these resources that can change the way you approach health, so be sure you don’t miss out!

Download the e-book + get access to watch all episodes of Natural Medicine Secrets.

Your friend in health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Essential Oils For Colds and Sore Throat​

When you feel a sickness creeping in, you can start with some essential oil for flu and body aches. Taking an aromatherapy bath with these specific essential oils for colds and sore throat can help you feel a lot better.​

The Healing Powers of Fresh Horseradish​

Fresh horseradish has been used medicinally for centuries to reduce inflammation, clear congestion, boost the immune system and more.​

How To Increase Immunity Against Cold and Cough​

Here are 12 ways you can learn how to increase immunity against cold and cough in your own life. Whether you eat foods that build the immune system naturally or get moving, good health can be yours.​

Homemade Neti Pot Solution​

Clear your sinuses quickly with a homemade neti pot solution with an easy baking soda sinus-cleansing trick at home.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

How to Get Rid of a Sinus Infection Naturally​

Learn how to get rid of a sinus infection naturally by bolstering your immune health and eliminating sinus pain by incorporating herbal remedies into your everyday routine for long-term relief.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This Week on the Podcast...​
Don't miss this week's episode featuring 25-year ovarian cancer thriver, Haley Dubin. Be sure to like, follow, rate, and review to help us continue bringing you these inspiring stories of healing!​
At age 29, Hayley was diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer. The cancer had spread to her appendix and colon so she underwent 2 surgeries and 3 rounds of intensive chemotherapy. After her treatment ended, Hayley knew that she never wanted to go through cancer treatment again if she could help it. It was then that she knew she needed to take control over her own health. She began to immerse herself into researching foods, lifestyle habits and mindsets that can heal the body and support her to avoid a recurrence. Hayley has remained cancer-free for 25 years.​
Tune-in on Spotify, Apple, Google or wherever you listen to your podcasts. Visit us at the Radical Remission Project Stories That Heal Podcast to check out all of our episodes.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
If you consistently feel like you're running on low energy...
You might be surprised to learn that a bit of stress could actually boost your energy levels.
That's right!
In this captivating snippet from our Feel Freaking Amazing podcast, Ari Whitten—an expert in natural health and the best-selling author of "Eat for Energy"...
Ari shares an eye-opening insight on how to best optimize our mitochondria for steady, all-day energy.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

How I got out of chronic fatigue (my first 5 steps/shifts)

When I reflected on how I recovered from chronic fatigue, I realized that some of the first steps / shifts had nothing to do with supplements, protocols, etc.
This is the topic of my most recent post to the Bio-Individual Wellness Facebook page, and it covers some things I've never mentioned before publicly.
By the way, what steps or shifts have you experienced on the path to better health that are probably universally applicable to most people and could help others move forward on their path?
Please share your steps, shifts, learnings, discoveries, or transformations in the post comments so that others can learn from you, including me :) We can all learn from one another.
Thanks in advance for sharing from your experience! We can all learn from one another and be reminded of universal principles underlying the healing process.
>> Here is the link to the page (Scroll down to the post.)
And like the FB page if you want to follow me there.

Bliss Doubt

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Member For 5 Years
Organic Consumers Association call to action: Stop Bayer's "Food as Software" plot.

From today's newsletter:

There’s one thing as bad as keeping cows in factory farm feedlots, standing knee deep in their own excrement, as they eat corn that turns their stomachs into E. coli factories:

Forcing people to subsist on synthetic Frankenfoods!

That’s the future of food and agriculture unless we move in another direction by voting with our food dollars and demanding action from politicians to save family farms and help them go organic and grass-fed, while meeting high standards for animal welfare and regenerative planned grazing.

The synthetic biology industry is targeting dairy farmers for destruction. They say that by 2030, their “Food-as-Software” model will have collapsed demand for dairy in the U.S. by 90 percent and the dairy industry will be all but bankrupt.

This is not a new plan. Winston Churchill wrote about it in 1931 (quoted in Pharma Food):

“Microbes …will be fostered and made to work under controlled conditions, just as yeast is now. New strains of microbes will be developed and made to do a great deal of our chemistry for us. … We shall escape the absurdity of growing a whole chicken in order to eat the breast or wing, by growing these parts separately under a suitable medium. … The new foods will from the outset be practically indistinguishable from the natural products, and any changes will be so gradual as to escape observation.”

Today this is called “synthetic biology” and “precision fermentation.”

One of the products of this technology is an unlabeled Frankenfood that is, just as Churchill predicted, being snuck into our food supply gradually so as to escape observation. It appears on ingredient lists as “non-animal whey protein.” It is a wholly synthetic substance spit out of genetically engineered fungus.

The manufacturer of “non-animal whey protein,” Perfect Day, started by marketing vegan dairy products, but most of its consumer brands failed and it is now slipping its “non-animal whey protein” into multi-ingredient products that contain animal ingredients. For example, Unicon Apollo protein powder contains Perfect Day’s “non-animal whey protein,” but also real egg and milk ingredients that are advertised on the front of the package as "grass-fed."

“Non-animal whey protein” is made in a process similar to the production of corn ethanol. Corn is grown, processed into sugar and then fed to a microorganism programmed to eat the sugar and secrete a protein. Then, the protein is chemically separated from the microbe, likely with toxins like hexane.

Not only is this an energy-intensive, hyper-industrial process likely to result in a highly contaminated, toxic end-product, it is also grossly inefficient. To make a gallon of ethanol, it takes more than 26 pounds of corn!

If the production of “non-animal whey protein” is as efficient, it is a poor substitute for cow’s milk, which takes no more than 3 pounds of corn per gallon of milk. (Plus, milk is a superfood, while the digestibility and nutritional benefits of “non-animal whey protein” have yet to be determined.)

Scientist John Fagan of the Health Research Institute used a mass spectrometer to analyze what’s in “milk” made from “non-animal whey protein.”

What he found is shocking. A “milk” product marketed as “dairy-identical” contained fungicide, quinic acid, normorphine, hesperidin, convallatoxin, and a huge array of additional small molecules literally unknown to science.

Dr. Fagan is a vegetarian, so he has nothing against foods that don’t come from factory farms, but he cautions against eating synbio GMOs until they’re regulated. Currently, they’re being slipped into the food system through the “Generally Recognized as Safe” or GRAS loophole.

Even at that, the GRAS submission Perfect Day sent to the Food and Drug Administration is full of worrisome information:

ALLERGENS - The level of the genetically engineered Trichoderma reesei fungus strain that produces the synthetic protein in the final product is at 6.7 percent. Three T. reesei proteins showed similarities to known allergens (Cryptomeria, Juniperus; Penicillium chrysogenum; and House dust mites).

HEAVY METALS - “Non-dairy whey protein” contains arsenic at 16.8 ppb. (There is no safe level of arsenic. The Environmental Protection Agency takes action when water samples are over 10 ppb.) It contains lead at 59.3 ppb. (There is no safe level of lead. The EPA takes action when water samples are over 15 ppb.)

That’s what happens when real farms get replaced with “Food-as-Software.”

This idea, promoted by NASA and the Pentagon, is that single-celled (and maybe even more complex) organisms can be engineered, as easily as computer software is coded, into Living Foundries to manufacture food, fuel, plastic and pharmaceuticals.

We can stop factory farming without eating toxic Frankenfoods or ceding our food sovereignty to chemical and pharmaceutical companies like Bayer.

Protecting yourself and your loved ones by securing your own food supply is the easy part: Buy direct from regenerative organic farmers.

The challenge is to build the political power and popular education to wake everyone up from this nightmare before it’s too late.


Link to take action:

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Organic Consumers Association call to action: Stop Bayer's "Food as Software" plot.

From today's newsletter:

There’s one thing as bad as keeping cows in factory farm feedlots, standing knee deep in their own excrement, as they eat corn that turns their stomachs into E. coli factories:

Forcing people to subsist on synthetic Frankenfoods!

That’s the future of food and agriculture unless we move in another direction by voting with our food dollars and demanding action from politicians to save family farms and help them go organic and grass-fed, while meeting high standards for animal welfare and regenerative planned grazing.

The synthetic biology industry is targeting dairy farmers for destruction. They say that by 2030, their “Food-as-Software” model will have collapsed demand for dairy in the U.S. by 90 percent and the dairy industry will be all but bankrupt.

This is not a new plan. Winston Churchill wrote about it in 1931 (quoted in Pharma Food):

“Microbes …will be fostered and made to work under controlled conditions, just as yeast is now. New strains of microbes will be developed and made to do a great deal of our chemistry for us. … We shall escape the absurdity of growing a whole chicken in order to eat the breast or wing, by growing these parts separately under a suitable medium. … The new foods will from the outset be practically indistinguishable from the natural products, and any changes will be so gradual as to escape observation.”

Today this is called “synthetic biology” and “precision fermentation.”

One of the products of this technology is an unlabeled Frankenfood that is, just as Churchill predicted, being snuck into our food supply gradually so as to escape observation. It appears on ingredient lists as “non-animal whey protein.” It is a wholly synthetic substance spit out of genetically engineered fungus.

The manufacturer of “non-animal whey protein,” Perfect Day, started by marketing vegan dairy products, but most of its consumer brands failed and it is now slipping its “non-animal whey protein” into multi-ingredient products that contain animal ingredients. For example, Unicon Apollo protein powder contains Perfect Day’s “non-animal whey protein,” but also real egg and milk ingredients that are advertised on the front of the package as "grass-fed."

“Non-animal whey protein” is made in a process similar to the production of corn ethanol. Corn is grown, processed into sugar and then fed to a microorganism programmed to eat the sugar and secrete a protein. Then, the protein is chemically separated from the microbe, likely with toxins like hexane.

Not only is this an energy-intensive, hyper-industrial process likely to result in a highly contaminated, toxic end-product, it is also grossly inefficient. To make a gallon of ethanol, it takes more than 26 pounds of corn!

If the production of “non-animal whey protein” is as efficient, it is a poor substitute for cow’s milk, which takes no more than 3 pounds of corn per gallon of milk. (Plus, milk is a superfood, while the digestibility and nutritional benefits of “non-animal whey protein” have yet to be determined.)

Scientist John Fagan of the Health Research Institute used a mass spectrometer to analyze what’s in “milk” made from “non-animal whey protein.”

What he found is shocking. A “milk” product marketed as “dairy-identical” contained fungicide, quinic acid, normorphine, hesperidin, convallatoxin, and a huge array of additional small molecules literally unknown to science.

Dr. Fagan is a vegetarian, so he has nothing against foods that don’t come from factory farms, but he cautions against eating synbio GMOs until they’re regulated. Currently, they’re being slipped into the food system through the “Generally Recognized as Safe” or GRAS loophole.

Even at that, the GRAS submission Perfect Day sent to the Food and Drug Administration is full of worrisome information:

ALLERGENS - The level of the genetically engineered Trichoderma reesei fungus strain that produces the synthetic protein in the final product is at 6.7 percent. Three T. reesei proteins showed similarities to known allergens (Cryptomeria, Juniperus; Penicillium chrysogenum; and House dust mites).

HEAVY METALS - “Non-dairy whey protein” contains arsenic at 16.8 ppb. (There is no safe level of arsenic. The Environmental Protection Agency takes action when water samples are over 10 ppb.) It contains lead at 59.3 ppb. (There is no safe level of lead. The EPA takes action when water samples are over 15 ppb.)

That’s what happens when real farms get replaced with “Food-as-Software.”

This idea, promoted by NASA and the Pentagon, is that single-celled (and maybe even more complex) organisms can be engineered, as easily as computer software is coded, into Living Foundries to manufacture food, fuel, plastic and pharmaceuticals.

We can stop factory farming without eating toxic Frankenfoods or ceding our food sovereignty to chemical and pharmaceutical companies like Bayer.

Protecting yourself and your loved ones by securing your own food supply is the easy part: Buy direct from regenerative organic farmers.

The challenge is to build the political power and popular education to wake everyone up from this nightmare before it’s too late.


Link to take action:

Like I have always said grow as much of your own food as possible or find someone you can trust to grow and sell you "REAL FOOD", it's gonna get a lot worse :(


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If you've got histamine problems...
It's really important to figure out if it's Histamine Overload...
OR if you're dealing with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS).
Some people use these phrases interchangeably, but they are vastly different conditions largely due to a significant difference in severity.
In fact, MCAS now has a NEW updated diagnostic criteria for doctors to follow -- which my guest Dr. Jill Carnahan joins me today to discuss.
Plus, Dr. Jill shares her own emotional experience + lessons overcoming cancer after med school, then a Crohn's diagnosis to THEN ending up with toxic mold illness.
We know that going through serious health challenges can feel hopeless so I know you'll appreciate this conversation no matter what you have going on in your life + health.

Watch the VIDEO HERE

And if you use Youtube, subscribe to my channel (it's free to do so!) where I'll share unique content outside of the weekly podcast.





Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Today, I'm reaching out with something I truly believe could be a turning point in your understanding of health, especially in the face of the ever-increasing cancer diagnoses.

We're inviting you to dive into the profound insights of this eBook, "Ancient Chinese Healing Secrets." Authored by the renowned Master Mingtong Gu, this book isn't just about reading; it's about discovering a whole new perspective on cancer.
What's Inside "Ancient Chinese Healing Secrets"?
  • Revolutionary Insights: Grasp how Qigong, an age-old Chinese practice, has shown promising results in combating cancer cells, both in labs and in real life.
  • A Holistic Path: Uncover energy medicine techniques that go beyond shrinking tumors, offering a renewed sense of life to those once confined to the limitations of illness.
  • Empowering Stories: Be inspired by hundreds of real-life cases where Qigong has made a significant difference in battling not only cancer but also chronic fatigue, stress, depression, heart disease, and more.

Knowledge is the first step towards healing. This is why we're offering "Ancient Chinese Healing Secrets" to you for free. It's more than a book; it's a beacon of hope and a guide to a new way of confronting cancer.
Claim your free copy of "Ancient Chinese Healing Secrets" here.
Don't let this chance slip away. Begin your journey towards understanding and potentially reversing the course of cancer with this enlightening read.

Everyone should watch this one ;)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Familiar with these?

⚠️ Phthalates

⚠️ Formaldehyde

⚠️ Triclosan

⚠️ Aluminum compounds

No, this is not a chemical waste plant checklist, it’s the contents of most people’s bathrooms.

Because, just because cosmetics come in pretty bottles with plant drawings on them, it doesn’t mean they can’t be full of dangerous chemicals.

To give your personal care the audit it deserves, download a free copy of The Top 17 Cosmetic & Personal Care Products to Beware of Most.

Read this short guide to discover:

⚱️Why the harmless-sounding “fragrance” in most cosmetics is used to mask a myriad of chemicals

☠️ How chemicals in cosmetics interact with each other and why companies don’t declare their toxic byproducts

🧼 The endocrine-disrupting ingredient banned in antibacterial soaps but (oddly) still allowed in this popular personal care product.

☁️ Why foundation’s “lighter alternatives” often contain a hidden hormone disruptor

And much more!

I know that you, same as me, are on a mission to rid your life of toxins that cause chronic disease and autoimmune symptoms.

What better place to start than your own home?

With this guide, you can help yourself, and others, avoid the hidden dangers in pretty bottles.

👉 Get your guide here.

Yours in health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Children and farmworker communities will yet again be in harm’s way, as a harmful pesticide is allowed to return to the market. For nearly half of a century, U.S. staple foods such as apples, cherries, peaches, and citrus were sprayed with chlorpyrifos (pronounced: klawr-pir-uh-fos), a dangerous pesticide that poisons farmworkers and in even smaller doses harms the developing brains of children. In 2021, thanks to a court win for farmworkers, civil rights, disability, and public health advocates in partnership with Earthjustice, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) banned all food uses of chlorpyrifos. Unfortunately, that ban didn’t last. After a lawsuit from Gharda, a chemical company, and agri-business groups, the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals revoked the ban and ordered EPA to reconsider some food uses. Tell the EPA to protect children from neurodevelopmental harm and put the chlorpyrifos ban back in place.
Based on an extensive body of peer-reviewed science, the EPA and its Scientific Advisory Panel have repeatedly found that chlorpyrifos harms the developing brain at exposures below what EPA has allowed. In the 2021 ruling in Earthjustice’s lawsuit, the 9th Circuit Court directed the EPA to end food uses of chlorpyrifos based on these findings unless it can affirmatively ensure children would be protected. Gharda and the agri-business groups that appealed the 2021 ban and obtained the 8th Circuit Court ruling this year are relying on a 2020 EPA proposal that fails to protect children from learning disabilities and behavioral disorders and cannot be pursued consistent with EPA’s past findings and the 9th Circuit’s 2021 ruling.
This decades-long fight is an indictment of the systems we have in place to protect public health. We’ve known for well over a decade that chlorpyrifos and other organophosphates harm children's brain development. With the ban overturned and sent back to EPA for a do-over, we must fight this battle again. We must protect our children form chlorpyrifos — a dangerous pesticide that could subject them to lifelong learning disabilities. It's time for the EPA to act on the science and ban chlorpyrifos.
Chlorpyrifos is in our bodies, water, air, and food, and it’s not going to get any better without decisive action from the federal government. Our government has a responsibility to protect us — as the EPA did when it banned chlorpyrifos from our food in 2021. We must pressure the EPA to follow the science and reinstate the chlorpyrifos ban. Join us in telling Administrator Regan that the EPA must follow the law and the science and put the chlorpyrifos food ban back in place.

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