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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dive into the Healing Power of Seaweed with Sachi Singh on Wellness Warriors!
Sachi, a visionary in sustainable healthcare, joins us to explore the incredible benefits of seaweed for women's health.
She's on a remarkable journey to harness the power of the ocean's bounty to enhance hormonal balance, boost energy, and improve gut health.
As someone who has navigated the challenges of breast cancer, linked to low iodine and thyroid issues, I've experienced firsthand the transformative impact of seaweed.
That's why I'm excited to share with you the breast cancer healing properties of seaweed and The Daily Bite in our latest episode.
And here's a treat for you, my dedicated followers: Enjoy a 15% discount on any Rootless purchase with the code: SEAWEED15. Don't miss out on the Coconut Chai Bites - a delightful snack packed with cancer-fighting goodness!
Tune in, take notes, and transform your health with the natural power of seaweed. Let's ride this wave together!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Would you like to discover the calm and clarity within you?

Imagine cultivating a life filled with peace, balance and compassion for yourself and those around you.

Here’s your invitation to an incredible journey of self-discovery at the Art of Meditation Global Summit!

Our friends at Heart Mind Institute have created a groundbreaking 8-day online event, gathering 55+ world-class experts who will share their insights, knowledge, and methods on the Art of Meditation aimed at nurturing your mind, heart, spirit and your journey towards awakening.

Best of all, participation is completely FREE --->>Register today!

Join us from January 23–30, 2024, and immerse yourself in the profound wisdom of over 55 meditation luminaries, including seasoned practitioners of Vipassana, Zen, Tibetan, Abrahamic, and Vedic meditation traditions, as well as experts in modern mindfulness and neuroscience. These esteemed teachers have devoted their lives to the Art of Meditation and are ready to guide you on your path to inner peace and understanding.

Learn from:

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, Sharon Salzberg, Deepak Chopra, Kristin Neff, Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, Ruth King, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Roshi Pat Enkyo O’Hara, A. H. Almaas, Sylvia Boorstein, Roshi Norman Fischer, Amoda Maa, Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, Caverly Morgan, Joseph Goldstein, Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel, Krishna Das, Cynthia Bourgeault, Tsoknyi Rinpoche, and many, many more…​

Don't miss this exceptional chance to gain actionable insights and practical techniques that will guide you toward a life of deeper tranquility, increased self-awareness, and comprehensive well-being.

Why not sign up today and join us for this one-of-a-kind event?

--->>Yes... Save my spot now!

You can embark on this amazing journey from the comfort of your own home and…

  • Develop awareness and liberating insight, freeing yourself from dualistic confusion and patterns of reactive suffering
  • Stabilize your mind and practice through calm abiding and focused attention practices
  • Practice mindfulness techniques to enhance focus, clarity, and happiness
  • Develop self-compassion through loving kindness and mindful self-compassion practices
  • Get access to powerful strategies for managing stress, and transforming anxiety, traumas, addictions and depression
  • Experience profound samadhi, bliss, and ultimate freedom through deep meditation practice
  • Directly experience your true nature and being through direct awakening practices
  • Rewire your brain for healing and thriving through meditation and compassion practices
  • Join a community of like-minded individuals on a journey of personal transformation
Be sure to mark your calendar for January 23–30, 2024!

--->>We’ll see you online at the Art of Meditation Global Summit when you register today!
Because health means everything,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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Age of Autism’s Anne Dachel sums it up:

The National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 removed all liability for vaccine manufacturers and those giving vaccines. The CDC promotes “vaccines are safe” and manufactured population studies to show no link. Despite autism going from “One in 166 children to … one in every 36 children, one in every 22 boys,” there is nothing to see here. We are just better at diagnosing! More to come…

Original article:

30 Years of Lies: Part One

By Anne Dachel
"30 Years of Lies: Part One" by Anne Dachel discusses how the public has been misled about autism for the past 30 years, mainly focusing on a supposed cover-up of its link to the expanding childhood vaccine schedule. Dachel critiques the CDC's reassurances about vaccine safety and challenges the notion that autism's increase is due to better diagnosis or broader definitions. She expresses concern about the growing prevalence of autism and criticizes the normalization of the condition in society, suggesting a global crisis is being ignored. The article also touches on the impact of autism rates in various regions and the struggle to educate and integrate individuals with autism into society.
For a detailed read, you can access the full article [here](​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

10 Nutritional Habits to Form Now for a Longer Life​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers used to pretty much only talk about 100% natural / alternative solutions to cancer…

but lately, she’s been migrating towards the “there’s a time and a place for everything” mentality we’ve had since early on in the journey with our son…

and she put together a GREAT list of questions to ask any oncologist about recommended treatments!

Questions like:

What is the expected outcome of this treatment? Is it a long-term or short-term solution?

I know the reason she put this one in there is because conventional oncologists will typically let people assume that their goal is a complete “cure” with whatever treatment they’re recommending…

however a lot of the time they’re actually just going for “buying more time” with the treatment and have no hope of it actually knocking the cancer out entirely.

What tests did you use to determine that this is the best course of treatment for me?

I’ll elaborate on this one as well - the “standard of care model” is woefully outdated.

Even if one is going to utilize conventional treatments, there’s now a whole world of options to determine which is the best for YOU, not just what they settled on for that particular cancer type.

There are “liquid biopsies” that collect circulating tumor DNA (CTDNA) and analyze it to determine what’s going to work best…

Or places like The Nagourney Center who will actually take a physical biopsy sample and physically test it against various drugs to see what does the best in killing those actual cancer cells.

and those are just TWO of the FIFTEEN questions and ALL of them are really great for getting the oncologist talking, and actually demanding his thought process behind things…

not just settling for “this is how we’ve always done it” in other words. :)

Grab the list here and keep it handy for any future oncologist encounters!


Also as long as we’re talking about helpful lists…

Here’s a great one on things in your house you might not know contribute to cancer!

My friend Brian Vaszily put this together for his Live Long & THRIVE event.

From your shower curtain to toilet cleaner, to printer, to food storage containers…

LOTS of things that get overlooked that could be contributing to cancer, that don’t have to be once you’re aware of them!

You can get the 23 Surprising Household Items That Cause Chronic Inflammation, Cancer, and Other Diseases guide here!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi ,

Last time, we introduced you to our exclusive Live Q&A Ask the Experts sessions with top health experts.

Today, we're excited to share a powerful excerpt that could change the way you think about cancer healing.

In an enlightening interview, Dr. Dana Flavin, a leading expert in integrative medicine, reveals her secrets to overcoming cancer. With her extensive knowledge and groundbreaking research, Dr. Flavin provides invaluable strategies for those battling cancer and chronic diseases.

What You'll Learn:

  • Holistic Healing Approaches: Discover diet and lifestyle changes that make a real difference.
  • Natural Remedies: Uncover powerful, natural strategies to enhance your health.
  • Empower Your Journey: This interview is a treasure trove of knowledge for anyone on a healing journey.
Don’t miss out on this transformative interview.

Watch Healing From Cancer with Dr. Dana Flavin from our 'Healing Life Ask the Experts series and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you.

There's a wealth of knowledge waiting for you as a member of Healing Life.
Warm regards,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

How many strategies, protocols, or even “secrets” on lifelong health and longevity have you tried…

And FAILED at giving you the results you wanted?

It’s so easy nowadays to pass off something as a must-have especially when we’re talking about the things that you value the most in life…

Like moving freely, being more productive, having lots of energy and enjoying all the good things in life.

But this time, you have a chance to learn ONLY the proven secrets that have helped people age well and stay healthy without the need for pills or other maintenance drugs…

Because our good friend, Brian Vaszily, is inviting you to the upcoming Live Long & Thrive Summit for F.REE!

Register now and save your spot for this special online event.
Brian has invited 22 of the world’s most renowned health experts who will share proven steps that can make the fastest and most transformative impact on your health and life…

So you can effectively avoid any disease like cancer, autoimmunity, gut issues and dementia that can prevent you from enjoying the life that you’ve always wanted!

On top of that, registering also gets you this F.REE e-book: Fast-Impact Natural Brain Health Secrets, where you’ll discover:

✅ The best “fast impact” foods, beverages, herb & spices for your brain according to the latest science

✅ The top sounds you’ll want to listen to because they boost your “on the spot” brain performance

✅ The 6 best smells to boost your mental alertness, help you remember things, and help your “overactive” brain relax

And many more!

You don’t often get a chance to discover proven secrets that can make a huge difference in your health and life…

So don’t wait any longer and claim this golden opportunity to learn the best-kept health secrets that evade most people.

Register now for this F.REE week-long online event.

To health and longevity,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today's Thought:
“Embrace that face that you are all of you, and all of you is working together to create who you are in relationship with your environment.”


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
You’re invited to join Dr. Eliaz for a Free Live Online Meditation Retreat. Register and reserve the entire day for a deeply experiential journey where you’ll discover the power of your healing mind and open heart.

More than just an ancient spiritual practice, research has shown that meditation offers far-reaching, incredible benefits for your overall health and well-being. It activates your parasympathetic or healing response, supports calm, hormone balance, helps regulate breathing, alleviates stress, and the benefits extend way beyond that.

To get a deeper look into how the day will unfold and learn more about Dr. Eliaz's unparalleled model of integrative medicine, meditation, and mind-body healing, check out the video below:​
Date: January 27th, 2024
Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (PST)​
Throughout the day, learn to let go, dissolve blockages on all levels, and tap into your deepest healing abilities. Register here for a transformative, restorative day together.

Looking forward to seeing you there,

Team Dr. Eliaz​


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Reddit Exile
ICAN Lead Counsel, Aaron Siri, Esq., gives presentation ‘What is Informed Consent’ before members of the Novel Coronavirus Southwestern Intergovernmental Committee in Arizona. He explains the imperative of Informed Consent, and pillars that make it an essential tenet of freedom and liberty.​

consent these days is a word that can be used/taken in many different ways. we the general public are not asked for our consent a lot.

oh and as a byline. disposable vapes are no longer legal and cannot be brought into australia since january 1st 2024. our consent did not come under consideration.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

"Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the result.”​

~ Bob Proctor



Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Greetings Jimi:​

Every once in a while we like to make our community aware of valuable programs and information hosted by other colleagues...
Today, we're focusing on a free online program: Beyond the Contrast - Practical Tools to Shift into Well-Being.
We all experience contrast in various aspects of our lives…
Anything that we do not want or that does not feel good to us is contrast – physical discomfort, health issues, financial challenges, career obstacles, relationship issues, even a negative mindset or negative emotions.
And while contrast is a natural part of life, we all have the choice to resist or embrace it.
Contrast offers us all the opportunity to learn and grow. To realize what isn’t working. To help you manifest positive change in your life.
That’s why I want to invite you to an extraordinary event that will give you the tools to IGNITE YOUR TRANSFORMATION…
And manifest a life of wholeness, abundance, success and FLOW with the guidance of 50+ luminaries!
Beyond the Contrast: Practical Tools to Shift into Well-Being could help you:
  • Process your emotions more effectively
  • Release resistance to change
  • Open up your heart & restore balance
  • Let go of feeling “stuck”
  • Stop emotional reactivity in its tracks
  • Develop your intuition
  • Identify the biggest friction in your life
  • Increase your vibration
  • Quickly shift your energy
  • And so much more!

—>>Shift out of contrast into clarity and abundance when you attend this complimentary, online event!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Friend,
According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), one of the secrets to true wellness is living in harmony with your environment. In fact, TCM places special importance on being in synch with time cycles — and aligning with the seasons is a key element in this approach.
During the colder winter months, this means slowing down, deeply nourishing yourself, and keeping warm and well-rested — these strategies help plant the seeds for renewed vitality for the new year.
So, where should you start? I have several suggestions that you can easily incorporate into your life, including winter meditation practices, emotional health support, warming foods to emphasize in your diet, and important supplements for the season.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Open Heart Medicine Upcoming Event

Free One-Day Online Live Meditation Retreat | January 27th, 2024

During this one-day retreat, I will introduce the principles of Open Heart Medicine, the door to our infinite healing potential. Together we will learn and practice the two basic foundational meditation practices that propel Open Heart Medicine.
I will also offer a lying down healing session as part of the one-day retreat. At the end of the full day, participants will be equipped with tools that will allow them to taste the healing power of Open Heart Medicine and develop these qualities over time.
>> Click here to register for this free online event


Gold Contributor
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Reddit Exile

Open Heart Medicine Upcoming Event

Free One-Day Online Live Meditation Retreat | January 27th, 2024

During this one-day retreat, I will introduce the principles of Open Heart Medicine, the door to our infinite healing potential. Together we will learn and practice the two basic foundational meditation practices that propel Open Heart Medicine.
I will also offer a lying down healing session as part of the one-day retreat. At the end of the full day, participants will be equipped with tools that will allow them to taste the healing power of Open Heart Medicine and develop these qualities over time.
>> Click here to register for this free online event
hi jimi i was in hospital for a drip it took them 7 goes to find a vein!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today's Thought:
A happy life consists not in the absence, but in the mastery of hardships ;)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

A Comprehensive Guide to Cleansing - How To's and Mistakes to Avoid​

New Year New You! Learn The Ins and Outs of Herbal Cleansing with Doc Jones and Jenni-Leigh!​

Hey Folks!
Doc Jones has taught about herbal cleanses many times over the years. We compiled all of his blogs and Youtube videos on the subject and linked them here for you. So, grab a yummy, nutritious snack and your favorite fuzzy blanket and binge-watch Doc Jones’ herbal cleanse videos! He doesn’t have any miracle cure-all pills the diet industry doesn’t want you to know about, and he won’t do any squats (though he has, on occasion, threatened to belly dance for us). However, his comprehensive cleanse lectures will equip you with some positive tools to incorporate joyful, healthy herb habits into your life.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

MCE Email Banner with Border

Dear Jimi,
Happy New Year! We hope you enjoyed the holiday season and are stepping into the new year with renewed intention and inspiration.
If you resolved to deepen your meditation in 2024, we encourage you to tune in to Craig’s new podcast, Meditation Changes Everything for clarifying teachings and additional support for your practice.
Most of us are drawn to meditation because we want to awaken to who and what we truly are beyond the mind—beyond our concepts and our ego stories.
We can sense that something extraordinary awaits us if we could just somehow become more consciously aware of our own true nature or divine self.
What might we discover about ourselves when we put our attention on consciousness itself?
In our most recent podcast episode, “Opening to the Mystery of Awareness,” Craig takes us on an experiential journey into how awareness works, where it comes from and what happens when we learn to identify with it as the primary locus of our own being.
Wherever you are in your meditation journey, we believe you’ll find Craig’s insights on awareness beneficial!
You can access episode four on all of the major podcasting platforms, so we hope you’ll give it a listen. You can also visit the podcast page on Craig's website to learn more about our available episodes, access the full transcripts and discover other resources about meditation.
We love hearing from you and greatly appreciate the feedback we’ve received so far about the podcast:
“I've wanted to learn from Craig Hamilton for years and I'm so excited that this is available. Thank you!”
“I’m so happy that you are doing these podcasts at this time as it is my intention to take my meditation seriously—starting now! Thank you so much.”
“I’m excited about this podcast! I have listened to the first episode twice and read the transcript to make sure I really get what Craig is saying. I haven't been meditating very long and I would like to be able to stand back from this seemingly hectic mind of mine and gain some true perspective. It seems knowledge is one thing but experience brings it all into focus. Thank you Craig, I'm looking forward to more.”
“I’m looking forward to hearing more!”
“I have been listening and practicing Craig Hamilton’s teachings for five years now. I appreciate his approach to meditation. It is the first time I’ve ever been successful meditating. I’m grateful for what he offers and I'm happy to recommend his podcast.”
We hope you’ll tune in and if you like the show, take a few minutes to rate and review us in your podcast app or on YouTube—thank you!
The Meditation Changes Everything Team
Listen to all our available episodes on your favorite podcast app!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Take 1-minute and try this out… It’s something called the Body Oxygen Level Test and it provides incredible insight into your body’s energy levels and overall health status.


Here’s how to do it…

Take a normal breath in through your nose and allow a normal breath out through your nose.
Pinch your nostrils shut and hold your breath.
Count the number of seconds until you feel the FIRST definite desire to breathe, or the first stresses of your body urging you to breathe. (Don’t push your body to your absolute breath hold LIMIT – just until the first desire to breathe).
Release and resume normal breathing. Your breathing should be normal and calm. (If you’re breathing hard, you held too long).
How many seconds did you get?

Here’s the bottom line:

A healthy, vital, energetic body should be able to hold for at LEAST 40 seconds.
If you got LESS THAN 25 seconds, it indicates dysfunctional breathing and a body in poor health (low energy/vitality).
You may not know it, but our BREATHING habits are a major key to health and high energy levels.

And dysfunctional breathing (which the majority of people have) is a major cause of chronic low energy levels, and chronic anxiety.

What if you could DOUBLE your energy levels in just 10 minutes a day


I’m incredibly excited to share a new live virtual event with you from energy expert Ari Whitten. He’s calling it “the single most powerful method to increase energy levels that I’ve found in 25 years of studying health science.”

-->> learn how this ancient method helps you double energy levels in just minutes a day


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Imagine a world where breast cancer is no longer a death sentence.
A world where you can heal naturally, without the harsh side effects of conventional treatments.
A world where breast cancer is simply a bump in the road, not the end of the road.
So, guess what, Jim?
That world is possible, and the Breast Cancer Breakthroughs Summit is the first step to getting there.
This online event will teach you everything you need to know about holistic approaches to managing and healing from breast cancer.
You’ll learn from world-renowned experts in integrative oncology, functional medicine, nutrition, and more. They’ll share their latest research and insights on how to:
  • Improve your diet and nutrition to support your healing
  • Reduce stress and inflammation
  • Detoxify your body safely and effectively
  • Optimize your environment
  • Choose the right supplements
That’s just the tip of the iceberg. Dr. Jenn Simmons and I will be hosting this event.
  • Jennifer Simmons, MD: After spending 17 years as Philadelphia’s top breast surgeon, her own illness led her to discover functional medicine. So enamored with the concept of creating health rather than killing disease, she left traditional medicine and her esteemed surgical position and founded Real Health MD with the mission to help women anywhere along the breast cancer journey to truly heal.
Whether you’re newly diagnosed, during treatment, or in remission, the Breast Cancer Breakthroughs Summit has something for everyone. Register for fr-ee today and start your journey to healing:
I look forward to welcoming you to the summit!
Dr. V
P.S. We understand that making a change can be challenging. That’s why we’re here to support you every step of the way. At the Breast Cancer Breakthroughs Summit, you’ll find a community of like-minded individuals who, just like you, are on a quest for health and vitality.
So, don’t let hesitation hold you back – take the first step today, and let’s create a future where “good” is just the starting point for a life that’s truly AMAZING! Join the summit today<<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It’s hard to believe it’s already 2024… the years just keep going by faster and faster it seems!

Sitting here in a new year always makes me reflect on the year past and the new year to come, as I know it does for a lot of us.

I think about the things I’d like to change about myself, the ways I’d like to be a better person… a better father, a better husband, a better son, and yes, a better herbalist too.

Hopefully you take some time to reflect on these things too…

The way I see it, the learning never ends on the plant path. Indeed, the pathway to herbal mastery is to be a lifelong student of the plants and nature.

But sometimes it can be hard to know what to focus on in our herbal studies, difficult to see what that next step looks like to level up our skills.

To help you out with this, I wanted to share with you a special blog post to kick start 2024. This was actually an issue of Materia Medica Monthly from a few years ago that I thought was just too good to not share with the whole Evolutionary Herbalism community.

In it, I’m going to map out a strategy for your next 12 months of herbal studies.

Cause sometimes all we need is a little bit of clarity to know where we’re at and where we need to focus our time and energy to move forward. Hopefully this post helps you out with that!

Thanks again, Jimi, for being a part of the Evolutionary Herbalism community! I truly appreciate you being here and want to wish you a very Happy New Year full of nothing but good things.

Blessings to your plant path,

PS: We’re busy working hard over here on a brand new workshop that’s going to be hitting your inbox on January 9th. So be sure to save the date and join me in The Herbal Monograph Map workshop… more details to come =)​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
5 Day Water Fast for Deep Cellular Healing

Water fasting is one of the most ancient and powerful healing strategies known to mankind. Modern science is showing the profound benefits of water fasting on reducing inflammation, stimulating cellular cleansing called autophagy and producing stem cells to regenerate new tissue.

In this article, I will take you on a journey to understand what is happening in your body and what to expect as you go through a 5-day water fast.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Heavy Metals in Chocolate: What You Need to Know
I am a huge fan of high-quality dark chocolate and eat some on most days! When I heard about the recent Consumer Reports analysis that showed dark chocolate may have high amounts of heavy metals, I was really concerned.

Dark chocolate has many potential health benefits but also some risks. Research has found that there may be heavy metals hiding in your chocolate! So, what do chocolate lovers like me do now?



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
GlycA: A New Biomarker for Systemic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is the root cause of most chronic symptoms and modern-day diseases. There are many testing options to uncover chronic inflammation, and there is a new one on the horizon.

GlycA may be a great new biomarker to test for systemic inflammation. It may be a more stable and reliable measure than other markers and may be used as a complementary strategy to other tests.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Pumpkin Seed Extract Safely Relieves Prostate Symptoms
A new clinical trial published in the Journal of Medicinal Food demonstrates that supplementation with an oil-free pumpkin seed extract significantly reduces urinary symptoms related to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).​
New Research Offers “Glimmer of Hope” for Slowing ALS Through Vitamin Shots
Could a simple, safe vitamin supplement be the long sought after ALS mitigating treatment the drug companies have long dreamed of but have failed to deliver?​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Healing Pain Sneak Peak: Recall Healing and Mind-Body Medicine with Dr. Michelle Lamasa-Dawson


Beginning with understanding what pain is and why some people are more vulnerable to it than others. Finding a strategy that works for you is imperative, as everyone’s path towards dis-ease and healing is entirely unique.

In this comprehensive masterclass, Sayer Ji and some of our favorite experts weigh in and provide you with their own stories on healing pain and guide you to tools and resources that address pain from a holistic viewpoint.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This Coming Tuesday at 8am Eastern!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Let me ask you something… Do you want to live a long and healthy life?
In the upcoming Live Long & THRIVE Summit, you’ll have the opportunity to uncover crucial new insights about longevity and living WELL.
The event is hosted by experienced natural health researcher, Brian Vaszily, known for his talent in eliciting the most valuable information from his experts and for making the journey actionable!
(Sign up today by clicking the image below!)
We’re talking about discussions on gut health, brain health, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune, heart health, pain, anxiety, food and nutrition, herbal medicine, sleep, mobility, energy, eye health, resilience, ancient medicine, toxins, detoxing, and immune health!
That’s right - there’s something for ANYONE and EVERYONE who’s looking to improve their health and live a long, happy life no matter the hurdle!
When I say legendary, I mean the best of the best, such as:
The legendary 102-year-old MD and “Mother of Holistic Medicine
The world’s foremost MD expert exposing drug industry secrets that EVERYONE should know (and who advises the FBI & U.S. Dept. of Justice on this)
→ The health researcher, Liberty Science Genius Award recipient, and first woman in history tenured in psychology at Harvard
The incredible herbs-as-medicine expert (with over 50 years of experience) and 2023 Herbal Insight Award winner for advancing botanical knowledge worldwide
The world-renowned cardiologist MD featured in James Cameron & Arnold Schwarzenegger’s film, The Game Changers
→ Plus 15 other MDs and researchers who are true LEGENDS in the fields of brain health, gut health, diabetes, autoimmune, nutrition, sleep, and more.
This is an amazing opportunity to start your New Year off right - don’t miss it! Sign up today and discover the tools you need to live your greatest, longest, healthiest life for MANY years to come!

To your health,
Dr. Tom O’Bryan

P.S. Before you go - You’re in for a treat! Brian has included a mind-blowing free report called, FAST-IMPACT Natural Brain Health Secrets: The Top 15 Little-Known Ways to Quickly Boost Your Memory, Focus, and Brain Clarity - and it’s yours at no cost when you sign up!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I'm excited to announce that tomorrow, January 5, 2024, I'll be featured on the Tamron Hall talk show!
We’re going to explore a topic that's incredibly important for our overall health and well-being: gut health.
In this episode, Tamron and I will delve into how gut health significantly impacts everything from our skin condition to our sleep quality, and even our mental health. I will also share insights on the latest food trends and discuss which ones are truly beneficial for maintaining a healthy gut.
Don’t miss out on this enlightening discussion. To find out the exact time and channel in your area, please visit the Tamron Hall's website and enter your zip code at the top of the page.
This is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about how our gut health affects our daily lives and what we can do to improve it. I am looking forward to sharing this journey with you.
See you tomorrow on the show!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi

For many women, the words "breast cancer" are two of the scariest in the dictionary…

And who can blame them? According to research, 1 out of 8 women in the United States will be diagnosed with breast cancer…

Worse, about 42,000 women succumb to breast cancer each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Which is why even getting symptoms of breast cancer can induce great fear in many women.

But breast cancer or the fear of it doesn’t need to define you or compromise how you can live an empowered, vibrant life.

And if you want to learn about the latest research and insights on how to avoid and overcome breast cancer…

Then here’s your invitation to join the upcoming Breast Cancer Breakthroughs Summit happening from January 16 - 22, 2024.

Reserve your seat for this upcoming event for F.REE.
Hosts Jennifer Simmons, MD and Veronique Desaulniers, DC have had encounters with breast cancer and are now leading this effort to raise awareness for women on how they can take control of their health and life.

They’ve also brought along over 40 world-leading experts who will share their insights, strategies and best practices on how to deal with breast cancer so you never have to fear it again.

Among the valuable lessons you’ll learn in this summit are:

✅ Holistic approaches to breast health

✅ How to optimize your breast cancer outcomes

✅ The best foods to eat to combat breast cancer

✅ How to boost your immune system for cancer defense

✅ 5 essential steps to minimize breast cancer risk

And so much more!

So if you’re tired of living in fear of breast cancer and want to empower yourself so you can live healthy, happy and cancer-free…

Claim your F.REE spot now to this transformative week-long summit!

Your friend against breast cancer,

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Heavy Metals in Chocolate: What You Need to Know
I am a huge fan of high-quality dark chocolate and eat some on most days! When I heard about the recent Consumer Reports analysis that showed dark chocolate may have high amounts of heavy metals, I was really concerned.

Dark chocolate has many potential health benefits but also some risks. Research has found that there may be heavy metals hiding in your chocolate! So, what do chocolate lovers like me do now?

His article mentions lead paint in old homes, but I heard something interesting in a podcast by Dr. Lee Merritt. She said it's possible that lead paint which has not been replaced in homes will provide some shielding from EMF radiation nowadays. Hmmm.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
His article mentions lead paint in old homes, but I heard something interesting in a podcast by Dr. Lee Merritt. She said it's possible that lead paint which has not been replaced in homes will provide some shielding from EMF radiation nowadays. Hmmm.
Lead paint is only dangerous when it is flaking or chipping or so they say but one cure is to scrape the lose and paint over all the lead paint with a non lead paint. I almost took a job doin that once.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today we're sharing with you a new episode of the Rebel Health Spotlight series - this time featuring Dr. Christina Bjorndal.

It's always a powerful, emotional conversation whenever I get to connect with Dr. Bjorndal, as we share a similar background of severe depression, suicidal ideation, and other mental health struggles.

In fact, she is a suicide-attempt survivor who has become a leading educator when it comes to using a naturopathic approach to cultivating mental and emotional well-being.

Dr. Bjorndal is a best-selling author, educator, and practitioner who (like many in this field) became an expert in her niche subject because she had to, out of necessity.

If you or anyone you know struggles with depression, anxiety, eating disorders, addiction, bipolar disorder, or any other mental health-related challenges, I'd highly recommend you check out this episode.

Click Here to Watch/Listen Now.

Please know there is hope for those struggling with their mental and emotional health.

Both Dr. Bjorndal and myself are living examples that, no matter how dark things may get... there is always a possibility of recovery. Her book and other resources, programs, and retreats are making this possible for thousands of people around the world.

So head over and give this one a watch - and please share this episode with anyone in your life who may benefit.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

67-year-old John Walker thought he was suffering from “mild” senior moments.

Losing his keys… forgetting doctor’s appointments… missing tax deadlines.

Until one day he forgot how to tie his shoes!

That’s when he knew – “This is serious.”

Today, John is completely independent.

He doesn’t forget his loved ones’ birthdays or people’s names anymore.

And all his senior friends wonder what he did to get better…

Click here to watch John's amazing story…


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