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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
2023 CABS Thomas N. Seyfried

Understand Cancer: A Disease Of Mitochondrial Metabolism​

Thomas Seyfried, PhD
2023 CABS Ryan Sternagel

Make Healing Happen: Your Personal Guide​

Ryan Sternagel
2023 CABS Dr. William Li

Boost Your Health With Cancer Fighting Foods​

William Li, MD
2023 CABS DAY Devin Stone

Unlock Fermented Soy’s Power Against Disease​

Devin Stone, ND
2023 CABS Mary Hardy

Boost Your Mitochondria To Counteract Cancer​

Mary Hardy, MD
2023 CABS Sylvie Beljanski

Your Strategy For Winning The War On Cancer​

Sylvie Beljanski


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
New Member
Reddit Exile
2023 CABS Thomas N. Seyfried

Understand Cancer: A Disease Of Mitochondrial Metabolism​

Thomas Seyfried, PhD
2023 CABS Ryan Sternagel

Make Healing Happen: Your Personal Guide​

Ryan Sternagel
2023 CABS Dr. William Li

Boost Your Health With Cancer Fighting Foods​

William Li, MD
2023 CABS DAY Devin Stone

Unlock Fermented Soy’s Power Against Disease​

Devin Stone, ND
2023 CABS Mary Hardy

Boost Your Mitochondria To Counteract Cancer​

Mary Hardy, MD
2023 CABS Sylvie Beljanski

Your Strategy For Winning The War On Cancer​

Sylvie Beljanski
the people that can understand cancer are those that have it not those who reas about it


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Medical professionals love to blame genes for our health problems. Some of them even dismiss them as being made up or imaginary.

We have to acknowledge that sometimes... the advice we get about our health isn't right. Which is why it's important to question and do our own research.

I invite you to join me this evening as I discuss the influence of the food and pharmaceutical industries on health advice, and the importance of being skeptical, and what I've learned from "following the money".

I'll share my thoughts, tonight at 6pm (central).

Watch on YouTube or Facebook

Then, come back with me on Thursday at 12:30cst for a LIVE Q&A on tonight's show.


Diamond Contributor
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What is the difference between a treaty and an executive agreement?

Anthony Blinken's nod​

DEC 12
The Constitution says Treaties must go to the Senate for its advice and consent, and receive a 2/3 vote (68 members) to pass.
Yet over 80% of treaties never go before the Senate and are approved by what is termed Executive Agreement. Biden or his State Department merely signs the treaty and (as they say) that is that.
Attorney Reggie Littlejohn and I asked Professor Francis Boyle what decides which treaties actually go before the Senate.
His answer was that the State Department decides: “There is no law. Just a State Department Circular that unilaterally asserts this power. At the end of the day it is for the Senate to protect is own treaty powers against the State Department.”
According to the Congressional Research Service, Congress could force the issue and demand that both the IHR amendments and the pandemic treaty go before the Senate to be entered into by the US—because, according to international law, both are technically treaties. But if they do not do so, the Biden State Department will simply sign the pandemic treaty (if it passes the World Health Assembly (WHA) with a 2/3 vote: the WHA being the 194 nation members of the WHO).
If it fails this high bar, will the treaty go away? No: probably a lot of the treaty material will be moved into the IHR amendments, possibly after the 4 month deadline for sharing the amendments with the member states and public. Or possibly next year parts could become amendments. Maybe the treaty was a decoy all along?
The amendments are “opt in” so unless the US sends a formal rejection, we will become a party to all the amendments that pass the WHA with a 50% vote. Which is another reason why there is so much secrecy regarding them: they are the vehicle the cabal is totally committed to passing, while the treaty is iffy.
What Congress ought to do about this is clear:
a) rescind this power of the state department to decide what the Senate reviews
b) demand that the treaty and amendments must be passed by the Senate with a 2/3 majority before either is entered into by the US
and much more, which I will write about next.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
Episode 3 of our Ultimate Detox series is out!
>> Available for 24 hours – click HERE to watch Episode 3 now.
This episode dives deeper into how toxins and parasites can silently affect your health – without you even realizing it.
With over 100 MILLION Americans carrying parasites in their bodies…
It's a must-watch, as you could be one of those people!
In this latest episode, you’ll discover:
  • The everyday sources of toxins and parasites, even in seemingly innocent places.

  • Practical strategies to avoid these hidden dangers and protect your health.

  • The power of a natural detox: clear steps to purify your body and mind.

  • The link between hidden toxins and common health issues like fatigue, brain fog, and anxiety.
  • Success stories and powerful insights from individuals who've turned their health around.
But hurry, as this episode is only available for the next 24 hours:
>> Click here to watch Episode 3 now.
Missed our previous episodes?
Good news - there’s still time to catch up.
The 100% natural protocols that we shared in the past two videos can help you avoid and even REVERSE things like chronic fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, poor sleep, and depression…
This is why it’s vitally important that you understand the ways toxic buildup and parasites can curb even the best-intentioned health protocol.
You’ve got until TOMORROW, 8 PM ET to catch up:
>>> Watch Part 1 here
>>> Watch Part 2 here
>>> Watch Part 3 here
Each video is ~30 minutes of valuable information that has restored vitality to so many lives… and can be for you, too.


Diamond Contributor
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Important points regarding the WHO's Proposed Pandemic Treaty and major changes to the International Health Regulations

Some of my suggestions to the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic for its hearing tomorrow​

DEC 12
The Committee roster can be found here.

Questions could profitably be asked about the following:​

1. The WHO is not an honest broker.
  • a. Its Director-General has repeatedly lied about the WHO's 2 proposed treaties: the pandemic treaty/agreement, and International Health Regulation (IHR) amendments, claiming they do not seize sovereignty, when there is no doubt they do precisely that. See Why Does the WHO Make False Claims Regarding Proposals to Seize States' Sovereignty? by David Bell, MD, PhD and attorney Thi Thuy Van Dinh, PhD.
  • b. The WHO appears to have deceived the public about whether the amendments "approved" in May 2022 followed the legally required procedure of a full WHA vote. Twelve members of the European Parliament wrote to the WHO on November 28, 2023 asking for evidence that the WHO actually conducted a vote of the entire World Health Assembly to pass several new amendments in May 2022, with a 48 hour deadline. The WHO did not respond, and the twelve European parliament members declared the May 2022 amendments null and void last week.
  • c. The WHO's principal legal office, Steven Solomon, stated in early October that the IHR working group did not have to follow the required procedure (found in the existing 2005 version of the International Health Regulations) to make public the draft of new proposed amendments 4 months in advance of a vote. Thus, we may not see the new amendments until after the WHO members have voted on them.
2. The WHO's proposed treaties are unconstitutional
  • a. They demand that nations perform surveillance of their citizens' social media footprints and censor them to prevent 'infodemics' (too much information, according to the WHO's definition), misinformation and disinformation, surveil
  • b. They say that nations should give up the intellectual property rights of their citizens.
  • c. There is no due process for the declaring or ending of public health emergencies of international concern, for which no standards exist.
3. In the Oct. 30 draft of the treaty, A new WHO Secretariat and Conference of Parties for pandemics are to be established in the future and will make their own rules. Thus, agreeing to this means providing a blank check to the WHO to do whatever it wants at some later date.
4. The 2 proposed treaties ignore existing internal law prohibiting the proliferation of biological warfare agents (the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention and the 2004 Security Council Memorandum 1540) and demand that nations search out new agents (a.k.a. "potential pandemic pathogens") and share them with the WHO, which will "share them globally." The WHO has already established a BioHub for this purpose and a Pathogen Access and Benefits System.
5. The proposed treaty and amendments also demand that nations perform 2 additional forms of surveillance of their citizens: microbiological surveillance of their populations, animals and ecosystems for pathogens, and surveillance and sharing of medical and hospital records, both of which violate privacy protections.
6. The proposed amendments remove the guarantee of "Human rights, dignity and freedom of persons" that are found in the current international health regulations.
7. The two proposed treaties are both binding
, whereas the earlier IHR were recommendations only, apart from minor requirements for notification of certain outbreaks to the WHO. The two proposed documents would give the WHO and particularly its Director-General vast authority to manage healthcare globally. The current Director-General is not a medical practitioner and instead has a PhD in Community Health.
8. The WHO lacks the personnel and expertise to manage international pandemics and other health concerns. Any developed nation has within it much more capacity to understand and manage medical events within its borders, and likely international events as well.
9. The proposed treaty calls for rapidly produced vaccines and for nations to implement domestic legislation to permit the use of unlicensed medical products without manufacturer liability, instead "managing" the liability issues using existing models, such as the US' Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program, which has so far compensated 8 Americans for injuries related to EUA COVID products (primarily vaccines) from the 12,358 claims filed.
10. It is apparent that in the process of developing the “Pandemic Accord” and amendments to the IHR, WHO/WHA positioned itself in a combined law-making/executive/expert/censorship role, which is a well-known path to usurpation of unrestrained power. It should not be surprising, therefore, that the proposed Amendments grant expressly such power to the WHO.
11. The WHO receives 85% of its funding from voluntary contributions, and only 15% from dues paid by its 194 member nations. Most of the voluntary contributions are earmarked for special projects that the WHO carries out. When President Trump withheld US funding in 2020, Bill Gates became the WHO's top funder. The (unelected) WHO serves many private masters, yet seeks to govern the world's population.
12. Virtually every recommendation the WHO made for managing the COVID pandemic was counterproductive. Why would we give the WHO the power to enforce the same bad advice on the US and world?

Meryl Nass, MD
December 11, 2023​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today's Thought:

"Cheers to a New Year and another chance for us to get it right.”​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Healing Cancer Against All Odds

Join me in a captivating discussion with Dr. Michael Karlfeldt, a renowned naturopathic oncologist and author of "A Better Way to Treat Cancer." We explore the forefront of integrative medicine in managing cancer and chronic illnesses, focusing on holistic approaches and advanced therapies. Gain insights into the latest developments and holistic methods for enhanced health and well-being. Don't miss this essential dialogue on innovative care in cancer management.

-->> Listen here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How Your Iron Levels Are Negatively Affecting Your Health
Hey Jim,

Iron is a mineral component of hemoglobin, the protein in red blood cells that transports oxygen from the lungs and throughout the body.

If your body doesn’t have enough iron, it won’t get enough oxygen, and your cells (powered by oxygen) won’t function efficiently.

An iron deficiency can be related to digestive problems, menstruation issues, or nutrient deficiencies – maybe you're not eating adequate sources of iron or maybe your body is having trouble absorbing it.

In this episode of the podcast, you'll learn to spot the signs of iron deficiency and learn my recommendations for increasing iron absorption, and when to get yourself tested for a comprehensive understanding of your health issues.

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
In this episode, we cover:

What is iron deficiency and how to test for it?
5:36: Iron-rich food template
10:04: Other issues to consider when dealing with iron deficiency
17:09: Iron deficiency in men

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Do you miss someone this holiday season? [New Video]
My Dad had a way with words and always gave the best holiday toasts. The task will fall to me this year and I know I’ll mist up along the way, but that’s ok.
It’s one of the ways we can keep him in our hearts this holiday season.
In case you’re missing a specific person or pet this season, too, I’ve got a new video for you…​
In this week’s post, I’ll share:
Now it’s your turn. How do you honor your loved ones during the holidays? Let me know in the comments.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Did you know that countless individuals have uncovered a holistic approach to conquering cancer?

It's a transformative journey that remains largely hidden from mainstream media, and unfortunately, many medical doctors are unaware that such a natural approach even exists.

Drawing from 15 years of dedicated research in natural health and conversations with the world's foremost scientific minds and cancer experts, Nathan Crane has distilled this invaluable information into three foundational steps.

These steps are at the heart of my free webinar, '3 Steps to Empower Yourself to Heal and Never Be Afraid of Cancer Again,' which we previously invited you to join.

If you missed the invitation, you can still register for free here:

>>> How to Never Be Afraid of Cancer Again<<<

Nathan’s mission is to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to improve both the length and quality of your life while steering clear of cancer for good.

This empowering journey is within your reach, and Nathan will guide you every step of the way.

Will you take this opportunity to join us on this transformative path to holistic healing and a brighter, healthier future?

Register today, and let's embark on this journey together:

Your health and well-being matter, and we are committed to helping you discover the empowering steps you can take to live a life free from fear and filled with vitality.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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30 minute briefing for members of the Pandemic Response Committee before their hearing at 2 pm ET today. Held yesterday.

Sorry about some last-minute changes in the schedule​

DEC 13
The Fundamental Transformation of the W.H.O.:
From Health Advisor to Global Dictator

Washington, D.C.—On Tuesday, December 12, from 2:00-3:00 pm ET, the Sovereignty Coalition hosted a virtual briefing for Members of the U.S. House Oversight Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (SC-CVP)and their staff regarding "The Fundamental Transformation of the W.H.O.: From Health Advisor to Global Dictator," Frank Gaffney and Reggie Littlejohn with Dr. Meryl Nass, Dr. Kat Lindley, Valerie Borek, Catherine Austin Fitts, and Kris Ullman.
This panel was hosted in advance of the U.S. Select Committee on the Corona Virus Pandemic hearing with officials from Health and Human Services, the State Department, and USAID set for 2 pm ET, Wednesday, December 13.
WHAT: We will present the SovCo briefing, "The Fundamental Transformation of the W.H.O.: From Health Advisor to Global Dictator," with formal remarks for the first 30 minutes and host questions during the second half hour.
WATCH: Watch the 32:18 video HERE
Moderator: Reggie Littlejohn, Esq., President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers; Co-founder, The Sovereignty Coalition
• Topic: The WHO, Digital IDs, "One Health" and the Biotech Surveillance State
Dr. Meryl Nass, M.D.,
Founder, Door to Freedom; Scientific Adviser, Children's Health Defense
• Topic: Who Runs and Funds the WHO, and to What End?
Dr. Kat Lindley, Co-founder, Global Health Project
• Topic: Medicine, one size fits all
Valerie Borek, Esq., Associate Director and Lead Policy Analyst for Stand for Health Freedom
• Topic: "The importance—and dangers—of the International Health Regulations"
Kristen Ullman, Esq., President, Eagle Forum
• Topic: American families need Congress to Stop the WHO
Catherine Austin Fitts, Fmr Assistant Secretary of Housing & Urban Development; Founder, Solari, Inc.
• Topic: Our Choice: Constitutional and Financial Freedoms vs WHO Membership
American Freedom Alliance
Children’s Health Defense
Committee on the Present Danger: China
Family Research Council
Door to Freedom
Eagle Forum
Global Health Project
Sovereignty Coalition
Stand for Health Freedom
Women’s Rights Without Frontiers


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Why wait until next year?!?!

Let's have more fun next week at our last Be Your Own Guarantee Party of the year!!

Juuust in case you missed previous memos about these online parties I host...

I, along with special BYOG experts, share natural, holistic strategies to increase the likelihood for living a long pain-free, drug-less, healthy, active life.

I'm psyched to have a friend, colleague, and Neuro Training Mentor join me - and train you - during the BYOG Party next Wednesday.

His name is Matt Bush...

And he's a master at demonstrating how your brain is the KEY to your chronic body symptoms:

Joint and muscle pain, low energy, dizziness, weakness, brain fog, long-haulers and so many more chronic issues.

Even better, he shows you how to use your brain to speed up recovery... and maintain it.

So during the Next Level Neuro BYOG Party on Wednesday December 20th, you're going to...

🧠 How your brain-body connection either contributes to ongoing issues OR your successful recovery

🔍 What are the MOST important factors you need to know about chronic conditions... and fix 'em

💡 How to use your BRAIN to fix your BODY conditions (and how to test if it's working)

🏆 Real Survivor Case Studies: See how they accomplished 100% recovery from their chronic conditions (and you can, too!)

You're highly encouraged to participate and ask your specific questions during the party.

The BYOG Party is LIVE on Zoom next Wednesday, December 20 at 4pm ET / 1pm PT.

Before you ask... yes, there will be a replay. But, Matt and I would love for you to join us live.

Plus, there's NO CHARGE to attend or watch the replay.

Register here to attend / Ask questions / Get the replay.

Be Your Own Guarantee for your health and life.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi

Ever imagine going along your day while doing the things you love without chronic pain, stiffness and arthritis holding you back?

It's all within reach, and I'm thrilled to share the blueprint to unlocking a pain-free life with you.

Dr. Yoni Whitten, renowned for guiding patients to overcome chronic pain, is hosting a transformative webinar on restoring joint health.

Reserve your spot now.

Here, you’ll discover the natural compounds, foods, and supplements that can reverse joint issues…

So you can move easily without constant worry and enjoy living life one day at a time again!

Here’s what’s in store for you when you join:

✅ Which nutrients can dramatically speed healing & tissue repair

✅ How to wipe out pain using natural substances even when conventional treatments have failed

✅ Compounds shown to be more effective than NSAIDs with none of the side effects

✅ How to eliminate stiffness, swelling and move better even with arthritis

✅ How to turn off the enzymes in your body responsible for breaking down cartilage

And a whole lot more!

Mark your calendar on December 13th at 1pm ET / 10am PT and get ready to discover the keys to better joint health, better mobility and eliminating chronic pain forever.

Reserve your spot for this F.REE webinar.

This isn't just a webinar; it's an opportunity to reclaim your vitality. Make sure you don’t miss it!

To being pain-free,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It’s strange to think about, but it’s 100% true: research has shown that the high sugar intake in the West has also led to significant deficiencies in a wide range of nutrients, but micronutrients in particular.

In fact, there are a few micronutrients that a large percentage of the American population may be lacking, and that lack can have significant consequences for your health.
  • Iron – The WHO ranks iron deficiency as the single most common nutrient deficiency in the world, with 1 in 6 American women suffering from iron deficiency particularly during pregnancy. Iron is critical for the production of red blood cells, which are needed for the transportation of nutrients and oxygen around your body. A lack of iron can cause anemia, which is a drop in oxygen levels resulting from insufficient red blood cells. Eating more iron-rich foods like legumes, seeds, and dark, leafy greens is crucial for preventing this common micronutrient deficiency.
  • Calcium – It may surprise you to learn that the Western world, which consumes a lot of dairy products, is prone to calcium deficiencies. Well, according to the Scientific Report of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, as many as 40% of the American population fails to get enough calcium in their diet. A lack of calcium can lead to brittle, weak bones, muscle aches and tremors, fatigue, changes in your teeth, and even seizures. Dark green vegetables like kale, broccoli, and bok choy are the best plant-based calcium sources (as well as iron sources), and should be a staple of your diet.
  • Iodine – Iodine isn’t one of the best-known minerals, but it’s highly important for a number of internal functions—everything from bone maintenance to cognitive development to your metabolism. A lack of iodine can lead to thyroid problems, including an enlarged thyroid gland, increased heart rate, weight gain, and shortness of breath. The good news is that seaweed is an amazing source of this micronutrient, and can provide you with all the iodine you need to maintain healthy levels.
  • Vitamin B12 – Vitamin B12 is a mineral critical for the function of your body’s cells. In fact, every cell in your body needs Vitamin B12. It’s also one of the only vitamins your body can’t produce, which means you need to get it from food sources. Typically, Vitamin B12 is derived from animal meats—including shellfish, organ meat, eggs, and dairy products—which is why up to 90% of those who follow a plant-based diet tend to be Vitamin B12-deficient. Thankfully, there are Vitamin B12 supplements you can take to stave off deficiencies and ensure you’re giving your body as much of this particular vitamin as it needs.
  • Vitamin D – Vitamin D is produced as a result of sunlight exposure to your skin, but in places like the northern United States and Canada where there are months of snow and rain, Vitamin D deficiencies are very common. A lack of Vitamin D can lead to reduced immunity, higher cancer risk, higher depression rates, muscle weakness, and increased bone loss and fracture risk. In children, it can slow growth rates or trigger delays. If you can’t get more sun exposure, it’s a good idea to add a Vitamin D supplement to your life to make sure you’re getting enough of this absolutely vital nutrient.
  • Magnesium – It’s estimated that as many as 70% of Americans consume less magnesium than their bodies need. Magnesium deficiency can lead to heart disease, osteoporosis, Type 2 Diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, among other health problems. Thankfully, dark chocolate, whole grains, dark green veggies, and nuts are all amazing sources of magnesium.
Make it a point to add more of these minerals and vitamins into your daily diet and supplement routine as much as possible. They’re crucial for healthier living and aging gracefully!​
Yours in good health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Food Revolution Network
Hi Jimi,
Is it healthy to eat bread, pasta, and other products made from whole wheat flour?
What about other kinds of flour — like almond flour, rice flour, or legume flours?
Get the whole story on flour here.
Yours for smart choices,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Refined wheat flour is responsible for ¼ of all the calories consumed in the United States. Is that a good thing? A bad thing? Or a very bad thing? Here’s what you need to know about flour.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

I have a special treat for you today - a recipe for an herbal remedy that combines gut-supporting apple cider vinegar with powerful herbs to give you a big immunity boost... I'm talking about Fire Cider!

Apple cider vinegar is a jack-of-all-trades that brings your body back into homeostasis by introducing healthy bacteria to your gut microbiome - which largely controls your immune health.

When you add more healing herbs to the mix - like garlic, ginger, turmeric, horseradish, cayenne and other goodies, you end up with a strong (and delicious) wellness shot that prevents illness and shortens your recovery time if you're already feeling sick.

My dear friend and world-renowned herbalist Rosemary Gladstar created Fire Cider in the early 1980s and then taught the recipe to her apprentices and students. Fire Cider eventually became popular across the country and is now a staple in herbalists' pantries world-wide.

To honor this remedy, the amazing Tara Lanich-LaBrie created a beautiful "How To Make Fire Cider" video that you can watch using the link below. *We've also included a list of ingredients and directions below the video that show you how to whip up this spicy elixir...

Click here for the video and full recipe

I hope this recipe serves you and your loved ones year round!

Stay curious,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Did you know,

According to top health researchers, inflammation is the #1 cause of chronic disease and advanced aging.

And because chronic disease can eventually lead to diseases such as arthritis, digestive diseases, autoimmunity, and even cancer…

Inflammation could be considered the #1 cause of death in the US!

Fortunately, there is a way to keep inflammation at bay, protect yourself from chronic diseases, and prevent yourself from prematurely aging…

And you can learn all about it inside Dr. Ron Rosedale’s upcoming F.REE masterclass.

Save your F.REE spot here
This upcoming webinar revolves around a "stop button" for advanced aging that researchers have found in our bodies that they are calling "The CEO of Aging".

And studies have found that harnessing this "stop button" can lead to a host of positive effects, such as extended longevity, energy maintenance, and inflammation prevention.

On top of that, when you register for this masterclass, you’ll also get this F.REE book containing easy-to-make drinks that can fight against aging and inflammation.

You don’t want to miss this F.REE but highly valuable masterclass slip away once you’re on the receiving end of inflammation or chronic disease…

So be sure you don’t miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Register now for this F.REE masterclass + get instant access to the 5 inflammation-fighting drink recipes.


Diamond Contributor
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Estonia rebuff to the WHO continues. Sorry, WHO, but the procedures you ignored are coming back to bite you.

An attempt to whitewash the issue of Estonia giving power to the WHO fails​

DEC 13
After 11 Estonian Parliamentarians challenged the WHO 3 weeks ago, saying that according to Estonia’s constitution the WHO Treaty and Amendments negotiations required preapproval by the full Parliament, an attempt was made to shut them down.
Liisa-Ly Pakosta, the chair of a Parliamentary committee that had approved the negotiations then wrote to the WHO, instructing it to ignore the parliamentarians, claiming they were wrong.
Now some of the original Parliamentarians have said Ms. Pakosta is absolutely incorrect.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Top Natural Remedies for Kidney Stones
Kidney stones occur and reoccur in a considerable number of people in the Western world. Here are eight ways to naturally address these painful stones.​


Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Painful Medical Procedures Traumatize Infants, Studies Suggest
Recent research reveals infant pain experiences closely resemble adults', challenging assumptions that infants have muted pain responses. fMRI data shows brain activation in emotional processing regions during invasive procedures without pain relief.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
AFib Treatment Reduces Dementia Risk

Dr. Chauncey Crandall, M.D., writes:

A procedure to restore normal heart rhythm is more effective than medication for reducing dementia risk in people with the heart rhythm disorder atrial fibrillation (AFib).

Previous studies have shown that AFib is associated with increased risk of dementia. A new study assessed whether catheter ablation and medication for AFib reduced that risk.

Special: The Shocking Truth About Magnesium

In catheter ablation, doctors insert a tube through a blood vessel to the heart to pinpoint the source of the arrhythmia, and then use radiofrequency energy to inactivate or isolate the affected area. Researchers analyzed data on patients in South Korea who were diagnosed with AFib between 2005 and 2015, including more than 9,100 who had catheter ablation and nearly 18,000 who were treated with medication. During a 12-year follow-up, catheter ablation reduced the incidence of dementia by 27% compared to medication.

When researchers focused on specific types of dementia, they found that ablation was associated with a 23% lower incidence of Alzheimer’s disease compared to medication and a 50% decrease in vascular dementia.

After patients who suffered a stroke during follow-up were removed from the analysis, ablation was still significantly associated with a reduced risk of overall dementia and vascular dementia, but a statistically insignificant reduced risk of Alzheimer’s.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Painful Medical Procedures Traumatize Infants, Studies Suggest

Recent research reveals infant pain experiences closely resemble adults', challenging assumptions that infants have muted pain responses. fMRI data shows brain activation in emotional processing regions during invasive procedures without pain relief.​

Uh, I saw a video of a little baby getting 6 or 7 vaccines all at once, screaming, wiggling, the mother right there holding him down. Pure medical violence, and it disrupts the bond between mother and child. A baby trusts his mother to protect him, and he's seeing her right there, approving the assault, an accessory to the horrendous harm and trauma.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
A little post of my own. Maybe this is anecdotal, but I was reading here and there that the blue light from your computer is disrupting your sleep, especially if you're on the computer late in the evening. Also have been reading that blue blocker glasses actually do nothing 😡, though I haven't tried them. Judging by how many sites offer them, they're money makers.

I discovered my own computer has a blue light filter you can turn on. Like a million and one annoyances in the Windows OS, you can't turn it on permanently. When you do turn it on, it will say "on until 7pm" or "on until 7am" and just try to work the little time slot thing to make it go from midnight until 1159pm.

Anyway, when you do turn on that filter or "night light", the light on your screen goes from that blinding bright to kind of yellowy, in terms of the light. You can still read everything clearly. Since I've been turning it on, and re-starting it when it stops, I've been sleeping like a beast in a thicket. It really has made a difference for me.

So if you're on Windows, just click the windows icon on the lower left of your screen, then start typing "night light", then enter. At the upper left of the resulting screen is a bar that says "turn on now". Click that bar. I recommend trying it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Episode 349: PLANET PANIC
We’re hosting Heroes of Science TODAY on The HighWire!
First, Pierre Kory, MD, has been dropping bombs in the medical freedom space recently. He joins the show to premiere the new, powerful short film ‘The War on Ivermectin’, from famed Plandemic director, Mikki Willis, based on his incredible book about the criminal attack of the life-saving drug. The HighWire will air the world Premiere of the film at the end of the show! Then Dr. Kory breaks down the science and proof behind COVID vaccine shedding that health agencies never told you about. Also, Pierre wrote an incredible breakdown of the skyrocketing excess mortality the US is seeing, and it has been picked up by almost every major news agency from MSNBC, to FOX, signaling a major change in the mainstream wind about post-COVID.
Jefferey Jaxen reports on the newest science showing that 25-30% of people experience unintended immune systems ‘flare ups’ after their COVID shot. Then, top officials are now signaling widespread acceptance of the Wuhan lab leak theory as new biolabs are being built around the world. And finally, a deep dive into statin medications reveals more worrying side effects the FDA isn’t warning you about.
Finally, Tess Lawrie MD, PhD of the World Council for Health, has traveled all the way from the UK to Austin, Texas, to join Del in the studio. Del and Dr. Lawrie detail the plan by the W.H.O. to assume control of global public health through troubling amendments to International Health Regulations, and discuss how we can prevent the W.H.O. and other globalist organizations from seizing control of our medical freedom.
Last, enjoy the world Premiere of the powerful new short film, ‘The War on Ivermectin!’ After you watch the film, buy the book wherever books are sold, or at!
Also, don’t forget, there’s still time to double your impact with the #FreetheFIVE Million Dollar Match campaign. We’re barreling in on our goal of $1 million to fund legal actions to secure religious exemptions in the five holdout states without an exemption. Donate NOW and your donation will be matched! Your support is greatly appreciated!
Donate HERE.
Heros of Science, TODAY, 11AM Pacific Time, 2pm Eastern, at The HighWire!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
you see the same marketing words tossed back and forth between a number of different dog food brands:

From “organic” to “raw…”

… To “fresh” to “premium foods.”

But is it all that and everything it says it is?

Honest answer:


For example, flip your store bought bag of dog food to the back ingredient list and if it has this listed…

Chances are, your dog is suffering from this single item:

If you want your dog to live a long, healthy life, this is vital…

According to world-famous actress and animal advocate Katherine Heigl, there’s a problem affecting millions of dogs across America — their food.

Heigl — who’s foundation has helped save over 16,000 dogs from kill shelters and place them in new homes — says she’s seeing more health issues in dogs than ever before.

And the problem isn’t just the food they eat — it’s what’s inside it.

“Kibble and canned foods are often cooked at really high temperatures, and when that happens you can get things called advanced glycation end products, or A.G.E.s”, Heigl says. “These are toxic to your dog’s health.”

Cheap ingredients and poor cooking methods can lead to joint problems, mushy poops, bad odors, itchy skin, and a host of other unexplained issues.

Fortunately, there are things we dog owners can do.

“What we’re seeing is that there are special foods and herbs that do wonders for a dog’s health. We call them canine superfoods,” says Heigl.

“If your dog has any of these issues, you want to get these superfoods into their diet immediately.”

Now, for the first time ever, Katherine Heigl has created a short video explaining her exact health boosting method along with step-by-step instructions for how to do it at home.

The video is presented below, free and uninterrupted.

The video has now gone viral, with viewers saying their dogs’ health improved in a matter of weeks or even days.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Picture this Jimi:

You're going about your day and suddenly, your body feels like it's operating in slow-mo. Fatigue kicks in, your mood takes a nosedive, and brain fog becomes an unwelcome companion.

Most likely, what caused this is your lack of B vitamins.

B vitamin deficiency can pave the way for issues like anemia, nerve damage, and a weakened immune system.

But that's not all…

They are also a crucial ally in the fight against stress.

Without them, your stress response system might not function well, leaving you feeling more overwhelmed (and susceptible to illness) than ever.

But what can happen if your body has a healthy supply of B vitamins?

Here are some of the benefits you can experience with the right amount of B vitamins:

✅ Sustained energy so you no longer experience midday slumps and you feel fueled throughout the day.

✅ Mood stabilization so you no longer feel grumpy for too long and you can manage stress better.

✅ Sharper mind and more focus, thanks to B vitamins supporting brain function.

✅ Improved immunity and resilience against illnesses and infections.

In short, life is much easier, healthier, and BETTER when you have all of your B vitamins covered.

And you can do so with the right foods such as beans, peas, lentils, seeds, mushrooms, tofu, dark leafy greens, and the right supplements.

So if you want to be free of diseases, stress and pain as much as possible, don’t forget to prioritize B vitamins as part of leading a healthier, more vibrant life!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

We wanted to remind you not to miss out on the life-changing '3 Steps to Empower Yourself to Heal and Never Be Afraid of Cancer Again' webinar.

In this 90-minute session, you'll gain valuable insights on:

  • How to empower yourself to heal and enhance the length and quality of your life.
  • How to break free from myths and limiting beliefs surrounding cancer that may be hindering your healing journey.
  • How to create and optimize your personalized healing plan based on 15 years of extensive research in the natural health space and the latest scientifically-backed healing solutions.
This webinar is an invaluable resource that can empower you to reclaim your health, eliminate the fear of cancer, and equip yourself with the knowledge needed to combat or prevent cancer.

Don't miss the opportunity to join thousands of others who have already registered for this free event. Secure your spot now Click HERE

Your well-being is important to us, and we're committed to helping you take control of your health and lead a life free from fear.

Register today and be part of this transformative experience!


Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
you see the same marketing words tossed back and forth between a number of different dog food brands:

From “organic” to “raw…”

… To “fresh” to “premium foods.”

But is it all that and everything it says it is?

Honest answer:


For example, flip your store bought bag of dog food to the back ingredient list and if it has this listed…

Chances are, your dog is suffering from this single item:

If you want your dog to live a long, healthy life, this is vital…

According to world-famous actress and animal advocate Katherine Heigl, there’s a problem affecting millions of dogs across America — their food.

Heigl — who’s foundation has helped save over 16,000 dogs from kill shelters and place them in new homes — says she’s seeing more health issues in dogs than ever before.

And the problem isn’t just the food they eat — it’s what’s inside it.

“Kibble and canned foods are often cooked at really high temperatures, and when that happens you can get things called advanced glycation end products, or A.G.E.s”, Heigl says. “These are toxic to your dog’s health.”

Cheap ingredients and poor cooking methods can lead to joint problems, mushy poops, bad odors, itchy skin, and a host of other unexplained issues.

Fortunately, there are things we dog owners can do.

“What we’re seeing is that there are special foods and herbs that do wonders for a dog’s health. We call them canine superfoods,” says Heigl.

“If your dog has any of these issues, you want to get these superfoods into their diet immediately.”

Now, for the first time ever, Katherine Heigl has created a short video explaining her exact health boosting method along with step-by-step instructions for how to do it at home.

The video is presented below, free and uninterrupted.

The video has now gone viral, with viewers saying their dogs’ health improved in a matter of weeks or even days.


Love Katherine Heigl !! Hollywood with integrity. She did the movie "Side Effects", deep exposé of the pharmaceutical industry, 2006. I'm surprised she didn't get assassinated while filming it. EXCELLENT movie.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Incredible Superfood You’ve Never Heard Of: Pine Pollen​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey there,​
Majority of people often experience back pain at some point in their lives. The reason may be vague and there are cases that the causes are undefined. However, some experts would agree that one of the typical causes of back pain is muscle imbalance.

>> Back Pain Remedies
I hope this helps,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Friend,
Fasting is one of the most effective ways to boost your health because it activates autophagy, a natural process that supports cell renewal, combats inflammation, and helps improve cognitive function. And it has been scientifically linked to improved metabolic health, decreased risk of type 2 diabetes, and longevity benefits.
This is why I am recommending The Fasting & Longevity Summit,January 2–8, 2024. This FREE event brings together more than 40 experts on metabolic health, intermittent fasting, chronic conditions, and longevity science.
>> Click here to register for this online event!
The summit is hosted by veteran functional medicine doctors — Joseph Antoun, MD, PhD, MPP, and David Jockers, DNM, DC, MS, who strongly believe that fasting is the most ancient and powerful healing strategy known to mankind.
At The Fasting & Longevity Summit, you will learn how to use fasting to boost your health, fight chronic diseases, and increase longevity. The summit will explore tools, tips, and community support options related to fasting.
Remember, the importance of good health cannot be underestimated — it is essential if you want to avoid diseases and illnesses. Fasting may be exactly what you need to transform your health and well-being.
>> Click here to register for this online event!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Wednesday, 12/13, our 130th episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Ep. 130 - IG - 1
Click to watch the show!​
In his From the Heart segment, Dr. Paul shares his thoughts about happiness. While it’s easy to let the world steal our joy, he encourages us to celebrate life with our loved ones. Seek out opportunities to share our joy and happiness with them. This is how we can fix the world and make it better for the next generation!
This week is our holiday special! Dr. Paul interviews each team member of our With the Wind team, to learn what they do, what they're passionate about and why they're helping to make this show possible. Come join us!​

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