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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Claudine Gay, plagiarism, and The Hill's rumors about her.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
1. Favorite Recipe We Tried This Week
Coach Cristina’s Creamy Christmas Chicken Recipe
Seems like we say the same thing every year around this time…can you believe we’re knocking on the door of the New Year? ‘Tis true, and if you’ve got southern roots, then you know you can’t have New Year’s Day without black-eyed peas (at least if you want good luck in 2024). If you really want to take your taste buds on an adventure, you’re going to want to give Coach CP’s Hoppin’ John recipe a go. Let’s also talk about the elephant in the room: What should you be drinking on New Year’s Eve? But before you start poppin’ bottles, whip up this easy-peasy, super-tasty overnight oats recipe to make sure you start off the new year on the right foot!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Most Popular Blog Article This Week
With the dawning of another year, how will you make this one different from all the years that came before in terms of your fitness resolutions? If you do what you did before, you’re likely to get what you got before as well. But, if you want this year to be different, to be the year you make some real changes in your fitness and health journey, then it’s time to make some bold moves. Coach Stef is here to show you the way with 8 Ways to Make Your Fitness Resolutions Stick in the New Year.
8 Ways to Make Your Fitness Resolutions Stick in 2023


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This week's newsletter looks at the incredible brain boosting effects of exercise, why your breakfast is a metabolic disaster, how much sitting is bad for your brain, why sleep deprivation is affecting your emotional state, and more...

-->> Wendy Suzuki: The brain-changing benefits of exercise - TED (March 2018)​

What's the most transformative thing that you can do for your brain today? Exercise! says neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki...

-->> Your Breakfast is a Metabolic Disaster - Dr. Austin Perlmutter (December 2023)​

Dr. Austin Perlmutter explains the surprising, unhealthy origins of the most popular breakfast, and the better alternatives he eats to enhance overall and brain health...

-->> The dementia breakthroughs offering new hope - Reader's Digest (November 2023)​

After decades of disappointments, new treatments and tests are finally here that offer hope in treating dementia...

-->> Sitting many hours per day linked to higher dementia risk - Technology Networks (December 2023)​

Too much sitting is not good for the brain. But how much sedentary time is too much?

-->> Sleep Deprivation Leads to Reduced Emotional Functioning - Harvard Health (December 2023)​

People’s emotional functioning suffers when their sleep is disrupted, study finds...

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Are you worried about the consequences of osteoporosis and bone loss … fractures, weakness, and reduced independence?

Join us to learn how you can improve and protect your bone health throughout your life.

The 50+ interviews in MORE Natural Approaches to Osteoporosis & Bone Health 2.0 will explore:

  • The root causes of bone loss
  • Safe exercises (with demonstrations) to strengthen and protect bones
  • IMPORTANT exercise guidelines (+ dangerous exercises to avoid!)
  • Nutrition and supplements for strong, healthy bones
  • Two powerful cooking demonstrations of bone-healthy meals + kitchen tips
  • Fall prevention tips + movement practices for balance
  • The impact of stress on bone health + stress reduction strategies
  • How increased happiness can help protect your bones and your health
  • Advanced topics, like when to use medication, oxalates, parathyroid issues, MCAS, and mold
  • And more!
—>>Build better bones when you attend this complimentary, online event!

Be sure to mark your calendar for January 15-21, 2024!

Why attend this important health event?

Your host, Margie Bissinger, began working as a physical therapist with patients with osteoporosis over 25 years ago. These patients were told to exercise to help their condition but were without guidance. To her dismay, many individuals were performing exercises that actually increased their risk of spinal fractures.

This inspired her to develop a wealth of strategies that have allowed thousands of people to improve their bone strength and live their lives without all the worries … and with more vitality and happiness than they ever knew was possible.

Her 2023 summit on this topic changed lives and gave people a path forward, which is why she chose to reintroduce it this year paired with 8 new fabulous talks and brand-new daily happiness habits.

Yes, you truly have the means to get started on better health today!

—>>We’ll see you online at MORE Natural Approaches to Osteoporosis & Bone Health 2.0 when you register now!

To your health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Getting To The Root Cause of Cancer
Hey Jimi,

For this episode of Beyond Wellness Radio, Dr. Linda Isaacs joins us for an educational and informative discussion about enzyme therapy and its relationship to cancer.

We're covering various essential topics related to cancer and alternative therapies. Dr. Isaacs delves into metabolic types and how different individuals may require other treatment approaches. She also touches upon the impact of processed sugar, processed foods, pesticides, and xenoestrogens on cancer growth. Dr. Isaacs emphasizes the need to treat cancer holistically and believes that these environmental elements might substantially impact the development of cancer.

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
Enzyme Therapy and Cancer - Getting To The Root Cause of Cancer - Dr. Linda Isaacs | Podcast #384
In this episode, we cover:

– Views on Carbs and Fats Leading to Cancer
08:32 – Type of Enzymes for Cancer Treatment
14:02 – Potential Root Causes for Cancer
19:51 – When to check if it is a Gut Problem
22:52 – Preventing the Side Effects of Chemotherapy
33:11 – Chemotherapy Standard Care and Managing Side Effects
39:15 – Antioxidants Support

>> Click here to check out the episode! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Addressing Subconscious Trauma and Healing Emotional Wounds

In this important episode I am joined by Daniel Hill to discuss methods for addressing subconscious trauma and healing emotional wounds that go beyond traditional talk therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy.

You'll learn how to create a domino effect to bring healing to other areas of your life. I hope you will give this a listen and share with a loved one who would benefit from this message too!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Take a moment and ask yourself: What does success look like to you?

When you did that, did you have an immediate flicker of fear, hesitation, or uncertainty about achieving that picture of success?

As the year comes to a close, many of us are thinking about making our New Year’s resolutions…

Preparing to transform our identities and create our dream lives...

How often have you done this only to become complacent, or worse, doubtful of yourself and your ability to achieve what you’re now seeing as "lofty" goals?

But what if there was another way to understand your self-judgment and uncertainty?

Doubt... it’s merely a stepping stone on the path to greatness!

We all face doubt in our lives, but the secret lies not in avoiding it, but in facing it, challenging it, and ultimately overcoming it...

Change what you believe, and you can change your life!

If you’re seeking to conquer your fears, smash through mental blocks and uncover the enormous potential that lies untapped within you, the "Doubt to Destiny: 10X Your Belief System" is perfect for you!

In this 8-week self-guided course created by personal development coach Steve Bacon, you will learn how to turn your doubts into the force that fuels your success.

By learning the Principles of the 10X Belief System, you will not only destroy doubt, you will also understand how to create impactful connections, expand your influence, manifest a luxurious lifestyle, and leave behind a legacy that aligns with your personal definition of success.

Are you in?

--->>Register here and design the successful life you’ve always wanted!
Because health means everything,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Top Conversations of 2023
From riveting interviews to thought-provoking musings, these were the most listened to podcast episodes this year.

🧠 Alzheimer’s Is Now Optional: Root Causes, Prevention and Reversal with Dr. Dale Bredesen
Listen on: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Commune / YouTube

😊 How to Be Happy: the Secrets, the Myths and the Science with Dr. Robert Waldinger
Listen on: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Commune / YouTube

🥗 The Gut-Brain Connection: How Stress, Trauma, and Shame Impact our Physiology with Dr. Will Cole
Listen on: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Commune / YouTube

💔 The Unfulfilled Void: Trauma, Addiction, and Personal Transformation with Elisa Hallerman, PhD
Listen on: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Commune / YouTube



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
🌎 Culture, Toxicity, and Trauma with Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Gabor Maté, and Dr. Alejandro Junger
Listen on: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Commune / YouTube

🦸 What Creates Beauty? The Superpowers of Your Gut with Dr. Zach Bush
Listen on: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Commune

🧩 Unlocking the Psychedelic Puzzle: Serotonin, Ketamine, and the Future of Mental Health with Dr. Dave Rabin, PhD
Listen on: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Commune / YouTube

🕊️ Spiritual Makeover with Marianne Williamson
Listen on: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Commune

⏳ Extending Lifespan, Health Span, and the Quest for Immortality with Serena Poon, CN
Listen on: Apple Podcasts / Spotify / Commune / YouTube


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What would your life look like if you were suddenly showered with blessings?

Perhaps you’d get an unexpected windfall or fall in love with your true match.

Or maybe you’d start your dream business doing what you love most. Or recover fully from pain and illness.

All of this and more is possible when you know how to activate these kinds of miracles and welcome them into your life with open arms!

That’s why I’m writing today with a very special holiday gift from our friends Marci Shimoff and Dr. Sue Morter, two bestselling authors and the world’s leading experts on manifesting miracles…

In this life-changing meditation, Marci and Sue guide you through their proven method for removing blocks and raising your vibration to the “Miracle Zone,” enabling breathtaking blessings to flow into your life on autopilot.

→ Download the “Miracles Activation” Meditation and prepare for an outpouring of blessings!

To an abundance of luck in 2024,

Laura Trumbull
Community Director
Evolving Wisdom

P.S. It’s no secret that for many people, 2023 was the most challenging year in memory. But miraculous breakthroughs often happen right as we feel at our breaking point — you just have to know how to accept them!

Listen to the meditation right now and trust that blessings are just around the corner!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi
Are you ready to get off sugar in the new year and get back in control of your cravings and your health for good?

You're in luck…

In just a few days you’ll be able to catch me live at the 11th Annual Quit Sugar Summit

It starts on January 8th, 2024 and runs for a full week packed with incredible speakers — me included.

Secure your FREE ticket here

The summit is hosted virtually online and is 100% free to attend.

There will be over 60 speakers from around the world talking about how to get free from sugar.
Quit sugar summit
Just a small sampling of the topics and life-changing benefits theyspeak about:

* Natural, steady weight loss with no crazy exercise
* Improve your mood quickly, heal your dopamine receptors
* Many people cut back or eliminate medications of all kinds
* Make more satisfying food choices...
* Increased energy — finally wake up refreshed
* Better concentration
* Learn to care for yourself in a deep way
* Take back control of your health
quit sugar summit
No travel, no hotels — just log in and watch for free for seven straight days of fantastic information.

View the speakers and secure your FREE ticket here

It's going to be an incredible event. You can check out all the expert speakers at the link above.

Be sure to check out my interview and let me know what you think!

Dr Heather Sandison


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
“May the new year connect you with your deepest intention, highest purpose and clear commitment!

"May the winter bless you with reconnection, resourcefulness, and renewal of your being and your life!!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
7 Day Liver Cleanse: Better Energy, Skin and Mental Clarity

A liver cleanse may be exactly what you need to turn around your health! Every day you are exposed to a number of toxins from environmental toxins, conventional household cleaners, body care products, and processed foods.

Even if you are following a healthy diet and lifestyle, there is no way to escape all environmental toxins, and there may be some toxic buildup in your body that has accumulated throughout your life.

Read More

15 Zinc Deficiency Symptoms and Best Food Sources

Zinc deficiency is a common problem throughout the world that contributes to many unwanted health problems. Zinc is a foundational mineral that is essential to human and animal growth patterns and has an essential role in the development of hormones and immune molecules.

Zinc is one of the best mineral supplements to boost and balance out a tired and over stimulated immune system. This article goes into detail on 15 zinc deficiency symptoms and best food sources.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Curious About the Healing Power of Reiki and Meditation? Let Science Guide You

If you've ever wondered how Reiki and meditation can truly impact your life, you'll be thrilled to know that their benefits are not just anecdotal but are backed by science!

Reiki and meditation aren't just spiritual practices; they are tools supported by research, offering tangible benefits for your mind and body.

Scientific Insights into Reiki and Meditation :

  • Stress Reduction: Studies have shown that Reiki can significantly lower stress, and cortisol levels, and promote relaxation, similar to the effects of meditation.
  • Improved Sleep Patterns: Both Reiki and meditation practices have been linked to better sleep quality, helping with insomnia, and enhancing deep sleep phases.
  • Boosted Immune System: Regular meditation and Reiki sessions can enhance your body's immune response, making you more resilient to illness.
  • Pain Management: Research indicates that Reiki can be effective in reducing pain and discomfort, complementing traditional medical treatments.
  • Emotional Well-being: Engaging in Reiki and meditation practices can lead to improved mood and emotional balance, reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Join Our Group Healing Circle at : Where Ancient Wisdom Meets Modern Science

…And experience the journey towards a balanced and healthier you.

Start Your Journey Today join our community of healing and balance. Your path to a scientifically supported, healthier life is just a click away.



Diamond Contributor
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All Access Pass​
This Weekend Only​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
In a recent survey, 43% of all Americans declared they wanted to lose weight as a New Year’s resolution.

Now, I want you to feel your best and ultimately feel healthy ❤️.

So if this is one of your resolutions, here’s an eBook to add to your reading list: The Five Biggest Weight Loss Myths Debunked (it’s free!)

✅ Save yourself from going down weight loss dead-ends, make your efforts work for you!

Jim, I believe the first step to every health journey is not a cupboard cleanse – it’s information!

So keep yourself informed and meet your health goals for the new year with confidence 🙌.

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If you, or anyone you love, is looking to lose weight, this is a total game changer.
My dear friend, Bright Line Eating founder Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D., has developed a quiz that tells you how susceptible you are to food addiction. It turns out this simple piece of information can totally change how you think about food, weight, and choice.
You’ll get a score from 1 to 10, a number that represents how susceptible your brain is to ultra-processed foods. This little piece of information may very well alter the course of the obesity epidemic forever. And the course of your relationship with food. And your ability to lose weight and then actually keep it off.
When you get your results, be sure to watch the video in which Susan explains how you can use this information to finally find freedom around food and weight loss that lasts.
>> Click here to take the one-minute quiz now.
Yours for lasting health,
Ocean Robbins


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Facts About Fat and Diet

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

For decades, guidelines have recommended limiting total dietary fat to no more than 30% of daily calories in order to lower intake of saturated fat and cholesterol, both of which were thought to increase heart disease risk.

But many people restricted all types of fat, including healthy ones, like the unsaturated fats found in nuts, vegetable oils, and fish, which can actually lower heart disease risk.

Special: Don't Ignore the Warning Signs – Your Heart Needs Help

The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee suggests optimizing healthy fats and avoiding low-fat or even non-fat products that have high levels of refined grains and added sugars.

This means that most fat calories should come from unsaturated fats, especially polyunsaturated oils such as olive oil and omega-3 acids from fatty fish.

The upper limit for saturated fat is still 10% of daily calories. This includes animal fats like butter, cream, beef tallow, and lard, and tropical oils such as palm, palm kernel, and coconut oils.


Diamond Contributor
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South Africa takes Israel to the International Court of Justice for violating the Genocide Convention, of which both are parties

DEC 30
Here is the notice from the Court, reproduced below:
If you want to read Jeremy Hammond’s take on this, go to his website here. I mailed his article to myself, which arrived entirely blacked out. But it seems to be fine on his website.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Happy Saturday Jimi!

As 2023 comes to a close, I imagine you may be thinking about New Year's Resolutions.

Breaking bad habits like smoking/drinking/drugs, eating a whole food plant-based diet, exercising 5-6 days per week (even just walking!) and reducing your stress (especially forgiving those who have hurt you), are some of the most impactful changes you can make.

Truth be told, I've never been a big goal setter. But when I decide what I want, I make sure that my daily routine is in alignment. I stay consistent and trust the process.

Benjamin Franklin said it best: "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail."

Preparation starts with organizing your daily routine. Stocking your fridge and pantry with the food you want to eat. Blocking off exercise time on your calendar each day. Eliminating time wasters to create more time for the important things. And refusing to make excuses.

You can either make excuses or you can make progress. Make progress!

If you want to be successful, you must follow and learn from successful people. That’s why I continually interview holistic survivors, doctors, and experts.

I love to learn from them and my hope is that these brilliant people will equip you with knowledge, ignite your faith and inspire you to take control of your life and your health. :)

2023 was loaded with great interviews. If you haven't watched or listened to them, I hope you will. This wisdom does not expire!

My Top 5 Most Popular Interviews of 2023 (based on views in first 30 days)
Dr. Michael Donaldson - Healing with juicing, raw food and The Hallelujah Diet
Dr. Csilla Veress - Water fasting for women, weight loss, detoxification and disease reversal
Gigi Jones - Healed stage IV colon cancer
Dr. Isaac Eliaz - The Survival Paradox, galectin-3, modified citrus pectin, and integrative cancer therapy
Dr. Jenn Simmons - The truth about mammograms and the best diet for breast health


Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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A wonderful fearless journalist died, Kristina Borjesson.

One of the last who knew what journalism was.​

DEC 30
I worked with Emmy award-winning Kristina on an anthrax letters investigation. She interviewed me several times about COVID and about my Medical Board case. [We filed an appeal of my conviction this week (convicted for having convictions—that sounds right) in addition to filing a case against the Board.]
But before I ever met Kristina, I knew exactly who she was. In 2002 she published Into the Buzzsaw: Leading journalists expose the myth of a free press.
This is in the top 5 books I have ever read. It changed my world view. In 2002 I did not know the extent of media malfeasance. Kristina, however, documented it in the most careful, credible and unbelievable way—collecting many chapters by top journalists of the stories they tried to report and how they lost their careers when they attempted to tell the truth. She lost her career at CBS, trying to tell the truth about the mid-air explosion of a 747 (TWA 800) over Long island sound, which was probably the result of a US Navy exercise gone awry.
Celia Farber knew her much better than I, and wrote a beautiful obituary that I urge you to read, if you are familiar with Kristina.
I just want to apologize for never getting to thank you, Kristina, for the flowers you sent when the Board found me guilty. You were one of the great investigators, and one of the great souls. Rest in Peace. And if there is reincarnation, please come back and help us in this battle for humanity. We miss you, love you, and there is no one I’d want to go to war with, more.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Most Listened to Podcast Episode of 2023
Alzheimer’s is Now Optional: Root Causes, Prevention and Reversal with Dr. Dale Bredesen​
In this episode, Alzheimer’s expert Dr. Dale Bredesen discusses his groundbreaking work in understanding and treating Alzheimer's disease. He explains root causes and highlights the importance of addressing multiple factors in the development and progression of the disease – including lifestyle, genetics, and environmental exposures.​
Or listen on the Commune Blog or YouTube


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
-->>Build better bones when you attend this complimentary, online event!

Be sure to mark your calendar for January 15-21, 2024!​

Why attend this important health event?

Your host, Margie Bissinger, began working as a physical therapist with patients with osteoporosis over 25 years ago. These patients were told to exercise to help their condition, but were without guidance. To her dismay, many individuals were performing exercises that actually increased their risk of spinal fractures.

This inspired her to develop a wealth of strategies that have allowed thousands of people to improve their bone strength and live their lives without all the worries … and with more vitality and happiness than they ever knew was possible.

Her 2023 summit on this topic changed lives and gave people a path forward, which is why she chose to reintroduce it this year paired with 8 new fabulous talks and brand-new daily happiness habits.

Yes, you truly have the means to get started on better health today!

--->>We’ll see you online at MORE Natural Approaches to Osteoporosis & Bone Health 2.0 when you register now!
Because health means everything,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Could it be that your body’s “fight-or-flight” survival mechanism has gone into overdrive, causing inflammation that impacts every area of your health?

There’s no question that the answer is yes.

In this short video, Dr. Isaac Eliaz explains exactly how your innate survival response can be fundamentally at odds with your ability to heal — and how you can transform this inner drive to work for you rather than against you to promote healing, energy, longevity, mental clarity and much more.
-->>> Watch this short video "Stopping Inflammation at It's Source to Fight Chronic Disease" with Dr. Isaac Eliaz, MD


Diamond Contributor
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David Schonbrunn improved on my New World Dis-Order chart. Every week, the cabal's destruction of our traditions, standards, morals, economy, education etc. becomes more clear.

They are working fast to take down the system to "Build Back Better" for their dystopian future​

DEC 31

Do not participate in the take-down. Whenever you see something they are doing, say something to everyone you know. Use this guide to understand and protect yourself from what is happening now and will be happening soon.



Diamond Contributor
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"The Great Taking" by David Webb. Dr. Mercola explains what this is about and hosts the movie

But it only stays up till tomorrow at his free site. Don't lose your assets if the cabal decides to pull the trigger on you.​

DEC 31
The Great Taking is a book and a 70 minute video that describes a series of changes to the US law (and alliances internationally) intended to transfer the wealth contained in securities from the named owner to the firm that hosts the securities.
Sounds crazy? Isn’t everything else these days? You wouldn’t have believed it even a year ago, but it is true.
The legal framework is in place to steal your securities when there is a crash.
Will the theft actually occur? We don’t know that. We know the architecture has been put into place that would allow it to happen. Maybe you want to change where some of your wealth is stored, or the items in which it is being held?
You can read David Webb’s book here, read about it on Mercola’s site, watch the movie, or read a 2-page explanation written by David Webb and Ellen Brown, here. These materials were produced for free, designed to help you understand what has happened and could happen, and allow you to make better decisions on where to go from here. From Mercola:

Story at-a-glance​

  • The Great Taking is described by former hedge fund manager David Webb as a system put in place by central bankers to take everything, from everyone
  • This planned confiscation of global securities assets deserves the title of “greatest crime ever contemplated”
  • Although the plan is decades in the making, Webb details signs that indicate it may be coming to fruition soon — if nothing is done to stop it
  • The Great Taking is a carefully orchestrated construct, but one that has legal underpinnings and support from the CIA and upper echelons of government, dating back to the 1960s
  • The best ways to protect yourself include eliminating debt, investing in real things like land and having an ability to produce your own food


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If you or your loved ones now take or might ever take any prescription drug...

There’s some truly mind-blowing new insider facts you 100% NEED to know because it really can save your life and definitely improve the length and quality of your life.

This is by no means hype... this is not a rant by yet another angry prescription drug consumer... and these are bona fide yet widely suppressed FACTS.

Furthermore, these are NOT some alarming numbers you may already know, such as that medical mistakes -- including errors in the use of prescription drugs -- are now the 4th leading cause of death, leading to over 250,000 deaths in the U.S. yearly.

It’s all actually even far more jaw-dropping than that, Jim -- and it undoubtedly WILL also change how you interact with your medical providers.

And WHO is about to reveal these very deep “insider secrets” to you is what really matters:

The world-renowned MD and top consulting expert in drug industry litigation -- including to the FBI and U.S. Department of Justice -- who’s been a Harvard Medical faculty member for 16 years, and who’s had over 65 major media appearances.

And here’s the deal:

He’s just the FIRST of the world’s most renowned to flat-out legendary MDs and researchers who are about to reveal...

...The widely unknown and evidence-based MOST powerful steps of all that you must take to avoid disease and unnecessary suffering, live long, and thrive.

BE SURE YOU SEE “The Legends You’ll Learn From, A Taste of What They’ll Reveal” section -- starting with this renowned drug industry insider MD on Day 1 and concluding with the 3 LEGENDS on Day 7 -- when you...

Head here right now for this unique, free, and GENUINELY life-changing and even life-saving online event

Do take a close look at the essential new insights you’ll discover and who will be revealing them to you, which also includes:

→ The legendary health researcher, Liberty Science Genius Award recipient, and first woman in history to be tenured in psychology at Harvard

→ The world-renowned cardiologist MD featured in James Cameron & Arnold Schwarzenegger’s film, The Game Changers

→ The legendary herbs-as-medicine expert with 50+ years’ experience and winner of the 2023 Herbal Insight Award for advancing botanical knowledge worldwide

→ The pioneering MD known as “The Anxiety MD” who created the highly celebrated do-it-yourself method to overcome anxiety

→ The MD / PhD globally renowned as a top expert in avoiding & overcoming pain and unnecessary suffering

→ The world-renowned sleep scientist and practitioner whose groundbreaking work has helped even severe insomniacs get far healthier sleep

→ The legendary 102-YEAR-OLD MD and “Mother of Holistic Medicine”

→ And 14 other MDs and researchers who are true LEGENDS in fields like brain health… gut health… diabetes… autoimmune… nutrition… your mobility, and more, revealing their little-known and evidence-based MOST effective steps of all.

Don’t miss this ESSENTIAL new online event to start your New Year right.

Now, this brand-new event is aptly called Live Long & THRIVE, and it’s easily the most important healthy aging and longevity I've ever provided you, Jim.

As you know, I've been a natural health and longevity researcher and advocate for well over 20 years.

And I'm honored that I'm well-known for creating some of the most amazing health events out there over the years.

However, as you’re about to see, I really am taking things to a whole new level with Live Long & THRIVE.

And, YES, we are going to have some all-important FUN while you gain some of the most important knowledge you could ever have – you’ll soon see exactly what I mean :)

(By the way, on the page right after free sign up, make sure you don’t miss how 19 HEARTLESS WORDS from a doctor also have everything to do with your health today and in the future. I am sure you will find this quite powerful.)

This one will be a game-changer for you, I can assure you of that, so...

Head here now – BE SURE to see “The Legends You Will Learn From, A Taste of What They’ll Reveal” section, Jim -- and sign up free today!

To Living Long and Living Well,

Brian Vaszily

P.S. Even the new report I'm giving you right now when you sign up free is EPIC!

It’s called FAST-IMPACT Natural Brain Health Secrets: The Top 15 Little-Known Ways to Quickly Boost Your Memory, Focus, and Brain Clarity.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
12.31.23 CH Newsletter - podcast promo


Meditation Changes Everything​

A New Podcast with Craig Hamilton
In Episode 4: Opening to the Mystery of Awareness, Craig explores the unfathomable mystery of awareness.

Awareness, or consciousness, is perhaps the most profound fact of human existence. Every minute that we’re awake, we’re aware of something. But when we become aware of awareness itself, we unlock an extraordinary potential with profound implications for our entire experience of being alive.

In this episode, Craig invites you to step beyond the mind and ego, and experience the life-changing power of turning our awareness on itself!

Join Craig for “Opening to the Mystery of Awareness,” an experiential journey into how awareness works, where it comes from and what happens when we learn to identify with it as the primary locus of our own being.

Episode 4 is available now wherever you get your favorite podcasts or on the Meditation Changes Everything podcast web page where you’ll also find transcripts for each episode.

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