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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I want to let you know of a very special opportunity:

Today you can get a free pass to the Food Revolution Network’s Food For Health Masterclass

This is a unique masterclass that aims to change people’s lives through something our school system misses completely: food education.

Here’s what you can expect:

🍽️ 10 game-changing food breakthroughs that can revolutionise your health

🤥 4 of the most common health lies (do you believe them?)

🥰 The amazing impact that food alone can have on your mental health! Because foods for depression, anxiety and brain fog should be prescribed at the doctor’s office (why aren’t they?!)

🍨Learn John Robbins’ remarkable journey from an ice cream empire heir (yes, THAT Robbins) to a pioneering health advocate

All this, and more, is available with free access to you today!

🎟️ Get your pass here

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
For alternatives to canned tomato products he says to buy tomatoes in glass jars, or cut up fresh tomatoes, always organic either way. But further down in the article, to avoid BPA in containers, his suggestions include using food packaged in cardboard cartons. There are organic tomato products that come in cardboard cartons, like this one (and many others):

View attachment 211177

2.50 for the 13.75 oz. carton seems like a good price for the pictured item, as compared to the 14.5 oz. cans.
There are other products like that out there. Of course fresh and local is always best, but sometimes you need to use pantry staples.

That's the only thing I would add.
Yes NEVER eat ANY tomato out of a CAN the cans are sprayed with BPA and it leaches into the product via the acidity in the tomatoes, this goes for tomato sauce/paste/juice


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Here are the three absolute best exercises for improving your overall muscle strength:

Burpees – Burpees are, hands down, the best full-body exercise you can do.

The exercise is basically comprised of four stages, and each one works a different body part.

With the initial squat, you’re developing strength in your glutes, hamstrings, and quads. When you transition into the plank position, you’re engaging your core muscles. There’s also a bit of joint mobility required to make that transition, which helps to keep you limber and flexible.

Then comes the Push-up, the best exercise to build all of your “push muscles”—the chest, triceps, and shoulder muscles. When you transition from the push-up into the squat, you’re again using your core muscles to pull your legs up toward your hands. And finishing off with that jump maximizes explosive power.

Put it all together, and you’ve got an exercise that works almost every muscle in your body. Now that’s an exercise you can love!

To perform a Burpee:

Step 1: Stand with your feet spread shoulder width apart, hands by your side.

Step 2: Drop into a squat, with your torso remaining upright, letting your legs do all the work.

Step 3: From squat position, bend forward and place your hands on the ground. Jump your legs back until you are in Plank position.

Step 4: Bend your arms at the elbow to lower your body toward the floor, then push back up to full arm extension.

Step 5: Jump your feet forward to your hands.

Step 6: Explode upward into a vertical jump.

Step 7: Land and drop into a squat.

Step 8: Repeat.

Pull-Ups – Pull-ups engage the only muscles not worked in the Burpee, your “Pull” muscles—aka, your upper back, biceps, and shoulders. By training antagonistically (both push and pull), you’ll develop balanced strength.

To perform a pull-up:

Step 1: Grip a pull up bar in an overhand grip (palms facing away from your body) roughly shoulder width apart.

Step 2: Hang at full extension (no bend in your elbows).

Step 3: Visualize pulling from your elbows as you pull your head up toward your hands.

Step 4: Pull until your nose is level with the bar, then lower under control back toward your starting position.

Step 5: Repeat as desired.

Kettlebell Swings – Kettlebell swings work your entire body at once, engaging all of the “posterior chain” muscles along your back. You’ll develop strength in your shoulders, upper back, lower back, glutes, hamstrings, and calves, as well as in your core and quads. It’s an absolute game-changer and deserves a place in any fitness routine.

To perform kettlebell swings:

Step 1: Stand with your feet spread slightly more than shoulder width apart, in a comfortable stance for squats. Grip a kettlebell in both hands and let it hang down between your legs.

Step 2: Drop into a squat and use your arms and core muscles to swing the kettlebell backward between your legs.

Step 3: Explode upward to a standing position, swinging the kettlebell out in front of you. You should finish the movement both fully standing and with the kettlebell raised over your head.

Step 4: Swing the kettlebell down as you transition into a squat. Let the kettlebell’s swing end naturally with the weight just behind your body.

Step 5: Swing forward and stand straight again. Repeat as desired.

Add these three movements into your daily workout—just 3 to 6 sets of each—and you will see huge improvements in your fitness!​
Yours in good health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The pendulum has swung towards collective rejection of the pulsing cycles and complex systems of the natural world into the material secularist embrace of technology.
But somehow, through the tools of the establishment, through science itself let alone social movements, we are learning about our non-severable connection to nature, plants, and the informational power of water.
As a hardened (former) New Yorker, phrases like “working with Gaia” or “abundant healing” would historically have induced a serious eye roll from me. 🙄
…a flower holds the capacity to heal our deepest traumas and support our self discovery? Ummm, no way.
But you know what, lovely human? *Sigh*...
I have to say, these phrases are undeniably true.
I’ve never been more convinced that the path home to our energetic nature is through the energy of nature, herself.
Which is why I’m so thrilled to have an expert in the matter on this week’s episode of Reclamation Radio! Join the wise and brilliant Katie Hess (founder of Lotus Wei) and myself for a potently powerful conversation on the power of floral remedies.
Make no mistake, this woman is a modern day, high level witch. I couldn’t be more grateful to have her wisdom in my back pocket (and her floral remedies fully stocked in my home).
Katie is a living example of how working with plants can pave a path for the deepest, most profound healing there is. With over 17 years of independent research of plant based healing under her belt, this woman is an absolute pioneer in her field.
Our paths intersected through a kindred connection over this one powerful truth:
The one and *only* way we can truly change the world is to first change ourselves.
Join Katie and me for a brilliant conversation where we cover:
🌸 Her radical shift in embracing flower essence healing

🌸 How inner intuition can help us to harness the true potential of flower remedies

🌸 The endless magical effects of flower essences on emotional turmoil and physical ailments

🌸 Exploring the intriguing concept of flowers as conduits to nature’s raw energy

🌸 How flowers can support your quest for healing, so you can conquer inner fears and face life with courage and conviction
If you’re a skeptic like me, you need to listen to this one,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,

Join Me Tonight 12-6-23 at 6pm CDT Fibromyalgia Live Q&A​

I’ll b e sharing information on how to:
  • Get a consistent good night’s sleep
  • Dramatically reduce chronic fibro pain
  • Triple your energy with just a few key lifestyle changes
  • Eliminate irritable bowel syndrome symptoms
  • And much more...

Get your Questions Answered!​


Meeting ID: 838 6872 5096
Passcode: 435788

Listen on Facebook:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Earlier this year, my Instagram account was hacked.
Luckily, it wasn’t connected to my bank or any other accounts - but OFTEN one account we have online leads to another and another, and in five quick minutes, hackers have access to vital banking information.
And that’s just one example. And in the age of AI (artificial intelligence), your need to be PROTECTED is even more vital.
Especially this time of year, when online shopping is huge.
Check out this great free event happening TODAY. (more details below)...
(Yes, if you can’t join live, there is a replay - but hurry and sign up now please.)
If you already signed up, you’re good to go.
NOTE: I also want to assure my older audience that this training is definitely something we can all understand. It’s not all “geeky” or too fast to follow.
There is GOOD news, I promise.
Reclaiming your privacy is A LOT easier than you think.
The trick is, you need to know where to start.
So I’ve asked my friend Glenn Meder, an online Privacy and Security Expert to share HOW in his Webinar TODAY, Wednesday, December 6th at 12:00 pm ET / 9:00 am PT.
3 Keys to Protecting Yourself, Your Family, & Freedom Itself From Big Tech and Big Brother!
You are NOT powerless - I promise!
You can protect …
  • your browser
  • computer
  • smartphone
  • and loved ones
If you’re like most people and feel overwhelmed because you don’t think you can protect your data, then you need to hear the strategies Glenn is giving away for FREE!

It’s time to take back your privacy.
Dr. Tom O’Bryan

PS: Join Glenn’s free webinar TODAY to protect yourself (and loved ones) from data thieves. If you already signed up, you’re good to go.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The One Habit I Had To Leave Behind​

I'm not buying it. This guy may have found a whole new life by giving up coffee, but anything you do, start a habit, give up a habit, a medication or whatever it is, will eventually result in your mind putting up a "smoke screen" so you can go back to as you were. Coffee has so many positive applications. If you don't drink it all day every day and raise that smoke screen, it always gently starts your day, raising your mood from the slight depression many of us wake up with. It's a place to drop an organic sugar cube if you like that, and satisfy a mid-afternoon sweet tooth. It stimulates your cognition.

There are reasons why the world loves coffee. It should be organically grown though.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Truth About Non-Toxic​

Dental Testing & Safe Solutions​

Biological dentistry, including non-toxic dental testing, is so important that I made it Essential #5 of the 7 Essentials System®. Your teeth are an intricate part of your body. They are not separate entities that can be drilled, poked, and stuffed with toxic poisons without impacting the rest of your body.
According to the University Of Columbia School Of Public Health, “95% of all cancer is due to diet and the accumulation of toxins.” Therefore, staying clear of cancer growth and cell-damaging dental-related toxins is critical to preventing and healing cancer. Safe dental work and products must be part of your new, vibrantly healthy lifestyle.
Oral health, non-toxic dental testing, and dental care research still have a long way to go because giant oral care companies could be blocking it. However, we do know a lot of evidence-based insight and a slew of easy solutions you can choose for yourself. Before we uncover non-toxic dental testing options, I want to briefly mention a few other ways to take action for a happier and healthier smile and body.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I just ran across something I thought was interesting.
Wasabi Shows Memory-Boosting Powers in Study

Never been into the idea of eating sushi, but I'm sure I could find other uses for wasabi.

Anything you would have used hot or dijon mustard in.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

It's Day 6! We're about to get started! Our Wisdom of the Body Masterclass goes live in just one hour - 12 PM EST, click here to watch:

Click Here for Module 6
If you want to understand how to release and transform emotional stress through the wisdom of the heart, this one is for you.

See you there,



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Doctors say stress is behind many of today’s deadliest diseases – heart disease, obesity, diabetes, depression and anxiety, dementia, and gut health problems, to name a few!

But never-ending stress is not the only thing we must worry about. Studies now reveal that stress can accumulate in the body, creating a type of "plaque" that gets progressively worse over the years.

When this happens, chronic illness and inflammation develop. Symptoms may seem harmless at first – fatigue, mild gut issues, achy joints, headaches, slightly elevated glucose levels, trouble sleeping...

But over time, these seemingly insignificant symptoms can morph into serious conditions, and it all starts with that buildup of "stress plaque."​

Stress is not going away... So, what can you do to end this damaging cycle?

Fortunately, modern science has revealed a solution!

Scientists on the forefront of healthcare have identified a way to dissolve a lifetime's worth of stress congestion in a matter of months, or even weeks.

--->>Click here to learn more about how you can undo years of "stress plaque" damage, feel better and live your happiest, healthiest life!
Because health means everything,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
but anything you do, start a habit, give up a habit, a medication or whatever it is, will eventually result in your mind putting up a "smoke screen" so you can go back to as you were. Coffee has so many positive applications.
Well I use to think that way too till I had to give up pretty much everything I use to eat, when I first started I really wrestled with it but determination pulled through or I wouldn't be here now. So I guess it's if you have the determination and drive to do something/give up something. I agree coffee has benefits but I think the coffee was just used as an example.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Well I use to think that way too till I had to give up pretty much everything I use to eat, when I first started I really wrestled with it but determination pulled through or I wouldn't be here now. So I guess it's if you have the determination and drive to do something/give up something. I agree coffee has benefits but I think the coffee was just used as an example.

Jimi, his whole article was about giving up coffee. Just that one thing, and how giving it up made him avoid negative thoughts, improve his human interactions, appreciate his 3-month old baby's giggles and the warm morning sun, laugh more, and walk through life with "unshakable patience and calm".

What a crock! Although if his daily habit was non-organic, he may have undergone a deep de-tox from stopping it. Non-organic is pesticide intensive. Some of it has mold too, so if you get the unroasted bean and roast it yourself, you're taking chances. De-tox may have done that for him, but if he'd been drinking organic I don't think even that would have been a factor.

He doesn't think having a brand new healthy baby in the house might have elevated his mood and his human interactions, changed his perspectives in many ways? Or any other thing in his life?

Good on him if he wanted to quit coffee, but I think he's deceived about the potential harms of the daily cup, and preaching his deception. Now those who drink it all day and into evening every day do, to me, sometimes seem like aggressive personality types, but who knows whether it's the coffee or the personality. One of my brothers is like that, always aggressive from the time he was a toddler, and he lives on coffee all day every day.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Jimi, his whole article was about giving up coffee. Just that one thing, and how giving it up made him avoid negative thoughts, improve his human interactions, appreciate his 3-month old baby's giggles and the warm morning sun, laugh more, and walk through life with "unshakable patience and calm".

What a crock! Although if his daily habit was non-organic, he may have undergone a deep de-tox from stopping it. Non-organic is pesticide intensive. Some of it has mold too, so if you get the unroasted bean and roast it yourself, you're taking chances. De-tox may have done that for him, but if he'd been drinking organic I don't think even that would have been a factor.

He doesn't think having a brand new healthy baby in the house might have elevated his mood and his human interactions, changed his perspectives in many ways? Or any other thing in his life?

Good on him if he wanted to quit coffee, but I think he's deceived about the potential harms of the daily cup, and preaching his deception. Now those who drink it all day and into evening every day do, to me, sometimes seem like aggressive personality types, but who knows whether it's the coffee or the personality. One of my brothers is like that, always aggressive from the time he was a toddler, and he lives on coffee all day every day.
I just don't get the time to read all of these with my Wife bein sick, sometimes I just read part or just post it so one has to make their own call until I can get back to like it was before my wife took ill.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

WITH THE WIND WITH DR. PAUL - SHOW 129 Featuring: Dr. Paul E. Marik MD, FCCM, FCCP & his new book Cancer Care

Wednesday, 12/6, our 129th episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Click to watch!
In his From the Heart segment, Dr. Paul shares how thankful he is for the support of his team, and all his followers that have kept him going. He couldn’t do what he’s doing alone, and the support from everyone means the world to him.
“I think patients need to empower themselves that you can't trust the health care system, the health care systems not there to promote your health. And I think particularly patients with cancer need to do research to discover that there are alternative therapies that may be very effective”
—Dr. Paul Marik
This week, Dr. Paul Marik returns to talk about his new book and the role of repurposed drugs and metabolic interventions in treating cancer. Tune in for an important discussion on how people can be informed and take control of their health. Visit to learn more!
Watch the show here!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Day 6 is officially over and It was a real lesson in reconnecting your heart and your brain with the purpose of unlocking the wisdom and power of healing in your body.

How did you get on with the practice of accessing your heart’s healing energy?

If you missed it or didn’t have time for the practice, day 6 it will be available on replay for 24 hours, ending at 11:59am ET tomorrow. You can watch that HERE <<<

If you’re all caught up, here’s what you can expect for day 7:

Day 7: 4 Practices for Realizing the Wisdom of Your Body

Today is about putting theory to practice so that you can keep going with your healing transformation after the masterclass has ended.

Master Mingtong is sharing one woman’s story of success, as well as the difference between technique and practice so that you can embrace the deeper intelligence of your body to bring about real change.

Qigong is not a one-time fix for your health challenges, it’s an ongoing practice and discovery of the wisdom in your body.

So it’s time to step out of the old paradigms of how to achieve well-being.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Guess what? I've got an exclusive surprise for you today, and it's not just any regular movie – it's a life-changer. Introducing 'Unsinkable: The Secret to Bouncing Back' – your gateway to an inspired, resilient life. And the best part? It's on us – absolutely free!

Think this is just another documentary? Think again! 'Unsinkable' is making waves internationally, scooping up nominations and acclaim, including for 'Best Documentary'. It's time you found out why it's the talk of the town. Claim your free ticket now – just a click away.

Dealing with challenges or feeling a little low? 'Unsinkable' isn't just about getting back on your feet; it's about soaring higher than ever. Whether you're battling financial woes, personal losses, or just feeling stuck, this film is your step-by-step guide to a remarkable comeback.

Remember, life's rough patches don't get to write your story. It's how you flip the script that counts. Let 'Unsinkable' be your playbook for turning life's tides in your favor.

Hurry, though – this offer isn't here forever. Seize this chance to transform your life.
Click here for your complimentary ticket.

Gear up for an experience that will leave you energized and ready to conquer your world. Embrace this journey to your most extraordinary life!
Take care,

P.S. Convenience is key – watch 'Unsinkable' from the cozy comfort of your home, whenever suits you best. Your life-changing movie experience is just a click away – get your free ticket here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Thanks for registering for the Webinar!​
Thank you for registering for the Jump Start Your Fibro Healing Webinar
I’m excited to share the key concepts that have allowed me to help thousands of fibro patients over the last twenty plus years.

I’ll see you Wednesday, Aug 16th, at 6pm CDT

Not sure what time I’ll go live for your time zone?
Use the World Clock link

I’ll be going Live from Birmingham Alabama 6pm CDT. Find your city/town and compare it to what time it is in Birmingham Alabama where I’ll be broadcasting.

DATE: AUG 16, 2023
MEETING ID: 838 6872 5096
QUICK LINK ACCESS (button below):

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I just don't get the time to read all of these with my Wife bein sick, sometimes I just read part or just post it so one has to make their own call until I can get back to like it was before my wife took ill.

Jimi, omygosh, I wasn't calling you out. I was calling out the author of that article for using his personal anecdotal evidence to demonize something that is good for most people, or at least it is if they choose organic coffee. We're already down to so few things we can safely and affordably consume, then some nincompoop comes along to say tsk tsk, consider giving up coffee, when in fact it probably is a great increase of blessings in his life that helped him, not stopping coffee.

It feels like when people say vaping is bad for us. :headbang:

I know you stay busy, and in this important thread of yours you post things you think will be informative or helpful. I know you don't have time to read them all. I try not to get too opinionated, and a lot of stuff I just ignore, or I don't understand it, but now and then I see something that burns my biscuits, so I have to shout out.

Peace and health to you Jimi.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Top view of plate of Coconut Peppermint Patties

Prep time
20 minutes
Cook time
2 minutes
Indulge in a bite of bliss with our Coconut Peppermint Patties, a delightful treat designed to cater to your sweet cravings while aligning with your healthy lifestyle. Crafted with the natural goodness of unsweetened shredded coconut, these patties are a dream for those who seek a mindful indulgence. The hint of Peppermint Cookie BetterStevia® infuses a cool, refreshing zing, making every bite an invigorating experience.
Print this recipe
For Coconut Peppermint Filling
2 cups Coconut, Organic, Unsweetened & Shredded
⅓ cup Virgin Coconut Cooking Oil, Organic
½ teaspoon BetterStevia® Liquid, Peppermint Cookie
For Chocolate Shell
1 cup 60% cacao dark chocolate chips
1 teaspoon Virgin Coconut Cooking Oil, Organic
½ teaspoon BetterStevia® Liquid, Peppermint Cookie
  1. Combine coconut, coconut oil, and Peppermint Cookie BetterStevia® in a food processor. Blend until coconut is finely ground and moistened.
  2. Spoon into 1 ½ -inch silicone candy molds and press gently. Freeze for 20 minutes or until firm. You can also spread mixture in a wax paper lined pan, then cut into circles with a small round cookie cutter.
  3. Combine chocolate chips, coconut oil and Peppermint Cookie BetterStevia® in a small microwave bowl and heat at 30 second increments, stirring each time, until smooth.
  4. Remove coconut patties from molds and dip into hot chocolate using a fork. Let excess chocolate run back into bowl and place peppermint patties on a wax or parchment paper lined baking sheet.
  5. Return to freezer for 10 minutes, until chocolate is set. Store peppermint patties in refrigerator.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
I’m delighted to invite you to the exclusive free Food For Health Masterclass that my dad and I created for you.
If you want to elevate your health, energy, and vitality, you will NOT want to miss this.
>> Find out all about the free masterclass, and secure your spot right here.
We’ll expose the top four myths that are fueling suffering and disease for millions of people (have you, or anyone you love, fallen for them?).
And you’ll learn about 10 recent health breakthroughs that could help you feel better and more alive, starting almost immediately — and that can help you prevent illness long-term, too.
Each of these breakthroughs is backed by dozens of studies that have been published in peer-reviewed medical journals — but most people don’t know about them (#9 is huge for cancer prevention!).
My dad and I distilled decades of work into the message of this masterclass — and we’re so proud to be able to share it with you now, for a limited time (for free!).
>> Click here to register.
Yours for thriving,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. We’ve shared this Masterclass a few times before, and the response has been extraordinary. If you’ve seen it before, now’s your chance to see it again — and to share it with loved ones. If not — don’t miss out! Join in right here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Everywhere you look online -- lymphatic drainage is a hot topic.
Especially if you've got health issues, practitioners + influencers will say things like "you've got to address drainage".
While I agree that this is part of a foundational problem, many of the claims are wrong AND the advise online by influencers on HOW to move lymph is incorrect.
That's why I'm excited to share the conversation with my guest Leah Levitan today -- who teaches people about lymphatic drainage brilliantly (and without fear-mongering).
I met her over a year ago when she taught about the lymphatic system onstage at an event I was speaking at, and since then I've learned a ton from her!

Watch the VIDEO HERE

And if you use Youtube, subscribe to my channel (it's free to do so!) where I'll share unique content outside of the weekly podcast.



In this episode, we discuss...
  • How the lymphatic system impacts ALL organs in your body
  • Detoxing vs. moving lymph - What’s the difference?
  • Best gadgets + tools for your lymphatic drainage routine
  • How to do lymphatic drainage that’s effective
  • Debunking lymphatic drainage myths from influencers
  • When lymphatic drainage is helpful (and when to absolutely AVOID IT)
  • Can you do lymphatic drainage too much?
Leave your questions + comments ON THE BLOG about your experience with lymphatic drainage!
Also, I'm planning two live office hours events this December to support you during this holiday season with your skin.
Stay tuned!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The PCOS SOS Summit
Free Encore Weekend Dec. 8-10
Here's your second chance to Join Dr. Bredesen and over 40 health and wellness experts at the free online event hosted by Dr. Felice Gersh and learn the most effective strategies for treating and controlling PCOS. The Free online encore starts Friday, December 8th at 6 p.m. ET and ends on Sunday, December 10th at 11:59 p.m. ET.

To many medical professionals, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is just a condition of irregular periods that can be controlled with birth control pills and, if you want to get pregnant, fertility treatments.

PCOS symptoms include unpredictable menstrual cycles and diet-defying weight gain to the silent battles with self-image due to hair loss, facial hair, and stubborn acne. It also increases the risk of autoimmune disease, diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer's. You can reclaim your health and well-being with the proper knowledge and tools.

Dr. Bredesen's interview aired on Day 2 of the summit. He discussed the link between PCOS and Alzheimer's disease. From his interview, you will learn:

● How PCOS and Alzheimer's disease share many of the same factors.
● The role of inflammation, insulin resistance, and hormones in both conditions.
● Tips for reducing risk and reversing cognitive decline.
● And much more ...

Take advantage of the informative interviews offering actionable changes you can make today to prevent PCOS and cognitive decline. Select the button below to reserve a spot for the free encore weekend.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Feeling a Bit Stuck Creatively? We've Got Just the Thing!

Sometimes, all you need is a little spark to get those creative juices flowing.

And guess what? We've found a fantastic way to help ignite that spark – with Energy Medicine Yoga!

At Healing Life, we're all about finding new, exciting ways to enhance your well-being and spark your creativity. That's why we're thrilled to share something special with you today: a 10-minute Energy Medicine Yoga practice designed to open up your channels of inspiration.

What's in Store for You?

  • Short and Sweet: Just 10 minutes! Perfect for a quick break or a morning routine.
  • Boost Your Creativity: This session is all about unleashing your inner artist, writer, thinker – whatever creative persona lives inside you.
  • Feel Refreshed: Not just creatively, but in your whole being. It's amazing what 10 minutes can do.

Ready to unlock your creative potential? Jump into our Energy Medicine Yoga For Expressing Inspiration | 10 Minute Practice. It's a simple, effective way to give yourself that creative edge.

Join Us for More!

Loved the session? There's a whole world of inspiring practices waiting for you at Healing Life. Sign up for a free trial and explore a wealth of resources designed to boost your health, creativity, and spirit.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Stop Cancer Docu-Class Recordings
(Plus Many Exclusive Bonuses)
Are Only Available For...​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
If you can already feel your eating and exercise routines starting to slip, don't worry. We've compiled our top expert tips shared by some of our favorite teachers inside the Food Matters Nutrition Certification Program to help you maintain your healthy habits over the holidays.

3 simple health tips for the holiday season
  1. Make lunch your biggest holiday meal to avoid a "food coma".
    "We actually have the ability to digest more difficult foods during the middle of the day, and that’s when we can actually eat a larger meal because we have stronger digestion." - Jason Prall, Food Matters Nutrition Certification Program teacher
  2. Add digestive herbs and spices such as ginger, turmeric, and coriander to your holiday meals.
    "Ancient cultures did this, they combined so many different digestive herbs and spices with their legumes. Yes it reduces flatulence, it reduces bloating, and I’m thinking of the Indians in the ayurvedic because they use a combination of cumin, coriander, and fennel." - Christa Orecchio, Food Matters Nutrition Certification Program teacher
  3. Shop foods that are in season and support local farmers' markets.
    “In the past, the majority of food consumed was produced locally and therefore had very little transport time, making it fresher and higher in nutrients.” - Sarah Lantz, Food Matters Nutrition Certification Program teacher
We know that the members of our community would have some great tips as well! Take a look and share your holiday tips in the Food Matters Community group HERE. >>
In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If you ever feel a bit helpless with your health, take comfort in the fact you can change it.
In fact, more than 10,000 scientific studies published in peer-reviewed medical journals agree:Food is the foundation of health.
So please don’t miss this special masterclass, because it’s going live tomorrow: Food For Health.
From the Pulitzer-nominee author of “Diet For A New America” this is a masterclass that promises to change lives by giving you the facts you don’t get at the doctor’s office.
And you can join tomorrow, absolutely for free.
Get your exclusive pass and start watching 👇!
Click here for your complimentary pass
To your health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It's a big day with the Neuro Training 2.0 BYOG Party coming up in a few hours.

But right now, let's talk about a common phrase people use, especially with health and healing.

"It's just going to take time."

Mmmmm... Sort of.

Yes, it will take some time... but NOT 'just' time.

It actually takes a little more than that.

The part that's missing is that it'll take some effort performed consistently over time.

This concept applies to every aspect of health and life...

💪Gaining and losing weight.

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Building great relationships with your spouse, kids, friends, family.

💰 Saving money so you can send your kids to school, retire, and travel.

🏅Earning a promotion at work.

By itself, "time passing" does not ensure success in any of these areas.

But, simple and consistent action performed over time does, especially with your HEALTH.

How you look...

How you feel...

How you live.


Whether you want to get rid of chronic pain or fatigue, headaches, excess body fat, arthritis, migraines, or any other dysfunction or disease...

Do you know what you usually end up with?

That’s right… the symptoms, dysfunction, disorders, and diseases you’re trying to avoid or eliminate.

Let's summarize this into a three simple points:

(1) Simple + consistent action will always provide results.

(2) The “results” depend on you, and when you start taking steps forward.

(3) The sooner you take steps, the less time and least amount of force you’ll need to get the results you want.

One more thing...

No matter when you take the steps, it’s never too late to Be Your Own Guarantee for your health and life.

Dr. Ryan


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Even doctors are shocked by this study…
They just can’t believe that people suffering from poor heart health have this one thing in common.
It’s not smoking, high cholesterol, poor lifestyle choices, or even a history of heart disease.
It’s low Heart Rate Variability (HRV).
But the biggest shock of all is…
This ‘harmless’ habit can make your HRV drop like a stone.
96% of Americans do this daily.
You probably already did it at least once since you woke up this morning.
But groundbreaking research shows that this seemingly harmless daily habit could spell big trouble for your heart.
Get the full story in today’s new blog post:
>> The WORST daily habit for your heart (click to read)​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi

Yesterday we sent you a link to an informative special report about nature’s miracle herb — Turmeric.

This ancient spice has anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties which means it’s great for chronic pain conditions and for reducing your risk of practically every disease.

It’s also really good for gut issues, heart health, stress tolerance as well as detoxing our livers.

But, using regular kitchen spice is NOT enough!

And unfortunately, many Turmeric supplements on the market today can actually be harmful to your health.

That’s why today, we’re excited to share an interview with our host Nathan Crane and industry whistleblower Jonathan Hunsaker that exposes the truth about Turmeric supplements.

>> Disturbing Truth About Turmeric Supplements <<
In this revealing interview, we talk about:

  • The dangers of many supplements and what you need to know BEFORE you buy
  • Other plant ingredients to look for that make anti-inflammatory results more effective
  • How to maximize the effect of Turmeric’s amazing healing effects on your body
  • What most Turmeric products have that you should avoid
  • How to make the biggest changes (easily) that make the most impact on your health
  • An easy and natural process to lose excess weight and keep it off for good
  • And so much more...
>> Watch Now — Whistleblower exposes industry secrets about Turmeric supplements

To your greatest health,

The Conquering Cancer Team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cancer is scary, and for good reason!

There’s a massive lack of information available to the mainstream public about how to prevent and heal it...

And there’s a lot of fear pushed by Medical Doctors and Pharmaceutical companies rushing patients into treatments they don’t fully understand that often leave quality of life worse then when they started treatment.

But the secret’s out — you no longer have to fear cancer.

In fact, you can be empowered to not only prevent a cancer diagnosis, but help your body heal from it without nasty side effects.

And we’ll prove it to you!

>> How to overcome the fear of cancer and empower your body to heal and thrive.

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How to Test Your Zinc Levels at Home

Zinc, much like magnesium, is one of those nutrients that is critically important in hundreds of processes in the body. It is estimated that around 25% of the world population is actually deficient in this critical mineral.

If you want healthy hormones, a strong immune system, and healthy tissues, you absolutely need to make sure your zinc levels are adequate. Not enough people know this, but there is actually a very simple method to test zinc levels in the comfort of your own home.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
According to shocking new studies, popular devices like AirPods can literally MICROWAVE your brain…

While cell phone use is skyrocketing your kids brain tumor risk by an astonishing 400%.

It may sound insane…

But that’s just one of the many side effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs).

You see, according to the best science from Europe, these invisible yet health-wrecking radiation…

May be the #1 cause of THOUSANDS of diseases, like:

  • Depression
  • Alzheimer’s
  • Brain Tumor
  • Cancer
  • Sterility
  • Fatigue

That’s why my good friend and EMFs researcher Trevor King is about to host a fascinating webinar to reveal the REAL dangers of EMFs on Thursday, Dec 7th at 4pm EST.

How to SHIELD our homes from radiation and block 89% of EMFs within 24 hours…

And much more, like:

  • Why using AirPods is literally like a mini “microwaving” of your brain.
  • The #1 home item that generates the most radiation (not your TV, phone, or PC).
  • A 5-second “quiz” to see if your house is FLOODED with EMFs.
  • How Big Tech is BRIBING scientists to approve their new, lethal technologies.
  • Why doctors are LOSING their licenses for revealing the truth about EMFs and 5G.

So, tap below and register to watch the shocking webinar that Big Tech would love to BAN. Even if you can’t make the webinar,if you register here, you will be sent the replay so you can listen to this important information.

>> [FREE Webinar] The UNCENSORED truth about EMFs.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
5 Natural Remedies for Thyroid Health
As a Functional Medicine Practitioner who specializes in thyroid health, I am often asked about what natural remedies support the thyroid. Over the years, I have found remedies that work and the ones I recommend my patients use on a daily basis.

I have found so many of my clients have an underlying thyroid condition without ever being diagnosed.

Here are the most common signs that you have underactive thyroid hormone expression in your body and if you have any of these symptoms or know anyone that does…be sure to read this entire article to know EXACTLY what to do to support your body!!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Immune Nutrients to Calm Cytokine Storm

Immune nutrients could not be more important to consider than they are right now. We have recently experienced a respiratory virus that led to a global pandemic that shut down most of the world.

One of the major issues that respiratory viruses can trigger in our body is the phenomena of a “cytokine storm,” where the immune system damages our respiratory tissue.

As we get a better understanding of how respiratory viruses work, we realize that certain immune nutrients can support our immune system and calm down this cytokine storm.

Female Hair Loss: Causes & Natural Support Strategies

When you hear the term hair loss, you may think about men. But hair loss doesn’t only affect men but may affect women too due to menopause, hormonal issues, autoimmunity, or other factors.

Female hair loss can be frustrating or even embarrassing. Fortunately, if you understand the underlying root issues behind your female hair loss, you may be able to improve the condition.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
9 Health Benefits of Garlic
Civilizations around the world have treasured garlic for its culinary and medicinal uses for centuries. There are references to the pungent food in ancient medical texts from Egypt, Greece, China, India and Rome. Hippocrates, regarded as the father of medicine, prescribed it for abdominal and uterine growths, pulmonary problems and as a cleansing agent.​
Tamarind Helps Rid Your Body of Toxic Fluoride -- Plus Other Benefits
More than 207 million Americans live in areas with fluoridated drinking water. If you're among them, you might want to try tamarind for a fluoride detox.​

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