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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
An Apple A Day Helps Keep The Doctor Away
Yes it’s true, eating an apple a day, really will keep the doctor away. In fact, according British researchers, if individuals ate just one extra apple a day, approximately 8,500 deaths from vascular disease could be prevented in the UK.
The reduction in cardiovascular deaths by adding an apple to the diet is equal to the reduction that would be observed if all UK individuals over 50 years of age were prescribed statin therapy. In that scenario, 9400 deaths from vascular disease could be prevented if these adults were started on simvastatin 40 mg.
They add that prescribing statins to all those eligible would lead to 1200 cases of myopathy, 200 cases of rhabdomyolysis, and 12 300 new diagnoses of diabetes mellitus....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Gluten Free Alternatives
The growing, some might say fad, information on potential negative health effects of eating gluten, poses a good question-what can I eat?
Coconut Flour
Coconut flour is a sweet-tasting, low-GI (glycemic index) flour derived from coconut meat. Though it doesn’t taste strongly of coconuts, it does contain all their health benefits....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dangers of Excess Chlorine
A hot, steamy shower or bath is a great way to relax and unwind but doing so without a shower filter can cause some real health problems.
According to the Global Healing Center post “Chlorine, Cancer, and Heart Disease”:
“There is a lot of well-founded concern about chlorine. When chlorine is added to our water, it combines with other natural compounds to form Trihalomethanes (chlorination byproducts), or THMs. These chlorine byproducts trigger the production of free radicals in the body, causing cell damage, and are highly carcinogenic. The Environmental Defense Fund warns that, ‘Although concentrations of these carcinogens (THMs) are low, it is precisely these low levels that cancer scientists believe are responsible for the majority of human cancers in the United States.”


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
For decades, we’ve been taught that fluoride is healthy for you and your family, and is an essential tool to prevent tooth decay. But is that the case? New studies show that claims of fluoride’s safety and usefulness may have been overstated by the dental community....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
CR and the Guardian selected 120 people from around the US, out of a pool of more than 6,000 volunteers, to test for arsenic, lead, PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), and other contaminants. The samples came from water systems that together service more than 19 million people.
A total of 118 of the 120 samples had concerning levels of PFAS or arsenic above CR’s recommended maximum, or detectable amounts of lead. Testing of the samples showed:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Pain, Pain, Go Away: Chronic pain is no fun. It can be hard to ever imagine being pain free again.

Most likely many of the 1.5 BILLION people in the world suffering from chronic pain, think that living pain-free is impossible.
But, I can assure you, it IS possible to stop your chronic pain or at least dramatically reduce it–you’ll learn how in this Pain Fix Protocol Masterclass.
Join the free training
and learn for yourself how this unusual easy to manage at home therapy has helped hundreds of others revolutionary become pain free:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
In response to a FOIA request by ICAN’s attorneys for studies and data supporting CDC’s claim that it is safe to give the monkeypox vaccine at the same time as both the COVID and Flu shots, CDC comes up with nothing but its own statements.
Lead Counsel, Aaron Siri, Esq. lays out the details here:

On January 20, 2023, CDC tweeted a video from the White House MPox Response Team, titled, “Can I get my mpox vaccine at the same time as my flu & COVID vaccines?” In the video, Dr. Demetre Daskalakis, Acting Director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, answers, “yes,” all three shots can be received that the same time. Dr. Daskalakis’s only caution was that people who have or are at risk for heart disease “may” consider delaying their COVID shot for four weeks after getting their monkey pox shot because of a “possible risk” of heart inflammation associated with these two shots.
What the video neglected to include, however, was any data to support this safety claim, or any mention of the fact that thousands of COVID-19 vaccine recipients have reported cases of myocarditis and heart injuries, both of which are also associated with the flu shot and monkeypox vaccine, as well as the smallpox vaccine (an orthopoxvirus related to monkeypox).
So, in March 2023, ICAN’s attorneys sent a FOIA request to CDC asking it to back up its claims on the safety of co-administration of these vaccines. But while CDC’s response referenced various sources, none actually contained any data supporting coadministration. In fact, CDC’s first reference was to the very same video it tweeted that made these claims!
The other pages that CDC cited, which likewise provided no data or studies supporting coadministration of these three shots, and in fact admit this data doesn’t exist, included the following:
  • An MMWR article (CDC’s own publication) on the use of JYNNEOS which, incredibly, says point blank: “Clinical trials evaluating the risk for myopericarditis and serious adverse events are needed to ensure that the risks are characterized and guidance about co-administration of JYNNEOS with mRNA COVID-19 vaccines can be elucidated.”
  • CDC guidance on how and where to administer vaccines which acknowledged “there is limited data on giving COVID-19 vaccines with other vaccines, including flu vaccines.”
  • A webpage with additional MMWR articles, one of which notes “no data exist regarding simultaneous administration of smallpox vaccine with other vaccines.”
Based on this production, it is clear that neither CDC nor the White House have data to support their safety assertions surrounding coadministration of these three products which is as unfortunate as it is dangerous, particularly since all three of these products have been linked to serious heart inflammation.
ICAN will be following this issue closely and you can be sure we will be on the lookout for actual data related to this recommendation!
See below for ICAN’s other discoveries about the CDC:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It's often in moments of crisis that we're forced to find solutions.
And that was no different for Dr. Vivian Chen.
When my husband and I met Dr. Chen, we were thrilled.
She expressed the same interest in household toxins as we have.
Dr. Vivian Chen is a UK board-certified medical doctor with 15 years of clinical experience, now living in California.
After a personal health crisis in her family led her to discover the hidden world of household toxins...
She has made it her mission to help people reduce their toxic load, seeing firsthand that environmental toxins are a critical, under-discussed root cause of health issues.
In our Feel Freaking Amazing podcast episode with Dr. Vivian Chen, she shares her revelations about common household products we use daily, and their potentially harmful effects.​
You see, one of the biggest needle movers for reducing toxins in your body starts with removing the toxins from your household!
We address many of these toxins in our Toxin-Free Living Guide.
And similarly, in this episode, Dr. Chen not only sheds light on the invisible health threats lurking in our homes...
She also provides valuable advice on how to minimize their impact on our well-being.
>> Discover practical, easy-to-implement tips for reducing toxin exposure at home (Listen to this FFA Episode here.)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Are you 'fasting curious'??

I invite you to join my friend Dr. David Jockers at the Fasting & Longevity Summit, a groundbreaking event dedicated to making a real difference in the lives of those affected by chronic conditions through the power of fasting.

David is someone is really respect in the health space- he puts in the research and work for his own family's health and for all of us!

Here are some of the solutions they’ll be addressing:

✅ Exploring fasting-mimicking diets
✅ Nutrition strategies to support fasting
✅ Building a community of support and accountability
✅ Embracing mindful and intentional living beyond fasting
✅ Integrating fasting with other healthy lifestyle practices
✅How fasting can benefit excess weight, fatigue, insulin resistance & more!

At this online event, you’ll gain insights from over 40 experts in various fields, including nutrition, cancer, mental health, functional medicine, and more.


See you there,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Pierre Kory, MD, MPA premieres new short film ‘The War on Ivermectin,’ based on his incredible book about the life-saving drug, details science on COVID Spike Protein Shedding, and breaks down an article he wrote on Excess Mortality which is making the rounds in the mainstream; Jefferey Jaxen Reports New Side Effects of Taking Statins, and more evidence of auto-immune disorders post COVID vaccination; Tess Lawrie MBBCh, PhD details the WHO’s attempts to assume control of global medical freedom through amendments to the International Health Regulations, and how you can help to stop them; Finally, the World Premiere of the film ‘The War on Ivermectin.’
Guests: Pierre Kory, MD, MPA, Tess Lawrie, MD, PhD​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I have three new podcasts to share with you! I've been busy recording dozens of new shows and will be regularly releasing them each week in 2024 but wanted to share the first batch here.

First off, Dr Gary Richter is known as America's Favorite Veterinarian. He was treating animals holistically before there was a word for it. He's got a great perspective on how to keep our dogs and cats healthy and I loved chatting with him. Listen here.
The Urban Monk TUM - Podcast ThumbnailGary
Next, Dr Nicole Beurkens is onto something. She's been studying Nitric Oxide (NO) and it's effects on human metabolism and health. The science on this is out and it's stunning. What we're supposed to get from dark green leafy plants is central to our health and, spoiler alert, most of us are NOT getting enough. This is leading to all sorts of health issues from heart disease to sexual disfunction.

Nicole has some good news on how we can treat this problem. Enjoy the podcast.
And finally, my old buddy Jeff Hays has just written a book about the Entrepreneur's brain and, frankly, it's spot on. I've known folks who've gambled and lost it all. I know people who are addicted to stress. I know people who's "arrived" and others who can't get it of their own way.

Jeff's been around this block. Having raised and lost 100s of millions of dollars, he has sage wisdom and advice for anyone trying to be an entrepreneur. Listen here.
The Urban Monk TUM - Podcast Thumbnail Jeff Hays
I'm excited to be bringing the podcast back. These three are in the traditional interview format but there's also a "Dr Pedram" version of shorter ones coming where I break down various topics and help you navigate the emerging science.

More on that soon!

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Obesity makes breast cancer cells more aggressive​

I've always read that about obesity and cancer, but it's hard to reconcile with my anecdotal experience. The few people I've ever known who were stricken with cancer, were skinny before they got it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I've always read that about obesity and cancer, but it's hard to reconcile with my anecdotal experience. The few people I've ever known who were stricken with cancer, were skinny before they got it.
Honestly cancer comes from a combination of factors it is Very Rare for someone to get cancer from just one reason and in those who do usually it a "severe" exposure to a toxin or radiation.


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
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Reddit Exile
Honestly cancer comes from a combination of factors it is Very Rare for someone to get cancer from just one reason and in those who do usually it a "severe" exposure to a toxin or radiation.
weight has nothing to do with cancer. fat/thin your a target


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
To celebrate the birthday of IRT’s founder and Executive Director, Jeffrey Smith, let’s reflect on his remarkable accomplishments.

Do you know why Jeffrey founded IRT, wrote two books, created five films, traveled more than seven months per year throughout the US and in nearly 45 countries?

Twenty years ago, no individual or organization focused on the health dangers of GMOs. None.

Jeffrey was convinced that this was the critical missing element, built a movement around it, and helped reframe the global debate.

Now half the world’s population understands that GMOs are unhealthy.


Jeffrey's ongoing leadership in the Non-GMO movement has paved the way for many wonderful achievements over the last 20 years:



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Embark on a transformative journey with our exclusive Wisdom of the Body Masterclass, led by the renowned Master Mingtung Gu. This masterclass is your gateway to a revolutionary approach to health and happiness, deeply rooted in the ancient practice of Qigong.

This masterclass is designed to awaken the life force within you, empowering you to:

Release pain, stress, and ailments, embracing a life of comfort and well-being.
Ignite a surge of energy, joy, and fulfillment in your daily life.

In this enlightening masterclass, Master Mingtung Gu will guide you through the powerful practices of Qigong to assist with:

✨ Targeted pain relief: neck, back, joints, arthritis
✨ Alleviating migraines, sinus complications, and allergies
✨ Enhancing your sensory abilities
✨ Boosting the health of your vital organs
✨ Supporting recovery from serious health conditions
✨ Managing chronic diseases
✨ Offering holistic support to cancer patients
✨ Strengthening your immune system
✨ Addressing a spectrum of mental and emotional health challenges

By signing up today, you gain exclusive access to a series of professionally curated video sessions and deep meditative practices. These sessions are meticulously designed to teach you the art of self-healing through Qigong, helping you to immediately experience better health, increased vitality, and profound inner peace.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to learn from Master Mingtung Gu and awaken the powerful healing energy that resides within you. This masterclass is more than an event; it's the beginning of your journey to harnessing the wisdom of your body.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Friend,
Fasting has been scientifically shown to supply multiple health benefits, like enhanced metabolic health, reduced risk of type 2 diabetes, and increased longevity.
In light of this, I am pleased to recommend The Fasting & Longevity Summit, taking place between January 2–8, 2024. This FREE event will assemble more than 40 experts on metabolic health, intermittent fasting, chronic conditions, and longevity science. The event is hosted by experienced functional medicine doctors, Joseph Antoun, MD, PhD, MPP, and David Jockers, DNM, DC, MS, who firmly believe that fasting is the oldest and most powerful healing technique known to humanity.
At the summit, you can learn how to use fasting to better your health, battle chronic diseases, and boost your longevity. The event will include tools, tips, and community support related to fasting.
Good health is necessary if you want to stay away from diseases and illnesses — and fasting may be exactly what you need to improve your health and well-being.
>> Click here to register for this online event!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

I have been using his top 2 immune enhancing products and the ingredients are really powerful!

Some of them are patented and very unique...

They are top shelf quality and not often seen in products today.

So I wanted to bring him on to explain why he chose these specific ingredients for helping boost the immune system and help fight against chronic disease.

What he shares about them is very insightful.

>> Discover Dr. Fuhrman’s top 23 anti-cancer and immune boosting ingredients

Yours in health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
With all the hecticness of the modern world, a meditation practice can make a world of difference — helping you bring more calm, resilience, and joy to your life.
If you’re interested in putting the healing power of meditation to work, I have a wonderful resource to share with you.
Our friends at Heart Mind Institute are about to host the Art of Meditation Global Summit. They’re bringing together 55 of the world’s most renowned and beloved meditation experts from a wide range of methods and traditions. Over eight days, you’ll learn about practices and techniques for developing greater peace, equanimity, psychological flexibility, self-compassion, and loving-kindness.
>> Find out more, see the extraordinary panel of teachers they’ve assembled, and claim your free spot, right here.
Scientific studies are discovering that meditation can have profound health benefits. It’s been shown to ease chronic pain, anxiety, and stress, improve heart health, boost mood and immunity, and even help resolve infertility problems.
What better way is there to start the new year?!
Sign up for The Art of Meditation Global Summit now.
Yours for less stress and more resilience,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. When you register, you’ll immediately get access to extraordinary interviews with Dr. Gabor Maté, Dr. Tara Brach, and Dr. Jack Kornfield. And that’s just for starters. Find out all about this powerful Summit, and reserve your complimentary spot, right here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How to Prevent and Treat COPD

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

The best way to prevent COPD is not to smoke, and although it’s not curable, prompt treatment and careful monitoring can slow its progression and lessen the possibility of heart damage.

If you have COPD and smoke, the most important thing you can do is quit now. It’s never too late. Quitting will help prevent your lung damage from getting worse. There are a large variety of medications and other aids that can help you quit. And if you need help quitting, talk to your doctor.

Special: Dr. Crandall Saved His Own Heart With This

But if you are suffering symptoms of COPD, quitting smoking is not enough. You also need to make sure to follow up with a pulmonary specialist so the disease can be properly diagnosed and treated.

Treatments include :

  • Inhalers (bronchodilators) to help open the airways
  • Inhaled or oral steroids to reduce lung inflammation
  • Anti-inflammatory drugs to reduce swelling in the airways
In severe cases or during flare-ups, you may need to receive:

  • Steroids by mouth or through a vein (intravenously)
  • Bronchodilators through a nebulizer
  • Assistance during breathing from a machine (mask, BiPAP, or endotracheal tube)
Patients can also benefit from simple oxygen therapy, as heart damage can occur when your cardiac muscle needs to strain to receive oxygen.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi,

We hope you're doing great after attending the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit.

The battle against breast cancer is evolving, and the roles of hormones and natural medicine are taking center stage. Scroll down to watch three talks from three brilliant women who share their insights on breast cancer.


It's time to separate fact from fear when it comes to breast cancer.

Veronique Desaulniers, DC, has overcome breast cancer twice and has helped countless women conquer the disease. In this talk, she shares the importance of combining conventional treatments with natural healing methods.

1️⃣ Understand the root cause of breast cancer.

2️⃣ Realize the importance of sharing the healing journey.

3️⃣ Learn to approach breast cancer from a position of knowledge.


Jennifer Simmons, MD, grew up witnessing the harsh realities of breast cancer. She’s made it her mission to help other women conquer the condition, and in this talk, she delves into the crucial role hormones play in the fight against breast cancer.

1️⃣ Discover the best practices to prevent the recurrence of cancer.

2️⃣ Recognize why cancer treatment should not solely focus on removing the tumor.

3️⃣ Understand that health is not merely the absence of disease.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

TJ Hills shares why understanding how your body processes estrogen is crucial in your journey to beating cancer. She also talks about why there’s still a need for vigilance even after being "cancer-free."

1️⃣ Discover the role of estrogen in cancer development and progression.

2️⃣ Understand the benefits and downsides of hormone replacement therapy.

3️⃣ Learn about the role estrogen drugs play in the lives of women.

We also wanted to remind you that you can still get on-demand access to all our summits, including the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit, with DrTalks Premium. Gain access to all the talks, including the three videos we recommended.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

A new episode of the Eat to Live podcast is here and it contains a heart-healthy message from Dr. Fuhrman and Jenna!​

The holiday season is here, bringing with it the joy of family gatherings, festive celebrations, and, of course, the temptation of those once-a-year favorite meals. But amidst the cheer and festivities, it's crucial to remember one vital aspect of our lives that often gets overlooked during these indulgent times: our heart health.​

In a special holiday episode of the Eat to Live podcast, Dr. Fuhrman joins forces with his daughter Jenna to explore the concept of 'Holiday Heart.' This episode isn't just another lecture on the do's and don'ts of holiday eating. Instead, it's an inspiring reminder and a guide on how to enjoy the holidays without compromising your heart health.
Eat to Live Podcast


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Join me live tonight: Surviving the holidays
I’ve had SO many people write in who are trying to navigate the stress of the holidays - trying to stay gluten free - and even someone on my own team was ridiculed by her family for needing to bring some own foods to Thanksgiving.
Let’s talk about this!
Join me tonight for a live conversation about surviving (and thriving) through the holidays. You can also send in a question when you register!
Let me give you some tips & tricks about how to talk to friends and family about gluten (and anything else you, personally, may need to say no thanks and pass to the next guy (in our house, we don’t do dairy or added sugar either!)
And, if you’re really committed to getting - or staying - gluten free, we have SO many resources in my Gluten Free Program!
(There’s even an offer that includes Colostrum and our fan favorite gluten-protector E3!)
I have made this program intentionally affordable - and we’ve added two product bundles to support your fastest recovery possible.
If you have
  • An autoimmune disease . . .
  • A chronic illness . . .
  • Have wrestled with gut health or leaky gut . . .
  • Struggle to try and lose weight . . .
  • Are trying to support your immune system . . .
  • Working to decrease brain fog . . .
  • Planning to conceive (either you are male or female) . . .
  • And lower inflammation from your head to your toes . . .
Going gluten free can have huge advantages - body and mind.
I literally wrote the book on the impact of gluten on your brain. Gluten sensitivity remains under-treated and under-recognized as a contributing factor to psychiatric and neurologic manifestations.
If you’ve struggled with your health - physical, mental, or emotional - please - try this for 30 days and see how you feel! Don’t start 2024 with the same hurdles?
Begin your best life today!

To your BEST life, starting today,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi,

"May you live in interesting times."

Many folks think this is a blessing, but it has been traced back in history as a curse…

These times are interesting.

But what are we all a little nervous about?

We’re nervous that our immune systems aren’t strong enough, right?

That we’re doing all the right things to stay safe…

Did you know that one teaspoon of sugar can put your immune system in a coma for hours?

That even small amounts (like your morning breakfast granola) can lower your white blood cells’ ability to fight off invaders?

That’s because sugar competes with vitamin C in the white blood cells that the body needs to fight off bacteria and viruses!

So many negative facts that we never knew about sugar have exploded into the annals of science in the last five years.

Our friend Mike Collins (AKA The SugarFreeMan) knows all about that kind of stuff.

For the last several years, he has interviewed over 400+ MDs, PhDs, researchers, coaches, and wellness experts on sugar.

Not only because it’s truly horrible for us…

But also how to successfully get off the stuff or, at the very least, bring it under control so you can keep yourself and your family safe.

Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and a ton more diseases are linked directly to sugar overuse.

If this is something that you’ve ever struggled with then join us on the upcoming Quit Sugar Summit as we explore the deep science of this sweet impostor in your life.

The entire event is FR-EE online & runs for a full jam-packed week!

Each day, new speakers will help you answer any questions you may have and walk you through quitting sugar with ease and confidence.

>> Secure your fr-ee spot here

See you there!

To your health,


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
New Member
Reddit Exile

Hi Jimi,

"May you live in interesting times."

Many folks think this is a blessing, but it has been traced back in history as a curse…

These times are interesting.

But what are we all a little nervous about?

We’re nervous that our immune systems aren’t strong enough, right?

That we’re doing all the right things to stay safe…

Did you know that one teaspoon of sugar can put your immune system in a coma for hours?

That even small amounts (like your morning breakfast granola) can lower your white blood cells’ ability to fight off invaders?

That’s because sugar competes with vitamin C in the white blood cells that the body needs to fight off bacteria and viruses!

So many negative facts that we never knew about sugar have exploded into the annals of science in the last five years.

Our friend Mike Collins (AKA The SugarFreeMan) knows all about that kind of stuff.

For the last several years, he has interviewed over 400+ MDs, PhDs, researchers, coaches, and wellness experts on sugar.

Not only because it’s truly horrible for us…

But also how to successfully get off the stuff or, at the very least, bring it under control so you can keep yourself and your family safe.

Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and a ton more diseases are linked directly to sugar overuse.

If this is something that you’ve ever struggled with then join us on the upcoming Quit Sugar Summit as we explore the deep science of this sweet impostor in your life.

The entire event is FR-EE online & runs for a full jam-packed week!

Each day, new speakers will help you answer any questions you may have and walk you through quitting sugar with ease and confidence.

>> Secure your fr-ee spot here

See you there!

To your health,
quit sugar, cooking fats, bread, chocolate. cigs. alcohol. lollies, lollies, milk, cars, ..hey jimi whats left that we can do buddy?


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
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Reddit Exile
Join me live tonight: Surviving the holidays
I’ve had SO many people write in who are trying to navigate the stress of the holidays - trying to stay gluten free - and even someone on my own team was ridiculed by her family for needing to bring some own foods to Thanksgiving.
Let’s talk about this!
Join me tonight for a live conversation about surviving (and thriving) through the holidays. You can also send in a question when you register!
Let me give you some tips & tricks about how to talk to friends and family about gluten (and anything else you, personally, may need to say no thanks and pass to the next guy (in our house, we don’t do dairy or added sugar either!)
And, if you’re really committed to getting - or staying - gluten free, we have SO many resources in my Gluten Free Program!
(There’s even an offer that includes Colostrum and our fan favorite gluten-protector E3!)

I have made this program intentionally affordable - and we’ve added two product bundles to support your fastest recovery possible.
If you have
  • An autoimmune disease . . .
  • A chronic illness . . .
  • Have wrestled with gut health or leaky gut . . .
  • Struggle to try and lose weight . . .
  • Are trying to support your immune system . . .
  • Working to decrease brain fog . . .
  • Planning to conceive (either you are male or female) . . .
  • And lower inflammation from your head to your toes . . .
Going gluten free can have huge advantages - body and mind.
I literally wrote the book on the impact of gluten on your brain. Gluten sensitivity remains under-treated and under-recognized as a contributing factor to psychiatric and neurologic manifestations.
If you’ve struggled with your health - physical, mental, or emotional - please - try this for 30 days and see how you feel! Don’t start 2024 with the same hurdles?
Begin your best life today!

To your BEST life, starting today,


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
New Member
Reddit Exile

Hi Jimi,

"May you live in interesting times."

Many folks think this is a blessing, but it has been traced back in history as a curse…

These times are interesting.

But what are we all a little nervous about?

We’re nervous that our immune systems aren’t strong enough, right?

That we’re doing all the right things to stay safe…

Did you know that one teaspoon of sugar can put your immune system in a coma for hours?

That even small amounts (like your morning breakfast granola) can lower your white blood cells’ ability to fight off invaders?

That’s because sugar competes with vitamin C in the white blood cells that the body needs to fight off bacteria and viruses!

So many negative facts that we never knew about sugar have exploded into the annals of science in the last five years.

Our friend Mike Collins (AKA The SugarFreeMan) knows all about that kind of stuff.

For the last several years, he has interviewed over 400+ MDs, PhDs, researchers, coaches, and wellness experts on sugar.

Not only because it’s truly horrible for us…

But also how to successfully get off the stuff or, at the very least, bring it under control so you can keep yourself and your family safe.

Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and a ton more diseases are linked directly to sugar overuse.

If this is something that you’ve ever struggled with then join us on the upcoming Quit Sugar Summit as we explore the deep science of this sweet impostor in your life.

The entire event is FR-EE online & runs for a full jam-packed week!

Each day, new speakers will help you answer any questions you may have and walk you through quitting sugar with ease and confidence.

>> Secure your fr-ee spot here

See you there!

To your health,
and in moderation it can give you energy and is used in every hospital in the world in various forms to assist patients to recover.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I hope your day brought you nothing but happiness :).

I want to share a revelation with you that could change your life.

Today, we are in the midst of a global health crisis, one that is silently affecting countless lives across the world.

Chronic degenerative inflammatory diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s, are on the rise.

The truth is, they are NOT a normal part of aging, as we’ve been led to believe.

The most disheartening part of this situation is that the current medical system often falls short in providing real answers for prevention.

But here’s the good news: Your body possesses an innate ability to heal itself . Every day, it tirelessly works to repair damaged cells and eliminate waste.

Unfortunately, our modern lifestyles disrupt this CRUCIAL process and overload our systems with waste. Factors such as too little exercise, excessive stress, poor sleep, and fast food are contributing to these diseases.

The good news is that we have a perfect gift for you to take control of your health and prevent these diseases:

👉 Activating Autophagy: Your Guide to Cellular Healing by David Jockers, DNM, DC, MS.
In this eye-opening guide, you’ll discover the essential strategies to unlock your body’s natural healing and repair abilities. You’ll also dive deep into advanced nutrition principles, powerful herbs, and lifestyle strategies to enhance autophagy and achieve profound cellular healing.

This guide covers:
  • The groundbreaking science of autophagy
  • Top 7 herbs to enhance cellular healing
  • The top nutritional strategies to stimulate deep cellular healing
  • The best way to exercise to stimulate autophagy
Click here to claim your fre-e copy now<<<

When you secure this exceptional gift, you’ll also receive a FRE-E ticket to the Fasting & Longevity Summit, co-hosted by Dr. David Jockers himself!

Curious about what awaits you at the summit? If you’re experiencing:
  • Cognitive decline and brain fog
  • Chronic inflammation and joint pain
  • Concerns about skin aging and appearance
  • Struggles with excess weight and metabolic dysfunction
  • An increased risk of chronic diseases like cancer and heart disease
You can expect practical solutions, including:
  • Learning how to implement fasting as a lifestyle approach
  • Exploring fasting-mimicking diets
  • Gaining invaluable nutritional strategies to support fasting
  • Finding a supportive community and accountability
  • Embracing mindful and intentional living beyond fasting
  • Discovering how to integrate fasting with other healthy lifestyle practices
Click here to save your spot at the summit<<<

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to take charge of your health and prevent these challenging diseases. Start your journey to better well-being today, because your health is your most valuable asset.​
Have the best rest of the day,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Can you imagine living your later years always in pain, extremely frail and constantly feeling weak?

If that’s something you want to avoid, you have to make sure your bones stay strong and healthy.

Unfortunately, with age comes bone deterioration and, in many cases, osteoporosis, which may lead to fractures and loss of independence.

The good news is that there are steps you can take immediately to address the root cause of unhealthy bones and give them the nourishment they need to become stronger.

You can learn all of these and more in Margie Bissinger’s upcoming F.REE online event, More Natural Approaches to Osteoporosis and Bone Health 2.0.

Reserve your spot now for F.REE.
Margie has over 25 years of experience helping people with osteoporosis and osteopenia improve their bone health and improve their quality of life.

And in this online event, she will be joined by 50+ experts who will share their best practices, exercises and habits for healthier, happier bones!

This online event will tackle:

✅ The root causes of bone loss

✅ Safe exercises (with demonstrations) to strengthen and protect bones

✅ Nutrition and supplements for strong, healthy bones

✅ The impact of stress on bone health + stress reduction strategies

✅ How increased happiness can help protect your bones and your health

And so much more!

This online event runs from January 15-21, 2024, so save the date and be sure you don’t miss out!

It could be your breakthrough in overcoming osteoporosis, building stronger bones, and unlocking your best years yet!

Register now for F.REE!

To conquering osteoporosis,

The Conquering Cancer team


Gold Contributor
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Reddit Exile
Can you imagine living your later years always in pain, extremely frail and constantly feeling weak?

If that’s something you want to avoid, you have to make sure your bones stay strong and healthy.

Unfortunately, with age comes bone deterioration and, in many cases, osteoporosis, which may lead to fractures and loss of independence.

The good news is that there are steps you can take immediately to address the root cause of unhealthy bones and give them the nourishment they need to become stronger.

You can learn all of these and more in Margie Bissinger’s upcoming F.REE online event, More Natural Approaches to Osteoporosis and Bone Health 2.0.

Reserve your spot now for F.REE.
Margie has over 25 years of experience helping people with osteoporosis and osteopenia improve their bone health and improve their quality of life.

And in this online event, she will be joined by 50+ experts who will share their best practices, exercises and habits for healthier, happier bones!

This online event will tackle:

✅ The root causes of bone loss

✅ Safe exercises (with demonstrations) to strengthen and protect bones

✅ Nutrition and supplements for strong, healthy bones

✅ The impact of stress on bone health + stress reduction strategies

✅ How increased happiness can help protect your bones and your health

And so much more!

This online event runs from January 15-21, 2024, so save the date and be sure you don’t miss out!

It could be your breakthrough in overcoming osteoporosis, building stronger bones, and unlocking your best years yet!

Register now for F.REE!

To conquering osteoporosis,

The Conquering Cancer team
later years!!! what about now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Is it Ever OK to Give Up?
By Julie Gregory, Chief Health Liasion for Apollo Health

As the seasons of nature unfold, we can glean wisdom from observing its changes. Spring represents growth and new beginnings, summer is about discovery and building strength, fall signifies the shedding of unnecessary baggage to focus on preserving strength, and winter is a quiet time of well-deserved rest, leading me to ponder the end stages of life. We are all here for a finite time, and it’s important to discuss when it makes sense to surrender.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Exponential Progress
By Dr. Dale Bredesen, Chief Science Officer for Apollo Health

I remember as a little boy, when my father first told me about exponents. Well, 2023 has been a year of exponential progress, and that bodes well for further advances in 2024. Here are just some of the highlights of 2023:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Mushrooms: For Human Health and Wellness
By Ram Rao, Ph.D., Principal Research Scientist for Apollo Health

Romans called them the “Food of the Gods,” and ancient Greeks believed that they provided strength and energy to warriors in battle. For centuries, the Chinese culture revered them as an “elixir of life.” Mushrooms have been a part of human culture for thousands of years and have made important contributions to the culinary and medical fields. Both the pharma and food industries consider mushrooms as mini-pharma factories as they produce hundreds of compounds with numerous biological properties.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cranberry Salsa
Elevate your holiday table with our vibrant Cranberry Salsa made with allulose, a keto-friendly sweetener. Bursting with the cognitive benefits of fresh cranberries and the zesty kick of jalapeno, this sweet yet tart salsa is not just a festive treat but a mindful addition to support brain health during your celebrations.

Serve with grain-free seed crackers or as a delightful topping for any KetoFLEX 12/3 protein.
Yield: 4 Servings

  • For this recipe, you will need a food processor or high-speed blender.
  • Note that the carbs from allulose appear to be on the higher side, but they are not absorbed by the body and, as such, can be considered a zero-carb ingredient.
  • 1 cup fresh cranberries, rinsed
  • 1/2 red onion, finely chopped
  • 1 jalapeño, seeds removed and finely chopped
  • 1/4 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
  • 1 lime, juiced
  • 2 tablespoons allulose (adjust to taste)
  • A pinch of salt
  1. In a food processor or high-speed blender, pulse the fresh cranberries until coarsely chopped.
  2. Transfer the chopped cranberries to a mixing bowl.
  3. Add finely chopped red onion, jalapeño, and fresh cilantro to the bowl.
  4. Squeeze the juice of one lime over the mixture.
  5. Sprinkle allulose and a pinch of salt over the ingredients.
  6. Mix everything together until well combined.
  7. Taste the salsa and adjust the sweetness with more allulose if needed.
  8. Refrigerate for at least an hour before serving to let the flavors meld.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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Whose idea was the Pandemic Treaty? And the amendments to the International Health Regulations.

Why was the WEF in on the ground floor? Who knew about inequitable distribution of vaccines only 3 months into the rollout? Was vaccine inequity baked into the pandemic response to justify a Treaty?​

DEC 20
My comments are in italics

Reuters Staff

  • 23 countries and the WHO plan [to—sic] create an international treaty to make the world more resilient against future health emergencies such as COVID-19. What do they mean by resilient?
  • The treaty's goal is to improve universal and equitable access to vaccines, medicines and diagnostics. Is it a coincidence that pharma and healthcare companies and investors are major donors to the WHO, especially Bill Gates, who has even received diplomatic immunity in Geneva?
  • It is also designed to create a sense of shared responsibility, transparency and cooperation on a global scale. Pretty words, but neither the public nor the less important countries have been able to gain insight as to why the WHO bureaucrats included certain proposed amendments and dropped others. The amendments have been negotiated for a year but we only saw the very first draft 10 months ago and ever since there has been a veil of secrecy over them.
Leaders of 23 countries and the World Health Organization backed an idea to create an international treaty that would help the world deal with future health emergencies like the coronavirus pandemic now ravaging the globe.
The idea of such a treaty, which would ensure universal and equitable access to vaccines, medicines and diagnostics for pandemics, was floated by the chairman of European Union leaders Charles Michel at a G20 summit last November (2020). Next time, no one will be allowed to avoid the poison vaccines.
The treaty got the formal backing of the leaders of Fiji, Portugal, Romania, Britain, Rwanda, Kenya, France, Germany, Greece, Korea, Chile, Costa Rica, Albania, South Africa, Trinidad and Tobago, the Netherlands, Tunisia, Senegal, Spain, Norway, Serbia, Indonesia, Ukraine and the WHO. What did these leaders get?
“There will be other pandemics and other major health emergencies. No single government or multilateral agency can address this threat alone,” the leaders wrote in a joint opinion article in major newspapers. We have handled pandemics alone before and it seems we managed them better than when the WHO was issuing recommendations for the mismanagement of COVID. What expertise can the WHO offer to nations? Actually, none.
“We believe that nations should work together towards a new international treaty for pandemic preparedness and response,” they said. Who really wrote this opinion article?
The main goal of such a treaty would be to strengthen the world’s resilience to future pandemics through better alert systems (none so far have worked), data sharing (your medical records, globally), research and the production and distribution of vaccines (liability-free, produced under advance purchase agreements that guarantee a profit but make no guarantees for safety, efficacy or quality), medicines (but only the ones we say you can have, not those other ones), diagnostics (whose standards can be set to produce many or few cases) and personal protective equipment (like the masks Massachusets’ Governor Baker purchased directly from China that failed to filter correctly but were distributed anyway, because, well, politics), they said.
The treaty would also state that the health of humans, animals and the planet are all connected and should lead to shared responsibility, transparency and cooperation globally. (Ah, One Health, aka making the youth so ashamed of their consumption of planetary resources they would willingly be treated as equal to animals).
“We are convinced that it is our responsibility, as leaders of nations and international institutions, to ensure that the world learns the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic,” the leaders wrote.
(Please, world leaders, we beg you: be very explicit. What are the lessons of the COVID pandemic? What are the problems your Treaty and Amendments are here to solve? What is it the WHO can do better than we can do for ourselves?)​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Prominent citizens in South Africa and India have told the WHO it has gone too far. Ultra Vires means "beyond one's legal power or authority. "​


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