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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

It's Day 3! We're all set and about to get started! Our Wisdom of the Body Masterclass goes live in just one hour, at 12 PM EST. Experience the connection between science and Qigong by clicking here to watch at 12:00:

Click Here for Module 3

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I really don't like those store bought pills they call vitamins...

Me too, never touch those. Many of them are made in China and have sketchy ingredients, and who knows if they even have the vitamin levels stated on the labels.

eat properly, get sun, and everyone should eat mushrooms, they are so healthy and grow easily if you get the kits.

I like mushrooms. I just don't eat enough of them to get a reliable dose of D, and the commercially grown ones have very low vitamin D levels because of the growing conditions.

I was wondering if you use the mushroom cultivation kits. I've heard they're easy.

I do like to drink chaga tea, which is just the pure mushroom dried and powdered, and I know that's high in vit. D.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Me too, never touch those. Many of them are made in China and have sketchy ingredients, and who knows if they even have the vitamin levels stated on the labels.

I like mushrooms. I just don't eat enough of them to get a reliable dose of D, and the commercially grown ones have very low vitamin D levels because of the growing conditions.

I was wondering if you use the mushroom cultivation kits. I've heard they're easy.

I do like to drink chaga tea, which is just the pure mushroom dried and powdered, and I know that's high in vit. D.
Yes the kits are very easy, pretty much fail safe and worth the money. I got some a while back at 50% off they just taste so much better when you grow them yourself. I "think" I have posted articles about growin them in my garden thread but the kits are super easy.


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5 ways the body's "voltage" gets blocked​

Very often when a health condition is not getting resolved using all of the right lifestyle, diet, and supplement interventions, there are blockages in the body's "voltage" systems, as described in the last two "healing is voltage" posts.
The cells of the body need a voltage of 20-25 millivolts to be healthy, and cells need twice as much voltage (50 millivolts) to fully recover from injury or illness.
The body delivers the extra voltage needed for healing via the electrical circuits of the body that are partially described by the acupuncture merdidan system.
But if these electrical circuits of the body (located in the muscles and fascia) are blocked and cannot deliver that voltage, full healing does not occur.
Here are the 5 main ways that your body's electrical circuits get blocked, causing voltage to become depleted and unavailable to the cells and tissues of the body:
  1. Scars (block the flow of voltage through the fascia)
  2. Focal infections (usually in the teeth or jawbone)\
  3. Low energy production (e.g. low thyroid function)
  4. Toxins (which block energy energy production)
  5. Trapped emotions (emotional baggage)
There are others, but these are the main 5 ways the body's electrical system and its voltage get blocked. You can get more details from the "healing is voltage" articles I linked to in my previous email.

By the way, whenever you're ready, here are some ways that I might be able to help you experience more vitality, longevity, joy, and fulfillment:
  • Help you identify root causes of your symptoms or conditions that nobody else has yet identified for you so that you can make faster progress and achieve your health goals
  • Analyze your DNA for genetic vulnerabilities that might be affecting you and how to overcome them with targeted food and supplement choices
  • Connect you with more effective methods of removing the obstacles to better health, such as heavy metals, parasites, viruses, and the emotional residues of past trauma.
  • Restore balance to hormones, neurotransmitters, nutrition, microbiome, emotions, and more so that you can thrive and reach your true potential.
  • Resolve inner conflicts and create more clarity and momentum in your life.
If you would like to speak with me about how I work with clients and whether I might be able to help you, you can use one of the options below ...
If you would like to set up a 15-minute conversation, schedule 15 minutes.
If you are ready for a 45-minute conversation, schedule 45 minutes
If you want more information first about the system I use to help people with their health, download the Bio-Individual Blueprint Roadmap PDF and watch the walkthrough video.
Live healthy on a healthy planet,
locked voltage!! now i know ime a bloody robot!


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Reddit Exile
I get Vitamin D through several sources, sun, mushrooms (mushrooms are packed with Vit D) I really don't like those store bought pills they call vitamins, eat properly, get sun, and everyone should eat mushrooms, they are so healthy and grow easily if you get the kits.
doctor put me on vitamin d pills after my recent heart attack as my iron level dropped. they are the biggest total waste of time pieces of junk! all they are good for is making you sleep and turning stools black!! do not use iron tablets.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
doctor put me on vitamin d pills after my recent heart attack as my iron level dropped. they are the biggest total waste of time pieces of junk! all they are good for is making you sleep and turning stools black!! do not use iron tablets.
Best iron comes from foods ;)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Friend,
I hope you're having a great weekend!
Just wanted to drop you a quick reminder that our 21 Day Holiday Detox starts tomorrow and I'd love to have you join us.
The Holidays can be difficult when it comes to staying on track with your diet and lifestyle program.. It's easy to feel overwhelmed with the decorations, shopping, traveling, visitors, and hectic holiday schedule.
I've seen many people lose control of their blood sugar during the Holiday season due to stress, changes in diet, staying up too late, or falling off track with exercise.
The most important thing to staying healthy through the Holidays, and avoiding pitfalls is to actively work on your nutrition, fitness, and blood sugar health, and to lean on a community of like-minded people for the support and accountability you need.
If you're looking for something like that, join me for our "21 Day Holiday Detox" program to get through the Holidays in a healthy way. Just click here to watch my short video where I go through all the details. The program closes TONIGHT at midnight, so don't wait on this!
We'll be starting our "21 Day Holiday Detox" tomorrow, Monday December 4th, and wrapping up right before the Christmas Holiday.
Tonight, we'll have a group LIVE to kick things off. As soon as you register, you get the information that you need to join us.

If you're ready to join us, just click this link to register for the 21 Day Holiday Detox.

I'd love to help you finish 2023 strong and healthy. Join me now to detox during the month of December!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today, I have something for you that you will absolutely love. It will inspire you, elevate you, and help you live your greatest life!
It’s a free ticket to view the inspirational movie,Unsinkable: The Secret to Bouncing Back.

The reviews for this inspirational film have been incredible! In fact, it has been selected by many film festivals around the world and was nominated for many awards (including "Best Documentary")!

Go here to get your free ticket now.


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Today, I have something for you that you will absolutely love. It will inspire you, elevate you, and help you live your greatest life!
It’s a free ticket to view the inspirational movie,Unsinkable: The Secret to Bouncing Back.

The reviews for this inspirational film have been incredible! In fact, it has been selected by many film festivals around the world and was nominated for many awards (including "Best Documentary")!

Go here to get your free ticket now.
the picture is tempting


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Do you dread the cold, flu, and/or allergy season because despite your best efforts… you always come down with whatever is "going around"?

With so much uncertainty in the world right now, it's more important than ever to prioritize your health and well-being.

One of the best ways to do this is by taking care of your immune system!

When it comes to daily immune protection, the last thing you want are herbs that can overstimulate the immune system (we’re looking at you, echinacea!).

You want something designed to balance and naturally enhance the function of your immune system, so it is neither over nor underactive.

What if you could make your immune system so smart that it became a genius at protecting you, working even better than it did when you were in your 20s and 30s?

The good news is there is a NATURAL solution, and it was prized above gold and silver in ancient societies, so much so that it was reserved for royalty!

So, what is this secret?

--->>You may be surprised to learn that it’s Medicinal Mushrooms!

Mushrooms are nature's smartest healers, they work like no other living thing to enhance immune function.

Mushrooms break down decay like dead trees and recycle their environment. Through this process, they are exposed to pathogens. That’s why they develop extremely strong immune systems — to survive this exposure. And when you consume mushrooms, they supercharge your immune system too.

Medicinal Mushrooms can change your life if any of the following applies to you:

  • You’re over 40
  • You’re overworked
  • You’re tired all the time
  • You’re under stress
  • You don’t get enough sleep
--->>Click here to learn more about medicinal mushrooms and how they can become your immune system's best friend!
Because health means everything,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

An Apple A Day Helps Keep The Doctor Away
Yes it’s true, eating an apple a day, really will keep the doctor away. In fact, according British researchers, if individuals ate just one extra apple a day, approximately 8,500 deaths from vascular disease could be prevented in the UK.
The reduction in cardiovascular deaths by adding an apple to the diet is equal to the reduction that would be observed if all UK individuals over 50 years of age were prescribed statin therapy. In that scenario, 9400 deaths from vascular disease could be prevented if these adults were started on simvastatin 40 mg.
They add that prescribing statins to all those eligible would lead to 1200 cases of myopathy, 200 cases of rhabdomyolysis, and 12 300 new diagnoses of diabetes mellitus....



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Gluten Free Alternatives
The growing, some might say fad, information on potential negative health effects of eating gluten, poses a good question-what can I eat?
Coconut Flour
Coconut flour is a sweet-tasting, low-GI (glycemic index) flour derived from coconut meat. Though it doesn’t taste strongly of coconuts, it does contain all their health benefits....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dangers of Excess Chlorine
A hot, steamy shower or bath is a great way to relax and unwind but doing so without a shower filter can cause some real health problems.
According to the Global Healing Center post “Chlorine, Cancer, and Heart Disease”:
“There is a lot of well-founded concern about chlorine. When chlorine is added to our water, it combines with other natural compounds to form Trihalomethanes (chlorination byproducts), or THMs. These chlorine byproducts trigger the production of free radicals in the body, causing cell damage, and are highly carcinogenic. The Environmental Defense Fund warns that, ‘Although concentrations of these carcinogens (THMs) are low, it is precisely these low levels that cancer scientists believe are responsible for the majority of human cancers in the United States.”


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
For decades, we’ve been taught that fluoride is healthy for you and your family, and is an essential tool to prevent tooth decay. But is that the case? New studies show that claims of fluoride’s safety and usefulness may have been overstated by the dental community....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Day 3 is now over, and I hope it has enlightened you on the interconnectivity of your body, as well as the art and science of Qigong.

If you missed day 3, don’t forget it’s the foundation for day 4 and the dive into immunity. Day 3 will be available to catch up for 24 hours, ending at 11:59am ET tomorrow. You can watch that HERE <<<

Speaking of day 4, here’s what you can expect:

Day 4: Upgrade Your Physical Health and Enhance Your Immune System

Weakened immune systems are the symptom of an underlying problem that we will be uncovering today. Through Qigong, and the wisdom of energy we will be revealing what pain and discomfort mean in your body.

And this knowledge can help reawaken the healing powers within.

During day 4 Master Mingtong will not only be delving into the immune system but sharing an exciting practice that targets the immune system through the use of sound.

It’s not one to miss!

See you soon,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Day 4 of the Wisdom of the Body Masterclass is starting in just one hour at 12pm EST, click here to watch:

Click Here for Module 4
Let’s dive into the deeper causes of immune system deficiency to overcome chronic disease.

See you there,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
For so long, Dr. Bryan Ardis and so many other brave experts have been attacked and defamed for their research and results.

Meanwhile, the rest of the world is beginning to catch up to what they've been saying all along!

The good news is that these same experts are also unveiling the protocols that can safeguard you from the bioweapon attack.

It doesn't include any jabs or Big Pharma pills.

Jonathan Otto and his team have spent countless hours putting together his latest docuseries, Healing Genesis Reloaded.

Where you will learn all the natural protocols you need to revitalize your body and reclaim the perfect health you were ALWAYS meant to have!

You will discover the TRUTH that has been obscured for too long…

And the natural healing protocols that have been hidden from us.​
In the Healing Genesis Reloaded docuseries, you will learn from renowned health experts who have embraced functional medicine that focuses on dealing with the root cause of disease.

And not just merely treat the symptoms.

You will get to:
  • Learn ancient healing remedies that have stood the test of time
  • Explore the influence of pharmaceutical giants and the alternatives they don't want you to know.
  • Discover that you're not alone in your struggles. Many have walked this path and emerged stronger.
  • Learn how to take charge of your health journey and make informed choices that promote well-being.
  • And a whole lot more!
Join us on this illuminating journey as we embark on a mission to uncover the secrets of well-being.

To share the wisdom of experts who dare to challenge convention…

And to provide the solace of knowing that you are not alone.

This is more than a docuseries… It's a lifeline to a brighter, healthier future, and we can't wait to embark on this transformative journey with you.

Join us for Healing Genesis Reloaded, airing December 18.

To better health,
The GreenMedInfo Team​
Scientific Insights into Natural Therapies for Reversing Chronic and Autoimmune Diseases​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How to Never Be Afraid of Cancer Again

Cancer is scary, and for good reason!

There's a massive lack of information available to the mainstream public about how to prevent and heal it...

And there's a lot of fear pushed by Medical Doctors and Pharmaceutical companies rushing patients into treatments they dont fully understand that often leave quality of life worse then when they started treatment.

But cancer doesn't have to be scary!

And in fact, you can be empowered to not only prevent a cancer diagnosis, but help your body heal from it without nasty side effects.

I'll prove it to you!

-->> Attend my next free webinar to learn how to overcome the fear of cancer and empower your body to heal and thrive - Go here for all the details


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How Dr. Cynthia Li Reversed Her Chronic Fatigue and Autoimmune Condition and Got Her Life Back
Join our conversation with Dr. Cynthia Li as we unravel the miraculous impact of qigong on her profound health transformation. Explore the ancient practice that became Dr. Li's secret weapon against autoimmune struggles and chronic conditions, and learn how this mind-body exercise played a pivotal role in her rehabilitation journey. Our discussion delves into the harmonious blend of traditional practices with cutting-edge insights. 💡 Don't miss this engaging conversation—subscribe for more stories, practical tips, and transformative insights on natural health and holistic wellness.

-->> Watch or listen here


Diamond Contributor
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3 powerful principles for profound health, happiness and fulfillment

In this video I share with you nearly 2 decades of personal experience and research into what are some of the top principles the happiest and healthiest people follow to help them live their best lives.
—>> Watch the video here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Post Viral Immune Support To Improve Energy
Hey Jim,

Today, join Evan and I as we discuss how you can strategically choose foods that improve your immune system to help you avoid getting sick, and speed recovery if you do fall ill!

This episode is especially useful for anyone who suffers with post-viral fatigue (which is when you don't have your usual energy to think, shop, prepare or eat as before). Be practical and kind to yourself. Diet modification is vital to recovery, so tune into the episode to learn what to do!

>> Click here to listen to the podcast! <<
Post Viral Immune Support To Improve Energy | Podcast #363
In this episode, we cover:

– Introduction
1:57 – The role of acid-pH level in the digestive system
5:01 – The link of depression & anxiety to bloating
10:02 – The benefits of probiotics & effects of stress to digestive health
18:17 – Functional strategies & testing to find the root cause of bloating

>> Click here to check out the episode! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Why Can’t I Tolerate Probiotics?

Probiotics are a live bacteria that is particularly beneficial for the gut (which is also linked to your mood, brain function, and immune system). Today I am joined by Evan Brand to talk about probiotic intolerance, how to increase your tolerate, and how and when to take them correctly. Remember–not all supplements are created equal, and that includes probiotics. Tune in to learn which ones we recommend!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Wednesday, 12/6, our 129th episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Ep. 129 - IG - 1
Click to watch the show!​
Cancer Care Book
Click for more info.​
In his From the Heart segment, Dr. Paul shares how thankful he is for the support of his team, and all his followers that have kept him going. He couldn’t do what he’s doing alone, and the support from everyone means the world to him.
This week, Dr. Paul Marik returns to talk about his new book, Cancer Care, and the role of repurposed drugs and metabolic interventions in treating cancer. Tune in for an important discussion on how people can be informed and take control of their health. Visit to learn more!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Did you know that stress is responsible for over 70% of doctor’s visits?

It turns out that actually the fastest and most powerful way to get your brain and body out of stress and anxiety isn’t to work on your mind but to use your breath.

CLICK HERE to learn more about how to effectively use your breathing in a live, virtual event. >>

I’m incredibly excited to share a new live virtual event with you from energy expert Ari Whitten. The techniques he’s sharing can revolutionize your relationship with stress and rewire your nervous system from “anxious and fatigued” to “relaxed and energized.”

If you're interested in learning about how to use your breathing to optimize your overall wellbeing, you won't want to miss out.

You can join HERE. >>

In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

This time of year is a season of joy for many, but for some it can bring a sense of loneliness and despair. And maybe there is something we can do about that…

What is stirring these thoughts in me is that recently I saw a headline stating the rate of suicide in 2022 in the United States jumped to a record high. So, I decided to look at the actual data from the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS). I learned a lot and wanted to share some information.

First, while the total number of number of suicides in 2022 was 3% higher than in 2021 (49,449 vs. 48,183), if it is adjusted per 100,000 people, the increase was only 1% higher in 2022 than in 2021 (14.3 vs. 14.1).

While I would not refer to a 1% increase as a big jump, clearly there is a problem if rates are increasing. Looking at the data, here are some statistics that really stood out to me.

Nearly four times as many men committed suicide as woman (39,255 vs 10,194) in 2022. Why is that? It would be easy to assign it to stereotypical roles of being a “man,” but sometimes the easy answer is the right one. Men are less likely to make emotional connections or seek help if feeling depressed or overwhelmed. Men most often bear more financial responsibilities than women, that may play a role, but here is one that I think is a BIG reason. More men are less health conscious in that they do not take care of themselves by eating or living in a healthful manner. Alcohol and drug abuse is nearly twice as prevalent in men than women.

The highest race affected by suicide is American Indian and Alaska Native people with a rate of 26.7 deaths per 100,000 people in the U.S. That issue needs to be addressed. It has been going on for far too long. In comparison, white people had a rate of 17.6, Black people 9.0, Hispanic people 8.1, and Asian people 7.0.

And when I started looking at suicide rates by age and gender, that is where things really started getting interesting. Here is what I found:

In men, by far the greatest age for suicide risk was 75 years and older with a nearly 40 suicides per 100,000 people. That is considerably higher than the rate in men between 25 and 75 years of age (generally is about 30 deaths per 100,000 people). Why do elderly men commit suicide at such a higher rate? My guess is that in addition to the possible reasons given above, with many men so much of their identity is tied to their role in both the workplace and at home… and at 75+ those roles have diminished leading to a decreased sense of self-worth. And, of course, they may feel loneliness and sadness over the multitude of losses. Alcohol and drug use can make these feelings worse. So can struggling with pain, health challenges, and physical limitations.

In women, the result was a bell-shaped curve with the peak being 8.9 deaths per 100,000 people at 45-54 years of age. Is perimenopause and menopause the reason? Maybe. It is a big transition. There is a lot going on hormonally and emotionally during that time. However, there are other factors. For example, single people have an increased suicide risk. This list includes those who have never been married as well as those that are separated, divorced, or widowed. The fact that there is a blip in suicide rates at this age in women may be related to the impact of being single at this time in life. Interestingly, the first month of separation in a relationship is the time where suicide is most likely. That is important to know in supporting recently single people whether it is a man or a woman.

I also think there is more than can be done to support women 45-55 or any age really. Women are wired to love and nurture, by the time they hit middle age they may feel depleted. It may be especially important during this time in their lives that that every husband, son, daughter, grandchild, or even parent give back as much of that love they have received from these women during this time in their lives. Basically, replenish their love cup. I think that would help…

While suicide can occur at any age, these statistics give some insight on who is at higher risk. So, what can we do about it? First, let me speak to those who may be having suicidal ideations or anyone that wants more joy and connection in their life. I have some assignments for you.

First, you will need to create a safety plan. In a nutshell, there are four basic steps:

  1. Recognize when you are triggered.
  2. Once triggered employ self-coping strategies such as deep breathing exercises, meditation or prayer.
  3. If unable to sufficiently calm yourself, have a call list of family members, friends, clergy, or a therapist to help you. Now the important thing here is to reach out to establish your support system before you need them at a time of crisis. It may be a difficult initial conversation, but please reach out anyway.
  4. If you are at significant risk of harming yourself, reach out immediately to one of the many suicidal hotlines such as calling or texting 988 from any cell phone.

My goal is to help you cultivate a grateful mind. There is a large growing body of scientific work showing that people who are more grateful have higher levels of well-being and are happier, less depressed, less stressed, more satisfied with their lives and social relationships, and live longer.

That sounds great, so LET’S GO! Here are three assignments:
  • Assignment A: Create a gratitude visit or call in your life. We all have had people touch our lives in profound ways. Pick a worthy recipient and preferably someone whom you have not had much recent contact with. Write them, call them, or meet them and watch the magic unfold. The more special you make it for the recipient, the more special it will be for you.
  • Assignment B: I want you to be more aware in your daily life of opportunities to acknowledge people and seize chances to say thank you or to show kindness. Be bold! Put an effort into making at least three people smile today.
  • Assignment C: When you are putting yourself to sleep, make the last conscious thoughts those of giving thanks in your mind and heart for at least three wonderful things you have in your life. Think of the love, joy, peace, and happiness those things give you and feel the gratitude in your heart.

Here is the purpose of these exercises. If you can create a high level of gratitude in your life and find ways to acknowledge the people you love, you are not going to throw your life away. You will see its value. Once you see the value and a purpose in life, then it is easier to get the snowball rolling towards feeling better and making better diet, lifestyle, and health choices.

Now, let’s turn to perhaps the more difficult task. Helping someone we love who is struggling with wanting to live. There is no cookie cutter answer here, but any successful intervention begins with showing you care by reaching out and asking difficult questions including if they are OK and if they have any thoughts of hurting themselves.

Everyone's situation is different, but one thing I think is constant to produce a positive outcome is STRONG love. What do I mean by that? Strong love to me means that love is filling the room in creating a loving, supportive environment, free of judgment, that allows the other to express their feelings or simply sit in silence knowing they are cared for and loved.

Listening with understanding is a part of strong love too. And so is not giving advice or guidance. That time may come later, but first concentrate on listening and understanding. For now, just focus on helping them feel connections – both to people and to life.

This simple approach can work wonders. It is basic suicide prevention. Don’t underestimate its value. That said, if you feel that the situation is more than you can handle or no progress is being made, then you may need to get them to seek professional help. If a person is in immediate crisis, it is important to get them professional help or call 911 if a severe crisis.

I have been lucky I guess in that my life has not been touched by a suicide of a family member or close friend. If it had, I think I would always wonder if there was anything that I could have done differently. That is a question I never want to ask myself… And I wrote this newsletter with the hope that will never be a question for you to answer as well.

I encourage you to reach out, stretch yourself to spread even more love, and have fun this December. Life is a blessing to be cherished and enjoyed. Live that message and touch others with your enthusiasm.

With best wishes of a blessed holiday season,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi
It sounds incredible, doesn’t it?

But that's the reality at Marama, the revolutionary memory care facility I founded in 2020.

Centered around the groundbreaking Bredesen Protocol, my team and I are seeing measurable cognitive improvement for residents. And I’m talking about more than just reversing memory loss – other health markers like blood pressure, A1C levels, and mental well-being are also stabilizing and improving across the board…

Some residents have even returned home to their families! In fact, I have a published clinical trial documenting results from these protocols.

But while this might seem like a dream for some, the reality for many of us is that implementing these protocols at home can be a challenging, if not impossible task…

That’s why I couldn’t be more thrilled to share today’s news!

On Monday, December 11
, I am hosting a LIVE online workshop exclusively for my community and their friends, diving deep into one of Marama’s cornerstones of care: integrating a keto diet into a home-based memory care routine.

The keto diet is key in preventing, and in some cases even reversing, the symptoms of Alzheimer's and dementia. But many of us struggle with where to begin – or even give up without the proper tools and support systems in place.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
ICAN can finally announce that FDA now represents that it has produced all documents in the biologic product file of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine for ages 16 and up. These documents, presumably those relied upon by FDA to approve the vaccine, are finally in the hands of the public, where they belong, 800 days after approval! As you’ll remember, the attorneys who represent ICAN also represent a plaintiff that won a historic lawsuit against FDA which forced it to produce the Pfizer documents at a rate of 55,000 pages per month, as opposed to the 500 pages per month that FDA originally sought. The final batch of these court-ordered documents was just released. Now independent scientists and researchers can see everything FDA saw when it made its decision that this vaccine was “safe and effective.”
Of the 51,893 pages in this final production, the following are of particular interest:
The CBER Sentinel Program is NOT sufficient to assess the serious risks of myocarditis and pericarditis, and subclinical myocarditis associated with COMIRNATY (BNT162b2) in lieu of PMR safety studies under FDAAA. At the time of BLA approval, the data sources in the CBER Sentinel Program are not sufficient to identify the outcomes due to lack of sufficient power to assess the magnitude of risk in patients 12-30 years of age. In addition, CBER Sentinel Program is not sufficient to follow up cases for recovery status and long-term sequelae, or for identification and characterization of subclinical myocarditis cases. [Emphasis added.]
This inability of Sentinel to provide critical data is notable when one looks at the bigger picture. Federal health authorities consistently claim the COVID-19 vaccines have been subject to the most robust safety surveillance programs in history. Those programs are VAERS (which they always claim can never “prove causation” and which has numerous issues), v-safe (data which should have troubled authorities), VSD (data the public does not have access to and cannot replicate), and the Sentinel/BEST systems. When looked at individually, each of these has serious shortcomings, to say the least.
  • Email from the FDA CBER Review Team – This heavily redacted email from August 2021 asks Pfizer questions about its process for measuring endotoxins in the vaccine. Given the widely growing reports of DNA contamination in the vaccines, it seems FDA should have been asking many, many more questions on this topic.
  • Pfizer Andover Response to the Form FDA 483 – This heavily redacted document seems to be Pfizer’s response to multiple manufacturing issues identified by FDA, including batches that were flagged as problematic but nonetheless were apparently released to the public.
  • Pharmacovigilance Plan Review Memorandum and Addendum Memorandum – This memo and addendum issued by FDA to Pfizer discussed detailed pharmacovigilance plans for the ongoing monitoring of serious adverse events from the vaccine, including myocarditis. While it comes as no surprise that FDA found the majority of Pfizer’s monitoring plans “adequate,” FDA did have an interesting comment on vaccine-associated enhanced disease and breakthrough infections:
There are VAERS reports of deaths due to COVID-19 in patients reported to be fully vaccinated. It is expected there may be some cases of vaccination failure, especially in elderly or immunocompromised subjects. … Generally, passive surveillance and spontaneous adverse event reporting cannot be used to draw conclusions regarding vaccine effectiveness due to the lack of a control group, reporter bias, and underreporting. Severe manifestations and death from COVID-19 raise the possibility of vaccine-associated enhanced disease (VAED), which has overlapping clinical manifestations with natural SARS-CoV-2 infection, making it difficult to differentiate VAED from severe COVID-19 disease in individual VAERS reports. VAED is being assessed in a continuation of the Phase 3 clinical studies and active surveillance studies being conducted by the sponsor. [Emphasis added.]
As noted, a good amount of the data produced by the FDA is redacted. ICAN’s attorneys may challenge some redactions, as well as attempt to obtain email attachments and reports mentioned but not included in the records produced. ICAN continues to encourage all interested parties to sift through the data and evaluate for yourselves how well FDA fulfilled its duty in vetting this vaccine. You can view the entire production here.
In the meantime, see the links below to catch up on some of ICAN’s other Pfizer document updates:​


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Reddit Exile

why is it that an ordinery joe gets jail or fines etc yet doctors and pharma just carry on fu@@ing up!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Health Summit features over 25 interviews with some of the most renowned natural health experts on the planet sharing their proven strategies, methods, protocols, and programs for completely healing ALL of the chronic disorders listed above.

  • Survivors of Chronic Lyme Disease who have reversed it like Dr. Matthew Buckley
  • Top mental health experts who know how to help you reclaim your best self such as Kelly Brogan
  • Professionals who can show you how to reverse the damage done by the spike protein in COVID and COVID vaccines such as Dr. Peter McCullough
  • Leading experts in using food as medicine such as Sally Fallon-Morell, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation
  • High-performance health coaches who successfully reversed multiple health disorders using dietary changes and supplements such as Tim James
  • Top natural health researchers and educators who have helped tens of thousands of people overcome debilitating chronic illnesses such as Clive De Carle
Plus many more!

The Exit and Build Health Summit is the ultimate event for healing dozens of chronic health disorders.

It goes LIVE on December 6th - 10th.

Each day of the summit features about 5 or 6 in-depth interviews with a variety of natural health experts.

The interviews from each day will be available to watch for 24 hours after they’re released.

You must sign up in time to receive the private viewing links to watch these interviews 100% FR-EE.

>>> Click here to join the Exit and Build Health Summit for fr-ee today

To your health,


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
New Member
Reddit Exile
did you know that scandanavia has the lowest rate of smokers per population, fewest number of cancer caser and yet they have triple the ammount of nicotine used that any other country! its because they make up these blocks of nicotine like chewing gum and 8 out of 10 people use it by sticking the mix under theit top lip and onto the gums giving them the taste. so for anti vape idiots, nicotine does not hurt you. it is purely an addictive drug. by itelf you could drink a glass a day with no harm. and pg is used in baby oil and shampoo and soap!yup vaping is dangerous !!!! not,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
  • What if you could invest 10 minutes every morning for the next month to DOUBLE your energy levels?


    I’m incredibly excited to share a new live virtual event with you from energy expert Ari Whitten. He’s teaching a new system that he says is "the single fastest method to increase energy levels that I’ve found in 25 years of studying health science."

    What is it? It’s about optimizing your cellular energy production through dramatically increasing your body’s oxygen carrying capacity, and the ability of your red blood cells to deliver oxygen to your cells.

    He’s partnered with world-renowned breathing expert Patrick McKeown to develop a brand-new system of specialized breathing practices to go from fatigued to energized in just weeks.

    You can register for free right HERE.

    In this live virtual event happening on December 6th at 4:30pm PST, he’s giving away the secrets of how to use specific breathing practices to:

    • How to measure your body’s vitality/energy with a simple 1-minute test
    • Rewire your nervous system out of stress mode and dramatically decrease anxiety levels
    • Improve your fitness level and endurance dramatically
    • Why deep breathing is actually bad advice (and what the right approach is to increase your energy and decrease anxiety)
    • How to improve your health by increasing oxygen delivery to your cells
    • The 4 keys to optimal breathing (and how to rewire your brain into doing it automatically)
    • Why dysfunctional breathing is a common cause of brain fog and mood problems (and how improving circulation to your brain with breathing can fix it)
    • Why breathing practices are often the secret key to helping you sleep deeper than you have since you were a kid
    • A powerful 10-minute morning routine that dramatically increases energy levels
    Grab your free spot in this live virtual event HERE.

    It’s happening Thursday, December 6th at 4:30pm PST.

    See you there!

    Mike Collins
    The SugarFree Man

    P.S. This is NOT the typical "take deep abdominal breaths and relax" type of stuff. This is next-generation breathing science to rewire your brain and body for relaxation and energy.

    Register HERE.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Day 4 has ended, and what an in-depth look at immunity we had!

It was incredibly powerful to see how days 3 and 4 connected, and I hope you were able to use your practice from day 3 and put it into action.

If you missed day 4 it will be available for replay for 24 hours, ending at 11:59am ET tomorrow. You can watch that HERE<<<

As for day 5, here’s what you’ll experience today:

Day 5: Healing and Transforming Trauma, Depression, Anxiety and Stress into Emotional Well-being

Most of us have experienced physical trauma in our lives, and this can often manifest itself into ongoing emotional pain that can cause energy blockages that prevent our own healing.

Day 5 is all about working through some of this stuck emotional energy and releasing it so that you can turn your trauma into emotional wellness.

Master Mingtong will be taking us through the body’s five organ system and teaching how our body’s natural intelligence can release the pain you’ve been holding on to.

(Even if you don’t realize it)

If you’ve ever felt depressed, anxious, stressed, or been through trauma, this session is going to give you the tools to heal that you have been seeking.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
More than 10,000 studies, published in peer-reviewed medical journals, make one thing clear:
You can slash your odds of getting cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and type 2 diabetes just by eating the right foods (and avoiding the wrong ones).
>> Find out which ones, and how to take advantage of the latest breakthroughs, in the Food For Health Masterclass, here.
(It’s free, for a limited time!)
This brilliant Masterclass is being offered to you by one of the world’s most beloved natural health experts — my dad and colleague, best-selling author John Robbins. My dad and I founded Food Revolution Network because we want to help you have the knowledge you need to make the best possible food choices for your health.
In this Masterclass, you’ll discover the four most dangerous food lies most people still believe. And you’ll find out about 10, mighty, plant-powered breakthroughs that could save millions of lives.
We’ve shared this Masterclass a few times before, and the response has been extraordinary. If you’ve never seen it - don’t miss out this time!
>> Find out more and grab your seat here.
Yours for healthy choices,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. As you may have heard, my dad left his family’s billion-dollar ice cream empire to become one of the leaders of the modern “health food” movement. In this Masterclass, he’ll share his incredible story (including some parts of it that you’ve probably never heard - like what my Grandpa Irv told us on his deathbed!). And my dad and I will offer some of the top tips distilled from decades of research. Click here to grab your spot now.
P.P.S. If you don’t want to receive any more emails about the Food For Health Masterclass, click here.

Food Revolution Network, Inc., PO Box 3563, Santa Cruz, CA, 95063, US
The resources we share are for informational purposes only and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any type of disease. If you purchase products linked from our emails, FRN may receive a portion of the proceeds, and these affiliations help to support our work. Here are our full terms & conditions.
Thanks for joining Food Revolution Network in our mission of healthy, ethical, and sustainable food for all. To get fewer or no subscriber-only health news, savings, recipes, and tips, update your preferences here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Ever Wondered About the Healing Power of Qigong?

So, have you come across Qigong before? It's this amazing, ancient gem that's been around for over 5,000 years, yet it's still kind of a well-kept secret. It's all about healing from the inside out, and it's incredible what it can do for stress, pain, and even serious stuff like cancer.

Here at Healing Life, we're all about blending this age-old wisdom of Qigong with what we know from modern science. It's not just about tackling symptoms. It's a deeper dive into better health and real wellness.

What's So Special About Qigong?

  • Cancer-Fighting Moves: Did you know Qigong practices can actually target cancer cells? Yep, that's what research is showing.
  • Boost Your Immune System: It's like giving your body's defense system a natural upgrade.
  • Real-Life Transformations: We've seen folks go from being bound to a wheelchair to joyfully swimming in the ocean. It's that powerful.
Give It a Try - It's Just 10 Minutes

Curious? Why not check out this quick 10 Minutes Qigong Practice For Strengthening the Heart and Lungs? It's a perfect sneak peek into the world of Qigong.

Loved the session? There's so much more where that came from as part of our Healing Life community. Why not give our free trial a whirl and see how far you can go on your health journey?

Stay healthy and hopeful,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Over 10,000 studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals make this crystal clear:

You can slash your risk of cancer, heart disease, Alzheimer's, and type 2 diabetes just by eating certain foods (and avoiding others).

>> Find out the best ones, and the new breakthroughs that will help YOU the most, from a living legend right here, Jim

This is being provided to you FREE by one of the world’s most beloved natural health experts and my good friend, 3 million copy bestselling author John Robbins.

You're going to discover the most dangerous food lies you need to know right now...

...The 10 powerful plant-based breakthroughs that can be life-changing, possibly even life-saving...

And much more!

It's obvious you value your health, and John's insights are about as clear and important as it gets, so you don't want to "miss the boat" on this one!

>> Find out more and grab your seat here

(NOTE that, as you'll see, you can choose whatever time works best for you starting TODAY).

Finally, because smiles and laughter are also really "good medicine"...

Here's a dad joke that makes my little kids giggle and is worth sharing with YOU:

Which type of vegetable is banned on ships?



Enjoy the learning in this fascinating and very helpful class led by a living health legend (and wonderful human being!), and enjoy your day.

To Living Long and Well,

Brian Vaszily

P.S. Ever heard of Baskin Robbins Ice Cream?

John Robbins left his family’s ice cream empire to become one of the leaders of the modern health food movement. In this Masterclass, John will share his incredible story.

And he’ll provide you top health tips scooped from his decades of research!

Click here to grab your spot now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The 9 Worst Foods to Eat (+Healthy Swaps)

If you feel like healthy eating gets more complicated every day, I feel you. Paleo, vegan, low-carb, high-fat, organic, and the endless list of dietary terms can make it difficult to even begin eating healthy.

Experiencing this feedback from my patients and followers for years, I completely understand where you are coming from. Here are 9 of the worst foods to eat, and healthy alternatives to swap them for.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
According to shocking new studies, popular devices like AirPods can literally MICROWAVE your brain…

While cell phone use is skyrocketing your kids brain tumor risk by an astonishing 400%.

It may sound insane…

But that’s just one of the many side effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs).

You see, according to the best science from Europe, these invisible yet health-wrecking radiation…

May be the #1 cause of THOUSANDS of diseases, like:

  • Depression
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Brain Tumor
  • Cancer
  • Sterility
  • Fatigue

That’s why my good friend and EMFs researcher Trevor King is about to host a fascinating webinar to reveal the REAL dangers of EMFs on Thursday, Dec 7th at 4pm EST.

How to SHIELD our homes from radiation and block 89% of EMFs within 24 hours…

And much more, like:

  • Why using AirPods is literally like a mini “microwaving” of your brain.
  • The #1 home item that generates the most radiation (not your TV, phone, or PC).
  • A 5-second “quiz” to see if your house is FLOODED with EMFs.
  • How Big Tech is BRIBING scientists to approve their new, lethal technologies.
  • Why doctors are LOSING their licenses for revealing the truth about EMFs and 5G.

So, tap below and register to watch the shocking webinar that Big Tech would love to BAN. Even if you can’t make the webinar,if you register here, you will be sent the replay so you can listen to this important information.

>> [FREE Webinar] The UNCENSORED truth about EMFs.


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