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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Tap Into Your Herbal "Sixth Sense"

There is a secret to working with herbs that wise women have known for thousands of years.

It's a sixth sense that we all possess, but many have all but forgotten… our ability to sense the subtle energies in and around us.

This vital skill must be re-awakened if you want to understand the language of the plants and create your own healing formulas.

If you’d like to strengthen your perception of plant energy and heighten the effect of the natural medicines you are using, I highly recommend a FREE 3-part series called The Sensory Approach to Herbalism.

It’s being hosted by our friends at Herbal Academy and it’s turning out to be the most popular class they’ve ever offered.

Click here to find out more

Stay curious,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Can you believe today is the final day of the Wisdom of the Body Masterclass, and it’s starting right now? Click here to watch:
Click Here for Module 9
We’re looking at the various techniques of tapping into the wisdom of your body!

See you there,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Day 9 brought together some of the key teachings of the masterclass, and really helped change the view on disease and illness in our bodies.

The three steps to unlocking the wisdom in your body are profound and being able to quiet the mind, listen to your body, and respond accordingly can be applied to any of the health challenges people are facing today.

So, if you missed the last day of the masterclass it will be available for replay for 24 hours, ending at 11:59am ET tomorrow. You can watch that HERE <<<​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Low Blood Pressure May Prevent Second Stroke Risk

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

It’s well-known high blood pressure is a risk factor for stroke, yet a recent study indicates that doctors may not be controlling the blood pressure of stroke survivors closely enough.

Researchers at UCLA analyzed the results of a stroke trial in which 3,680 stroke patients were evaluated for several risk factors, including blood pressure, at specific times and followed for over two years.

Special: More Than 50% of Older Americans Fail to Get Enough Magnesium

They found those stroke survivors who had high blood pressure but were able to keep it under control three-quarters of the time cut their risk of a second stroke by 54%, compared to those who were only able to keep it controlled 25% of the time. Unfortunately, only one-third of the study’s participants were able to achieve this goal.

The researchers also noticed that patients with a history of heart attack were more successful at achieving this goal. This led them to suspect that doctors may not emphasize the need for blood pressure control in patients who have already suffered a stroke.

Patients who survive a stroke are at risk for another stroke unless they learn to keep their blood pressure under control by reducing salt intake, eating healthy, exercising, and taking their blood pressure-lowering medication correctly.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi, Jimi,

Returning home for the holidays often stirs up a mix of emotions due to a blend of nostalgia, family dynamics, expectations, and of course memories.

Both positive and challenging memories resurface and they trigger all kinds of feelings.

Family gatherings can bring a sense of belonging, but they can also unearth some unresolved issues as well as societal and personal expectations about the "perfect" holiday experience.

That can contribute to stress, but just being aware of these triggers and practicing self-care can help you navigate those kinds of emotions.

To help you navigate holiday overwhelm and prevent emotional reactivity, I've created a FREE masterclass taking place on December 12th entitled "How To Become the Boss of Your Emotions During the Holidays."

In this masterclass, you're going to learn 5 powerful steps to keep your emotions from being triggered so you can enjoy the holidays with your family and loved ones.

Reserve your spot now and get ready to make 2024 your year of Emotional Mastery!

Join me for my FREE Masterclass,"How to Become the BOSS of Your Emotions During the Holidays" on Dec.12th from 1-2 pm EST/10-11 am PST.

Click HERE to register!

See you there ❤️

Happy Holidays!


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
New Member
Reddit Exile
Low Blood Pressure May Prevent Second Stroke Risk

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

It’s well-known high blood pressure is a risk factor for stroke, yet a recent study indicates that doctors may not be controlling the blood pressure of stroke survivors closely enough.

Researchers at UCLA analyzed the results of a stroke trial in which 3,680 stroke patients were evaluated for several risk factors, including blood pressure, at specific times and followed for over two years.

Special: More Than 50% of Older Americans Fail to Get Enough Magnesium

They found those stroke survivors who had high blood pressure but were able to keep it under control three-quarters of the time cut their risk of a second stroke by 54%, compared to those who were only able to keep it controlled 25% of the time. Unfortunately, only one-third of the study’s participants were able to achieve this goal.

The researchers also noticed that patients with a history of heart attack were more successful at achieving this goal. This led them to suspect that doctors may not emphasize the need for blood pressure control in patients who have already suffered a stroke.

Patients who survive a stroke are at risk for another stroke unless they learn to keep their blood pressure under control by reducing salt intake, eating healthy, exercising, and taking their blood pressure-lowering medication correctly.
these days its obviously harmfull if you have any blood in your body! why are we all turning into hypocondriacs? we are obsessed with things that have been around for centurys and wre never and will never be cured. we live we die thats the only fact there is.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Guided Meditation: Letting Everything Be As It Is​

Navigating the holiday season with friends and family can be both joyful and stressful, and this year the current political climate in the US and the conflicts abroad have left many of us with heavy hearts.

While it may feel counterintuitive to step back and let go during times of distress or upheaval, the practice of “letting everything be” can help create the space needed to respond without limits, free from personal attachments and cognitive biases, coming from a deep place of care and understanding for whatever you might be experiencing.

One of the most liberating stances we can take in meditation is to allow everything in our experience to simply be—relinquishing our compulsive need to control or judge or make a problem out of anything.

In this 12-minute audio, Craig guides a meditation on the simple act of letting everything be as it is. We hope you’ll find this practice helpful.

Also, we’re excited to announce that we’ll soon be releasing the first episodes of Craig’s new podcast, Meditation Changes Everything. We hope you’ll tune in and find the podcast to be a welcome source of inspiration on your path. (Scroll down below to read more about it.)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi,

The power players who ran the covid response from America's political and cultural heights seem to be now piloting a pandemic of amnesia.

There seems to be a desire for everyone to forget about canceled weddings, zoom funerals, financially-ruined households, and elder abuse of the most heinous nature.

To simply move on from church shutdowns, shuttered small businesses, the unscientific masking of children, months of school closures, years of travel restrictions, and rent moratoriums.

Forget those who were forced out of the military, out of their schools and out of their jobs for not wanting to take an experimental medical product.

Forget everyone who is still picking up the pieces of their lives.

Forget the quarantine of the healthy, the financially-incentivized hospital death protocols, the abysmal failure of the rushed vaccines and the ensuing injuries and death.

Forget we just lived through an era where you literally heard: “papers please” to participate in culture.

But the power structures will have to contend with the clarity and resolve of the Health Freedom Summit speakers.

Go here to register for this captivating event… the information will shock you.​
They are gathering as a collective with strategists such as Naomi Wolf, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Del Bigtree, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Meryl Nass, Catherine Austin Fitts, Dr. James Corbett, David Whitehead, Richard Grove, and 30 more of our nation’s most powerful dissident voices.

Some are internationally famous, others merely brilliant. Together, they will make sense of Covid Era policies and what a conscious response could look like.

If you know the ‘official covid narrative’ and all that followed is absurd on its face, this divergent perspective on the greatest social upheaval in modern history will uncover for you the players, the motives, and the methods of the covid madness.

→ Head here to save your seat for the Health Freedom Summit

You might be surprised at the level of deception…

Wishing you abundant health,

Jason Prall

P.S. The amount of data they have on the covid deception is truly remarkable.

In this set of provocative presentations, the Health Freedom Summit covers a wide range of topics gathered to answer the question: ‘What is happening in the world, and what is the deep meaning of these events?’

Click here to register.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The secret to getting ahead is getting started. ~ Mark Twain

Now that we’re past Thanksgiving in the U.S., the holiday season is in full effect.

There will be eating, and drinking, and general merriment.

Why not indulge? Your fitness goals can wait until January — that’s what New Year’s resolutions are for, right?

Well, we all know by now how dismal the success rate is for those resolutions. And I think part of it is we try to hit it hard immediately after more than a month of indulgence.

I made some significant fitness gains in 2023. And it’s true I started strength training on January 1 of this year. But I actually started my fitness process the week of Thanksgiving, 2022.

  • I started doing some light cardio.
  • I started the process of modifying my diet.
  • I started doing pushups and other body weight exercises in anticipation of lifting weights in January.
Studies show it’s much smarter to ease into new fitness routines and healthier eating instead of overdoing it immediately. But that’s not what we do after the bright line of passing into a new year. And then we mostly quit before the end of the month.

The other benefit is that you’ll ease up a bit on overeating and drinking during the holidays. It’s just the natural byproduct of being mindful of your health ahead of the new year. That means you’ll feel better and have less to overcome when you get serious.

Why not start now?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Time is ticking, but you haven’t missed your chance to have your questions about cancer and other health concerns answered by Dr. Connealy and Dr. Roney—LIVE!

Don’t miss out on this special opportunity!
REGISTER NOW for Season 2, Episode 23 of the Cancer Conversation: Ask Anything!

We Will be LIVE Tuesday, December 12, 2023, at 5:00 pm PST / 8 pm EST
You are invited to join Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy and Dr. Daniel Roney, as they tackle your most pressing questions about cancer, specific health concerns, and what it means to be truly well.


Date: Tuesday, December 12, 2023, at 5 pm PST / 8 pm EST

Whether you or a loved one are facing a cancer diagnosis, have been grappling with another health issue, or want to ask general questions about how to get—and stay—well, Dr. Connealy and Dr. Roney are standing by to provide answers and guidance.

Don’t miss your opportunity to ask your questions LIVE this coming Tuesday!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

I hope you enjoyed our SURPRISE Day 10 where we delved into the interconnectivity of relationships and how this can impact your own energy healing.

It really highlights the impact that those around you can have on your wellness.

PLUS, I hope the practice in this final session gave you the understanding you need to harness the inner strength in your body to allow yourself to heal.

If you missed Day 10, it will be available for replay for the next 24 hours, and you can watch that HERE <<<

Yours in health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
Many commonplace items like plastic water bottles, canned food liners, even some dental sealants...
Contain Bisphenol A (BPA), a synthetic chemical that's more than just harmless packaging.
Over 90% of us have detectable BPA levels in our blood, quietly impacting our health by disrupting hormone regulation.
BPA mimics estrogen, potentially leading to fatigue, weight gain, disrupted menstrual cycles, and more.
Here's what you can do:
♻ Avoid using plastic containers with recycling codes 3, 6, and 7. These codes are often associated with chemicals that are known to be hormone disruptors.​
♻ Do not microwave food in plastic containers. Microwaving can cause chemicals to leach from the plastic into your food.
Store food in glass or stainless steel containers whenever possible.
♻ Use reusable water bottles and coffee mugs.
Avoid using plastic straws and utensils.
And just as important...
Make sure your body is in a hormone-balancing state...
So it's able to trap and remove this hormone-disrupting chemical (BPA) as soon as it comes in.
I talk about this in the video here 👇
>> Discover hormone imbalance contributes to unnecessary fatigue, brain fog, and weight gain

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
these days its obviously harmfull if you have any blood in your body! why are we all turning into hypocondriacs? we are obsessed with things that have been around for centurys and wre never and will never be cured. we live we die thats the only fact there is.

I'm sure Jimi will have his own reply for you, but I'll volunteer that yes, there are many hypochondriacs all around me. They hear of something, gluten intolerance, low blood sugar, parasites, the Coofid19, and start to look for evidence that they have it. But, that said, and it may be different where you are, but as a nation on the whole we are clueless of good diet and health practices, clueless of environmental threats to health, and so we are sick sickies. We are clueless of the effects of glyphosate, especially on the unborn in the womb, and it can't be avoided even by eating organic because of the ag runoff into rivers and lakes, eventually getting into our tap water supplies, and further afield creating immense, growing ocean dead zones where rivers run into the sea; clueless of hormone disruptors in food, water, air and food containers. Most people are clueless of chemtrails that make avoiding the consumption of heavy metals impossible, clueless of the poisoning of our water supplies with fluoride and chlorine. Most of the adult male population of this country is 60-80 pounds overweight, and our fertility has dropped off a cliff in the 20th-21st centuries. Only a small subset of the population works out or walks or runs daily. We're too clueless and asleep to get ourselves informed and do something about any of it.

I saw a study recently that showed that a sample (admittedly a small sampling) of school lunches contained more toxins than nutrients.

These are eye opening things I stumbled onto recently:


And I could really get going about how the medical "industry" is geared to either kill you if you're old enough they think you're a useless eater, or make you a lifelong "customer" for the pill a day cure, while, in the main refusing to talk about simple supplements or just plain food that can very often cure what ails you. Our congress is always trying to slip into this bill or that bill a ban of over the counter supplements.

Jimi will speak for himself, but I feel that this important thread of his helps us navigate between the treachery and the good. I read it every day.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Heart Disease Medical Myths
Almost one million Americans die each year from cardiovascular related illnesses. This number accounts for 41 % of all deaths in the United States each year. In fact, cardiovascular disease claims as many lives as the next eight leading causes of death combined, including cancer, accidents, and AIDS. And, despite an aggressive campaign launched by the American Heart Association to counter the epidemic of heart disease, one person dies from it every 33 seconds.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Healing Affects of Bath Salts
For over 2,000 years, the Dead Sea has been renowned for its therapeutic effects on bathers. Recently, studies have been done on the health benefits bathing in Dead Sea salts:
One such study was conducted by Dr. I. Machtey on 103 patients suffering from osteoarthritis and tendinitis…. Improvement was found after as little as one week of treatment for those treated with 7.5% or 2% salt baths. By the study’s end, 80% of the patients reported less pain; 70% experienced improved mobility and 60% were able to decrease their use of analgesics.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Here’s a tip: The longer you steep the tea, the more flavonoids/catechins you’ll get in your brew.
Catechins, a type of disease-fighting flavonoid and antioxidant, are the keys to tea’s health benefits. Green tea has some of the highest concentration of polyphenols, especially catechins


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Tea Is A Super Food
There’s compelling evidence that tea reduces the risk of heart disease, and possibly even helps prevent cancer and Alzheimer’s disease.
In fact, tea is considered a super food – black, green, white, or oolong tea.
All these teas come from the same tea plant, Camellia sinensis. The leaves are simply processed differently. Green tea leaves are not fermented; they are withered and steamed. Black tea and oolong tea undergo crushing and a fermenting processes.
Drink Tea Lose Weight
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports that drinking caffeinated tea helps burn fat and promote weight loss. Green, white and oolong teas contain the potent antioxidant known as catechins. Just 4 cups a day of caffeinated tea may help shed some of those unwanted pounds.
In this study, researchers looked at the effects of catechins on body fat reduction and weight loss in a group of 35 Japanese men. The men had similar weights based on their BMI (body mass index, an indicator of body fat) and waist sizes.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Every day, without even realizing it, you're exposed to environmental toxins.
They’re everywhere:
  • Mercury in your dental fillings or certain fish you love.

  • Arsenic hiding in your favorite dishes.

  • Parasites lurking in your food and water.

  • Lead in old pipes and paints in your house.

  • Toxins from everyday environmental exposure.

  • Aluminum in beauty products such as lipstick and antiperspirants.

  • Cadmium in furniture, mattresses, and e-cigarettes
These harmful elements slowly build up in your body and wreak havoc on your health.
Feeling weak in the muscles?
Often finding yourself in a "brain fog"?
Unexplained headaches or mood swings?
Even hair loss and constant fatigue?

These are just a few signs that your body is SCREAMING for a detox!
It’s nearly impossible to dodge heavy metals, toxins, and parasites in our modern world…
But don't worry.
There are simple and natural ways to heal and cleanse the body…
And I’d like to share them with you.
That’s why for a limited time, I’m giving you 72-hour access to our powerful 3-part video series:
The Ultimate Detox.
Inside this series, you’ll learn where these toxins and infections come from, how to avoid them, and how to eliminate them from your body to drastically improve your health.
Click on the private link below to get your access:
>>> Part One of How To Rid Your Body of Harmful Parasites & Toxic Heavy Metals is LIVE NOW!
P.S. Please note, this 3-part video series will only be available for 72 hours.
Part 2 will go live tomorrow at 6pm EST, and Part 3 on the following day at the same time. (I’ll send you the links.)
When you watch this video series, you’ll discover:
  • How the chronic cycle of infection & toxicity contributes to illness.

  • How toxins and parasites affect your mental health.

  • The correct way to detox and why consistency matters.

  • The link between brain fog and heavy metal toxicity.

  • How parasitic infections impair the body’s ability to properly absorb nutrients, and the waste they create in the body.

  • Plus so much more.
If you struggle with inflammation, bloating, anxiety, brain fog, or depression…
Then this is a MUST-WATCH for you.
Join me for this special 3-part video series:
>>> Go here to watch Part 1 now!
You’ll discover how you can protect and cleanse your body and remove toxins that surround you in your everyday life.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I'm sure Jimi will have his own reply for you, but I'll volunteer that yes, there are many hypochondriacs all around me. They hear of something, gluten intolerance, low blood sugar, parasites, the Coofid19, and start to look for evidence that they have it. But, that said, and it may be different where you are, but as a nation on the whole we are clueless of good diet and health practices, clueless of environmental threats to health, and so we are sick sickies. We are clueless of the effects of glyphosate, especially on the unborn in the womb, and it can't be avoided even by eating organic because of the ag runoff into rivers and lakes, eventually getting into our tap water supplies, and further afield creating immense, growing ocean dead zones where rivers run into the sea; clueless of hormone disruptors in food, water, air and food containers. Most people are clueless of chemtrails that make avoiding the consumption of heavy metals impossible, clueless of the poisoning of our water supplies with fluoride and chlorine. Most of the adult male population of this country is 60-80 pounds overweight, and our fertility has dropped off a cliff in the 20th-21st centuries. Only a small subset of the population works out or walks or runs daily. We're too clueless and asleep to get ourselves informed and do something about any of it.

I saw a study recently that showed that a sample (admittedly a small sampling) of school lunches contained more toxins than nutrients.

These are eye opening things I stumbled onto recently:


And I could really get going about how the medical "industry" is geared to either kill you if you're old enough they think you're a useless eater, or make you a lifelong "customer" for the pill a day cure, while, in the main refusing to talk about simple supplements or just plain food that can very often cure what ails you. Our congress is always trying to slip into this bill or that bill a ban of over the counter supplements.

Jimi will speak for himself, but I feel that this important thread of his helps us navigate between the treachery and the good. I read it every day.
I didn't have the time to go into detail but here's what I said
Maybe because most people are afraid to try something natural
And it's true for so many :(

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I didn't have the time to go into detail but here's what I said

And it's true for so many :(

I wish I could be as succinct as you. Your answer makes mine look like word vomit.

But you were answering Walton's question:

"if all the solutions are there, how come so is cancer?"

My reply was to Walton's question and comment in an earlier post:

"...why are we all turning into hypocondriacs? we are obsessed with things that have been around for centurys and wre never and will never be cured. we live we die thats the only fact there is."


Thank you for your hard work on this thread. I love it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I wish I could be as succinct as you. Your answer makes mine look like word vomit.

But you were answering Walton's question:

"if all the solutions are there, how come so is cancer?"

My reply was to Walton's question and comment in an earlier post:

"...why are we all turning into hypocondriacs? we are obsessed with things that have been around for centurys and wre never and will never be cured. we live we die thats the only fact there is."


Thank you for your hard work on this thread. I love it.
Oh I musta missed that one :facepalm:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,

Have you noticed how “normal” it is that sugar is in so many foods these days? Even seemingly healthy foods like spaghetti sauce, granola, protein bars, or yogurt.

Unfortunately, this toxic substance affects everything from your mood and energy to your waist, your skin, and even your libido.

The 11th Annual Quit Sugar Summit starts January 8th, 2024, with top doctors and health experts revealing the naked truth about sugar, ultra-processed carbs, and what you can do to get your energy (and life!) back.

In this free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The connection between sugar, depression, and weight gain
  • How food marketers are tricking us
  • The amazing research study that left 90% of type 2 diabetes participants non-diabetic within 6 months!
  • The powerful connection between sugar and aging
This summit is jam-packed with life-improving info that you can put into action right now.

>> Click here to register and experience the amazing lineup of speakers.

You’ll be blown away by the insights you’ll gain from this summit!

To getting your life back from sugar,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Healing Cancer Against All Odds

Join me in a captivating discussion with Dr. Michael Karlfeldt, a renowned naturopathic oncologist and author of "A Better Way to Treat Cancer." We explore the forefront of integrative medicine in managing cancer and chronic illnesses, focusing on holistic approaches and advanced therapies. Gain insights into the latest developments and holistic methods for enhanced health and well-being. Don't miss this essential dialogue on innovative care in cancer management.

-->> Listen here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Try this 12-Day Detox - Just in Time for the Holidays!
Testimonials from real users:

"Die hard Panacea cleanser for life here! Nathan Crane saved me from having my gall bladder removed and two years of pain everyday after I ate anything. I am forever grateful for Nathan and his cleanse"
~ Steven Eveleth

"My amazing wife, Linda, and I recently did the 12-day Panacea Cleanse. It changed our lives! I have been plagued by allergies since the age of two. After the cleanse, although I still get occasional symptoms, the severity, duration, and number of attacks has been greatly reduced. And, it’s continuing to improve. I now go weeks or even months completely clear—unheard of prior to the cleanse. Linda too has felt great with more energy and a real skip in her step. We highly recommend the Panacea Cleanse for bringing health and vitality to body, mind and spirit."
~David and Linda Dibble

I did the panacea cleanse and followed your instruction closely months ago. I had amazing results. I stayed healthy while everyone around me, my kids and family, were getting very ill from a virus. I also lost some weight and my menstual cycles are much less painful. I also don't have bad headaches anymore. Thanks for the information you put out.
~ Sister Erin
—>> Order Here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Natural Solutions to Address Eczema
Hey Jimi,

If you live with eczema, you know what it’s like to search for relief from red, itchy skin. You’ve probably already tried a variety of products. Unfortunately, some items can leave your skin feeling drier and even more irritated.

Well don't give up hope yet!

There are many options you can try at home to help with your symptoms which Evan and I will discuss in today's podcast episode. We'll talk about drugs as well as natural remedies that may help replenish moisture and protect your skin’s natural barrier. If you are seeking relief from eczema, this episode is for you!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
Natural Solutions to Address Eczema | Podcast #361
In this episode, we cover:
– Introduction
4:29 – What is Eczema and Its Signs and Symptoms?
6:51 – The Comparison between Eczema from Rosacea
10:38 – What to eat and not to eat when you have eczema
16:20 – Helpful products that can help avoid and or alleviate Eczema
19:25– The link of glutathione in skin conditions

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Natural Solutions for PMS

In this episode of Beyond Wellness podcast, I am tackling some of the most common menstrual issues my patients face, including: menstrual irregularities and heavy menstrual flow, symptoms, what your cycle should look like, looking at hormones, when to best test, triggers of irregular cycles, and some tips for helping regulate menstruation. Most women cope with PMS and irregular cycles like it’s a normal thing, but in reality a heavy menstrual flow is often a sign of something deeper. What can we do? Check out the podcast to find out!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
If there's something that the holiday season brings, no matter where in the world you are, it's an abundance of extra treats.

And we wanted to share a recipe today that might just ruin you for all other sweets this holiday season! Amidst the refined sugars and plethora of gluten-filled treats, this wholesome little recipe will satisfy your cravings and keep you feeling full because of the healthy fats. Say hello to your new favorite recipe - healthy hazelnut truffles.

CLICK HERE for the recipe. >>

We love these hazelnut truffles because they are made from real food ingredients. And because they are so satisfying and decadent, you don't feel the need to eat too many.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi

We wanted to share a special recipe with you that’s been making waves in the health and wellness community...

Cancer-Fighting Soup aka "Immune-Boosting Soup."

This soup is packed with a variety of ingredients that are scientifically proven to help combat inflammation in the body and also great for cold and flu season.

Even better, you can prepare it ahead of time, enjoy it with family, and even freeze and reheat as leftovers...

And it will remain consistently delicious and retain its nutritional value in all of these situations.

So without further ado, here’s the Cancer-Fighting Soup (aka Immune-Boosting Soup) recipe:



  • 1–2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 onion, diced
  • 2–3 celery stalks, sliced
  • 2 cups carrots, diced
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • Salt and pepper, to taste
  • 1/4–1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon dried Italian seasoning
  • 12 cups (or three 32-ounce cartons) of vegetable broth
  • 1 28–ounce can of crushed tomatoes (BPA-free)
  • 2 tablespoons tomato paste
  • 1 (15 ounce) can cooked black beans, drained and rinsed
  • 1/2 cup lentils* (any kind will work; rinse first)
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 zucchini, diced
  • 1 cup mushrooms, diced
  • 1 cup cauliflower, chopped finely
  • 1 cup broccoli, chopped finely
  • 2–3 cups spinach, chopped
  • 1–2 cups frozen green peas

  • Heat 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil in a large stock pot over medium-high heat.
  • Saute the onions, carrots, and celery for about 4-5 minutes, until tender. Add in the garlic and stir for 1 more minute. Season with salt, pepper, red pepper flakes (to your preferred heat level), and Italian seasoning.
  • Stir in the chicken or vegetable broth, crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, black beans, lentils, and bay leaves. Bring to a boil and reduce to a simmer (slight bubbling), stirring occasionally. Season again lightly with salt and pepper. Let simmer for about 10-15 minutes.
  • Stir in the zucchini, mushrooms, cauliflower, and broccoli and simmer for another 5-10 minutes.
  • Stir in the spinach and frozen peas and turn off the heat (or turn to low), so they don’t overcook. Remove bay leaves. Taste and adjust seasonings. (Freezing instructions begin here.)
Freeze For Later:

Follow steps 1-5. Let the soup cool completely. Then divide soup into some shallow pans to put in the refrigerator to cool it more quickly. Divide soup into gallon-sized freezer bags or containers, squeeze out excess air, seal, and freeze.

Prepare From Frozen:

Thaw using one of these safe thawing methods. Then reheat gently over low heat on the stove or in a crock pot. Another option is to put the frozen soup block over low to medium-low heat on the stove top or in a crock pot.

Add about 1-2 cups of water or broth over the top. Gently warm over low to medium-low heat, stirring occasionally. Follow step 6 for serving.


Feel free to customize this recipe based on your preferences and dietary needs. And if you give it a try, we’d love to hear how it turns out!

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How to detox cancer-causing chemicals from your body
Hi Jimi,
Can you guess how many new chemicals human beings have invented in the last 75 years?


The dangerous part is that these chemicals have the potential to cause cancer and other chronic diseases. The toxins damage mitochondria, cause inflammation, ruin your hormones, disrupt your DNA, and encourage tumors to grow. That's why it's no surprise that cancer rates have increased by 500% in the last 50 years. And why it's so important for you to learn how to rid your body of these toxins.

CLICK HERE to learn more in the Toxins Exposed WebClass. >>

Dr. Dana Flavin and award-winning filmmaker, Nathan Crane have teamed up to bring you this WebClass so that you have a better understanding of the toxins found in your environment, food, water, personal care products, homes, and air. And it gives you the best chance to start to eliminate them.

This WebClass is going to help you target the ROOT cause of what causes cancer to grow in the first place.

You can register for free HERE. >>

In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Coconut Oil Fights Deadly Yeast Infections, Research Suggests
A common food oil has been found to have potent antifungal properties that could literally save lives.​
The Future of Natural Health Information is at Stake
For the past 16 years, GreenMedInfo has been dedicated to providing you with the latest evidence-based natural health information. We are the only natural health resource of its kind that provides users with direct access to meticulously researched articles on health and wellness, curated research abstracts, and breaking natural health news.​
6 Healthy Reasons to Eat More Real Cinnamon (Not its Cousin)
If you live in North America or Europe that jar of "cinnamon" in your cupboard is probably not truly cinnamon at all, but a very similar spice known as cassia or "bastard cinnamon."​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
'Finding the Truth' About Government Censorship Not Easy, Journalists Tell Congress
During last week's hearing of the U.S. House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, investigative journalists Michael Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi said they were "obstructed at every turn" in their efforts to uncover the scope of the government's censorship of narratives it wanted to suppress.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
"The Secret of Light" by Water Russell, interview with President John Bonsall of "University of Science and Philosophy
Karen Elkins, editor, researcher and designer of Science to Sage Magazine, had seen the book The Secret of Light by Walter Russell in a few friends homes, she saw the audio version on Youtube and decided to listen. Upon finishing Marko Rodin’s Special Edition, Russell’s work seemed to be the perfect next step to connecting and embodying the field of light.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If you suffer from chronic pain, arthritis, or aches in you body and you want to learn the secrets to eliminate the suffering and feel years to decades younger...

You'll GREATLY appreciate this completely free new learning event

This online class is led by the brilliant Dr. Yoni Whitten, a leading expert in overcoming chronic pain.

He's been in clinical practice for over 15 years and has helped THOUSANDS of patients end their pain and transform their bodies.

And he'll be providing you his best secrets, such as:

--> The compounds that may be more effective than NSAIDS (without the side effects)

--> The enzymes in your body responsible for breaking down your cartilage and what to do about them

--> One unsual fruit to consider if you suffer pain from osteoarthritis

--> The most important natural substances in your body to replace to address joint degeneration (and how to do so)

--> The crucial nutrient those with rheumatoid arthritis may be lacking

--> And much more!

SEE the full brief list of exactly what you'll learn in this FREE online event right here, Jim

You'll also see the DATE and TIME this takes place, along with more important info about Dr. Yoni Whitten himself.

(FYI, I've known Dr. Yoni a long time, he's been in several of my summits, and I can assure you he is the REAL-DEAL in terms of helping people with joint issues, chronic pain, and more.)

Finally, because he's also well-known for helping those with posture issues...

And because smiles and laughter are always "good medicine"...

Here are a couple of dad jokes that make my little kids giggle and are worth sharing with YOU:

I wasn't exactly sure what was wrong with my posture...

But I had a hunch.


I didn't believe a few simple changes could improve my posture.

I stand corrected.


Enjoy the important learning in this free new online webinar and enjoy your day!

To Living Long and Living Well,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Almost everyone knows that we need to eat more fruits and vegetables. And blenders and juicers certainly do speed up the process.
For example — the vitamin and mineral content of one cup of carrot juice is almost equivalent to that of five cups of chopped carrots — which means that a juicer can save you a whole lot of chewing!
But like almost everything in life, there are pros and cons.
Here’s what you need to know about blending and juicing.
Yours for the wise use of healthy tools,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Both blending and juicing provide easy ways to get important antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. And they can also be fun and flavorful ways to change up what you’re eating. But which one is better — blending or juicing? Are there any downsides? And what kinds of blenders and juicers are best (and worst)?
Get the whole story (and some great recipes!) here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

We live in an age of unprecedented abundance. Never before have so many people had access to food, shelter and basic safety.

And yet, our life expectancy is getting SHORTER…

The opposite should be true, but there are hidden causes of early aging that most people are unaware of - from nutritional deficiencies to environmental toxins to unhealed emotional trauma and stress…

On one hand, aging is just a beautiful part of life that holds many personal teachings for us to learn and mature from. But on the other hand, there are some very effective anti-aging secrets that can have a big impact on whether you are living your best and most beautiful life - or limping along from day to day.

To empower you with the most effective anti-aging secrets ever discovered, my friend Dr. Ron Rosedale has created a FREE masterclass called The CEO OF Aging that is well worth checking out.

Dr. Ron is a world-renowned expert in anti-aging, nutrition, diabetes, and metabolic disease whose groundbreaking clinics have helped thousands of patients recover from age-related diseases.

Click here for all the details and to sign up now

Here are just a few of the things Dr. Rosedale will share:

- The 5 natural habits that change the game when it comes to keeping your cells, skin and organs young

- A common dietary supplement that controls how fast you age and how it can delay the onset of aging signs, like wrinkles, weight gain, skin issues, grey hair and more

- A simple dietary change that extended the lifespan of rodents by 33% and how this discovery can help you live longer

- The 3 key hormones that predict how fast you’re aging and how to make sure they are in balance

- And much more…


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
Imagine being diagnosed with osteoporosis in your 30s – a scenario most men would never even consider.
That was Kevin Ellis' reality.
But guess what?
He turned it around and is now helping thousands do the same.
In our latest Feel Freaking Amazing episode, Kevin opens up about his journey.
He discusses how osteoporosis, often associated with older age, doesn't have to be a life sentence.​
Wondering what osteoporosis is?
Osteoporosis means porous bone. It's characterized by not enough bone formation, excessive bone loss, or both.
This increases the chances of fracture which significantly alter the course of your life.
This is not a game.
Unfortunately, it was Kevin's exposure to toxins, stress, and poor sleep that led him on this journey.
Join us in this enlightening conversation 👇
🎧 Tune in to discover how you can protect and strengthen your bones, no matter your age.

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