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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
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Winter solstice prayer
Here is a lovely prayer / poem from the French philosopher and author Albert Camus, that speaks to the spirit of this shortest day of the year.

In the depth of winter,
I finally learned
that within me there lay
an invincible summer.

― Albert Camus



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today marks the longest night and the darkest day of the year here in the northern hemisphere - bringing us to the Winter Solstice. Although the days grow brighter and longer from here, it's natural to draw inward into hibernation this time of year.

So if you feel like burrowing deep beneath the blankets, leaving behind only a steaming mug of cocoa as a sign of your presence, you are not alone. The darkness of winter can weigh heavy on our hearts, and especially now, with all that's going on globally.

So in light of this special day, we felt inspired to share an older post written by one of our team members, Elisha, to share some of the plants that can help uplift spirits during times of darkness. We call them The Lightbringers.

In this post, there are suggestions for which plants can be helpful for seasonal depression, an unsettled heart, sluggish energy, brain fog, and the stagnation you might be feeling around this time.
We hope this blog post helps you to find the lights that reside within you and gives you some ideas on herbs to work with throughout the winter to keep your spirit strong.

This will be our last post for 2023 as the entire Evolutionary team is heading out on a winter break, so please enjoy this post with your favourite warm beverage this Solstice, we wish you a peaceful holiday season ~ and we'll see you all in early January!
In Warmth,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
NEW Episode of The HEAL Podcast:
Marisa Peer - Hypnotherapy for Rapid Transformation
In this episode of The HEAL Podcast, I am joined by world-renowned speaker, Rapid Transformational Therapy creator, and best-selling author Marisa Peer. Recognized for her direct and potent approach to healing, Marisa has been instrumental in helping countless people overcome self-doubt, insecurity, and emotional challenges, enabling them to lead more satisfying lives. Marisa takes me through an emotional hypnotherapy session in this episode - demonstrating just how powerful, effective, and quick this modality can be!

Marisa has nearly three decades of experience as a therapist and has been named Best British Therapist by Men's Health Magazine and featured in Tatler's Guide to Britain's 250 Best Doctors. Her evergrowing client-base includes rock stars, CEOs, Olympic athletes, royalty and Oscar-winning actors. The valuable insights and hypnotherapy techniques she shares in this episode are potent, inspiring, and a good reminder that we all hold the key to our own healing and transformation.
You can also listen to this episode and all other episodes of The HEAL Podcast now on both SPOTIFY or APPLE.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr Joe Dispenza: How to Finally Surrender & Create Transformation - Quick 10 Minute Podcast Nugget
Discover the wisdom and transformative power that unfolds when we surrender to the flow of life.

In this enlightening nugget from last week's podcast episode, Dr Joe Dispenza guides us through the process of finally letting go and surrendering, paving the way for a profound journey towards personal transformation. Join us as we explore the transformative power of surrender, the art of trusting the unfolding journey, and the role of meditation in creating a seismic shift in our energy.
You can also watch the full podcast episode with Dr Joe on YouTube by CLICKING HERE, or listen to it now on both SPOTIFY or APPLE.

Bliss Doubt

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After diverting the Sierra Nevada runoff into the ocean,

California Approves Toilet-to-Tap Recycled Sewage Water for Use as Drinking Water​



Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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After diverting the Sierra Nevada runoff into the ocean,

California Approves Toilet-to-Tap Recycled Sewage Water for Use as Drinking Water​

:eek:WTF? That idea is just nuts. Who dreams this kind of crap up, pun most definitely intended.:crazy:

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
:eek:WTF? That idea is just nuts. Who dreams this kind of crap up, pun most definitely intended.:crazy:

And it's been at least two years, maybe three, that California has diverted the massive annual Sierra Nevada melt away from the California reservoirs, into the ocean.

Besides that, if there really existed a water shortage in Cali, there is always desalination of sea water as an option. When I visited Malta, which is pretty much desert, with cactus used as crop dividers, it was pointed out to me how every building has visible exterior pipes taking water from the desalination plant to the taps.

Everything nowadays is to poison us, humiliate us, make us think all of our resources are limited, and that we are not deserving of them. It's California now, but all the states have seen the engineered rail accidents, the destruction of food processing plants, the destruction of herds and flocks. I heard a first hand account of how someone in Utah was visited by USDA and told to destroy his crops, or else suffer having it done for him.

I wish I knew what to do other than stay conscious and hammer on the elected monkeys.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Jimi!
Today I am re-sharing some inspiring survivor interviews from 2023 that you may have missed.
Against the odds survivors share these characteristics:
-They had a strong will to live
-They had a reason to live
-They believed that healing was possible.
-They were willing to change everything.
-They took massive action.
-They did not let excuses get in the way.
Remember, minimal action produces minimal results. Massive action produces massive results. Your daily choices matter.
You are worthy of health!
I want to share these inspiring 2023 survivor interviews with you again to give you hope and encouragement so that you too will believe that healing is possible. Watch them all!
Gigi Jones (stage IV colon)
Rob Prior (stage III kidney)
Bailey O'Brien (stage IV melanoma)
Jamie Holmes (stage III melanoma)
Carol Howard ("incurable" peritoneal)
Christine Holcomb (stage II breast)
David Trombly (terminal non-Hodgkins lymphoma)
Wishing you a blessed and Merry Christmas!
"When you go through deep waters, I will be with you." -Isaiah 43:2



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*Important* blast from the past: Tony and Francis explain why creating dangerous viruses with taxpayer money is a "risk worth taking"--and I debunk their bird flu fairytale of woe.​



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The WHO Pandemic Treaty, the Biden administration and EU all want your medical records "shared globally"

They are conditioning you to accept it by gradually hacking everyone's data, so there will be no medical secrets, my friend.​

DEC 22
Because, ya never know, your records might somehow, some day prevent a pandemic…
You are being conditioned to go along with the theft of highly personal data, since you can’t do anything about it. your government isn’t holding anyone to account. Get used to it.
And keeping paper records is not allowed. Not if you want to get reimbursed by Medicare, Medicaid or commercial insurance plans. Thanks, Prez Obomber for the [Un]Affordable Care Act that brought so many privacy incursions to us and cost so darn much.​


Diamond Contributor
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Koya Webb: Transform Your Life with Plants | Nathan Crane Podcast Episode 44

Join me and the renowned holistic health and wellness coach, Koya Webb, as we delve into the essentials of thriving on a plant-based diet. Discover how high-vibrational foods can elevate your health and energy. Whether you're exploring veganism or seeking wellness tips, this video is a treasure trove of knowledge.

-->> Listen here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Exploring Life, Death, and Personal Beliefs with Dr. Roger Jahnke

Join us in a profound exploration of life, death, and personal beliefs in this conversation with Dr. Roger Jahnke. Discover how genetics and behaviors shape our well-being and gain insights into ancient wisdom. Embrace diverse perspectives and share your thoughts in the comments below.

-->> Watch here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today I wanted to bring you some useful info on an all-too-common infection I see in my practice: H. pylori.

H. pylori (Helicobacter pylori) infection is a bacterial infection affecting the stomach lining. This bacterium is commonly found in the digestive tract and is estimated to infect nearly half of the world’s population(!!!)

You should suspect H. pylori infection if you are experiencing symptoms such as:
  • Abdominal pain or discomfort, especially in the upper abdomen
  • Bloating
  • Nausea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Burping or acid reflux
  • Dark or black stools (a sign of bleeding in the digestive tract)

>> Click here to read to the blog post! <<

In this article we will discuss other symptoms, as well as go over the many different treatment methods that can be used to clear up this infection.

>> Click here to read to the blog post! <<

Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​


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Here’s a powerful bit of information: TRAUMA isn’t about what happened. It’s not about events or stories. It’s about patterns in your nervous system. (Autoimmunity works very the same way.)
Register to learn about both in the upcoming event, The Transforming Trauma & Autoimmune Disease Masterclass.
I’ll be lecturing on the gut / brain connection, so be sure to attend and watch my talk.
I hope to see you there,
Dr. Tom O’Bryan


Diamond Contributor
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A quick note that my friends at DrTalks have repoened this summit for free access, today and tomorrow only. (Friday and Saturday only).

I care about this because I care about your whole being, your whole person. If you’re experiencing low energy, low libido or interest, this may be of help.
solving dysfunction


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
There are so many holidays between the end of October and the beginning of January - with so many opportunities to indulge, put on weight and decrease the energy we so desperately need to make it through the celebrations.

Why not indulge in delicious holiday celebration foods that are sure to energize and delight?

You can create new traditions with the low-glycemic, plant-based, keto-friendly holiday dishes in my free ebook Plant-Powered Keto For The Holidays. It's my holiday gift for you.

Enjoy low-glycemic, plant-based, keto-friendly holiday recipes now and throughout the year. From salads and main dishes to appetizers and desserts, you can create new, healthy traditions with these time-tested favorites!

Enjoy your holidays, whichever you celebrate. Reply to this email and let us know your favorites, we love hearing from you!

With lots of love, health and joy to you,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Why Eating Pomegranate Could Save Millions of Lives
Millions die every year from cancer. Millions more from heart disease. Simultaneously, prescription drug use has never been higher. Why are we making no progress in this polypharmaceutical "war against disease"? We may need to return to Mother Nature to find the answer! Indeed, a solid body of research now indicates that consuming pomegranate may be the ideal way to protect yourself against the top two killers in the postmodern age.​
The Science Behind Drum Circles: Rhythm as Medicine
Since ancient times, drumming has been integral to rituals and social gatherings across human cultures. The innate joy and sense of collective rhythm felt during group drumming likely stems from our deep evolutionary roots. Today a growing body of research, referencing over 50 scientific studies, illuminates measurable mental, physical, and social benefits unique to participatory drumming.​


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Bayer Hit With $857 Million Verdict on Toxic Monsanto Chemicals + More
The Defender's Big Pharma Watch delivers the latest headlines related to pharmaceutical companies and their products, including vaccines, drugs, and medical devices and treatments. The views expressed in the below excerpts from other news sources do not necessarily reflect the views of The Defender. Our goal is to provide readers with breaking news that affects human health and the environment.​


Cranky Old Fart
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After diverting the Sierra Nevada runoff into the ocean,

California Approves Toilet-to-Tap Recycled Sewage Water for Use as Drinking Water​

We ain't the only ones with this:

"California will be following Colorado, which already has regulations, and Texas, where the nation’s first direct potable reuse plant was built a decade ago. Rules are in development in Florida and Arizona, as well."

The above is from the article...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This is almost as bad as bio-sludge:eek::eek:

What a lot of people don't think of is not only are they gettin recycled human waste but they are also gettin a dose of every big pharma poison pills that flush through peoples systems when the relieve themselves, liquid or solid


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Herb Curcumin Shown To Be Effective In Reducing Arthritis Symptoms
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a painful and debilitating autoimmune disease that can lead to a substantial loss of mobility and function, if not adequately treated. While gradual disfiguration of flexible joints in the fingers are a characteristic sign of this disorder, RA has the potential to affect many tissues and organs by contributing to chronic, systemic inflammatory activity. Estimates are that RA activity beyond the joints, also known as extra-articular rheumatoid arthritis, affects 15-25% of all individuals afflicted by the condition.....
Vitamin D Deficiency Linked To Cardiovascular Disease
Vitamin D deficiency has now been shown to increase the risk of fatal cardiovascular disease (CVD).
The lead researchers, Drs Laura Perna and Ben Schottker, German Cancer Research Center (Heidelberg) report:
“Although our results were able to confirm an approximately 27% increased total CV risk in subjects with vitamin D deficiency, they indicate that the risk is much stronger for (and possibly even confined to) fatal CVD events,” The findings were published in the December issue of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.....


Diamond Contributor
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Research at a Glance Autoimmune Illnesses
Autoimmune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, Reiter’s Syndrome. lupus, asthma, and ulcerative colitis. Researchers are discovering an increasing number of links between the immune, nervous, and endocrine systems. Hormones of the endocrine system, such as vitamin D, help the immune and nervous systems defend the body, with defects in this intricate system leading to autoimmune disorders.
More About Vitamin D Benefits
Chronic Pain -
In a study involving 150 children and adults with unexplained muscle and bone pain, almost all were found to be vitamin D deficient; many were severely deficient with extremely low levels of vitamin D in their bodies.
Vitamin D deficiency causes muscle weakness and pain in children and adults. Muscle pain and weakness was a prominent symptom of vitamin D deficiency in a study of Arab and Danish Moslem women living in Denmark (20)...


Diamond Contributor
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Who Trusts the WHO? by attorney John Klar

Reforming massive agencies may be a task too great.​

DEC 22
The WHO (World Health Organization) took center stage during the COVID pandemic as the global coordinator of effective response. Questions about the organization’s proper role – and competence – preceded and now survive the COVID-19 crisis. Was the WHO effective and apolitical in its response, and can it be trusted with its global medical preeminence?
GettyImages-1257465089 WHO
(Photo by Lian Yi/Xinhua via Getty Images)
Though bathed in a patina of trust, health agencies have long proven that they can fall victim to the human frailties of error, bureaucratic lethargy, political bias, and hubris. Post-COVID-19, many national interests are pushing to expand the WHO’s authority and funding even more, viewing its faulty responses to the pandemic as justification to allocate more money to shore up those failures. Others take a contrary view, asserting that the organization’s shortcomings during COVID-19 demonstrate intractable problems with no global solution.

Who Is the WHO?​

The WHO has fared very well post-pandemic, increasing its gross [yearly] revenue by some $300 million in 2022 to $4,354,000,000 (including $739,000,000 from the United States). As more questions about the COVID virus response are raised, including its Wuhan lab origins and potential adverse effects of the vaccines, the global jury is still out as to whether the WHO was rescuer or bumbler.
Concerns about competence preceded the pandemic. A 2016 article published by Reuters noted:
“Public health specialists, non-governmental organisations and some of the WHO’s biggest donors say the organisation is unwieldy, poor at coordinating responses to epidemics, and too thinly spread. And increasingly it struggles to set its own priorities because many of its donors give it money earmarked for specific projects.
“Some experts inside and outside the organisation say those flaws mean the WHO’s lead role in global health is now at risk.”
Many stakeholders have tried to parlay the COVID-19 debacle into an even more significant future power base for the WHO. The organization is pushing to expand its powers, funding, and global oversight of member nations under the pretense of being better positioned to respond more effectively to future pandemics. Questions about virus origins, gain-of-function research, lab safety, vaccine efficacy, and the appropriateness of quarantining healthy people (and children) have caused many legislators and citizens to pause.
Indeed, the US House Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic held a December 13, 2023 hearing titled “Reforming the WHO: Ensuring Global Health Security and Accountability.” Americans must ask: Is the federal government seeking to press the WHO on its competence, or politically rejuvenate it using faux hearings to bolster its legitimacy?
A key question is whether the WHO can ever be indeed “independent” from the winds of national politics. History suggests not, including during the recent experience of COVID-19. The WHO presents itself as an objective medical team that “… encourages the strengthening and expansion of the public health administrations of member nations ….” But that airy-fairy ideal ignores the realities on the political ground.

Myanmar, Syria, and the Wuhan WHO?​

While Myanmar oppressed minority ethnic groups, the WHO worked with its central government. In Syria, according to Brown’s Political Review, the WHO’s well-intended efforts aggravated the civil war by working more with the Assad government and ignoring the rebels.
Similar concerns were raised when the Wuhan virus began its spread. Xiao Qiang, a researcher at Berkeley who monitored both China’s and the WHO’s official statements about the new coronavirus as it began to spread, made a disturbing discovery: Statements made by the World Health Organization often parroted the same points as China. “Particularly at the beginning, it was shocking when I again and again saw WHO’s [director-general], when he spoke to the press … almost directly quoting what I read on the Chinese government statements,” Xiao told The Atlantic.
The evidence the WHO is not independent of political pressures can be seen in its recent proclamations about Gaza. Recounting a litany of health crises in the Gaza Strip, the organization does not address civilian casualties in Israel while engaging in political statesmanship:
“[The WHO] calls on Member States, donors and international humanitarian and development actors to provide humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people, and to ensure the allocation of human and financial resources in order to urgently achieve these objectives.”
The humanitarian crisis in Gaza is enormous, but is inextricable from the attacks on Israeli citizens that went unmentioned by the WHO. The organization’s pronouncements make that conflict appear one-sided and implicate Israel in Geneva Convention violations. And yet another example: did the WHO rally resources for Russian civilians as well as Ukrainians?
The WHO also endorses abortion, transgenderism, “equity,” sex education, and has questioned whether age of consent laws should be modified to permit minors to consent to sex despite existing strictures. This mission creep now extends to every facet of human life: human “health” touches everything, and so the WHO has expanded its purview far beyond what was contemplated at its formation in 1948. More voices are calling for restraints on the powers of this organization, even as global efforts are underway to use the failings of the COVID-19 response to grant WHO even more power over sovereign nations.​


Diamond Contributor
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In the last 3 weeks, an amazing $17,000 has arrived in my Stripe XMas stocking for *Door to Freedom, Inc.* and several thousand more arrived as checks

I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am​

DEC 22
As a result, our organization is now able to hire our networker full time, starting on January 1. I believe that our work has been invaluable, creating dozens of documents (many in up to ten languages) to help everyone from middleschoolers to professors and lawmakers become aware of the attempted WHO coup.
At Monday’s discussion of the WHO’s proposed Treaty and Amendments in the UK Parliament, Sir Christopher Chope lambasted the UK government, saying it was being “sidelined” by Slovakia, Estonia and New Zealand—whose governments refused to give up sovereignty to the WHO, while the UK government was silent.
I’m not sure that would have happened if we had not posted the Slovakian PM’s speech, the New Zealand leaders’ statement, and the letter from Estonian parliamentarians on our Door to Freedom site, in order to share what is happening world-wide, as our leaders start waking up to the WHO’s attempt to grab every nation’s sovereignty, using One Health and pandemics as their hook.
Your donations have paid for our webmaster, our web security, our networker. The rest of us are volunteers, and our paid employees do some volunteering as well.
We have come so far in six months because I had a dream that we could do this, and that the battle simply needed one organization to be totally focused on the preservation of freedom and sovereignty through a massive effort at education and outreach.
Yesterday I met on Zoom with 25 doctors, lawyers and judges in Italy. More similar meetings are planned. And we are working with the US Sovereignty Coalition to encourage additional hearings to be held in the US Congress on the WHO—and next time there will be no whitewash, nor will the witnesses be allowed to lie to Congress under oath, as they did on December 13, denying that sovereignty is under attack by the WHO. We are only getting started with our outreach!
Our Board has been investigating payment platforms for donations. It is hard to decide what to use. Give-Send-Go was hacked. PayPal has cancelled the accounts of other freedom-oriented groups. I will give you more info as soon as we can sort this out! But remember, we are a 501c3 now and donors will receive confirmation that your generous and timely donations are tax-deductible. I so appreciate everything we do together to make our world a much better place.
Have a joyous long Christmas weekend. Much love.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,

In this episode, I’m speaking with Kelly McCann, MD, a functional medicine doctor who has lectured all over the world on commonly overlooked causes of chronic illness, such as mold and mycotoxins, Lyme and associated infections, environmental medicine, and the topic of our podcast, mast cell activation, which, surprisingly, may affect up to 25% of people!

In this podcast, Dr. McCann and I discuss:

  • The fascinating physiology (and evolutionary history!) of mast cells and why, even though Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) is problematic, mast cells are mandatory for proper immune function

  • The hallmark signs and symptoms of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, including (but not limited to) allergies, chronic fatigue, and, amazingly, hyper-flexibility

  • The surprising link between COVID-19, a predisposition for blood clotting, and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome and why some people may have a mast cell reaction while others don’t
  • 2 hidden reasons MCAS might manifest and how to avoid these evasive triggers

  • Dr. McCann’s unique, multilayered approach to treating MCAS, including why the nervous system is such a crucial component of healing…and how a person’s unique personality might help or hinder their progress!

  • Diagnostic criteria for MCAS and the specific approach Dr. McCann and her contemporaries take to recognize and diagnose their patients

  • 3 steps you should take if you suspect you have MCAS, including resources for finding a qualified clinician who can help

→ You can watch/listen to the podcast HERE

Yours in health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Video: the truth about diabetes and obesity
This hidden switch controls a lot of what happens in your body…

From your body’s main functions, cell repair and hormones, to your blood sugar levels, fat storage, and how fast your body ages.

But as you age, it gets more and more unstable.

That’s why Dr. Rosedale is sharing his secrets to controlling this hidden switch so you can prevent advanced aging, diabetes, obesity, and many other health complications.

Plus, you’ll also find out:

✅ Why Dr. Rosedale believes most doctors treat diabetes the wrong way

✅ His prescribed diet that helped thousands of people reverse their diabetes, obesity, neurodegenerative disease, and cardiovascular disease

✅ The common myth about diabetes that leads you down the wrong path when you’re trying to keep your body healthy

✅ Why obesity is not about how much you eat, but rather what your body does with it

✅ A quick and easy way to get slimmer and decreasing your biological age at the same time

Don’t keep yourself in the dark when it comes to obesity and diabetes, and learn the secrets to overcoming these and premature aging that doctors will NEVER share with you.

>> What doctors don’t tell you about diabetes and obesity

To better health and longevity,


Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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Costs of Underactive Thyroid

Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., writes:

Underactive thyroid function is becoming alarmingly common — and the condition is horribly underdiagnosed.

The good news is that once it is diagnosed, it can be very easy to treat in ways that can save your life in addition to making life much more worthwhile.

The thyroid gland, located in the neck area, is the body's gas pedal. It regulates our metabolic speed.

Special: Dr. Brownstein: Your Tiny Thyroid Causing Big Problems

If the thyroid gland produces insufficient amounts of thyroid hormones, metabolism decreases and a person gains weight. Other symptoms of hypothyroidism (thyroid deficiency) include intolerance to cold, fatigue, achiness, confusion, and constipation.

Unfortunately, the current blood testing misses the majority of people who need thyroid hormone treatment.

Holistic physicians know how to take both your symptoms and labs into account. Anyone with even two of the above symptoms should consider a trial of natural prescription thyroid.

A resurgence of iodine and selenium deficiencies is also contributing to thyroid problems. Having the problem is no big deal — as long as you get treated properly with natural thyroid hormone.


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(not to be missed)​
Adrenals are your backup battery in menopause
As your body navigates the hormonal shifts during peri-/menopause, your adrenals play a crucial role in balancing the decrease in ovarian hormone production. Learn how supporting your adrenal glands can significantly ease your menopause journey. Plus, don't miss our exclusive tips on the 7 non-negotiables for recovering from adrenal deficiency.​
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Favorite Herbs & Vitamins for Adrenal Recovery
As menopause approaches and ovarian hormone production decreases, your adrenal glands become the unsung heroes in maintaining hormonal balance. These versatile glands are like your body's backup battery, stepping up to regulate hormones and more. Dive into our latest post to discover the 7 top herbs and vitamins essential for nurturing your adrenal glands and keeping your hormones in harmony. From Rhodiola to Omega 3s, the list has your adrenal recovery and hormonal balance covered.​
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Diamond Contributor
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After Saturday morning basketball going longer than usual (we played for 3 hours!!)...

And then a "quick" trip to CostCo, I was a little worried I wouldn't get this to you.

But have no fear because I just had to make sure you got it.

In honor of an amazing BYOG Party earlier this week, I'm bringing back my most popular party into your awareness...

The Movement as Medicine BYOG Party with Jana Danielson!!

It's uploaded onto my YouTube channel so with one click on the image below, you can participate in the spinal exercise fun.

Have a great rest of the weekend and of course...

Be Your Own Guarantee for your health and life,

Dr. Ryan


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Favorite Herbs & Vitamins for Adrenal Recovery
As menopause approaches and ovarian hormone production decreases, your adrenal glands become the unsung heroes in maintaining hormonal balance. These versatile glands are like your body's backup battery, stepping up to regulate hormones and more. Dive into our latest post to discover the 7 top herbs and vitamins essential for nurturing your adrenal glands and keeping your hormones in harmony. From Rhodiola to Omega 3s, the list has your adrenal recovery and hormonal balance covered.​
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there are a lot more than 7, but given what else we eat/drink you will not benefit without getting rid of the other trash. vitamins good? by themselves?


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5 Common Health Myths Your Doctor Lied to You About

Is sunshine bad for you? Is breakfast the most important meal of the day? Is eating a diet high in cholesterol and saturated fat bad for your health? Is salt bad for you? Is a high-protein diet bad for your kidneys?

The answer to all these questions is: no. These are all common health myths that most people believe — including medical doctors and health professionals. It’s time to debunk this myth and learn how to take care of our health.



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7 Strategies to Heal Fatty Liver
The liver is your body’s workhorse. It performs many functions including converting food to fuel, filtering harmful toxins, making proteins that help blood clot, and producing bile. Unfortunately, this powerful organ is susceptible to a potentially dangerous condition called fatty liver disease.

In this video, I go over the best strategies to heal fatty liver naturally. Check out the video and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel here



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Top 12 Magnesium Rich Foods

Dr. Norman Shealy, M.D., Ph.D. is an American neurosurgeon and a pioneer in pain medicine. He says, “Every known illness is associated with a magnesium deficiency,” and that, “magnesium is the most critical mineral required for electrical stability of every cell in the body.

A magnesium deficiency may be responsible for more diseases than any other nutrient deficiency. The top 12 best food magnesium rich foods outlined in this article will allow you to replenish your magnesium levels and support your overall vitality and well-being.


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