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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Herb Curcumin Shown To Be Effective In Reducing Arthritis Symptoms
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a painful and debilitating autoimmune disease that can lead to a substantial loss of mobility and function, if not adequately treated. While gradual disfiguration of flexible joints in the fingers are a characteristic sign of this disorder, RA has the potential to affect many tissues and organs by contributing to chronic, systemic inflammatory activity. Estimates are that RA activity beyond the joints, also known as extra-articular rheumatoid arthritis, affects 15-25% of all individuals afflicted by the condition.....
Vitamin D Deficiency Linked To Cardiovascular Disease
Vitamin D deficiency has now been shown to increase the risk of fatal cardiovascular disease (CVD).
The lead researchers, Drs Laura Perna and Ben Schottker, German Cancer Research Center (Heidelberg) report:
“Although our results were able to confirm an approximately 27% increased total CV risk in subjects with vitamin D deficiency, they indicate that the risk is much stronger for (and possibly even confined to) fatal CVD events,” The findings were published in the December issue of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.....
Research at a Glance Autoimmune Illnesses
Autoimmune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, Reiter’s Syndrome. lupus, asthma, and ulcerative colitis. Researchers are discovering an increasing number of links between the immune, nervous, and endocrine systems. Hormones of the endocrine system, such as vitamin D, help the immune and nervous systems defend the body, with defects in this intricate system leading to autoimmune disorders.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
More About Vitamin D Benefits
Chronic Pain -
In a study involving 150 children and adults with unexplained muscle and bone pain, almost all were found to be vitamin D deficient; many were severely deficient with extremely low levels of vitamin D in their bodies.
Vitamin D deficiency causes muscle weakness and pain in children and adults. Muscle pain and weakness was a prominent symptom of vitamin D deficiency in a study of Arab and Danish Moslem women living in Denmark (20)...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey ,

This is it folks - The 2024 Quit Sugar Summit Grand Finale 🥳

We have an all-star speaker lineup prepared for you today including THE leader of the sugar reduction movement...Dr. Robert Lustig!

With over 24M views on his viral youtube video "Sugar: The Bitter Truth" and continuing to educate the world on the dangerous effects of sugar...

His presentation on this year's summit is a must watch!

>> Join us for the grand finale here.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
In case you haven’t blocked it on your calendar yet…

Margie Bissinger’s F.REE online event, More Natural Approaches to Osteoporosis and Bone Health 2.0. starts TOMORROW!

So if you haven’t registered yet, now would be a good time to secure your spot!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jim,
It's alarming but true: the bottled water you trust to keep you hydrated and healthy might be doing more harm than good. Recent findings have revealed that certain popular bottled water brands contain chemicals that could adversely affect your health.
In our groundbreaking article, we expose the brands of bottled water you should avoid at all costs...

And The toxic chemicals, linked to neurotoxicity, reduced brain activity, and thyroid issues that are lurking in bottles that millions trust for their daily hydration.
>>What's Really in Your Water Bottle? Hidden Toxins in Popular Bottled Water Brands

Learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones from these hidden dangers.

Our in-depth analysis not only identifies the risks but also provides practical tips on how to choose safer, healthier alternatives.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Greetings, Jimi​

Your Reminder:

The next free livestream in our Series, Gifts of the New Year, is scheduled for TODAY — January 14, 2024 at 11:00am - 12:30pm MST.​

Magical Sunday ChiTV: The Importance, benefit, and meaning of Qigong movements through guided practice. 11am-12:30pm MST

See the remaining series schedule below. Convert the time for your location here.

• Sunday, January 14. Magical Sunday ChiTV: Sunday The Importance, benefit, and meaning of Qigong movements through guided practice. 11am-12:30pm MST
• Tuesday, January 16. Tuesday ChiTV: Address the deep challenges of life through the 3-A’s practice. 9am-10:30am MST
• Thursday, January 18. Discover “The 5 Homes” from which to Cultivate Spiritual Fulfillment, Wholeness, and Connection. 9am-10:30am MST
We hope to see you online soon!

Note: All the replays for the free series can be found here

Radiant Blessings ,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Quercetin is a natural pigment that’s found in fruits and vegetables.
It’s also a health powerhouse with profound antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can boost your heart, brain, and gut health.
It might even help with COVID-19.
So where exactly can you find quercetin in food? And are food sources sufficient, or should you consider supplementing?
Here's what you need to know about quercetin.
Yours for thriving with food,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Most people have never even heard of quercetin. But as you’ll see in this article, it’s your friend — whether you know it or not! Get the whole story, and find out how to put quercetin to work for you, right here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
01.14.24 Looking at the rainbow


Episode 5: What Happens After Spiritual Awakening?​

Meditation Changes Everything Podcast
The newest episode of Craig’s podcast, Meditation Changes Everything is now available. If you haven’t tuned in yet, we hope you’ll give it a listen!

Spiritual awakening is often described as becoming awake to your own true nature; the discovery that who or what you are is consciousness or spirit itself.

But how will that show up in your actual lived experience? And how does it differ from other spiritual experiences?

In Episode 5: What Happens After Spiritual Awakening? Craig shares two life-altering insights at the core of spiritual awakening that can transform our understanding of who we are and revolutionize our entire experience of being alive.

Meditation Changes Everything is available now wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. (Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, etc.) or on the podcast web page where you’ll also find transcripts for each episode.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Taking a Stand for Openness​

How to Have Conviction in Your Beliefs Without Holding Them Too Tightly
In today’s polarized cultural atmosphere, navigating the minefields of competing opinions we encounter—both in ourselves and others—is becoming a high art.

It can sometimes seem nearly impossible to come to a consensus about what is true. How can our spiritual practice support us in an environment of strongly opposing viewpoints?

In this Q&A, Craig explores the subtle science of taking a stand for what we believe in while remaining consistently open to expanding (and even changing) our perspective.
01.14.24 Man standing and looking over


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Not only can meditation improve your mental health, Jim, it can do it in leaps and bounds every time you meditate…
if you know how to use the leading-edge meditation techniques to do it.
And that’s exactly what you’ll get when you join us at the upcoming Art of Meditation Global Summit, as more than 50 world-class meditation experts gather online over 8 days to share their most recent breakthrough approaches to getting into deeper states more quickly, healing yourself, and getting the most out of the time you have to meditate.
You’ll come away from the Summit with dozens of new techniques to experiment with on your own that will enhance your existing practice or give you faster results if you’re still in the beginning stages of experimenting with meditation.
Find out all the details about the ‘Art of Meditation’ Global Summit here and sign up at no charge
In addition to our own world-renowned meditation teacher, Craig Hamilton, you’ll also hear from Deepak Chopra, Kristin Neff, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, Sharon Salzberg, Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, and Zoketsu Norman Fischer, among many others.
They will teach you powerful strategies for managing stress and transforming your anxiety, trauma, addiction and depression, and they’ll also help you to rewire your brain for healing and thriving in our modern world.
Sign up for Free for the ‘Art of Meditation’ Global Summit here
To improving your health and your life,
Laura Trumbull
Community Director
Evolving Wisdom
P.S. These teachers have dedicated their lives and work to helping others receive the incredible benefits of meditation, not just for us as individuals but for the whole world during these challenging times, and they have so much they want to share with you.
Accept their generous gifts at the ‘Art of Meditation’ Global Summit

If you’d rather not hear anything further about this event, please update your preferences and we won't send you anything more about it.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
A jaw-dropping new interview with one of the world’s most prominent drug industry insiders may well literally save your life.

We can assure you this is true, especially if you currently take or might ever take any form of prescription drugs.

And then, the interviews that follow this first interview – which include truly legendary MDs revealing the little-known and proven most effective healthy aging and longevity steps of all – will inevitably change your life.

Now, we know words like “life-saving” and “life-changing” are thrown about loosely today.

However, you’ll quickly be able to tell on your own that this unique new online event will 100% deliver on that promise.

Watch the 19 HEARTLESS Words video, it's well-worth-your-while.

Most importantly, scroll down the page and see “The Legends You’ll Learn From, A Taste of What You’ll Discover.

It speaks for itself.​
“Don’t miss this” is another term thrown about too loosely these days.

As you’re about to understand, though, you truly can’t afford to miss the Live Long & THRIVE Summit.

This is an opportunity to value your health and learn all the aspects of longevity at The Live Long & THRIVE Summit, airing January 17-23.

To Living Long and Living Well,
The GreenMedInfo Team

P.S. Once you register for this summit, you'll automatically receive a FREE download of Fast-Impact Natural Brain Health Secrets eBook.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

You asked for higher quality versions of my slides and I have complied. Here is my talk today and a few of my remarks. *You need to go to the substack website to see almost all of it*​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Busting Heavy Metals Myths
Hey Jim,

Today I wanted to bring back this episode I did with my buddy Evan Brand on heavy metals to help clear up some myths. We talk about the big ones: Aluminum, Arsenic, Cadmium, Lead, and Mercury. Get ready to have your mind blown as we crack open some common misconceptions!

We'll also go over ways to detox heavy metals, which just about everyone would benefits from. Tune in below!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
Busting Heavy Metals Myths | Podcast #196
In this episode, we cover:

The Big Ones
03:00 Sources of Heavy Metals
05:10 Heavy Metals and Cognitive Issues
11:52 Linked Major Infertility Issues
28:10 Dental Amalgams, Flu Vaccinations, and Various Chemicals
17:25 Inside Out Hyperbarics and Wellness Center In a Picture

>> Click here to check out the episode! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​
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Getting To The Root Cause of Cancer

For this episode of Beyond Wellness Radio, Dr. Linda Isaacs joins us for an educational and informative discussion about enzyme therapy and its relationship to cancer.

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. Gabriel Cousens: A Deep Dive into Mystical Experiences | Nathan Crane Episode 46

Join me on a profound journey as we explore mystical experiences and spiritual enlightenment with renowned spiritual teacher, Dr. Cousens. From deep-rooted Native American practices to enlightening Essene wisdom, this video unveils the transformative power of spirituality in our lives. Don't miss these eye-opening revelations that could change your perception of the spiritual world.

>> Watch here
John Joseph: From Mean Streets to Wellness | Nathan Crane Podcast Episode 45

Join me and John Joseph in an inspiring conversation about transformation, health, and the power of a plant-based lifestyle. Dive deep into John's incredible journey from the mean streets of NYC to becoming an Ironman athlete. Discover the spiritual practices that guided him through life's toughest moments. Don't miss this epic tale of resilience and triumph!

-->> Watch Here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Blue Zones: Fact or Fiction

Dive deep into this engaging conversation I had with Jason Prall as we explore the profound mysteries of longevity. Discover astonishing genetic uniqueness, the influence of environments, and captivating cultural practices. Can we decode and adapt these secrets to our dynamic, modern lives? Unveil the truth about the Blue Zones and find out if you can transform your health for the better.

-->> Watch here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi

Yesterday, I sent you a video where my good friend Jim Ladwig shared his story of how he beat colon cancer with the help of a fermented soy beverage.

You might think that soy is an unlikely ally against cancer as compared to other conventional treatments such as chemo…

And if you want to know how exactly was it able to save Jim from cancer…

You’ll want to watch this video where me and Jim are joined by naturopathic medicine expert, Dr. Devin Stone.

Here, Dr. Stone explains the science behind soy as cancer treatment, and why it’s such an effective medicine not only against cancer, but other problems such as inflammation and autoimmunity.

Not only that, but Dr. Stone will share how soy has also helped his cancer patients get better and take back control of their health and lives.

There have been many misconceptions about soy, with some health experts and gurus advising against its use and remaining skeptical of its health benefits…

But as you’ll learn in this video, soy is actually one of nature’s most potent remedies and a true "superfood" in every sense of the word.

And if you or someone you know is at risk of having cancer, introducing them to fermented soy could be the key to their healing that they never expected.

Watch this video and dive into the science behind soy as a life-saver.

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Anti-Inflammatory Butternut Squash Soup...
Nutrient-Rich Creamy Spinach and Quinoa Soup...
Fiber-Packed Smoky Eggplant Soup...

Is your mouth watering yet?
These are just some of the recipes you'll receive in SOUPERFOOD! 20 Easy New Plant-Based Soup Recipes Featuring the TOP Longevity Superfoods. This is a new recipe book our friend Brian Vaszily over at The Art of Anti-Aging is sharing with our communities, and we think you're going to love it!
CLICK HERE to get the SOUPERFOOD! recipe book for fre.e. >>
Soups are a great way to nourish your body with multiple superfoods at once, and now you can say goodbye to the same old boring soup recipes and try something new. This recipe book even includes chilled soups you can eat in warmer months!

Just leave your email to get the recipe book and you'll ALSO get bonus access to an exciting online health Summit kicking off January 17.
At the Live Long & THRIVE Summit, 22 living legend MDs and health researchers – such as the 102-YEAR-OLD “Mother of Holistic Medicine” MD – will reveal only the PROVEN most powerful secrets for you to avoid disease, live long, and thrive.
If you’re determined to live long and live well, make sure you attend. You can get your SOUPERFOOD! recipe book & bonus Summit ticket here. >>
In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Wednesday, 1/17, our 133rd episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Click to watch the show!​
In his "From the Heart" segment, Dr. Paul discusses happiness and stress, noting that increasing happiness can decrease stress. Dr. Paul suggests small acts like giving compliments and the importance of laughter in life. He advises practical methods for stress relief, such as sleep, exercise, nutrition, and breathing exercises. Lastly, Dr. Paul highlights the importance of loving connections with others and a spiritual connection for achieving happiness.
In our latest interview, we unravel an enlightening conversation with Dr. Henry Ealy. This engaging interview delves into the critical importance of water purification and the intriguing history behind distilled water consumption. Dr. Ealy also sheds light on the often-overlooked impacts of blue light on our mental health, offering a holistic approach to combating depression.
DeeDee Hoover brings her unique perspective to the table, probing into the practicality of these health measures for the everyday individual and exploring the emotional landscape of dealing with anger and depression.
Don't miss this captivating exploration of health that intertwines well-being's physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. It's more than just an interview – it's a journey toward understanding the importance of clean living and the power of trusting your intuition.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Protein is often "the big question mark" for those who primarily or entirely eat plant-based foods.

That's why you'll LOVE this clear and concise new guide, Jim:

Get the new Top 15 BEST Sources of Plant-Based Protein completely FREE right here

It even provides you specifics on how many grams of protein are in a serving of each plant-based food.

PLUS, you're also getting over a dozen new recipes in this new guide that incorporate the high protein plant foods, such as:

  • Black Bean & Spinach Enchiladas
  • Easy Vegan Nacho Cheese Sauce
  • Tangy Dill Pickle Hummus
  • Portabello Mushroom Burgers
  • Easy Homemade Muesli
  • Everything Bagel Avocado Toast
  • Zesty Mango Quinoa Salad
  • Easy Oil-Free Roasted Potato Wedges
  • And more!
This very helpful new guide is being provided to you free today by certified Plant-Based Health Coach, Kim Murphy, in support of her upcoming Plant-Based Beginner's Bootcamp 5-Day Challenge!

You'll also get completely free access to this online event...

And in it, you’ll learn how a plant-based diet helps you prevent or reverse chronic diseases, lose weight, and feel amazing!

There will be fun, live, interactive masterclasses & cooking demos where you can ask questions, interact with other participants, win prizes, and get a great start on eating a plant-based diet to support your health goals.

Click here now for your free copy of the Top 15 Best Sources of Plant-Based Protein and for your full access!

Finally, I'll reveal right here that peas are one of the foods featured among the 15 Best in the new guide.

And the reason I'm sharing that here is because I have a few wonderfully bad dad jokes to share about peas!

(Because smiles and laughter are always good medicine!)


What is a librarian's favorite vegetable?

Quiet peas.


What vegetable loves hanging out at musical festivals?



When I was young, I almost broke the record for putting the most peas in my nose.

But I blew it.


Enjoy the important learning in this free new Top 15 Best Sources of Plant-Based Protein and enjoy your day!

To Living Long and Living Well,

Brian Vaszily

P.S. Again, in addition to the Top 15 Best Sources of Plant-Based Protein guide...

You're also getting free access to Kim Murphy's online Plant-Based Beginner's Bootcamp 5-Day Challenge.

Each day of the 5-day challenge, there will be a masterclass for you on different topics:

Day 1: How Animal Foods Are Doing More Harm Than Good

Day 2: The Processing of America: The Problem with Processed Foods

Day 3: Which Is The Best Plant-Based Diet For Health And Weight Loss?

Day 4: How To Power Your Day With Whole Plants To Get All The Nutrients You Need

Day 5: How To Make Plant-Based Eating A Lifestyle And Not Another Yo-Yo Diet

There will also be a live cooking demo each day, and she’ll show you how easy & delicious plant-based cooking can be!

Grab your Protein Guide & complimentary ticket to the Plant-Based Beginner’s Bootcamp 5-day Challenge here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

Have you reserved your seat for the upcoming Breast Cancer Breakthroughs Summit?

If not, you might want to do it now because this special online event officially starts TOMORROW!

Reserve your seat for this upcoming event for F.REE.
If you or someone you know is at risk of getting breast cancer, or just wants to avoid it at all costs, this event is something you just can’t miss.

Your hosts, Jennifer Simmons, MD, and Veronique Desaulniers, DC, both carry personal experiences with breast cancer and are now on a mission to raise awareness…

Which is why they've assembled over 40 world-leading experts to share their best approaches, strategies and protocols to help you protect yourself against breast cancer, including:

✅ Holistic approaches to breast health

✅ Optimizing your breast cancer outcomes

✅ The best foods to combat breast cancer

✅ Boosting your immune system for cancer defense

✅ 5 essential steps to minimize breast cancer risk

Remember: the fear of breast cancer doesn't have to be your defining narrative. There's a world of hope, knowledge, and empowerment waiting for you.

If you're eager to discover how to conquer your fear of breast cancer and never worry about it again, here’s your chance!

So don’t wait any longer and start claiming the life and freedom you deserve!

Claim your F.REE spot for the Breast Cancer Breakthroughs Summit! (starts tomorrow)

To your freedom from breast cancer,

The Conquering Cancer team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Hidden Dangers of Statins: How Cholesterol Drugs May Damage Heart Health
Statins rank among the most prescribed drugs globally, but emerging research indicates these cholesterol-lowering medications may inadvertently accelerate coronary artery calcification and impair heart muscle function - achieving the opposite of their intended effect.​
Detoxifying Through Sweat: The Overlooked Role of Perspiration in Toxic Chemical Excretion
With increasing exposure to a witches brew of toxic chemicals in our modern world, could the ancient practice of sweating offer a modern-day detoxification remedy?​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Farmacopia Beyond Painkillers with Sayer Ji

Beginning with understanding what pain is and why some people are more vulnerable to it than others. Finding a strategy that works for you is imperative, as everyone’s path towards dis-ease and healing is entirely unique.

In this comprehensive masterclass, Sayer Ji and some of our favorite experts weigh in and provide you with their own stories on healing pain and guide you to tools and resources that address pain from a holistic viewpoint.​

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jim,
It's alarming but true: the bottled water you trust to keep you hydrated and healthy might be doing more harm than good. Recent findings have revealed that certain popular bottled water brands contain chemicals that could adversely affect your health.
In our groundbreaking article, we expose the brands of bottled water you should avoid at all costs...

And The toxic chemicals, linked to neurotoxicity, reduced brain activity, and thyroid issues that are lurking in bottles that millions trust for their daily hydration.
>>What's Really in Your Water Bottle? Hidden Toxins in Popular Bottled Water Brands

Learn how to protect yourself and your loved ones from these hidden dangers.

Our in-depth analysis not only identifies the risks but also provides practical tips on how to choose safer, healthier alternatives.

I heard in a health podcast that volcanic water does not have contaminants, and is the purest bottled water you can get, so that's what I've been getting.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Our friends at Heart Mind Institute have curated a remarkable eight-day online journey: the Art of Meditation Global Summit. This event is dedicated to exploring the profound depth and breadth of meditation across various traditions and practices, helping individuals deepen their practice and awaken to their fullest potential.

Over eight powerful days, you’ll receive expert guidance on a wide range of meditation methods across traditions. You will explore practices and techniques for developing greater peace, equanimity, psychological flexibility, self-compassion, and loving-kindness with 55+ of the most renowned and beloved meditation teachers, each ready to guide you on your journey toward awakening….

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, Sharon Salzberg, Deepak Chopra, Kristin Neff, Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, Ruth King, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Roshi Pat Enkyo O’Hara, A. H. Almaas, Sylvia Boorstein, Roshi Norman Fischer, Amoda Maa, Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, Caverly Morgan, Joseph Goldstein, Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel, Krishna Das, Cynthia Bourgeault, Tsoknyi Rinpoche, and many, many more…

You will also have the opportunity to connect and interact with a global community of individuals committed to personal growth and transformation during this first-of-its-kind, eight-day Art of Meditation Global Summit with 48-hours viewing access to each summit day’s presentations.

This summit is more than an event; it’s a pathway to a new way of being, for healing underlying traumas and attachment wounds, and ultimately, for awakening from delusion and realizing liberation.

The best part? You can be part of this journey at no cost. So why not sign up today for this one-of-a-kind event? Just click the link below to claim your ticket:

Yes... save my spot now!
Take this amazing journey from the comfort of your own home and learn from over 55 world-class meditation teachers and experts how to:

  • Develop awareness and liberating insight, freeing yourself from dualistic confusion and patterns of reactive suffering
  • Stabilize your mind and practice through calm abiding and focused attention practices
  • Practice mindfulness techniques to enhance focus, clarity, and happiness
  • Develop self-compassion through loving kindness and mindful self-compassion practices
  • Utilize powerful strategies for managing stress and transforming anxiety, traumas, addictions, and depression
  • Experience profound samadhi, bliss, and ultimate freedom through deep meditation practice
  • Directly experience your true nature and being through direct awakening practices
  • Rewire your brain for healing and thriving through meditation and compassion practices
Streaming of the summit starts Tuesday, January 23rd at 7:00 am EDT USA, >>click here to claim your ticket.

Join us and be part of an unforgettable experience.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
If you use prescription drugs, there are some things you should know.
According to drug industry investigator and Harvard medical faculty member Dr. John Abramson, 96% of all medical research in the US is focused on drugs and devices. But 80% of our health is determined by our diet and lifestyle!
It turns out that most medical research is funded by pharmaceutical companies, which can lead to biased results favoring… you guessed it… the drugs they sell.
If you’ve had enough of this madness, and you want the truth from unbiased experts… if you want real solutions that you can apply for results in your life… I have a wonderful resource to share.
My friend, natural health researcher Brian Vaszily, is about to interview 22 brilliant longevity doctors and researchers (including Dr. Abramson, and yours truly). We’ll bring you cutting-edge insider health wisdom in the Live Long & THRIVE Summit.
>> Find out all about it and claim your free spot right here.
You’ll hear from:
→ The world-renowned cardiologist doctor featured in James Cameron and Arnold Schwarzenegger’s film, The Game Changers.
→ The legendary herbs-as-medicine expert with 50+ years of experience and winner of the 2023 Herbal Insight Award for advancing botanical knowledge worldwide.
→ The pioneering doctor known as “The Anxiety MD” who created the highly celebrated do-it-yourself method to overcome anxiety.
→ The doctor who’s globally renowned as a top expert in avoiding and overcoming pain and unnecessary suffering.
→ The world-renowned sleep scientist and practitioner whose groundbreaking work has helped even severe insomniacs get far healthier sleep.
→ The legendary 102-year-old MD and “Mother of Holistic Medicine.”
→ And 14 other doctors and researchers who are renowned leaders in fields like brain health… gut health… diabetes… autoimmune… nutrition… mobility, and more.
>> Watch the powerful trailer and sign up, right here.
Yours for truth and health,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. On the page right after the free sign-up, make sure you don’t miss how 19 heartless words from a doctor also have everything to do with your health today and in the future. Very powerful!
P.P.S. When you sign up, you’ll also get Brian’s new report, FAST-IMPACT Natural Brain Health Secrets: The Top 15 Little-Known Ways to Quickly Boost Your Memory, Focus, and Brain Clarity. Get it all right here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Here is the evidence (from 2004-2014) that our governments tried to kill us by restricting HCQ. WHY? Hydroxychloroquine doesn't kill *people* unless you overdose. But it does kill *coronaviruses.*​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

Want to go on a plant-based diet but don’t know where you should start?

Plant-based diets can give you a host of health benefits, which is why it’s becoming a popular go-to diet for many people who want to achieve their health and weight goals.

However, with so much information available online on how to get started, it could get overwhelming. Worse, you might get the wrong info which leads to zero results.

If you want to learn all you need to know about plant-based diets so you can experience all its benefits, our good friend Kim Murphy is holding a F.REE 5 Day Plant-based Challenge…

And of course, you’re invited!

Sign up for this F.REE challenge here.

Kim is a certified plant-based health coach, Amazon best-selling author and the founder of Simply Plant Based Kitchen where she helps people reach their health goals through the power of plant-based meals.

You’re guaranteed to be in good hands with Kim, and in this challenge, she’ll walk you through the essential truths behind plant-based diets and how you can improve your health through them.

Here’s a preview of what’s in store for you:

DAY 1: How animal foods are doing more harm than good

DAY 2: The processing of America - the problem with processed foods

DAY 3: Which is the best plant-based diet for health and wealth loss?

DAY 4: How to power your day with whole plants to get all the nutrients you need

DAY 5: How to make plant-based eating a lifestyle and not another yo-yo diet

On top of that, each day will also feature cooking demos where you’ll get a glimpse of the delicious plant-based recipes that you can include in your diet!

Can’t wait to make plant-based dieting an integral part of your health journey? Then be sure you don’t miss out on this challenge!

Join the 5 Day Plant-based Challenge now!

To healthy eating for a healthier you,

The Conquering Cancer team



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If you’re a woman over 30 and at least ONE of the following is true:
  • You don’t do kegels as regularly as you know you should
  • You’re not 100% sure you’re doing them right
  • If you have leaking, Kegels don’t really seem to help much
  • You have lower back pain, tailbone pain, or pain down there
  • You have pressure in your vagina or you know you have a prolapse
  • You have pain or discomfort during sex
  • You’re sick and tired of doctors who don’t know what to do for you
  • You’re embarrassed and fed up and you’ve given up hope that anything will be able to help you...
If ANY of those is true for you...even just a little bit…

You’ll want to be on this FREE Workshop and take the first step towards healing!

Our friend and colleague Isa Herrera, MSPT, CSCS is America’s #1 Pelvic Healer (and author of 5 books on the subject), and she’s helped over 20,000 women (to date) completely heal from chronic pelvic issues without meds, without surgery, and without injections.

And she’s hosting a FREE Total Fem *V* Secrets Workshop to help you make 2023 the year that the leaking, discomfort, and frustration FINALLY STOP.​
This juicy, interactive workshop will walk you through simple steps you can take RIGHT NOW to tighten and tone your pelvic floor, wherever, whenever.

The Total Fem *V* Secrets Workshop: Five Steps to a Strong, Leak-Free Pelvic Floor Using The NEW Science of Kegel Fascia Training.

You’ll learn her secrets for:
  • The simple, natural tweaks you can make to your everyday routine to tighten, tone, and strengthen your pelvic floor - and stop the pressure, leaking, or discomfort
  • Why traditional Kegels can cause even more damage (and how to choose the ones that are right for you)
  • Her top 3 techniques to immediately take back control of your love life and reconnect with your partner
  • And more…
Go beyond basic Kegels and get simple techniques that address the root cause of the leaking to stop it for good.

Join the FREE Total Fem *V* Secrets Workshop, launching February 8-10.

To better health,
The GreenMedInfo Team

P.S. NOTE: This is information you won’t find anywhere else. Isa’s techniques are revolutionary and unknown to the medical establishment. Which is why YOU are still suffering.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi

Just want to remind you that Brian Vaszily’s Live Long & THRIVE Summit kicks off TOMORROW!

Have you registered yet? Because time is running out, and you've only got a few hours left to secure your F.REE seat!

Reserve your seat now for F.REE.
There’s no better time than now to attend an event like this and get the best secrets on living long and well from experts all over the world.

Amidst the various health and longevity advice swirling online, it's easy to get lost and confused on what you should really do. This summit is meant to cut through the noise and only give you the PROVEN secrets you need for better health.

Brian has invited 22 distinguished MDs worldwide who will equip you with the knowledge to avoid disease, elevate your health, and add more vibrant years to your life!

Here’s a sneak peek of what awaits:

✅ Uncover the "major driver of aging" and how to block it effectively

✅ Dive into the NEW #1 worst health risk, strongly linked to brain, thyroid, gut issues, cancer, diabetes, and fatigue

✅ Discover overlooked keys to protect and enhance your mobility, a vital factor for long life and brain health

✅ Learn a revolutionary NEW approach to repel chronic stress, Alzheimer’s, fatigue, cancer, and other chronic diseases

✅ Decode the concealed cause of stress and disease

And a lot more!

If you're ready to move beyond the ordinary health advice and truly transform your well-being, this summit is your gateway.

Reserve your F.REE seat to The Live Long & THRIVE Summit here (starts tomorrow!)

To your best health and years ahead,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Greetings, Jimi​

Your Reminder:

The next free livestream in our Series, Gifts of the New Year, is scheduled for TODAY — January 16, 2024 at 9:00am - 10:30am MST.​

The theme for this session is: Address the deep challenges of life through the 3-A’s practice. 9am-10:30am MST

See the remaining series schedule below. Convert the time for your location here.

• Tuesday, January 16. Tuesday ChiTV: Address the deep challenges of life through the 3-A’s practice. 9am-10:30am MST
• Thursday, January 18. Discover “The 5 Homes” from which to Cultivate Spiritual Fulfillment, Wholeness, and Connection. 9am-10:30am MST
We hope to see you online soon!

Note: All the replays for the free series can be found here

Radiant Blessings ,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Depression Can Be Life-Threatening for Diabetics

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

A large recent study from Taiwan found that antidepressants cut the risk of dying during the study period by more than one-third for people with diabetes and depression.

"Antidepressant use was associated with significantly reduced mortality by 35% among patients with diabetes and depression," said senior study author Dr. Vincent Chin-Hung Chen, professor in the School of Medicine at Chang Gung University in Taiwan.

Special: 300 Million People Worldwide Suffer From Depression. You Don’t Have To Be A Victim

While the study didn't look for the potential underlying reason for the benefit, past research suggests several reasons why antidepressants might lower the risk of dying for people with diabetes and depression.

First, antidepressants may lower someone's risk of suicide. These medications also improve mood, which may lead to better diabetes management.

The drugs also have biological effects that may reduce the risk of other conditions, such as heart disease. Antidepressants reduce inflammation in the body, and they help keep the blood thinner, which may help prevent blood clots.

People with diabetes are two to three times more likely to experience depression, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Many of those people will go untreated.

The CDC estimates that between 50% and 75% of people with diabetes don't get treatment for their depression.

People with depression can lose the ability to take care of themselves properly, such as taking medications at prescribed times in the proper doses. That can be very dangerous for diabetics.

Chen noted that the study highlights the need for people with diabetes to be screened and treated for depression.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
93% of you are in poor metabolic health, accoding to a study published in a prestigious Metabolic Health journal.
Are you one of these people who are at risk of heart disease, cancer and autoimmune disease?
Join me live today and find out.
I’ll share how fasting is connected to metabolic health and how you can determine whether you’re in the 7% who are metabolically healthy and what to do if not.
Click here for the zoom link to join us
I’ll also broadcast to the Unstoppable health Facebook group so that the replay will be available quickly in case you miss it.
See you soon.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Regardless of how skilled you feel at reaching deep states of consciousness while you’re meditating…
Or if you’ve never had much success with meditation…
50 world-class meditation masters are going to be gathering online over 8 days to share their leading-edge meditation techniques that will help you reach deeper states more quickly, initiate self-healing, and maximize the time you have available for meditation.
Find out all the details about the upcoming FREE ‘Art of Meditation’ Global Summit here
In addition to Jean’s friends and colleagues Deepak Chopra and world-renowned meditation teacher Craig Hamilton, you’ll also hear from Sharon Salzberg, Kristin Neff, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, and Zoketsu Norman Fischer, among many others.
During the Summit, they’ll teach you a wealth of new techniques that will elevate your existing practice, or if you’re just getting started with meditation, give you faster results.
They will also share effective approaches to stress management, and ways of transforming your anxiety, trauma, addiction, and depression, as well as helping you rewire your brain so you can use it to heal yourself and access higher guidance more easily.
Sign up for Free for the ‘Art of Meditation’ Global Summit here
To the “you” you’re evolving into,
Naomi Adams
Community Director
Awakening To Your Life's Purpose
P.S. I’m sure you’ve heard plenty about the incredible benefits of meditation, not just for you as an individual but for the whole world, so don’t miss this opportunity to rapidly expand your consciousness through all of these new techniques!
Learn everything these 50+ teachers have to share with you at the FREE ‘Art of Meditation’ Global Summit

If you’d rather not hear anything further about this event, please update your preferences and we won't send you anything more about it.​

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