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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
ICAN’s Attorneys Have Obtained New Data The CDC Doesn’t Want You to See; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on runaway excess deaths in a post-COVID vaccine world, German Farmers Protest is next level, and science-backed causes of ‘climate change’; Author of ‘The Indoctrinated Brain’ Gives you tools to combat the attack on our Medical Freedom
Guests: Aaron Siri, Esq., Michael Nehls, M.D., Ph.D.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Fauci wannabe Peter Hotez seemed like a clown, but turned out to be very dangerous, creating a "fire hose of falsehoods" that slipped into peoples' unconsciousness, making them believe his lies​



Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This week's newsletter explores 15 risk factors that can increase dementia risk, why stress management might improve metabolic health, the now well established role that air pollution plays in declining brain health, the important role that everyday activity plays in meeting exercise requirements, and more...

-->> Study Finds 15 Health and Lifestyle Factors That Could Increase Risk of Early Dementia - Health. com (January 2024)​

“All of these factors increase dementia risk as they all lead to the same fundamental mechanisms that ultimately threaten the brain,” said David Perlmutter, MD, FACN, ABIHM...

-->> Stress Management Could Reduce Metabolic Syndrome Risk - Technology Networks (January 2024)​

Inflammation caused by stress is linked to metabolic syndrome, leading researchers to suggest stress management could reduce risk...

-->> How A Neuroscientist Strengthens 5 Key Brain Regions Daily - MBG (January 2024)​

In our body-conscious society, there's no shortage of workout routines to show you how to build muscle. But how do you train your brain? Dr. Daniel Amen explains...

-->> Evidence grows of air pollution link with dementia and stroke risk - The Guardian (January 2024)​

Long-term UK study adds to body of research associating pollutants with declining brain health...

-->> Everyday activities count as exercise, but intensity matters - Harvard Health (January 2024)​

Can doing short bursts of everyday activities offer health benefits?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Did you know that 42% of men aren’t familiar with the warning signs of prostate cancer?
That’s a staggering statistic, considering over 250,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer this year… and 30,000 will die from it.
Prostate cancer is the most common cancer for men, often lurking in the background before any noticeable symptoms appear.
That’s why being proactive is crucial.
>> We’re thrilled to be part of a monumental breakthrough that could transform the future of prostate cancer forever.
PectaSol was part of an 18-month phase II multi-oncology center clinical trial, presented at the American Society for Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and published online in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.
The multi-clinical trials demonstrated PectaSol’s ability to promote healthy PSA levels, support prostate cellular health, and work without interfering with hormones.
To give you an idea of the magnitude of this… having a natural supplement in a multi-oncology clinical trial AND being published in a major medical journal is huge.
What’s even more amazing? The findings showed an incredible 90% beneficial response among participants.
Prostate cancer may be prevalent, but knowledge is power.
>> Click here to learn more!

With that said, we encourage you to share this information with friends, family, or loved ones who might benefit from it.
Understanding all your options can literally be lifesaving.
Yours in health,
The ecoNugenics Team​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Have you considered starting a plant-based diet but need help figuring out where to begin?

Do you need help with all the conflicting information on how to do it right?

If this sounds like you, we want to introduce you to our good friend, Kim Murphy.
She’s a certified plant-based health coach, Amazon best-selling author, and founder of Simply Plant Based Kitchen, where she helps people transform their health through the power of whole plants.

She is hosting an INCREDIBLE 5-day challenge called the Plant Based Beginner’s Bootcamp taking place on January 29 - February 2, 2024.

The best part is it’s FREE to join.

--->>Click here to join the challenge today!

In this challenge, you’ll have access to daily masterclasses to learn the critical truths of how a plant-based diet can help you improve your health and even lose weight. There will also be a daily live cooking demo where you can put a plant-based diet into action so you can see how easy & delicious it can be.​
If you think a plant-based diet is too complicated, time-consuming, or expensive, you’ll want to check out this 5-day challenge.

You’ll get so many great tips for saving time, saving money, and making a plant-based diet simple & doable that works for your life.

Kim's recipes are super simple, with ingredients you can find at almost any grocery store (including Walmart), and take LESS than 30 minutes! No CVS-receipt long list of ingredients or weird things you’ve never heard of.

--->>Register for the Plant-Based Beginner's Bootcamp now and see what recipes she'll be making!
So thankful that you’re making an investment in your health, your life and yourself.

Because health means everything,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Join me and thousands of others for >>> “Holistic Healing for Pain-Free Living” a FREE Virtual Series with Holistic Leaders and Visionaries + Daily Gifts <<<

Don't let chronic pain dictate your life; join us on this incredible journey to realize a pain-free, vibrant, and fulfilling life is within your grasp.​
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani

P.S. If you've ever felt distraught, overwhelmed, and unheard in the traditional healthcare system, rest assured our summit will show there is another way. We're here to support your journey to a life filled with vitality, fulfillment, and the passion to pursue your dreams. Join us here >>> “Holistic Healing for Pain-Free Living” a FREE Virtual Series with Holistic Leaders and Visionaries + Daily Gifts <<<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
New Year's Resolutions to Lose Weight and Get Healthy? Lose up to a Pound a Day on the Panacea Cleanse

The Panacea Cleanse is a Powerful, 12-Day, Plant Based Detoxification and Healing Guide: Complete with Recipes and Shopping Lists.

Testimonials from real users:

"Die hard Panacea cleanser for life here! Nathan Crane saved me from having my gall bladder removed and two years of pain everyday after I ate anything. I am forever grateful for Nathan and his cleanse"
~ Steven Eveleth

"My amazing wife, Linda, and I recently did the 12-day Panacea Cleanse. It changed our lives! I have been plagued by allergies since the age of two. After the cleanse, although I still get occasional symptoms, the severity, duration, and number of attacks has been greatly reduced. And, it’s continuing to improve. I now go weeks or even months completely clear—unheard of prior to the cleanse. Linda too has felt great with more energy and a real skip in her step. We highly recommend the Panacea Cleanse for bringing health and vitality to body, mind and spirit."
~David and Linda Dibble

I did the panacea cleanse and followed your instruction closely months ago. I had amazing results. I stayed healthy while everyone around me, my kids and family, were getting very ill from a virus. I also lost some weight and my menstual cycles are much less painful. I also don't have bad headaches anymore. Thanks for the information you put out.
~ Sister Erin

-->> Start Your Cleanse Today


Diamond Contributor
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Dr. Gabriel Cousens: A Deep Dive into Mystical Experiences | Nathan Crane Episode 46

Join me on a profound journey as we explore mystical experiences and spiritual enlightenment with renowned spiritual teacher, Dr. Cousens. From deep-rooted Native American practices to enlightening Essene wisdom, this video unveils the transformative power of spirituality in our lives. Don't miss these eye-opening revelations that could change your perception of the spiritual world.

>> Watch here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
John Joseph: From Mean Streets to Wellness | Nathan Crane Podcast Episode 45

Join me and John Joseph in an inspiring conversation about transformation, health, and the power of a plant-based lifestyle. Dive deep into John's incredible journey from the mean streets of NYC to becoming an Ironman athlete. Discover the spiritual practices that guided him through life's toughest moments. Don't miss this epic tale of resilience and triumph!

-->> Watch Here


Diamond Contributor
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WITH THE WIND WITH DR. PAUL - SHOW 133; Featuring: Dr. Henry Ealy Founder of & Executive Community Director for the Energetic Health Institute

Wednesday, 1/17, our 133rd episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Click to watch!
In his "From the Heart" segment, Dr. Paul discusses happiness and stress, noting that increasing happiness can decrease stress. Dr. Paul suggests small acts like giving compliments and the importance of laughter in life. He advises practical methods for stress relief, such as sleep, exercise, nutrition, and breathing exercises. Lastly, Dr. Paul highlights the importance of loving connections with others and a spiritual connection for achieving happiness.
"As somebody who has dealt with and deals with depression every year, seasonal affective disorder, I deal with that every year. I will tell you firsthand, for me, it's about getting out in the sun. It's about getting out in the sunlight, moving my body, and getting in touch with those things, turn it around for me right away."
— Dr. Henry Ealy
Our latest interview unraveled an enlightening conversation with Dr. Henry Ealy. This engaging interview delves into the critical importance of water purification and the intriguing history behind distilled water consumption. Dr. Ealy also sheds light on the often-overlooked impacts of blue light on our mental health, offering a holistic approach to combating depression.
DeeDee Hoover brings her unique perspective to the table, probing into the practicality of these health measures for the everyday individual and exploring the emotional landscape of dealing with anger and depression.
Don't miss this captivating exploration of health that intertwines well-being's physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. It's more than just an interview – it's a journey toward understanding the importance of clean living and the power of trusting your intuition.
Watch the episode here!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Top brain-boosting secrets, too
In addition to our Lifestyle Medicine Summit (October 2024), I recommend just a few other summits with top speakers and high-quality content.

The Live Long & THRIVE Summit from our friends at The Art of Anti-Aging, which starts today, is one of them.

Click here for a surprise gift they prepared just for you.

Don't miss it ...



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
one of the most crucial things you can do for a healthy body and brain is to give them a proper night’s sleep.

It’s impossible to overestimate the value of a good night of deep, restful sleep for both your cognitive function and your overall health.

Science has turned up an impressive amount of evidence to back up the claims that sleep is one of the most essential factors in your wellbeing.

The National Institutes of Health have put together a pretty impressive list of benefits that good sleep provides, including:
  • Improved endocrine function. Your hormones are produced in varying quantities at various times throughout the day and night. In the morning, alertness hormones like cortisol are released, while hormones like melatonin increase production in the evening. However, it’s during the night when you’re sleeping that hormones like progesterone, testosterone, and estrogen are produced in most significant quantities, particularly in growing children and teenagers. Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial for ensuring all your hormones can be produced in sufficient quantity and proper balance.
  • Enhanced cognition. A lack of sleep can lead to decreased brain function, impaired judgement, and slow thinking. Sleep deprivation can affect your performance of even the most basic daily activities—everything from your work to driving to exercise—and can cause problems with your attention and focus. A good night’s sleep, however, can “reset” your brain and help to improve cognition, focus, attention, and clarity of thought.
  • Better cardiovascular health. When you sleep, both your heart rate and blood pressure drop, and your cardiac function decreases. This essentially gives your heart a “break” and allows your body to repair any damage to your blood vessels or cardiac muscle tissue that might have accumulated during the day. People who don’t get enough sleep are at significantly higher risk of stroke, high blood pressure, and coronary heart disease.
  • Stronger immunity. That’s right: sleeping properly will make you more resilient to germs and disease. Certain parts of your immune system are more active during the day, while others increase activity at night. A lack of sleep dampens your immune system and makes you more susceptible to infections and colds.
  • More efficient metabolism. Sleep plays a role in the production and control of your hunger and appetite hormones (ghrelin and leptin), your body’s sensitivity to insulin, and your metabolism overall. It also helps your liver to properly digest the fat and calories you eat. Without enough sleep, you’re at higher risk of metabolic syndrome, not to mention that sleepiness makes it harder to do the physical exercise that keeps you healthy and regulating your weight.
  • Decreased brain toxicity. It’s believed that sleep helps your brain to flush out toxins that have accumulated during the day. The glymphatic system is responsible for carrying wastes out of your brain, and it’s at its most active while you sleep. Research has suggested that an underactive glymphatic system (caused by many factors, including sleep deprivation) can play a role in neurodegeneration and brain disorders.
  • Lower depression and anxiety risk. Multiple studies have linked poor sleep to higher rates of depression and anxiety, as well as identified both anxiety and depression as causes of sleep loss, insomnia, and poor sleep quality. People who sleep better have a significantly lower risk of developing these mental health issues.
It’s pretty clear just how important sleep really is, isn’t it?

Sleep isn’t just good for your health—it’s absolutely necessary for the most basic bodily functions.

Without a good night of rest, you’re putting your brain and body at serious risk. The chance of long-term effects increase the longer you go without proper sleep.

Make sleeping well your top priority for your health’s sake!​
Yours in good health,​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

MCE Email Banner with Border

Dear Jimi,
It’s been a month since the launch of Craig’s new podcast and the enthusiastic comments continue to pour in!
“I'm so happy to see the episodes rolling out! Although the channel has many incredible teachings, something about an audio being newly released makes me excited to listen.”
“The first four episodes are fabulous. You have really reached me at a time, place and space that works for me.”
“Amazing! Such clear wisdom—thank you!”
“Jump into the Unknown! These mini-meditations [in episode 3] mesh together seamlessly, bringing my attention to my vibrational connection with Source Energy—powerful!”
“I've wanted to learn from Craig Hamilton for years and I'm so excited that this is available. Thank you!”
“I found Craig's teaching very contemporary and clear. This podcast presents the thoughts and practice in a condensed form, but the depth and profound messages remain. Looking forward to learning more from Craig in this new form.”
You can find it wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts. (Apple Podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, Pandora, Amazon Music, etc.) or on the podcast web page where you’ll also find transcripts for each episode.
In Episode 5: What Happens After Spiritual Awakening? Craig shares two life-altering insights at the core of spiritual awakening that can transform our understanding of who we are and revolutionize our entire experience of being alive.
Spiritual awakening is often described as becoming awake to your own true nature; the discovery that who or what you are is consciousness or spirit itself.
But how will that show up in your actual lived experience? And how does it differ from other spiritual experiences?
“Spiritual awakening is a very specific realization which changes how we relate to everything going forward.” — Craig Hamilton
No matter where you are on the spiritual path, we believe you’ll find Craig’s insights beneficial to your meditation practice and awakening.
You can listen to this episode now wherever you get your favorite podcasts. And because we're just getting started, it would be a big help to us if you would take a minute to give us a rating and click the “Follow” or “Subscribe” button in your podcast app—thank you!
We hope you’ll tune in to the show and find it to be helpful support on your path.
The Meditation Changes Everything Team​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Is EBOO Therapy’s Remarkable Tech The Future Of Detoxing And Healing?​

Extracorporeal Blood Oxygenation and Ozonation (EBOO) therapy machines are one of the world’s most advanced medical ozone treatments. There are just a handful of them across the US, and my home state has one of them at Florida Integrative Medical Center. Besides EBOO, they also provide other breast cancer healing therapies such as High Dose Vitamin C IVs (learn more about them here), Supportive Oligonucleotide Therapy (SOT), and RGCC Testing (learn more about this test here). I always book an appointment with Florida Integrative Medical Center when in Sarasota!
EBOO heals your body in a myriad of ways, and most people will greatly benefit from even a single treatment. In short, an EBOO session is a form of dialysis that cleans your blood through a filter. Toxins, mold, parasites, heavy metals, fungi, pathogens, etc., can be cleaned up by the filtration system.
We ALL need to detox.
From toxins in tap water and female products to dental and beauty products—toxins are constantly flowing in and out of your world. Even treatments such as chemotherapy can imcrease your toxicity levels, so a detox reset may be helpful weeks after your treatment is completed. If you are undergoing traditional treatments, please review what you should eat and how to rebuild your body.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello, Day 1 of the brand-new Live Long & THRIVE Summit is about to start.

Although you haven't yet signed up for this true once-in-a-lifetime free online event...

...As a valued member of The Art of Anti-Aging, I'm giving you this immediate access to Day 1 so you can experience firsthand how incredible it is.

We start with my own welcoming words for you, including the easiest way to lower your dementia risk 19%, and then our first interview reveals truly mind-blowing and life-saving new insights about prescription drugs everyone needs to know:



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Open Your Heart And Mind With Ginkgo biloba​

Have you ever stood in a store, holding a bottle of supplements, and wondered if they could really transform your health? That's exactly where my Ginkgo Biloba story began. In my latest blog, I take you from my early days of skepticism in a Wal-Mart aisle to my eye-opening experience with this remarkable herb.
Gingko is a one-trick-pony that has a hundred tricks.
So, how does Gingko work and what's it good for?
Let's talk about it...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Natural Asset Companies have been stopped from trading, at least for now! Big Victory!​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi,

These days, ALL the commercials on television are for some new pill for chronic disease management. High cholesterol? Take a pill. High blood pressure? Take a pill. Type 2 diabetes? Take a pill.

Then comes the LONG list of possible side effects, which usually even include death….

Yet, these are all lifestyle-related diseases. We don’t need more and more pills. We must learn how to eat to prevent and possibly reverse these chronic diseases.

And the research on this is numerous, that a whole food plant-based diet is our "best medicine."

Hippocrates said, "Let food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food."

However, these days, we aren’t eating real food but food-like substances created in a lab.

Only 10% of Americans get the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables, including FRENCH FRIES, so we are only getting around 5% of the recommended plants we should be eating.

And we wonder why we are so sick and only getting sicker!

The good news is that it’s NEVER too late to turn your health around with the power of plants!

Our good friend Kim Murphy from Simply Plant Based Kitchen can help you get started, even if you’re overwhelmed and don’t know where to start.

Kim is a certified plant-based health coach, and she’s hosting a Plant-Based Beginner’s Bootcamp that will teach you not only WHAT to eat but HOW to make it simple and easy.

Join the challenge here (it’s completely without charge)

The 5-day challenge will be taught live (with replays available through the end of the challenge).

There will be:

  • Daily Masterclasses
  • Daily Cooking Demos
  • Cooking Demo Recipes
  • Workbook
  • Facebook Group
  • Simple Daily Assignments
  • Prize Giveaways
You will gain so much from participating in this challenge, so you won’t have to worry about taking more pills as you age.

Grab your ticket to the Plant-Based Beginner’s Bootcamp and learn how the power of plants can change your life!

Hope to see you there!

To your health,
Your DrTalks Family

P.S. This challenge is super fun and you’ll even get to chat with Kim live and meet so many other like-minded people in our Facebook community. You’ll feel supported and encouraged in this challenge to take small steps towards eating more plants. You aren’t told to make significant changes overnight - that’s not how habits change, and it is too overwhelming. This challenge is about small, simple things you can start doing TODAY to make plants more central in your diet! Learn more here about the 5-day plant-based challenge.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Your Feet Won't Fail You

By Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Mike Roizen, MDs

In "Oh, The Places You'll Go!" Dr. Seuss writes: "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose."

For folks who live to be 80, that can add up to 110,000 miles in a lifetime . . . and 25% farther, if you get in our recommended 10,000 steps a day.

But that's a lot of wear on your toes, arches, 26 bones, and more than 33 joints that make up each foot and ankle. Showing your hardworking walkers some TLC makes you younger and more energetic, reduces stress, and eases aches.

Special: Doctors Witness Amazing Joint Pain Changes

So here are some simple ways to pamper those puppies:

1. Foot check! (Daily, if you have diabetes) Blisters or sores? Don't let them fester. Tingling or numbness? Could be from ill-fitting shoes or diabetic nerve damage. Aching feet also offer clues to your overall health. Sore joints may indicate arthritis. Puffy ankles or swollen feet may signal high blood pressure, heart, or kidney problems, or sitting too much! Mention persistent symptoms to your doc.

2. Relax with a 10-minute soak in warm water with Epsom salts — an anti-inflammation remedy for dry skin, sore muscles, and even small wounds. Then smooth rough spots with a pumice stone and moisturizer. Make sure not to breathe in the pumiced stuff; it can cause lung inflammation. Dry off and roll your arches over a wooden rolling pin. Ahh!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Imagine a world where managing autoimmune diseases is simpler and more natural. Recent scientific studies suggest that this could soon be a reality, thanks to a familiar kitchen spice: ginger.

We're excited to share our latest article, which delves into the potential of ginger supplements as a groundbreaking treatment for autoimmune diseases. Explore the fascinating science behind how ginger's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties might just be the key to revolutionizing autoimmune disease management.

>>Ginger Supplements for Treating Autoimmune Diseases

Dive into the research with us and discover why ginger supplements are garnering attention in the medical community.

Our article provides a thorough analysis of the studies, benefits, and promising future of ginger in the field of autoimmune treatment.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The 2021 Whitewash of the WHO was conducted by New Zealand's Helen Clark and Ellen Johnson Sirleaf​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
ICAN has procured exclusive lot and dose data for the Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) COVID-19 vaccine. As with the Pfizer and Moderna lot and dose data obtained by ICAN, this data may help make it possible to determine if certain lots were associated with unusually high numbers of adverse reactions or deaths. An analysis of this data has been conducted by OpenVAERS.
ICAN recently broke the news that its legal team had wrangled detailed lot and dose data for the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA vaccines from CDC. Now, ICAN is happy to announce that we have likewise also obtained the critical lot and dose data for the Johnson & Johnson (J&J) vaccine.
ICAN has again shared this data with OpenVAERS which has added the J&J data to its COVID-19 Vaccine Lots page. OpenVAERS has conducted its own assessment of the lot data and, according to that assessment, as with the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, the most dangerous lots appear to be among the first shipped.
This data is a culmination of a two-and-a-half-year legal battle. While CDC begrudgingly released some lot data previously, ICAN’s legal team persisted and was ultimately able to obtain the most complete dataset yet, which includes previously unreleased lot and dose data. Now, this information may finally permit members of the public to determine if the dose they or a loved one received was part of a potential “hot lot.”
Of course, when numerous lots come back “hot” it could just mean you have a “hot” product. Hence this data could also assist in showing that it was not any particular lot that was hot, but rather the COVID-19 vaccine products themselves that were “hot”!
You can download the J&J data here, the Moderna data here, and the Pfizer data here. Check out OpenVAERS’ analysis of the data here, here, and here. As always, ICAN encourages everyone to pull the raw data and conduct their own analyses.
See the links below for some of ICAN’s additional work on COVID-19 vaccines:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Friend,
New data suggests that one of the keys to longevity and total-body health does not come from outside, but the inside. Specifically, research is showing that meditation can be profoundly beneficial for our hearts, bodies, and mind on every level — physical, emotional, and spiritual.
From protecting neurons and DNA to enhancing immune function, the health benefits of meditation are endless. One of the reasons for this, according to research, is that when we calm the mind, everything else in the body relaxes, including the autonomic nervous system. Fewer stress hormones are produced, heart rate slows, and blood pressure goes down.
Just 10 minutes of meditation a day helps the brain: Breakthrough clinical studies have demonstrated meditation’s powerful effects on brain structure and function. Regular meditation — again, even just 10 minutes per day — improves areas related to concentration, memory, decision-making, and emotional stability.
Where do you start? A daily meditation practice does not have to be complicated or time-consuming. To guide you, I created Mind, Body, & Heart: How to Nurture Your Inner Calm and Heal with Meditation.
Download your free copy of this PDF — and start experiencing the life-changing benefits of meditation for yourself.​

Open Heart Medicine Upcoming Event

Free One-Day Online Live Meditation Retreat | January 27th, 2024

During this one-day retreat, I will introduce the principles of Open Heart Medicine, the door to our infinite healing potential. Together we will learn and practice the two basic foundational meditation practices that propel Open Heart Medicine.
I will also offer a lying down healing session as part of the one-day retreat. At the end of the full day, participants will be equipped with tools that will allow them to taste the healing power of Open Heart Medicine and develop these qualities over time.
>> Click here to register for this free online event


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Fatty Liver Docu-Class Recordings
(Plus Exclusive Bonuses)
Are Only Available For...​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

Every day, we are BOMBARDED with messages and products about protein.

But is the protein nutrient so much more important than all the others?

Yes, we need to get enough protein, but is protein deficiency real or just hype trying to sell products?

How much protein do we need each day, and do we need to take supplements to get enough?

All these questions and more are answered in a GREAT free guide called,

Top 15 Best Sources of Plant-Based Protein from Kim Murphy at Simply Plant Based Kitchen.

Kim is a certified Plant-Based Health Coach, and in this guide, she shows you how easy it is to get enough protein from whole plant food sources - without having to rely on processed protein powders.

She even talks about food combining and whether you need to do this at every meal.

Plus, you’ll get high-protein recipes like:
  • Black Bean & Spinach Enchiladas
  • Easy Vegan Nacho Cheese Sauce
  • Tangy Dill Pickle Hummus
  • Easy Homemade Muesli
  • Everything Bagel Avocado Toast
  • And more!
When you sign up for your protein guide, you’ll be automatically registered for her upcoming Plant-Based Beginner’s Bootcamp 5-Day Challenge!

During this FREE challenge, you’ll learn how a plant-based diet helps you prevent or reverse chronic diseases, lose weight, and feel amazing! There will be fun, live, interactive masterclasses & cooking demos where you can ask questions, interact with other participants, win prizes, and get a great start on eating a plant-based diet to support your health goals.

Register HERE to get your complimentary ticket AND protein guide with recipes.

You don’t want to miss this event that will help you make 2024 your HEALTHIEST year ever!

Wishing you abundant health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Lymphatic Cleansing: 8 Ways to Clear Lymph Congestion

Your lymphatic system is crucial for your immune system and for protecting you from inflammation and illness. If your lymphatic system is congested, it cannot protect you effectively and makes you prone to infections and disease.

Keeping your lymphatic flow smooth and free from lymph congestion is absolutely critical to your health and well-being.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
10 Ways to Improve Stomach Acid Levels

Stomach acid is critical for disinfecting and killing off bad microbes and for optimizing protein digestion in the body. When the body is unable to produce enough stomach acid, inadequate digestion and microbial overgrowth occurs.

One of the most important and underappreciated health principles is taking time and creating rituals to improve stomach acid levels.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Electrolyte Imbalance: Symptoms and How to Correct

You’ve probably heard of the importance of hydration and electrolytes. An electrolyte imbalance can lead to a variety of uncomfortable and even dangerous symptoms, such as dizziness, muscles spasms, fatigue, and anxiety.

In this article, I want to share with you what electrolytes are, common causes and symptoms of an electrolyte imbalance, and how to correct an electrolyte imbalance naturally.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Feeling Cold Often: Root Causes and Support Strategies
Winter is here. Depending on where you live, you may be adding on some extra layers of sweaters and a warm jacket. You may be enjoying the cool air or perhaps the snow, or you may be counting down till spring or summer. You may be one of those people who just can’t get warm, no matter what.

If you are feeling cold often, despite adding layers, you may be experiencing cold intolerance. If you have cold intolerance, you may also look pale or feel fatigued. Cold intolerance may be a sign of some underlying health problems that need attention.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Truth About Sourdough Bread

In this video, I go over the truth about sourdough bread and if it is healthy or not, is it gluten-free or not and what sort of health benefits can be attained by consuming sourdough bread?

Watch the video here and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel here



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Ever thought about diving into a plant-based diet as part of your health journey?

The idea may excite you, but before you jump in, it’s important that you know the ins and outs of a plant-based diet.

The challenge is that there’s a vast sea of online information about plant-based diets that can be overwhelming, and even provide you with misinformation.

So to help you kickstart your plant-based journey the right way, our friend Kim Murphy, a certified plant-based health coach and Amazon best-selling author, is inviting you to a F.REE 5 Day Plant-Based Challenge!

Claim your F.REE spot in the challenge here!

Kim is the founder of Simply Plant Based Kitchen and specializes in guiding individuals toward their health goals through the potency of plant-based meals.

And in this challenge, she’ll show you the most crucial facts about plant-based diets and how they can help you improve your health and lose weight so you can start implementing them right away!

Here's what you can expect from this challenge:

✅ 5 LIVE Masterclasses to learn the evidence-based science on how to eat a healthy plant-based diet to have your best health & weight

✅ 5 LIVE Cooking Demos to learn how quick & easy it can be to cook healthy plant-based meals

✅ Limited Time Access to class recordings through end of challenge

✅ Easy & fun daily challenge assignments

✅ Access to Plant Based Beginner's Bootcamp Private Facebook Group to connect with others on the same journey

And so much more!

Ready to make plant-based eating a cornerstone of your health journey?

Secure your spot in the 5 Day Plant-Based Challenge now!

To better health and eating,

The Cause Health team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What's the #1 thing that makes you a great herbalist?
Is it harvesting more? Preparing more medicine? Learning hundreds of remedies?
To me, it's the consistent study of materia medica that takes you from good to great.
But that doesn't mean you just randomly read some books here and there...
To truly level up your herbal skills, you have to approach your studies strategically.
And more importantly, you have to balance the knowledge in your mind with actual experience with the plants themselves.
It's this consistent study and experience with herbal medicine that forms that basis of Materia Medica Monthly, and I would like to invite you to join the incredible community of herbalists in there.​
If you're just starting your plant path, this program is one of the best ways to build a solid understanding of the fundamentals, while learning your remedies at the same time.
And if you've been at it for awhile, you'll get deeper insights into the remedies you use with the most in-depth herbal monographs you'll find anywhere (literally 2-3 hours of material on a single plant!)
Click here to check out all the details on Materia Medica Monthly and find out how to take your work with herbal medicines to the next level.
I hope to see you in there and on our next live class!
Take care,
PS: This is a super special enrollment window. You can get a full 12 month subscription for the price of 10, PLUS you get to watch me film a brand new 7-week program called The Herbal Energetics Map.

I'm only shooting this content once, and you'll get to join me live and hang out with me afterwards for a Q&A session.
So now's the time to join Materia Medica Monthly and get a free bonus course!​
"Materia Medica Monthly has differed from other online herbal courses due to the comprehensive depth and information provided in each monograph. There isn't a course, blog, or book that I've come across that is as informative as these monographs.
MMM has made me a better herbalist all the way around.”

—Melanie Huddleston, founder, The Herbal Envoy​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Value of Sugar Detox

Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D.,writes:

I know the value of ridding the body of excess sugar. For more than 30 years, I have incorporated sugar detox for countless patients who have chronic health problems. I have also seen thousands of people whose chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia were aggravated by their sweet tooth.

I also understand the problem firsthand, having been a sugar addict myself, and coming down with chronic fatigue syndrome in 1975. Eliminating my sugar addiction was an important part of my recovery.

Special: Doctor Discovers Sugar Control Method, Naturally

Sugar addiction is the canary in the coal mine. It usually points to a larger problem that is also dragging you down.

I don't have anything against sugar. I simply don't want you feeling poorly and getting sick because of it. In fact, I want you to feel great! And most of you will when you treat the problems accompanying your sugar addiction.

With 18% of American diets coming from added sugar, sugar addiction is becoming the rule rather than the exception. Many eat their weight in sugar every year, which may be why they’re tired, achy, "brain fogged," anxious, and unable to lose weight.

Cutting back on sugar not only lowers the risk of diabetes, hypertension, stroke, and heart attacks — the major killers of modern life ― it also helps fight many other medical conditions.

Plus, it boosts your metabolism, making it easier to lose weight.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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My upcoming interviews

I prerecorded the first two today and will be live with Bruce de Torres on Saturday​

JAN 19
  1. Podcast with Angie Law today
  2. CHD-TV show with James Howard Kunstler today, to be aired Monday am, the 22nd
  3. TNT-Radio show with Bruce de Torres this Saturday the 20th


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Owen Hemsath: Beating Terminal Cancer with Faith and Nutrition

Witness an extraordinary tale of resilience and hope in the face of stage four cancer.

Owen Hemsath, a dedicated YouTuber and father, shares his inspiring journey from a dire cancer diagnosis to a life of renewed purpose and health. Learn how a holistic approach, integrating diet changes, fasting, and emotional healing, played a pivotal role in his remarkable recovery.

-->> Listen Here on Apple, Spotify or Google
-->> Watch here on Youtube

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