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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Let's talk about something that affects 1 in 8 women – breast cancer, undeniably one of the scariest diseases out there. Research tells us that the statistics are daunting, with around 42,000 women losing their lives to breast cancer annually in the U.S. alone.

But here's the thing: the fear of breast cancer doesn't have to define you or limit the vibrant life you deserve. There's hope, knowledge, and empowerment waiting for you.

So if you want to learn how to overcome your fear of breast cancer and shield yourself from this disease, here’s your invitation to join the upcoming Breast Cancer Breakthroughs Summit.

Reserve your seat for this upcoming event for F.REE.
This week-long event happens from January 16 - 22, 2024, offering the latest research and insights to help you avoid and overcome breast cancer.

Your hosts, Jennifer Simmons, MD, and Veronique Desaulniers, DC, both have personal experiences with breast cancer, and are now on a mission to raise awareness on this issue.

For this summit, they've gathered over 40 world-leading experts to share holistic approaches, optimal outcomes, the best foods, immune system boosters, and essential steps to minimize breast cancer risk.

Here's a sneak peek into the transformative lessons awaiting you:

✅ Holistic approaches to breast health

✅ Optimizing your breast cancer outcomes

✅ The best foods to combat breast cancer

✅ Boosting your immune system for cancer defense

✅ 5 essential steps to minimize breast cancer risk

And so much more!

You don’t deserve to live in fear and suffer from the debilitating effects of breast cancer,
Jimi. Now here’s your chance to take back control and give yourself the life you deserve!

Claim your F.REE spot now to this transformative week-long summit!

To your freedom from breast cancer,

The Conquering Cancer team



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi ,

Respiratory viruses commonly cause illness such as flu, COVID-19, and the big one making headlines right now - respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), are on the rise. This is something that happens every winter, however some years are worse than others.

Are you ready to turn the tables on RSV, the respiratory virus that's been making headlines? RSV, COVID-19 and the common flu are all on the rise right now at the peak of cold and flu season. But don't worry, there are natural ways to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Recent studies have unveiled a remarkable truth: Vitamin D3, known for its bone-strengthening prowess, is also a powerhouse in combating respiratory viruses like RSV, COVID and Influenza. Imagine having a shield not just for your bones but for your lungs too. That's Vitamin D3 for you – a nutrient that plays a dual role in your health arsenal.

Whenever I travel, I alway start boosting my vitamin D intake in the days leading up to travel, during my trip, and when I return to ensure I don't pick up any nasty bugs.

Here's how it works: Vitamin D3 fortifies the epithelial barrier of your airways, acting like a vigilant guard against viral intruders. When RSV or COVID attempts to breach this barrier, Vitamin D3 is there to bolster your body's defenses. It's akin to having a personal lung bodyguard.

It's time to arm yourself with nature's defender: Vitamin D3.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Unleash 2024 with a FREE Airheads Breathwork Masterclass

Hi Jimi,

We're excited to share some practical and transformative advice to elevate your breathwork practice, whether you're just starting or you're a seasoned pro. Below, you'll find links to a couple of FREE powerful videos that we believe will significantly enhance your journey.

We are Mike and Tom, a.k.a The Airheads. Our mission is to share the incredible power of breath in a fun, sometimes geeky way, so we can all reap the benefits of this wonderful thing called breathing.

In 2023, Airheads hosted a masterclass featuring the world's top breath experts, made possible by our friends at the Breath Source app, particularly Travis Steffens, the CEO. To kick off 2024, we're bringing you exclusive learning opportunities from Travis. In this email, you'll find links to a FREE guided breathing exercise by Travis Steffens and a masterclass interview from last year that's not available anywhere else online. You're getting exclusive access to these recordings!

In these videos, expect to learn how to use breathwork to shift your state, discover the Breath Source app and how it can support your journey, learn about Travis's journey to becoming CEO of Breath Source, explore the future of breathwork, and enjoy an extra bonus breathing exercise.

We're fortunate that Breath Source powered The Airheads Masterclass, so please click below to enjoy learning more from the wonderful Travis Steffens.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
9 Health Benefits of Oranges Backed By Science
The orange is both a literal and symbolic embodiment of the sun, from whose light it is formed and vibrantly emanates. As a whole food it irradiates us with a spectrum of healing properties, the most prominent of which some call "vitamin C activity," but which is not reducible to the chemical skeleton known as 'ascorbic acid.' Science now confirms the orange has a broad range of medicinal properties, which is why the ancients knew it both as a food and a medicine.​
Wikipedia Is an Information Warfare Tool
Don't believe for one minute that you'll get the truth or an unbiased answer from this frequently used resource.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Healing Pain Sneak Peak: Doctor Yourself and C Your Pain Disappear with Dr. Andrew Saul
Beginning with understanding what pain is and why some people are more vulnerable to it than others. Finding a strategy that works for you is imperative, as everyone’s path towards dis-ease and healing is entirely unique.

In this comprehensive masterclass, Sayer Ji and some of our favorite experts weigh in and provide you with their own stories on healing pain and guide you to tools and resources that address pain from a holistic viewpoint.​


The Live Long & THRIVE Summit
The widespread AGING MYTH is that as you get older you become undesirable, doomed to suffering and disease, and “over the hill.”

The TRUTH is that you are meant to thrive in your middle-years and golden years.

And for the first time, 22 world-renowned healthy aging and longevity doctors & researchers are coming together to reveal the PROVEN most powerful secrets of all for you to do so.

You deserve to be “in the know,” too, because you deserve to thrive. Don’t miss the complimentary event, The Live Long & THRIVE Summit, airing January 17-23.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

We're just 1 day away from the start of the Fatty Liver Docu-Class!

Today I'm writing to share some fascinating information with you that comes from one of our Docu-Class speakers: Dr. Bob DeMaria.

Also known as America's Drugless Doctor, Dr. Bob went on camera with me to share...

6 Strange Signs Your Liver is Sick


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
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Reddit Exile
oh d
9 Health Benefits of Oranges Backed By Science

The orange is both a literal and symbolic embodiment of the sun, from whose light it is formed and vibrantly emanates. As a whole food it irradiates us with a spectrum of healing properties, the most prominent of which some call "vitamin C activity," but which is not reducible to the chemical skeleton known as 'ascorbic acid.' Science now confirms the orange has a broad range of medicinal properties, which is why the ancients knew it both as a food and a medicine.​
Wikipedia Is an Information Warfare Tool

Don't believe for one minute that you'll get the truth or an unbiased answer from this frequently used resource.​
oh really, we got oranges and orange juice many years ago because that was a well known fact as it has been for centuries! medicine and knowledge of the human body was better many years ago than it is now,


Gold Contributor
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Reddit Exile
How to Crush Your Goals in 2024!

This video unlocks the secret to consistently doing hard things that benefit you, whether it’s braving an ice bath, changing your diet, or crushing a workout. Start with a powerful vision! Add to that the unstoppable force of habit, and you have a recipe for daily triumphs. Stay tuned, take on each day with vigor, and remember: it’s not just the completion of the task that counts, but the incredible feeling of achievement that comes with it. Your potential is limitless.

-->> Watch Here
simply turn of the tv and go for a 45 min walk.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi, Everyone!

Sorry, our registration link wasn’t working in Friday’s email…we’ve got that sorted out, and you can Register Here NOW for tomorrow’s first Cancer Conversation Q&A of 2024! Please join us tomorrow, January 9th at 5 pm PST/8 pm EST and ask Dr. Daniel Roney and Dr. Brittany Ptak your most pressing questions about cancer, specific health concerns, and our integrative approach to health and wellness.​
There were so many great questions last season that we could not answer them all. So, if your question still needs to be addressed, be sure to join us LIVE tomorrow night! We will circle back to some of those unanswered questions and allow you to ask new ones during the live broadcast.

Whether you or a loved one are facing a cancer diagnosis, have been grappling with another health issue, or want to ask general questions about how to get—and stay—well, Dr. Roney and Dr. Ptak are standing by to provide answers and guidance.

Don’t miss your opportunity to ask your questions LIVE tomorrow night!
Reserve your spot today for this informative Cancer Conversation Q&A session. And don’t forget to invite your family and friends to join.

Season 3, Episode 1
Q&A: Ask Anything!
With Hosts Dr. Daniel Roney and Dr. Brittany Ptak


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
New Member
Reddit Exile

Hi, Everyone!

Sorry, our registration link wasn’t working in Friday’s email…we’ve got that sorted out, and you can Register Here NOW for tomorrow’s first Cancer Conversation Q&A of 2024! Please join us tomorrow, January 9th at 5 pm PST/8 pm EST and ask Dr. Daniel Roney and Dr. Brittany Ptak your most pressing questions about cancer, specific health concerns, and our integrative approach to health and wellness.​
There were so many great questions last season that we could not answer them all. So, if your question still needs to be addressed, be sure to join us LIVE tomorrow night! We will circle back to some of those unanswered questions and allow you to ask new ones during the live broadcast.

Whether you or a loved one are facing a cancer diagnosis, have been grappling with another health issue, or want to ask general questions about how to get—and stay—well, Dr. Roney and Dr. Ptak are standing by to provide answers and guidance.

Don’t miss your opportunity to ask your questions LIVE tomorrow night!
Reserve your spot today for this informative Cancer Conversation Q&A session. And don’t forget to invite your family and friends to join.

Season 3, Episode 1
Q&A: Ask Anything!
With Hosts Dr. Daniel Roney and Dr. Brittany Ptak​
cancer listens to no one.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Herbs and Their Medicinal Uses to Remedy Winter Blues​

What's winter blues meaning, and how does that compare with depression? Learn about herbs and their medicinal uses to support your mental health.​

Herbs for Health and Healing​

Learn how to use herbs for health and healing and to deal with trauma, including herbal teas, tinctures, and other herbal remedies.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Beat the Winter Blues​

Are you getting vitamin D? How does St. John's Wort work? Get some natural remedies to help combat the winter blues and enjoy the season a little more.​

Relaxing Teas to Support Your Health​

These relaxing teas, some containing nervine herbs or herbs to improve blood flow, can help support us when we're depressed, anxious, or out of sorts.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
ICAN has obtained exclusive, previously unreleased lot and dose data for the Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines. This data makes it possible to determine the number of doses distributed per lot number. According to OpenVAERS’ analyses of this data obtained by ICAN, there are several “hot lots.”
Since March of 2022, ICAN has been working tirelessly to get full transparency on Moderna’s and Pfizer’s COVID-19 lot and dose data. Without this data, it’s difficult to identify “hot lots” based on VAERS adverse reaction reports since, until now, we did not have the data on how many doses were distributed for each lot. Without knowing that number, it was not possible to conclude the rate of harm reported for each lot. But now we have the data to do this math!
ICAN is pleased to announce that its legal team extracted from the CDC the data needed to determine the number of doses distributed per lot.
Obtaining this data took two-and-a-half years of effort, including multiple FOIA requests and a lawsuit resulting in some initial data being released in June 2022, October 2022, and July 2023. But ICAN wasn’t satisfied with CDC’s omission of crucial data, so ICAN’s attorneys filed appeals for both the Pfizer lot data and the Moderna lot data. Based on our history, CDC likely knew ICAN would sue if the appeals were denied (as we have countless times before), so on December 13, 2023, CDC finally capitulated and released the updated data sets.
ICAN shared this data with the folks at OpenVAERS, who were able to match it to VAERS data and put together some eye-opening analyses which appear to reveal that certain lots had an unusually high number of adverse reactions. Their graph below, for example, shows that one lot from both Pfizer and Moderna was responsible for extremely large numbers of myocarditis reports.

You can download the Moderna data here and the Pfizer data here and you can review all of OpenVAERS’ analysis of the data here, here, and here. ICAN encourages all interested parties to conduct their own analyses from the raw data. Stay tuned for J&J lot data and analyses.
Thank you for supporting ICAN’s ongoing fight to shine the spotlight on the information our public “health” agencies would rather remain hidden.
See below for more examples of ICAN’s work in demanding truthful information about COVID-19 vaccines:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Episode 353: 1986: THE UNTOLD STORY
In 1986, President Ronald Reagan signed the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act into Law, inadvertently setting the table for the pharmaceutical industry to become the most influential industry on earth. But that isn’t the whole story. Barbara Loe Fisher, a pioneer of the Vaccine Injury Awareness movement, was at the table, fighting for families and children as this controversial law took form. Listen to Barbara as she tells the untold story of the 1986 Act and how it came to be. Learn the betrayal that paved the way for vaccine manufacturers to secure immunity from liability for their products, opening the door for the complete capture of the agencies charged with regulating the vaccine industry and protecting the public trust. This is 1986: The Untold Story.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Greetings Jimi!
Join Master Mingtong for a special teaching on Tuesday during our weekly Chi-TV broadcast!

He just got the inspiration to teach how to “Cultivate the power of stillness and movement through awareness and connection“.

The scheduled time is 9-10:30am MST, Tuesday, January 9, 2024 on our free Watch Now ChiTV channel.

Click any of the buttons below to connect. No pre-registration is necessary!

You can convert the time to your location here.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Lead paint is only dangerous when it is flaking or chipping or so they say but one cure is to scrape the lose and paint over all the lead paint with a non lead paint. I almost took a job doin that once.

Woof, I wouldn't want that scraping job. You'd inhale bunches of that lead paint dust. Painting over it seems like a good idea though. Then it's still there as the EMF shield.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
oh d

oh really, we got oranges and orange juice many years ago because that was a well known fact as it has been for centuries! medicine and knowledge of the human body was better many years ago than it is now,

It used to be very common to give oranges as a winter holiday gift. They're an autumn harvest, later in some regions.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Vitamin D Deficiency Linked To Cardiovascular Disease
Vitamin D deficiency has now been shown to increase the risk of fatal cardiovascular disease (CVD).
The lead researchers, Drs Laura Perna and Ben Schottker, German Cancer Research Center (Heidelberg) report:
“Although our results were able to confirm an approximately 27% increased total CV risk in subjects with vitamin D deficiency, they indicate that the risk is much stronger for (and possibly even confined to) fatal CVD events,” The findings were published in the December issue of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.....

You've had a couple of articles about vitamin D in the last few days. Maybe it's why you're wanting to pound the salmon so hard.

From the article I'm linking here:

Salmon is a popular fatty fish and a great source of vitamin D.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Composition Database, one 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of farmed Atlantic salmon contains 526 IU of vitamin D, or 66% of the DV (4Trusted Source).



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
You've had a couple of articles about vitamin D in the last few days. Maybe it's why you're wanting to pound the salmon so hard.

From the article I'm linking here:

Salmon is a popular fatty fish and a great source of vitamin D.

According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Food Composition Database, one 3.5-ounce (100-gram) serving of farmed Atlantic salmon contains 526 IU of vitamin D, or 66% of the DV (4Trusted Source).

Most Americans have vitamin D deficiency and don't know it


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

With nearly one in two people now on track to receive a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime, it’s challenging enough just to prevent cancer.

But for those who already have cancer, or are trying to prevent a recurrence, it’s an overwhelming experience filled with fear and uncertainty.

That’s why today, we’re excited to offer you an exclusive video from the highly acclaimed Becoming Cancer Free Masterclass, hosted by Nathan Crane.

In this video, our speakers share valuable insights and empowering strategies to guide you through this journey.

Moreover, we critically analyze how the current conventional medical field approaches cancer treatment and also address the fear of cancer head-on.

Watch this video now on becoming cancer-free.

We believe that everyone deserves access to accurate information and empowering strategies when it comes to facing cancer.

And this video is our way of extending a helping hand to you and others in similar situations.

So please consider sharing this email with anyone you think might benefit from this invaluable resource. Together, we can empower individuals and families affected by cancer to face this challenge with strength, resilience, and hope.

Watch this video now on becoming cancer-free.

Yours in health,

The Conquering Cancer team

P.S. This video is available for the next 24 hours only, so please take a few minutes and watch it now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Forwarded this email? Subscribe here for more

IPAK course you won't want to miss

THE RED PILL COURSE - How to Not Be Fooled (​

Join me and sign up today (the course starts today) for Dr Mark McDonald’s course “THE RED PILL COURSE - aka How Not to Be Fooled” here: THE RED PILL COURSE - How to Not Be Fooled (
Dr. McDonald has been on my show, has stood up against the tyranny of the establishment and will empower us with the Critical Thinking tools necessary in our propaganda-filled world today.
“THE RED PILL COURSE - How to Not Be Fooled
Instructor: Mark McDonald
Note time change:
First class meeting is Tuesday, January 9
Tuesdays thereafter from 2pm ET to 3pm EST
Syllabus (Subject to Change)
Course Description
Since 2020, the manipulation of mass perception of reality has become increasingly obvious to many people in the US, however, most people do not have a context within which to interpret this phenomenon. In this course, all aspects of the pathological basis, effects and tools of mass perception manipulation will be explored with a focus on historical and recent examples.
Section 1: A History of Propaganda
Seminar 1: Overview—Defining Terms
Seminar 2: The Role of Language
Seminar 3: The Role of Censorship
Seminar 4: China—a Case Study
Section 2: Propaganda in the Present
Seminar 5: Pandemic of Fear—The Wuhan Virus
Seminar 6: Fact Checkers
Seminar 7: Technology
Seminar 8: The United States
Section 3: The Future of Propaganda
Seminar 9: Politics
Seminar 10: Business
Seminar 11: Media
Seminar 12: Education
Section 4: Protection From Propaganda—Countering Dependency and Control
Seminar 13: Fostering Critical Thinking
Seminar 14: Fostering Curiosity
Seminar 15: Fostering Independence


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
12 Natural Immune System Boosters

The news has been saying that Covid is making a comeback! Infections are going up and several schools have already closed or are enforcing mask mandates.

It is time to look at what you need to do to improve your immune health! This is why I use science backed natural immune boosters on a regular basis to help ensure my immune system is functioning at its peak.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Daniel Fast: Physical and Spiritual Benefits and How to Do It Right

The Daniel Fast is based on the Biblical account of the life of prophet Daniel. In two chapters of the Bible, it is noted how Daniel fasted from meat, wine, and other rich foods while praying and seeking God. Christians have followed Daniel’s example by implementing the Daniel Fast.

The Daniel Fast is a partial fast that includes vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and seeds, whole grains, healthy fats, and water. The fast avoids meat, dairy, sugar and other processed foods. As you cleanse your body of unhealthy foods and consume a nutrient-dense, plant-based diet, your health may also improve.

While you may experience significant health benefits on the Daniel Fast, the true purpose is to have a deep spiritual experience. As you take your eyes off food and self-gratification, you can focus completely on God. This will open your heart and mind to hear and receive from Him.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Truth About Sourdough Bread
In this video, I go over the truth about sourdough bread and if it is healthy or not, is it gluten-free or not and what sort of health benefits can be attained by consuming sourdough bread?

Watch the video here and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel here



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Less Bloating, Better Nutrient Absorption - The Overlooked Digestive Perks of Glucosamine
A new clinical trial reveals the joint supplement glucosamine also acts as a prebiotic fiber, improving digestion, inflammation and microbiome balance to benefit whole-body health.


Codex Alimentarius Commission Adopts Zilpaterol Standard
After having waged a many-years-long battle around the Globe against the toxic vet drug zilpaterol hydrochloride at both the Codex Alimentarius Commission and committee levels (2016, 2018, 2021, 2022), the National Health Federation (NHF) finally reached the end of the road today when over NHF's and many Codex member states' objections, the Commission voted 88-49, with 11 abstentions, in favor of adopting the toxic-drug standard. It took all of Tuesday afternoon, at the FAO headquarters in Rome, Italy, to reach a conclusion.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
5 Supplements to Fight Fatigue

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

In our fast-paced world, many people don’t take the time to eat properly or get enough rest.

And even if we do consume a healthy diet, chances are we’re not getting the nutrients we need from food that comes from soil depleted of its natural wealth of nutrients and from overprocessing. As a result, our bodies are run down.

To fight back against nutrient deficiency and that run-down feeling, here are five vital fatigue-fighting supplements:

Special: We’ve Discovered the Key to a Better Night’s Sleep

Coenzyme Q10. This compound sparks energy production in every cell of your body, including your heart. Most people can take at least 100 mg daily. But if you are on statin drugs, you may want to increase this amount, as your body stops making CoQ10 when on that medication.

B complex vitamins. Vitamin B1 (thiamine) improves mood and provides a sense of well-being; B2 (riboflavin) reduces oxidative stress; B3 (niacin) supports brain function; B7 (biotin) is essential for carbohydrate and fat metabolism; and B9 (folate) is needed for cell growth and the formation of both red and white blood cells and proper cell division.

Zinc. This mineral promotes healthy cell production and the synthesis of protein. The recommended dietary allowance is 11 mg daily for adult men and 8 mg for women.

Iron. The body needs iron to make hemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells that transports oxygen from your lungs to organs and tissues. Without sufficient iron, the red blood cells can’t do their work. For adult men and women 51 years and older, the dosage is 8 mg daily.

Beetroot powder. Taking beetroot powder that contains a high amount of nitrate can boost your stamina and energy levels. Nitrate produces nitric oxide in the body which relaxes blood vessels, thereby increasing blood flow and oxygen delivery to every cell.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Breast cancer isn't just a lump in your breast; it brings along a set of overwhelming symptoms and challenges.
But you no longer need to bear this burden alone.
Take a moment to put aside any guilt or fear you may be carrying, and let's have an honest talk with yourself. This quiz will help you see where you are on your path to healing.
For every "YES" you respond to, give yourself a point
  1. Are you worried about your ability to overcome breast cancer and fear becoming a burden to your loved ones?
  2. Have you been disappointed by not achieving the results you expected from natural approaches?
  3. Are you feeling uncertain or uninformed about alternative treatment options?
  4. Do you find yourself struggling with health issues due to the side effects of cancer treatments?
  5. Have you experienced physical and emotional pain as a result of your breast cancer journey?
  6. Do you feel like your identity has become defined by the disease and its impact on your life?
  7. Have you ever battled feelings of fatigue, depression, anxiety, or brain fog?
  8. Have you experienced a loss of self-esteem or a sense of feeling less feminine?
  9. Have you faced challenges in maintaining intimacy with your partner?
  10. Do you feel guilt over the possibility of leaving your loved ones behind?
Now, let's see how you scored on your quiz:
The thing is, no matter if you got 1 point or 10, it's time for a change.
You have the power to stand up, to embrace the journey, and to heal. You can overcome cancer, not just for your family, your children, or your grandchildren but for yourself!
Are you ready to heal in the best way possible for you?
Join us at the Breast Cancer Breakthrough Summit, a transformative and fr-ee event taking place live from January 16th - 22nd, 2024.
This summit is more than a mere collection of presentations; it's a lifeline for those who are prepared to embrace a healthier, more vibrant future.
It's a golden opportunity to learn from 40+ global health experts and connect with people who share your health goals.
You'll feel relieved, knowing that there's a different, healthier path ahead for you…
Jennifer Simmons, MD, and Véronique Desaulniers, DC
Your Future Summit Hosts

P.S. This summit is entirely fr-ee and accessible, even right from your favorite mobile device. Register now and connect with a community embarking on the same health journey.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What's the keystone for learning herbal medicine?
I'd say it's the plant profile, or the herbal monograph, where we get all the details about how to work with a plant holistically and effectively.
At least that's what they're supposed to do...
Unfortunately, I find most herbal monographs to be seriously lacking, often being just a big list of herbal actions, constituents, and symptoms they're used for.
And after reading piles of them, a lot of folks still feel like they don't understand the plants any better.
The thing is, the monograph can be one of the greatest teaching tools, not just of the plant you're learning about, but of the fundamental principles and practices of herbal medicine itself.
But it has to be done in a very specific and strategic way.
And that's exactly what you'll learn in The Herbal Monograph Map, my newest (totally free) workshop series!​
In this three part series, I'm going to give you step-by-step frameworks and templates for how to create your own super comprehensive and in-depth herbal monographs.
All the while you'll learn the fundamentals of how to effectively study medicinal plants and the core principles of holistic herbal medicine.
I'm giving you the exact template I use whenever I'm researching, compiling, and organizing massive amounts of information about a plant into an easy to reference map.
Here's a quick overview of what you'll learn:
  • The Five Keys of Medicinal Plants
  • How to get beyond "good for" herbalism
  • The magic of clinical patterns
  • Essentials for therapeutics and administration
  • Templates you can put to use in your herbal research
Once you get through these classes, you'll know exactly how to approach learning your remedies in a strategic and organized way so you can know them by heart!
Click here to join me in The Herbal Monograph Map
I hope to see you in there!
PS: This workshop series is only going to be available for you for free for a short period of time, so be sure to join now while you can and map out your herbal studies for 2024!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Hey Jim,
Our free LIVE workshop The Ultimate Tool to Achieve Perfect Insulin and Glucose Levels (Without Starving) is starting in a few minutes – at 10:00am PT / 1:00pm ET.

This event is incredibly important, so consider this your last-minute reminder to join us.

Click here to join us – we can't wait to see you inside!
See you inside!

Cyrus and Robby



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Autism Epidemic Over 30 Years: A Pediatrician's Affirmation of Inaction and a Plea for Parental Vigilance

Here is Anne Dachel’s part 2 of “30 Years of Autism Epidemic”.​

I lived through this as a busy pediatrician, and she is right! Despite many congressional hearings on autism, the CDC, the federal government, and the entire public health apparatus did NOTHING but watch as our children increasingly were harmed. Parents, it is entirely up to you to protect your children. You won’t find answers listening to mainstream or your doctor.
Start reading the Defender at
Tune in to and
I coach on vaccines at

Original article:

Autism Age Subscribers

30 Years of Autism Epidemic: Part 2

30 Years of Autism Epidemic: Part 2

By Anne Dachel

Read Part "Thirty Years of Lies" 1 HERE.

In Summary:​

"30 Years of Autism Epidemic: Part 2" by Anne Dachel explores the complexities surrounding the dramatic increase in autism diagnoses over the past 30 years, questioning the responses and actions of various officials and organizations. The article highlights the gradual growth from one in 250 to one in 36 children being diagnosed with autism, raising concerns about the normalization of the condition and the potential negligence of those in power. It delves into several congressional hearings and testimonies by experts like Thomas Insel, M.D., emphasizing the lack of urgency and concrete actions despite the rising prevalence of autism. The article also discusses the role of environmental factors and the controversy surrounding vaccines, with numerous hearings and discussions leading to little tangible progress. It criticizes the response of the CDC and other federal bodies for their perceived evasiveness and lack of commitment to addressing the autism epidemic. The piece concludes by underscoring the influence of pharmaceutical companies and the potential implications of autism being a man-made disaster.
For a more detailed understanding, you can read the full article [here](​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Greetings, Jimi​

This January, Master Mingtong Gu is hosting a free livestream series! It will consist of a variety of types of teachings, healings, practice, and Q&A to suit everybody — leading up to celebrating the New Year of the Dragon!

Throughout these livestreams will be honoring and celebrating our Qigong for Life Mastery membership, all Retreat & Workshop grads, our Living Tao Mentorship Wisdom Circle, Magical Sunday guests, and welcoming brand new community members, too.

We will also be sharing fresh information about other upcoming NEW programming and weekly livestreams we have planned for this year. You won't want to miss it.

Gifts of the New Year:


RSVP Here: and get notified about all the dates, times, and topics of our Free Gifts of the New Year Season

Convert the time for your location here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Top 15 Healing Properties of the Ginger Family (and Some Side Effects)​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey ,

The first Two days of the 2024 Quit Sugar Summit are in the books. 🎉

Today's (Day 3) speakers are now LIVE and include some of the world's leading experts on sugar, brain health, inflammation, & mental health!

Dive in now using the link below:

>> Join us for Day 3 here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

"No matter how bleak or menacing a situation may appear, it does not entirely own us. It can’t take away our freedom
to respond, our power to take action.”​

~ Ryder Carroll



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Wow, what a fantastic night that we had over 700 people join!

This webinar is BRAND NEW (I've been working on it for the past 2 weeks).

I've never taught on this immune / inflammation / cytokine / skin rash topic like this before except in professional meetings (which I couldn't share with you since these are for practitioners only).

So many amazing questions + tons of tips and strategies that have helped clients get some pretty significant results!

>>> Watch The Replay HERE <<<​

Just be aware that it will be up for the next 72 hours... that's it.

CLICK HERE to download the Stop My Rashes Quickstart Guide webinar bonus!

If you’re interested in taking things a step further + jumping on that special upgrade expiring in 24-hours,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Top 5 Causes of Bloating
Hey Jim,

Bloating is one of the most common symptoms I see across the board.

Most people describe bloating as feeling full, tight, or swollen abdomen. Your abdomen may also be distended, hard, and painful.

Sound familiar?

If so, you're not alone. Today Evan and I are diving into the topic of bloating, and cover the different causes of bloat. We'll cover stomach pH, depression and anxiety's connection to bloating, probiotics, and more!

We'll also go over different tests you can take to get to the root of more pervasive bloating problems.

If you're ready to determine the cause of your bloating and learn what diet & lifestyle changes can help fix it, this episode is for you!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
The Top 5 Causes of Bloating | Podcast #364
In this episode, we cover:

– The role of acid-pH level in the digestive system
5:01 – The link of depression + anxiety to bloating
10:02 – The benefits of probiotics + effects of stress to digestive health
18:17 – Strategies + testing to find the root cause of bloating

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​

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