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Diamond Contributor
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A Complementary Chart from N.S. Lyons

The top half is a bit dense for me, but I found the idea of "Elite panic" as a trigger for their race to dystopia to be interesting. And from that line down, I get it.​

DEC 31
Actually, the part that speaks to me starts at the line “Infantilization of the public” and “Elite contempt for democracy” and everything below it.
How To Subvert Subversion with Yuri Bezmenov
How To Write the Banger of the Year - INTERVIEW with NS Lyons, author of The Upheaval
Comrades: Congratulations to N.S. Lyons on winning the Yuri Banger of the Year Award! His writing on “The China Convergence” is the best Substack piece I read in 2023 and I highly recommend subscribing to his stack. Today, I am honored to share a written interview with a fellow Demoralized DIEvy League dissident…
Read more
12 days ago · 264 likes · 101 comments · Yuri Bezmenov and N.S. Lyons



Diamond Contributor
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The "No Viruses exist" cult has been out in force lately

A friend suggested this is part of the mind control operation, designed to divide us and make us angry at each other.​

I cannot say who is driving this. It is infantile. People who have never looked through a microscope, and a few who have, but misinterpreted what they saw, relentlessly spread their pseudo science mixed with venom on twitter. Why does this fairytale keep growing new legs? It makes sense that a few true believers are being used; perhaps they have been encouraged that they will be mankind’s saviors if we all just stop believing in those viruses. Tonight one claimed this was “the” existential question.
I told Christine Massey over and over that her FOIAs were answered by all countries in the same manner because a) the countries lie about everything related to COVID, b) their language was carefully chosen to be ambiguous, since her question was not perfectly formulated, c) they all read from the same playbook they were handed, d) why would they choose Christine Massey to be the one person on Earth to whom they would reveal their deepest secret?
She sent a bunch of FOIAs out several years ago. That was good. Good to make governments answer questions. In the US, it takes about 5 minutes to send a FOIA. But she keeps talking about those same FOIAs. Hasn’t she done anything else since then? Does she plan to dine off her 100 FOIAs forever?
Her buddy Andrew Kaufman, a forensic psychiatrist, said if we would stop believing in COVID it would go away and everything would be normal again. That seems to accord with John Lennon’s quip, “It’s all in the mind, you know.” And I love John Lennon. But I don’t think it worked.
I guess Andrew missed the Great Reset. I invite him to wish that away—if it works, I will join him.
These people want everything to be isolated the way they decide it should be isolated. Duh. How do you know there is a Sun 93 million miles away? Have you isolated that? Have you personally measured the earth being round? Did you use a tape measure?
Some things require indirect measurements.
But here is the kicker. Have none of these pseudo-scientists ever had a cold? Have they never had flu? No cold sores? No genital herpes? No warts?
All these are due to viruses. I invite the “no virus” team members to tell me what they isolated instead that explains the conditions I just listed. I’m listening.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Rates of chronic and acute conditions are skyrocketing.

Stress, exposure to toxins, aggressive pathogens, and other factors have formed a perfect storm of inflammatory responses that wreak havoc on your body — and overall health — all the way down to the cellular level.

Over time, these can lead to serious conditions, premature aging, cancer, and a decline in overall vitality.

Nature has given us a solution to this rampant health crisis. Research shows that PectaSol Modified Citrus Pectin can halt and reverse these damaging reactions, actively promoting optimal long-term health, immune function, and healthy aging.

PectaSol is so effective, health practitioners and people worldwide are making this powerhouse super nutrient their go-to solution for achieving next-level health and wellness.

So far, more than 76 studies have Shown that PectaSol Modified Citrus Pectin blocks Galectin-3 — an Inflammatory protein linked to all types of disease & health problems.

And according to Dr. Isaac Eliaz, MD, it doesn't stop the healthy inflammation process from happening either.

This is a game change for helping the body stop the chronic inflammatory process that leads to so many different diseases, including cancer!
Receive a limited time discount off this powerhouse product today!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Do you believe in miracles, Jimi?

I do… but I didn’t always.

Because when times are tough… like when you’re struggling with money, or you feel sick or tired, or your relationships are challenging, it can be an uphill battle to hold onto that belief.

And sometimes it can feel like miracles happen to other people but never to you.

Maybe you’ve even had thoughts like these:​
  • I’m too old
  • I’m not smart enough
  • I hate how I look
  • My health holds me back
  • Money just never comes to me
  • I’ll never be loved
  • I had a hard childhood and it feels like I’ll never be able to move past the abuse I experienced.
  • I hate my job but I need the money to survive and I don’t see how this can change
If you yearn to live a life that feels free and easy, where miracles show up on a daily basis but you don’t think it will ever happen to you, then stop right now and register for this free masterclass from my good friends, Marci Shimoff and Lisa Nichols on the “3 Secrets to Living a Miraculous Life.”

→ Head here to Register for this life-changing webinar

During this special online event, you'll discover how to:​
  • Move beyond fear
  • Find success in the work you love
  • Increase your self-love and experience deep worthiness
  • Set your goals and intentions in a way that attracts miracles instead of pushing them away
  • Experience juicier and more fulfilling relationships
  • Experience better health and greater vitality
  • Live your life in The Miracle Zone
If you’re longing to live a more miraculous life, then this is a web event you don’t want to miss! This is your opportunity to make 2024 your year of miracles!

Wishing you abundant health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I know you’re scared.

Learning that you have breast cancer is a huge challenge, and it’s completely natural to feel overwhelmed, confused, and maybe even angry.

But I want to assure you that there’s hope, and you’re not alone on this journey.
Beyond the conventional treatments like chemotherapy and radiation, there are alternative approaches that can help you manage and heal from breast cancer in a more natural and holistic way.

These approaches not only focus on killing the tumor – but also take into account your physical healing and emotional well-being.

That’s why I’m excited to invite you to the Breast Cancer Breakthroughs Summit, a fr-ee online event that has the power to transform your life. It’s a unique opportunity to gather valuable information and connect with others who understand what you’re going through.

Here are just a few of the many benefits you’ll get when you join the summit:

  • Learn from the world’s leading experts in integrative oncology and functional medicine.
  • Get the latest research and insights on holistic approaches to managing and healing from breast cancer.
  • Discover natural and effective ways to reduce stress, and inflammation, and detoxify your body.
  • Create a personalized plan for healing and thriving.
  • Connect with a supportive community of women who are on the same journey.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the best and take control of your health.

Register for the Breast Cancer Breakthroughs Summit today! <<


Your DrTalks Family

P.S. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. By joining the Breast Cancer Breakthroughs Summit, you’re not only gaining valuable knowledge and insights but also becoming a part of a supportive community of women who are facing similar challenges. Together, we can find strength, share stories, and uplift each other on the path to healing.

We’re here for you every step of the way! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Happy New Year!
This year we're committed to sharing even more practical tips and expert advice with our community to help you start making the big health & wellbeing changes NOW.
We're kicking things off with an excerpt from our last interview with Dr. David Jockers, all about using nutrition to prevent and heal autoimmune conditions naturally. We think you'll find what he has to say about fasting really interesting...
Excerpt from Dr. David Jockers Interview
Our body is actually better at handling times of famine than it is at handling times of feasting. Now, I think a good diet should have both. It should have times where we are eating very little for a period of time, and sometimes not at all, right?
We might fast for 16 or 18 hours before we consume our meal. And then times where we are in a sense feasting or we’re getting full calorie surplus, right? Consuming a good amount of calories for the time of day or for the meal size. And that tells our body different signals, right?
When we’re in famine, we’re not consuming as much, we tell the body to break down old damaged cells and cellular organelles and to become more efficient. In a sense, it tells the body, clean up and repair. It’s time to cleanse, detox, heal and repair.
When we’re in a time of feasting, it tells the body, hey, this is a great environment for fertility, for activating more sex hormone, for activating more thyroid hormone to increase our metabolism, and our libido, and to build muscle...So we really should be cycling through periods where we’re in famine, we’re in feasting, we’re in famine, we’re in feasting. And then we really get the best benefits of both. We get the cleansing, healing, and repairing, but we also get the muscle tissue production, the proper release and efficiency of sex hormones, proper fertility, proper libido.

If jumping straight into 16 to 18 hours of fasting feels too much for you, Dr. David Jockers suggests starting by adding a healthier item to each of your meals, e.g. adding an organic apple or half an avocado to your breakfast.
Eating real foods is a great way to nourish your body and eventually crowd out the kinds of foods we want to cleanse our body of.
What will you take from this interview and apply to your own diet and lifestyle today?
In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Happy New Year! If a wide range of incredibly delicious and easy-to-make new salad recipes – that use the planet’s most nutrient-dense and healing superfoods – sounds like a healthy way to start your 2024, Jim...

You're going to LOVE my new 20 UNIQUE, DELICIOUS & INCREDIBLY NUTRITIOUS SALAD RECIPES completely FREE for you right here!

I'm giving you this wonderful brand-new collection of 20 mouthwatering new chef-created salad recipes – including many gluten-free and vegan-friendly options -- in support of what I can assure you willl be the most fascinating and beneficial-to-your-health online health event you ever attend, The Live Long & THRIVE Summit.

(By the way, don't miss how 19 HEARTLESS words a doctor said years ago have everything to do with how long and how well you live on the page right after the free and easy sign up… I am sure you'll find this very powerful!)

Now, as you know, I'm all about sharing genuinely health- and life-changing insights and creating a “WOW!!!” experience for you while doing so...

And that is certainly the reaction YOU will have when you try these delicious and super-nutritious new recipes!

Click here now to get your free copy of this OUTSTANDING new recipe book!

The new 20 Unique, Delicious & Incredibly Nutritious Salad Recipes even includes Nutrition Facts for each recipe, along with the Preparation Time for each (such as just 10 minutes for many!)

And, again, one of the things you’ll most LOVE is the wide range of these delicious recipes, such as:

• Immune-Boosting Tropical Cauliflower Salad with Tangy Pineapple-Lime Dressing
• Broccoli Powerhouse Quinoa Bowl
• Antioxidant Rich Pear & Butternut Squash Chips Salad
• Gut-Healthy Rice Noodle & Tofu Salad with Vietnamese Dressing
• Mediterranean Bliss Artichoke & Basil Pasta Salad
• Protein Powerhouse Red Pepper & Tempeh Salad with Classic Vegan Dressing
• Fiber-Fest Roasted Brussels & Sweet Potato Salad
• Mango-Mint Vitality Salad
• Lemony Asparagus & Tahini Wellness Salad with Nutmeg-Tahini Dressing
• Umami Nutrient Fusion Mushroom & Tahini Salad
• Cinnamon-Spiced Immunity Salad with Turmeric Twist and Orange-Cinnamon Dressing
• Nutrient-Rich Tahini Cauliflower and Kale Super Salad
• Eggplant & Almond Superfood Quinoa Salad
• Antioxidant Burst Bok Choy & Berry Salad



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Let's get back on track this new year, including me.

Full disclosure: I had a massive debilitating migraine on Saturday (haven't had one of those in a loooong time).

So that's one reason you didn't get an email the last couple of days.

I did my spinal traction, took a double load of my supplements & essential oils (no drugs whatsoever!), and got a LOT of sleep.

Now, it's time to go full force.

I also intended to get my newest video uploaded on Saturday, but since that didn't happen...

The timing worked out perfectly to share it with you today!

Head here for 4 Hip Exercises for Daily Pain Relief.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the comments;-)

Happy New Year and as always...

Be Your Own Guarantee for your spine, health and life.

Dr. Ryan

P.S. Sorry about the video quality of the non-exercise portion. I must've had the wrong setting on my webcam... 🤦‍♂️

No worries, the actual exercise videos are much better in quality. And I think you're gonna like it:)




Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
New Study Shows Flaxseed and Diet Can Reduce Rheumatoid Arthritis Symptoms
A new 12-week randomized controlled trial published in the European Journal of Nutrition demonstrated that consuming flaxseed combined with an anti-inflammatory diet reduced symptoms and improved quality of life in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).​


Healing Genesis Reloaded - Replay Weekend
Last Chance to Watch
Your body was designed with incredible wisdom. It knows how to heal. It just needs the right guidance.

It’s time for you to reclaim your health.

This is more than a docuseries… It's a lifeline to a brighter, healthier future, and we can't wait to embark on this transformative journey with you. This weekend only, watch The Healing Genesis Reloaded if you missed it earlier this month.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Sayer dive's deep into the question of "Lowering Cholesterol," and touches a wide range of topics related to cardiovascular disease causation, natural solutions, and the so-called 'cholesterol myth.'​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Wednesday, 01/03, our 131st episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Click to watch the show!​
In his "From the Heart" segment, Dr. Paul discusses how prayer, seen as an ongoing dialogue of trust and connection with a higher power, can effectively dispel fear and foster a life grounded in love.
This week, DeeDee Hoover interviews Mary Holland, a prominent Children's Health Defense movement figure. Holland shared her journey, motivated by her son's vaccine injury, which led her to advocate legal action for children's health and vaccine safety. They discussed the global impact of the pandemic, the role of Children's Health Defense in promoting medical freedom, and the importance of informed decision-making regarding vaccination. Holland emphasized the need for awareness and grassroots action in health freedom advocacy, reflecting on the challenges and progress made in the movement.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If losing weight is in your new year resolutions list, then we have something important to tell you...

It's 2024 and calorie counting is still NOT a sustainable approach to long-term weight loss.

It’s a helpful tool that can help you understand what’s in your food, but counting calories was never designed to be a long-term weight loss solution.

If you are you looking for permanent weight loss, then you have to know which foods to eat.

No need to starve yourself!

We are offering a free FLASH WORKSHOP tomorrow Tuesday, January 2.

Mark your calendar to join us at 12:00pm PST / 3:00pm EST.

You won't want to miss this live event.

Thousands of people have joined our last few live workshops and have gotten fantastic results so far.

Yes, the information provided during our live trainings WILL help you lose weight, achieve perfect blood sugar, and enjoy long-lasting health.

Just take a look at this transformation from a previous member:

Let us help you with a plan of action to make this a reality for you too.

Our goal at Mastering Weight Loss is to help you transform your life and take complete control of your health.

See you tomorrow,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Black Raspberry: The New Cancer Cure?​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Have you tried various health remedies but still not seeing progress? Maybe it's time to consider the role of your liver and gallbladder in your overall health.
If you’re feeling lonely in your health journey, you don't have to walk alone. Join our supportive community and take control of your health with our New Year's Gallbladder Flush program.
Why Join Us?
  • Community support to motivate and guide you
  • Educational resources to understand your health better
  • Dr. Jaban’s expert insights in a live masterclass
  • A comprehensive plan for a gallbladder flush

What's Included?
  • 1 Month Chasing Health Membership
  • KL Support, Tudca, and LymphActiv supplements
  • Step-by-step guidance for a gallbladder flush

Don't miss this opportunity to be part of a community that cares and understands your health needs. The sale ends January 2nd at 11:59 p.m. CST.
Learn More and Join Us: New Year's Gallbladder Flush
We can’t wait to walk you through this flush (beginner to advanced, all are welcome) and see the progress you make!
In Health,
Dr. Jaban Moore​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. C here,
Do you have a thyroid?
Because I tend to talk a lot about keeping your thyroid healthy and helping you get it working better again. But what if you don't have one?
Millions of people have had their thyroid glands removed.
If that’s you, you will need thyroid medication for life, but in nearly all cases, the medications don't work as well as your thyroid did. So what can you do?
It turns out that feeling your best depends on how well your body can use thyroid hormones, whether from your own thyroid or a pill.
Today's new blog talks all about ways you can thrive again if you don't have a thyroid.
If you have one and are on medication, the same strategies can also help you.
How To Optimize Thyroid Hormones After Thyroid Removal Surgery
To your best health,
Dr. C
PS - If you found this blog helpful, please share because it’s one of the most common topics I’m asked about. You could be helping someone else simply by sharing. Warmest thanks!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Health Alerts
Vinegar Helps Blood Pressure, Diabetes
By Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Mike Roizen, MDs

Thirty-two thousand baby boomers are members of USA Triathlon, the national governing body for competitive triathletes; tens of thousands more cycle, swim, and jog regularly. An astounding 61 percent say they feel nine years younger than they really are.
All that get-up-and-go means the older generation has lots of energy, which of course translates into more active intimate relations.
In fact, today more than 70 percent of men and 50 percent of women in their 60s report that they're still sexually active. A lot of kiss and vinegar, you might say!
That doesn't surprise us, because it turns out that vinegar — whether apple cider, balsamic, or rice wine — is a smart part of a healthy lifestyle.
Special: Heart Surgeon's Secret to Healthy Blood Pressure
Vinegar helps reduce blood pressure, improves your blood sugar response (reducing the effects of diabetes) and helps prevent heart disease. It has antibacterial properties and contains polyphenols and acetic acid.
The latter inhibits your body's ability to store fat while boosting its ability to burn it! All that helps protect you against sexual dysfunction.
Just one word of caution: Good health and great romance call for smart protection against sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes, gonorrhea, and chlamydia. And baby boomers seem to be overlooking that!
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that there are 20 million new sexually transmitted infections annually, but only half are among young people.
So what's the solution? Stay energetic and engaged, for sure, but start relying on disease-protecting condoms for safety. With good-for-you condiments and condoms, you can go, go, go!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Last edited:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are you worried about your bones getting weaker?
They likely are.
It’s estimated that 1 in 5 men will suffer from a fracture caused by osteoporosis in their lifetime and 1 in 3 women over the age of 50 will also develop the disease.
For women, menopause is a major cause of it. The increase in certain hormones causes your bones to lose vital minerals.
But heavy metals can also raise a person’s risk of getting the disease…
Cadmium, a heavy metal present in many foods (including the majority of chocolate), has been shown to dramatically raise a person's risk of osteoporosis as well.
What can you do to protect your bones?
These exercises can reduce your risk of osteoporosis, improve your balance and prevent fractures.
One of the most common signs of osteoporosis is frequent pain in your wrists and hands.
If you often experience that kind of pain, go try the exercises on the next page.
If you have osteoporosis or low bone mass, it’s important your exercise program be well-designed to be both safe and effective.
On the next page you’ll find a course that shows you how to safely use exercise to address osteoporosis and low bone mass.
⇒ Access your complimentary Osteoporosis Exercises mini-course now!
As a physical therapist working with patients in the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis, Margie Bissinger has found that people have misconceptions concerning exercise.
Too often individuals with good intentions are performing exercises that may actually cause them harm!
You can find a lot of valuable advice on exercise from aerobic classes, home videos and fitness books, but unfortunately these tips do not focus on the unique exercises and techniques required to provide a safe program for osteoporosis prevention and treatment.
A complete osteoporosis exercise program should include:
  • Weight bearing exercises to grow strong bones
  • Resistance exercises to strengthen muscles
  • Postural exercises to decrease harmful stress on the back
  • Daily balance exercises to reduce the risk of falling.
These easy-to-follow mini-course videos show you how to improve strength, endurance, balance and posture that targets the areas most affected by osteoporosis.
Discover safe ways to perform daily activities including sitting, lifting and sneezing, and good luck on your way to building better bones!
⇒ Gain immediate access to the Osteoporosis exercises mini-course now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cholesterol: What is it and What are Healthy Levels?
One of the most confusing topics for many people is cholesterol. It is often portrayed as bad for your health, but cholesterol is actually essential for good health. Cholesterol is one of the most important molecules in your body and serves many necessary functions.

This article will explain the importance of cholesterol and how to determine if your levels are healthy. I will also discuss the top 10 factors that affect cholesterol and lipid ratios and ways to improve these numbers.

Boost up Dopamine For Motivation & Focus

Dopamine (dopa) has been called the “motivation molecule,” as it helps provide the drive and focus needed to get stuff done. Dopamine is also involved with the “pleasure system” of the brain and functions to create a feeling of enjoyment and a sense of reward in order to motivate performance.

People that suffer with low dopa often experience hopelessness, worthlessness, and struggle to handle stress. These individuals will often isolate themselves from others and have self-destructive thoughts and behaviors.



Cranky Old Fart
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Dr. C here,
Do you have a thyroid?
Because I tend to talk a lot about keeping your thyroid healthy and helping you get it working better again. But what if you don't have one?
Millions of people have had their thyroid glands removed.
If that’s you, you will need thyroid medication for life, but in nearly all cases, the medications don't work as well as your thyroid did. So what can you do?
It turns out that feeling your best depends on how well your body can use thyroid hormones, whether from your own thyroid or a pill.
Today's new blog talks all about ways you can thrive again if you don't have a thyroid.
If you have one and are on medication, the same strategies can also help you.
How To Optimize Thyroid Hormones After Thyroid Removal Surgery
To your best health,
Dr. C
PS - If you found this blog helpful, please share because it’s one of the most common topics I’m asked about. You could be helping someone else simply by sharing. Warmest thanks!

if you had ever experienced a thyroid problem then you would know what it is like to hide when you have an attack so that you dont scare your family. lying face down behind a bush is not fun at all, believe me on that,


Diamond Contributor
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Harmless disease detected. Millions must be killed.

You can put 2 and 2 together​


Below are 3 older articles I wrote about bird flu:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Honey & “Magic Seeds” Slashes COVID Death Rate by ~75%: Landmark Trial
A new study found a daily dose of healing honey and "magical" Nigella sativa seeds slashed COVID recovery time, hospital stays, and mortality rates by 4-fold versus placebo or ~75%.​
Supplement Offers Hope for Parkinson’s Patients Plagued by Bad Dreams
New research offers Parkinson's patients haunted by violent dreams a glimmer of hope through supplementing sleep-regulating brain chemicals depleted by their medications.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I’m writing today with a very special free gift to help you magnetize miracles in 2024.

But what is a “miracle?”

Most people think that miracles are a form of divine intervention or random luck, but have you ever considered that miracles could be an external manifestation of YOU — a reflection of what you believe you deserve?

Once you know how to accept miracles into your life, the Universe will shower you with them!

This brand-new meditation from our friends Marci Shimoff and Dr. Sue Morter will help you open the floodgates to limitless blessings in ALL areas of your life...

Marci and Sue have made it their life’s work to study the physical and metaphysical principles behind manifesting miracles, and their proven methods have helped countless people around the globe to create greater health, abundance, love, and impact in the world.

And in this 20-minute meditation, you’ll tune the frequency of miracles as a default setting, enabling you to attract unexpected fortune at every turn while just going about your life!

→ Download the MIRACLE ACTIVATION Meditation right here for FREE!

To your year of miracles,

Naomi Adams
Community Director
Awakening To Your Life’s Purpose

P.S. We always have the innate ability to attract miracles, but I want to acknowledge that with so much happening in the world, anxiety, overwhelm and stress levels might be at an all-time high for you. This meditation is such a gift because it can help you re-open yourself to the gifts of the Universe that are your very birthright!

Make 2024 YOUR year for miracles — listen right here for FREE!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
There are two core buckets of detox:
Bucket A – Reducing exposure.
Bucket B – Tailoring your detox to your individual needs.
In this short 7 min podcast episode of the Feel Freaking Amazing podcast...
Dr. Mark Hyman, Ed (my husband), and I discuss Bucket B.
We talk about the key principle—and an observation I’ve seen in my practice time and again—that 👇
Your body's ability to manage toxins varies.
Now, you’ve probably heard of Dr. Hyman through his books and podcasts.
But if you haven’t, Dr. Hyman is a renowned functional medicine expert, best-selling author, and advocate for personalized health & wellness.
Check out our episode below:
🎧 Personalize Your Detox, with Dr Mark Hyman on the Feel Freaking Amazing Podcast​

🌱 In this episode, you'll discover:
  • The individualized nature of detoxification and its impact on health.
  • How detoxification varies based on genetics and health status.
  • Practical tips from the Environmental Working Group for reducing toxin exposure in everyday life.
Again, our detox journeys are not one-size-fits-all.
While there are universal detox practices...
Like reducing exposure and staying hydrated...
We all have unique needs when it comes to dietary inputs, supplements, and lifestyle changes.
This episode is a brief journey into understanding your unique detoxification needs.
>> Click here to listen to the podcast and find out how to start personalizing your detox journey today!


Diamond Contributor
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To prevent biological warfare you stop it at its source: you don't allow it to be researched or produced. This isn't hard to understand.

My opinion has not changed in 25 years. The facts have only strengthened it.​

Richard Wise (May 9, p 1378) is wrong about secondary spread by anthrax in biological warfare. There is no person-to-person spread of anthrax: the only reported case of such spread was when a loofa was shared, in fact, this is one reason why anthrax is a classic choice for such warfare: it only affects the area in which it is used and does not spread back toward the perpertrator. Anthrax can however, mimic landmines, recurring unpredictably in the future from a soil reservoir
Anthrax was developed as a biological weapon by Japan in the 1930s, by the USA and Great Britain in the 1940s, and by other nations since. Yet in the intervening 60 years, only very limited use of it for biological warfare has been documented.
With respect to the administration of vaccines and other therapies in response to the threat of biological warfare, several points apply.
There has never been a trial of efficacy in man for the current US (or British) anthrax vaccine, and the issue of whether vaccinations (or their combination) contributed to development of Gulf War illnesses has yet to be resolved.
In particular, troops who were vaccinated in preparation but never deployed to the Gulf, and therefore lacked other Gulf-related exposures, have developed such illnesses. Furthermore, both naturally occurring and recombinant strains of anthrax exist which are antibiotic and vaccine resistant. It is such strains that are likely to be used in a biological attack. If so, the proposed vaccinations and antibiotics are unlikely to have much impact. To further complicate matters, the February, 1998, US Food and Drug Administration inspection report for the Michigan Biologic Products Institute (the sole US vaccine manufacturer) lists 11 pages of quality-control failures for anthrax vaccine production, including reuse of expired vaccine, grossly inadequate testing, and use of lots that failed testing.
It is generally agreed that a strong biological warfare treaty, one that includes full inspections and other verification methods, would not be 100% effective at preventing such warfare. Yet such a treaty would still have great positive effects. The possibility of being inspected without warning would deter many programmes. UN inspections in Iraq have established the usefulness of such strategies at uncovering biological warfare programmes.
We should face the fact that microorganisms might be created against which our therapeutic arsenal would be impotent. Therefore, maximum efforts should be made in primary prevention such as adding teeth to the Biological Weapons Convention. Yet the USA and some other nations continue to hold out against surprise inspections and full verification in the protocol to the convention that is now being negotiated. Before we get caught up in a frenzy of stockpiling and use of vaccines, antibiotics, and other therapies, a careful evaluation needs to be made of their actual benefits and costs. And strategies for prevention must be moved to the forefront of this debate.
[For the footnotes, which have been lost above, go here.]​


Diamond Contributor
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OMG, must read--very, very short--from Jennifer Margulies and Richard Kirschner


Vibrant Life
Welcome to Flight 2024
“Have you met Rick Kirschner?” my friend Adam asked me years ago. “He’s the most outspoken person I know—besides you—and a medical safety advocate. He’s an incredible facilitator, communicator, and life coach. He’s also super smart about money.” Adam’s eyes looked brighter as he spoke about his colleague. “You need to know him,” Adam added. “Imma introd…
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9 minutes ago · 6 likes · Jennifer Margulis

Thoughts on the new year from Dr. Rick Kirschner, N.D.

I can think of no one better than Ricky Kirschner to offer us all some wise advice for the year ahead.
Here’s what Ricky posted on December 31, 2023 on social media. Words of wisdom that he found on-line and sculpted in his own brilliant way.
Fasten your seatbelts and get ready for take-off.
~ ~ ~

Welcome to Flight 2024

Welcome to Flight 2024. We are preparing to take off into the New Year. Please make sure your Positive Attitude and Gratitude are secured and locked in the upright position.
All self-destruct devices: pity, anger, selfishness, pride, and resentment should be turned off at this time.
All negativity, hurt, and discouragement should be put away.
If you lose your Positive Attitude under pressure during this flight, reach up and pull down a prayer.
Prayers will automatically be activated by Faith.
Once your Faith is activated, you can assist other passengers who are of little faith.
There will be NO BAGGAGE allowed on this flight. God, our Captain, has cleared us for take-off.
Our destination: A Happy New Year filled with HOPE, JOY, FAITHFULNESS, TRUTH, LOVE, CLOSURE, and new BEGINNINGS!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi

I’m sure you’ve been seeing a lot of "secret" methods and strategies online to improve your health, keep yourself immune from diseases and extend your longevity…

But how many of those are actually proven to give you the results you want?

See, it’s easy to be swayed by the promise of a life that’s healthier and better than most people…

Only to find out that what they’re telling you doesn’t work the way you expected them to, leaving you more frustrated than ever.

The good thing is that my friend and widely trusted natural health advocate, Brian Vaszily, is about to save you from all that distress…

By helping eliminate the noise and giving you only the PROVEN secrets to better health and a longer life in the upcoming Live Long & THRIVE Summit.

And even better news… you can attend this event for F.REE!

Register now and save your spot for this special online event.
Brian is gathering 22 of the most renowned MDs in the world to give you their proven steps to changing your health and impacting your life…

So you can dodge today’s most feared diseases such as cancer, autoimmunity and dementia, while adding more years to your life!

Here’s a preview of what you’ll learn in this summit:

✅ Mind-blowing, widely suppressed, truly life-saving new insights on living long and well

✅ The deeply evidence-based NEW #1 worst health risk facing all of us (now strongly linked to brain, thyroid, & gut issues, cancer, diabetes, fatigue, and more)

✅ Widely unknown keys to protect & improve your mobility (VITAL to live long, avoid brain decline & more, yet overlooked)

✅ Truly revolutionary NEW way to repel chronic stress, Alzheimer’s, fatigue, cancer & other chronic disease

✅ Top CONCEALED cause of stress & disease.

And a whole lot more!

Also, once you register for this event, you’ll also get a f.ree copy of the e-book Fast-Impact Natural Brain Health Secrets…

Where you’ll discover 15 of the most effective ways to boost your memory, focus & clarity instantly, and protect yourself against Alzheimer’s.

This event could lead you to making the most transformative decisions for your health and give you the thriving kind of life you’ve always wanted…

So make sure you don’t miss out on this opportunity, and…

Register now for this F.REE online summit + get your complementary copy of Fast-Impact Natural Brain Health Secret

To better health and more years ahead,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Cancer is not a death sentence,

no matter the diagnosis or prognosis!

2024 - Raising Awareness​


As the founder and director of HealingStrong, I want to be open and honest by sharing my biggest fear and ask something of you. While our organization has grown beyond my wildest dreams since we began in 2013, I have to admit that one area that still scares me the most is public speaking. I know that as the leader of this organization, I am often called upon to participate in webinars, videos, podcasts, and speaking engagements, and this requires a great deal of energy and time for me to muster up the courage to participate.

However, despite these fears, I recently had an opportunity to be interviewed by a conservative influencer, Allie Beth Stuckey, on her podcast, Relatable. I was initially intimidated by the size of the studio, but I quickly remembered that our message of hope and healing is eternal and must be shared in any way that the Lord sees fit.

With that in mind, I want to ask for your help. One of our goals for this year is to increase awareness of HealingStrong through major media outlets and news sources. We've already had the honor of being featured on Allie Beth Stuckey's podcast, but we want to increase our reach and grow our groups even more.

What I'm asking of you is to watch my interview with Allie Beth, which I've linked below, and like it and leave a comment under the video in the comments section. Perhaps you can share how HealingStrong has helped you, or leave a short message of support for someone else.

HealingStrong is built on the collective effort of countless people who lead and attend our groups, provide and receive mentorship and prayer support, and so much more. We stand on the shoulders of so many, and having our community involved in these media outlets takes our efforts to a whole new level.

Thank you for being a part of HealingStrong and for considering my request.

All my love and gratitude,

Is There a Better Way to Heal Cancer? | Guest: Suzy Griswold | Ep 926


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

What You Need to Know about​

Mistletoe and Breast Cancer​

Mistletoe isn’t just for cheeky kisses or decorating around your home during the winter. It can be a powerful, complementary therapy for breast cancer healing. Austrian philosopher Rudolph Steiner first recommended mistletoe extract as a potential cancer treatment in 1920, and Dutch physician Ita Wegman was the first to use it in practice.
While there is always room for more research, we can rely on a solid group of evidence that mistletoe therapy may enhance the survival rate, improve HRQoL (Health-related quality of life), and diminish some side effects of chemotherapy. This blog will discuss the above, and if you want to dig deeper into studies, please click here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
No one should have to face breast cancer alone.
That’s why the Breast Cancer Breakthroughs Summit is so important. It’s a chance to connect with other women on the same journey and build a supportive community.
At the summit, you’ll have the opportunity to:
- Attend live Q&A sessions with the hosts
- Join online communities and support groups
- Gain insights from over 40 experts in the field
- Register for the summit today and start building your support network!

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