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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Liver Healing Protocols​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Aggressive Driving Tendencies? Peppermint Is A Science-Backed Solution
Road warriors, prepare to lay down arms! Scientists have discovered an incredibly simple way to help end the road rage epidemic plaguing drivers - peppermint. Just a subtle whiff as you drive may be enough to keep cool despite frustrating traffic.​
Skip the Rx, Just Breathe: How Meditation Beats Medication
With side effect warnings so long they require magnifying glasses to read, could drugs be replaced by something much simpler and safer? Science shows just minutes of meditation may be all you need to skip the pharmacy and feel better fast.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Regenerating Your Body + Busting Modern Medical Myths
In a lively discussion, Dr. Sina and Sayer Ji, from, discuss everything from how to activate and support your body’s natural resilience, whether or not viruses exist, the detoxification process behind acute illnesses, and how humans may transfer genetic upgrades to each other through their breath.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

5 Best Plant-Based Foods to Eat for Best Health & Weight​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

WITH THE WIND WITH DR. PAUL - SHOW 132; Featuring: Dr. Kelly Sutton - MD Functional Medicine

Wednesday, 1/10, our 132nd episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Click to watch!
In his From the Heart segment, Dr. Paul talks about the relationship between ego and fear and how fear often stems from an ego-driven belief that everything depends on us. He shares how the antidote to this way of thinking is love and soulful living. When we can let go of the need for control and instead focus our energy on loving others, surrounding ourselves with equally loving and soulful people, it will nurture our souls and bring all the joy, peace, and happiness we desire.
"And as bad as vaccines are, the worst thing is behind that. And that's the principle that's being established that you and I could not take care of a patient and give the patient what the patient needed. That freedom to function as a trained, ethical, responsible professional does not exist. And so if that's taken away, then we really have big issues in how to conduct a human culture together"
—Dr. Kelly Sutton
This week, we meet Dr. Kelly Sutton, a functional medicine doctor battling the Medical Board of California for her medical license. Like Dr. Paul, she is being unjustly targeted for speaking the truth. She is fighting not just to save her career but to save the future of medicine itself.
In closing, DeeDee shares from her soul a message about her hero, Dr. Gladys McGarey, author of ‘The Well-Lived Life’ and co-founder of the American Holistic Medical Association. Like Dr. Sutton, Dr. McGarey has demonstrated what it means to live a life of love while persevering and making a difference despite the challenges. She encourages all of us to follow their example.
Watch the episode here!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Some of the products in your home right now could be a source of toxins that contribute to premature aging and chronic disease. And when you know what they are, you can reduce your exposure!
That’s why my friend, health researcher Brian Vaszily, created the very-practical report: 23 Surprising Household Items That Cause Chronic Inflammation, Cancer, and Other Disease.
>> Download it here (for no charge).
In this research-based report, you’ll find out...

  • Why most people today are routinely breathing in “PBDEs” at night that may cause cancer and thyroid, liver, and brain issues, and exactly what to do about it.
  • 3 very popular approaches to cleaning your clothes that you want to avoid at all costs (linked to cancer, respiratory issues, headaches, and more).
  • Why wanting to smell good can pose surprising and serious risks very few are aware of — and the simple and safe alternatives.
  • If you have a printer in your home, what you must know and do to stay safe.
  • 3 very common kitchen items that are strongly linked to cancer, hormonal issues, metabolic disorders and more, and the safe alternatives.
  • And much more.
With your report, you’ll also get free registration for The Live Long & THRIVE Summit. In this summit, Brian’s interviewing 22 leading healthy aging and longevity doctors and researchers – each from different key areas of expertise (including yours truly). We’ll share proven steps that can help you to recover from disease, and add vitality and longevity to your life.
>> Get your complimentary report, and claim your spot, here now.
Yours for a same and nontoxic home,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. On the page right after the free and easy sign-up, be sure to see Brian reveal how 19 heartless words a doctor said years ago has everything to do with how long and how well you live.
P.P.S. You might be unintentionally exposing yourself and your loved ones to some very common items that are linked to chronic inflammation, cancer, and other diseases. Find out what they are, and how to keep your home safe, right here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
This quote stopped me in my tracks the other day:
"Your body can heal itself. It can do so because it has a healing system. If you are in good health, you will want to know about this system, because it is what keeps you in good health and because you can enhance that condition. If you or people you love are sick, you will want to know about this system, because it is the best hope for recovery." - Dr. Andrew Weil
Like Dr. Weil says, your body is well equipped to keep itself in tip top shape, but it's ESSENTIAL that you give it the right nourishment.
Remember, food is medicine.
Here is a delicious, detoxifying, and immune-boosting salad + dressing recipe to keep in your back pocket. It's nutrient-packed, easy on the digestion, and will help purify your system.
Cleansing Kale Salad Recipe

For the dressing:
- 1/2 cup of lemon juice
- 1/2 cup of olive oil
- 1 clove of garlic (minced)
- 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger (minced)
- 1 teaspoon of fresh rosemary leaves
- 1 teaspoon of raw honey
- A pinch of cayenne
- 1 tablespoon of sea salt
For the salad:

- 2 cups kale (chopped)
- 2 cups red cabbage (shredded)
- 2 cups broccoli (chopped)
- 2 carrots (shredded)
- 1 bell pepper (diced)
- 2 avocados (diced)
- 1/2 cup fresh parsley (chopped)
- 1 cup walnuts
- 1 tablespoon sesame seeds


1) Add all dressing ingredients to a medium-sized blender and process until the contents are fully integrated.

2) Slice up all the veggies and herbs, per the instructions above.

3) Put everything into a salad bowl and toss it together.

4) Enjoy!

This lemon ginger dressing alone is potent medicine that supports your immune response, modulates mood, and nourishes your digestive system. Throw in the nutrient-dense leafy greens and array of veggies and you get a delicious dose of vitamins and trace-minerals that will help your body function optimally.

I hope this recipe serves you and your family the same way it does mine!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Do you meditate, Jimi?
Or are you interested in exploring meditation as a means of healing your body, mind, and spirit?
The countless benefits of meditation are widely documented, but the truth is, there are so many types and approaches to meditation that finding the right one for you can be overwhelming.
In fact, many of us give meditation a quick try and then give up on it before we ever experience the peace, clarity, and depth possible.
That’s why I want to encourage you to attend the all-new, first-ever Art of Meditation Global Summit, taking place January 23 - 30.
This FREE online event features 55+ meditation luminaries, including practitioners of Vipassana, Zen, Tibetan, Abrahamic, and Vedic meditation traditions, as well as experts in modern mindfulness and neuroscience.
Over the course of 8 inspiring days, you’ll discover how to:
  • Develop awareness and liberating insight, freeing yourself from dualistic confusion and patterns of reactive suffering
  • Stabilize your mind and practice through calm, abiding, and focused attention practices
  • Practice mindfulness techniques to enhance focus, clarity, and happiness
  • Develop self-compassion through loving kindness and mindful self-compassion practices
  • Access and utilize powerful strategies for managing stress and transforming anxiety, trauma, addiction, and depression
  • Experience profound samadhi, bliss, and ultimate freedom through deep meditation practice
  • Directly experience your true nature and being through direct awakening practices
  • Rewire your brain for healing and thriving through meditation and compassion practices
  • And much more
If you’ve ever been curious about meditation, or if you’d like to take your current meditation practice to the next level, you won’t want to miss this.
Register now FREE of charge
P.S. This event features many of the most renowned transformational teachers of our time including Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, Sharon Salzberg, Deepak Chopra, Kristin Neff, Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, Ruth King, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Roshi Pat Enkyo O’Hara, A. H. Almaas, Sylvia Boorstein, Roshi Norman Fischer, Amoda Maa, Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, Caverly Morgan, Joseph Goldstein, Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel, Krishna Das, Cynthia Bourgeault, Tsoknyi Rinpoche, and many, many more.
The opportunity to learn and synthesize wisdom and techniques from ALL of these individuals is one I hope you’ll take advantage of. → Go here to sign up now for FREE



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Good News for HER2+ BC​

First, I want to clarify that a HER2 diagnosis is not a doom and gloom situation. There are several practical and realistic things that you can start doing TODAY to heal the cancer. Hope is within reach because you are in control of your healing journey. Now, let’s get into the details and exact tactics, not just to survive but to THRIVE.
What is HER2 Positive Breast Cancer?
HER2 (ErbB2, HER2/neu, HER2+, or HER2 Overexpression) stands for Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2. It is a protein, often found on the outside of breast cells, that can promote the growth of cancer cells. In a healthy woman’s body, HER2 stimulates normal cell growth and development and is important for cell survival.
However, for some women who have breast cancer, genes associated with an excessive expression of HER2 proteins are altered, releasing high levels of HER2 protein. This can result in cancer cells dividing and rapidly multiplying. There are several effective treatments that you can discuss with your medical team, and below are supplements that may directly combat HER2 growth.

Breast Cancer Breakthroughs​

In this special episode of the Wellness Warriors Podcast, hosts Dr. V, and Dr. Jennifer Simmons, a distinguished expert in breast cancer treatment, come together to explore the multifaceted aspects of breast cancer treatment and recovery. This episode is particularly significant as it sets the stage for the upcoming Breast Cancer Breakthroughs Online Summit, a groundbreaking event in breast cancer awareness and education.
Throughout the episode, Dr. V and Dr. Simmons share their personal journeys and insights, reflecting on how their experiences have shaped their approaches to healing and empowerment. With Dr. Simmons' extensive background in conventional medicine and holistic health, the discussion offers a unique and comprehensive perspective on breast cancer treatment.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This week's newsletter looks at new research on the connection between your mood and gut health, four modifiable risk factors for dementia, key nutrient deficiencies discovered in Alzheimer's brains, the brain benefits of weight loss surgery, and more...

-->> The growing link between microbes, mood and mental health - Knoawable Magazine (January 2024)​

New research suggests that to maintain a healthy brain, we should tend our gut microbiome. The best way to do that right now is not through pills and supplements, but better food...

-->> Just How Healthy Is Salmon? - New York Times (January 2024)​

If you choose to consume seafood you may be interested to learn why it’s such a nutritional powerhouse and if all varieties are created equal...

-->> 4 Things That Increase Your Risk Of Early Onset Dementia (That You Can Change) - MBG (January 2024)​

The phrase “rewire your brain” is used so loosely lately that it can seem more like a metaphor than a scientific reality. Is it really possible to rewire one's brain? And if so, how?

-->> Key Nutrient Deficiencies Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease Development - Integrative Practitioner (September 2023)​

A recent study featured samples of donor brains with confirmed Alzheimer’s disease and compared them to healthy elderly donor brains. Researchers found that there were substantially lower concentration levels of certain nutrients in the brain tissue...

-->> Cognitive Decline May Be Slowed by Bariatric Surgery - Technology Networks (January 2024)​

Obesity is associated with cognitive impairment and dementia, but weight loss surgery may help prevent cognitive decline...

To your health,


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Reddit Exile
This week's newsletter looks at new research on the connection between your mood and gut health, four modifiable risk factors for dementia, key nutrient deficiencies discovered in Alzheimer's brains, the brain benefits of weight loss surgery, and more...

-->> The growing link between microbes, mood and mental health - Knoawable Magazine (January 2024)​

New research suggests that to maintain a healthy brain, we should tend our gut microbiome. The best way to do that right now is not through pills and supplements, but better food...

-->> Just How Healthy Is Salmon? - New York Times (January 2024)​

If you choose to consume seafood you may be interested to learn why it’s such a nutritional powerhouse and if all varieties are created equal...

-->> 4 Things That Increase Your Risk Of Early Onset Dementia (That You Can Change) - MBG (January 2024)​

The phrase “rewire your brain” is used so loosely lately that it can seem more like a metaphor than a scientific reality. Is it really possible to rewire one's brain? And if so, how?

-->> Key Nutrient Deficiencies Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease Development - Integrative Practitioner (September 2023)​

A recent study featured samples of donor brains with confirmed Alzheimer’s disease and compared them to healthy elderly donor brains. Researchers found that there were substantially lower concentration levels of certain nutrients in the brain tissue...

-->> Cognitive Decline May Be Slowed by Bariatric Surgery - Technology Networks (January 2024)​

Obesity is associated with cognitive impairment and dementia, but weight loss surgery may help prevent cognitive decline...

To your health,
my mood depends on who i meet jimi lol


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

My interview with Greg Hunter from USA Watchdog​

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

"Masking", "Masquerading", and "Missed Diagnoses"​

If you (or somebody that you know) have chronic health symptoms of some kind and feel like you’ve tried “all of the things” that should get you well, but you still have the problem …

… it could be due to “masking”, “masquerading”, and “missed diagnoses”.

When I step back and look for explanations of why many people continue to struggle with chronic health challenges, I see two main problems that lead to a third problem...

... "masking" and "masquerading", leading to "missed diagnoses".

I believe that these are useful ways of looking at your health journey to understand what might have been missing so far that could explain why you might be stuck or not making enough progress.

I recorded a short video about it here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We know from experience that it’s easy to doubt the existence of miracles just when you need one the most. When you feel down and out, it's so hard to believe otherwise.
We also know that miracles are for everyone. Including you!
That’s why we created our brand new “From Mediocre to Miraculous” mini-series and we’re giving you instant access.
Watch today’s video, “Grounding In the Energy of Miracles” where Dr. Sue Morter shares how the simple act of breathing can unlock the miraculous…when you do it right.

>> Learn how to activate your energy for miracles when you watch this short video
Here’s the full line-up of this limited series:
  • Video 1: Opening to Self-Love and the Miraculous with Lisa Nichols
  • Video 2: Grounding In the Energy of Miracles with Dr. Sue Morter
  • Video 3: Connecting to the Flow of Miracles with Marci Shimoff
  • Video 4: Seeing Yourself in the Miracle Zone with Mike Dooley
Prefer to read instead of watch? We’ve included the video transcripts for you too!
PLUS, you’ll also receive exclusive access to a brand new, all live session with Marci, Dr. Sue and Mike happening tomorrow, Wednesday, January 11: “Moving Into Miracles: An Intimate Conversation and Guided Miracle Process”.
Watch the full series here >>



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VU Patreon


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We know from experience that it’s easy to doubt the existence of miracles just when you need one the most. When you feel down and out, it's so hard to believe otherwise.
We also know that miracles are for everyone. Including you!
That’s why we created our brand new “From Mediocre to Miraculous” mini-series and we’re giving you instant access.
Watch today’s video, “Grounding In the Energy of Miracles” where Dr. Sue Morter shares how the simple act of breathing can unlock the miraculous…when you do it right.

>> Learn how to activate your energy for miracles when you watch this short video
Here’s the full line-up of this limited series:​
  • Video 1: Opening to Self-Love and the Miraculous with Lisa Nichols
  • Video 2: Grounding In the Energy of Miracles with Dr. Sue Morter
  • Video 3: Connecting to the Flow of Miracles with Marci Shimoff
  • Video 4: Seeing Yourself in the Miracle Zone with Mike Dooley

Prefer to read instead of watch? We’ve included the video transcripts for you too!
PLUS, you’ll also receive exclusive access to a brand new, all live session with Marci, Dr. Sue and Mike happening tomorrow, Wednesday, January 11: “Moving Into Miracles: An Intimate Conversation and Guided Miracle Process”.
Watch the full series here >>
it will be a miricle if there ideas work i mean they can give you a heart transplant but they still cannot cure the common cold or tell us why we have things lie the appendix that does not do anything at all. still the more experts there are the more money gets generated.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Powerful integrative therapies for all types of cancer
We’re making progress against cancer — nearly 17 million cancer survivors in the U.S. are living proof. However, overcoming cancer isn’t easy. Cancer behaves on its own, with stealthy survival mechanisms to resist treatment and hide from immune cells.
To prevent cancer from growing and spreading, we must outwit it at every opportunity. Since cancer acts with its own intelligence, we must be smarter, stronger and more strategic.
More than 30 years of clinical experience treating cancer has shown me that integrative medicine offers some of the greatest chances for optimal outcome. A key principle involves highly individualized treatment plans that blend therapies from different medical systems — conventional, complementary, Eastern, and others — to create a broad-spectrum protocol.
There are some powerful, and extensively researched integrative treatments and approaches that offer important benefits against cancer and metastasis. These select compounds and therapies form the foundation of a successful program for many types of cancer treatment and prevention.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Upcoming Encore Weekend

Fasting & Longevity Summit Encore Weekend | January 13-15

If you missed the Fasting & Longevity Summit I have good news... they are replaying all interviews during the Encore Weekend!
During this Encore Weekend event, you’ll have the opportunity to watch all +40 speaker presentations on metabolic health, intermittent fasting, chronic conditions, and longevity science. The event is hosted by experienced functional medicine doctors, Joseph Antoun, MD, PhD, MPP, and David Jockers, DNM, DC, MS, who firmly believe that fasting is the oldest and most powerful healing technique known to humanity.
You can learn how to use fasting to better your health, battle chronic diseases, and boost your longevity. The event will include tools, tips, and community support related to fasting.
>> Click here to register for this free online event

Upcoming Speaking Event

Breast Cancer Breakthroughs | January 16 – 22

Whether you have been recently diagnosed with breast cancer or are a survivor of the disease, you will not want to miss the Breast Cancer Breakthroughs Summit, a FREE 7-day online event, where I am speaking on Day 2 on “How to Optimize Your Breast Cancer Outcomes.” I will be sharing new insights and research from my clinical experience. I will also talk about the role of mind-body medicine in cancer treatment protocols.
This summit brings together 30 leading cancer experts from around the country, covering everything from “The True Power of a Second Opinion” to “Conventional & Integrative Cancer Care — What You Need to Know” to “Love Yourself Through Your Healing Journey.”
If you register now, you will receive a collection of bonus gifts, including valuable resource guides from the speakers and special discount offers.
>> Click here to register for this free online event

Open Heart Medicine Upcoming Event

Free One-Day Online Live Meditation Retreat | January 27th, 2024

During this one-day retreat, I will introduce the principles of Open Heart Medicine, the door to our infinite healing potential. Together we will learn and practice the two basic foundational meditation practices that propel Open Heart Medicine.
I will also offer a lying down healing session as part of the one-day retreat. At the end of the full day, participants will be equipped with tools that will allow them to taste the healing power of Open Heart Medicine and develop these qualities over time.
>> Click here to register for this free online event


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Reddit Exile
Powerful integrative therapies for all types of cancer
We’re making progress against cancer — nearly 17 million cancer survivors in the U.S. are living proof. However, overcoming cancer isn’t easy. Cancer behaves on its own, with stealthy survival mechanisms to resist treatment and hide from immune cells.
To prevent cancer from growing and spreading, we must outwit it at every opportunity. Since cancer acts with its own intelligence, we must be smarter, stronger and more strategic.
More than 30 years of clinical experience treating cancer has shown me that integrative medicine offers some of the greatest chances for optimal outcome. A key principle involves highly individualized treatment plans that blend therapies from different medical systems — conventional, complementary, Eastern, and others — to create a broad-spectrum protocol.
There are some powerful, and extensively researched integrative treatments and approaches that offer important benefits against cancer and metastasis. These select compounds and therapies form the foundation of a successful program for many types of cancer treatment and prevention.​
jimi. coming from yourself or me, do you really think these experts have the slightest idea about having the "c"


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey ,

We've had over 30,000+ people attend the first 3 days of the Quit Sugar Summit and it's shaping up to be our most attended summit we've ever hosted (Thank you all for your support and dedication) 🎉

But we're not done just yet, because...

Your Day 4 presentations are now live!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi
You’ve probably seen my Activities and Exercises for Brain Health Guide. If you haven’t, you can download it for free when you sign up for today’s workshop.

By incorporating nature, social connectedness, and movement into your daily routine, you can improve your cognitive score, increase hippocampal volume, and enhance your memory. But there’s actually so much to consider when it comes to incorporating these activities into your daily lifestyle as part of a long-term therapeutic protocol!

Don’t miss out on this transformative workshop to optimize your brain health and boost your overall well-being!

Join me today while I host a free Exercise and Activities for Brain Health Live Workshop at 4:30 pm Pacific / 6:30 pm Central / 7:30 pm Eastern.

Here’s the link to register and save your place.

I want to answer your questions about these activities, and to give you a clear roadmap to implementing a lifestyle for the prevention and reversal of Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Here's what you’ll learn during today’s workshop:

  • The Optimal Day for Your Brain: Discover how to maximize the meaningful connection in life through activity. Simple solutions for brain and physical stimulation. Learn why it is important to stack activities and get ideas on how to do so. See an example of the daily schedule for Marama residents.
  • Success Stories: Hear about Dr. Sandison’s experiences with her own patients and residents and the profound effects certain activities have had on their memory, cognition, and overall brain function.
  • Specific Activities: We will share specific types of activities and guide you to create an action plan to implement these in your daily routine. I’ll provide options of how to incorporate types of activities depending on you or your loved ones level of cognitive decline.
  • Navigating Activities at Home and with Healthcare Providers: Prepare yourself to knowledgeably discuss exercise options as it relates to brain health with your care providers. Communicate effectively with those hesitant to start new activities and get the proper support and guidance you need when you go it alone.
  • Live Q&A Session: Interact directly with me to get your burning questions answered during our live Q&A session. This session offers an opportunity to clear doubts, share experiences, and gather insights to help you navigate potential challenges.
Over the years I’ve recognized how challenging it can be to implement and maintain without proper tools, support and guidance.

I’ve been stunned by the results my patients have seen when these lifestyle changes are integrated into their cognitive plan.

And that’s why you don’t want to miss Today’s Activities and Exercises for Brain Health Live Workshop.

See you there!

Dr. Heather Sandison

P.S. Seating is limited by our video conferencing provider, so please register now to secure your spot and get access to the replay. I want to be sure you don’t miss out on this vital information!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Greetings, Jimi​

Your Reminder:
The next free livestream in our Series, Gifts of the New Year, is today — January 11, 2024 at 9am MST. See the remaining series schedule below. Convert the time for your location here.

• Thursday, January 11. Review and deepen your capacity for visioning and your Lachi energy healing practice. 9am-10:30am MST
• Saturday, January 13. ChiTV Healing Session with Master Mingtong Gu 730pm-8:20pm
• Sunday, January 14. Magical Sunday ChiTV: Sunday The Importance, benefit, and meaning of Qigong movements through guided practice. 11am-12:30pm MST
• Tuesday, January 16. Tuesday ChiTV: Address the deep challenges of life through the 3-A’s practice. 9am-10:30am MST
• Thursday, January 18. Discover “The 5 Homes” from which to Cultivate Spiritual Fulfillment, Wholeness, and Connection. 9am-10:30am MST
We hope to see you online soon!

Note: All the replays for the free series can be found here

Radiant Blessings ,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Learning that you have breast cancer is a huge challenge, and it’s completely natural to feel overwhelmed, confused, and maybe even angry.
But I want to assure you that there’s hope, and you’re not alone on this journey.
Beyond the conventional treatments like chemotherapy and radiation, there are alternative approaches that can help you manage and heal from breast cancer in a more natural and holistic way.
These approaches not only focus on killing the tumor – but also take into account your physical healing and emotional well-being.
That’s why I’m excited to invite you to the Breast Cancer Breakthroughs Summit, a fr-ee online event that has the power to transform your life. It’s a unique opportunity to gather valuable information and connect with others who understand what you’re going through.
Here are just a few of the many benefits you’ll get when you join the summit:
  • Learn from the world’s leading experts in integrative oncology and functional medicine.
  • Get the latest research and insights on holistic approaches to managing and healing from breast cancer.
  • Discover natural and effective ways to reduce stress, and inflammation, and detoxify your body.
  • Create a personalized plan for healing and thriving.
  • Connect with a supportive community of women who are on the same journey.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn from the best and take control of your health.
Register for the Breast Cancer Breakthroughs Summit today! <<
Dr. V
P.S. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. By joining the Breast Cancer Breakthroughs Summit, you’re not only gaining valuable knowledge and insights but also becoming a part of a supportive community of women who are facing similar challenges. Together, we can find strength, share stories, and uplift each other on the path to healing.
We’re here for you every step of the way! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
COVID Vaccinated Children More Likely to Be Hospitalized for Respiratory Illness
A recent CDC study found vaccinated children face higher risks of hospitalization for respiratory illness, raising alarming questions about COVID shot safety in young children.​
Epigenetic Marvel: Vitamin C Helps Toddlers Breathe Easier If Mothers Smoke During Pregnancy
Your choices today could change your family's health four generations from now - for better or worse. Emerging research on epigenetics shows that environmental toxins, nutrition, stress and other lifestyle factors flip genetic switches to amplify disease risk across generations. But healthy behaviors also echo through your family tree.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Nature's 30 Most Potent Foods to Detoxify Your Body Safely


Healing Pain Sneak Peak: Turn On Health/Turn Off Pain with Dr. Joel Bohémier
Beginning with understanding what pain is and why some people are more vulnerable to it than others. Finding a strategy that works for you is imperative, as everyone’s path towards dis-ease and healing is entirely unique.

In this comprehensive masterclass, Sayer Ji and some of our favorite experts weigh in and provide you with their own stories on healing pain and guide you to tools and resources that address pain from a holistic viewpoint.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

How To Turbo Boost Your Immunity With Mushrooms​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Digital School Tour and Q&A​

A Special Behind the scenes look at the Homegrown Herbalist School Platform
Live January 11th at 6pm MST​

Hey Folks!
Join us tonight at 6pm MST for an exciting live stream event with Dr. Patrick Jones, founder of the Homegrown Herbalist School of Botanical Medicine, as we take you on a virtual journey through our comprehensive and engaging herbal medicine course. In this special live stream, you'll get an exclusive sneak peek into the rich content and unique learning experiences that our school offers.

Experience firsthand the depth and breadth of our curriculum, which covers everything from plant identification to the practical skills of making your own herbal remedies. Dr. Jones, a seasoned Naturopathic Doctor, Veterinarian and Clinical Herbalist, will guide you through the key aspects of the course, showcasing our hands-on approach to learning and the flexibility of our online platform.

Whether you're a budding herbal enthusiast or a seasoned practitioner looking to expand your knowledge, this live stream is an ideal opportunity to see how the Homegrown Herbalist School can enrich your understanding and application of herbal medicine.

Don’t miss this once-in-a-lifetime peek behind the curtain and see what the school is all about!
The Free Webinar begins in:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Well, not into a bar exactly, Jimi, but I am writing today to invite you to join me and more than 50 other meditation teachers for the upcoming…

During the 8 days of the summit, the other teachers and I will be sharing some of our most effective meditation techniques to give you a wide range of new ways to deepen your practice and accelerate your awakening.

You’ll hear from so many highly respected meditation masters, including Cynthia Bourgeault, Jon Kabatt-Zinn, Joseph Goldstein, Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, Sharon Salzberg, Deepak Chopra, Kristin Neff, Ruth King, Roshi Pat Enkyo O-Hara, A. H. Almaas, Roshi Norman Fischer, Amoda Maa, Caverly Morgan, and many others.

During the summit, you’ll also be able to interact with a global community of like-minded others, and if you’re not able to watch the daily sessions when they air, you’ll have access to the replays for 48 hours afterward.

Join me for the first-ever, Free ‘Art of Meditation Global Summit’

Since you’re part of my community, I know I don’t have to try to sell you on the benefits of meditation, but I hope you’ll watch these free sessions to learn what all of these amazing teachers want to share with you.

Free streaming of the summit starts Tuesday, January 23rd at 4am Pacific Time / 7am Eastern.

Go here to see the full lineup of teachers, and sign up for the Summit at no charge

I hope you’ll join me for this enlightening free experience.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey ,

There's just 12 hours left to watch the Day 4 presentations. A few of the things you'll learn today are:
  • Why children should avoid sugar at all costs
  • How to reverse dementia and memory loss
  • The amazing health power of algae
  • Plus a whole lot more!
If you haven't attended today yet, hit the link below and dive in now!

>> Join Day 4 here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Organic Coffee Vs Conventional Coffee:

Coffee is one of the most widely traded commodities in the world – with over 12 billion pounds of coffee produced annually. Because of this, certain farming methods have been developed to maximize production. Unfortunately, these techniques are detrimental to human and environmental health. In fact, conventional coffee is one of the most heavily chemically treated crops in the world.
Here are 5 reasons to choose certified organic coffee over conventional coffee in the new year.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
One year ago, on the heels of ICAN obtaining the check-the-box portion of the V-safe data, another lawsuit was brought to demand that CDC release the critical “free text” entries collected by V-safe—CDC’s safety monitoring system for the COVID-19 vaccines. A federal judge has now ordered the release of all 7.8 million entries over the next 12 months!
V-safe, the vaccine safety monitoring system rolled out for COVID-19 vaccines, was touted by CDC as part of “the most intensive safety monitoring effort in U.S. history.” But despite continued claims that the vaccines are safe and effective, CDC refused to release the V-safe data to back this up. As ICAN supporters will recall, it took two previous lawsuits, for ICAN to finally obtain the check-the-box portion of the V-safe data, which can be found on our V-safe Dashboard.
However, one critical part of V-safe data was missing: the free-text fields. These are fields where users could type in up to 250 characters about anything they wanted, such as details on their additional symptoms or their medical care. One of the reasons the free-text data is so important is because the check-the-box data previously released to ICAN, beyond being able to report seeking medical care or being unable to perform normal life functions, only tracked minor and generalized reactions such as “Chills,” “Headache,” “Fatigue or tiredness,” and “Vomiting.” Thus, the only place for participants to report serious and anticipated adverse reactions, including myocarditis, was in these free-text fields, making this data crucial to understanding COVID-19 vaccines’ safety profile and our federal health authorities’ resulting actions.
We are therefore thrilled to announce that in a lawsuit against CDC, brought by the lawyers that regularly represent ICAN on behalf of the Freedom Coalition of Doctors for Choice, District Court Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk ordered CDC to produce every single free-text entry sought within just over a year, by January 15, 2025! This is a huge win for transparency.
Although CDC argued that producing the entries was too burdensome and therefore it should never have to do so, the Court vehemently disagreed and granted expedited processing, recognizing that:
The development and distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine was one of the greatest endeavors in recent history. Predictably, the American public now seeks access to COVID-related papers to ensure that relevant government policies were — and still are — supported and justified by the available data. That is precisely what FOIA contemplates and facilitates.
In this brilliant 29-page ruling, which you can read in full here, the Court also noted that the
“Production of the free-text data will permit independent researchers to put the government agencies to their proof by considering all of the available data.”
What an outstanding way to start the New Year! This ruling sends a clear message to our federal agencies: we are not moving on and forgetting about the pandemic or the actions they took. ICAN will not stop until ALL the data is released to the public and there is true transparency and accountability around COVID-19.
The first production of at least 390,000 entries will be produced by February 15, 2024. ICAN will be sure to alert you when this happens and will make the data available to the public.
In the meantime, catch up on some of ICAN’s additional work on COVID-19 policy:

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