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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Skin Health and Autoimmunity
Hey Jim,

The skin is a window into what's happening in the gut. While it is true that skin irritants can be found anywhere, one might try to consider that everything going on on the inside is reflected on the outside.💭

Check out this video to learn about different skin issues, effects of gut health on the skin, autoimmune conditions, and my tips & tricks for having your inside and outside both shine bright & healthy!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
Skin Health and Autoimmunity | Podcast #202
In this episode, we cover:

Gut health mirror the skin
06:09 Administer nutrients inside-out
11:02 Topical irritants
15:27 Bowel movement affects skin health
17:48 Histamine issues, genetics, and excessive insulin
20:38 Autoimmune domino effect

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​
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The Top 5 Causes of Bloating

In this episode, Evan and I are diving into the topic of bloating, and cover the different causes of bloat. We'll cover stomach pH, depression and anxiety's connection to bloating, probiotics, and more!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
My Favorite Plant Powered High Protein Breakfast for Athletes

Join me on this video as I share one of my favorite high-protein, plant-based breakfast recipes that's perfect for powering your athletic body.

This delicious and nutrient-dense breakfast combines organic steel-cut oats, high-protein almond milk, and a mix of superfoods for a tasty start to your day. I'll walk you through the recipe, step by step, so you can enjoy this nutritious breakfast as well.

Don't forget to hit that SUBSCRIBE button for more Plant Powered Athlete content!

>> Watch here
Owen Hemsath: Beating Terminal Cancer with Faith and Nutrition

Witness an extraordinary tale of resilience and hope in the face of stage four cancer.

Owen Hemsath, a dedicated YouTuber and father, shares his inspiring journey from a dire cancer diagnosis to a life of renewed purpose and health. Learn how a holistic approach, integrating diet changes, fasting, and emotional healing, played a pivotal role in his remarkable recovery.

-->> Listen Here on Apple, Spotify or Google
-->> Watch here on Youtube


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Is your posture affecting your balance??

One HUGE reason people lose balance as they age is structural misalignment (that is, a distorted body/spinal posture).

You know, the hunchback & forward head position almost 70% of the world is "stuck" in?

When your body is in that position, not aligned properly, tissues weaken...

Not only in your neck, back, and hips...

But also in your legs and feet...

Which then leads to loss of balance and stability.

Unfortunately, most people will live decades with an imbalanced body...

And why they lose their mobility and independence.

So, one of the best ways to improve your balance is by addressing your spinal posture.

Consider what they found in Nature - Scientific Reports (one of the most cited journals in the world):

When the neck curve flattens out and the head shifts forward, it can slow down signals traveling through the spinal cord and nerves.

This messes with how well your brain coordinates with the body.

But, by restoring the normal neck curve and balanced head position, nerve conduction speeds up again.

The faster signals enhance how the brain communicates with the body through the spinal cord's pathways.

Basically, realigning the neck structure optimizes the spine's function...

So you can keep movement, coordination, and balance working smoothly.

In a nutshell, the better your body mechanics...

The better you’re able to process your senses...

And the better you can respond to the environment around you.

How cool is that!?!

So let's correct our posture, align our bodies (and spines!), and upgrade our balance.

And if you need help with specific exercises to help your body's alignment and restore balance...

Check out this special 5-day exercise series at no charge.

And of course, Be Your Own Guarantee for your health and life.

Dr. Ryan


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Wednesday, 1/24, our 134th episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Ep. 134 - IG - 1
Click to watch the show!​
In his “From the Heart” segment, Dr. Paul discusses the importance of incorporating silence and solitude into our lives to make space for processing our thoughts and deep soul work. It’s in these moments that we can work on cultivating more peace, forgiveness, joy, and love. As parents, we have no greater gift to give our children than our unconditional love. Dr. Paul says these silent moments of reflection can enable deeper and more intentional connections with our loved ones.
This week we feature Kimberly Overton, founder of the Nurse Freedom Network. She shares a powerful message about the need for empowerment and advocacy in the nursing profession. Her extensive experience and insight underscore the importance of critical thinking, patient-centered care, and the need for systemic reform in the industry. Overall, the discussion highlights the crucial role nurses play in healthcare and the need for changes that better serve patients and healthcare providers alike.
In closing, DeeDee Hoover reminds us to dig deep into our soul for passion and then to use it to do great things in the world. Enjoy the show!​
Watch the show here!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Can you look at your life and say you're truly living the life of your dreams?
Stepping into healing, happiness, and longevity can often require facing your fears, having a clear plan, then overcoming any limiting beliefs holding you back. This is exactly why we're inviting you to the FREE screening of Transcendence 1&2 starting TODAY.
CLICK HERE to join the limited-time Transcendence FREE screening event. >>
This online event was so popular last September that our friends at Gaia have decided to host it again. Whether it’s your first or 21st time watching Transcendence, now is the perfect time to watch and get inspiration for the year ahead!
This is your chance to watch interviews with some of the world's most respected minds, including Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Mark Hyman, Marie Forleo, Novak Djokovic, John Robbins, Gabrielle Bernstein, Sir Ken Robinson, and so many more.
Across 10 powerful episodes of this docu-series, you will learn:
  • The secrets to living a happy and purposeful life.
  • Powerful strategies for helping to heal your body naturally.
  • How to achieve everything you've ever wanted, using what you already have.
  • How your thoughts can shape your life, your relationships, and the world around you.
  • And so much more!
Episode 1 is available to watch right now. A new episode will become available each day until February 1. CLICK HERE to join this FREE screening event. >>
In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today I'm speaking at the Live Long & Thrive Conference about LONGEVITY.

Specifically, I'm sharing the "Release Valve" you need to prolong life and offset aging.

I speak about the profound effects of meditation on your health and MUCH more. Don't miss the free talk...

See the talk HERE.

It's only available today on Day 6 of the event...

Dr. Pedram Shojai


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Would you like to discover the calm and clarity within you?

Imagine cultivating a life filled with peace, balance and compassion for yourself and those around you.

Here’s your invitation to an incredible journey of self-discovery at the Art of Meditation Global Summit!

Our friends at Heart Mind Institute have created a groundbreaking 8-day online event, gathering 55+ world-class experts who will share their insights, knowledge, and methods on the Art of Meditation aimed at nurturing your mind, heart, spirit and your journey towards awakening.

Best of all, participation is completely FREE --->>Register today!

Join us from January 23–30, 2024, and immerse yourself in the profound wisdom of over 55 meditation luminaries, including seasoned practitioners of Vipassana, Zen, Tibetan, Abrahamic, and Vedic meditation traditions, as well as experts in modern mindfulness and neuroscience. These esteemed teachers have devoted their lives to the Art of Meditation and are ready to guide you on your path to inner peace and understanding.

Learn from:

Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche, Sharon Salzberg, Deepak Chopra, Kristin Neff, Dzogchen Ponlop Rinpoche, Ruth King, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Roshi Pat Enkyo O’Hara, A. H. Almaas, Sylvia Boorstein, Roshi Norman Fischer, Amoda Maa, Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, Caverly Morgan, Joseph Goldstein, Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel, Krishna Das, Cynthia Bourgeault, Tsoknyi Rinpoche, and many, many more…​
Don't miss this exceptional chance to gain actionable insights and practical techniques that will guide you toward a life of deeper tranquility, increased self-awareness, and comprehensive well-being.

Why not sign up today and join us for this one-of-a-kind event?

--->>Yes... Save my spot now!

You can embark on this amazing journey from the comfort of your own home and…

  • Develop awareness and liberating insight, freeing yourself from dualistic confusion and patterns of reactive suffering
  • Stabilize your mind and practice through calm abiding and focused attention practices
  • Practice mindfulness techniques to enhance focus, clarity, and happiness
  • Develop self-compassion through loving kindness and mindful self-compassion practices
  • Get access to powerful strategies for managing stress, and transforming anxiety, traumas, addictions and depression
  • Experience profound samadhi, bliss, and ultimate freedom through deep meditation practice
  • Directly experience your true nature and being through direct awakening practices
  • Rewire your brain for healing and thriving through meditation and compassion practices
  • Join a community of like-minded individuals on a journey of personal transformation
Be sure to mark your calendar for January 23–30, 2024!

--->>We’ll see you online at the Art of Meditation Global Summit when you register today!
Because health means everything,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Groundbreaking Study: Almonds Reverse Prediabetes Better Than Pharmaceuticals
What if a common pantry staple could rival drugs in reversing disease progression?​
Pomegranate and Sumac for COVID-19 Symptom Relief: A Clinical Trial
Before you head to a clinic, check your kitchen - what you need to fight COVID-19 symptoms may already be in your pantry.​
Pandemic Foraging: How COVID-19 Revived America's Wild Superfoods
When pandemic pandemonium left grocery shelves bare, Americans unearthed an abundant source of free nutrition in their backyards - if only they knew where to look.​


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
New Member
Reddit Exile
no t
Today I'm speaking at the Live Long & Thrive Conference about LONGEVITY.

Specifically, I'm sharing the "Release Valve" you need to prolong life and offset aging.

I speak about the profound effects of meditation on your health and MUCH more. Don't miss the free talk...

See the talk HERE.

It's only available today on Day 6 of the event...

Dr. Pedram Shojai
no thanks, the longer you live the sicker you get!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Episode 355: UNREDACTED
Service members confront Military Leadership with the Declaration of Military Accountability; Jefferey Jaxen shares highlights and lowlights from the World Economic Forum in Davos, US Climate Lead John Kerry steps down, more from the front lines of the German Farmers Protests, and the W.H.O. introduces the next pandemic bug, Disease X; Unredacted data from almost a million death certificates appear to reveal systemic fraud and a horrifying truth.
Guests; LTC (ret.) Brad Miller, John Beaudoin Sr.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle​

Promote an anti-inflammatory lifestyle! Learn steps to overcome symptoms of inflammation and how dietary changes may change your life.​

What Herbs Are Good For Arthritis?​

Wondering what herbs are good for arthritis? James Duke, Ph.D. explains how to make and use home remedies for arthritis in hands and other parts of the body.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Simple Butternut Squash Soup Recipe with an Anti-Inflammatory Quality​

Cook up this simple butternut squash soup recipe for a tasty meal and as a way to potentially help manage inflammation.​

^^^^^ Get the idea buddy^^^^^

Yoga Introduction: Ease Symptoms Associated with Arthritis​

Is arthritis pain getting you down? Explore this yoga introduction to discover how gentle exercise can help you find relief for arthritis and joint pain.​
Read More >
no t

no thanks, the longer you live the sicker you get!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
so what have you and i done wrong jimi? lol
I think I am doin right ever since my diagnoses, beins they told me I had 2 maybe 3 years to live and that was in 2015, and you could too, just gotta keep tryin things till you find the answer;). You have never tried anything I have told you about:(


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Are you ready to tap into inner peace and freedom? We're excited to welcome you to the highly anticipated, landmark Art of Meditation Global Summit—a groundbreaking online event that will empower you to deepen your meditation practice and cultivate insight, contentment, and mindfulness.

Where: Online, from the comfort of your own home
Registration: NO CHARGE ---> Simply click here!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
A few years ago, I began hearing about a local herbalist named Mitten Lowe who made incredible healing broths and herbal elixirs. Rumor had it that she was helping people heal a number of different illnesses using her nourishing and restorative formulas. Heck, my next door neighbor was even raving about her.
A friend was kind enough to make an intro, and Mitten became one of the featured experts in our Healing Kitchen docuseries. Her potent and delicious herbal brews made such a splash with you all that we received a stream of emails, asking for “More Mitten please!”
With that in mind, I have something exciting to share with you…
In a few days, I'll be joining master herbalist Mitten Lowe for a FREE worldwide webinar that we're calling Healing Tonics and Elixirs. She will be sharing some simple recipes and potions you can make yourself to heal and rejuvenate your body from head to toe.
Mitten's goal in this talk is to empower you with all the tools you need to begin making your own herbal elixirs, tonics and healing broths at home. We go LIVE this Thursday at 8pm ET… and this one will likely be a full house.
The recipes that Mitten is about to share are extremely beneficial for health challenges like: fatigue, anxiety, overwhelm, depression, autoimmune disorders, hormone imbalances, digestive issues, insomnia and many more…
Click here for all the details and to reserve your spot!
In this FREE webinar, you will learn:
- The powerful world of healing broths and how to start making them yourself

- A handful of medicinal herbs that are a MUST when crafting your own elixirs, tonics and broths

- An “Elixir Of Immortality” that has been used for millennia to increase longevity

- Which vegetables and spices have the most minerals and nutrients, and why you need to make these your best friends

- Tips to making your own herbal medicines on a tight budget

- How to overcome stress and anxiety by giving your microbiome the right nutrient-dense foods

- When to fast and when not to fast, based on your unique physiology and biological cycle

- Why it is vital to heal the gut first, and then work outward from there, restoring the other systems within you

- And so much more!

Reserve your spot now

This is not one to miss!

Stay curious,

Nick Polizzi
Host of Healing Kitchen: Let Food Be Thy Medicine
Founder of The Sacred Science


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
We love poring over a good recipe, but it's even better to watch it being cooked right in front of you!

Especially when we're talking comfort foods like Vegan Banana Walnut Pancakes... Creamy, Vegan Low Fat Mac N Cheese... and Fudgy Sweet Potato Brownies...

That's why we're inviting you to 5 days of live cooking demos from certified plant-based health coach and best-selling author, Kim Murphy. She's hosting this online event as part of her Plant Based Beginner’s Bootcamp kicking off on January 29. And the best part is, it’s FREE to join!

CLICK HERE to get access to the live cooking demos & bootcamp. >>

Kim's recipes are super simple, use ingredients you can find at almost any grocery store, and take LESS than 30 minutes! No long list of ingredients or weird things you’ve never heard of.

PLUS you'll get so many great tips for saving time, saving money, and making a plant-based diet simple & doable that works for your life.

Watch along live for the chance to ask Kim questions and win prizes. (But don't worry. Replays are available each day if you can’t join in live.)

This is sure to be a fun event you won’t want to miss. You can register here.

In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jim,
How about some brain swaps?

We’re not talking about Freaky Friday here 👬
Truth is that there are some easy tweaks you can make to your everyday food choices.
Now these swaps might be easy, but the wins are incredible: you get all the yumminess while your brain gets a nutritional makeover 🧠 🍽️
Start with the free guide Top 8 Health Brain Food Swaps (it can be in your inbox in just minutes!)
Read and discover:
The damaging ingredient that’s often snuck into “healthy” – check your salad dressing!

One delicious treat that is not a “guilty pleasure” after all (and scientists hail it as a “brain food”)

🍔 The “fatty food” that your brain actually craves

The vegetable that a 2018 study found to slow cognitive decline (or how to rejuvenate your brain by 11 years)
And much more!

There’s no downside to this: eat delicious food, have a healthier brain.
👉 Get your copy here.

To your health,
Sarah Otto
P.S. 🎥 You’ll also get a free pass to the world premiere of the much-anticipated Better Brain Blueprint!
This documentary series will give you cutting-edge, science-backed, firsthand information that you won’t find anywhere else!
Do The Right Thing By Your Brain Here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

Did you know that the CDC reports that 1 in 10 Americans grapple with diabetes, and a staggering 1 in 3 are in the pre-diabetes zone? What’s more concerning is that most of them aren’t even aware of their condition.

When it comes to type 2 diabetes, the common perception often points to sugar or carbs as the culprits, yet the true underlying issue is insulin resistance.

This is when insulin loses its effectiveness within muscle cells, blocking glucose from entering, leading to elevated blood sugar levels and diabetes.

Despite conventional wisdom blaming sugar, it's merely a symptom, with the real problem lying in fat buildup within muscle cells, blocking insulin's crucial function.

An effective solution to reverse insulin resistance, according to recent science, is a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet. In other words, a plant-based diet.

This is just one of the hidden truths about the potential of a plant-based diet that you might not know about yet.

Want more hidden truths like these? You can find them in this new F.REE guide from our good friend and the founder of Simply Plant Based Kitchen, Kim Murphy.

Get your F.REE copy now!
By the way, Kim is also about to host a F.REE 5-Day Plant-Based Beginner’s Bootcamp Challenge, and by downloading this guide you'll automatically save your spot for this upcoming event!

This challenge is designed to give you invaluable insights into the science behind a plant-based diet so you can discover how it can boost your health journey and help you achieve your weight goals.

Expect daily live masterclasses, engaging cooking demonstrations, and the opportunity to join a supportive community where you can get the chance to win amazing prizes!

So if you’re thinking of making the switch to a healthier, plant-based diet easily, take this opportunity and make your first steps towards that change!

Download your FREE guide + secure your complimentary ticket to the 5-Day Plant-Based Beginner’s Bootcamp Challenge.

To a healthier you,

The Conquering Cancer team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Study: Chelation Looks Promising to Treat COPD

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

A preliminary study by researchers from Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City and the Harvard University School of Public Health in Boston hints that chelation could become a treatment for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Chelation therapy uses medicine to remove metals like lead, iron, and arsenic that have built up in your body so they don't make you sick. The therapy involves special drugs that bind to metals in your blood.

Special: Chelation: Top U.S. Cardiologist’s Astonishing Revelation

COPD is primarily caused by smoking and is the sixth leading cause of disease death in the U.S., according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Researchers used mice genetically engineered to have a gene, IRP2, which is overexpressed in animals that develop the lung disease after being exposed to cigarette smoke.

The researchers found that the use of deferiprone, an iron chelating agent, had the same effect as knocking out the gene, thereby both helping to prevent and treat the COPD, along with levels of pulmonary inflammation, according to the study published in Nature Medicine.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Childhood Osteoporosis Diagnoses Doubled From 1999-2014: The Distressing Pediatric Impact of WHO Bone Health Criteria
WHO osteoporosis definitions ignore child development stages. Misapplying adult DXA criteria overdiagnoses healthy kids, causing unnecessary treatment with highly toxic drugs like Fosamax whose risks remain under-recognized.​
Double-Blind Trial: Vitamin C Decreases Amputations by Half for Foot Ulcer Patients
Foot ulcers and wounds often fail to heal with conventional treatment. Studies report only 30-50% of chronic foot ulcers heal with standard wound care including debridement, moist dressings, and offloading pressure. Up to 28% of patients with diabetic foot ulcers require amputation within 5 years. These poor outcomes persist despite new wound care technologies and drug trials costing billions of dollars.​
Treating Dark Spots Naturally: Silymarin Cream Versus Hydroquinone
Melasma is a common skin condition causing brown or gray patches on the face, especially the cheeks, nose, forehead and upper lip. The chronic pigmentation often worsens with sun exposure. While topical hydroquinone cream is the standard treatment, its side effects have raised safety concerns. A recent study published in the Journal of Drugs in Dermatology explored whether milk thistle-derived silymarin could offer similar dark spot improvement with fewer risks.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Paradise's Farmacy: Herbal Healing & Regenerative Farming Straight from Hawaii
Sayer Ji interviews a dear friend and colleague Doug Wolkon, founder of Kauai Farmarcy on the paradisal island of Kaui. In this deep diving discussion, Doug and Sayer discuss a variety of fascinating topics, such as the origin of money in the spice trade, the healing powers of simple teas, why less is more, and the microbiome restoration available through healing plants, and so much more!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi,

I'm excited to share with you an incredible opportunity to enhance your well-being! We've curated an exclusive event, The Thrive State Summit, featuring some of the world's foremost health experts.

Prepare for four days filled with groundbreaking insights that will revolutionize your perspective on health and wellness.

Claim your complimentary pass now.

Wishing you vibrant health,

P.S. Join us on this journey to optimal health, where your well-being contributes to a thriving world around us.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi, Everyone!

We’re doing things a little differently tonight.

Please log in and join our webinar LIVE tonight at 5 pm PST/ 8 pm EST. Esteemed researcher, author, and professor of biology at Boston College Thomas N. Seyfried joins me for an in-depth discussion on Cancer as a Metabolic Disease.

Professor Seyfried has dedicated years of research and time to diving deep into this fascinating subject…and will share his key findings tonight. Together, Professor Seyfried and I will talk about what cancer truly is, how it can best be managed, and discuss the most effective ways to prevent this scourge of a disease.

This is a Cancer Conversation you won’t want to miss.

Here’s how to join us LIVE.
Log into this link at 5:00pm PST/8:00 pm EST
Meeting Code/ID: 841 3785 1852

Date: Tuesday, January 23, 2024, at 5 pm PST / 8 pm EST

Whether you or a loved one are facing a cancer diagnosis, have been grappling with another health issue, or want to learn how to get—and stay—well, the Cancer Conversation can help!

Use the link above to join us live at 5 pm PST/8 pm EST. And don’t forget to invite your family and friends to join.

Season 3, Episode 2
Cancer as a Metabolic Disease
With Hosts Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy, M.D., and Professor Thomas N. Seyfried, Ph.D.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We're super excited about this one...

Especially because EVERYONE around us has the sniffles and can't stop coughing because of the latest version of 'you-know-what' that's been cycling around!

THIS is your chance to transform simple pantry items into powerful healing remedies...

--> Join this masterclass with Master Herbalist Mitten Lowe, and dive into the healing world of homemade tonics, broths & elixirs.

Healing Remedies Revealed - Unlocks Herbal Secrets of Age-Old Healing

In this private web class, you'll Discover:

  • The art of crafting potent healing elixers & broths in your kitchen.
  • Famous Ancient "Immortality Tonics" that have stand the test of time.
  • Nutrient-dense foods that rejuvenate & energize your body & mind.
  • Simple, profound steps to nourish your gut biome & enhance your immune system.
Please take us up on this special invite for our Natural Living Family...

--> Reserve Your Spot Now!


As always, our hope & prayer is that YOU experience the abundant life.

~ Dr. Z & Mama Z

P.S. In this private web class, you will learn

  • The powerful world of healing broths and how to start making them yourself
  • A handful of medicinal herbs that are a must when crafting your own elixirs, tonics and broths
  • The "Immortality Tonic" that has been used for millennia to increase longevity
  • What true nourishment looks like and why so many are experiencing health challenges that stem from a lack of minerals and nutrients
  • Which vegetables and spices have the most minerals and nutrients, and why you need to make these your best friends
  • How to overcome stress and anxiety by giving your gut-biome the right nutrient-dense foods
  • When to fast and when not to fast, based on your unique physiology and biological cycle
  • Why it's vital to heal the gut-biome first, and then work outward from there, restoring the other systems within you
  • And so much more!
--> Reserve your spot here.

Inspiration Brilliant


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
For the past 27 years, Robbie Stahl (a.k.a. The Fitness Doctor) has shown men & women in their 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s how to feel 20 years younger.​
He was one of the pioneers in the "anti-aging fitness" movement, where his revolutionary methods were proven to help people "reverse aging".​
At current count, there are literally thousands of of people around the world that have boosted their health, fitness, mobility, & energy with his methods.​
You can become Robbie's latest success story, by joining his Full Body Fix event, a 5-day event that you can do from the comfort of your own home.​
It's designed for anyone who is feeling sluggish, lacking mobility, in pain, or is feeling the effects of aging, or not achieving what they want to in their life.​
It caters to people of any fitness level, and is more suited to those above 50.​
The Full Body Fix event will teach you how to go through your whole body to find misalignments & dysfunction, and show you exactly how to correct them.​
After doing this, Robbie can guarantee that your mobility, strength, stamina, endurance, balance, & physical capabilities will have massive improvements.​
These easy to do exercises will heal your body and boost your health, along with reversing both the feeling and the physical signs of aging.​
Get in the best physical condition of your life, without leaving your home.​
No more sore body parts, stiff limbs, or feeling tired and exhausted all day.​
This is your ticket to unlocking the full potential of your body, and being able to live your life to the fullest, with an extremely high quality level.​
In health and wellness,​


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
New Member
Reddit Exile
For the past 27 years, Robbie Stahl (a.k.a. The Fitness Doctor) has shown men & women in their 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s how to feel 20 years younger.​
He was one of the pioneers in the "anti-aging fitness" movement, where his revolutionary methods were proven to help people "reverse aging".​
At current count, there are literally thousands of of people around the world that have boosted their health, fitness, mobility, & energy with his methods.​
You can become Robbie's latest success story, by joining his Full Body Fix event, a 5-day event that you can do from the comfort of your own home.​
It's designed for anyone who is feeling sluggish, lacking mobility, in pain, or is feeling the effects of aging, or not achieving what they want to in their life.​
It caters to people of any fitness level, and is more suited to those above 50.​
The Full Body Fix event will teach you how to go through your whole body to find misalignments & dysfunction, and show you exactly how to correct them.​
After doing this, Robbie can guarantee that your mobility, strength, stamina, endurance, balance, & physical capabilities will have massive improvements.​
These easy to do exercises will heal your body and boost your health, along with reversing both the feeling and the physical signs of aging.​
Get in the best physical condition of your life, without leaving your home.​
No more sore body parts, stiff limbs, or feeling tired and exhausted all day.​
This is your ticket to unlocking the full potential of your body, and being able to live your life to the fullest, with an extremely high quality level.​
In health and wellness,​
how to feel 20 yrs younger and stiff limbs! jimi thats naughty lol


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Most people don't do daily exercises or do they realize just how important they are to your daily health. Daily exercise also helps prevent diseases even makes you stronger against viruses. I urge everyone to start a daily exercise routine, your only cheatin yourself if you don't. ;)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

how to feel 20 yrs younger and stiff limbs! jimi thats naughty lol
The stiffness is only because you are out of shape my friend. I do over an hour and a half of exercises to start my day;). It's all these things combined that keep me topside, too dark under the ground


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
New Member
Reddit Exile
The stiffness is only because you are out of shape my friend. I do over an hour and a half of exercises to start my day;). It's all these things combined that keep me topside, too dark under the ground
jimi. i was thinking of another stiffness lol


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Did you know that many of today’s modern ailments stem from poor digestion and nutrient absorption?

With our current industrial farming practices and overall culture of convenience, most Americans’ diets are vastly nutrient deficient. Couple that with our fast-paced way of life, and you get an epidemic of chronic disease and mental unrest.

It’s no wonder that millions of people are suffering from adrenal fatigue, inflammation, and autoimmune conditions. After all, one key root cause of all these conditions is not getting the minerals and nutrients your body needs… and poor food choices.

This is why healing broths and herbal elixirs are on the rise these days. They’re not only loaded with essential nutrients, but they also contain medicinal plants and foods that help to restore and protect specific organs in your body.

Going to the store to buy these highly beneficial formulas can get pricey, so our friend Nick Polizzi decided to host a LIVE webinar with master herbalist and holistic nutritionist Mitten Lowe. In it, they are going to show you how to start making your own delicious and potent broths, tonics, and elixirs in your own home.

This Webinar is called Healing Broths And Elixirs 101, and we highly recommend tuning in as it comes at no cost.

They’ll show you how to harness the power of common pantry ingredients, healing herbs, and time-tested superfoods so that you can turn them into potent and delicious medicines for true nourishment.

Click here for full details and to sign up now

If you’ve been on your health journey for some time and can’t seem to catch a break or are entirely new to this path, you won’t want to miss out on Mitten’s simple formulas and DIY broths, elixirs, and tonics. Who knew wellness could be this easy, taste this good, and most importantly, be achieved with items from your fridge and pantry?!

In this Webinar, you will learn:

  • The powerful world of healing broths and how to start making them yourself
  • A handful of medicinal herbs that are a must when crafting your elixirs, tonics, and broths
  • An "Elixir Of Immortality" that has been used for millennia to increase longevity
  • Which vegetables and spices have the most minerals and nutrients, and why you need to make these your best friends
  • Tips to making your herbal medicines on a tight budget
  • How to overcome stress and anxiety by giving your gut-biome the right nutrient-dense foods
  • When to fast and when not to fast, based on your unique physiology and biological cycle
  • Why it's vital to heal the gut biome first, and then work outward from there, restoring the other systems within you
  • And so much more!
Reserve your spot now!

Mitten Lowe is a medicine woman, biologist, clinical herbalist, and passionate community member. Her work is centered on the core philosophy that we must nourish our bodies with nutrient-rich, anti-inflammatory foods to experience true health and function at our peak. The plant-based formulas she’ll be sharing in this webinar are easy to make, and help to strengthen and protect specific organ systems.

Mitten and Nick’s goal behind this webinar is to give you a full body and mind reboot that will leave you feeling whole inside and out, nourished, and filled with inspiration.

Don’t miss out on your chance for true wellness!

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Did you know that around 80% of adults might have sleep apnea?

If you often feel tired during the day, snore, wake up during the night, and have trouble with your memory, mood, appetite or staying motivated…

You could be one of them!

And if left unaddressed, it can cause serious health problems like high blood pressure, heart problems, or even worse – a stroke.

--->>Learn how to break free from the cycle of sleeplessness when you attend this complimentary, online event!

Be sure to mark your calendar for February 6-12, 2024!​
Dr. Audrey Wells will be your host at the Deep Sleep Summit. After more than 15 years of experience helping people with sleep issues and weight management. Dr. Wells combines her medical knowledge and life coaching skills to help people sleep better and control their weight. Her struggle with insomnia and her journey to find deep sleep show her dedication to her field and make her a person others can relate.

At the Sleep Deep Summit, you'll learn:
  • Cutting-edge strategies and expert insights
  • How to conquer sleep apnea and insomnia once and for all
  • Practical tips and techniques for immediate implementation
  • Connect with a supportive community on the same journey to restful nights
  • Inspiring success stories from individuals who have overcome sleep struggles
  • And more!
Learn from 50+ of today’s leading experts on how to break free from the cycle of sleeplessness – including doctors, researchers and authors – at the Sleep Deep Summit taking place on February 6-12, 2024!

--->>Register today and take the first step towards a well-rested, energized you!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

5 Ways to Fight a Leaky Gut Syndrome​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Truth About Insulin Potentiated Therapy’s Unparalleled Results​

“Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.” – Marie Curie, a Nobel Prize winner and trailblazer of cancer research in the early 1900s.
Chemo, radiation, surgery, or all-natural aren’t your only options! Cryoablation (learn more here) and taking an integrative approach (check out my groundbreaking program) to treatment are other effective options to consider. Today’s blog shines the spotlight on Insulin Potentiated Therapy (IPT); the full name is Insulin Potentiation Therapy Low Dose (IPTLD). This integrative therapy takes advantage of cancer’s obsession with sugar to strategically use the best of conventional treatment and natural healing.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

John & Tara’s Herbal Guide for The Whole Year​

Happy 2024! 🎊

Join John Gallagher and Tara Ruth for a captivating podcast episode designed to enrich your herbal journey this year. We forgo our usual guest interviews for an intimate, insightful conversation between two herbalists.

🍁 Ready to explore a year in the life of an herbalist?

Episode Highlights:

Winter Wellness:

Warm up with cinnamon, ginger, and oatstraw. Discover ginger's remarkable topical uses for stiffness and its digestive health benefits.

Spring Revival:
Welcome spring with dandelion, chickweed, and plantain. Learn how these herbs contribute to digestive wellness and skin care.

Summer Soothers:
Delve into the soothing properties of hawthorn, rose, and aloe. Explore their heart-healing and skin-calming effects.

Fall Fortifiers:
Gear up for autumn with immune-boosting elderberry and garlic. Find out how they support respiratory health and prepare you for the colder months.

📚 Recipes & Practical Tips...
We're excited to share a variety of simple recipes like garlic honey, calendula oil, and herbal teas. Get valuable insights on incorporating these herbs seamlessly into your daily life.

We're thrilled to have you as part of our community and look forward to inspiring your herbal learning journey throughout the year!​


Elizabeth Guthrie: The Trauma Informed Herbalist​




Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Finding out that you or a loved one has cancer is devastating news.

The emotions it brings up can almost be more difficult to deal with than the disease itself. This has a huge impact not just on quality of life… but even on healing and recovery.

The Big Questions cancer brings up can turn your entire world upside down. Patients and their families are forced to re-evaluate EVERYTHING.

What if the cancer spreads? Am I going to be a burden to my family?

What if the cancer comes back? Am I still going to feel like myself after all of this?

What if this is the end?

These questions can cause you to lose sleep, snap at the people you love, or spiral into depression, consumed by endless anxiety about the future.

And yet…

…the way cancer is treated by the medical establishment is like your car broke down.

You get a sterile diagnosis and a sterile treatment. Often, you’re more of a number than a human.

The truth is a cancer journey is an emotional journey as well as a physical one.

Back when we filmed The Answer to Cancer, Dr. Zach Bush talked about treating the person, not the disease alone.

Left untreated, fear and guilt can MAINTAIN the chronic stress and inflammatory states that helped cancer form in the first place.

Working through the emotional experience is THE key to unlocking your body's innate healing potential.

You may be wondering…
  • “Okay I hear you Patrick… What do I DO about my anxiety?”
  • “How do I stop fear and guilt from worsening my health?”
  • “How can I learn to control the rollercoaster of emotions I’m experiencing everyday?”
  • “How can I just put this aside and enjoy the little things?”

If these questions resonate, I have an exciting opportunity to share with you.

I recently discovered a program called Precision Emotional Healing for Cancer, built by my friends at Liber8. I've known co-founder Mike Cline for years - one of the biggest hearted people I know.

Mike and his team created this program specifically to help cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers process the challenging emotions and traumas that arise throughout the cancer journey.

Discover Precision Emotional Healing

I was reading some of the case studies from the program and was BLOWN away by the results (more on Angie’s story tomorrow)

They are inviting only 60 patients to join this next cohort - and since I know the founders, you get first dibs on the limited spots before it opens up publicly.

So if you’re interested in joining, please visit this link to learn more.

With purpose

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