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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Did you know that nearly 10,000 people worldwide lose their lives to cancer and its treatments each year?

This staggering statistic reflects a harsh reality, but what's even more concerning is that the fear of cancer is often exacerbated by medical professionals.

Dr. Francisco Contreras, MD, shared a revealing insight in my documentary, "Cancer; The Integrative Perspective." He explained that medical school often teaches doctors to provide the worst-case scenario as a prognosis, primarily as a safeguard against potential lawsuits.

Pause and think about that for a moment...

Doctors are not trained to inspire hope or educate patients about alternative options, some of which have demonstrated greater effectiveness than conventional medicine through scientific research. Instead, they're trained to prepare patients for the worst, so they can avoid legal repercussions.

It's an unsettling reality, but it's the world we currently live in.

However, we are here to help you regain control of your health so that you no longer have to consider the worst-case scenario.

Instead, you can feel empowered to transform your health and your life, embodying a cancer-free lifestyle without fear.

Are you ready to take the next steps?

Join Nathan Crane for a free webinar titled '3 Steps to Empower Yourself to Heal and Never Be Afraid of Cancer Again.'

It's an opportunity to gain valuable insights and practical knowledge that can change your perspective on cancer and health.

Secure your spot now by clicking on the link below:

Together, let's conquer the fear, embrace empowerment, and pave the way for a healthier, brighter future.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If you’re suffering from one or more chronic diseases and inflammation, it’s possible to reverse them from the comfort of your couch…
And this short video shows you how!

You see, after the last two years we’ve gone through, people worldwide are waking up to the fact that natural medicine is MORE powerful than any kind of drug created in a laboratory.

It’s the way Mother Nature intended us to heal.

Especially when it comes to chronic diseases most doctors will tell you are "incurable" conditions…

Our friend, investigative journalist and documentary maker, Jonathan Otto, has found simple protocols that are helping people all over the world heal their bodies

For example, did you know that a popular vegetable you probably have in your house right now can help to reduce the risk of memory loss by an impressive 67%?

Click here to learn more!

And, did you know that certain kitchen spices are proven to treat inflammation better than 3 of the most popular anti-inflammatory drugs?

Unfortunately, your doctor won’t be sharing this information with you…

But the good news is you can see everything that Jonathan has uncovered plus much, much more in the groundbreaking docuseries Natural Medicine Secrets 72-hour replay on December 9-11, 2023!

This means you’ll have all the time you need to catch up on the life-saving information our top experts have shared in all 10 full-length episodes.

Where you will learn all the natural protocols you need to revitalize your body and reclaim the perfect health you were ALWAYS meant to have!

You will discover the TRUTH that has been obscured for too long…

And the natural healing protocols that have been hidden from us.

We’ll see you online at the Natural Medicine Secrets docuseries replay when you register now!
Because health means everything,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Natural Solutions to Address Eczema
Hey Jimi,

If you live with eczema, you know what it’s like to search for relief from red, itchy skin. You’ve probably already tried a variety of products. Unfortunately, some items can leave your skin feeling drier and even more irritated.

Well don't give up hope yet!

There are many options you can try at home to help with your symptoms which Evan and I will discuss in today's podcast episode. We'll talk about drugs as well as natural remedies that may help replenish moisture and protect your skin’s natural barrier. If you are seeking relief from eczema, this episode is for you!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
Natural Solutions to Address Eczema | Podcast #361
In this episode, we cover:
– Introduction
4:29 – What is Eczema and Its Signs and Symptoms?
6:51 – The Comparison between Eczema from Rosacea
10:38 – What to eat and not to eat when you have eczema
16:20 – Helpful products that can help avoid and or alleviate Eczema
19:25– The link of glutathione in skin conditions

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​

I'll say only this much (and it's plenty):

In that podcast they're starting with the idea that eczema onset is in the cold months because of staying indoors in air that is dry from heating. It's the same crock that sends eczema sufferers on a desperate search for creams, ointments, oils and a hundred expensive external treatments, when nothing you can put on the outside will do anything except make your symptoms feel better for a little while, make your sheets greasy, while doing nothing toward the cause of the eczema, which is always on the inside.

Eczema, psoriasis, rosacea and some other skin disorders are from the same internal causes, and may be treated the same ways, but it can be very individual. I feel that each person has to research 100 hours, and then 100 more. When I was researching my miserable eczema plague in 2018, I found where several black women were reporting they started taking two tablespoons olive oil daily, just drinking it off the tablespoon. One of them said "it's nasty, so you have to wash it down with coca cola" (gawd), but these women showed pictures of their progress, and it was working for them.

Drinking olive oil did nothing for me, and a lot of the olive oil in the market is adulterated with cheap seed oils. Meanwhile I spent maybe 300.00 on various external cures before I found very helpful websites that talked about supplements. I finally stumbled onto various people, across various websites, saying they took cod liver oil capsules twice daily, and ate pro-biotic foods, cleared their eczema and moved on.

So if somebody tells you to turn on the humidifier, put coconut oil on your skin, put honey on your skin, put rose hip oil on your skin, put Dr. Quackers ointment on your skin, put steroid cream on your skin, or put anything on your skin without addressing what's going on inside you, just run away and keep researching.

Also at first I took oil of oregano capsules, one per day, in case there was candida overgrowth. I'll never know if that was the case, and I quit taking those, but I still take high quality cod liver oil every day of my life, and try to eat pro-biotic foods as often as I think about it. Fortunately there are some things that are fermented and unexpectedly probiotic, such as dark chocolate (the less sugar the better) and olives, in addition to the usual go-to pro-bi such as kimchi and plain yogurt (not the stuff with sugary jam at the bottom).

IMPORTANT EDIT: While pro-biotic foods are an important part permanent eczema remission for many, I would counsel against using the fermented cod liver oil, which is controversial for reasons I won't go into. Again, your own research is the best for you. I have never used fermented cod live oil. I look for pure, wild sourced, without synthetic vitamin D added. Cod liver oil well sourced is high in naturally occurring vitamin D. Some producers of the gelcaps and the bottled liquid will add synthetic D in the form of cholecalciferol. You don't want that.

I would never, in a million years, say that my cure is your cure because internal disturbances show up on our skin, which is an organ of elimination just as are the bowel, the lungs, the kidneys and so forth. You have to research a lot, maybe try things, and it may cost some money, but when you nail it, it's nailed for good.

I was very interested to view this, about acne that can positively ruin the lives of young people:

I really hope this reply will help someone.

And an important p.s.: doctors always want to give you strong steroids that may work temporarily, but will cause a vicious backlash relapse when they are stopped, and can cause permanent skin damage.
Last edited:


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Reddit Exile
jimi. running myown conveyor business i became involved with a huge multi national company. their operation covers everything from home to industry etc,everyone reading this has bought something from them. one of their business operations was/is large scale fifhing fleets. there was an american racehorse owner who had a horse that has won millions. he was told to put it down as it had cancer. after two injection from a product they developed the horse raced again. i cant say much but the only two animals that cannot catch cancer are a shark and a chicken.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Episode 349: PLANET PANIC
Religious Exemptions Attacked By NY Times; Chinese White Lung Pneumonia Hits U.S.; Unexpected Twist In Unsanctioned Chinese Biolab In California; The Latest Talking Points from Climate Change ‘Experts’ Are Getting Ridiculous; Will ESG Be the Downfall of the Free Economy?
Guests: Jefferey Jaxen, Utah State Treasurer Marlo Oaks, CFA, CAIA​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Homemade Oatmeal Bath Soak with Herbs​

Wondering what to do with dried lavender, oats, and some other dried herbs? Make a homemade oatmeal bath to relax and heal your skin.​

What Does Hygge Mean?​

What does hygge mean? Find things to do in the winter with friends and family that can rekindle joy and comfort for the season.​

How to Make Herbal Tea at Home in Autumn and Winter​

Learn how to make herbal tea at home and how to stay healthy in winter and fall seasons. Check out these 4 herbal tea recipes.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I have a question for you. Now, it might be a little bit personal, but I'm going to ask you anyway because it's something that I've been thinking about. How many of you are just tired of fighting with your significant other or family members, or even your kids, during the holiday season?

Right? It's stressful. It's a time that I know we, as women, want to make our houses perfect. We want to have them decorated perfectly. We want the perfect, holiday gift for each person. We want the perfect dinners, parties, clothes...we want everybody to be happy.

But all that perfectionism causes a lot of stress and we hold that inside of us. Then someone will say something, one little thing, that can be so irritating & we’ll blow it out of proportion!

Well, I deal with that too, but I found some tips that I'd like to share with you that have helped me. So, TOMORROW, December 12th from 1-2pm EST I'm going to host a FREE masterclass sharing 5 tips that will help you control the behaviors of your unruly emotions during the holidays.

I'd love for you to join me. It's only for an hour, but I think it could be helpful for you. All you have to do is click this link to register and I'll see you tomorrow! Because you do deserve a stress free holiday time, particularly with your partner and your family.

Click HERE to reserve your spot! The class will be recorded so if you can't make it live just make sure you register and the recording will be emailed to you afterwards.

See you there ❤️

Happy Holidays!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Calorie counting isn’t a sustainable approach to long-term weight loss.

It’s a helpful tool that can help you understand what’s in your food, but counting calories was never designed to be a long-term weight loss solution.

If you are you looking for permanent weight loss, then you have to know which foods to eat.

No need to starve yourself!

We are offering a free FLASH WORKSHOP tomorrow Tuesday, December 12th.

Mark your calendar to join us at 2:00pm PST / 5:00pm EST.

You won't want to miss this live event.

Thousands of people have joined our last few live workshops and have gotten fantastic results so far.

Yes, the information provided during our live trainings WILL help you lose weight, achieve perfect blood sugar, and enjoy long-lasting health.

Just take a look at this transformation from a previous member:

Let us help you with a plan of action to make this a reality for you too.

Our goal at Mastering Weight Loss is to help you transform your life and take complete control of your health.

See you tomorrow,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Emotional food / holiday issues​

So many of us struggle with food because we turn to it as our main source of pleasure, as a substitute for love, as a way to connect with others, and as a way to medicate uncomfortable emotions. This can lead to unhealthy eating patterns, shame, and guilt, especially during the holiday season.
This post explains why this happens and what you can do about it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Missed our previous email? We're giving you 72-hour access to our 3-part video series: The Ultimate Detox. You'll discover how to protect yourself from everyday heavy metals, toxins, and parasites. Click here to watch Part 1 of our series now.
Did Part 1 of our Ultimate Detox series catch your attention?
Great news:
Part 2 is now available for you to watch!
>> Click here for your private access to Part 2 of The Ultimate Detox Series. (link expires in 48 hours)
Today's video explains how to detox and protect your body from environmental toxins…
And what symptoms to watch out for. (you might already be experiencing some and dismissing them as "just normal.").
Plus, we explore the ancient wisdom of detoxes and anti-parasite methods.
It's fascinating how our ancestors regularly cleansed their bodies to stay healthy, and now it's your turn to learn from their practices.
In this second part of our video series, you'll discover:
  • The real effects of parasites and toxins on your body.

  • Natural and effective ways to cleanse and detox.

  • Why regular detoxing is essential for your health.
Make sure to watch it now…
This video is only available for another 48 hours, so join us while you still can:
==> Watch Part 2 here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Don't forget to reward yourself for the small wins every day :).

You’ve probably heard that stress is responsible for over 70% of doctor’s visits. It is one of the biggest drains on your energy levels, and probably the biggest contributor to mood problems like depression and anxiety.

Stress and anxiety are rampant in today’s world (for many reasons you’re no doubt well aware of).

But here’s what you probably don’t know…

What most people do when they’re stressed and they feel their mind racing is to work on THEIR MIND.

But what if the solution isn’t to work on your mind?

It turns out that actually the fastest and most powerful way to get your brain and body out of stress and anxiety isn’t to work on your MIND, but to use your BREATH.

I’m incredibly excited to share a new live virtual event with you from energy expert Ari Whitten that will show you:
  • Breathing practices to rewire your nervous system out of stress mode and dramatically decrease anxiety levels
  • Why deep breathing is actually bad advice (and what the right approach is to increase your energy and decrease anxiety)
  • Specific breathing practices to open your airways and calm your nervous system before bed to help you sleep deeper than you have since you were a kid
  • Why dysfunctional breathing is a common cause of brain fog and anxiety (and why fixing your breathing is the hidden key to fixing your anxiety)
  • A specific 10-minute morning routine that resets your anxiety and dramatically increases energy levels
Grab your FR*EE spot in this live virtual event HERE.

It’s happening Thursday, December 14th at 4:30pm PST.
See you there!​
Have an exciting evening, Jim.

P.S. This is NOT the typical “take deep abdominal breaths and relax” type of stuff. This is next-generation breathing science to rewire your brain and body for relaxation and energy.

Register HERE.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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This is why we received such an enthusiastic reception everywhere we went in Europe

The tide has turned. Europeans are sick of turning over governance to unidentified bureaucrats in Brussels, sick of illegal immigration and the economically disastrous climate policies.​

DEC 12

Populist Political Parties Look To Shock Establishment In Coming European Parliament Election​

By Gawain Towler
December 4, 2023
Image by Allianz der Europäischen Konservativen und Reformisten
Please Follow us on Gab, Minds, Telegram, Rumble, GETTR, Truth Social, Twitter
One of the great fears in Brussels today is the spectre of an European Election coming just as, across the continent, parties of the populist right are gaining new legions of supporters.
The most recent polling puts the two populist groupings in the European Parliament, the Independence and Democracy Group (ID) and the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) as the most significant gainers.
According to Europe elects which aggregates national polling from all EU member states, right now those two groups lead the polls in Italy, France, the Netherlands and Austria. Two countries have Governments that are unaffiliated, Hungary’s Fidesz, on the populist right, left the main centre right grouping, the European People’s Party, a couple of years ago, before being pushed, and Slovakia’s recently elected SMER party, have yet to join any groups, but will mostly likely join with either the ID or the ECR after next year’s election. This means that 6 of the EU’s 27 have populist nation state parties in the lead.
This is not the whole story though, as in 5 others including Germany and Poland parties affiliated with the two groups are the main party of opposition. Elsewhere insurgent populist parties are on the rise.
Though most of this recent activity has been driven by specifically national issues, the one that ties them all together is the burning issue of mass immigration, mostly from North Africa and the Muslim Middle East. However that is not all, most are highly sceptical of further deepening of the European Union and have been strengthened at home by their own government’s agreement to passing greater powers to the EU, without there being national debate, or in the case of some countries the opportunity of confirmatory referenda. Brussels has fixed the rules on this, having been shocked by the result of the UK referendum in 2016, and will not allow a mistake like that to happen again.
Other areas where the majority of the National conservative/populist parties agree is opposition to the ruinously expensive climate change agenda, and many were highly sceptical of the implementation of the Covid pandemic lockdown policies, in particular, mask and vaccine mandates.
According to the Europe elects study the ID group is now at a historic high, and that is without the impact of the UK’s Brexit Party which in the last election, and before the UK left the European Union, in 2020 was the largest single party in the entire European Parliament.
“The gains of the ID group are mostly due to three factors. In the Netherlands, the Partij voor de Vrijheid (PVV) overperformed the polls in the elections and is now projected to have five more seats. In France, Rassemblement National (RN) is up by three seats, and in Bulgaria, Възраждане (V) is now associated with ID”
All this matters as on current projections it is highly likely that the ID will become the third largest group in the Parliament. With this will come far greater influence over powerful Committee Chairmanships and its ability to choose which reports it will have the authoring rights. In the past the main three parties have operated a ‘cordon sanitaire’, a sort of gentleman’s agreement to overturn precedent and block ID members from these key roles, but with a restive public that might not be so easy to carry out in future.
More worrying for the powers that be is that their cosy consensus might find itself shaken even further. Last weekend in Florence leaders of many of these national parties met to discuss the future. They came from both the ECR and the ID and they were talking alliances and working towards causing a shock to the Brussels system.
There are strong differences, some of them, such as Germany’s AfD are feeling the pinch caused by the Russian war on Ukraine and the Austrian Freedom Party went so far as to oppose support given to Israel in its war with Hamas.
But on the key issues that matter to the European voters in next year’s European elections there was pretty strong agreement. If they could set aside their differences enough to create a strategic alliance in the European Parliament and co-operate on key budget and policy briefs their combined numbers will create chaos in the Brussels legislature. If they could go so far as to unite they would be challenging the EPP and the Socialists for dominance of the chamber.
At that point the soft middling technocratic consensus that has governed the European Parliament for decades could be shattered. It is early days, but meetings like this one in Florence point in that direction.
Suddenly Brussels could get interesting again.


Diamond Contributor
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Two new important articles on the WHO from Brownstone

DEC 12
Why Does the WHO Make False Claims Regarding Proposals to Seize States’ Sovereignty? By David Bell and Thi Thuy Van Dinh. If it is indeed the case that our authorities and their supporters within the public health community consider that powers currently vested within national jurisdictions should be given over to external bodies on the basis of this level of recorded harm, it would be best to have a public conversation as to whether this is sufficient basis for abandoning democratic ideals in favor of a more fascist or otherwise authoritarian approach. We are, after all, talking about restricting basic human rights essential for a democracy to function.
These Amendments Would Open the Door to a Dangerous Global Health Bureaucracy By David Thunder. The Covid pandemic gave the World Health Organisation and its partners unprecedented visibility and a tremendous amount of “soft” power to shape public health law and policies across the world. Over the past year or so, the WHO has been pushing hard to consolidate and expand its power to declare and manage public health emergencies on a global scale.
However, David Thunder has some details wrong while he has a good grasp overall of what is taking place. He states regarding the IHR amendments:
If ratified, they will come into effect two years after their announcement at the May 2024 World Health Assembly (i.e., around June 2026), as stipulated in the annex to Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) agreed to on 28th May 2022.
However, they are unlikely to be ratified by the Senate. The Biden administration has already claimed that the IHRs have been approved by Executive Agreement previously and will be again. Furthermore, if the May 2022 amendments stand (which have been seriously challenged by 12 members of the European Parliament, as noted in an earlier substack by me) it will only take one year for them to come into force, not two.
Since only a handful of writers have picked apart the treaty and amendments up till now, I think it is worth getting another take on their implications, and Professor Thunder does a good job explaining what they would do. Enjoy.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

I am home after 27 days. I met and briefed parliamentarians from 5 countries and about a dozen Congressmembers. House hearing on WHO Wednesday.

All the lawmakers were interested in what the WHO was up to, while few knew the details--since there has been an MSM blackout on the subject. filled them in.​

DEC 12
The Sovereignty Coalition (including me) will do a ZOOM briefing for Congressmembers tomorrow in advance of the postponed hearing on the WHO— happening Wednesday afternoon at 2 pm ET. You can watch it at this site:
We do not know how deep the members will go in their questioning of administrative officials. We want to encourage them to hold more hearings, and we are offering sample questions and briefing materials. Fingers crossed the hearing will not be a whitewash but instead a deep dive into the WHO’s effort to provide global health governance.


Diamond Contributor
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Tomorrow the medical board will finally hand down my punishment for practicing ethical medicine

It will be 23 months to the day since they immediately suspended my license because I was such an extreme danger to the patients of Maine for treating COVID.​

DEC 12
I won’t be allowed to speak. They will have a regular Maine BOLIM (Board of Licensure in Medicine) meeting. Only a small portion of the time will deal with me, and there is no telling when they will review my case, nor whether they will spend more than a minute on it. CHD TV will record it. I don’t know whether the rest of the meeting is going to be broadcast. The meeting itself starts at 8 am.
Also on December 12 (tomorrow) the UK Parliament is scheduled to have a debate about the pandemic response. And Attorney Luis Maria Pardo from Spain, with whom we are collaborating, will address the European Parliament about the WHO. We will have the closed briefing for Congress in the afternoon, and I will tape a show with James Corbett in the evening, which will be broadcast in a few days.
I will churn out information on everything that is going on as I am able, given the pace of things at the moment. Thanks for hanging on!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I want to share a revelation with you that could make a huge difference in your life, Jimi.

As you know, chronic degenerative inflammatory diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s, are on the rise.

And I’m sure you also know that they are NOT a normal part of aging, as we’ve been led to believe.

The most disheartening part of this situation is that the current medical system often falls short in providing real answers for prevention & recovery.

But here’s the good news… Your body possesses an innate ability to heal itself. Every day, it tirelessly works to repair damaged cells and eliminate waste.

That’s what this FREE guide shows you how to do.

Activating Autophagy: Your Guide to Cellular Healing

In this super helpful guide, you’ll discover the essential strategies to unlock your body’s natural healing and repair abilities.

You’ll also dive deep into advanced nutrition principles, powerful herbs, and lifestyle strategies to enhance autophagy and achieve profound cellular healing.

This guide covers:​
  • The groundbreaking science of autophagy
  • Top 7 herbs to enhance cellular healing
  • The top nutritional strategies to stimulate deep cellular healing
  • The best way to exercise to stimulate autophagy
When you download this report, you’ll also receive a FREE ticket to the Fasting & Longevity Summit, co-hosted by Dr. David Jockers himself!

You can expect practical solutions, including:​
  • Learning how to implement fasting as a lifestyle approach
  • Exploring fasting-mimicking diets
  • Gaining invaluable nutritional strategies to support fasting
  • Finding a supportive community and accountability
  • Embracing mindful and intentional living beyond fasting
  • Discovering how to integrate fasting with other healthy lifestyle practices


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Friend,
With all that we’re facing in today’s world, many people are searching for the most powerful immune boosters to ramp up their defenses.
The truth is optimal immunity requires fine-tuned precision — not blunt force. For long-term health and vitality, the immune system needs to maintain a complex, delicate balance between fighting off invaders and preventing out-of-control inflammation that attacks vital organs (aka the cytokine storm).
Traditional herbal immune boosters like echinacea can stimulate immune responses so much that they “fry your circuits,” so to speak. And when your immune system overreacts, it can cause immune signaling to go haywire, leading to uncontrolled inflammatory responses and immune cells that attack healthy tissues and organs.
So how do you protect yourself if immune boosters aren’t the way to go? The answer is using strategic natural approaches that help to regulate, train, and optimize your immune cell function rather than send it into overdrive.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Reserve your spot for the masterclass here.
Here’s what you’ll learn when you attend:

✅ How you might be feeding your cancer cells right now without even realizing it

✅ How you can trigger your body’s "cell repair system" in order to prevent your cells from replicating too fast and causing cancer in the body

✅ Why controlling the CEO enzyme may also help your body stay away from diabetes, gut inflammation, diabetes, dementia, heart disease and osteoporosis

And a lot more!

This could be one of the most life-changing and eye-opening events you can attend, so make sure you don’t miss out and save your seat now!

Reserve your F.REE spot now.

To a cancer-free future,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Fasting functions a lot like exercise. It stresses the body, but in a way that allows cells to come back healthier. It helps to prune unhealthy cells that need a constant source of fuel. The ones that survive are stronger and healthier. Since old cells create inflammation, eliminating them can help reduce overall inflammation in the body.

If we keep feeding the body things that are easily converted into glucose and fats - we don’t bother to break down older tissues that are not functioning as well.

How to best implement fasting varies patient to patient. For example, if you are stuck in CDR 1 - depending on glucose for energy - fasting can be stressful. It is best to start slowly and work with a physician.

I’ll be speaking about all of this in detail during the Fasting and Longevity Summit hosted by Dr. Joseph Antoun and Dr. David Jockers from January 2-8, 2024.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Imagine condensing 15 years of extensive natural health research and experience into a single, power-packed webinar designed to provide you with the best strategies for combating cancer.

Well, that's precisely what our upcoming webinar, '3 Steps to Empower Yourself to Heal and Never Be Afraid of Cancer Again,' is all about!

This webinar focuses on the three core aspects that the most cutting-edge doctors and cancer survivors follow to achieve the best results.

During our last presentation of this material, we had an overwhelming response, with thousands of individuals signing up and our webinar room filled.

The feedback was overwhelmingly positive, with hundreds of comments affirming that the information presented was among the best available on natural cancer treatment.

Here are just a couple of testimonials from our satisfied participants:

"Beautiful and touching information and tools to help us learn how to live a healthier life and heal when needed." – Francine Gough

"Thank you for all the great advice and information you provide. I have been loving it all and appreciate the hard work you’ve put into finding true health in today’s world!" – Noelle Campbell

We highly value your time, and we promise that this webinar is filled with actionable, no-fluff information that will empower you to take control of your health and future.

You'll leave the session armed with evidence-based solutions for supporting your body's natural fight against cancer.

Join thousands of others on this transformative journey by registering for the free webinar now:

Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and practical tools that can change your perspective on health and healing.



Diamond Contributor
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My Board matter lasted from 8:20 am to 8:22 am.

I do thank them for not making me wait all day for this anticlimactic finish to the case.​

DEC 12
I have not seen the document they were voting on—my attorney was not allowed to see it until after the vote.
I was not able to see how the Board members voted, though my attorney said they were unanimous (the six involved in my matter). The others, who were not part of my hearing, abstained as required.
For some reason, all their individual cameras (and mine) have been turned off, with only a tiny box of them all in a room together barely visible on the zoom.
At some point soon my attorney will receive the Board’s decision on punishment.
I have 30 days in which to decide whether to appeal their decision and my penalty.
My case against the Board for a malicious prosecution that went far beyond their authority, filed last summer, will have oral arguments in federal court in front of Judge Jon Levy on January 10, 2024 in Portland, Maine.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What is the scariest thing about diabetes?

For most people with high blood sugar or diabetes, it's the complications... loss of vision, kidney failure, painful neuropathy in the feet, dementia, sexual dysfunction, and heart disease.

It turns out that there are FIVE things that you can do which will help you avoid ALL these diabetes complications to live a long, high-quality life. If fact, these same five things will help you reverse complications if they've already developed.

If you knew you could keep your eyesight, kidneys, feet, brain health, and avoid heart and vascular problems by doing just five things, would you do them?

If so, I created a new webinar for you. I'll teach you the five keys that I've found to avoid or reverse ALL diabetes complications.

The webinar is this Friday, December 15th at 1:00pm Eastern, 10:00am Pacific.

>> Register now by clicking here.

This webinar training will be about an hour, and will be jam-packed with valuable information.

Here's some of what I'll cover:

  • The REAL cause of diabetes complications (it's not JUST high blood sugar!)
  • How ALL diabetes complications are related to the same problem and how to reverse it
  • Why conventional diabetes care will make complications like neuropathy and kidney failure worse
  • The best supplements to protect from eye problems, neuropathy, and other diabetes complications
  • Q&A time with me!

This is a brand new webinar training, and I'll be sharing some powerful information! If you're serious about your health, and want to avoid, reduce, or eliminate diabetes medications, join me for this free webinar training.
See you there!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Vitamin B12 is Key for Optimal Tissue Regeneration
Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is required for healthy nerve function and the synthesis of red blood cells and DNA. A deficiency in B12 increases inflammation and oxidative stress by raising homocysteine. High homocysteine, in turn, is associated with cardiovascular disease and decreased immune response. Vitamins B6, B9 (folate) and B12 break down homocysteine.​
Choline in Eggs Reduces Inflammation
Choline, found in ample amounts in organic, pastured egg yolks, was first discovered in 1862. It was officially recognized as an essential nutrient for human health by the Institute of Medicine in 1998. Since then, we've learned that choline has a long list of health benefits.​


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5 Ways to Reduce Inflammation Quickly

Chronic inflammation is one of the most insidious causes of disease in modern society. Certain lifestyle factors increase inflammation and as a result our cells lose the capacity to function at peak performance.

The result is the slow deterioration of health that often leads to full-blown diseases like autoimmunity and cancer. In this article, you will discover 5 ways to reduce inflammation quickly!



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Colloidal Silver: Top 3 Immune Benefits and How to Use It
Silver has been used for its antimicrobial and other health benefits in folk medicine for centuries to treat wounds, colds, and infections. Since the invention of antibiotics, the use of silver for bacterial infections has decreased.

However, with rising antibiotic resistance and the growing renewed interest in natural treatment options, colloidal silver is an alternative option for many.



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Insulin Resistance: 10 Ways to Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels

Insulin resistance is an increasingly common problem people are facing today. Insulin helps your cells to absorb and use glucose for energy.

Insulin resistance happens if your body is unable to respond to and use the insulin produced by your body. Insulin resistance can lead to prediabetes, diabetes, and an array of other health issues.

The good news is that it’s possible to prevent diabetes and stabilize your blood sugar naturally through dietary and lifestyle changes. The first step to prevent and reverse prediabetes and diabetes is to reverse insulin resistance, improve insulin sensitivity, and stabilize your blood sugar.



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Ever felt like there's a hidden switch to unleash the healthiest, most incredible version of you? Well, there is.

And no, it's not some fancy, fleeting health fad. It’s something timeless, potent, deeply rooted in our very being.

It’s actually something I practice almost daily.

Ready for it? It's FASTING.

But fasting isn’t just a practice. It's a game-changer etched in our DNA. It's about becoming the strongest, healthiest, most empowered version of yourself.

Fasting unlocks autophagy: your body’s secret weapon. Usually lying dormant, it springs into action with fasting. It’s pivotal for cell health, rejuvenation, and survival. Think of it as your body's emergency reset, combating chronic illness, extending your health span, and broadening your lifespan. It's like an internal renovation, protecting against inflammation and sharpening your brain.

How? During autophagy, your cells become warriors, fighting off viruses, bacteria, and repairing damage. It’s a rejuvenation that opens up new avenues for your health.

Fasting is your body’s ultimate play – a chance to reset, rejuvenate, and excel.

So, I’m inviting you to the Fasting & Longevity Summit with my friend Dr. David Jockers. Dr. Jockers and I just completed our Leaky Gut Summit together, and I really respect what he has to say about diet and healthy aging.

Click here to register.

What’s in it for you:

  • The kickstart to see fasting not just as a choice, but as a force for your health.
  • A deep dive into the science of fasting – understanding its impact on longevity.
  • The ability to make sustainable lifestyle shifts that complement fasting and enhance your overall well-being.
  • Benefits like enhanced brain function, reduced inflammation, healthier skin, and effective weight management.

The opportunity to fend off chronic diseases and embrace a longer, healthier life.

Ready to flip the switch?




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Vitamin D: Should you take vitamin D as a supplement?

I have drawn vitamin D levels on thousands of children when I was in practice. Almost all were in the 10 - 30 ng/ml range (normal 30 - 100). Clinically many with levels below 20 have bone or muscle pains. Ongoing supplementation with 1000 IU/d for infants and toddlers, 2000 IU for preschool ages, 3000 IU for school ages and 5000 IU for adult sized teens and adults would typically get vitamin D levels in the 50 – 80ng/ml range that is thought to be desirable since these are the levels associated with clinical benefits (cancer reduction etc.).
Check levels of vitamin D when supplementing, so you can change the dose to get the desired levels. Most labs will do this and for those who want to check levels from home with a finger prick and I set this up:
Since Vitamin D is fat soluble, it won't fluctuate much daily.
I had once instance of a baby being mistakenly given 1 dropperful a day for several months of 1000 IU vitamin D per drop. I measured and found that a dropperful was 17 drops or 17,000 IU. I measured that baby's vitamin D level, and it was 140. Toxicity is thought to occur around 100 - 150 ng/dl. The baby had no symptoms and levels returned to normal after a couple months of not supplementing.
Since most people wear clothes and or sunscreen and rarely go out in the sun to begin with, and those in latitudes far from the equator won't make much vitamin D when exposed to sun, the reality is that we simply must supplement to get the protective benefits of vitamin D along with the immune boosting effects.
This is the one supplement almost everyone should be taking and checking levels to make sure you are taking enough.
Evidence suggests it is best to take it with vitamin K2. One of the things vitamin D3 does is increase calcium absorption. It is possible too much calcium in the circulation will cause mischief like atherosclerosis. Vitamin K2 helps usher the calcium into the bone where we store calcium.
I've watched the literature over the past 2 decades on this. Most of the mainstream studies done to discredit vitamin D are poorly designed using miniscule doses and thus showing no benefit. This poor study design is like the vaccine "placebo" studies that use an equally toxic vaccine or vaccine ingredients as placebo and then when there is no difference in outcomes, (both the new vaccine and the old one used as placebo have equally bad outcomes) they conclude the vaccine is safe. With inadequate doses of vitamin D the conclusion is that vitamin D is worthless.
I still think vitamin D is the single most important supplement that almost everyone needs unless you can get adequate sunshine.
Dr. Paul (retired pediatrician)
Consult with your trusted health care provider before implementing anything you learned here. Dr. Paul does not diagnose or treat and this is for informational puposes only.


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Vitamin D: Should you take vitamin D as a supplement?

I have drawn vitamin D levels on thousands of children when I was in practice. Almost all were in the 10 - 30 ng/ml range (normal 30 - 100). Clinically many with levels below 20 have bone or muscle pains. Ongoing supplementation with 1000 IU/d for infants and toddlers, 2000 IU for preschool ages, 3000 IU for school ages and 5000 IU for adult sized teens and adults would typically get vitamin D levels in the 50 – 80ng/ml range that is thought to be desirable since these are the levels associated with clinical benefits (cancer reduction etc.).
Check levels of vitamin D when supplementing, so you can change the dose to get the desired levels. Most labs will do this and for those who want to check levels from home with a finger prick and I set this up:
Since Vitamin D is fat soluble, it won't fluctuate much daily.
I had once instance of a baby being mistakenly given 1 dropperful a day for several months of 1000 IU vitamin D per drop. I measured and found that a dropperful was 17 drops or 17,000 IU. I measured that baby's vitamin D level, and it was 140. Toxicity is thought to occur around 100 - 150 ng/dl. The baby had no symptoms and levels returned to normal after a couple months of not supplementing.
Since most people wear clothes and or sunscreen and rarely go out in the sun to begin with, and those in latitudes far from the equator won't make much vitamin D when exposed to sun, the reality is that we simply must supplement to get the protective benefits of vitamin D along with the immune boosting effects.
This is the one supplement almost everyone should be taking and checking levels to make sure you are taking enough.
Evidence suggests it is best to take it with vitamin K2. One of the things vitamin D3 does is increase calcium absorption. It is possible too much calcium in the circulation will cause mischief like atherosclerosis. Vitamin K2 helps usher the calcium into the bone where we store calcium.
I've watched the literature over the past 2 decades on this. Most of the mainstream studies done to discredit vitamin D are poorly designed using miniscule doses and thus showing no benefit. This poor study design is like the vaccine "placebo" studies that use an equally toxic vaccine or vaccine ingredients as placebo and then when there is no difference in outcomes, (both the new vaccine and the old one used as placebo have equally bad outcomes) they conclude the vaccine is safe. With inadequate doses of vitamin D the conclusion is that vitamin D is worthless.
I still think vitamin D is the single most important supplement that almost everyone needs unless you can get adequate sunshine.
Dr. Paul (retired pediatrician)
Consult with your trusted health care provider before implementing anything you learned here. Dr. Paul does not diagnose or treat and this is for informational puposes only.
if you take vitamin d tablets get reasy to have a black loo!


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Zinc protects prostate cells by acting as a tumor suppressor​

there were fewer people being sick before tablets came around. why, because then you let your own ody fight to beat the sickness, but then, tablet or six will fix it. result, your own body loses the will/desire to stand up for itself. poor body.


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ED Increases Chance of Heart Attack

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

A four-year study concluded that men whose impotence is vascular-related, not emotional, are twice as likely to suffer a heart attack, stroke, or sudden cardiac death. This was true even without other heart risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or a history of smoking.

Special: Doctor's Warning: Performance Concerns Affect How Many Men By Age 40?

Experts have long observed that impotence is associated with poor cardiovascular health, but it was thought that obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes were some of the reasons why. This study found that impotence on its own is a significant risk factor.

Study author Dr. Michael Blaha, director of clinical research at the Johns Hopkins Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease in Baltimore, suggests that men with I am a spammer ban me dysfunction may need screening for early cardiovascular disease.

"Healthcare providers should consider including ED as a component of assessing cardiovascular risk among middle-aged men," said American Heart Association spokesman Dr. Richard Becker, professor of medicine at the University of Cincinnati, who was not involved with the study.


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ED Increases Chance of Heart Attack

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

A four-year study concluded that men whose impotence is vascular-related, not emotional, are twice as likely to suffer a heart attack, stroke, or sudden cardiac death. This was true even without other heart risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or a history of smoking.

Special: Doctor's Warning: Performance Concerns Affect How Many Men By Age 40?

Experts have long observed that impotence is associated with poor cardiovascular health, but it was thought that obesity, high blood pressure, and diabetes were some of the reasons why. This study found that impotence on its own is a significant risk factor.

Study author Dr. Michael Blaha, director of clinical research at the Johns Hopkins Center for the Prevention of Heart Disease in Baltimore, suggests that men with I am a spammer ban me dysfunction may need screening for early cardiovascular disease.

"Healthcare providers should consider including ED as a component of assessing cardiovascular risk among middle-aged men," said American Heart Association spokesman Dr. Richard Becker, professor of medicine at the University of Cincinnati, who was not involved with the study.
impotence is the result of getting married!


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Hi Jimi,

Traditional cancer therapies have long dominated the landscape, but a wave of underexplored natural resources is emerging.

Check out the videos below to discover the profound potential of algae, cannabis, and peptides as they reshape the conversation around cancer.

Congratulations on taking a massive step towards better health by attending the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit. We hope you found the experience as inspiring and empowering as we did.

But why stop there? Here are three game-changing videos from the summit:


Algae is everywhere, but we often disregard it. What you don’t know is that it holds untapped potential that may revolutionize our approach to cancer treatment.

Catharine Arnston became a proponent of algae when it played a crucial role in her sister’s healing from cancer. In this talk, she shares how algae and an alkaline diet changed her and her sister’s lives.

1️⃣ Understand how nutrient deficiencies and increasing toxins play a role in the rise of cancer.

2️⃣ Dive deep into the importance of optimizing mitochondrial function.

3️⃣ Discover algae’s unique nutrients and its capability to boost mitochondrial function.


Diamond Contributor
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Join us on a journey into the future of cancer care, where tiny chains of amino acids called peptides have become your greatest allies in the fight against cancer.

Kent Holtorf, MD, preaches how peptides were instrumental in his own recovery, and he now wants to share its remarkable benefits with the world. Watch this talk where he delves into the role and function of peptides in your body.

1️⃣ Understand how to use peptides for modulating the immune system.

2️⃣ Discover the connection between immunosenescence and cancer.

3️⃣ Learn about the manipulation of studies and data in the pharmaceutical industry.


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Join us on a journey into the future of cancer care, where tiny chains of amino acids called peptides have become your greatest allies in the fight against cancer.

Kent Holtorf, MD, preaches how peptides were instrumental in his own recovery, and he now wants to share its remarkable benefits with the world. Watch this talk where he delves into the role and function of peptides in your body.

1️⃣ Understand how to use peptides for modulating the immune system.

2️⃣ Discover the connection between immunosenescence and cancer.

3️⃣ Learn about the manipulation of studies and data in the pharmaceutical industry.
talk to the doctor of the nearest jungle tribe. your currentdoctor may live untill he is 80 the jungle doc will live untill he passes 100! who is the better!

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