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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

And we’re off!

The first day of the Wisdom of the Body Masterclass has finished and it was a powerful start.

Today’s module really drew back the curtain on the cause of physical and emotional pain and disease.

I hope day 1 has given you new insight into your health challenge and the possibilities that are available through Qigong.

If you missed the first day it will be available for replay for 24 hours, and you can watch that HERE <<<

As for tomorrow…here’s what you can expect:

Day 2: What is the Wisdom of the Body

Master Mingtong will be explaining the secrets to self-healing and how our body’s natural intelligence has been compromised by our way of living.

You’ll be going through a simple Qigong meditation to help you understand and reconnect the three dimensions of wisdom in your body.

The practice on day 2 can be really fulfilling, especially if you feel like you’ve been disconnected from your body and yourself.

I look forward to seeing you there!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hard to keep a doctor.... when I moved back to KY 22 years ago found a clinic and DR I liked. Went with him for prolly 6 years then he went into politics and never saw him again. So I saw his partner up until earlier this year. He quit theat clinic to join a concierge service an hours drive away. I would have had to pay an addition $1,800 per year just to talk to him plus whatever the visits costs. So Doctor shopping again. I did not even realize that doctors had concierge services?
Yeah if you do find a good "caring" doctor you're lucky. Seems like they all are just thinking about the money. :facepalm:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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A nicely produced 3.5 minute interview I did in Talinn, Estonia on the WHO's power grab

A longer version is in the works but I like this teaser.​

Freedom Research
FREEDOM RESEARCH TV. Dr. Meryl Nass on Why the New WHO Treaties Should Be Rejected
The new so-called pandemic treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR) – both are discussed right now at the World Health Organisation (WHO). And the public is not being honestly informed about them, according to Dr. Meryl Nass. Dr. Nass is an internal medicine physician with extensive experience in a variety of fields, including…
Listen now


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Did you know over 99% of meat in America comes from factory farms? Even the ones labeled “grass-fed” or “cage-free”...​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cauliflower Crust Mini Pizzas

One of the most common complaints I get from people is that they can no longer eat pizza or must restrict their pizza intake when they begin my program.

I always respond by saying that they just have to get more creative and innovative. Using a cauliflower crust makes this grain-free and anti-inflammatory for the body!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How to Use Toxin Binders to Cleanse the Body

Our world is full of environmental toxins. Throughout your life, your body has been exposed to air pollution, pesticides, herbicides, mold, chemicals, and other toxins.

Reducing your exposure to environmental toxins is important, however, you also need to support your body from reducing toxins already affecting your body.

Since toxins in your body can affect nutrient absorption, detoxification can become even more important than nutrition. This is where toxin binders come in. Binders can bind to toxins inside your body and help to remove them.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The 16 Best Foods for Liver Health
The liver is one of the largest and most important organs in the body. It is referred to as the “gatekeeper” of the body because it absorbs and filters everything we eat or drink.

The liver’s filtration process retains the nutrients that the body needs and disposes of the wastes, toxins, and excess substances that the body does not need or could harm the body.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
7 Strategies to Heal Fatty Liver
The liver is your body’s workhorse. It performs many functions including converting food to fuel, filtering harmful toxins, making proteins that help blood clot, and producing bile. Unfortunately, this powerful organ is susceptible to a potentially dangerous condition called fatty liver disease.

In this video, I go over the best strategies to heal fatty liver naturally. Check out the video and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel here



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

It’s that time of year again Jimi

Celebration, joy, and, let’s be honest, a little indulgence of some not-so-healthy treats.

Sugary delights, salty snacks, and the occasional festive cocktail is a part of the holiday spirit, so while it’s not helpful to feel guilty about it, it’s also not helpful to binge and go overboard.

And, as we approach the new year, it’s also an excellent opportunity to hit the reset button and give our bodies the care they deserve.

Detoxing from all that excess sugar and salty treats can be a great way to kickstart a healthier lifestyle in 2024.

Watch this video from Dr. Fuhrman to see what he recommends to make detoxing quick and easy.

In it, you’ll learn the truth about why it’s SO hard to quit sugar… and why cancer rates are soaring because of it.

But it’s not your fault. There’s actually a scientific reason for why sugar is so addicting and leads to emotional eating and overeating, whether it’s the holidays or not.

And you want to know something else?

By eating too much sugar you may be feeding cancer cells without even realizing it.

That’s right, you may not think what you’re eating is harmful… but your body pays the price! And you’ll hear all about it in this new video with Dr. Furhman…

Why you can’t stop eating sugar (and other cancer-causing foods)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

It’s that time of year again Jimi

Celebration, joy, and, let’s be honest, a little indulgence of some not-so-healthy treats.

Sugary delights, salty snacks, and the occasional festive cocktail is a part of the holiday spirit, so while it’s not helpful to feel guilty about it, it’s also not helpful to binge and go overboard.

And, as we approach the new year, it’s also an excellent opportunity to hit the reset button and give our bodies the care they deserve.

Detoxing from all that excess sugar and salty treats can be a great way to kickstart a healthier lifestyle in 2024.

Watch this video from Dr. Fuhrman to see what he recommends to make detoxing quick and easy.

In it, you’ll learn the truth about why it’s SO hard to quit sugar… and why cancer rates are soaring because of it.

But it’s not your fault. There’s actually a scientific reason for why sugar is so addicting and leads to emotional eating and overeating, whether it’s the holidays or not.

And you want to know something else?

By eating too much sugar you may be feeding cancer cells without even realizing it.

That’s right, you may not think what you’re eating is harmful… but your body pays the price! And you’ll hear all about it in this new video with Dr. Furhman…

Why you can’t stop eating sugar (and other cancer-causing foods)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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Europe's FDA (the EMA) tells 8 European Parliament members to pound sand: we don't need no stinkin' data to continue the mRNA vaccine authorizations

As their evidence evaporates, their brazenness grows​

So what if they are gene therapies?
So what if there were no clinical trials for the XBBB version of the vaccines?
So what if they don’t prevent infection of transmission?
We say the benefits outweigh the risks, and we own the evidence that proves it.
I am unfamiliar with EMA regulations so I cannot comment on whether the authorizations for Pfizer and Moderna’s so-called vaccines meet the legal requirements to be used.
Oddly, the one thing redacted in this long response is the EMA Director’s signature: the Irishwoman and pharma shill Emer Cooke. Is she planning to say she didn’t sign when Nuremberg 2 finally comes true?
Here is the letter:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

Yesterday we introduced you to Carole, who lost over 200 lbs on Dr. Joel Fuhrman’s anti-cancer diet.

If you missed it, her story was truly inspiring!

And today, we’d like you to meet Carrie.

Before she met Dr. Fuhrman, she was heavily addicted to sugary foods, had multiple health issues, and even tried (and failed) Weight Watchers FOUR times!

But even after switching her diet and losing over 20 pounds, sugar kept calling to her…

Until Dr. Fuhrman sent her his famous Sugar Detox.

Believe it or not, it took her just 21 days and now she has ZERO sugar cravings and has lost a grand total of 63 lbs!

You’ll hear more about Carrie plus hear Dr. Fuhrman explain WHY sugar is so addicting in this video right here.

To your greatest health,

The Conquering Cancer team

P.S. Cancer absolutely LOVES sugar. That’s why it’s so important to eliminate it from your diet immediately.

See how easy it is in this video from Dr. Fuhrman’s Sugar Detox course, which he’s allowing us to share for the next 24 hours. Watch it here while you can.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

How are you feeling today? If you're among the millions navigating the daily challenges of chronic pain, I have something special that might just be a beacon of hope for you.

I'm thrilled to share with you a holistic health series that's shedding light on an ancient healing practice – one that has been offering incredible relief for chronic pain.

It's all happening in the free 10-day Wisdom of the Body Masterclass, hosted by the renowned Master Teacher Mingtong Gu and Healing Life.

This masterclass isn't just about managing symptoms. It's about understanding and reversing the root causes of your pain and its effects on your body and mind.

Why Qigong Could Be Your Answer
Qigong, a practice as old as time, is not just steeped in history – it's backed by science. It's known for its ability to:

  • Alleviate chronic pain
  • Combat chronic fatigue
  • Reduce stress levels
  • Assist in cancer recovery
  • Provide relief in Parkinson’s
  • Ease symptoms of depression
  • Support heart health

With teachings that blend timeless wisdom and contemporary scientific understanding, this masterclass is your first step towards a life where pain doesn't dictate your days.

If you, or someone you care about, are looking for ways to reclaim health and bid farewell to pain, this masterclass might just be the turning point.

Discover more and join us by clicking HERE.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

The PCOS SOS Summit is happening RIGHT NOW 🟢

Our mission is to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to find the right treatments for PCOS.

And you definitely don’t want to miss out on the opportunity to gain priceless insights from our exceptional lineup of experts:

  • Terry Wahls, MD
  • Joseph Antoun, MD
  • Lara Briden, ND
  • Anna Cabeca, DO, OB/GYN
  • Mindy Pelz, DC
  • Tallene Hacatoryan
  • And that’s just the beginning!

Jimi, whether you’re a patient, caregiver, or healthcare professional, this summit is where you need to be.

Join us today and take the first step towards better health! Here are some things you’ll learn during the summit:

🍎 Improve your life with PCOS through nutrition and fasting.
😴 Learn about the importance of sleep and stress control.
💪 Get personalized exercise plans for PCOS.
🔍 Explore how to control your body’s microbiome.
🧪 Discover ways to deal with pollutants, toxins, and chemicals.

See you soon,
Your DrTalks Family

P.S. Don’t wait any longer. Join us now and unlock a world of knowledge and inspiration that will revolutionize your health journey.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,
Did you miss the Cancer Breakthroughs summit? Or maybe you didn’t get to watch all the expert interviews…there was a lot of information shared in a short time. I know many of you have questions…
That’s why I’m excited to invite you to my live webinar, Ask Me Anything, on December 4th at 4 pm PT.
Whether you want to know more about a therapy you heard about in one of the interviews, or clarify a research point…or something else…any and all questions are welcome.
Join me for what’s sure to be an exciting and educational event.
>> Click here to register.
Hope to see you there,
Dr. Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It’s a word that's often tossed around in health discussions.
And for good reason – it's a key factor in your overall well-being.
Inflammation is like a silent alarm in your body, sometimes ringing for the wrong reasons.
And when it does, it can lead to a host of health issues, some of which might surprise you.
Luckily, you can control it.
Through what you eat.
We've just put together a blog post about the anti-inflammatory diet.
Not just a list of do’s and don’ts…
But a comprehensive guide to understanding and utilizing the power of food for your health.
You'll discover:
  • Surprising foods that can help soothe inflammation

  • Practical tips to easily incorporate anti-inflammatory foods into your meals.

  • How an anti-inflammatory diet goes beyond just your physical health
>> Click here to learn more about an anti-inflammatory diet and its benefits.
Every bite you take can be a step towards a healthier, more balanced life.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Lifestyle choices contribute to 80% of the ailments doctors see in their practices. Today we delve into the transformative world of lifestyle medicine with Dr. Nitu Bajekal, a pioneering gynecologist and a passionate lifestyle medicine leader.
In this Action Hour, hosted by FRN’s lead dietitian and recipe developer, Nichole Dandrea-Russert, RDN, we’ll take a look at how diet and lifestyle impact hormones, menopause, PCOS, reproductive cancers, and other areas of particular importance to women. And we’ll also look at heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and other areas that are important to everyone.
Watch this month's Action Hour video interview right here.
Dr. Nitu Bajekal is a distinguished gynecologist with over 35 years of clinical experience, blending traditional women’s health with innovative lifestyle medicine to treat, reverse, and prevent several chronic diseases. As one of the first US Board-Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physicians in the UK, she authored the women’s health module for the pioneering plant-based nutrition course at a UK university. Beyond the clinic, Dr. Bajekal founded "Women for Women's Health" in 2014, a voluntary initiative championing the empowerment of women of all ages to make lifestyle choices to improve their own health and that of their loved ones through education.
Join us here for a fascinating, informative, and potentially life-changing interview.
Yours for learning about things that matter,
Ocean Robbins


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. Osborne here,

The Gut Reset Summit is going on now!

Throughout this free online event, experts in the field detail a multitude of steps to improve your digestion, increase nutrient absorption, fasting, cleansing & detoxification... and so much more!
If your gut health is impacting your quality of life, register here to get free instant access to my summit interview. You'll hear me talk about the following:

  • Common gluten-free "gut bombs" that wreak havoc on your digestive tract
  • Why typical lab testing is not enough to diagnose gluten issues
  • 3 indirect ways gluten promotes inflammation and digestion issues

Don't wait, because these presentations will only be available for a limited time. I'd hate for you to miss it, so watch now before the clock stops!
-> Break Free of Chronic Digestive Issues


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Coffee Protects Against Liver Disease

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Good news for coffee lovers: Three or more cups each day may help ward off serious liver ailments, according to a 26-year study of more than 14,000 Americans.

Participants who drank three-plus cups of coffee a day were 21% less likely to find themselves hospitalized with liver-related illnesses, the researchers said.

Special: New Aging Research Reveals Key to Long, Healthy Life

The study drew on data from a major national heart disease study. Participants filled out food questionnaires that included a question on coffee intake, and their medical records were followed over 26 years.

"The findings in this study support the current body of evidence that coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk of developing advanced liver disease," said Dr. David Bernstein, director of hepatology at the Sandra Atlas Bass Center for Liver Diseases at Northwell Health in Manhasset, New York.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Did you know you could double your energy levels in 10 minutes a day by using your breath?! I know; I rolled my eyes the first time I heard this. I thought,, I'm breathing wrong. But I promise, it's not snake oil.

My Friend and Energy Expert, Ari Whitten, is hosting a live virtual event on December 7th at 4:30pm PST to share his secret.

He promises to teach you the fastest method to boost energy levels based on 25 years of health science studies. Ari will show you specific breathing practices to measure vitality, reduce stress, lower anxiety, optimize breathing, combat brain fog, and enhance sleep quality.

I have personally taken several of Ari's courses, and they have been game-changers. Check it out with an open mind and register to attend this free event.

I promise this simple and powerful 10-minute morning routine will transform your day!

Secure your spot for the free live event on December 7th at 4:30pm PST, and you'll be rewarded with a revitalizing experience!
Click here to register for free.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Day 2 of the Wisdom of the Body Masterclass is starting, click here to watch:

Click Here for Module 2

If you want to understand the inherent knowledge in your body, this one is for you.

See you there,



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Did you know that there are foods which science has proven to work better than chemo for fighting cancer?​
It’s true.​
And 95% of all cancers are preventable, because it’s about what you eat.​
Specifically, there is one ingredient, that you are likely consuming several times a day, that feeds cancer cells (they use 200x more than healthy cells).​
And there was another ingredient from a major study in the JAMA journal, that increased your risk of death from cancer by 35 to 75%.​
And another ingredient that is safe to eat, but when you eat too much (just 100g extra) it increases your risk for developing colorectal cancer.​
That’s just 3 examples of ingredients you can avoid to massively reduce your chances of getting cancer.​
But there are also ingredients you can start eating to prevent cancer too.​
In health and wellness,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The #1 Reason Never To Buy Bottled Water Again
Huge companies like Pepsi, Nestlé, and Coca-Cola sell billions of units of Reverse Osmosis purified tap water each year, the inevitable consequence of which is the littering of our planet with plastic that will pollute the environment for hundreds of years. What if you could eliminate the "middle men," thousands of dollars in costs, and tons of plastic in the process?​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Study Reveals Curry's Amazing Artery-Opening Properties
Did you know that a single culinary serving of spices in the form of curry can dilate your arteries, preventing the cardiovascular harms associated with eating common foods?​


How Pfizer and Moderna Control Vaccine Discourse
In late April 2023, investigative journalist Lee Fang published evidence showing Pfizer had financed consumer, medical and civil rights organizations that lobbied for COVID jab mandates,1,2 thereby creating the false appearance of broad support.​


7 Simple Ways to Unclog Your Arteries Naturally
We all want to live a long life, but did you know eating these simple foods has been proven scientifically to prevent and in some cases reverse the #1 cause of death in the modern world?

At present, atherosclerosis (the progressive narrowing and clogging up of the arteries) is the driving process behind cardiovascular mortality, the #1 cause of death on this planet, at approximately18 million deaths annually. A complex process, involving autoimmunity, infection, dietary incompatibilities, and many known and unknown factors, it is - despite conventional medical opinion - entirely preventable, and in some cases reversible.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Day 2 is over and I hope you gained insight into the power and wisdom of your body.

Do you feel more reconnected after the practice?

It’s this type of connection that will help you unlock your body’s natural intelligence and self-healing.

If you missed day 2 or haven't had a chance to do the practice yet, it will be available on replay for 24 hours, ending at 11:59am ET tomorrow. You can watch that HERE <<<

In the meantime, here’s what’s coming your way tomorrow:

Day 3: The Ancient Art and Science of Healing and Awakening

It’s time to understand how to connect to universal energy. Qigong practitioners have known for thousands of years that all living things are interconnected and emit an electromagnetic field.

But science is only just catching up.

Day 3 will be delving into the art and science of Qigong, as well as how to rewrite your brain and tap into the hidden potential of your body.

It’s particularly important to join day 3 if immunity and your immune system are one of your current health challenges.

Because day 3 will prepare you for Module 4’s program that uses Qigong to enhance your immune system.

See you there,



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

I hope you're enjoying the weekend :).

How do YOU start your day?

By stumbling out of bed in the morning to drag yourself downstairs for that cup of coffee before shuffling half-asleep out to the car to head to work? Talk about a low-power day!

If you want to have an upbeat, fast-paced day full of energy and vigor, you need to get your heart pumping, your blood moving, and your fat burning first thing in the morning.

Click here to read our blog post, and learn what morning ecercise will encourage better posture throughout the day...
With just 5 to 10 minutes of exercise a day, you’ll kick-start your metabolism, improve digestion, enhance energy production, reduce muscle soreness and stiffness, and strengthen your muscles.​

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Did you know over 99% of meat in America comes from factory farms? Even the ones labeled “grass-fed” or “cage-free”...​

I only buy this brand of meat now:

I get it at Natural Grocers and Central Market. I don't trust any other labels, no matter what they say. "Grass fed" in most of that category is CAFO finished for a few weeks before slaughter.

I don't even buy Niman Ranch anymore, because they have not publicly sworn off the mRNA vaccines in the animals like Thousand Hills has done.

Government regulation, USDA and all that, is meaningless, captured, aimed at allowing producers to maximize profits, not at honoring the trust placed in them by consumers.

I saw a new brand, "Goodness Grazecious" with all the boasting. Their website said nothing about the mRNA animal vax, so I emailed through their contact engine, to ask if they use it. I got this reply: "To answer your question, mRNA vaccines have not been administered to the cattle. The mRNA vaccine type is not approved for use in cattle."

Nope, won't buy that. Everybody knows the mRNA animal vaccines are already in the food chain, and that reply doesn't say they won't use them.

As for the cage free eggs, it's hit and miss unless you really research the producer. Some egg farms use a big warehouse where the birds can roam freely, with a tiny door at the bottom of one wall where they can go outside, get fresh air and sun, eat bugs and enjoy life in their chicken way, but the ultimate "free bird" is pasture raised, and even with that you have to be careful. It is a category not yet regulated (not a bad thing IMO, but the diligence is yours to exercise). I only buy two brands, and they cost more, to be sure.

Vital Farms

or Organic Valley, which has never been caught doing anything that would betray their great reputation:

My advice is DON'T TOUCH the Horizon Organics brand for any product. They have been caught cheating.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,
Thank you to everyone that has already registered for, Ask Me Anything, happening live tomorrow, December 4th at 4:00 pm PT.
If you haven’t registered yet, you can do so HERE.
I’ll be live fielding questions about all things integrative cancer-related. Bring your most pressing questions and I’ll answer as many as I can. This is sure to be an exciting event—don’t miss it!
Hope to see you there,
Dr. Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Imagine a love life that’s not just ordinary but truly extraordinary. MAGICAL.

One filled with passion, intensity, and mind-blowing moments that leave you breathless. Sounds exciting, doesn’t it?

If you are ready to discover the secrets of passion, then we have the perfect gift just for you: Revive Your Love Life: Five Easy Steps to Mind-Blowing Orgasms and Romance by Diane Mueller, ND, DAOM, LAc.

Whether in a long-term relationship or newly dating, this sensual guide is your ticket to an intimate journey like no other.

🔥 Reignite the flame: Explore practical insights to reignite the flames of passion that might have flickered in your love story. Experience the warmth of desire wash over you and prepare to enjoy mind-blowing orgasms that will leave you breathless.

🔥 Uncover the intimacy master: Delve into the art of intimacy and become the maestro of the senses. Discover how to create moments that linger, where every touch, every kiss, becomes a masterpiece of pleasure.

🔥 Balance your desires: Optimize your hormonal balance to enhance your desires and experience sensuality like never before. You are beautiful and sexy, and after reading this guide you’ll feel hotter than ever.

It’s time to empower yourself, embrace your desires, and lead a life filled with passion both inside and outside the bedroom. You are the heroine of your own epic love story, and it’s time to script an enchanting chapter.

Are you ready for an extraordinary love life?

Don’t miss your chance to transform your romantic and sensual experiences into a blissful love life. It’s time to step into a world of passion, desire, and heart-pounding moments.


When you download your FR-EE copy, you’ll also receive a FR-EE Ticket to the Solving Sexual Dysfunction Summit: Rekindling Desire and Boosting Libido, an exclusive event hosted by Diane Mueller, ND, DAOM, LAc herself.

What can you expect from the summit?

  • Fast, easy, natural ways to boost libido.
  • Less pain, better orgasms, better communication.
  • You were reconnecting with your partner and yourself.
  • More enjoyment, confidence, and pleasure in life.
  • A happier and longer life with balanced hormones and moods.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jim,
The good news is that all the experts agree you don't need to go on a crash diet, juice cleanse, or do anything else dramatic in order to lose weight.
Small steps, not giant changes, will help you lose weight—and maintain a healthy weight long-term.
And more good news when it comes to weight loss, your approach doesn't have to hurt and you don’t have to starve yourself for it to work.
Check out one of my all-time favorite articles giving you simple, yet effective strategies to lose weight and keep it off:
Eating whole foods, higher protein, soluble fiber, and less sugar can help you lose more weight. Don’t forget to get a good night’s sleep, too; it is critical to your metabolism ; ).


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Creating a robust immune system is like putting a warm coat on a cold stormy night - it keeps you protected.
The current medical narrative isn't doing enough to protect us from viral infections - it has a singular focus and is incomplete.
We need more conversation around strengthening the host - i.e. YOU. 🫵
That is, taking a comprehensive holistic approach to engaging our own immune system.
A well-supported immune system should be a priority for each and every one of us, no matter what is going on in the world around us.
The empowering thought is: and there’s a lot you can do to support yours.
Today I am sharing a protocol to Strengthen the Host.
I recommend implementing some of these changes NOW and having the herbs and supplements on hand in case you develop symptoms.
Shop while you’re feeling well.
I hope you find this protocol helpful to get or stay strong, be less fearful, and be better prepared.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Food Revolution Network
Hi Jimi,
Carnivore diets have moved from the extreme fringe into increasing prominence in parts of the nutrition and wellness world.
They contradict pretty much every mainstream nutritional theory.
Yet their proponents claim an impressive and comprehensive array of benefits, from weight loss to remission of autoimmune disease to improved psychological health.
So what’s going on here?
Here’s what you need to know about the carnivore diet.
Yours for answers,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Are you interested in plant-based coaching? FRN is hosting a free live Zoom call tomorrow — and you’re invited! We’ll focus on what makes coaching work, so you can help other people make positive changes in their lives. We’ll also share the best paths and practices for effective marketing (so you can make a living AND reach lots of people). If you’re interested, you can register right here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

5 ways the body's "voltage" gets blocked​

Very often when a health condition is not getting resolved using all of the right lifestyle, diet, and supplement interventions, there are blockages in the body's "voltage" systems, as described in the last two "healing is voltage" posts.
The cells of the body need a voltage of 20-25 millivolts to be healthy, and cells need twice as much voltage (50 millivolts) to fully recover from injury or illness.
The body delivers the extra voltage needed for healing via the electrical circuits of the body that are partially described by the acupuncture merdidan system.
But if these electrical circuits of the body (located in the muscles and fascia) are blocked and cannot deliver that voltage, full healing does not occur.
Here are the 5 main ways that your body's electrical circuits get blocked, causing voltage to become depleted and unavailable to the cells and tissues of the body:
  1. Scars (block the flow of voltage through the fascia)
  2. Focal infections (usually in the teeth or jawbone)\
  3. Low energy production (e.g. low thyroid function)
  4. Toxins (which block energy energy production)
  5. Trapped emotions (emotional baggage)
There are others, but these are the main 5 ways the body's electrical system and its voltage get blocked. You can get more details from the "healing is voltage" articles I linked to in my previous email.
By the way, whenever you're ready, here are some ways that I might be able to help you experience more vitality, longevity, joy, and fulfillment:
  • Help you identify root causes of your symptoms or conditions that nobody else has yet identified for you so that you can make faster progress and achieve your health goals
  • Analyze your DNA for genetic vulnerabilities that might be affecting you and how to overcome them with targeted food and supplement choices
  • Connect you with more effective methods of removing the obstacles to better health, such as heavy metals, parasites, viruses, and the emotional residues of past trauma.
  • Restore balance to hormones, neurotransmitters, nutrition, microbiome, emotions, and more so that you can thrive and reach your true potential.
  • Resolve inner conflicts and create more clarity and momentum in your life.
If you would like to speak with me about how I work with clients and whether I might be able to help you, you can use one of the options below ...
If you would like to set up a 15-minute conversation, schedule 15 minutes.
If you are ready for a 45-minute conversation, schedule 45 minutes
If you want more information first about the system I use to help people with their health, download the Bio-Individual Blueprint Roadmap PDF and watch the walkthrough video.
Live healthy on a healthy planet,

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Current vitamin D guidance inadequate for supporting heart health, researchers warn​

That's good I guess. It's saying the recommended daily dose is insufficient, but for supplements the whole article just says "vitamin D" and never mentions all the synthetic vitamin D supplements made from cholecalciferol.

I've been taking cod liver oil ever since 2018 when I had the vicious eczema attack. It was the only thing I could really credit with beginning immediately to clear it up, though it took time to heal, and I also made changes in diet and exercise. I will probably take cod liver oil the rest of my life. Sun exposure stimulates our own production of vitamin D, but even in sunny regions we don't get the same sun exposure we had when working fields all day, or walking long distances.

If I may add: when supplementing with cod liver oil, read the labels. Some have cholecalciferol added. Currently I take the wild Alaska one from Jigsaw Health, which has vitamin D only occurring naturally in the cod liver oil.

A friend of mine told me all of the hotel breakfast buffets in Scandinavian countries include cod liver oil and shot glasses right alongside the orange and tomato juices.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Question: Can Focusing on the Body Get Me Out of My Head?​

Many spiritual practices advocate focusing your attention on the body in order to liberate your awareness from the mind. While these approaches are valuable, they probably won’t open you to the deeper dimensions of meditation practice: becoming aware of consciousness itself.

In this 5-minute Q&A, Craig explores the practice of liberating yourself from the mind and the body in order to experience the infinite mystery beyond both.
12.03.23 Newsletter meditation




Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
That's good I guess. It's saying the recommended daily dose is insufficient, but for supplements the whole article just says "vitamin D" and never mentions all the synthetic vitamin D supplements made from cholecalciferol.

I've been taking cod liver oil ever since 2018 when I had the vicious eczema attack. It was the only thing I could really credit with beginning immediately to clear it up, though it took time to heal, and I also made changes in diet and exercise. I will probably take cod liver oil the rest of my life. Sun exposure stimulates our own production of vitamin D, but even in sunny regions we don't get the same sun exposure we had when working fields all day, or walking long distances.

If I may add: when supplementing with cod liver oil, read the labels. Some have cholecalciferol added. Currently I take the wild Alaska one from Jigsaw Health, which has vitamin D only occurring naturally in the cod liver oil.

A friend of mine told me all of the hotel breakfast buffets in Scandinavian countries include cod liver oil and shot glasses right alongside the orange and tomato juices.
I get Vitamin D through several sources, sun, mushrooms (mushrooms are packed with Vit D) I really don't like those store bought pills they call vitamins, eat properly, get sun, and everyone should eat mushrooms, they are so healthy and grow easily if you get the kits.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Reviving the Ancient Healing Wisdom of Frankincense​
Frankincense oil may receive most of the fame and glory, but the humble boswellia tree from which it is derived, can also create another powerful natural medicine.​

I personally use 2 drops of "Good" Frankincense essential oil every day under the tongue ;)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What Common Foods May Kill Multi-Drug Resistant Cancers?​
The GreenMedInfo database has assembled more than 60 articles and studies regarding what food substances can help kill cancers.​

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