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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Greetings Jimi!
This is a very special week...

There's a natural Fresh Start Energy to the beginning of the year. It's very typical for nearly everybody. There's a tremendous transformational potential that impacts our psychology, motivation, and behavior.

In practical terms, you're likely to be feeling a deep inspiration, a wave of energy from the collective to exercise more of your capacity to choose. To be more and to more easily envision positive change.

There's a "Let's Go: I want to turn a corner and start a new page" eagerness. The past is naturally separated from our future in our experience, and it's simply easier to see more possibilities.

And this special energy wave only lasts for a couple of weeks, so be sure to take advantage of it now.

What Fresh Start are you ready to choose for yourself at the beginning of 2024 as you ride the wave of energetic potential?

How about starting with the free Qigong teaching and meditation Master Mingtong has planned for you?

It's this Sunday, January 7th 11:00am - 12:30pm US Denver Mountain Time.

Sunday, January 7 - Free Online Teaching & Meditation led by Master Mingtong​

Register for the January 7 Winter Meditation livestream link now while it's on your mind.

We'll send you the link in an email and you can also watch it (live and replay) on YouTube!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi
My friends at Brain Health Secrets have a report on 15 evidence-based effective natural steps to boost your brain clarity, memory, focus, and processing-power quickly.

Even better, these same at-home steps are also among the most powerful of all to protect your brain against Alzheimer’s and other cognitive decline over the longer term.

It’s all right here for you in an outstanding new report from Brian Vaszily called, FAST-IMPACT Natural Brain Health Secrets: The Top 15 Little-Known Ways to Quickly Boost Your Memory, Focus, and Brain Clarity, and this important research-based guide is truly about to make a world of difference for you:

Get your completely FREE copy here right now with registration.

This is by way of introduction to their new summit: The Live Long and Thrive Summit.

(By the way, be sure to see Brian reveal how 19 HEARTLESS words a doctor said years ago have everything to do with how long and how well you live on the page right after the free and easy sign up… VERY powerful!)

There’s been a lot of new research in this area, and you’ll discover many immediately useful surprises, such as:

→ What you’ll simply want to look at because research shows that doing so quickly boosts your focus & brain accuracy
→ The best “fast impact” foods, beverages, herb & spices for your brain according to the latest science
→ The top sounds you’ll want to listen to because they boost your “on the spot” brain performance (do this BEFORE anything requiring your concentration)
→ The 6 best smells to boost your mental alertness, help you remember things, and help your “overactive” brain relax
→ The easy anytime, anywhere step that instantly “lights up” your brain’s memory, learning, and decision-making power (you’ll LOVE the great news on this one)
→ And more
Live long and thrive summit
Head here now for your free new FAST-IMPACT Natural Brain Health Secrets report from Brian Vaszily.

You can also learn about the unique Live Long & THRIVE Summit.

In it, 22 world-renowned to flat-out legendary healthy aging and longevity MDs and researchers – each from different key areas of expertise – are about to reveal the widely unknown yet proven most effective steps of all that you must take to avoid and overcome disease… live long… and truly THRIVE while living long!

For example…

If you now take or might ever take any type of prescription drug…
Do not miss the very first interview with a top consulting expert to the FBI & U.S. Department of Justice on prescription drug matters, and a Harvard Medical School faculty member for 16 years.

He’s going to reveal widely suppressed prescription drug insights you need to know.

(Scroll a bit down this page to The Legends You’ll Learn From, A Taste of What They’ll Reveal section to see more about him and the others you’ll be learning from)

To Living Long and Living Well,

Dr Heather Sandison


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Did you realize that medical mistakes - including errors in the use of prescription drugs - are now the 4th leading cause of death, leading to over 250,000 deaths in the U.S. yearly? That's huge!

If you or your loved ones now take or might ever take any prescription drug, there’s some mind-blowing new facts you need to know. That's why I'm excited to invite you to a new, groundbreaking event sharing this information and more to help you live healthier longer.

CLICK HERE to join The Live Long & THRIVE Summit for FRE.E >>

This important event is hosted by my friend, Brian Vaszily, who’s been a widely respected and influential natural health researcher for over 20 years. He’s well-known for creating some of the most helpful health events out there.

On Day 1 of this new event, he's lined up a jaw-dropping interview with a renowned MD, top consulting expert in drug industry litigation, and Harvard Medical faculty member with insider secrets on prescription drugs.

As we get older and the aches and pains become more noticeable, taking prescription drugs can feel like our best hope to maintain the youth we once had. But I want you to know that you don't have to buy into this mindset, and that there are proven and powerful changes that you can make to help you live healthier longer.

I hope you find great value in this online event.

In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Did you realize that medical mistakes - including errors in the use of prescription drugs - are now the 4th leading cause of death, leading to over 250,000 deaths in the U.S. yearly? That's huge!

If you or your loved ones now take or might ever take any prescription drug, there’s some mind-blowing new facts you need to know. That's why I'm excited to invite you to a new, groundbreaking event sharing this information and more to help you live healthier longer.

CLICK HERE to join The Live Long & THRIVE Summit for FRE.E >>

This important event is hosted by my friend, Brian Vaszily, who’s been a widely respected and influential natural health researcher for over 20 years. He’s well-known for creating some of the most helpful health events out there.

On Day 1 of this new event, he's lined up a jaw-dropping interview with a renowned MD, top consulting expert in drug industry litigation, and Harvard Medical faculty member with insider secrets on prescription drugs.

As we get older and the aches and pains become more noticeable, taking prescription drugs can feel like our best hope to maintain the youth we once had. But I want you to know that you don't have to buy into this mindset, and that there are proven and powerful changes that you can make to help you live healthier longer.

I hope you find great value in this online event.

In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
COVID-19 -- is it really about a virus?
After spending three years writing his book REGENERATE, which looks deeply into the nature of exosomes, Sayer connects the dots between germ theory, COVID-19, and profound misunderstanding people have about the presumably deadly nature of viral particles.

In this video, Sayer discusses the controversy around the similarity between viruses and extracellular vesicles called exosomes, as well as the possibility that what appears to be contagion-based viral infectivity may also be understood as a xenohormetic response to toxicant or EMF-associated cell damage.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

We're just 4 days away from the start of the Fatty Liver Docu-Class!

Today I'm writing to share a short video from Dr. Edward Group — explaining why loving your liver is so important — and why you need to show up to the Fatty Liver Docu-Class when it begins this coming Tuesday...

Why You Should Love Your Liver


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

SAVE THE DATE for Season 3, Episode 1 of the Cancer Conversation

Join us Tuesday, January 9th, 2024, at 5:00 pm PST / 8:00 pm EST
Happy New Year, Everyone!

It’s 2024, and we’re kicking off a brand-new season of the Cancer Conversation. In Season 3, we will continue sharing cutting-edge approaches to integrative cancer care. These methods include the newest diagnostic and treatment modalities we use at the Cancer Center for Healing, the latest, well-researched and proven supplements, and the most up-to-date information on how to heal and truly be well.

In that vein, we have an incredible lineup of world-renowned experts in their respective fields who will be joining us each month, and we cannot wait to share their knowledge and passion for integrative medicine.

To kick off Season 3, we invite you to tune in this Tuesday at 5 PM PST and ask Dr. Daniel Roney and Dr. Brittany Ptak your most-pressing questions about cancer, specific health concerns, and our integrative approach to health and wellness.​
You all had so many great questions last year that we could not answer them all. So, if your question still needs to be addressed, be sure to join us LIVE on Tuesday! We will circle back to some of those unanswered questions and give you the opportunity to ask new ones during the live broadcast.
Date: Tuesday, January 9, 2024, at 5 pm PST / 8 pm EST​

Whether you or a loved one are facing a cancer diagnosis, have been grappling with another health issue, or want to ask general questions about how to get—and stay—well, Dr. Roney and Dr. Ptak are standing by to provide answers and guidance.
Don’t miss your opportunity to ask your questions LIVE This coming Tuesday!
Save the date for the Cancer Conversation Q&A session. And don’t forget to invite your family and friends to join.

Season 3, Episode 1 Q&A: Ask Anything! With Hosts Dr. Daniel Roney and Dr. Brittany Ptak

Those of you who join LIVE will have the opportunity to have your questions answered during the webinar. If you would like to submit your question for consideration ahead of time, you may email it to [email protected]. If you have registered for the webinar but miss the live broadcast, you will receive a replay link you can access anytime.
We can’t wait to see you on Tuesday.

To your health,

Leigh Erin Connealy, M.D.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Greetings Jimi!
The darkness of winter is not merely a reduction in daylight; it has long been revered by nearly every culture as a potent time for introspection and mystery. In many spiritual traditions, darkness is more than a metaphor – it's where transformation begins.
Winter is a natural time for turning inward, exploring the unknown within ourselves, and acknowledging our shadow aspects. This period of reduced external distractions allows for profound self-exploration and understanding.
The dark of winter thus becomes a nurturing womb, fostering personal growth and enlightenment. Embracing this darkness can lead to a deeper connection with the self and the universe, providing a foundation for deep healing, plus spiritual awakening and enlightenment.

And during the winter, we are naturally inspired, warmed, and mesmerized by the luminosity of a fire, whether large or small, in contrast to our natural surroundings. It’s a symbol of the light of knowledge dispelling the darkness of ignorance — a symbol of the natural symbiotic dance between destruction and creation — and a reminder of the stages of purification, transformation, renewal, and passion.​

Is it any wonder why Master Mingtong is so excited about offering you a Wintertime Retreat this year?

The potentialities and gifts of this time for deep healing and transformation are rich and bountiful!
Let's get started this Sunday, with the free Online Qigong teaching and meditation Master Mingtong has planned for you

Mark your calendar. It's January 7th 11:00am - 12:30pm US Denver Mountain Time.
Sunday, January 7 - Free Online Teaching & Meditation led by Master Mingtong
Register for the January 7 Winter Meditation livestream link now while it's on your mind.

We'll send you the link in an email and you can also watch it (live and replay) on YouTube!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


A devotion to your health means much more than the food that you eat and the workouts that you do. Overall health means focusing on your mental health. It’s a major factor to your overall health, arguably the most important. Below, we’ll explore how to care for your mental health by engaging in a creative hobby.

Creativity, and How It Affects Our Mind

Creativity, as a mental health tool, can be extremely effective. There’s a sort of rush you get from finishing a creative project, unparalleled by any other sort of work. Not only is there a rush from the finished product, but the flow state you achieve from the extreme focus given by the work itself is rewarding. In fact, these creative gifts are so wonderful that many people choose to lead their careers in a creative field in order to continuously be rewarded by creativity. People in the creative field tend to have more fulfillment by their work, a sense of meaning in what they do and overall happiness.
But why do we get that rush? And how come engaging in the creative process is so rewarding? Well for one, creativity can be an outlet for self-expression. With many people, most of their time is spent working in an environment that restricts self-expression, thus their creativity and sense-of-self are restricted. By engaging in a creative hobby, you can finally find a release for your self-expression.
Another reason why creativity is rewarding is because it’s hard. Not in the sense that running a triathlon is hard, but the entire process from ideation to creation is a difficult road filled with self-doubt and misery. But these are the very reasons why creativity is worth it, because despite all the reasons not to create, creatives still do. In a bout of defiance, you defy your own self-doubts and get to work creating.
Creativity also demands a lot, forcing the you to use all of their experiences and knowledge in order to create something new. This is why the best creatives are intentional in what they consume and thus consume a lot. This is because everything is and will be inspiration for creatives, they are a sort of hoarder of ideas and themes.

Implementing Creativity

You don’t have to be Picasso in order to weave creativity into your every-day life. A few creative hobbies include (but aren’t restricted to): cooking, writing, videography, photography, music, drawing or painting. Now, these are all activities devoted to creativity and are awesome hobbies to pick up but there is a lot of creative space in your life that can be filled up…
You can get creative with your workouts or regular running/biking route by intentionally choosing a different route or forcing yourself to stick to a certain pace for the whole workout. By challenging yourself to be creative, you’ll start to feel more fulfillment and a general aura of happiness that surrounds you in everything that you do. It’s that same feeling you get after a really good workout, a feeling of accomplishment because you’ve just done something that was really challenging.
So, we urge you all to get out there and get creative. Don’t be afraid to mix things up, to challenge old notions and most importantly, to challenge yourself. To engage in creativity is a sort of dare to yourself, challenging yourself to change old ideas into new and to create.
Your biggest fans at FITera,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How Vitamin D Protects Against Respiratory Infections

Vitamin D is a key player when it comes to immune protection and your fight against respiratory infections. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that you need for immune function, bone, muscle, brain, and mental health.

Even though it’s one of the most vital vitamins, most of our population is deficient in vitamin D. Raising the awareness of the importance of vitamin D and improving your body’s vitamin D levels is more crucial than ever.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Colon Cleansing: Benefits and How to do a 3 Day Cleanse
Your colon is the home of billions of bacteria, including beneficial bacteria. They are essential for proper nutrient absorption, fighting off dangerous bacteria, reducing inflammation, and lowering your risk of pain and disease.

Having a well-functioning and healthy colon is incredibly important for your overall health and well-being. Having a compromised gut microbiome may lead to inflammation, pain, and disease.

This is why regular colon cleansing is essential to support your microbiome, detoxify your body, lower inflammation, and support your body.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This week's newsletter explores a new online event airing soon, what rewiring your brain actually means, tips to navigate sleep divorce, personality traits and their relationship to dementia, and more...

-->> Live Long & Thrive Summit - Art of Anti-Aging (January 2024)​

Highly effective strategies for preventing disease and promoting a long and healthy life should be part of our common knowledge, but unfortunately, that is not the case.

In The Live Long & THRIVE Summit, you’ll have the opportunity to uncover these crucial insights...

-->> BPA, phthalates "widespread" in supermarket foods, regardless of packaging, Consumer Report says - CBS News (January 2024)​

Looking to reduce your exposure to plasticizers in the new year? Contrary to what you might think, shopping organic and avoiding plastic food packaging isn't a surefire way to avoid harmful chemicals such as BPA and phthalates...

-->> What Does "Rewiring Your Brain" Actually Mean? Here's The Neuroscience Behind It - MBG (December 2023)​

The phrase “rewire your brain” is used so loosely lately that it can seem more like a metaphor than a scientific reality. Is it really possible to rewire one's brain? And if so, how?

-->> Tips to navigate a "sleep divorce" - Harvard Health (January 2024)​

Sometimes happy partners choose to sleep in separate beds or even separate bedrooms...

-->> Personality Traits: A Surprising Factor in Dementia Risk - Harvard Health (November 2023)​

Researchers revealed that certain personality traits, such as conscientiousness, extraversion, and positive affect, can reduce the likelihood of a dementia diagnosis...

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
About 13% of women in the US will face invasive breast cancer at some point in their lives.
It's the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths in women.
In a world filled with incredible technological and medical advances, it's disheartening to see these numbers remain so high. Why is traditional medicine failing us?
It's time for a change, and we have the solution.
Join us at the upcoming Breast Cancer Breakthrough Summit, where we'll explore a whole new approach to healing from breast cancer.
From gaining new tools to shift your perspective on breast cancer, to a deeper understanding of its causes and how to prevent it, and unlocking the transformative power of the right foods and supplements, this summit has it all.
Click here to join the Breast Cancer Breakthroughs Summit<<
This transformative 100% online event is right around the corner. It's your perfect opportunity to uncover the essential strategies needed to reclaim your health, enhance your happiness, and feel amazing.
Here you’ll learn from over 40+ top experts as they unveil their tried-and-true strategies and well-guarded secrets to help you reach your goals.
  • Understand how breast cancer is treated
  • Discover ways to prevent recurrence
  • Learn how to address treatment side effects and reverse them
  • Explore natural and safe methods to reverse disease
  • Stay updated on the latest treatment approaches
  • Uncover what tests you need and why
Don't miss out on this invaluable opportunity to take control of your health and unlock the potential for a brighter future.
Secure your fr-ee spot at the summit today<<
Jennifer Simmons, MD, and Véronique Desaulniers, DC
Your Future Hosts
P.S. We want you to know that you're not alone in this battle, Jim. At the Breast Cancer Breakthroughs Summit, you'll find a supportive community that understands the challenges you're facing. Sharing your journey with others who have experienced similar struggles can be a source of incredible strength and inspiration. Save your fr-ee spot today<<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Herb Curcumin Shown To Be Effective In Reducing Arthritis Symptoms
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a painful and debilitating autoimmune disease that can lead to a substantial loss of mobility and function, if not adequately treated. While gradual disfiguration of flexible joints in the fingers are a characteristic sign of this disorder, RA has the potential to affect many tissues and organs by contributing to chronic, systemic inflammatory activity. Estimates are that RA activity beyond the joints, also known as extra-articular rheumatoid arthritis, affects 15-25% of all individuals afflicted by the condition.....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Vitamin D Deficiency Linked To Cardiovascular Disease
Vitamin D deficiency has now been shown to increase the risk of fatal cardiovascular disease (CVD).
The lead researchers, Drs Laura Perna and Ben Schottker, German Cancer Research Center (Heidelberg) report:
“Although our results were able to confirm an approximately 27% increased total CV risk in subjects with vitamin D deficiency, they indicate that the risk is much stronger for (and possibly even confined to) fatal CVD events,” The findings were published in the December issue of the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Research at a Glance Autoimmune Illnesses
Autoimmune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, Reiter’s Syndrome. lupus, asthma, and ulcerative colitis. Researchers are discovering an increasing number of links between the immune, nervous, and endocrine systems. Hormones of the endocrine system, such as vitamin D, help the immune and nervous systems defend the body, with defects in this intricate system leading to autoimmune disorders.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
More About Vitamin D Benefits
Chronic Pain -
In a study involving 150 children and adults with unexplained muscle and bone pain, almost all were found to be vitamin D deficient; many were severely deficient with extremely low levels of vitamin D in their bodies.
Vitamin D deficiency causes muscle weakness and pain in children and adults. Muscle pain and weakness was a prominent symptom of vitamin D deficiency in a study of Arab and Danish Moslem women living in Denmark (20)...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi ,

You're invited to join our free video series with Chef AJ!

Click here to claim your complimentary spot right away.

Maybe the holidays pulled you off track?

Or last year's New Year resolutions didn't become reality?

Whatever brought you here, if you're ready to regroup and make this the last time you'll ever have to lose weight, this 4-part video series is for you.

When you join us, you'll discover how to:

  1. lose the weight
  2. keep it off
  3. disarm cravings and temptations
  4. get started without stress or overwhelm
And Chef AJ will reveal some details of her journey that I've never heard her share elsewhere...

Nothing is harder than having to restart your health journey. Chef AJ knows this first hand. She fought the ups and downs for over 50 years...

So in this series, you'll get the exact blueprint that Chef AJ has taught to her over 1,000 private clients. She'll even break down how she adjusted her own diet step by step to break through plateaus and end up looking and feeling her best in her 60s without a single relapse.

So while you're reading this, click here and save your spot right now - it only takes a few seconds.

Yours in health,



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

How many of us have friends, family, and community members whose health is suffering because of the food they’re eating?

We do, and it’s heartbreaking.

The truth is that most people are eating the wrong food and missing out on the nutrients and vitamins they need—and it’s causing a global health catastrophe.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

We now have years of solid scientific research showing that many chronic diseases plaguing our loved ones and communities are preventable when people adopt a whole-food, plant-powered diet.

A diet rich in vegetables, healthy whole grains, colorful fruits, legumes, and nuts…

And low in processed foods, sugar, and animal products…

Has been shown to slash the risk of diseases, including the world’s top killers.

If you want to make a difference, help people get healthy, and be part of the solution, we have something exciting to share.

Our good friend Ocean Robbins has been a leader in the food revolution movement for decades, and we trust his nutritional wisdom and heart-centered approach completely.

He just announced the Plant-Based Coaching Masterclass. (It won’t cost you a dime!)

>> Register here!

Imagine if you could help people adopt a way of eating that gave them more energy, helped them ditch medications, and could even help them live longer.

When you join the Plant-Based Coaching Masterclass, you’ll learn:

  • What the latest research tells us about the exact foods that are shown to prevent—and, in many cases, reverse—disease. You’ll learn the simple dietary shifts that can kick off a healing transformation and the specific nutrients shown to increase lifespan, improve heart health, starve cancer, slash the risk of dementia, decrease type 2 diabetes markers, and much more.
  • The successful strategy that coaches use to get abundant clients.
  • The big mistake that outdated coaching techniques make—and how to motivate clients to go from wanting to change… to doing it.
  • And so much more… Get ready for an in-depth experience that will teach you how to change lives, starting with your own!
Jimi, whether you’re looking for a new career, want to start a side gig, are already a coach or wellness professional, or want to help people you love, we highly recommend you attend this training.

Right now, the field of plant-based wellness is exploding, and coaches who jump on this NOW will be able to stand out in a competitive marketplace and establish themselves as go-to experts.

>> Save your spot for the Plant-Based Coaching Masterclass here!

To your health,
Your DrTalks Family

P.S. When you register, you’ll get the exclusive guidebook, 27 Rewarding Paths to a Thriving Career as a Plant-Based Coach.

Some coaches need help figuring out how they can use their expertise besides just working one-on-one with clients.

But the truth is there are SO many creative ways to build a career where you get to help people get healthy for a living.

This guidebook will help you feel more confident in creating your dream work-life scenario. And it’s yours just for showing up to the Plant-Based Coaching Masterclass.

Register now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Where does your inner glow come from? It's an internal state that has a lot to do with your conscious awareness and state of being according to Katie Silcox.

Join me in a fascinating conversation anchored in awareness, trauma, acceptance, awakening, and growth.

I really enjoyed this podcast and trust you will too.


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
New Member
Reddit Exile
Where does your inner glow come from? It's an internal state that has a lot to do with your conscious awareness and state of being according to Katie Silcox.

Join me in a fascinating conversation anchored in awareness, trauma, acceptance, awakening, and growth.

I really enjoyed this podcast and trust you will too.
looks good jimmi


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The good news is that all the experts agree you don't need to go on a crash diet, juice cleanse, or do anything else dramatic in order to lose weight.
Small steps, not giant changes, will help you lose weight—and maintain a healthy weight long-term.
And more good news when it comes to weight loss, your approach doesn't have to hurt and you don’t have to starve yourself for it to work.
Check out one of my all-time favorite articles giving you simple, yet effective strategies to lose weight and keep it off:
Eating whole foods, higher protein, soluble fiber, and less sugar can help you lose more weight. Don’t forget to get a good night’s sleep, too; it is critical to your metabolism ; ).


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Some brain-friendly food for thought​

How are you feeling after the holiday season? Sometimes it can be a struggle to get back into your routine. It’s the heart of winter. Days are short and cold in much of the northern hemisphere. You may feel like you are walking around in a haze. For many, this can be considered a little brain fog often due to overindulgence with certain foods. But it is wise to note that studies show these same types of foods are linked to brain inflammation and higher risk for Alzheimer’s and dementia.

“The Mood Food MD,” Dr. Uma Naidoo says things like too many simple carbs, high caffeine and gut inflammation triggered by gluten are all causes of brain fog, anxiety and even rage.

I spoke about this correlation between gluten and brain inflammation in Medical News Today in response to a new study linking the two. “Gluten ingestion can trigger the production of zonulin, which can create a ‘leaky gut’ with gaps between cells where large molecules can cross from the gut into the bloodstream triggering a body-wide inflammatory response.” This state of inflammation affects the entire nervous system.

It’s not just gluten. A large study published in 2022 showed that higher consumption of ultra-processed foods was related to a higher risk of dementia. These common foods such as soft drinks, potato chips and other salty snacks, deep-fried or packaged meats, bottled condiments, prepackaged sweets and breads, and flavored breakfast cereals are high in added sugar, fat and salt, and low in protein and fiber. “For every 10 percent increase in ultra-processed foods consumed, the risk for Alzheimer’s rose 14 percent; for dementia overall, it increased 25 percent, according to the study,” as recapped by American Academy of Neurology.

As more research is established, the science keeps stacking up to support the connection between the gut and the entire neurological system. Gut microbes impact brain inflammation but also are responsible for making other chemicals that affect the brain. “Gut bacteria affect brain health, so changing your gut bacteria may improve your brain health,” noted by Ruairi Robertson, PhD.

All of this is why my patients and those at Marama focus a ketogenic diet that heavily on plant-based, nutrient-dense, whole foods that are organic, with an adequate amount of protein. One of the components of this ketogenic diet is a generous amount of healthy fats such as avocados, grass fed organic butter, olive oil, avocado oil, nuts, and the healthy fat and protein from animals that are grass-fed, grass finished and organic. I held a workshop on how to incorporate this type of keto diet for cognitive health last Thursday. If you want to learn more, you can watch the replay here.

Calls to start that diet are all around us at this time of year, it’s important to remember that this is a long-term lifestyle change. Focus on positive additions such as adding these 7 foods that can fight dementia and Alzheimer’s.

  1. Leafy greens
  2. Berries
  3. Nuts
  4. Omega-3s
  5. Cruciferous Vegetables
  6. Spices
  7. Seeds
This research can help us all come out of the fog and confusion around what we eat and how it affects our brain. With this knowledge we can move into 2024 and move towards a world without dementia.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Have you found yourself saying/feeling something really similar?

Real email that I go yesterday from a community member:

"Hey Jen, I'm just stumped at this point. My doctor doesn't know what to tell me anymore. Fortunately I came across your podcast in some random FB group and am listening to every episode that applies to me. I've tried so many suggestions over the past 2 years that haven't really helped much or have made my skin freak out even worse.

I don't understand why I can't figure this out when other people seem to get relief with these things. I'm really frustrated (if you can't tell) and don't know if you have any idea why nothing seems to work. I'm tired of using all these creams especially the topical steroid but I don't know what else to do."

Can you relate?​

I know what it's like to seek answers from people in Facebook groups because your doctor doesn't seem to have any other ideas for you.

In those groups, you get bombarded by different lotion or product recommendations.

Then not long after, almost every food you love is demonized + you start wondering if your diet will soon consist of just air.

And then a litany of random supplements will be suggested -- many of which are recommended inappropriately because "doing research" brought these individuals to an inaccurate conclusion about what that particular supplement actually does (I say this as a clinical nutritionist trained to use supplements as part of a therapeutic regimen).

AND equally problematic -- you might have a doctor who doesn't really listen to you (or you just have NO IDEA what to ask or push for).

Like my one client who had a serious skin infection, but was repeatedly told that she didn't have one by at least 3 different doctors before one finally agreed to do a culture.

Turns out, she had MRSA (antibiotic-resistant staph). Another client who also went through this recently ended up having a Pseudomonas skin infection (yikes!!).

After a certain point, it's frustrating to be without answers and still struggling.

Compounded by a serious lack of sleep because of intense itching and pain...

Those who have rashes in areas that make it difficult to move -- on the feet or ankles, hands, or around the joints...

Bad outbreaks + flares on the face, ears or neck.

I could keep going on + on, but you get the picture.

To be honest, I hate seeing this happen to you.​

The time spent trying all these different random suggestions is lost time (a truth I learned all too well on my own journey).

That's why I'd really love to help you get clarity about why this approach isn't working by testing out ALL the recommendations from random people (and possibly your practitioner).

So here's the deal...

My big masterclass is coming up THIS Tuesday (1/9) at 7:00pm ET / 4:00pm PT called the...

7 Common Skin Rash Mistakes That Keep You Depressed, Exhausted + Itchy

All with updated info from my clinical practice for the past 6 months.

CLICK HERE + you'll be automatically added to the list!​

If you can't make it live, sign up anyway to get the recording.

This is a perfect opportunity if you've been struggling with your skin and want to understand what OTHER options you have to look at your root causes beyond just food and allergies.

PLUS I'm going to host a Q+A at the end to answer YOUR questions :)

During the masterclass, I will discuss:​

- SEVEN common rash mistakes that I want to help you avoid (and what to do instead!)

- Recent real-life examples from my clinical practice of how these mistakes made things worse for clients

- How to look at inflammation (this is a big clue you need to understand if you want an alternative approach to help!)

- Gut-Skin Connection AND Liver-Skin Connection (why detoxing your gut + liver is a BAD idea)

- What holistic steps you CAN + CAN'T do while using medicine for your skin (like steroids, biologics, immunosuppressants, JAK inhibitors)

- Why YOU feel like a total failure because “nothing seems to help”

- What order to work on things in (which explains why you haven’t seen progress)

- Plus a ton more!

AND YES -- you can join if you have...​

- Eczema

- Psoriasis

- Rosacea

- Dandruff

- Chronic Hives

- Dermatographia

- Perioral dermatitis

- Tinea Versicolor

I work with all these issues in my practice + am well versed on the nuances of each (there's a lot of overlap though which surprises many people)!

Will I see you there?​

YES!!!! Sign me up



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
While Alzheimer’s is on the rise, the science of neurology is coming to the rescue.

To protect your brain and boost its powers, don’t miss the opportunity to join two world-class neurologists in the Brain Breakthroughs Masterclass.

Join today to find out:

🧠 The four big brain myths that might be putting you at risk of dementia

✍️ How the right food and lifestyle choices can prevent up to 90% or more of all cases of Alzheimer’s

👏 One remarkably simple daily activity that can prevent inflammation in the brain and build new neural connections (but you gotta do it right!).

And more.

Join today (for free) and your brain will thank you for all the days after!

🎟️ Your pass is here

To your health,


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
New Member
Reddit Exile
Have you found yourself saying/feeling something really similar?

Real email that I go yesterday from a community member:

"Hey Jen, I'm just stumped at this point. My doctor doesn't know what to tell me anymore. Fortunately I came across your podcast in some random FB group and am listening to every episode that applies to me. I've tried so many suggestions over the past 2 years that haven't really helped much or have made my skin freak out even worse.

I don't understand why I can't figure this out when other people seem to get relief with these things. I'm really frustrated (if you can't tell) and don't know if you have any idea why nothing seems to work. I'm tired of using all these creams especially the topical steroid but I don't know what else to do."

Can you relate?​

I know what it's like to seek answers from people in Facebook groups because your doctor doesn't seem to have any other ideas for you.

In those groups, you get bombarded by different lotion or product recommendations.

Then not long after, almost every food you love is demonized + you start wondering if your diet will soon consist of just air.

And then a litany of random supplements will be suggested -- many of which are recommended inappropriately because "doing research" brought these individuals to an inaccurate conclusion about what that particular supplement actually does (I say this as a clinical nutritionist trained to use supplements as part of a therapeutic regimen).

AND equally problematic -- you might have a doctor who doesn't really listen to you (or you just have NO IDEA what to ask or push for).

Like my one client who had a serious skin infection, but was repeatedly told that she didn't have one by at least 3 different doctors before one finally agreed to do a culture.

Turns out, she had MRSA (antibiotic-resistant staph). Another client who also went through this recently ended up having a Pseudomonas skin infection (yikes!!).

After a certain point, it's frustrating to be without answers and still struggling.

Compounded by a serious lack of sleep because of intense itching and pain...

Those who have rashes in areas that make it difficult to move -- on the feet or ankles, hands, or around the joints...

Bad outbreaks + flares on the face, ears or neck.

I could keep going on + on, but you get the picture.

To be honest, I hate seeing this happen to you.​

The time spent trying all these different random suggestions is lost time (a truth I learned all too well on my own journey).

That's why I'd really love to help you get clarity about why this approach isn't working by testing out ALL the recommendations from random people (and possibly your practitioner).

So here's the deal...

My big masterclass is coming up THIS Tuesday (1/9) at 7:00pm ET / 4:00pm PT called the...

7 Common Skin Rash Mistakes That Keep You Depressed, Exhausted + Itchy

All with updated info from my clinical practice for the past 6 months.

CLICK HERE + you'll be automatically added to the list!​

If you can't make it live, sign up anyway to get the recording.

This is a perfect opportunity if you've been struggling with your skin and want to understand what OTHER options you have to look at your root causes beyond just food and allergies.

PLUS I'm going to host a Q+A at the end to answer YOUR questions :)

During the masterclass, I will discuss:​

- SEVEN common rash mistakes that I want to help you avoid (and what to do instead!)

- Recent real-life examples from my clinical practice of how these mistakes made things worse for clients

- How to look at inflammation (this is a big clue you need to understand if you want an alternative approach to help!)

- Gut-Skin Connection AND Liver-Skin Connection (why detoxing your gut + liver is a BAD idea)

- What holistic steps you CAN + CAN'T do while using medicine for your skin (like steroids, biologics, immunosuppressants, JAK inhibitors)

- Why YOU feel like a total failure because “nothing seems to help”

- What order to work on things in (which explains why you haven’t seen progress)

- Plus a ton more!

AND YES -- you can join if you have...​

- Eczema

- Psoriasis

- Rosacea

- Dandruff

- Chronic Hives

- Dermatographia

- Perioral dermatitis

- Tinea Versicolor

I work with all these issues in my practice + am well versed on the nuances of each (there's a lot of overlap though which surprises many people)!

Will I see you there?​

YES!!!! Sign me up

at the end of the day, the world is full of experts. if say i was going through a divorce, i would rather talk to someone that has been married rather that a fresh from school 18 yr old. the only thing to listen to, is your own body. if people have never had your illness then how would they understand!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Ancient Spice Saffron Works as Well as Ritalin for ADHD
While powerful stimulant medications remain the standard treatment for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), the spice saffron has been found to offer comparable efficacy -- with the added benefit of better sleep.
New Study Finds CoQ10 as Effective as Steroid for Oral Lichen Planus
What if an antioxidant enzyme could conquer mouth inflammation and discomfort better than steroids? New research pioneers promising natural alternatives for stubborn oral conditions.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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Jeffrey Sachs wrote The Ages of Globalization

Here's what he chose to publish about himself. If Sachs is not a globalist, then who is?​

Here is a blurb for this book:
This dazzling book makes an invaluable contribution to the debate about the future of globalization by brilliantly summarizing humanity’s existential challenges and providing bold ideas for ensuring our survival. Sachs makes a persuasive argument that applying the concept of sustainable development must be today’s essential mission. His thoughtful proposals for reforming key international institutions, starting with the UN, merit particular attention. The Ages of Globalization is required reading for our times. -- Vuk Jeremić, former president of the United Nations General Assembly
And the below is from Professor Sachs’ own personal website:
The Lancet Commission on lessons for the future from the COVID-19 pandemic
Sachs JD, Abdool Karim SS, et al.
The Lancet, September 14, 2022
The Lancet Commission on lessons for the future from the COVID-19 pandemic provides a comprehensive investigation, analysis, and response to COVID-19. The Commission delivers a number of recommendations that are divided into three main areas. First, practical steps to finally control and understand the COVID-19 pandemic. Second, realistic, feasible, and necessary investments to strengthen the first line of defence against emerging infectious agents in countries by strengthening health systems and widening universal health coverage. Third, ambitious proposals to ignite a renaissance in multilateralism, integrating the global response to the risk of future pandemics with actions to address the climate crisis and reversals in sustainable development.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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People ask about the WHO Deadlines, so I made a chart to clarify them

While the deadline for NEW amendments is late Jan 2024, the WHO is claiming that the modified amendments to be voted on in May were derived from amendments tabled in 2022, so they met its deadline.​

The January deadline could be raised by a member, and the member from Monaco queried this deadline in December. If no members dispute it, the public will have a hard time doing so. But member states can still demand that any newly crafted amendments varying significantly from what was proposed in 2022 be tabled 4 months in advance of a vote, so nation states have time to review them. The member states can also question the secrecy with which these amendments are being negotiated.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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A compensation program for COVID vaccine injuries was established by the Bill Gates team for the developing world.

Does anyone know if victims were actually compensated, and how much?​

Bill Gates’ GAVI came up with a plan to compensate vaccine injuries in the poorest countries in the world, those which purchased vaccines through the COVAX program. Below is the published plan. I do not know if COVAX or another entity paid; I do not know if anyone (or how many) were compensated. But because I have not seen any discussion of how this was to work, I am posting it now. Note that indemnity and liability were among the thorniest problems to solve in order to roll out vaccines. If that doesn’t tell you something about safety, what does?
Unlike claims made through the court system, the size of the lump sum compensation is not dependent on the strength of the applicant’s legal team. Instead the level of compensation is based on a specific formula designed to be generous, fair and transparent, reflecting the cost of living in the country. The formula is as follows:

GDP per capita of the AMC-eligible economyin which the claimant resides x 12 x a harm factor ranging from 1.5 to 0.1 dependent on the nature of the injury and level of impairment, as evaluated based upon the most recently published edition of the American Medical Association’s (AMA) Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We all want to live longer, right?

But why live longer if you don’t have health, look and feel younger, or have your mental acuity, purpose, fulfillment and great relationships?

It’s time to rewrite the aging narrative!

Join over 50 leading experts who are redefining what it means to age gracefully, and learn what you can do now to extend your healthy life span!

Uncovering the Secrets to Longevity: Live Beyond the Norms will cover topics such as:
  • Using genetic & functional testing for longevity
  • Key mindsets for living a long, healthy life
  • Holistic approaches to supporting your bone health
  • How to adjust your workouts as you age
  • Identify YOUR perfect diet for aging well
  • When to choose traditional vs. alternative medicine
  • Info on peptides, supplements & biochemical optimization
  • Strategic daily habits to defy brain aging
  • Insights from people who have lived past 90
  • PLUS there will be talks on hair loss, weight loss, blood sugar & more!
—>>Find your joy in living longer when you attend this complimentary, online event!

Be sure to mark your calendar for February 26 – March 3, 2024!

Why attend this important health event?

Your host, Chris Burres, is a research engineer and scientist whose primary mission is to help people live longer, healthier, pain-free lives.
While still in college, he started a company that is the oldest manufacturer of ESS60, the molecule behind the longest longevity experiment result in history – a 90% extension of life. This discovery thrust him from being a happy-go-lucky nano-material scientist into the longevity space.

His mission is to help you and others uncover the secrets to longevity and ultimately… Live Beyond the Norms.

At this event, he will be interviewing internationally renowned speakers such as:
  • Dr. Steven Gundry, sharing key tests and longevity shortcuts
  • Dave Asprey, sharing longevity insights developed in his longevity focus companies
  • Ben Greenfield, teaching you how to unlock the blueprint to a healthier life
  • And many more thought leaders who drive the understanding of mental, physical & emotional well-being
Yes, you truly have the means to get started on better health today!

—>>I’ll see you online at Uncovering the Secrets to Longevity: Live Beyond the Norms when you register now!
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani

P.S. Register for Uncovering the Secrets to Longevity: Live Beyond the Norms, and you’ll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides and helpful eBooks about living a long and resilient life!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good Morning,

Dr. C here with you.

I’d like to personally invite you to join me for a live webinar tonight. It is about a newly-recognized liver condition that may affect your health goals in the new year.

What used to called non-alcoholic fatty liver is now understood differently. It has a new name may affect more people than previously thought.

This is a condition that can cause many troublesome symptoms and eventual liver damage. It is essential to understand it because it can respond well to safe, early intervention.

The webinar is free to you as a subscriber and will take place tonight at 7 PM EST / 4 PM PST. If you cannot attend, you will receive a replay if you register.

Register Here

Tonight I’ll explain:

  • what is new about this condition
  • how to know if you are at risk
  • what to do to prevent problems
Look forward to talking to you soon,

Dr. C


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How to Crush Your Goals in 2024!

This video unlocks the secret to consistently doing hard things that benefit you, whether it’s braving an ice bath, changing your diet, or crushing a workout. Start with a powerful vision! Add to that the unstoppable force of habit, and you have a recipe for daily triumphs. Stay tuned, take on each day with vigor, and remember: it’s not just the completion of the task that counts, but the incredible feeling of achievement that comes with it. Your potential is limitless.

-->> Watch Here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Wednesday, 1/10, our 132nd episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Click to watch the show!​
In his From the Heart segment, Dr. Paul talks about the relationship between ego and fear and how fear often stems from an ego-driven belief that everything depends on us. He shares how the antidote to this way of thinking is love and soulful living. When we can let go of the need for control and instead focus our energy on loving others, surrounding ourselves with equally loving and soulful people, it will nurture our souls and bring all the joy, peace, and happiness we desire.
This week, we meet Dr. Kelly Sutton, a functional medicine doctor battling the Medical Board of California for her medical license. Like Dr. Paul, she is being unjustly targeted for speaking the truth. She is fighting not just to save her career but to save the future of medicine itself.
In closing, DeeDee shares from her soul a message about her hero, Dr. Gladys McGarey, author of ‘The Well-Lived Life’ and co-founder of the American Holistic Medical Association. Like Dr. Sutton, Dr. McGarey has demonstrated what it means to live a life of love while persevering and making a difference despite the challenges. She encourages all of us to follow their example.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

As unbelievable as it may sound…
But the constant fatigue that clings to you…
Those unpredictable digestive issues…
And even those unexpected skin problems you've been facing…
Could all be traced back to ONE central problem in your body:
A leaky gut.
Let me explain.
Most people are unaware of how widespread this issue is and how it silently destroys our health.
A leaky gut isn't just about stomach aches or occasional bloating…
It's far more serious.
Imagine a tiny, almost invisible crack in your gut that sets off a chain reaction…
Secretly draining the joy and energy you once had…
Covering your thoughts in a thick brain fog…
And turning every meal into a game of chance, leaving you anxious about the next wave of digestive discomfort.
It's like a domino effect, quietly tearing apart your health, piece by piece.
But here’s the good news - there's a solution.
By addressing the root cause nestled in your gut…
You can stop this domino effect and reclaim your health.
>> Click here to discover how to tackle the root cause of your health problems with a natural, scientifically-backed approach.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Since ancient times, Chinese herbalists have considered one specific organ to be the "Emperor" of all the other organs in your body. Can you guess which one it is? (I'll give you a hint - it's not your brain!)
If you said, "the heart" you are exactly right.
Ask any Traditional Chinese Medicine doctor and they'll tell you that the heart is the most important yin organ, controlling not only the circulation of the blood and qi energy throughout your body, but also a long list of other vital functions like...
Digestion, breathing, sweating, speech, emotional well-being, mental well-being, skin health, and overall beauty.
Not to mention, your heart keeps you alive.
The bad news is that heart disease is the #1 killer here in the US and many other regions of the world. Our modern lifestyles and habits are often working against our heart health, putting us at risk.
Fortunately, there are a number of common herbs that are extremely good at protecting your heart by lowering blood pressure, reducing cholesterol and preventing plaque buildup.
To give you the full scoop on what these potent heart herbs are, my friend Brian Vaszily just released a free eBook called 30 Herbs & Spices to Lower Blood Pressure, Cholesterol & Triglycerides. I highly recommend checking it out.
Our ancestors have been using these remedies for thousands of years for a reason - because they work.
Click here to get your FREE copy
(When you get a copy of this free eBook, you'll also gain access to their stellar series The Live Long & THRIVE Summit!)
In this powerful eBook, you’ll discover:
- A common kitchen spice that research shows may lower both systolic and diastolic blood pressure by an average amount of 6.2mm Hg and 3.9 mm Hg, respectively
- The “Ayurvedic legend,” now widely available in the U.S., that research shows may be second-to-none for lowering LDL cholesterol (and outstanding in general for your heart!)
- An antioxidant-rich herb – easily available in your supermarket – that research shows may be nature’s most potent herb to raise your “good” HDL cholesterol (potent anti-cancer properties too!)
- A super-spice shown to have a triglyceride-lowering effect across 7 different studies
- A surprising backyard tree “herb” that may significantly improve blood flow and help with congestive heart failure symptoms (and lower LDL cholesterol and blood pressure too!)
- And much more...
Long story short, this eBook shines a light on some of the most effective (and safe) herbs to bring your cardiovascular health back into thriving balance.
Stay curious,
Nick Polizzi
Host of Healing Kitchen: Let Food Be Thy Medicine

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