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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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Falling falling falling. The stock price of fake meat

Didn't they say the substance derived from lab-grown blood that gives it a meat flavor was carcinogenic?​

DEC 27

The Impossible Burger company (Impossible Foods) has not gone public:
As of December 2023, Impossible Foods remains privately owned. Furthermore, while the company has stated that an IPO “will happen,” it seems not to be in a hurry, a state indicated by lukewarm statements and a lack of time references. Since the market curtailed its enthusiasm toward plant-based food alternatives during the second half of 2023, the current financial environment pushes the earliest likely Impossible Foods IPO date to 2024 or even 2025.
Beyond Meat isn’t worth much.
Even when its stock price was high, it never made any money. And now its cost of revenue exceeds its revenue. Better close up shop while it can.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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Door to Freedom has a Stripe donation option now. Sorry this took so long.

We received $30,000 in donations and renewed + new Substack subscriptions over the past month--entering the new year in good shape! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!​

DEC 27
We have amazing plans over the next five months. I managed to read the WHO Constitution, the current (unamended) International Health Regulations and reread the 2023 NDAA’s International Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response Act during the holiday.
There are many nuggets in these documents that support our position on the WHO—that it is basically illegal for the WHO to go after these powers based on its own WHO-Constitution-it lacks the required authorities; that it does not have the authority to negotiate with the EU; and that the US states are probably the entity with authority over health in the US. For example, in the current IHR the US government made a reservation asserting state power:
1. APPENDIX 2. State v federal jurisdiction
pages 60-61
"The Government of the United States of America reserves the right to assume obligations under theseRegulations in a manner consistent with its fundamental principles of federalism. With respect to obligations concerning the development, strengthening, and maintenance of the core capacity requirements set forth in Annex 1, these Regulations shall be implemented by the Federal Government or the state governments, as appropriate and in accordance with our Constitution, to the extent that the implementation of these obligations comes under the legal jurisdiction of the Federal Government. To the extent that such obligations come under the legal jurisdiction of the state governments, the Federal Government shall bring such obligations with a favorable recommendation to the notice of the appropriate state authorities"
This notice, part of a reservation by the federal government that state governments may have legal jurisdiction over certain IHR obligations, is important in supporting future Attorneys General opinions that they and not the federal government have jurisdiction over their citizens' health.
I will be organizing much more information so it is easily accessible, and the issues are explained very clearly. Stay tuned!
If we get sufficient donations, we could pay a networker (+/- attorney) to work exclusively in the US to strengthen the legal arguments and encourage Congress to hold more hearings and consider legislation, while trying to encourage the AGs to issue opinions on jurisdiction (that health belongs to the states and not the feds or WHO).
Here is my US wish list for 2024:
1. Establish a temporary WHO-focused caucus of House members and Senators
2. Hold 1-2 more hearings in the House on the WHO to overcome the whitewash hearing held on December 13th
3. Get the Senate to vote (as did the House) to cut the WHO funding for 2024—a big lift
4. Revoke the 2023 International Pandemic Preparedness Act—a big lift but could be accomplished if the Senate goes Republican in the next election. An easier lift would be to remove the most egregious parts.
5. Get Congress to demand the Senate advise and consent on the IHR Amendments and the Pandemic Treaty, if they are passed by the World Health Assembly.
6. Get at least one Attorney General in a state to issue an opinion that the Biden administration cannot cede sovereignty for healthcare to the WHO because it is a state authority.

Join me. We will need volunteers to organize efforts in states whose Attorneys General might weigh in on jurisdiction. Donate if you are able. Tell everyone you know that the US must not cede sovereignty to the WHO, and tell your elected officials!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
11 Things Better than Drugs or Supplements for Healing
Natural medicine doesn't just involve "nutraceuticals," but extends to modalities like yoga and acupuncture that an increasing body of peer-reviewed research shows can be superior to drugs.​
Soothing Kids' Coughs and Improving Sleep With Honey
A pediatric study found buckwheat honey more effective than honey-flavored dextromethorphan (DM) or no treatment for relieving kids' cough and improving sleep impaired by colds. Honey showed no harms unlike DM in medications like Mucinex, Robitussin, Vicks Formula 44.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
CINDY SHEEHAN's Soapbox Podcast: Clarity on Corona with Sayer Ji
Cindy had the honor of interviewing natural health expert Sayer Ji of the widely followed GreenMedInfo site.

Sayer talks about the problems with the lab tests that declared that Covid-19 was a "novel" Coronavirus; the best ways to deal with the crisis for families and communities; and the dangers to our health, psyches, liberty, and emotional well-being of Medical Martial Law.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I hope your holidays have been oh-so-bright.
On this week between Christmas and New Year (that’s notoriously foggy and can fly right by), I have a simple suggestion to help you finish 2023 strong!
On this week every year, I take a few moments to reflect. What happened this year? What did I learn? What am I proud of and thankful for?
I’ll tell you all about it in today’s video!
This simple ritual will help you do business with all the good, not-so-good, beautiful, wild, wonderful things that happened this year—and feel ready to welcome 2024 with open arms!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

If you missed this invitation from earlier this month, our host Nathan Crane is having an encore presentation this Thursday.

It’s important you watch this because Nathan shares some valuable insights into what top doctors are doing these days to help their patients conquer cancer naturally.

You see, Nathan has spent over a decade extracting knowledge from both cancer conquerors and esteemed medical practitioners.

And one can’t help but wonder about the latest information Nathan has gathered from integrative medical doctors and naturopaths working tirelessly with cancer patients every day.

What secrets are they sharing, and how might they reshape our understanding of natural healing and prevention?

That’s what Nathan wants to share with you in an upcoming session happening this Thursday...

So RSVP here, and discover what top cancer doctors do to help their patients conquer cancer naturally.

Nathan will be discussing a range of topics, including:

  • Cutting-edge strategies employed by cancer conquerors
  • Over a decade of research findings and secrets
  • Understanding the nature of cancer and what it truly is
  • And practical steps to empower yourself in creating a customized healing plan
Bottom line — the aim is to eliminate confusion and misinformation while providing you with a clear understanding of natural approaches to health and healing.

So go here now and see what top cancer doctors do to help their patients conquer cancer naturally.

To your health,

The Conquering Cancer team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Weight Loss Resistance, Hormone Balance and Thyroid Health with Dr. Jessie Hehmeyer
Hey Jim,

Today I am so happy to welcome my guest, Dr. Jessie Hehmeyer. Dr. Jess focuses on hormonal issues, gut issues, and weight loss resistance in perimenopausal women.

On today's show, all about hormone balance and thyroid health, we highlight the reasons behind weight loss resistance, which is often caused by elevated inflammation, compromised insulin sensitivity, and detox pathway dysfunction.

>> Click here to check out the episode! <<
Dr. Jessie Hehmeyer - Live Podcast - Weight Loss Resistance, Hormone Balance and Thyroid Health
In this episode, we cover:

– Elevated inflammation is a common barrier to weight loss in perimenopausal women.
– Compromised insulin sensitivity can hinder weight loss efforts.
– Detox pathway dysfunction can affect metabolism and weight loss.
💉 Compromised insulin sensitivity can impede weight loss progress.
🧪 Detox pathway dysfunction can slow down metabolism.
🍭 Sugar consumption is a significant cause of inflammation.
🍞 Simple carbohydrates contribute to inflammation as well.
💊 Curcumin supplements can help reduce inflammation.
🐟 Omega-3 fatty acids and pro-resolving mediators can also be beneficial.

>> Click here to check out the episode! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Why You Can’t Put On Muscle

While you may have done your research and watched plenty of workout videos online, many still make a variety of common mistakes that can lead to hampering gains and slowing down their progress. In this episode, Evan and I talk about the best ways to stay physically healthy, why proteins & amino acids are important, when cardio is a bad thing, and diet for a long healthy life. It is my pleasure to share this episode with you as I wish for you to all have a long and healthy life– enjoy!

>> Click here to check out the episode! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Sugar Free Carrot Cake
For years people have been asking me how to prepare a grain-free, sugar free carrot cake.

This recipe is exactly that with fat burning, nutrient dense ingredients that keep it low carb and give it plenty of delicious flavor! You will LOVE this!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cranberry Orange Muffins

This is a grain-free cranberry orange muffins recipe that tastes amazing. It is loaded with healthy fats such as coconut oil, pasture-raised eggs and grass-fed butter that are anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial.

They also help the body to burn fat and improve energy levels.

Top 7 Nutrients to Support Heart Health

According to the CDC, heart disease is the number one killer of people in the US. This is likely due to the standard American diet, increasing sedentary behaviors, and more time spent indoors in front of artificial lights.

Together these factors create the perfect storm for chronic inflammation and different aspects of heart disease. It is imperative that we learn how to prevent heart disease by using our lifestyle choices.

10 Ways Ginger Improves Your Digestion
Ginger is one of my all-time favorite superfood herbs that I recommend to nearly every client I have ever worked with for its powerful ability to improve our digestive function and immune system.

Superfoods such as ginger are foods and herbs that have a unique concentration of nutrients that synergize together to boost potential.

These foods are typically loaded with a combination of critical fatty acids, antioxidant phytonutrients and essential amino acids. Ginger is a classic example of this as it has compounds with health benefits that go far beyond what can be studied at this time.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi ,

In a world that's always rushing, it's vital to find moments of peace and rejuvenation.

That's why we're excited to share this video with you: "5 MINUTES REIKI HEALING - Shadow, Light and Vision."

This brief yet powerful session is designed to fit into your busy schedule, offering a quick and effective way to experience the benefits of Reiki.

Why 5 Minutes of Reiki?

  • Quick Stress Reduction: Reiki is known for its ability to rapidly alleviate stress. Even a 5-minute session can significantly lower stress levels, leaving you feeling more relaxed and at ease.
  • Energy Balance: Reiki helps in balancing your energy centers or chakras. This short session focuses on harmonizing your inner energies, promoting a sense of balance and well-being.
  • Enhanced Clarity and Focus: By addressing the ‘Shadow, Light, and Vision’ aspects, this Reiki session aims to clear mental fog, enhancing your clarity and focus for the day ahead.
  • Emotional Release: Reiki is not just physical healing; it’s also a pathway to emotional wellness. This session can help in releasing pent-up emotions, contributing to emotional stability.
  • Convenient Self-Care: Everyone can spare 5 minutes, making this Reiki session a practical self-care tool that easily fits into your daily routine.
Whether you're new to Reiki or a long-time practitioner, this video is a perfect tool for anyone looking to infuse their day with a burst of healing energy and clarity.

It’s an opportunity to pause, realign, and rejuvenate, no matter where you are or how busy your day might be.

>>> Try the 5 MINUTES REIKI HEALING - Shadow, Light and Vision" video now.

Take these 5 minutes for yourself and notice the immediate impact it has on your day.

We’re confident you’ll feel more balanced, centered, and ready to tackle whatever comes your way.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
James' Miracle Story of Healing Cancer After Praying to God

Gain profound wisdom from James Templeton, a stage 4 cancer survivor, as he recounts his remarkable journey on The Nathan Crane Podcast. Experience his unwavering spirit, resilience, and hope that could reshape your perspective on navigating the challenges of cancer. In this clip, James shares his extraordinary path to overcoming cancer through faith and a holistic approach. Witness his story of triumph and transformation.

-->> Watch here
Koya Webb: Transform Your Life with Plants | Nathan Crane Podcast Episode 44

Join me and the renowned holistic health and wellness coach, Koya Webb, as we delve into the essentials of thriving on a plant-based diet. Discover how high-vibrational foods can elevate your health and energy. Whether you're exploring veganism or seeking wellness tips, this video is a treasure trove of knowledge.

-->> Listen here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hiking requires repetitive movements and constant micro-adjustments, often over long distances and tricky terrain. And your feet lead the way. Strong feet help avoid strains, stumbles, and unsafe technique. They let you roam freely and efficiently. And they guide you deeper into the landscapes you love.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Society used to think of menopause as an isolated, unfortunate event that women “just had to live with”.

But we now know multitudes:

⏰ It starts a lot earlier than we thought

😫 It can last a lot longer than most of us realise

❤️‍🔥 You really can beat those symptoms

Want to know more? Here’s the chance to join The Hormone Restoration Masterclass, hosted by hormones expert Dr. Michelle Sands.

You’ll learn:

The truth about HRT (and why big pharma prescriptions are often not your friend)

How to end hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain and more…

Ways to get a custom prescription for your exact hormonal needs

And much more!

Jim, the menopause is not an icky secret. Our mothers, our grandmothers, ourselves, all need support and real help when it comes to the hormonal storm of this transition.

And if doctors of the past refused it, you can now get the information you need to help yourself.

👉 Get help here.

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey ,

We're just 12 days away from the start of the 2024 Quit Sugar Summit! 🎉

If you haven't already grabbed your free ticket to the event, you can do so now by hitting the link below.

>> Grab my free ticket to the Quit Sugar Summit

We have some of the worlds top doctors, nutritionists, and sugar experts from around the world ready to help YOU finally put an end to your sugar troubles in 2024.

During the event you'll discover how to:

  • Uncover The Hidden Dangers of Processed Foods & Sugar...
  • Prevent And/Or Reverse Type 2 diabetes...
  • The Fascinating Story of Fructose And The REAL Reason Quitting Sugar Is So Hard!
  • Manage Your Emotions & Eliminate Brain Fog By Making The "Sugar-Free Switch"
  • What Foods to Eat & Which Foods To Avoid At ALL COSTS...
  • Plus a whole lot more!

This Quit Sugar Summit is 100% free to attend online and will run for 7 days (Jan 8th - Jan 14th, 2024).

To attend please secure your seat now by hitting the link below.👇

>> Secure Your FREE Seat To The Quit Sugar Summit here.
Talk soon!

Mike Collins
Host of the 2024 Quit Sugar Summit

PS: I've been working on something special for you behind the scenes the past few months. The processed food and sugar industry isn't going to like it... but I think (no, I KNOW) it's going to help you finally put an end to your addiction to sugar long-term. Keep an eye out for tomorrow's email to learn more 👀


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Friend,
The new year is the perfect time to refresh and reinvigorate your wellness plan. Our brains are actually wired to see any fresh beginning as an opportunity for growth and self-improvement. Psychologists call the “The Fresh Start Effect,” a phenomenon where people are more likely to chase after their goals and stay motivated.
If you're feeling stuck or lacking motivation, take advantage of the new year and start your journey toward a healthier, happier life now. Discover proven natural strategies that can help, from how to keep your vitamin D levels up in winter to the best time of day to tackle your personal health goals.​

Open Heart Medicine

We are living through stressful times — so stressful that there are now entire fields of study dedicated to stress and its impact on our physical and mental health.
Research suggests that stress can activate an inflammatory response in the body, creating a vicious cycle of stress and anxiety. Over time, this can lead to health problems such as hypertension, depression, and neurodegenerative conditions.
Click below to read my top natural strategies for dealing with stress. These are not once-size-fits-all — what works for one person might not work for another. But it pays to be proactive when it comes to managing your stress. And thankfully, there are many tools that help minimize the negative effects of stress, so you can have a healthier, happier life.
>> Click here to continue reading.

Upcoming Event

Free One-Day Online Live Meditation Retreat | January 27th, 2024

During this one-day retreat, I will introduce the principles of Open Heart Medicine, the door to our infinite healing potential. Together we will learn and practice the two basic foundational meditation practices that propel Open Heart Medicine.
I will also offer a lying down healing session as part of the one-day retreat. At the end of the full day, participants will be equipped with tools that will allow them to taste the healing power of Open Heart Medicine and develop these qualities over time.
>> Click here to register for this free online event



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
I hope you’re enjoying the Holiday Screening of our Healing Kitchen docuseries!
Remember, you only have until this Saturday at 11:59pm ET (US) to squeeze in all the episodes.
There is one episode in particular that I think EVERYONE should make sure to watch. It's Episode 4 on Brain-boosting Dishes From Antiquity - and I'll tell you why it's so vital for all of us to see...
But before I get to that, here is your link again to watch the entire Healing Kitchen Series now:
https://healingkitchen. replay-page
Ok, why is Episode 4 so important to watch?
Because every single one of us has experienced some type of sluggishness or dysfunction on a mental level - and this can have a serious impact on our quality of life. It has become an accepted part of our human existence that as we get older, our brains begin to play hooky on us. Sometimes when we really need them to show up.
We all know what it feels like to forget where the car keys are - or just that overall feeling of “being out of it.” Wouldn’t it be nice to have the mental sharpness and recall that you had when you were in your teens?
In Episode 4 of Healing Kitchen: Let Food Be Thy Medicine, we explore specific herbs, superfoods and recipes that can have a powerful effect on the cognitive issues that many of us experience in our daily lives (for those of us with young kids - even more so!) -- such as difficulty focusing on one task, weak memory, foggyheadedness and overall lack of clarity.
You can watch Episode 4 along with all the other 8 episodes FOR FREE, by clicking the link below:
https://healingkitchen. replay-page
Now, these everyday “normal” brain blips are definitely inconvenient and can be a little embarrassing - but they pale in comparison to the more serious cognitive and neurological diseases that many people are suffering from as we speak. The symptoms of these chronic illnesses can be far more severe and sometimes tragic.
I myself recovered from a pretty serious brain disorder using herbs and other natural medicines, so this is a deeply personal topic to me. When modern medicine told me I would be cognitively impaired for life, I began trying these ancient approaches out of sheer desperation. I found a traditional remedy that worked and within months, my brain was fully healed.
My personal healing story is not at all unique - every day, thousands of people are fixing their health problems using these medicinal herbs, mushrooms and other natural approaches.
Are you ready to supercharge your brain with delicious recipes and formulas that could very well upgrade the way you perceive and respond to the world around you?
Let’s dive in.
https://healingkitchen. replay-page
Remember, our holiday screening ENDS ON SATURDAY NIGHT at 11:59pm ET (US) – so now is the time to watch any episodes on your list!
Stay curious,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
There’s no doubt about it: Semaglutide drugs like Ozempic and Wegovy can help people lose weight.
But what are these drugs, and how do they work? What are the benefits of being on them, and what are the side effects? And, more importantly, are they safe?
Here’s what you need to know about semaglutide drugs and weight loss.
Yours for clarity and solutions,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. The demand for semaglutide drugs is so high that the Danish drugmaker Novo Nordisk is now the most valuable company in all of Europe, with a market capitalization greater than the entire economy of Denmark. Is that a good thing, or a bad thing? And are there any lifestyle-based alternatives to consider? Get the whole story here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. C here with you.

I wanted to inform you about a unique 7-Day Metabolism Reset Diet challenge we’re doing for New Year 2024. The goal of the 7-day challenge is to help people start the process of detoxing their liver. This free challenge is a part of my 28-Day Metabolism Reset Diet program.

A happy side effect is that many can lose several pounds of stubborn fat. Average weight loss is 7-12 pounds, and most lose about 2-3 inches around their waist during the full program.

“I just finished my 28 day reset. I'm down 15.4 lbs… I must say I'm extremely pleased with the results because I've had a very hard time losing weight the past few years!!” - Carla B

“21 days complete and I had bloodwork done. Still waiting for more results but got my lipid results this morning. Cholesterol dropped 42 points, triglycerides dropped 34 points. Both now in n
ormal range and were high on prev test. So far, I have lost 16.5 lbs.” - Alyssa K.

The event is f r e e. It starts on January 15th and is based on the Metabolism Reset Diet.

This could be a good time if you have not done a reset, cleanse, or detox recently. This science-based program provides your body with the essential nutrients it needs to repair itself while giving it a break from extra food.

You’ll get simple meal plans, tasty recipes, exercise guidelines, and training videos. We’ll walk you through every step.

And it works.

Since we first launched the challenge, tens of thousands of people have collectively lost hundreds of thousands of pounds. Imagine something massive, like an aircraft carrier. That’s about how much weight people have lost with help from the MRD.

The evidence is clear. The most important single thing you can do for your health is to stop smoking. If you don’t smoke, the most important thing you can do is to lose weight. When done right, weight loss has been proven to:

  • Boost energy
  • Improve mental function
  • Heal the thyroid
  • Improve digestion
  • Reduce inflammation
  • Lower the risk for chronic disease
  • Improve skin health
Seriously, it has been done by people around the world. It was featured on a weight loss show in England that had ordinary people trying several programs - and the Metabolism Reset Diet beat them all.

It is no secret that many try to lose weight by trying a variety of programs without seeing results. Maybe you’ve tried keto, fasting, eating clean, exercising more, cutting out sugar.

The liver is the reason that weight loss is not always easy. The liver can prevent fat loss. The MRD heals the liver and makes fat loss possible again.

Join us now and get the instructions you need to be ready for the challenge on January 15th.

I’ll see you in the challenge!

To your best health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Lima Bean Pea Corn Soup
This easy-to-make colorful soup will warm you up and satisfy your taste buds.From the creamy richness of lima beans and the sweetness of peas and corn to the earthy notes of cauliflower and kale, each spoonful is a delightful medley of tastes and textures.
Try this comforting bowl of warmth on a chilly evening or give yourself an afternoon boost with delicious vitamins and minerals and enjoy for lunch.

  • 1/3 cup frozen or fresh lima beans
  • 1/3 cup frozen or fresh peas
  • 1 medium celery stalk diced
  • 1/3 cup frozen or fresh corn
  • 1/3 cup cauliflower florets
  • 2 1/2 cups low-sodium vegetable broth
  • 1/2 tsp dill weed or 1 fresh sprig
  • 1/3 cup fresh green beans
  • 1 small carrot diced
  • 1 small onion diced
  • 1/3 cup chopped kale remove leaves from the stems
  • 1 medium potato cut into 1" cubes
  • 3 tsp vegetable seasoning (such as Mrs. Dash or another brand)

  1. Place all ingredients in a large pot.
  2. Heat gradually to a boil. Reduce to a simmer. Simmer for 30 minutes or until vegetables are soft.
  3. Serve hot.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Did you miss Simple Meals with Robby this week?
Click below to watch the replay and be sure to tune in live every Wednesday at 1 pm EST.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi ,

Have you ever wondered about the gentle yet profound power of Reiki?

This ancient healing practice, often shrouded in mystery, is a simple, accessible tool for healing and self-improvement that anyone can learn and benefit from.

What Exactly is Reiki?

Reiki, meaning “universal life energy” in Japanese, is a holistic healing method.
It works on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient using touch, activating the natural healing processes of the patient's body and restoring physical and emotional well-being.

Here’s how it can be a game-changer for you:

  • Stress Reduction & Relaxation: Reiki promotes a deep sense of relaxation, helping to ease stress and anxiety.
  • Balances Body & Mind: It goes beyond physical healing, encouraging emotional and mental clarity and balance.
  • Promotes Health & Wellbeing: Regular Reiki sessions can improve overall health, enhancing your quality of life.
  • Personal Growth: Reiki can be a powerful tool for personal development and spiritual growth.

Experience the Power of Reiki Yourself - For Free!

Reiki is more than just a healing technique - it's a journey towards a more balanced, harmonious life. Whether you’re seeking physical, emotional, or spiritual healing, Reiki offers something unique for everyone.

Join us today and start your journey towards wellness.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi, you already know that your mindset is a very powerful thing, right?

You also certainly know that reducing your stress and feelings of overwhelm is a "golden key" to your health and longevity.

And this EXCEPTIONAL audio meditation -- completely free for you today right here -- can help you tremendously on BOTH fronts!

Now, if you're already open to how helpful guided meditations can be, you're going to LOVE this one from Dr. Sue Morter and Marci Shimoff.

However, what if you're a bit (or more) apprehensive about these things?

Well, DEFINITELY give it a try and see how you feel afterward.

(It's free for your today right here, Jim, so it's a great opportunity to try it, and you may well be surprised at the results!)

Dr. Sue Morter and Marci Shimoff are two of the top teachers and guides in this area.

And, yes, you're about to feel why this is outstanding for quickly calming feelings of anxiety and overwhelm.

Beyond that, though, you'll appreciate how it really does inspire the right mindset (and "heartset") to bring the positive you desire into your life (what Marci and Dr. Morter call "miracles," and they may well be!)

Head here now for this powerful and unique audio meditation -- FREE for you today!

FINALLY, because smiles and laughter are also some very powerful "medicine"...

Here's the typical advice:

Don't just sit there, do something!

And here's the meditator's advice:

Don't just do something, sit there!


You WILL enjoy and appreciate "sitting there" with this powerful and free audio meditation...

So, enjoy the peace... the positive mindset and heartset... and, yes, the miracles... and enjoy your day!

To Living Long and Living Well,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi

Feeling tired, stressed out, or maybe even hopeless recently and looking to improve your life in the New Year?

I understand it can be very stressful and anxiety-inducing nowadays, given everything that’s going on right now in the world…

But let me tell you that it doesn’t always have to be this way.

And if you’re looking for a nice “pick me up” or heck, even a miracle - well, you can ABSOLUTELY receive it!

That's why I'm thrilled to share a valuable gift with you today that I believe can make a huge difference…

My good friends Marci Shimoff and Dr. Sue Morter have just released a powerful audio meditation titled Miracles Activation for Empowerment.

The best part? They're generously offering at no cost for a limited time…

Get your F.REE meditation here.
This impactful audio meditation is designed to:

✅ Immerse You in the Energetic Flow of Miracles, Even Amidst Challenges

✅ Elevate Your Vibration, Transforming You into an Irresistible Magnet for Miracles

✅ Dissolve Obstacles That Might Hinder Your Personal Power

And a lot more!

Imagine how your life could take a 180 if you had real miracles happening on a regular basis!

If you're ready to usher in more miracles across every facet of your life, I strongly encourage you to download and take a moment to listen to this transformative meditation.

>> Use this powerful meditation to attract miracles

To attracting more miracles,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Top 3 Home Remedies​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Beware of Deadly Blood Clots

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a condition in which blood clots occur in a deep vein in your body (usually the legs). If that clot travels to the lungs, it can cause a deadly pulmonary embolism.

Travel is one of the major factors that can contribute to DVTs, because sitting still for hours — whether in a car, train, or plane — can cause the blood to pool in your legs, and lead to the formation of clots.

Special: Dr. Crandall Saved His Own Heart With This

When you travel by car, it is imperative to take advantage of every rest stop you come across to get out and stretch your legs. And if you’re on a train or plane, you need to get up and walk around frequently.

This sounds simple, but it’s your best protection.

If you’ve experienced any type of blood clot in the past, talk to your doctor about special precautions to take, such as wearing compression stockings. In addition, taking aspirin during your trip can help prevent blood clots.

Discuss that option with your physician before you set out.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
So many folks associate healthy eating and fasting with hunger pains, deprivation, and a mountain of challenges, seeing it as a path lined with more and more restrictions.
Sadly, this is the reality for many who don’t know the secrets to enjoying the benefits of fasting without the struggle.
When you arm yourself with the right knowledge and strategy, like the ones I will be teaching in my training next week called “Unlock the Healing Power of Fasting” you can benefit from the healing power of fasting and still enjoy delicious nutritious foods.
Join me - it’s the perfect opportunity for a New Year Health jolt, without having to resort to resolutions that you can’t keep for more than a few weeks.
During the training, I’ll share all the great benefits of fasting and how to achieve those benefits without going without.
After the training, you’ll understand the ins and outs of fasting, and be able to decide your best strategy for achieving autophagy and other benefits in a way that suits your lifestyle.
Being here, part of my health-minded community, means you are on a journey to take control of your health - and I want you to achieve that in a way that’s joyful and dare I say even fun.
I hope you’re enjoying some connection and fun during the holidays, and I look forward to supporting you in reaching your health goals in 2024, starting with next week’s fasting training.
Warm wishes on this beautiful Day,
Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo
PS: Step into a new year filled with health and joy. Join me for "Unlock the Healing Power of Fasting"


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7 Toxins That Weaken Immunity and How to Detox
There are many toxins that weaken immunity and cause widespread immunosuppression. Your immune system is your body’s defense system and works to fend off bacteria, viruses, fungi, parasites, and toxins.

Unfortunately, our world is full of toxins that can compromise your immune system and increase your risk of infections, illness, and disease. Fortunately, there are some natural support strategies that support detoxification, weakened immunity, and your health.



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3 Ways Fasting Improves Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune diseases are increasingly common. Over 23.5 million Americans are affected by one or several of the over 100 autoimmune conditions. When your own immune system turns against and mistakenly attacks your body, you develop an autoimmune disease, which can then lead to various symptoms and further health problems.

The good news is that through appropriate dietary and lifestyle strategies, you can reduce your risk and improve your autoimmune conditions. Fasting is one of these powerful strategies.

Fasting is an ancient healing method where you are abstaining from food for a period of time. It has many health benefits, including reducing inflammation and improving your immune system.

Do This To Get Rid Of Saggy Skin
In this video, I go over a comprehensive strategy to get rid of loose, saggy skin. This is a bit longer because it is a comprehensive deep dive but check out the description box on the video for a quick review.

Watch the video here and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel here



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Spice-Based Relief for Aching Joints Beats Dangerous NSAID
A groundbreaking clinical trial found a turmeric, black pepper and ginger formulation as effective as naproxen (e.g. Advil) for osteoarthritis, without NSAID side effects. Shows promise as a natural, herbal alternative.​
6 Evidence-Based Ways to Burn Belly Fat & Extend Your Life
The ongoing battle of the bulge, while once considered primarily a matter of vanity, may actually be one of the best ways to reduce your risk of dying from a multitude of causes (i.e. all-cause mortality), but especially heart attack.​


Unlocking Cellular Healing and Regeneration Through Fasting


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'Finding the Truth' About Government Censorship Not Easy, Journalists Tell Congress
During last week's hearing of the U.S. House of Representatives Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government, investigative journalists Michael Shellenberger and Matt Taibbi said they were "obstructed at every turn" in their efforts to uncover the scope of the government's censorship of narratives it wanted to suppress.​


CINDY SHEEHAN's Soapbox Podcast: Clarity on Corona with Sayer Ji
Cindy had the honor of interviewing natural health expert Sayer Ji of the widely followed GreenMedInfo site.

Sayer talks about the problems with the lab tests that declared that Covid-19 was a "novel" Coronavirus; the best ways to deal with the crisis for families and communities; and the dangers to our health, psyches, liberty, and emotional well-being of Medical Martial Law.​


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Saturday, December 30th at 9am Eastern!​
Hi Jimi,

I hope you're having a wonderful holiday season!

As we close out 2023 and kick off the New Year, I would like to send you something special.

I want you to SAVE THE DATE because...

On Saturday morning at 9:00 am Eastern, I'm going to give you a Weekend All Access Pass to watch the entire Alzheimer's and Dementia Summit!

Did you know that every 3 seconds, someone gets diagnosed with Alzheimer's or another form of dementia? In fact, Alzheimer's is the 6th leading cause of death and kills more people than breast or prostate cancer combined.

This is serious. Over 46 million people are losing their minds... and that number is set to double within the next 20 years. Yet we know with proper information, we can protect our brain health.

That's why I created this event. To help you understand how to prevent, slow down and reverse the signs of Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia through simple lifestyle changes.

After listening to the Alzheimer's and Dementia Summit, you will discover how to protect your brain health and improve your memory, concentration, and overall well-being. It's easier than you think.

So remember to check your inbox on Saturday morning at 9:00 am Eastern when I'll be sending you a special link to start watching the Alzheimer's and Dementia Summit.

I hope you enjoy the gift!



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breast cancer like all cancers are as

Breast cancer linked to an imbalanced microbiome, research says​

we know a monster. all cancers are linked to one thing, its cancer period. its not relevent where it relates to, its just something we have to beat.


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Reddit Exile
Hi Jimi, you already know that your mindset is a very powerful thing, right?

You also certainly know that reducing your stress and feelings of overwhelm is a "golden key" to your health and longevity.

And this EXCEPTIONAL audio meditation -- completely free for you today right here -- can help you tremendously on BOTH fronts!

Now, if you're already open to how helpful guided meditations can be, you're going to LOVE this one from Dr. Sue Morter and Marci Shimoff.

However, what if you're a bit (or more) apprehensive about these things?

Well, DEFINITELY give it a try and see how you feel afterward.

(It's free for your today right here, Jim, so it's a great opportunity to try it, and you may well be surprised at the results!)

Dr. Sue Morter and Marci Shimoff are two of the top teachers and guides in this area.

And, yes, you're about to feel why this is outstanding for quickly calming feelings of anxiety and overwhelm.

Beyond that, though, you'll appreciate how it really does inspire the right mindset (and "heartset") to bring the positive you desire into your life (what Marci and Dr. Morter call "miracles," and they may well be!)

Head here now for this powerful and unique audio meditation -- FREE for you today!

FINALLY, because smiles and laughter are also some very powerful "medicine"...

Here's the typical advice:

Don't just sit there, do something!

And here's the meditator's advice:

Don't just do something, sit there!


You WILL enjoy and appreciate "sitting there" with this powerful and free audio meditation...

So, enjoy the peace... the positive mindset and heartset... and, yes, the miracles... and enjoy your day!

To Living Long and Living Well,
if you think your doing it tough, just imagine your blind or in a wheelchair. life is as bad as you make it, your mind and your body are your friends, only they really understand you. dont follow others.just listen to your mind. whr read a book, in your drems you can write a one.


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Top 3 Home Remedies​

your body is your best medicine, think i just hit my finger with a hammer, you will actually feel it! then say that was funny and you will smile. we can fix ourselves.


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Member For 5 Years

An Exploration of Herb-Drug Interactions​

New Blog from Doc Jones​

In biology, as in arts and entertainment, some things combine beautifully and some just don’t. This is particularly true of medicinal plants and pharmaceuticals. Whether they come from nature or from a sterile laboratory, chemicals are chemicals. Sometimes chemicals work together beautifully. Sometimes they interfere with each other in disastrous ways...

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