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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
A mouthwatering sauce can change everything.
It can make boring vegetables and mundane leftovers taste amazing.
It is, quite simply, the fastest and easiest pathway to culinary awesomeness.
Get the whole sauce story and seven mindblowing recipes, right here.
To your tastebuds!
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Want some amazing sauce recipes you and your whole family will love? Like lemon tahini sauce… or cauliflower squash cheese sauce… or miso peanut sauce? We’ve got you covered! Here’s what you need to know about making healthy and delicious sauces.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Power of Peppermint: 15 Health Benefits Revealed
The Virality Project colluded with social media platforms to intentionally suppress factual content and constitutionally protected speech from health freedom advocates like Sayer Ji questioning fast-tracked Covid vaccines. Ji, founder of natural health website GreenMedInfo, was placed on a censorship list of 12 so-called "disinformation dozen" individuals to be deplatformed and silenced.​
Giving Up the Belief in Flu Shots
Truth tellers sound like raving lunatics. Yet, influenza vaccines have been in use for more than 60 years and annual flu is still here. So why are they still being hyped as examples of the 'miracle of modern medicine'?​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
12.24.23 CH Newsletter leaf with light


Do You Believe in Love?​

How to Align Your Life with the Most Powerful Force in the Universe
Do you believe in love? Most spiritually oriented people would say that they do. But what does it mean to believe in love so deeply that our life becomes a consistent expression of the force of infinite love at the heart of existence?

In this article, Craig illuminates why, in order to truly live in love, we have to first take a stand for love. This means we have to let go of our small world of problems, fears, needs and concerns and align ourselves with a profound care for something much bigger than ourselves.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Meditation Changes Everything
A New Podcast with Craig Hamilton
12.10.23 CH Newsletter - Meditation Changes Everything
We’ve all heard that meditation is good for us. Studies show that it reduces stress, improves concentration and makes us more resilient to life’s challenges. But what if these benefits are just the tip of the iceberg? What if meditation contains the seeds of a revolution that could transform every aspect of our lives and ultimately, transform life on Earth?

What if meditation could actually change…everything?

In his new podcast, Craig shares key insights and practices from his two decades of teaching meditation to help you discover the life-changing potential of this ancient practice.

The first three episodes are available now! Tune in to learn about . . .

Episode 1: Everything Meditation Changes Craig lays out the foundation for the podcast and explains what he really means when he says, “meditation changes everything.”

Episode 2: Your Busy Mind is Not the Problem, Craig explains why your mind is not an obstacle to meditation, and how you can access the profound depths of meditation even when your mind is active.

Episode 3: 5 Gateways to Awakened Awareness, Craig takes you on an experiential journey through five brief “meditation experiments” designed to open you to a direct experience of your own true nature beyond the mind.

Listen wherever you get your favorite podcasts or on the Meditation Changes Everything podcast web page where you’ll also find transcripts for each episode.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

If you're looking for a delicious dessert to prepare for the holiday feast...

I highly HIGHLY recommend this Apple Crisp recipe!

As a Celiac, I find it absolutely delicious as a gluten-free dessert.

And my family and friends can hardly tell the difference.

Ready for it?

Here's the recipe:

🍎 Gluten-Free Apple Crisp 🍏
  • ½ cup certified gluten-free oats (I recommend Bob’s Red Mill or GF Harvest brands)
  • 3 tbsp unsweetened almond milk
  • 6 large apples (I like to use a mix of honeycrisp and granny smith)
  • ½ cup gluten-free baking/pancake mix (I recommend Birch Benders gluten-free or paleo mixes; other gluten-free/vegan brands should work fine too!)
  • ½ cup coconut sugar
  • 2 tsp + 1 dash cinnamon
  • 1/4 tsp nutmeg
  • 3-4 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • Optional: 1/3 cup chopped pecans or walnuts

Cooking Instructions​

  1. Preheat oven to 350, grease an 8×8 glass baking dish with coconut oil
  2. In a large bowl: soak oats in almond milk for ~10 minutes to soften
  3. Wash and thinly slice apples (you can peel but I like to leave some of the skins on for texture)
  4. Toss apples in lemon juice and sprinkle with a dash of cinnamon; pour into baking dish
  5. Add pancake mix, coconut sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg to oatmeal mixture
  6. Add chunks of coconut oil to the batter and mix crumbles until combined-it will be chunky (you may need to use your hands here)
  7. Top apples with crumble and sprinkle with chopped nuts
  8. Bake 30-40 minutes or until bubbling around the edges.
Please, if you try this recipe...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Right now, life feels hard for Jean and I.

Does it feel that way for you?

I know it does for many people on my team.

If your 2023 has been easy, fun, and awesome – I’m genuinely happy for you.

Also, this message isn’t for you.

I bet your inbox is filled with Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas stuff (mine has been and I’m angrily deleting all of it)...

That stuff just doesn't feel congruent for me to write right now.

I’m sure in the coming days, I’ll feel plenty of moments of gratitude and joy.

I hope you’ll feel those things too.

And I believe if you look back through your calendar this year, through all that has happened, you can feel those feelings too.

(That’s tip #1... look back – not forward).

And today, if anything feels sticky, stressful, hard, or sucky...

First, you are not alone.

This hopefully gives you some comfort that it’s not just you.

Your health might be hard, your job, finances, relationships – the holidays.

There’s probably many areas that feel hard for you.

And that’s okay.

If you’re like me, it’s easy to look forward and think about how much more “suck” might be coming.


However, that’s the trap, the self-pity or the trap of: “if X happens, then I’ll be okay or happy.”

So, let’s take a moment to throw a “pity-party” or tantrum and then let’s continue our chat.

Tip #2: When I look back on life, it’s never as “BAD” as I thought it was.

It means that if I don’t quit growing, learning, and improving… there will come a time when I look back on this time and at least appreciate it.

I’ll never say that I enjoyed stabbing gas pains, pooping my pants in public… or all the shame and embarrassment that came with that time in my life.

I don’t wish that on anyone.

And those intrusive thoughts like “no one will ever love me like this” or “I will never succeed because of this” or “I’m so behind because of this” or “maybe life isn’t worth living” are not helpful or good..

But, I will say those thoughts...

Those embarrassing, shameful, and very painful moments…

Don’t happen everyday.

They don’t define my life and they weren’t actually real.

They were just reactions to the very real PAIN and struggle I was going through.

Look, it is pretty normal for humans to make up stories about what's happening. If you’re reading this right now, you too are a ‘meaning-making machine’.

Our brains need to create meaning and stories about what is happening in our lives.

However, oftentimes they are not “truthful.”

It's just our minds spinning forward...

When we should be looking backward.

Because the truth is: we have no freaking clue what is coming.

We really don’t.

I’ve said over-and-over that I was done writing emails like this.

Yet here I am :)

The gifts of handling the hard parts of my life always end up being so different and so much better than my little mind could have predicted.

I’m really glad I can’t predict the future.

Cause if I could predict the future – my current life would be way worse than it is now.

My ‘meaning-making machine’ brain has some of the worst stories.

Let me tell you, you do not want to be inside my head.

Maybe you can relate?

"Dude, what the ‘F’ are you trying to say?”

Everyone’s brain is always scanning what is happening and “making-meaning” or “stories” about what is happening … and what it means in the future.

But here's the thing: do you want to know how many times my negative stories came true like exactly my mind imagined them?

Zero times...

Almost without a doubt… the future was always better, brighter, and more enjoyable than I imagined.

As long as I keep doing my work to get through whatever hard, sucky, sticky thing I was dealing with in my life.

I know this by looking backward.

And when I really look back about what was so hard back then… at least now I can see how much better my life is BECAUSE what I wanted to happen then… didn’t.

If I had got what I wanted back then… I really doubt my life would be as good as it is now.

It reminds of Garth Brooks' song “Unanswered Prayers”.

Anyways, I hold you in my heart and I know Jean does too...

We pray for strength and courage for you to get through this hard time.

And we hold it in our hearts that one day, not too far away… you’ll be looking backward and realize the gifts of that time period.

Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas (or whatever you celebrate!)


Gold Contributor
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Reddit Exile
Right now, life feels hard for Jean and I.

Does it feel that way for you?

I know it does for many people on my team.

If your 2023 has been easy, fun, and awesome – I’m genuinely happy for you.

Also, this message isn’t for you.

I bet your inbox is filled with Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas stuff (mine has been and I’m angrily deleting all of it)...

That stuff just doesn't feel congruent for me to write right now.

I’m sure in the coming days, I’ll feel plenty of moments of gratitude and joy.

I hope you’ll feel those things too.

And I believe if you look back through your calendar this year, through all that has happened, you can feel those feelings too.

(That’s tip #1... look back – not forward).

And today, if anything feels sticky, stressful, hard, or sucky...

First, you are not alone.

This hopefully gives you some comfort that it’s not just you.

Your health might be hard, your job, finances, relationships – the holidays.

There’s probably many areas that feel hard for you.

And that’s okay.

If you’re like me, it’s easy to look forward and think about how much more “suck” might be coming.


However, that’s the trap, the self-pity or the trap of: “if X happens, then I’ll be okay or happy.”

So, let’s take a moment to throw a “pity-party” or tantrum and then let’s continue our chat.

Tip #2: When I look back on life, it’s never as “BAD” as I thought it was.

It means that if I don’t quit growing, learning, and improving… there will come a time when I look back on this time and at least appreciate it.

I’ll never say that I enjoyed stabbing gas pains, pooping my pants in public… or all the shame and embarrassment that came with that time in my life.

I don’t wish that on anyone.

And those intrusive thoughts like “no one will ever love me like this” or “I will never succeed because of this” or “I’m so behind because of this” or “maybe life isn’t worth living” are not helpful or good..

But, I will say those thoughts...

Those embarrassing, shameful, and very painful moments…

Don’t happen everyday.

They don’t define my life and they weren’t actually real.

They were just reactions to the very real PAIN and struggle I was going through.

Look, it is pretty normal for humans to make up stories about what's happening. If you’re reading this right now, you too are a ‘meaning-making machine’.

Our brains need to create meaning and stories about what is happening in our lives.

However, oftentimes they are not “truthful.”

It's just our minds spinning forward...

When we should be looking backward.

Because the truth is: we have no freaking clue what is coming.

We really don’t.

I’ve said over-and-over that I was done writing emails like this.

Yet here I am :)

The gifts of handling the hard parts of my life always end up being so different and so much better than my little mind could have predicted.

I’m really glad I can’t predict the future.

Cause if I could predict the future – my current life would be way worse than it is now.

My ‘meaning-making machine’ brain has some of the worst stories.

Let me tell you, you do not want to be inside my head.

Maybe you can relate?

"Dude, what the ‘F’ are you trying to say?”

Everyone’s brain is always scanning what is happening and “making-meaning” or “stories” about what is happening … and what it means in the future.

But here's the thing: do you want to know how many times my negative stories came true like exactly my mind imagined them?

Zero times...

Almost without a doubt… the future was always better, brighter, and more enjoyable than I imagined.

As long as I keep doing my work to get through whatever hard, sucky, sticky thing I was dealing with in my life.

I know this by looking backward.

And when I really look back about what was so hard back then… at least now I can see how much better my life is BECAUSE what I wanted to happen then… didn’t.

If I had got what I wanted back then… I really doubt my life would be as good as it is now.

It reminds of Garth Brooks' song “Unanswered Prayers”.

Anyways, I hold you in my heart and I know Jean does too...

We pray for strength and courage for you to get through this hard time.

And we hold it in our hearts that one day, not too far away… you’ll be looking backward and realize the gifts of that time period.

Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas (or whatever you celebrate!)
jimi you are not alone. i have had a lot of years trying not to be here. i have just had a very painfull year as you know. you and i both fight the same thing, you and i both have moments when we say whats is going to be like next year? you and i both dont want to know. we cannot change tis world and eveone has their own beliefs. whatever makes people happy or gives them strength then please enjoy it and my best wishes to you. yes i hate religion, yes i dont celibrate fantasy but i ubderstand as i hope you all do that each and everyone has their right to believe in what they want to. we all look at things differently and that is good otherwise it would be a boring place.
i will help anyone of any faith or any colour, we all alll equal at our core. black lives matter of course they do as do white yellow whatever.
we hurt. we laugh. we cry. we think immoral tings we do naughty things we hope we dont get caught. we all lie to ourselves thats fine, just dont lie to others.
we suffer and at first say why me, after a while we say why not.
nothing is perfect nothing is as we wish it to be, we differ, we fight, we dissagree. we cant and wont change that.
all we can do is listen to others and respect what they believe in whether we agree with them or not.

i had a rough time in hospital recently, i came out then back in i officially died. but i am still here and i saw a child steering a wheelchair wit his chin because he had no arms. and i think i had a bad year!

we live we die its what we do in between that counts,

to all of you, keep save, be carefull and be considerate,

jimi as always i am here buddy if you want to abuse me or kick my butt then go for it,

all be safe ..please.

Bliss Doubt

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Member For 5 Years

Bliss Doubt

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Member For 5 Years
Global decline in male fertility linked to common pesticides.


Bliss Doubt

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Diamond Contributor
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Planning to win in 2024: the Senate

Who are our allies in Congress? Need your help contacting them. Here is info on Rand Paul.​

DEC 25
There are two big issues that really need the Senate’s buy-in.It won’t be easy to win these, but if can win even one it will be hugely important.
#1 is getting the Senate to keep the WHO defunded in 2024. The Democrats have a tiny majority. They will probably lose seats in November and then the Repubs will have a majority. But we need a win before then. We also need House members to commit that they will refuse to come to an agreement on the Foreign Operations funding bill if it includes funding the WHO.
#2 is getting the Senate (and House should weigh in as well) to insist that the Pandemic Treaty AND the IHR Amendments are revolutionary treaties as currently drafted, cede certain areas of sovereignty to the WHO, and therefore cannot be passed simply signed off on by the Executive branch of government: they need a full Senate review.
We need to help our members form a caucus on the WHO over the next 5 months. Where do your members stand? Find out and get back to me.
Senator Rand Paul has commented on the WHO power grab in his new book Deception: the Great COVID Cover-Up. I’ve screen shot the relevant passages. Please urge him to support both efforts. He is on many relevant committees:
Paul, Rand (R-KY)

So let’s get him to demonstrate commitment to getting rid of Gain of Function research, and demand the Senate inspect these documents very carefully.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Understanding the Chi Field
The chi field is a unified collective energy field with a specific function and structure. There are many chi fields that interconnect to the universal chi field of self-creation.
Wisdom Healing Qigong has a specific transformational chi field, unified by the purposes of healing and awakening. It is a cultivated and organically developed energy field that has advanced through thousands of years. It includes both the accumulated chi field developed throughout the Chinese history of Qigong, as well as the expanded embodiment of millions of practitioners over the past three decades in China, and around the world.

To organize a child field in your practice is to align your own energy field (including your mind, heart, body, and spirit); with the collective energy (in the room, online, for any group, or any location); and to connect to the Wisdom Healing Qigong chi field; and then expand to the universal chi field.
While there is much to understand about the infinite potential, collective synergy, and accumulative effects of the chi field, in this Season of Light we want to share the following parable to demonstrate its power.
It was originally told by Master Mingtong Gu’s teacher Dr. Pang Ming, and reportedly based on a true incident that happened in a village in China about 500 years ago...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Story of One Hundred Candles: A Seed of the Healing Chi Field
There once was a family – a son and a mother. The father had passed away a long time ago when the boy was still very young, and so the mother and son depended on each other. And as the story goes, the boy was only nine-years-old when the mother suffered a very severe illness.
To take care of his family, the young boy worked very hard, gathering wood from the mountains, yet barely made enough to feed them. He was also spending every extra moment to find a cure for his mother. Despite her son’s tireless effort over many years, seeking help from all the doctors he could find, trying many different medicines and treatments, his mother’s condition worsened to the point she could no longer speak.

Then one day, a monk showed up in this village. The boy found him, kneeled down before him, and asked him for help. The monk was touched by this boy’s heart. Even though the monk was not a medical doctor, he decided to assist this boy in the ways of his tradition. The boy was excited and felt new hope.

The monk said, “I’ll give you a prescription to follow, but the preparations must be completed by midnight tonight – the darkest night without any moon – so that your mother can be healed.” Through tears of determination the boy responded, “I’ll do anything you ask me to do.”
The monk told the boy that by midnight he must collect and light one hundred candles – one from each family in the village. From each family, he must also ask for a prayer from their heart, to help heal his mother.

Without fear or hesitation, the boy excitedly rushed to every family in the village to ask for help, to ask for prayers and lights.

When the families in the village heard his request, they didn’t know whether to believe in the prescription or not, but each was deeply touched by the boy’s dedication to his mother’s cure. Everyone in the village was eager to help, and they gave their prayers and candles with hope for the highest good.

By the time the boy had finished visiting the entire village, it was almost midnight – yet he had collected only 99 candles. The boy was determined to fulfill the monk’s instructions anyway, and put the 99 candles in the center of the village with the hopes that one more candle would miraculously appear.

While he lit the candles one by one, everyone in the village came from their homes to join him – in part because they were curious to see if a miracle would happen, but mostly because they were so moved by the boy’s heart-full request and dedication.

As they all gathered around and helped him light the candles, everyone was in tears – tears of hope and community and goodwill. As each family joined the others, circling around the warm light of the 99 candles in the darkest night, they saw the candlelight illuminate the circle and form one bright light – and they witnessed the illumination of the hundredth candle – the light of the boy’s spirit.

In that moment of grace, they all became one family, bathed in light.
Soon, from a remote distance, the village people heard the boy’s mother, who had not spoken in years calling, “Son, where are you?” She could speak strongly enough to be heard from a great distance. A miracle had happened – manifest from the strong intention, love, and light of the entire community family.

The old story ended with a miracle and was continuously told as a source of miracles. Dr. Pang took the kernel of the miracle from that ancient parable, and as he came to understand the deep meaning of the story, he brought the ancient ritual to a conscious practice.

Dr. Pang lives and embodies the spirit of the boy – as well monk in the story. He has taken this seed of collective wisdom, planted and watered it with his compassion, dedication, and inner knowing. He lights many candles and many, many people come to him for wisdom and guidance.

In his public work, as he cultivated the chi field, he led everybody and shared openly with everyone. Dr. Pang was credited as the first person to use the words “chi field” and to teach the technology of organizing a chi field.

As he practiced the ancient story, he discovered and cultivated the seed of the chi field, bringing the essence of these wisdom traditions into a “science of miracles".

He expands this one ancient story to millions of modern-day stories. Dr. Pang often says the more serious the illness appears to be, the more quickly the healing can happen.

This is because the illness that is serious invokes the kind of dedication that the boy in the story had, and thus this kind of offering can happen at a much deeper level. In addition, the more we let go of thinking of our condition as unique and personal, the more we allow the self to be One with chi field, and the more a miracle of healing can happen within us.

Many masters and grandmasters, from other Qigong schools, have since learned the science of the chi field from Dr. Pang, and the healing chi field continues to strengthen and accumulate over time through individual and collective practice. Self-empowered healing and wellbeing continue to be activated through the energy of the chi field every day.


Diamond Contributor
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A new study reports 309 lab acquired infections and 16 pathogen lab escapes between 2000 and 2021, several deaths/ Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

This from a review of *published* literature and omits thousands of unpublished reports collected in the US alone, but is still valuable at demonstrating the seriousness of lab leaks​

DEC 26
The CDC collects about 200 reports per year of lab accidents, leaks, escaped infected animals or infected staff. So this report is a gross underestimate but a good summary of what gets published, which alone is quite chilling and should make people think twice about the risks vs benefits of research on deadly pathogens, and pursuing GOF research.
An international team of researchers looked for all the cases of infections acquired in a laboratory or times a pathogen accidentally “escaped” from a laboratory setting. They found 309 laboratory-acquired or -associated infections from 51 pathogens; eight of these cases were fatal, including one of “mad cow” disease. The 16 incidents they found of a pathogen escaping a lab setting included well-publicized accidents such as the time where a West Nile researcher became infected with the first SARS virus in 2003 after handling contaminated samples in Singapore. He went on to expose 84 contacts and risked re-igniting the 2002-2004 SARS epidemic, by then quiet in Singapore. In another case, US government workers taking inventory in preparation for a move at the National Institutes of Health found old vials labeled “variola,” a reference to the virus that causes smallpox, in an unsecured refrigerator in 2014.
The study comes at a time when the US government and other groups are re-assessing biosecurity protocols for studies involving potentially pandemic agents. Many experts have called for a strengthening of global oversight over pathogen research. The new study on accidents points to one area, where the risks associated with research and biotechnology remain murky: “[Without] globalised formal reporting requirements, the data summarised here could only represent the tip of the iceberg,” the authors wrote.
Overall, North America, Europe, and Asia accounted for most illnesses. More than three-quarters of the reported infections occurred in the United States. Seventy percent of accidents involved procedural errors, which the authors defined as breeches of biosafety or risk mitigation procedures. These could involve the choice of the wrong personal protective equipment, poor training, or the mishandling of samples, including, the authors wrote, by sniffing them. Needlesticks and spills accounted for roughly 15 percent of infections.
About 77 percent of infections involved bacteria, some 14 percent involved viruses, and 7 percent involved parasites. A small percentage of cases invovled fungi or prions, the latter of which can cause bovine spongiform encephalitis or “mad cow” disease. Of the eight fatalities, six were caused by bacteria, including Yersinia pestis, which causes plague; one involved Ebola and the other, a prion.
Incidents in which a pathogen escaped laboratory containment occasionally led to exposures outside of a research facility, but often did not lead to outbreaks (with exceptions like the Lanzhou accident). They involved bacteria, including the anthrax bacteria, and viruses like variola and influenza. Procedural errors (in the case of the Chinese brucellosis outbreak, the use of expired disinfectant) caused most of the escapes.
Studies of laboratory acquired infections date back at least to 1915. That year, a survey turned up 47 infections, many occurring when researchers used their mouths to suck pathogenic material into pipettes, according to a 1966 review of mouth pipetting. Regulations and better practices have reduced some of the risks associated with pathogen work. But continued improvement in biosafety will be necessary and, many argue, likely require new rules for some research as the world undergoes a boom in construction of labs meant for studying the riskiest of pathogens.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Friend,
If fasting makes you think of restrictive programs involving nothing but maple syrup-flavored water for days, it’s time to discover a whole other side to fasting with intermittent fasting.
This ancient practice can help you take charge of your health, boost energy, regulate your blood sugar, be proactive about slowing the aging process, and much more. It addresses your current health issues AND helps prevent them.
If you are ready to explore how intermittent fasting can help you, the Fasting & Longevity Summit (January 2 – 8, 2024) is for you! At this FREE event, you will be given the tools you need to incorporate intermittent fasting into your lifestyle and start transforming your health.
More than 40 world-renowned experts will be on hand to discuss how to employ fasting techniques to reduce inflammation, optimize your gut health, renew your body, and more. For example, you’ll learn:
  • “Three Scientific Wonders of Fasting” with summit co-host David Jockers, DNM, DC, MS, author of The Fasting Transformation
  • “A Type 2 Diabetes Remission Story Through Fasting” with summit co-host Joseph Antoun, MD, PhD, MPP, a leader in rejuvenation medicine.
  • “Boost Your Brain Health Through Fasting” with plant-based diet expert Joel Fuhrman, MD
  • “Harness Fasting to Combat Mold & Mycotoxins” with detox expert Lauren Tessier, ND
Take the next step in your health journey by registering for this masterclass on intermittent fasting today!

>> Click here to register for this online event!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Even if you’re NOT taking antibiotics…

According to a 2023 study from the University of California Department of Pathology:

“Simply being near someone on antibiotics can spell trouble for your gut.”


It's all thanks to something scientists are calling “The Bacterial Cloud.”

The people you live with – your kids, roommates, especially your partner –

They're not just sharing their lives with you.

They're sharing their bacterial blueprint... And yes, that includes the effects of antibiotics.

And as you may know…

Less good gut microbes in our gut can quickly spell trouble for your digestion and immunity.

That’s why today’s blog highlights this wild phenomenon so you can stay one step ahead and keep your gut thriving.
Tap below to discover:

  • The sci-fi-like world of “The Bacterial Cloud” that connects you to those around you
  • How someone else’s antibiotics can trigger a gut health domino effect – in YOUR body!
  • Plus microbiologist-approved tips for reinforcing your gut to keep it healthy and thriving


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
I hope you’re taking some time for YOU in these final days of 2023, resting your mind and body for a fresh start in the new year.
Ok, I’ve got a big announcement today…
To give you a fun and inspiring dose of healing goodness, we’re holding a Special Holiday Screening of our hit docuseries: Healing Kitchen: Let Food Be Thy Medicine.
From now until this Saturday at 11:59pm ET (US), you can watch every episode of Healing Kitchen -- for free.
Healing Kitchen: Let Food Be Thy Medicine is a 9-part exploration of the most powerful medicinal foods on earth. Each episode is focused on a specific health condition or disease, and we highlight ancient science-backed recipes and formulas that can help to prevent and heal them.
We poured a ton of time, love and research into each episode - with the goal of creating a truly illuminating experience for you.
Click here to watch it now
Here’s a quick episode map to help you navigate the series:
Episode 1 - Culinary Remedies: Reviving the Healing Art of Cooking
Episode 2 - A Happy Gut: Recipes for Nourishing Your Inner Ecosystem
Episode 3 - Cooking for Immunity: Strengthening Defenses with Flavorful Fare
Episode 4 - Cognitive Cuisine: Brain-Boosting Dishes from Antiquity
Episode 5 - Heart-Smart Menus: Time-Tested Recipes for Cardiovascular Care
Episode 6 - Zest & Zen: formulas for Better Sleep & Boundless Energy
Episode 7 - Food Fighters: Crafting Anti-Cancer Meals
Episode 8 - Beauty in a Bowl: Recipes for Skin & Hair Health
Episode 9 - Spice of Life: Healing Hormones & Enhancing Intimacy

The holidays are a time to be with loved ones and reflect on what is most important to us. As we head into the new year, there is no better time to empower and enlighten yourself with herbal healing wisdom that could potentially change your life.
https://healingkitchen. replay-page/
It is our greatest wish that you find the answers you've been waiting for in our Healing Kitchen series, like so many others have. Make sure to share this email with anyone you think could benefit from this vital information!
Remember, this holiday screening expires on Saturday 12/30/23 at midnight!
Stay curious,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

David Gortler is the most knowledgeable person challenging the FDA on the COVID vaccines today. Here is his analysis--lawyers please pay attention/Brownstone​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
As we prepare to enter 2024, I’m excited to tell you about a free e-book from some friends of mine and of FRN, best-selling authors Marci Shimoff and Lisa Nichols.
Marci and Lisa have been the catalysts for millions of people to step into their sense of meaning and purpose — and to fearlessly turn their dreams and visions into exciting and lasting realities.
>> Grab The 4 Biggest Mistakes that Keep You From Living a Miraculous Life for no charge, here.
In their new (and free) ebook, Marci and Lisa share their proven formula for recognizing those mistakes that keep miracles away — and replacing them with behaviors that make you a magnet for what you most want. Their mission is to help you live in what they call the "Miracle Zone" — and to enjoy a more inspired and healthy life.
>> You can enjoy it now for a limited time — and for no charge.
Yours for a fabulous 2024,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. When you download your e-book, you'll also get a chance to claim a free spot in Marci and Lisa’s upcoming 3 Secrets to Living a Miraculous Life masterclass. Get the free e-book, and find out how to live in the “Miracle Zone” in 2024 and beyond, here.


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6 Foods That Reduce Stress

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

It’s difficult to avoid occasional bouts of stress, but prolonged stress can have ill effects on both physical and emotional health, and can put you at risk of heart disease and depression.

While self-care, sleep management, and exercise offer relief, certain foods and beverages can help lower stress levels as well.

Special: Discover the Latest Buzz About HONEY . . .

Here are six stress-taming foods that can help lower your levels of cortisol — the primary hormone responsible for stress:

Avocados. Omega-3 fat in avocados soothes the nervous system, and potassium helps control blood pressure to keep you calm.

Fatty fish. Salmon, sardines, tuna, and other cold-water fish are chock-full of omega-3, which also helps manage adrenalin levels.

Celery. Nutrient-rich snacks offer satisfying crispiness without bogging you down like sugary treats. Celery also contains potassium to help regulate blood pressure.

Milk. Drinking a glass of milk before bed will help you sleep more restfully because of the B vitamins, vitamin D, and calcium that help relieve and relax muscles.

Nuts. A handful of nuts can boost your immune system because they contain zinc, which helps every cell of the body fight invading bacteria and viruses.

Chocolate. Eating dark chocolate may lower the levels of stress hormones. And because it contains sugar, it also signals to the brain to release the feel-good hormone serotonin.


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Ancient diet, modern benefits: Exploring the Mediterranean connection to cognitive health​

there are no modern benifits. old ways are and will allways be better because they were not concieved by the mighty dollar


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Root canals and breast cancer: The SHOCKING connection unveiled​

we are certainaly in trouble, there is nothing but bad health in this worls. is everything bad or is it just our minds? you can have severe toothache for a weel yet when your appointment day arrives, guess what...your tooth is not aching then! its mind over matter, if you dont dont matter. our own bodies are the best doctors if you listen to others to much you will talk yourselfinto being sick. say to a friend geez i have a sore throat today. he will 100% say hey i just got over a sore throat!


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so now it has been wrong to clean your teeth, i wonder where there wonderfull experts get their ideas from.
That's not what it says, you don't have to use Fluoride to clean your teeth, get a natural tooth powder or make your own toothpaste


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That's not what it says, you don't have to use Fluoride to clean your teeth, get a natural tooth powder or make your own toothpaste
yeahjimmi thate what i am saying in the od times you used what you could but now through our tv sets we are basically given improvements each day. 6 months ago it was a new idea to have bamboo pillows now bamboo is the new black its in everything? so i wonder why pandas are going extinct jimi!!!!


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Episode 351: WAR OF THE WORDS
Top Florida Health Official Wants Answers Over Potential mRNA Contamination; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on Scottish Care Home Nurse Whistleblower, New Evidence Links Daszak, Baric, in Wuhan Coverup, and Predictive Programming and The Manipulation of YOU; New Movie, Protocol 7, Exposes Mumps Vaccine Scandal; Protocol-7 to Debut at New Autism Health Summit in 2024
Guests: Joseph A. Ladapo, M.D. Ph.D., Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Tracy Slepcevic​


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I hope you're enjoying the amazing festive time with your loved ones :).

How important is religion or spirituality in your life?

Is it a central part of who you are as a person, something you do without giving it much thought, or not on your radar at all?

Click here to read our blog post and see all the ways that religion and/or spirituality can benefit your health…
After you’re done, you might start placing greater emphasis on this critical part of your life and wellbeing!​
Have a jolly evening, Jimi.



Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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I hope you're enjoying the amazing festive time with your loved ones :).

How important is religion or spirituality in your life?

Is it a central part of who you are as a person, something you do without giving it much thought, or not on your radar at all?

Click here to read our blog post and see all the ways that religion and/or spirituality can benefit your health…
After you’re done, you might start placing greater emphasis on this critical part of your life and wellbeing!​
Have a jolly evening, Jimi.

I might be about to kick the hornet's nest here but...:soapbox:

"Religion does so much more than just provide a focus for belief; it can also benefit your body in a number of truly fascinating ways!"

That statement from the blog post is, in my opinion, just flat out wrong on so many levels. Spirituality may benefit your health, religion does not. The terms religion and spirituality are two completely different things and should never be used interchangeably.

Mark Twain once said "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." Well, I won't let religion interfere with my spirituality. Spirituality is about connecting with something greater than yourself, religion is about controlling what you think and how you behave, and therefore religion actually interferes with spirituality by not allowing for questions and uncertainty and exploration. And by the way, this statement is coming from, as Dusty Springfield would put it, the Son of a Preacher Man.

Sorry, /soapbox off
As you were


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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I should probably mention that I agree with much of what the post says, I just have strong opinions regarding the conflation of religion and spirituality.
The post for example states “the strongest evidence comes from randomized interventional trials reporting the beneficial physiological impact of meditation (primarily transcendental meditation)" which is pointing to a spiritual, rather than a religious, practice.

Bliss Doubt

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Member For 5 Years
I might be about to kick the hornet's nest here but...:soapbox:

"Religion does so much more than just provide a focus for belief; it can also benefit your body in a number of truly fascinating ways!"

That statement from the blog post is, in my opinion, just flat out wrong on so many levels. Spirituality may benefit your health, religion does not. The terms religion and spirituality are two completely different things and should never be used interchangeably.

Mark Twain once said "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." Well, I won't let religion interfere with my spirituality. Spirituality is about connecting with something greater than yourself, religion is about controlling what you think and how you behave, and therefore religion actually interferes with spirituality by not allowing for questions and uncertainty and exploration. And by the way, this statement is coming from, as Dusty Springfield would put it, the Son of a Preacher Man.

Sorry, /soapbox off
As you were
I should probably mention that I agree with much of what the post says, I just have strong opinions regarding the conflation of religion and spirituality.
The post for example states “the strongest evidence comes from randomized interventional trials reporting the beneficial physiological impact of meditation (primarily transcendental meditation)" which is pointing to a spiritual, rather than a religious, practice.

Middle of the night and here I am jumping into that swarm of hornets. I found this in the Latest Posts, looking for the thing you moved from the music thread to the humor thread.

The title of the article included both religion and spirituality, but then the actual post focused mainly on religion. I think of religion as spirituality confined, excessively defined, limited, but some of the non-religious spiritual traditions are equally constrained.

In the end, she gives these suggestions:

To become a more spiritual person, try:


Reading religious and spiritual literature...

Spend time outdoors.

Watch for signs.
Whatever you believe in—the Universe, God, Allah, or any other higher power—there will always be signs...

To me, all good. Some religious people are very spiritual, others are more the finger wagging judges, others the do-gooders who carry goody baskets into the slums on holidays and the rest of the year blame the poor for their plight. And I can certainly agree that religions, especially in collusion with monarchies and governments, have been responsible for more harm, wars, torture, murders, thefts, genocides and other abominations, than we can untangle in a million years.

Under that fourth one, "watch for signs", I have found it incredibly beautiful how the universe speaks to us if we are listening for it, with a great voice of unconditional love.

This piece is titled "Spiritual", an original by Charlie Haden, playing with Hank Jones. The whole thing is a beautiful meditation, creating a peaceful space inside me when I listen, with Haden's bass meditation and Jones' piano meditation intertwining, then coming together.



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Dear Friend,
I am writing to you because natural health has been an integral part of my life from the very beginning. As an unvaccinated, homeschooled child, the only doctor I ever saw was a chiropractor. Then, when the life-changing opportunity came to produce the film Vaxxed: From Cover Up To Catastrophe, it was chiropractors and alternative medicine practitioners who stepped up, when no one else would, to fund our film. As you know, Vaxxed went on to become an international sensation, credited with igniting the health freedom movement across the world. From there, at each step along the way—whether it was starting my non-profit, ICAN, or launching my talk show, The HighWire— the natural health community has been a guiding light in my journey. For this reason, I am reaching out to you to ask if you will help me in my greatest opportunity to date: as the Director of Communications for Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the Independent candidate for President of the United States.
I understand that we are all spread across the tapestry of the political spectrum. But instead of focusing on the few issues that perhaps divide us, I believe it is crucial to focus on the one issue that unites all Americans: freedom. From the moment John D. Rockefeller realized he could seize control of humanity through the regulation of medicine, chiropractic and the collection of natural healing modalities have been balancing on the precipice of extinction. But even in the face of persecution, healing arts including, chiropractic, homeopathy and ayurveda never wavered; their independent spirit stood as a beacon of light for humanity, teaching us that our body can often heal itself without drugs, surgeries, and costly interventions. Similarly, Bobby knows that our nation can heal itself if we remove the toxicity of corporate influence. No one knows better than you how health has been weaponized against the innate power of humanity. And now, as the globalist empire seeks dominion over the world through the WHO, WEF, and UN, our voice needs to be louder than ever before.
In January 2020, we witnessed what the dark forces of medical tyranny are capable of when they launched the greatest psychological operation the world has ever experienced. Under the threat of a cold virus with a documented fatality rate of just .35% (.035% for those below the age of 59), the world’s nations ceded their power over to the pharmaceutical industry and the NGOs they controlled. Here in America, we watched in sick astonishment as both President Trump and President Biden put the fate of our nation into Dr. Anthony Fauci’s hands. Under his watch, our businesses were shuttered, cell phone tracking systems were promoted, and arrest threats were leveled against people holding hands in public. Our loved ones were left to die alone while we pounded on the glass of their medical prisons. God’s air was deemed illegal to breathe; our churches were shut down. Meanwhile, bars and big box stores became our community sanctuaries. Simple recommendations of vitamin C & D by practitioners were met with lawsuits and license investigations, while an experimental vaccine with a deadly track record was “warp-speeded” onto the market and mandated for every arm in the country.
Nearly four years later, excess mortality is at an all-time high. Heart attacks in children are now commonplace. The vaccine has proven to have negative efficacy, causing people to be more prone to infection than doing nothing at all. And multiple studies across the world have found that the lockdown measures, which had no basis in science, caused more harm than good. I shudder to think how many more lives would have been lost if not for the courage of this nation’s functional medicine and natural health practitioners. And yet—no one in charge during this fiasco has issued anything remotely close to an apology. Instead, they are doubling down, celebrating the vaccine and pledging to do it all faster and harder next time.
Meanwhile, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.—a man that has stood next to us on the stages of Health Freedom conventions across America—is surging in the polls. He is leading among independent voters and those under the age of 45. He has the highest favorability rating of any candidate in the field, and is now squarely in third place, within single digits of overcoming both President Biden and President Trump. Current polls have him between 20-26%, meaning he is already well past the threshold of 15% for a guaranteed podium on the presidential debate stage. No independent candidate has achieved that in 40 years. Even more shocking is the fact that he has accomplished this by declaring war on the corporate interests that have corrupted our political system, instead of by waging war on his political opponents through smear campaigns. He is healing the divide by uniting Americans against those who censor vs. those who disagree. And by committing to stopping the pharmaceutical industry’s propaganda machine by ending direct-to-consumer marketing on his first day in office, he is signaling to the world that our days of coerced compliance are coming to an end. On the debate stage, he will be attacked for his record on vaccine safety and medical freedom. And when that happens, we will finally have a voice capable of defending our position with scientific reason and evidence.
Over the years, I’ve gotten to know Bobby very well. He is a spiritual man with a profound devotion to God, who exhibits a power through humility that is beyond anything I have witnessed in the leaders of my lifetime. He is a thoughtful scholar and author, as thorough in his explanations as he is forthright in his shortcomings. He does not hesitate to declare, “I don’t know. I’ll have to get more information on that.” He is also a powerful warrior with an astounding record as a lawyer, having spent his career focused on defending people against greedy corporations and corrupt government institutions. And when his investigations led him into the controversial topic of vaccinations, he never backed down—no matter how vicious the attacks or deplorable the slander. Just like many of the brave chiropractors and natural healers in history, Bobby has even gone to jail for his convictions.
You got behind me when I made Vaxxed. You supported me when I started ICAN and launched The HighWire. Together, we have won lawsuits against the NIH, CDC, FDA, and HHS, and even restored the religious exemption for the state of Mississippi. But in order to stop the globalist’s New World Order, we need a miracle. I believe Bobby is that miracle. And now, as his Director of Communications, I am reaching out to the people that got me here. I need your help. I need your guidance. I need your support.
I want you on my team, so here is what I want to offer you: If you will help me with this effort by donating a minimum of $1,000 to the campaign between now and December 31st, I will give you a concierge ride through the next year of Bobby’s campaign, all the way to the election. You will receive periodic updates directly from me that no one else will receive. And, once a month, I will have an open Zoom call with you to share plans from the campaign and brainstorm with you about ideas and concerns that you may have. I am calling It the Health Think Tank. Of course, any donation is greatly appreciated and will help me to make more dynamic media to get Bobby’s voice out there. But I hope you will commit to joining the Health Think Tank.
I saw a bumper sticker once that became my life slogan: “Don’t Die Wondering.” My journey has led me to believe that the opportunities that are presented to me are put there by God. I know we are alive at this moment for a reason. We haven’t traveled this far together to have it all taken away. The corporate-controlled media has done everything they can to stop Bobby, and still, he surges in the polls. We did that with a grueling tour of podcasts and a small production team making viral videos.

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