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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

A Few Compelling Developments Supporting Our Work​

GMOs used to be just about food. Now, they are about everything.

Years ago, we were told that the genetically engineered American chestnut tree was a miraculous breakthrough. Now, we learned that it isn't quite working the way it's supposed to. During the “Chestnut Chat” (a gathering of mostly GE chestnut proponents), several admissions were made including that the “Darling 58” (D58) GE American chestnut tree is not the silver bullet once promised for restoration of this once glorious and dominant tree in the Eastern US. The GE tree grows more slowly and shorter than once thought, blight tolerance is unreliable, and field trials are limited in their ability to reflect real-life conditions.

What a surprise! This has been the fate of nearly every genetically engineered plant, tree, animal, etc... since we started 20 years ago. How many times can the industry mislead us, over and over again, and still provide false hope and convince people they're telling the truth?


Now, the big lies are coming from the pro-GM forces in Europe trying to convince the European Commission that gene editing is safe, reliable, and predictable. According to 70 scientists in an open letter to the Commission, they're saying “liar, liar, pants on fire.” (That’s not a direct quote 😁).

But here is a direct quote and it sounds a whole lot like what we say in our GMO 2.0: Tame the Tech campaign:


To read the full story, click here.

Once again, if these were just kids playing in the sandbox, no problem. But these lies could change our lives and our world forever.

Once you release a GMO (like giants as in the American Chestnut or invisible little guys like microorganisms), there's no way you can recall it.

All future generations will have to deal with whatever mistakes they found or, more worryingly, the ones they haven't found. This is why we're doubling down with our GMO 2.0: Tame the Tech campaign.


Diamond Contributor
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Is the WHO's house of cards collapsing?

All it needs are a few more sparks to start a conflagration. James and I discuss how to set fire to the WHO's elaborate shenanigans to wrap the world up in bow and gift it to the cabal for Christmas.​

DEC 16
The problem for the WHO and the cabal behind it is that they couldn’t even follow their own regulations. They can’t cheat their way to global dominance.
Description: Dr. Meryl Nass returns from 27 days of international advocacy to catch up with James Corbett on evidence of the WHO’s house of cards is collapsing worldwide. It's no wonder that countries like Slovakia, Estonia, Romania, New Zealand, South Africa + more are rejecting the IHR amendments amid the WHO's December deadline, “It's the perfect system of control .. This story is so horrendous, all it needs is a few sparks in the right place, and the fire will come.” After all — would YOU give a blank check to an organization with no accountability?
Rumble link:
Twitter link:
Door To Freedom
Meryl Nass | Substack
The Corbett Report - Open Source Intelligence News
I Am Home After 27 Days | Meryl Nass On Substack
International COVID Summit IV | Romania
Dec. 1 Croatian Parliament Livestream
FREEDOM RESEARCH TV. Dr. Meryl Nass On Why The New WHO Treaties Should Be Rejected
This Is Why We Received Such An Enthusiastic Reception Everywhere We Went In Europe
Trattato Pandemico, L’Oms Prepara IL Regime Globale – Meryl Nass
As Dec. 1 Deadline To Reject Controversial WHO Proposals Looms, Activists Mount Global Opposition Efforts
Did The WHO Actually Conduct A Vote On The May 2022 Amendments, Or Not?
Estonia Rebuff To The WHO Continues.
MEPs Notify WHO That IHR Amendments “Adopted” In 2022 Are Null And Void In The Absence Of Evidence Of A Vote Having Taken Place
With The Deadline For Rejection Of The WHO IHRS Looming, Hon. Representative Fernandez Has Issued HR1490 Urging Rejection. He Has Also Sent A Rejection Letter To The WHO From The HOR In His Position
New Zealand First And National
Prime Minister Luxon Reveals His '49 Actions' For First 100 Days
Countries Around The World Begin To Reject The WHO As Deadline Looms
Amending The International Health Regulations (2005) - Health.Govt.NZ
Netherlands Letter To Parliament:
South Africa Bill To Withdraw From WHO
Luis Mario Pardo | Spain
Proposal For Negotiating Text Of The WHO Pandemic Agreement | Oct. 30
This Is How Government Is Run And What’s Coming Next | Corbett Report
Why Does The WHO Make False Claims Regarding Proposals To Seize States’ Sovereignty?
Luis Pardo Website


Diamond Contributor
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I will be speaking for 1 hour today at the False Flags and Conspiracies Conference, 5 pm ET

This is an annual conference hosted by James Fetzer, and I will speak about many things, and how conspiracy theories are now undoubtedly truth. It is online and can be viewed later. It is FREE.​

DEC 16
Go to the above URLs to learn more, sign up, and watch.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Alternative Therapies Gaining Acceptance

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

For many people, finding out they have heart disease brings with it the unhappy image of having to go through repeated procedures, restrictive diets, or buy little compartmentalized containers to organize the dozens of pills they’ll need to take throughout the day.

But such burdens are only one side of the story. You can live a vital life despite having heart disease. There are promising alternative therapies that are finally being taken seriously and can be used to enhance traditional heart treatment or as preventive measures to avoid ever getting that dreaded diagnosis.

Special: 5 Simple Steps to Remove Dangerous Toxins and Heavy Metals From Your Body's Cells

Chelation is a chemical process in which a synthetic solution, EDTA (ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid), is injected into the bloodstream to remove heavy metals and/or minerals. Among alternative doctors, chelation has become a major form of treatment for many conditions, including cardiovascular ailments, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, macular degeneration, and autism.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) is a treatment that capitalizes on the body’s critical need for oxygen. The FDA has approved several different uses for HBOT, and alternative healthcare practitioners have argued for the therapy to be used in cases of heart disease and brain injury, among others.

Tai chi is a mind/body exercise that originated in China and is used by many to improve their health and well-being. There are many different styles of tai chi, but all involve slow, relaxed, gentle movements, one flowing into the next. Over the past several years, studies have pointed to the effectiveness of tai chi for helping people with chronic heart failure, and it has been associated with definite improvement in physical capacity and muscle strength in people with cancer, osteoarthritis, heart failure, and COPD.

Spices and herbs are a cornerstone of alternative health fields, especially in India and China, where they’ve been relied upon for their medicinal value for centuries. A recent study suggests spices may help prevent cardiovascular disease and other chronic illnesses.


Diamond Contributor
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A simple, fabulous cure for skin infections; 2 excellent ways to get the benefits of silver, which inhibits bacteria, yeast, viruses.

DEC 16
Aquacel AG came out about 20 years ago and required a prescription, but it no longer does—and there are multiple generic versions of this bandage-turned-gel sponge you can buy over the counter. Great even for burns and diabetic ulcers. The main reason these don’t heal quickly is because microorganisms grow on and in them, preventing healing.
Low concentrations of silver are nontoxic (Silver leaf adorns some Indian desserts, and yes I have eaten them) and inhibit the growth of everything, allowing these difficult wounds to heal quickly and easily.
You buy the “bandage” with impregnated silver, cut it to fit the wound, and stick it on or in the ulcerated, open area. As it moistens (which you can hasten by slowly dripping drops of water on it) it turns to a firm gel and fills up the open area. Then you simply apply a clear covering (tegaderm was the brand used in the hospital) that breathes, with adhesive just around the edges. And leave the wound alone, and it will heal. You can leave it a week. If the silver was insufficient and an infection develops, you will see pus—so simply remove, wash area, and repeat with adequate silver material. Thhis almost never happens when applied correctly.
But I just found something easier for difficult spots. Robert Scott Bell interviewed me in Salt Lake City a couple of months ago, and gave me some of his goodies as a gift. One of them was called “Sovereign Silver First Aid Gel, Topical Healing.”
I came home from a month of travel with a yeast infection under my breasts: due to too many desserts (blood sugar elevation predisposes you to yeast), sweating from wearing suits, and reduced ability to launder my clothes. I’d seen it in many patients, and so I tried the doctor remedy: an antifungal OTC cream. After 24 hours no benefit, maybe worse. The yeast can get resistant to the meds, sadly. Luckily, I spotted the gel Robert Scott Bell had given me and and decided to try it.
It was so simple to apply, a thin coat, and I let it dry for a minute. Then you could put on a bra, no bandages or goo in the way. I did this twice daily and in 2 and a half days the yeast was completely gone! I also reduced my carb intake to minimal and no doubt my blood sugar normalized, which also helped.
This stuff was amazing. Worked SO much better than any prescription I knew of. As we learn to medically care for ourselves, this would be a great little stocking stuffer for the medicine chest. Say goodbye to bacitracin, which usually does not work anyway. I plan to apply this to cuts and scrapes from now on. Please consider the silver bandages for diabetic ulcers—there is nothing easier or quicker healing.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
12 Sugar Free Holiday Dessert Recipes

The holidays are a time for family, celebration, and tasty food. While this can be a great time to unwind and relax, many people tend to overindulge in many of the wrong foods, sending them several steps back in their health.

Here’s the thing, you can make super tasty desserts with ingredients that don’t leave you in a hazy fog of inflammation. These sugar-free holiday dessert recipes are loaded with healing nutrition that you are sure to love.


Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It's always puzzled me how they can put non-organic mushrooms on the clean 15 since the introduction of the crisper gene (a GMO product) in non organic mushrooms. When they came out with that I couldn't believe it.

For those who don't know what the crisper process is it's a gene altering process that yields the "Twinkie Effect". Just like a twinkie you can set one out in room air and it wont brown, that way the sliced mushrooms on the salad bar have that just sliced look but anytime you hack genetics you are beating a hornets nest with a short stick

The list is only about pesticide residues on fresh produce, and I think EWG needs to re-think that. Several of the "clean fifteen" have GMO variants, and maybe others that I'm not aware of:

Sweet corn

I only buy organic produce. If you're careful, organic doesn't cost that much more these days, since there are so many more organic growers than there were when EWG started making that list. Market forces of supply and demand will thus compromise GMO sales in the grocery stores, but ranchers will still give GMO to the animals, which is a reason to select your meats carefully. I only buy Thousand Hills nowadays, and it doesn't cost that much more than other labels.

The big victory was in getting separate produce labeling for organic vs. non-organic, and the non-GMO label on processed foods. I remember when agribiz tried to suppress any kind of distinction labeling. To my knowledge there isn't a "non-GMO" label for non-organic fresh produce, so you have to go for the organic to be sure of what you're getting, and even then, with corn and soybeans there is probably GMO contamination from pollen drift.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Last call! We're going LIVE w/ #1 environmental toxins educator, Lara Adler in just a couple hours.

Bring your questions and empower yourself with the knowledge you need to protect yourself and your family from unnecessary toxic exposure during the holiday season (and beyond!).

Access to Lara is a rare treat - as she generally focuses all of her energy/attention towards educating professionals.

So jump on LIVE with us this morning and learn from the best!

Detoxify Your Life - LIVE Q&A Webinar w/ Lara Adler
Saturday, December 16th | 9am PT / 12pm ET

Click HERE to sign up.

Whether you want to learn about environmental toxins in the air or water, pesticides and other food-related toxic exposure, or the best options for personal care products - Lara will be an open book!

We realize Saturday mornings aren't the best time for everyone, so if you can't make it, but would like to ask a question - please respond to this email with your questions and we'll try to get them all answered! (The recording will be available for 72 hours for everyone - lifetime access for Detoxify Your Life students.)

And remember....Q&A sessions with Lara are absolutely loaded (and fun!) so bring a notebook and all your questions!

So grab your spot today and come get your questions answered by the best.

See you there,


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The WHO has to pretend the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) does not exist since the Pandemic Treaty requires nations to transgress the BWC

DEC 16
Don’t acquire or retain them (BWC)—versus every nation must go out and find them (IHR amendments and Pandemic Treaty draft of October 30, 2023)
Don’t transfer them to others (BWC)—versus transfer them to WHO’s Biohub that will “share them globally” (Pandemic Treaty draft of October 30, 2023)



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The list is only about pesticide residues on fresh produce, and I think EWG needs to re-think that. Several of the "clean fifteen" have GMO variants, and maybe others that I'm not aware of:
Yes and the word "clean" gives a false sense of safety to some. I think anything gene altered in any way should not carry the 'clean' title.


Diamond Contributor
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"All Access Pass"​
This Weekend Only​

Bliss Doubt

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A simple, fabulous cure for skin infections; 2 excellent ways to get the benefits of silver, which inhibits bacteria, yeast, viruses.

DEC 16
Aquacel AG came out about 20 years ago and required a prescription, but it no longer does—and there are multiple generic versions of this bandage-turned-gel sponge you can buy over the counter. Great even for burns and diabetic ulcers. The main reason these don’t heal quickly is because microorganisms grow on and in them, preventing healing.
Low concentrations of silver are nontoxic (Silver leaf adorns some Indian desserts, and yes I have eaten them) and inhibit the growth of everything, allowing these difficult wounds to heal quickly and easily.
You buy the “bandage” with impregnated silver, cut it to fit the wound, and stick it on or in the ulcerated, open area. As it moistens (which you can hasten by slowly dripping drops of water on it) it turns to a firm gel and fills up the open area. Then you simply apply a clear covering (tegaderm was the brand used in the hospital) that breathes, with adhesive just around the edges. And leave the wound alone, and it will heal. You can leave it a week. If the silver was insufficient and an infection develops, you will see pus—so simply remove, wash area, and repeat with adequate silver material. Thhis almost never happens when applied correctly.
But I just found something easier for difficult spots. Robert Scott Bell interviewed me in Salt Lake City a couple of months ago, and gave me some of his goodies as a gift. One of them was called “Sovereign Silver First Aid Gel, Topical Healing.”

The only thing I feel compelled to add to that is that some alternative health people tell you to add silver to water and drink it, but this can be dangerous unless you use very thoroughly filtered pure water, because the silver can combine with toxins and contaminants in tap water to create a brew that will, over time, cause blue skin. Blue skin can only be treated in the same way as tattoo removal, very expensive and painful.

It looks like that article is only about topical use, which is fine.


Diamond Contributor
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Want to read a whole lot of words and charts signifying absolutely nothing? Right on time for Christmas, written by the Grinch

Much ado about nothing--yet creating the architecture for a world takeover by the WHO. Big One Health meeting coming next fall.​

DEC 16
Don’t say I didn’t warn you. They are putting everything in the world into the health basket. Including your children’s education, your food and your money. And never forget climate change. They still think they can control us using the spectre (“something that haunts or perturbs the mind”) of lost health, threatening us with disease and pandemics.
Now where have I heard tht word SPECTRE before? Spectre was a fictional global criminal and terrorist organisation featured in the James Bond novels by Ian Fleming. And that is exactly what we are up against now, except by now this organization has captured most of our governments. We don’t know exactly who is at the top, so why not just refer to them as SPECTRE? Everyone knows what that is. We are, after all, up against a global criminal and terrorist organization that stops at nothing. Hidden within the bowels of the UN and WHO, the Biden crime family, etc.
Remember Dolly Parton saying that it takes a lot of money to look this trashy? Well, the same is true for One Health. It took many billions of dollars spreead around the world, corrupting public health education, training and research, to come up with and insert into governments worldwide as vacuous an idea and infrastructure as One Health.
BUT if one world government and control is your goal, think of the trillions you will obtain once the entire world is your oyster. Especially when other peoples’ taxes paid the bulk of those billions.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

We hope you saw Craig’s email on Thursday, announcing his new podcast, Meditation Changes Everything.

We’re writing today with a reminder that the first three episodes of the podcast are currently available and we hope you’ll tune in!

You can start listening now wherever you enjoy your favorite podcast shows. (Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, etc.)

You can also visit our podcast web page to learn more about our available episodes, access the show transcripts and discover other resources about meditation.

Craig created Meditation Changes Everything as a new opportunity to share the profound life-changing power of meditation.

In our introductory episode, “Everything Meditation Changes,” Craig lays the foundation for the podcast and guides us beyond the many practical, emotional, cognitive, and relational benefits of meditation to the more powerful potentials of awakened consciousness—the “supercapacities” that can serve us and the world.

How would our lives change if we could live from the depths of our true nature, in touch with the inherent meaning of life, and connected to our highest human virtues?

In this episode, you’ll hear about how the extraordinary capabilities of awakened consciousness can transform every aspect of our lives and ultimately, human life itself.

You can listen to this now, along with our next two available episodes, wherever you get your podcasts.

And since we're just getting started as a podcast, it would be a big help to us if you take a few minutes after listening to rate and review us in your podcast app. Thank you!

We hope you’ll tune in to the podcast and find it a helpful support on your path.


The Meditation Changes Everything Team

P.S. You can listen to all our available episodes on your favorite podcast app!


Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yes and the word "clean" gives a false sense of safety to some. I think anything gene altered in any way should not carry the 'clean' title.

Yes, and now they are genetically modifying soil microbes, and we have no idea what the unintended consequences will be.

I posted the EWG update because of the two newcomers to the "dirty dozen" list.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
They always did grow food before they come up with GMOs and they did fine, now they ACT like they can't grow efficiently without them :mad: :mad: :mad:

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
They always did grow food before they come up with GMOs and they did fine, now they ACT like they can't grow efficiently without them :mad: :mad: :mad:

It's the plague of contemporary marketing, not just in agribusiness, but in pharmaceuticals, defense and any other global corporate power: you have something to sell, so you create a fictitious "problem" that your product or technology is supposed to solve, use mass media to convince governments and the public to let you ruin their food, wage wars, destroy peoples health, and you reap MASSIVE PROFITS doing it. The whole concept of "fake news" was put forth by the mainstream media and big tech, a false flag marketed to the public to fight truth leaking out and to support censorship.

I was listening to a podcast about artificial intelligence (AI), and heard something positive. AI was not designed to be unbiased. It was designed to be fed certain approved narratives, as with Google and Yahoo searches, censoring out all other viewpoints, experiences and information sources, so that when you use AI to get answers you will only get the "approved" answers. But when we post in forums like this one, this too gets swept up by the AI net, to challenge the approved answers. Enough of it will make AI honest.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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Tai chi is a mind/body exercise that originated in China and is used by many to improve their health and well-being. There are many different styles of tai chi, but all involve slow, relaxed, gentle movements, one flowing into the next. Over the past several years, studies have pointed to the effectiveness of tai chi for helping people with chronic heart failure, and it has been associated with definite improvement in physical capacity and muscle strength in people with cancer, osteoarthritis, heart failure, and COPD.
Various studies have also shown that it improves memory, slows down cognitive decline in people already suffering from dementia, and slows down Parkinson progression.
Last edited:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Curcumin Protects Against Atherosclerosis
Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D., writes:

Curcumin, a compound found in the spice turmeric, has been demonstrated to inhibit atherosclerosis. To study its effectiveness, researchers use animals genetically bred to develop very aggressive and extensive atherosclerosis.
Research has shown that feeding these animals curcumin significantly reduces the incidence and progression of atherosclerosis. Studies have found a number of mechanisms by which curcumin prevents atherosclerosis. For one thing, it has been shown to powerfully inhibit a protein called NF-kB, which is an important regulator of inflammation, while at the same time blocking another major immune activator called TLR4.
Special: Over 50? Serious Brain Nutrition Combats Scary Mental Decline
Another study found that curcumin inhibited inflammatory cytokines and activated special immune regulator cells that prevent overactivation of the immune system, stopping atherosclerosis from progressing. Researchers found that curcumin reduced the formation of foam cells, the macrophages filled with inflammatory fats that are the cause of the unstable plaques.
Remember that these unstable plaques are the primary cause of heart attacks and strokes.
Other ways that curcumin fights atherosclerosis include:
  • Controlling cholesterol metabolism
  • Stimulating antioxidant enzymes
  • Preventing enlargement of smooth muscle cells
  • Maintaining normal endothelial cell function
  • Preventing excessive clot formation
One of the more interesting studies found that curcumin prevented atherosclerosis in part by preventing and/or correcting leaky gut, which allows bacteria and food to enter the bloodstream and trigger intense immune reactions within blood vessels.
Researchers have also demonstrated that curcumin helps prevent inflammation that is caused by the Western diet. Making dietary changes along with taking curcumin, quercetin, vitamin E (especially tocotrienol), and vitamin C can not only prevent atherosclerosis, it can also reverse it to some degree.
And by reducing atherosclerosis and strengthening blood vessels, you can lower the risk of developing cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disorders.
The bottom line is that proper diet, regular exercise, stress relief, and a few natural compounds can dramatically improve a person’s chances of living a long, healthy life.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

This sounds almost unreal to the point where it can't be true, but it is, Jimi…

In a recent interview with the incredible Dr. Daniel Nuzum, he explained:​
“A majority, and I'm talking 80% or more, of the parasites that will ever enter your body are going to enter your body through your respiratory system. Not through your food, not through your water, but through your respiratory system.

You're going to inhale those little, they're called cysts, the eggs of parasites. 80% or more of all parasitic infections come from our respiratory system, we actually inhale them.”

And here's the thing, many people get it wrong when it comes to parasite cleansing.​
Dr. Nuzum explains it best:

“So my approach is, yeah, I include parasite cleansing as part of detoxification, it's just part of detoxification. And if you have parasites and you're passing parasites and you do parasite cleanses and you keep passing parasites, you missed something, okay? They should diminish to the point that they stop coming out.

“You shouldn't be producing parasites over and over and over again. If that's the case, you have the right environment to grow parasites and parasite cleansing isn't going to fix that. You have to change the environment of your body, okay? You have to cleanse your whole system if you want to get rid of these parasites, okay? So if you're in a perpetual parasite cleanse, you're missing the boat.”

If you want to achieve optimal health….

Doing a full parasite detox is CRUCIAL!

This is why I’m sharing this full guide, with the incredible work of world-class experts like Dr. Daniel Nuzum, Dr. Bryan Ardis, and more….

Inside the BRAND NEW eBook, The Ultimate Guide to Parasite Detox: Reclaim Your Health Naturally
  • Uncover the parasite and cancer link explained by Dr. Merritt.
  • Learn the true purpose of parasite detoxing from Dr. Bryan Ardis.
  • Discover the environmental factors making parasites a constant threat, with Dr. Nuzum's insights.
  • Learn about Dr. Ed Group´s arsenal to detoxing from parasites and how you can use it.
  • Read about Dr. Gerenger´s approach to using nutrition to fight off parasites.
  • And. Much. More!
→ Go here to download your copy of this report.

But that's not all...

When you download this amazing eBook, you’re also getting free VIP access to Jonathan Otto’s BRAND NEW 12-episode docuseries Healing Genesis Reloaded.

Hurry, it all starts on December 18th at 8 PM ET.

Click here for your copy of the report and access to the series. You won't want to miss this.

Wishing you abundant health,

Jason Prall

P.S. This series is a real eye-opener… There are over 40 top health experts and doctors who will be revealing EVERYTHING about the best natural ways to reverse disease with natural medicine protocols...

And uncover HUGE issues in global health that you probably haven't heard about.

Click here to download your free eBook and get your VIP pass to the series.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

The next time you checkout at the grocery store, notice how seemingly "normal" it has become that a specific toxic substance is accepted as part of our life and culture.

It’s everywhere, hiding every single day in plain sight.

What are we talking about?


The refined and processed sugar that’s added to everything in almost every aisle in the grocery store, every dish in most restaurants, and every drink in the refrigerator… (and many times it’s disguised with a label that says "healthy").

Well, it’s finally time to expose this toxic substance for what it is and reveal how it affects everything from our moods and energy to our waist, our skin, and even our libido.

The 11th Annual Quit Sugar Summit starts January 8th, 2023, with top doctors and world-famous health experts, revealing the naked truth about sugar, processed carbs, and what to do about it.

In this powerful online event, you’ll discover:

  • How to end nutritional confusion
  • The dirty truth about artificial sweeteners
  • How food marketers are tricking us
  • The powerful connection between sugar and aging (you need to know this)
  • Why sugar is 8 times more addictive than *******
Plus, you’ll discover

  • What physically happens to your body when you consume sugar
  • The connection between sugar, depression, and weight gain
  • How 90% of participants of a type 2 diabetes medical study became non-diabetic within 6 months
  • The biggest mistakes people make when trying to reduce or eliminate sugar and carbs from their diet
And a whole lot more!

This summit is jam-packed with life-improving info that you can immediately put into action.

And the good news…

You can attend at 100% no cost :)

Click here to register and see the amazing lineup of speakers

You’ll be blown away at the insights shared.


Your DrTalks Family

P.S. You can attend the summit at no cost but you must register beforehand.

Plus, don't forget to grab lifetime access to the entire series and more than $600 in bonuses from the expert speakers while it’s still available.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi

My good friend and investigative medical journalist Jonathan Otto recently met with Dr. Bryan Ardis, who shared something truly shocking.

Whether you took the COVID shots or not…

You could STILL have been infected with spike proteins that may eventually cause serious health issues (or they’re already causing health issues now).

Check out this video to learn more:

Dr Ardis states:

“The spike proteins are snake venom genes, and they inserted them into plasmids that release in the air, water, food, injected into our food and then they put it in the vaccines.”
So even if you were very diligent….

You could still have been infected with the snake venoms. 😳

Which would leave you vulnerable to ALL the other symptoms and altercations that come from the jab!

What’s incredible is that Dr. Bryan Ardis also shared how Chinese and French researchers are arriving at the same conclusions with regard to the snake venoms!

“They stated and referenced the studies in early 2020 done by French and Chinese researchers. They said to this group of long-hauler sufferers: it was confirmed that the spike protein genes of COVID in January and April of 2020 were confirmed to be venom proteins primarily from two snakes.
The king cobra called cobratoxin and the krait snake and its venom is called Bungarotoxin. And they stated those two venoms in reference to those research studies done by geneticists in early 2020.
They said that venom proteins from these snakes target primarily one receptor and that one receptor is called alpha-7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors.”
For so long, Dr. Ardis and so many other brave people have been attacked and defamed for their research and results.

Meanwhile, the rest of the world is beginning to catch up to what they’ve been saying all along!

The good news is that these same whistleblowers are also unveiling the protocols that can safeguard you from this.

It doesn’t include any more jabs or Big Pharma pills.

Rather, it’s the protocols that NATURE has designed your body to respond best to!

Jonathan and his team have spent countless hours putting together his latest docuseries, Healing Genesis RELOADED…

Where you will learn all the natural protocols you need to revitalize your body and reclaim the perfect health you were ALWAYS meant to have!

You will discover even more of the TRUTH that has been obscured for too long and the natural healing protocols that have been hidden from us.

It starts TOMORROW, so be sure to check it now:

Watch the Healing Genesis Reloaded trailer HERE
In this NEW docuseries, you will learn from renowned health experts who have embraced functional medicine that focuses on dealing with the root cause of disease…

And not just merely treat the symptoms.

You will get to:

  • Learn ancient healing remedies that have stood the test of time.
  • Explore the influence of pharmaceutical giants and the alternatives they don't want you to know.
  • Discover that you're not alone in your struggles. Many have walked this path and emerged stronger.
  • Learn how to take charge of your health journey and make informed choices that promote well-being.
  • And a whole lot more!
You’ll hear of real stories of people who faced despair but found their way to healing.

Their experiences will inspire…

Their challenges will connect with you…

And their successes will give hope to you who have been looking for answers and relief.

This is more than a docuseries… It’s a lifeline to a brighter, healthier future, and we can't wait to embark on this transformative journey with you.

>> Watch the series here (starts tomorrow)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world.
Some health experts tell us that it can lead to lower rates of dementia, stroke, cancer, and even type 2 diabetes.
But others say that it’s highly addictive and that it can cause sleep disorders, anxiety, and irritability.
So what’s the truth?
Here’s what you need to know about coffee.
Yours for healthy pleasures,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Americans drink 587 million cups of coffee per day. Is that a good thing, or a bad thing? Click here for the whole story.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If you are concerned about the consequences of osteoporosis and bone loss … fractures, weakness and reduced independence, there’s a summit for you.

Learn how you can improve and protect your bone health throughout your life.

The 50+ interviews in MORE Natural Approaches to Osteoporosis & Bone Health 2.0 will explore:
  • The root causes of bone loss
  • Safe exercises (with demonstrations) to strengthen and protect bones
  • IMPORTANT exercise guidelines (+ dangerous exercises to avoid!)
  • Nutrition and supplements for strong, healthy bones
  • Two powerful cooking demonstrations of bone healthy meals + kitchen tips
  • Fall prevention tips + movement practices for balance
  • The impact of stress on bone health + stress reduction strategies
  • How increased happiness can help protect your bones and your health
  • Advanced topics, like when to use medication, oxalates, parathyroid issues, MCAS and mold
  • And more
—>>Build better bones when you attend this complimentary, online event!

Be sure to mark your calendar for January 15-21, 2024
Osteoporosis summit
Register here

Your registration also comes with a variety of instant-access ebooks.
You can receive the means to get started on a path to better health today.

—>>I’ll see you online at MORE Natural Approaches to Osteoporosis & Bone Health 2.0 when you register now


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Is Your B12 Supplement Poisoning You?
What is cyanide doing in the vast majority of vitamin B12 supplements? And are there any risks associated with its use?​
The Healing Power of Grounding: Reconnecting to the Earth
Walking barefoot on the beach or lying in the grass may seem like simple pleasures, but reconnecting directly with the earth has profound health benefits backed by science. Known as "grounding" or "earthing," this primal practice of touching the earth with bare skin helps reduce inflammation, improves sleep, supports heart health, and more.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Fundamental Right to Health Freedom &
Health freedom is an integral yet increasingly threatened aspect of personal liberty. The ability to make informed decisions about one's health, including choosing between alternative and conventional medicine, is an essential human right. However, restrictive laws, profit-driven healthcare models, and medical authoritarianism are eroding this basic freedom.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Healing Pain Masterclass with Dr Gregory Damato: How to Accept the Challenge to Heal
Listen to one of the most empowering, positive, and spiritually insightful voices of our time: Dr. Gregory Damato on “How to Accept the Challenge to Heal”​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,
In this episode, I’m speaking with gut health researcher, clinician, professor, and expert to the experts, Dr. Jason Hawrelak about his life-changing knowledge on the best ways to care for your gut. Dr. Hawrelak is the most well-informed (and humble!) gut specialist I’ve ever spoken with, and I’m so lucky he was my professor in graduate school. You don’t want to miss this episode!
Plus, I have a big announcement to make!
On December 19th, I’ll be releasing a fascinating webinar with Dr. Hawrelak, where we discuss even more in-depth gut health information…this is info we just didn’t have time to cover in the podcast!
Click here to register for this webinar and learn more about how healing your gut also means healing your metabolism, brain, immune system, skin, kidney function, athletic performance, and even libido!
In this podcast, Dr. Hawrelak and I discuss:
  • A major probiotic myth that Dr. Hawrelak has been trying to bust for over 20 years and why you might be wasting your time (and money!) on probiotics that aren’t right for you

  • 3 fascinating ways your gut health is connected to your energy levels (or LACK of energy!)

  • The 1 gut problem you should be aware of that can lead to weight gain, insulin resistance, autoimmunity, brain fog, and even Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline

  • The connection between your microbiome, dietary fiber, and…brain health!

  • The amazing effects of prebiotics and when to use prebiotics versus probiotics

  • Dangers of the Carnivore Diet trend and why your gut, microbial, and system-wide health might suffer long-term

  • Dr. Hawrelak’s top 3 gut health tips…including one I didn’t expect!

→ You can watch/listen to the podcast HERE

Yours in health,
P.S. Click here to save your spot in the expanded webinar featuring Dr. Hawrelak. Remember, your gut health is about so much more than just digestion and weight loss! Join the webinar and change your life…by healing your gut!
P.P.S. If you’re having a hard time avoiding ultra-processed, sugary foods, then make sure you click here to register for the 11th annual Quit Sugar Summit, featuring some amazing speakers, including one of my favorite podcast guests ever….Alzheimer’s researcher Dr. Dale Bredesen.
P.P.P.S. If you love this podcast, please let me know! I want to share my brilliant guests with as many people as possible—together, we can change the world. Please navigate to iTunes and leave a review today. I can’t wait to hear what you have to say!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Perfect Amount of Protein Per Day to Avoid Cancer

Are you eating the right amount of protein for your body's unique needs? Here we explore the science behind the ideal protein intake for longevity and cancer prevention. Learn how your metabolic type determines whether you should lean towards a higher or lower protein diet. Dr. Gabriel Cousens will guide you in finding your perfect protein balance, helping you stay on the path to a healthier, longer life.

-->> Watch here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. Michael Greger: Secrets to Vitality and Longevity | Nathan Crane Podcast Episode 43

Watch this latest podcast episode with my special guest, Dr. Michael Greger, a renowned nutrition expert. Dr. Greger dives into the fascinating world of aging, epigenetics, and the power of lifestyle choices. Learn how simple changes in diet, exercise, and daily habits can dramatically impact your healthspan and lifespan.

-->> Watch here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Ever feel like navigating a gluten-free holiday is harder than solving a Rubik's Cube blindfolded?

If so, you’re not alone.

Even IF you can avoid the temptation of those fresh-baked dinner rolls…

Or the stuffing that smells like childhood memories…

Or the pies that just want to live in your belly...

That’s only half the battle.

See, it's not just the obvious offenders like bread and pasta that are the issue.

It’s the hidden gluten traps that can hit you the hardest, transforming your festive cheer into a digestive disaster.

That's why I've whipped up something special –

A must-watch video exposé that can be your secret map to dodging these gluten landmines.​

You’ll uncover:

  • The sneaky ingredient aliases manufacturers use to disguise gluten
  • The surprisingly small amount of gluten that triggers gut chaos (it might be tinier than you think)
  • The condiment conundrum – Which family favorites are safe, and which might have you scrambling for the bathroom
  • Plus the shocking new research on GF packaged foods – Are they as safe as we’ve been led to believe?
Ready to unveil the unexpected gluten monsters?

>> [Watch] The Top 6 Sneakiest Sources of Holiday Gluten


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It’s estimated that 1 in 5 men and 1 in 3 women worldwide will suffer an osteoporosis-caused fracture, according to the International Osteoporosis Foundation.

The numbers are worse for people in the US: 1 in 2 women and 1 in 4 men are likely to suffer that same fate.

Osteoporosis fractures are a major concern for most men and women over the age of 50, and won’t only break your bones, but your independence and zest for life as well.

That’s why if you’re within this age bracket (or even if you’re not and want to get ahead of these statistics), it’s very crucial to take good care of your bones.

Now there’s a lot of ways to do that, but one of the easiest, most effective, and most enjoyable ways to keep your bones healthy…

Are through bone-building recipes!

That’s why our friend Margie Bissinger is offering a F.REE e-book containing delicious recipes you can easily make to strengthen your bones and avoid bone diseases.

Grab your F.REE copy of this recipe book now!
Inside, you’ll find 15 delicious, gluten-free recipes that are a breeze to make and contain everything that your bones need to be healthy and happy.

You’ll also learn why these recipes are best for your bones as each of them comes with detailed nutritional information so you can get all the essential nutrients for stronger bones.

And that’s not all…

When you get your f.ree copy of this recipe book, you’ll also save yourself a seat for the upcoming online event, More Natural Approaches to Osteoporosis and Bone Health 2.0.

This event takes place on January 15-21, 2024, and will feature over 50 experts who will share their expertise and best protocols to improve and protect your bone health.

So don’t wait until your bones become frail and you start feeling weak…

Empower yourself now and give your bones the strength they need… starting with this recipe book!

Get your F.REE e-book + reserve your slot to Margie’s upcoming online event.

To conquering osteoporosis,

The Conquering Cancer team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Welcome to the ancient world of Qigong (pronounced “chi gong”), a gem from traditional Chinese medicine that has flourished for thousands of years.

This practice goes beyond mere physical exercise; it's a holistic approach to nurturing the body, mind, and spirit.

Qigong is a blend of mindful exercises designed to optimize the flow of energy – or "Qi" – within you, aiming to improve and maintain both your physical and mental well-being.

The beauty of Qigong lies in its simplicity and depth:

  • Breathing: Deep, slow, and deliberate, often harmonized with specific speech sounds.
  • Movement: Gentle, fluid motions that promote relaxation and energy flow.
  • Mindfulness: Focused attention and visualization to regulate the mind.
Qigong comes in two main forms:

  • Dynamic (Active) Qigong: Emphasizes physical movements, particularly of the arms and legs, enhancing overall body energy.
  • Meditative (Passive) Qigong: Involves minimal movement, focusing more on breath and mental exercises, suitable for any posture that can be maintained comfortably over time.
In our upcoming emails, we'll dive deeper into the transformative power of Qigong. You'll learn about its incredible benefits, and hear inspiring stories from those who have found healing and peace through this practice.

Join us on this journey of discovery and wellness with Qigong, where ancient wisdom meets modern healing.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Functional Medicine & Nutrition for Multiple Sclerosis Recovery with Dr. Terry Wahls
Hey Jim,

For this episode I am joined by Dr. Terry Wahls. I'm really excited for today's podcast. If you don't know about Dr. Wahls, she has an amazing history of recovering from multiple sclerosis, which is a serious debilitating autoimmune issue, using natural medicine, functional medicine principles, nutrition, supplementation. We're so excited to hear her story. She is a professor at the University of Iowa College of Medicine, and she's a powerful story.

Dr. Terry Wahls shares her incredible journey of recovering from multiple sclerosis using natural medicine and functional medicine principles. She has since conducted several clinical trials to test the effectiveness of her approach.

We're going to dive in, and we're going to look at the things that have helped her, as well as the patients that she sees, and talk about her upcoming studies as well, and see if maybe you're a good fit to be in that study!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
Podcast #403 - Dr. Terry Wahls | Functional Medicine & Nutrition for Multiple Sclerosis Recovery
In this episode, we cover:

📚 Dr. Terry Wahls was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2000 and became wheelchair-bound by 2007.
🌿 She created a supplement cocktail for her mitochondria, which slowed down her decline.
🚶‍♀️ She started using electrical stimulation of muscles (e-stem) and saw significant improvement.
🥦 Dr. Wahls redesigned her Paleo diet based on the supplements she was taking and saw further progress.
💪 She regained the ability to walk, ride a bike, and even completed an 18.5-mile ride.
🧪 Dr. Wahls conducted several clinical trials and consistently found that people were able to implement her regimen and experienced weight loss and improved health markers.
❓ The mechanism behind her approach is still being studied.

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Natural Solutions to Address Eczema

If you live with eczema, you know what it’s like to search for relief from red, itchy skin. There are many options you can try at home to help with your symptoms which Evan and I will discuss in this podcast episode. We'll talk about drugs as well as natural remedies that may help replenish moisture and protect your skin’s natural barrier. If you are seeking relief from eczema, this episode is for you!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I’ve come across a very unique, non-toxic and ancient way which is helping people around the globe get to the root of their chronic health conditions…

(whether it be cancer, autoimmune disease, pain or fatigue)

And it doesn’t involve: conventional medicine, herbs, supplements, or even holistic medicine.

You can find it here.

In my interview with Lauren Walker, the founder of this method,

We’ll cover:
  • What is it?
  • How and why did she come up with it?
  • How it works?
  • Who does it help?
  • What stories of healing have you seen?
  • How often should people practice this method?
After seeing the life changing results of this method, I’ve still got chills down my spine, and I really feel like this will be beneficial for you.

Go Watch the interview here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are you looking for a last minute holiday recipe to add to the table this year?
The name of the game here is: easy, healthy, and delicious. This recipe is a little sweet, a little savory, and tastes like the holiday season in a bite. Say hello to this Honey Roasted Butternut With Cranberries And Feta recipe.
Honey Roasted Butternut With Cranberries And Feta
Here's what you will need:
  • 1 large butternut squash, peeled and chopped
  • ½ tbsp olive oil
  • salt and pepper
  • ¼ tsp ground cinnamon
  • 2-3 tbsp honey
  • 1 cup fresh cranberries
  • 1/4 cup crumbled feta, save some to garnish
  • fresh or dried parsley, to garnish
Here's how to make it:
  1. Preheat oven to 400ºF (180ºC).
  2. Spread cubed butternut pumpkin evenly on a lined baking tray. Drizzle the olive oil.
  3. Sprinkle with a light layer of salt and pepper, based on taste preference.
  4. Roast for 25 minutes.
  5. At the 25 minute mark, remove from the oven, sprinkle with cinnamon, and drizzle the honey evenly over the butternut.
  6. Return to the oven for another 5 minutes.
  7. Serve garnished with parsley, cranberries, and crumbled feta.
That's really how easy it is! The honey and cranberries provide a little sweetness, and the herbs and feta help to balance it out.
We look forward to having this dish on our holiday table every year and hope you will too!

In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Did you know you have a hidden organ?

It weighs about 4 to 5 pounds, does more work for your health than your liver (which performs over 500 biochemical tasks per day), and influences every system in your body.

I’m talking about your microbiome, the trillions of microbes inside your gut.

And right here, Jim, you’re about to learn VITAL new "deep insider" info on your microbiome that will help boost your microbiome health -- and your overall health (completely free, takes place TOMORROW.)

That's because you'll be learning this new knowledge direct from Dr. Jason Hawrelak -- widely regarded as one of the top microbiome experts in the world.

Now, there is unfortunately a lot of MISINFORMATION out there regarding your microbiome, and some of the "advice" can frankly do more harm than good.

As always, who you receive your health guidance from matters tremendously.

And Dr. Hawrelak is truly one of THE top experts in this field -- a researcher, professor, and clinician with over 20 years of clinical experience who many other experts look up to as "the" expert!

He's teaming up with another world-renowned health expert -- Ari Whitten, M.S. -- to bust the myths, simplify the science, and reveal real secrets to optimizing your microbiome.

>> Click here now to find out more and save your seat for this very important online learning event!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Wednesday, 12/20, With the Wind will be rebroadcasting The Vaccine Schedule: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Click to watch the show!​
Hello, With the Wind community!
As the festive season approaches, we're excited to share our holiday schedule with all of you. This is a time for rest, reflection, and spending quality moments with loved ones. In keeping with the spirit of the season, we've decided to take a brief break from our regular programming.
But worry not! We won't leave you without your favorite content. This week, we're bringing a special rebroadcast that we believe is essential viewing for our audience.
Rebroadcast Feature: "The Vaccine Schedule: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly" from Good Morning CHD
We've chosen to rebroadcast an insightful episode from Children's Health Defense's "Good Morning CHD" — "The Vaccine Schedule: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly." This episode dives deep into the complexities of the vaccine schedule, presenting a range of perspectives and information that we find valuable for our community.
Looking Forward
There will be no show on December 27th.
While we enjoy this holiday break, rest assured that we're also gearing up for an exciting lineup of new content in the upcoming year. We can't wait to share what we've been working on! We will be Kicking off the new year with Mary Holland 0n January 3rd.
From all of us at With the Wind, we wish you a joyful, peaceful, and rejuvenating holiday season. Thank you for being a part of our community and for your continued support.
Stay tuned, stay curious, and as always, stay With the Wind!

Warm regards,
The With the Wind Team​

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