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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
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Adequate Sleep Removes Brain Toxins

Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D., writes:

For many years, the exact reasons for sleep have been a difficult puzzle for scientists to put together. Some say it rejuvenates the exhausted brain, yet we know that the brain remains quite active during sleep, when memories are consolidated. Some studies have suggested that our most creative thoughts occur when we are asleep. Studies on brain activity and metabolism also suggest that rest is not the primary objective of sleep.

The discovery of the brain’s glymphatic system may provide the answer to the question of why we sleep. Scientists have found that during sleep, the brain actually shrinks slightly, opening glymphatic channels that allow greater clearance of toxic molecules from the brain’s tissues. In fact, the glymphatic system works best when we are asleep.

Special: Over 50? Beware of These Three Common Myths About Sleep

On the other hand, when people are awake and mentally busy, glymphatic flow slows and toxic molecules build up in the brain. Sleep is required to clear the waste that accumulates during the daytime. Careful studies using animals have demonstrated that the brain’s glymphatic system worked best when sleeping on the side, rather than on the back.

Dr. Jerry Lemole has studied the glymphatic system carefully, and is working on the details of how its impairment is linked to Alzheimer’s disease and (possibly) other neurodegenerative disorders. He is also writing a book on how to improve lymphatic flow.

How much sleep a person needs varies, especially with aging. Older people may need as little as five to six hours of restful sleep a night, while younger children require at least eight hours.

Sleep is critical for childhood growth, as each time children fall asleep their pituitary gland secretes a burst of growth hormone. This is true even for short naps. If repeated or prolonged, sleep deprivation can result in damage to the brain, especially the hippocampus.

The compound gotu kola (Centella asiatica) has been shown to reduce anxiety and stress and lessen injury to the brain caused by sleep deprivation. It can also be used to treat insomnia.

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) also reduces stress and anxiety — and importantly, lowers elevated levels of cortisol, which is known to damage the hippocampus and to cause insomnia and waking in the middle of the night.

Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D., is editor of The Blaylock Wellness Report and a nationally recognized board-certified neurosurgeon, health practitioner, author, and lecturer.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
jimi. coming from yourself or me, do you really think these experts have the slightest idea about having the "c"

Walton are you doing okay?

Jimi will speak for himself, and I know he has educated himself continuously on preventing cancer and healing from it.

For myself, I can only say that there are preventions, treatments and cures out there but you have to be aware of them, and, again for myself, I do NOT believe in any pharmaceutical scam. Pharma wants to make money from cancer, not cure it. In fact I recently heard an exposé on the numbers of billions of dollars the cancer and diabetes organizations have received in the decades since they started, yet still saying "no cure, only treatment". They are LYING. The organizations are co-opted by pharma, science and education are captured by pharma, a for-profit industry that makes money from treatments, not cures.

Take care of yourself. Take a look at Health Ranger, Mercola and other sites. If they have been banned from YouTube it's usually a good sign they're onto the truth.


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Reddit Exile
Walton are you doing okay?

Jimi will speak for himself, and I know he has educated himself continuously on preventing cancer and healing from it.

For myself, I can only say that there are preventions, treatments and cures out there but you have to be aware of them, and, again for myself, I do NOT believe in any pharmaceutical scam. Pharma wants to make money from cancer, not cure it. In fact I recently heard an exposé on the numbers of billions of dollars the cancer and diabetes organizations have received in the decades since they started, yet still saying "no cure, only treatment". They are LYING. The organizations are co-opted by pharma, science and education are captured by pharma, a for-profit industry that makes money from treatments, not cures.

Take care of yourself. Take a look at Health Ranger, Mercola and other sites. If they have been banned from YouTube it's usually a good sign they're onto the truth.
thanks bliss its a battle.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
it will be a miricle if there ideas work i mean they can give you a heart transplant but they still cannot cure the common cold or tell us why we have things lie the appendix that does not do anything at all. still the more experts there are the more money gets generated.

I'm really not trying to start arguments. I'm just trying to spread some common sense. The common cold doesn't need curing. It's just the way the body de-toxes itself from exposures, impurities in the air, etc. They tend to occur when seasons change and things are swirling in the air. We emerge from a cold feeling better, feeling stronger. We have evolved over perhaps hundreds of thousands of years getting little colds and nasty colds, surrounding toxins and impurities with mucus, hacking them out of our lungs, sleeping more, eating broth and applesauce. I'm not saying a cold is good for us. I'm just saying there's no reason to spend billions trying to cure it.


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Reddit Exile
I'm really not trying to start arguments. I'm just trying to spread some common sense. The common cold doesn't need curing. It's just the way the body de-toxes itself from exposures, impurities in the air, etc. They tend to occur when seasons change and things are swirling in the air. We emerge from a cold feeling better, feeling stronger. We have evolved over perhaps hundreds of thousands of years getting little colds and nasty colds, surrounding toxins and impurities with mucus, hacking them out of our lungs, sleeping more, eating broth and applesauce. I'm not saying a cold is good for us. I'm just saying there's no reason to spend billions trying to cure it.
i understand bliss its cool

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Last edited:


Cranky Old Fart
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
jimi. coming from yourself or me, do you really think these experts have the slightest idea about having the "c"
Well for eight and a half years I have thought so and it's kept me here above ground. Maybe take stock in some of these cancer posts I am puttin on, yours bein an earlier stage of cancer you'd stand a better chance than I, so take it for what's it worth my friend.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi, did you watch my latest video today?

In this empowering video from the Becoming Cancer Free Masterclass, you’ll discover an often disregarded yet crucial aspect of your cancer journey — your support system.

Facing any disease, especially cancer, is a monumental challenge… but one that should never be faced alone.

And even if you’re just aiming to prevent cancer, who you surround yourself with can make a significant difference.

This video is all about how to assemble a team that empowers you with knowledge, strength, and unwavering support.

Watch it right here before it goes offline.

Here’s a few key points this video drives home:

Identifying the Right Experts: Learn how to choose specialists who align with your unique needs and goals.

Building a Supportive Network: Discover strategies to foster a supportive environment that nurtures your physical and emotional well-being.

Navigating Challenges Together: Understand how your team can help you overcome the toughest hurdles on your journey to recovery.

Watch the video HERE (video expires tomorrow).

Remember, you are not alone in this fight. Together, we can conquer cancer and emerge stronger than ever before.

Yours in health,


Diamond Contributor
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Ryan Cole, MD: Board Restricts Doctor's License Over COVID Misinfo

Mayo Clinic trained, brilliant doc gets slapped for misinformation. The brazenness is increasing--they are willing to overtly challenge Freedom of Speech now. Look what is coming down the pike, folks.​

JAN 12
by Jennifer Henderson, Enterprise & Investigative Writer, MedPage Today January 11, 2024. [This enterprising reporter works for Editor in Chief Dr. Jeremy Faust, the witness you couldn’t pin down at my hearing—Nass]
 A photo of Ryan Cole, MD, speaking at a Defeat The Mandates rally in Washington, DC.
The Medical Commission in Washington state has restricted the license of Idaho pathologist Ryan Cole, MD.
In an order dated January 4, the commission concluded that Cole spread misinformation related to COVID-19and failed to meet the standard of care for a number of patients during the pandemic.
As a result, the commission restricted Cole from engaging in the practice of primary care medicine and from prescribing medications for patients, limiting his practice of medicine in the state to pathology.
Specifically, the commission found that Cole "engaged in multiple acts of dishonesty when he made numerous demonstrably false and/or misleading statements [in] presentations regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, COVID-19 vaccines, the use of ivermectin to treat COVID-19, and the effectiveness of masks."
This "raises concerns that the respondent may use his professional position as a physician to harm members of the public," the commission stated.
Furthermore, the commission found that Cole failed to meet the standard of care when it came to four patients treated via telemedicine in 2021. This included prescribing medications, such as ivermectin, not indicated for a COVID infection.
Cole also continued to engage in misrepresentation during a September 2023 hearing on the matter, and he interfered with the investigation "when he provided a written statement to the commission stating that he had not advised patients or the general public to refrain from getting the COVID-19 vaccine," the commission stated.
Stipulations of the order restricting Cole's license include that, within 6 months, he must complete continuing medical education courses in the topics of COVID-19, pulmonary and respiratory diseases, medical record-keeping, and telehealth. Within 9 months, he must write and submit a 1,000-word paper to the commission, "addressing professionalism, truthfulness, and honesty in medicine."
Cole must also pay a $5,000 fine to the commission, among other stipulations.
Failure to comply with the conditions of the order may result in the suspension and/or revocation of Cole's license, the commission stated.
For his part, Cole contended that the commission's requested sanctions were too onerous, according to the January 4 order: "Respondent argues that patients he treated never suffered harm. He further argues that his presentations did not constitute the practice of medicine and, in any event, he only made statements that he believed to be true."
Ultimately, a petition for reconsideration may be filed within 10 days, and any petition for judicial review must be filed and served within 30 days, the order noted.
Legal counsel for Cole did not immediately respond to request for comment.
Cole has held a medical license in Washington state since 2007, with no prior disciplinary action against it. His medical license in Idaho, where he is based, remains active with no action against it.
Back in 2021, the Idaho Medical Association called on its state medical board to investigate Coleover his prescribing of ivermectin to COVID-19 patients. That same year, Cole and his laboratory, Cole Diagnostics, parted ways with St. Luke's Health Partners, an integrated health network in Idaho.
Cole had also appeared in a viral documentaryreleased in 2022 called "Died Suddenly," which claimed COVID shots were connected to unusual blood clots and the sudden onset of cancer.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey ,

Why would a medical school professor teach lies to his students?

And how could that same professor also hold the answer to preventing and reversing many of your chronic diseases?

Well, that's exactly what we'll be sharing with you on today's Day 5 presentations!

>> Click here to watch & listen now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
John Joseph: From Mean Streets to Wellness | Nathan Crane Podcast Episode 45

Join me and John Joseph in an inspiring conversation about transformation, health, and the power of a plant-based lifestyle. Dive deep into John's incredible journey from the mean streets of NYC to becoming an Ironman athlete. Discover the spiritual practices that guided him through life's toughest moments. Don't miss this epic tale of resilience and triumph!

-->> Watch Here
Blue Zones: Fact or Fiction

Dive deep into this engaging conversation I had with Jason Prall as we explore the profound mysteries of longevity. Discover astonishing genetic uniqueness, the influence of environments, and captivating cultural practices. Can we decode and adapt these secrets to our dynamic, modern lives? Unveil the truth about the Blue Zones and find out if you can transform your health for the better.

-->> Watch here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Osteoporosis and osteopenia are two of the most devastating diseases that can really do a number on you, affecting your mobility, independence, and how you enjoy your life.

A lot of people who suffer from these only realize how much it takes away from their lives when it’s too late, and the only solutions are expensive medicines or procedures.

But there’s a way to strengthen your bones and prevent these diseases early on…

And it’s by eating bone-building dishes!

To help you get started, Margie Bissinger is offering a F.REE e-book packed with delightful recipes designed to boost your bone health.

Grab your F.REE copy of this e-book now!
This resource features 15 delicious, gluten-free recipes that not only bring joy to your kitchen but also deliver all the nutrients your bones need to be stronger and healthier.

But that's not all!

When you download this f.ree recipe book, you’ll also get yourself a ticket to the upcoming online event, More Natural Approaches to Osteoporosis and Bone Health 2.0 which runs from January 15 - 21, 2024.

For this event, Margie has gathered over 50 experts on bone health who will share their expertise, best practices and insights to help you enhance and safeguard your bone health.

Don’t wait another day and seize this opportunity before you start feeling your bones get weak!

Get your F.REE bone-building recipe book + reserve your spot for the upcoming event.

To healthier bones,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

Really quick, we’re opening doors at a huge discount to Energy Medicine Yoga (EMYoga) live classes inside Healing Life on January 16th. We’ll be showing you how this powerful program has been helping people heal from all kinds of chronic health conditions and take their lives back to normal.

It goes against what most doctors, conventional medicine, and other healing ‘gurus’ teach.

But the proof is in the pudding ;-)

We're only allowing 100 people to join and we want everyone in the Healing Life Community to get the first chance.

Join the early bird list below - we sent an email last night and 57 spots on the early bird list were taken right away.

When you click the link below you will go to a page that will give you confirmation that your spot in line is saved.

Join The Early Bird List - Discover How People like you are using EMYoga to Prevent and Heal Chronic Health Conditions


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Did you know that the average woman in the United States uses 12 personal care products each day, containing 168 different chemicals?
Because some ingredients in products can penetrate the skin and go as deep as the bloodstream, it's important to choose products with the most organic ingredients that you can.
Some of the natural ingredients that excite natural health researcher of over 20 years, Brian Vaszily are found in the red maple leaf. Read what he has to say about them in this excerpt from our last interview.
Excerpt from Brian Vaszily Interview
Nature is pretty darn cool. And nature still knows what it’s doing. Far more than any human being in a lab coat. And nature really does provide, I promise you. This includes, if you want to reduce wrinkles, any type of thing, if you want to address acne, if you want to just smell nice in a healthy way, nature is an abundance of things that we’re still discovering out there.
One of my favorites is in 2018, the University of Rhode Island, they discovered that red maple leaf extracts block elastase in the skin. There’s over a hundred compounds, including 17 not found anywhere else in nature that actually block elastase, which is the enzyme that causes the breakdown of elastin. And it’s only because they looked and kind of followed in that sense, Native
Americans for generations, eons, cherishing maple trees here, that they decided to look, you know?
And the more we look at what nature’s giving us, the more obvious it becomes, wow, nature’s a whole lot smarter and a lot safer in what it’s providing us to feed our bodies, to smell good, to look better, to nourish our skin, to nourish our bodies, to nourish our hair, and so on and so forth.
Nature knows what it’s doing.

Red maple leaf extracts are becoming more widely available in beauty products, so keep an eye out for them if you're looking to naturally reverse signs of aging.
Another great thing you can do for your health is to look for USDA certified organic beauty products in the US or the equivalent in your part of the world.
In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How can one food be rich in antioxidants, vitamins, AND immune-boosting compounds? Mushrooms are an incredible medicinal food.

Because mushrooms come in many varieties, they are very versatile in the kitchen. This Sticky Shiitake Mushrooms recipe is one of our favorites, and it's soon to be one of yours too!
CLICK HERE for the recipe. >>
Here are three reasons to add this recipe to your regular meal rotation:
🍄 Immune Support: Shiitake mushrooms are known to enhance the immune system, helping your body ward off illnesses.
🍄 Anti-Inflammatory Properties: These mushrooms contain compounds that may reduce inflammation, contributing to a healthier, more resilient body.
🍄 Vitamin Boost: Packed with essential vitamins like B and D, shiitake mushrooms can support your overall health and vitality.
We would love to know if you try this recipe! Leave a comment on the recipe page, and let us know your thoughts.
In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Should you adopt a low-fat diet? Is it important to get enough omega-3s? Are monounsaturated fats good for you? What about coconut oil?
Get the whole skinny on fat, right here.
Yours for the good, the bad, and the truth about fats,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Fat, along with carbohydrates and protein, is one of three critical macronutrients in the human diet. It serves many essential functions in your body. But too much of the wrong kind can be a serious problem. Here’s what you need to know about fat.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Reason Behind Disturbed Sleep Found in 60% of Pineal Glands
Is your pineal gland, the "seat of the soul" that controls sleep rhythms, turning to stone? Over 60% of people unknowingly suffer from this condition.​
Beyond Minoxidil: Pumpkin Seed Oil Restores Female Hair Loss
Could humble pumpkin seed oil really be just as effective as pharmaceuticals at restoring female pattern hair loss? See what the research has to say.​


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Reddit Exile
How can one food be rich in antioxidants, vitamins, AND immune-boosting compounds? Mushrooms are an incredible medicinal food.

Because mushrooms come in many varieties, they are very versatile in the kitchen. This Sticky Shiitake Mushrooms recipe is one of our favorites, and it's soon to be one of yours too!
CLICK HERE for the recipe. >>
Here are three reasons to add this recipe to your regular meal rotation:
🍄 Immune Support: Shiitake mushrooms are known to enhance the immune system, helping your body ward off illnesses.
🍄 Anti-Inflammatory Properties: These mushrooms contain compounds that may reduce inflammation, contributing to a healthier, more resilient body.
🍄 Vitamin Boost: Packed with essential vitamins like B and D, shiitake mushrooms can support your overall health and vitality.
We would love to know if you try this recipe! Leave a comment on the recipe page, and let us know your thoughts.
In good health,
mushrooms are the best they fix so much
Hi Jimi,
Should you adopt a low-fat diet? Is it important to get enough omega-3s? Are monounsaturated fats good for you? What about coconut oil?
Get the whole skinny on fat, right here.
Yours for the good, the bad, and the truth about fats,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Fat, along with carbohydrates and protein, is one of three critical macronutrients in the human diet. It serves many essential functions in your body. But too much of the wrong kind can be a serious problem. Here’s what you need to know about fat.

how do you make 2 kilos of fat look good jimi? you stick a nipple on the end..oh oh


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If you missed Tuesday’s live broadcast of our very first Q&A Cancer Conversation of 2024, don’t worry, we have you covered.
Cancer Conversation Season 3 Episode 1 Full Video

Dr. Roney wasn’t able to join in this week, however, Dr. Ptak took the reins and tackled some of your most pressing health questions. You can access the entire video here.

Just a handful of topics Dr. Ptak addressed included:

  • What is the best screening to do before age 40?
  • How long is treatment at the Cancer Center for Healing?
  • How does the hyperbaric chamber work for cancer treatment?
  • Is GRAIL the best test for early prevention?
  • I’m hoping to get some clarity around non-melanoma skin cancers…
  • …and much, much more!


Diamond Contributor
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Attorneys at Door to Freedom and Iustitia Movimento Europa have challenged the EU's Health Directorate to respond to additional questions regarding the EU's competence to negotiate with the WHO

The EU is not a member of the WHO. It has limited competencies on which it may represent its 27 member states.​

JAN 12
We sent our inquiry today. We additionally challenged them on the issue of sovereignty transfer. The EU has 15 days to respond, and can take an additional 15 days more if it desires. Here is our confirmation from the EU that our request was received and has been posted. See our letter below.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
According to the Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation, 54 million Americans have low bone density or osteoporosis. In fact, about 1 in 2 women and up to 1 in 4 men over the age of 50 will break a bone due to osteoporosis. The disease causes an estimated 2 million broken bones every year.*

At HealthMeans, we want to help raise awareness about this silent disease, so be sure to watch the free event, More Natural Approaches to Osteoporosis and Bone Health 2.0, starting on Monday, January 15, 2024, at 10:00 am U.S. Eastern.

--->>Save your spot here!

In the meantime, we've unlocked a talk from the HealthMeans Learning Center that will get you moving in the right direction with your bone health.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Would you like to learn a Whole Body Approach to Osteoporosis? Great! That is the title of the talk we’ve unlocked for you this week.

You'll Learn:

  • What causes bone loss?
  • Identifying stressors that break down bone
  • Nutrients for stronger bones
Best of all, you'll learn how to take better care of your bones!

--->>Click here to watch/listen today!

Dr. Kim Millman, a functional medicine expert trained at Stanford/UCSF/USC, specializes in bone health and natural medicine. With over 30 years of experience, she focuses on helping women with thin bones strengthen them holistically, aiming to enhance their long-term independence and activity.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

State’s Attorneys General Send Scathing Letter Opposing NACs, and House Resources Committee Initiates Oversight of natural Asset Corporations​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
My favorite cancer conference is coming up next month (starting Feb 22), which is back to back with ANOTHER amazing cancer conference, and Teddy and I will be sharing our story on stage…

and also answering questions on all we’ve learned about navigating the cancer journey for whoever wants to come at our roundtable…

Plus hanging around for both entire events in general and meeting as many people as we can!

The Annie Appleseed conference was actually the first place we ever got to share our story with a live audience.

The founder, Ann Fonfa, found us early on, shortly after we first made our website, and said if we could make it there, she’d pay for the hotel…

We were tens of thousands of dollars in debt at the time, but we put it out on social media that we could use some help getting there and some very generous people made it happen. :)

Anyway, long story short, it’s a very special conference to me, both sentimentally and practically…

as it’s SUPER patient / layman focused & centered - they’ve got top cancer doctors flying in from all over the world to give talks to regular people in a language they can understand…

and the food is actually ORGANIC! Can’t tell you how many health conferences I go to and shake my head at the food that gets served. :)

Anyway, like I said, this year is really cool as they’re teaming up with the Best Answers for Cancer conference, which is a bit more high level / physician focused (but still amazing education for anyone)…

And having both conferences back to back. We’ll be at both and would love to get to hang out with you if you want to meet us there!

This is the Annie Appleseed conference, and this is Best Answers for Cancer.
I’m told they’re both getting close to filling up so grab tickets now if you want to go!

- Ryan Sternagel & The Anti-Cancer Revolution Team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey ,

WOW! We have a few very special speaker presentations prepared for you today including a pioneer of the fitness industry...

Elaine Lalanne! 🥳

If you're not familiar with Elaine, you will be after listening to her presentation today. She's known as "The First Lady Of Physical Fitness" and is loved by thousands for her warmth, spontaneity, and personal inspiration to others toward a greater joy of living.

You definitely don't want to miss today's speakers!

>> Dive into Day 6 now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
My Favorite Anti-Inflammatory Bread Recipe

This is a savory grain-free, low-carb, ketogenic cauliflower bread recipe that is full of healthy fats, fiber and immune supporting herbs.

If you want to enjoy some great bread on an anti-inflammatory nutrition plan, then you will love this!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Brain Regeneration: 12 Ways to Heal Brain Cells

Brain regeneration is an important concept that is critical in today’s environment. Your brain is the command center of your nervous system and the center of all of your body’s functions and systems.

The health of your brain is essential for your memory, learning, mental energy, and mood, and the prevention of mental health issues and neurodegenerative disorders.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Imagine finding a kitchen staple in a mechanic's toolbox 50 years ago. Yes, you read that right! A popular cooking oil, now a fixture in pantries worldwide, was once used as an engine lubricant in garages.

It's a tale that blurs the lines between food manufacturing and industrial applications, leaving us with pressing questions about the food on our plates.

>>[Article] Cooking Oil Unmasked: From Engine Lubricant to Tabletop Staple

As you read, you'll discover how this oil made such a dramatic leap, what it means for your health, and why some experts are sounding the alarm. This article is more than a revelation; it's a crucial insight into the often obscure world of food production. You'll also find a list of the healthy oils that you should be using.

Your kitchen will never look the same after this.

>>Dive into the article to explore the full story.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How to Stop Prediabetes From Turning Into Diabetes

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Prediabetes, a health condition affecting more than 96 million American adults, occurs when blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not high enough to be diagnosed as Type 2 diabetes.

A normal blood sugar level is less than 100 mg/dL. In prediabetes, the level is between 100 and 125. In diabetes, it is above 125.

Special: The 21-Day Diabetes Solution

The good news is that a 12-year study of 918 participants over age 60 who were diagnosed with prediabetes found that people with the condition are less likely to develop Type 2 diabetes than originally thought.

According to the study, conducted by the Aging Research Center at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, 22% of participants reverted to normal blood sugar levels, while 13% of participants developed diabetes.

Things such as having lower systolic blood pressure, no heart disease, and a healthy weight could all help in reverting blood sugar levels back to normal.

Adopting healthy lifestyle strategies like a plant-based diet, cutting back on sugar, exercising at least 30 minutes a day, and losing weight can help adjust those factors that turn prediabetes into a more dangerous condition.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Is your brain made of plastic?

No, but it isplastic. That means it can be moulded and changed, well past your childhood.

Let us, then, talk neuroplasticity. Because your amazing brain can change your life for the better (you just need to know how) ⭐

Juggling: Not Just a Circus Skill 🎪

Did you know that learning new skills like juggling can lead to significant changes in your brain? Research has demonstrated that adults who learn to juggle develop new brain connections. (1) My gorgeous 71-year-old mother and I have been practising this together. What we lack in skill we make up in laughs 😂

Positivity: A Pathway to Brain Health 😊

Positive thinking can do more than just lift your spirits – it can also reshape your brain. Studies have shown that practices like affirmation can alter the brain’s structure, enhancing emotional well-being and resilience.(2) Time to stand in front of the mirror and practice those self-affirmations then!

The Vital Role of Sleep in Brain Health 💤

Sleep is a crucial component in our brain’s ability to process and retain information. Quality sleep is essential for neuroplasticity, helping our brains to consolidate new skills and memories. (3) It's your brain's way of recharging and rejuvenating every night (so make sure you get your shut-eye tonight!) 🔋

Lifelong Learning: Growth in Older Age 🌱

Contrary to popular belief, it’s never too late for our brains to grow and change. Studies focusing on older adults have found that engaging in new learning experiences can lead to significant brain improvements, even in later life. (4) This ongoing ability to adapt and develop is a powerful aspect of neuroplasticity, showing that age is not a barrier to brain development.

I also want to share an exciting opportunity with you: the Trauma Super Conference. It's an event that delves deeper into understanding our brain's capacity for change and healing. This conference is not just about learning – it's about celebrating the incredible capabilities of our minds.

To your amazing brain,

Sarah Otto


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Greetings, Jimi​

Your Reminder:

The next free livestream in our Series, Gifts of the New Year, is a Healing Session scheduled for TONIGHT — January 13, 2024 at 7:30pm - 8:20pm MST.​

During the healing session, Master Mingtong activates the Wisdom Healing Qigong energetic flow through a combination of English, Chinese, Tibetan, and Sanskrit. Participants online are invited to engage in their own process of mindful intention — to help absorb, assimilate, and activate healing and transformation on a cellular level.
To prepare for this healing session, find a comfortable, quiet place you can relax for about an hour. Get cozy with a blanket, pillows, eye mask, headphones, etc. When the session begins, you can close your eyes. There's nothing to see online – no movements to follow. Simply tune in, relax, and receive the transmission as Master Mingtong activates the energy for everyone connected in the local and non-local chi field.

See the remaining series schedule below. Convert the time for your location here.

• Saturday, January 13. ChiTV Healing Session with Master Mingtong Gu 7:30pm-8:20pm
• Sunday, January 14. Magical Sunday ChiTV: Sunday The Importance, benefit, and meaning of Qigong movements through guided practice. 11am-12:30pm MST
• Tuesday, January 16. Tuesday ChiTV: Address the deep challenges of life through the 3-A’s practice. 9am-10:30am MST
• Thursday, January 18. Discover “The 5 Homes” from which to Cultivate Spiritual Fulfillment, Wholeness, and Connection. 9am-10:30am MST
We hope to see you online soon!

Note: All the replays for the free series can be found here

Radiant Blessings ,

VU Sponsors
