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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Clogged Arteries: Causes, Symptoms & Support Strategies
Your arteries are major blood vessels that carry oxygen-rich blood throughout your body. Healthy arteries have smooth inner walls allowing smooth blood flow.

Clogged arteries, on the other hand, may decrease or block healthy blood flow, and increase your risk of heart attack, stroke, and even death due to a buildup of a substance called plaque on their inner walls.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Female Hair Loss: Causes & Natural Support Strategies

When you hear the term hair loss, you may think about men. But hair loss doesn’t only affect men but may affect women too due to menopause, hormonal issues, autoimmunity, or other factors.

Female hair loss can be frustrating or even embarrassing. Fortunately, if you understand the underlying root issues behind your female hair loss, you may be able to improve the condition.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Life has a way of feeling full of endless to-do lists and deadlines…

And it can be far too easy to put self-care at the bottom of the list.

Oftentimes, taking time to take care of yourself feels like an out-of-each luxury.

But self-care doesn’t have to be extravagant, extensive, or expensive.

Enter the art of herbal bathing.

Imagine immersing yourself in soothing warm water filled with healing aromatic botanicals all in the comfort of your own home.

Herbal bathing is a practice that has been around for centuries and holds the power to cleanse and renew the body, mind, and soul.

Depending on the aromatic plants you choose to incorporate into your bathing waters, you can soak to soothe your nervous system, support respiratory health, ease body aches and pains, and more.

And don’t worry…

If you don’t have a bathtub at home, you can still experience the many health benefits of herbal bathing with a healing foot soak.

In our new blog post, you can learn more about the art of the herbal bath and its profound health benefits.

You’ll also discover how to create your own herbal bath blends, important safety tips, and a delightful recipe for a soothing bedtime herbal soaking blend.

Whether you're a newcomer to the idea of herbal baths or an experienced enthusiast, you’re bound to learn some new tips and tricks for this ancient healing practice.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,
This week’s Ask Me Anything webinar was a huge success, with many important questions answered to help guide your cancer journey. Click here to watch the replay in case you missed it, or you want to rewatch and gain an even deeper understanding.
Don’t miss our last webinar event in this series: Everyone Can Be a Miracle: Open Heart Medicine, happening December 6th at 4 pm PT.
>> Click here to register.
The topic of this webinar is near and dear to my heart— featuring a powerful model of mind-body—and heart-body—medicine to help unlock your deepest healing abilities.
Based on decades of meditation practice and study, I designed this program to guide patients and health-seekers in a simple yet profound approach to accessing your infinite healing capacity and using this power to transform and rejuvenate on every level.
What you’ll learn:
  • Practical mind-body tools to deepen your healing abilities
  • Evidence-based strategies for reducing stress and improving energy and vitality
  • The role of the heart as a transformative healer—and how to harness its unlimited healing powers
>> Click here to register for the Everyone Can Be a Miracle: Open Heart Medicine, happening December 6th at 4 pm PT.
The truth is, anyone can be a miracle. The secret is unlocking your innate healing capacity. The simple yet powerful strategies that I’ll be sharing will provide you with the practical tools and guidelines to do just that.
Register here today.
Hope to see you there,
Dr. Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How to Get Off Blood Pressure Meds

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

While blood pressure medications are necessary in some cases, you can beat high blood pressure in the same way you beat heart disease — by changing the way you eat, move (or don’t move!), and handle stress.

Making positive changes in these three areas can have a great impact on your ability to control your blood pressure without medications, or with fewer drugs.

Special: Blood Pressure & Love Life Helped by Doctor's 'Prescription.' See How.

Diet. The first thing to do is get your diet under control. How? By embracing a plant-based diet of whole foods; in other words, a way of life that is free from salt-laden, processed food.

Exercise. One of the best ways to get fit is to walk. You’ll reduce your risk of high blood pressure, and you’ll also prevent heart disease at the same time.

Reduce Stress. If you are under stress, the reason may be obvious. If not, you may need to talk to your doctor, a counselor, or your pastor — anyone who can objectively help you sort through the issues that are causing you stress. Then embark on a program to reduce it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

What do you think of when you hear The Great Reset?

That phrase conjures images of smart cities and expanding surveillance, central bank digital currencies, social credit scores, digital IDs, and all sorts of ways the elite plan to dominate humanity.

But another, even more insidious aspect of the Great Reset involves your health and well-being.

At this point, it’s an open secret that "THEY" don’t want you to eat natural, whole foods.

They want you stuffing your bellies with processed, synthetic, corporate, GMO foodstuffs.

Bill Gates has long been investing in GMOs and lab-grown meats.

The WEF recommends everyone eat bugs.

And cows are being culled for climate change.

That’s just a small snapshot of the Great Reset in the food industry.

Big Pharma has also expanded its reach at a rapid pace since the COV!D pandemic.

More people are dealing with more chronic diseases today than ever before, most of them reversible and preventable.

The healthcare system is designed to "manage" your symptoms rather than cure you.

It’s out of control.

The reason is simple:

"THEY" don’t want you to be healthy. THEY don’t want you to have energy and vitality. THEY don’t want you to be well enough to resist disease. THEY don’t want you to be strong and capable.

Because health and wellness and strength and energy give you the physical and mental capacity to oppose their plans and build a fr-ee world without them.

So we think one of the most important things you can do to become a fr-ee and sovereign individual is to take complete control over your health.

You’re going to discover how to do exactly that at…

The Exit and Build Health Summit.

It’s a FR-EE 5-day series of interviews with over 25 world-renowned natural health experts in every wellness area you can think of, sharing their proven secrets, strategies, methods, and more for exiting disease and building lifelong health in your brain and body.

The best part is that it’s designed for ANYONE at any age, fitness level, or current health condition.

You’re going to hear from:

  • Mike Adams
  • Dr. Peter McCullough
  • Zuby
  • JP Sears
  • Robyn Openshaw
  • Kelly Brogan
  • Mikki Willis
  • Robert Scott Bell
  • Shawn Baker
  • Tanner Shuck
  • Sally Fallon-Morell
  • Alec Zeck
  • Erin Elizabeth
And over a dozen more of the most important voices in natural health!

They’re going to show you how to reverse chronic diseases, build a strong and powerful body, heal yourself using homeopathic and natural medicine, turn food into fuel for all-day energy, extend your lifespan, and live a happier, more joyful life at any age.

Ultimately, they’re going to show you how to be as healthy as possible to live as fr-ee as possible.

The Exit and Build Health Summit goes LIVE on December 6th - 10th.

Each day of the summit features about 5 or 6 in-depth interviews with a variety of natural health experts.

The interviews from each day will be available to watch for 24 hours after they’re released.

You must sign up in time to receive the private viewing links to watch these interviews for 100% FR-EE.

>>> Click here to join the Exit and Build Health Summit for fr-ee today

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

It’s Day 5 of the Wisdom of the Body Masterclass, and we’re exploring how to release and transform stress and emotions using Qigong. The episode will be live in less than one hour at 12pm EST.

Watch by clicking here: Click Here for Module 5

Let’s dive into the deeper causes of immune system deficiency to overcome chronic disease.

Yours in health,​


Gold Contributor
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Reddit Exile
How to Get Off Blood Pressure Meds

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

While blood pressure medications are necessary in some cases, you can beat high blood pressure in the same way you beat heart disease — by changing the way you eat, move (or don’t move!), and handle stress.

Making positive changes in these three areas can have a great impact on your ability to control your blood pressure without medications, or with fewer drugs.

Special: Blood Pressure & Love Life Helped by Doctor's 'Prescription.' See How.

Diet. The first thing to do is get your diet under control. How? By embracing a plant-based diet of whole foods; in other words, a way of life that is free from salt-laden, processed food.

Exercise. One of the best ways to get fit is to walk. You’ll reduce your risk of high blood pressure, and you’ll also prevent heart disease at the same time.

Reduce Stress. If you are under stress, the reason may be obvious. If not, you may need to talk to your doctor, a counselor, or your pastor — anyone who can objectively help you sort through the issues that are causing you stress. Then embark on a program to reduce it.
just get drunk!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jim,

Dr. Osborne here,

Castor oil. You've been hearing a lot about it. You may have even seen some viral videos about it! But what can castor oil ACTUALLY do for you?

Join me LIVE tonight at 6pm CST for an in studio guest.

Dr. Marisol Teijeiro ND (aka "Queen of The Thrones") and I will do a deep dive about all the benefits of castor oil, especially for various health issues.

We will also talk about the most effective ways to use castor oil, such as topically or orally, and the potential benefits for hormonal imbalances, thyroid issues, and detoxification.

The conversation will also touch on using castor oil for eye health, joint pain, and parasite cleansing...and whether or not you should put it in your bellybutton!


Watch on YouTube
Watch on Facebook


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Does this scenario feel familiar: “I was talking to a colleague about some back issues I had been experiencing. That night, I got a Facebook ad for a Chiropractor…. Then the next morning I saw a google ad for one.” ????
This time of year, when everyone is online shopping to share their love for family and friends, near and far - the worry that you could get hacked… well, let’s skip that!
Check out this great free event. (more details below)...
5 years ago, it was a conspiracy theory to say, "You are being listened to."
Today, it’s a given - and accepted as if it was OKAY to have your privacy broken into.
Big tech and big brother constantly know your location, all of your texts and what you are searching, and worst of all they can access the cameras and microphones that you already have in your house.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg.
While a majority of Americans report being concerned about the way their data is being used by companies (79%) and the government (64%)....
There is GOOD news, I promise.
Reclaiming your privacy is A LOT easier than you think.
The trick is, you need to know where to start.
So I’ve asked my friend Glenn Meder, an online Privacy and Security Expert to prove that in his Webinar on Wednesday, December 6th at 12:00 pm ET / 9:00 am PT.
3 Keys to Protecting Yourself, Your Family, & Freedom Itself From Big Tech and Big Brother!
You are NOT powerless - I promise!
You can protect …
  • your browser
  • computer
  • smartphone
  • and loved ones
If you’re like most people and feel overwhelmed because you don’t think you can protect your data, then you need to hear the strategies Glenn is giving away for FREE!

It’s time to take back your privacy.
Dr. Tom O’Bryan

PS: Join Glenn’s free webinar to protect yourself (and loved ones) from data thieves.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Wow! That was a pretty impactful session today, and it’s completely normal if it’s uncovered some things for you that you didn’t realise you were holding on to.

Because there’s a good chance that these emotions and blocked energy is one of the things that have been stopping you from healing.

And if you want to heal, it’s better to unblock and uncover these things now.

You can’t change the past, but you can heal from it.

If you missed day 5, I really recommend catching up while you can, because it’s a practice you can use over and over again to help overcome your own blocked energy.

Day 5 will be available for replay for 24 hours, ending at 11:59am ET tomorrow. You can watch that HERE <<<

Today continues the emotional journey, so here’s what you can expect from day 6:

Day 6: Wisdom of the Heart

Did you know there are multiple Qigong heart system exercises that can help you access and stimulate your heart’s healing energy?

In fact, today you’ll learn that the journey to the heart is one of the most important ones that you can take.

And Master Mingtong is showing us how accessible our heart energy truly is.

So if you’ve felt disconnected from your heart recently, the practice today will help you reconnect to promote emotional and spiritual healing.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Power up your fight against cancer with the healing potential of food—no radical diets are required. Check out the featured talks below to discover how nutrition can help you beat cancer.

Thanks again for attending the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit. We're so proud that you decided to take such an important step to take control of your health.

At DrTalks, we value your health and well-being and are committed to providing you with the support you need. In case you missed any of the sessions, we've prepared a brief summary of the three insightful talks we believe will prove valuable in your journey.


Think you need to go on extreme diets to beat cancer? Kevin Conners, DPSc, FICT, FAARFM debunks that myth in this powerful talk.

Having spent more than two decades specializing in alternative and complementary cancer care, he sheds light on the frightening pitfalls of extreme diets, particularly for cancer patients.

1️⃣ Learn the importance of tailoring diets based on individual needs and sensitivities.

2️⃣ Gather practical strategies to establish efficient diets for those diagnosed with cancer.

3️⃣ Examine the downside of extreme dieting in cancer care.




Jane McLelland is regarded as the Cancer Sherlock Holmes. She was diagnosed with end-stage cervical cancer over two decades ago. Now, she is healthier than ever and thriving in her golden years.

Her formula?

Starving the cancer with a combination of off-label drugs, key supplements, and a personalized diet. Watch her riveting talk to uncover how you can starve and beat cancer.

1️⃣ Discover the potential of ferroptosis in eliminating cancer.

2️⃣ Learn about attacking the metabolic pathways of cancer.

3️⃣ Understand the implications of certain popular supplements in cancer.


There are only a few people in the world who can say they’ve hatched paradigm-shifting cancer treatments. William Li, MD stands among those who are revolutionizing our understanding of nutrition and its impact on disease. In this gripping talk, he takes a deep dive into the crucial role of your diet in fighting cancer.

1️⃣ Review the evidence supporting the role of diet in cancer prevention.

2️⃣ Learn how certain foods can stop the formation of cancer cells.

3️⃣ Discover foods with prebiotic benefits that can improve response to cancer immunotherapy.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I believe that life is a blessing - enjoy it :).

A few years ago I released an emotional film that gave millions of people shivers down their spine...

I knew right then and there that I need to share it with you as well.

That’s because this Oscar-qualifying film features a powerful story about life....

Featuring a little boy with a giant story to share.

Even if it’s only 25-minutes long, people have called it “life-changing” and "the best short film this year."

As you watch it, you’ll feel more inspired to overcome your challenges, become fearless, and see the world with new eyes.

I'm sharing this link with you as a gift that has the potential to change your day, and even your life.

I only ask you to hurry, the free screening is only available for a very short time:

Watch 'Life in Four Seasons' at no cost (ending soon)
Have a blessed new day,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are you already cringing inside at the thought of “going home” for the holidays? Seeing family members or people that always seem to TRIGGER YOU?

Are you already “spinning out” of control just thinking about all the holiday shopping, cooking, & planning you have to do?

I can already feel your “out of control emotions” through this email! Lol!

If you don’t know whether you’re emotionally reactive or not, let me ask you a few questions.

  • Do you get angry when things don’t go how you wanted or planned?
  • Do you jump to conclusions before someone finishes what they’re saying?
  • Do you say hurtful things to someone in the moment out of anger or frustration?
  • Do you respond in a negative or rude way when you are perceiving someone else to be rude?
  • Do you act on the assumption of a worst-case scenario?

This is called Emotional Reactivity.

Emotional reactivity is when you’re feeling stressed, or emotional, and you react out of that emotion in an impulsive, or in an emotional, manner.

Are you relating to any of this?

If so, I believe I can help you with some tips to support you to be less reactive.

Wouldn’t that be awesome?! When someone says or does something that would immediately trigger you, you could react in a calmer, more grounded way? And truly mean it!

Not just “acting as if,” but acting in a different, way immediately!

It's your time to shine! It's time to make yourself a priority and seize the power to create the best version of yourself.

I want to show you how to become the Boss of Your Own Emotions!

You CAN regulate your emotions without suppressing or controlling them.

This will benefit your relationships, mood, and decision-making, and make your holiday SO MUCH EASIER!

Join me for my FREE Masterclass,"How to Become the BOSS of Your Emotions During the Holidays" on Dec.12th at 1 pm EST/10 am PST.

I’ll teach you 5 steps on how to reign in your crazy-making emotions so they don’t ruin your holiday with your family, partner, and loved ones!

Click HERE to register!

YOU should BE THE BOSS of your emotions, not the other way around!

I’ll show you how in this FREE training.

See you there ❤️

Happy Holidays!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
As I'm prepping for my Neuro Training 2.0 BYOG Party tomorrow (if you haven't signed up for it yet, head here after you read this email)...

I was reviewing just how amazing the brain is.

How it works to keep you and I safe...

How it lets us know when we're NOT safe...

And when that #1 priority of safety is met, how we can be pain-free, healthy, active, mobile, and independent.

Which is exactly the purpose of all of my BYOG Parties!

Anyway, brace yourself for a brain-blowing fact...

A staggering 400 billion signals flood your brain every second.

That's 400,000,000,000... Every single SECOND!

Here's the amazing part:

Your brain, the ultimate multitasker, filters out all but 40 signals, passing those on to your conscious awareness.

Rapid-fire thoughts about being hot, hungry, or pondering if you left the stove on...

About 40 of those zip through your mind each second.

But why those 40?

Well, survival and predictions are the gatekeepers.

The ultimate energy conservationist, your brain prioritizes signals linked to keeping you safe (survival) and what you expect (predictions).

Essentially, your expectation shapes your reality.

But not so fast my friend, the brain isn't done yet.

There's one more filter before your frontal lobe takes the stage.

Of those 40 signals reaching your conscious AWARENESS...

Only 7 cognitive thoughts make the cut every second, shaping your conscious THINKING.

From 400 BILLION to 7... every single second.

Here's the kicker:

Your brain takes your thoughts (both conscious and unconscious)...

Weaves them into stories based on survival instincts and predictions...

And then it seeks evidence to back them up.

Your brain is an evidence-seeking storyteller.

These unchecked stories can veer you into "old brain" survival mode.

Regular neuro training works to re-train your brain into safety, abundance, and growth.

In other words, it helps you Be Your Own Guarantee for your health and life.

That's why we're hitting Neuro Training hard this week during the BYOG Party.

Head here to get all the details and join us LIVE tomorrow / catch the replay the next day.

It's gonna be mind-blowing for sure;-)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Two of our core Food Matters principles are to eat good fats and avoid food additives.
Cashews offer many vitamins and minerals including zinc, phosphorus, iron, manganese, and copper, and are particularly rich in vitamin E, making them a great addition to your diet to protect and nourish your skin from the inside out. But if you're opting for store-bought cashew milk, you might be alarmed to see a whole list of unknown ingredients on the label.
That's why we're sharing our Cashew Milk recipe straight from the pages of our Food Matters Cookbook. It will have you dusting off your blender and mastering how to make nut milk at home - without the additives!
Homemade Cashew Milk Recipe

  • 1 cup raw organic cashews (soaked overnight)
  • 4 cups filtered water
  • 2-3 Medjool dates (pitted)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1/2 teaspoon sea salt
  1. Soak cashews for 7 to 12 hours. Filtered water is preferable.
  2. Drain and rinse soaked nuts.
  3. Blend all the ingredients in a blender or juicer for 30 seconds to 1 minute until the milk is smooth and creamy.
  4. OPTIONAL: Strain through a nut milk bag, or pour straight into glass bottles for storage in the fridge if you don’t mind pulp in your milk.
Laurentine & Hugo walk you through the recipe in this video here. >>

We hope you enjoy this recipe!​

In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Magnesium Puts Psychiatric Drugs to Shame for Depression
A powerful clinical study shows that pennies worth of magnesium a day provides an effective, safe, affordable alternative to dangerous and relatively ineffective pharmaceutical antidepressants.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
CDC Runs Two VAERS Systems -- The Public Can Access Only One of Them
An investigation by The BMJ into the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, found multiple deficiencies in the system, including the revelation that the government runs two systems -- one for the public, and a private back-end system that contains all of the corrections and updates, including deaths that occurred after an initial injury.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Google's Secret Natural Health Censorship Campaign with Sayer Ji, Zach Vorhies and Maryam Heinen

EXCLUSIVE RELEASE: Google's Secret Natural Health Censorship Campaign with Sayer Ji, Zach Vorhies (Google Whisleblower), and Maryam Heinen

The three sit down for an in depth discussion on the censorship of natural health and wellness content by Google.

Learn more about the censorship issues discussed: Founder's Statement: Regarding Censorship Efforts to De-Platform GreenMedInfo & Other Health Sites​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Regenerating Medicine w Sayer Ji and Sachin Patel
Join the always amazing and poetic truth-teller Sayer Ji and Sachin Patel for a constructive analysis of the state of healthcare and how we can all work together to Regenerate Medicine.

Sayer is the Founder of, the world’s most complete database of natural medicine and he is also the author of Regenerate: Unlocking Your Body's Radical Resilience through the New Biology

Join Sayer's NEW censorship-free Telegram channel to stay up to date on the latest curated information, events, and direct updates:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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Controversies regarding the legal regime that underpins the WHO's power grab are good. There seem to be many.

They undermine the authority the WHO is trying to usurp. For example, see Article 62 of the 2005 IHR​

So, it seems that even if the amendments from May 2022 were approved using a valid procedure (a big if) — the nations still have 6 more months before they come into force! And so nations still can object or issue reservations. See paragraph #4 below.
Furthermore, on Nov 28 a group of MPs gave Tedros 2 days to show the proof that the full World Health Assembly did vote on the 2022 amendments. He failed to provide such proof. Thus, the vote, errr, consent procedure within a subcommittee was probably invalid, and the MPs have so deemed it NULL and VOID.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Bladder and bowel movement control issues, pelvic pain, back or hip pain, constipation, and "pelvic organ prolapse" are some common potential signs of pelvic floor dysfunction.

And women are at much higher risk of pelvic floor issues versus men -- an estimated 1 in 3 women will deal with some kind of pelvic floor disorder in their lifetime. That's why you'll greatly appreciate this clear and concise new article:

12 Top Natural Ways to Support Your Pelvic Floor

If you do appreciate it, please SHARE your comments at the bottom of the page.

Because in the article, you're about to discover:

>>> Exactly why maintaining / improving your pelvic floor health is so important as you get older

>>> 7 great stretches and exercises for your pelvic floor

>>> A top breathwork exercise for your pelvic floor

>>> Best / worst foods for your pelvic floor

>>> A top recommendation for pelvic floor relief

>>> And more!

Head here to disccover 12 Top Natural Ways to Support Your Pelvic Floor now


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Ever feel like your body's got a mind of its own? Whether it's stress that won't chill out, chronic pain that’s more loyal than your pet, or an immune system playing hide and seek, we've all been there.

Good news! We've stumbled upon something pretty awesome that might just be the game-changer you're looking for.

It's a free 10-day masterclass, led by the one and only Master Mingtong Gu.

What's in It for You?

  • Stress Relief: Learn to kick stress to the curb (or at least put it in time-out).
  • Chronic Pain Management: Find new ways to tell your pains, "It’s not me, it's you."
  • Boost Your Immune System: Get your immunity doing push-ups and ready for action.
  • Fight Premature Aging: Who says you can't teach old cells new tricks?
  • Reversing Cancer Causes: Delving deep into what's really going on inside.

This isn't your typical health class. We’re talking about ancient wisdom backed by science, ready to tackle your health quirks head-on.

Ready to dive in? Check out the 10-day masterclass HERE and get ready to high-five your healthier self.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Recipe of the Week

Pumpkin Cocoa Smoothie
This fusion of flavors and nutrients combines the creaminess of pumpkin puree, the sweetness of frozen banana, and the surprising addition of crisp iceberg lettuce. With a touch of warming spices like turmeric and nutmeg, as well as a hint of rich cocoa powder, this smoothie transforms into a wholesome indulgence.
Whether you're looking for a quick breakfast option, a post-workout refresher, or simply a delightful way to enjoy your greens, this recipe has got you covered.
  • 1 cup oat milk
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1 cup frozen banana sliced
  • 3 cups iceberg lettuce chopped
  • 1/3 cup pumpkin puree
  • 1 1/2 tbsp cacao powder
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp turmeric
  • 1/8 tsp nutmeg
  • 1/16 tsp black pepper
  1. Place all ingredients into a high-speed blender and blend until smooth.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Mycotoxins & Fertility
Hey Jim,

Mold & mycotoxins aren't something we like to think about, but it is really important that we have the conversation. While "mold" typically brings to mind hot humid environments, in reality it can (and does) appear anywhere.

For this episode, I'm joined by Evan to talk about mycotoxins and how this exposure can affect fertility & child development.

>> Click here to listen to the podcast! <<
The Affects of Mycotoxins On Male & Female Fertility | Podcast #318
In this episode, we cover:

- Mold Toxins
11:38 - Mold Toxins from Food and Grains
14:32 - Binders
21:20 - Fertility Issues
27:13 - Detox Support

>> Click here to check out the episode! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Does Eating Healthy When Stressed Make You Feel Better?

Eating a healthy diet can reduce the negative effects of stress on the body and builds a solid, more enduring foundation for your longterm health. Eating a well-balanced diet promotes health by reducing oxidation and inflammation, and by helping to reduce weight gain. In this video, I am joined by Evan to talk about how we can better handle stress to keep our health in tact. I can't wait for you to check it out!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi

Have you thought about your New Year’s resolutions yet?

Many folks set out to lose a few pounds after the holidays and those that do succeed typically gain it all back by the time Spring rolls around.

I understand how frustrating it can be to try various diets and exercise regimens without seeing the results you desire.

That’s why I’m thrilled to present this 21-day NO DIET process to losing weight that will help you end the yo-yo dieting cycle and give you something to be proud of.

As you know, I truly believe in the power of holistic healing methods to address the underlying factors that contribute to weight challenges.

This program incorporates proven Energy Medicine experiences, including:

  • healing techniques
  • shamanic light journeys
  • vibrational upgrades
  • sound vibration healing
  • and potent attunements
…all specifically designed to reset your body’s energy and promote effective weight release.

And it only takes 21 days to master!

>> Go here to experience the "No Diet" Energy Medicine Program to release weight naturally and change your relationship with food for good!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

When I was filming the Stop Cancer Docu-Class I captured SO MUCH GREAT INFO... but I just couldn't fit it all into the 8-day free screening.

So for the next 24 hours, we're featuring "The Best of Stop Cancer Docu-Class Bonus Presentations" — a compilation of some of the most powerful moments from the docu-class bonus talks — condensed into two amazing presentations for you to enjoy.

During the "Best of Bonus Presentations", we'll cover topics like...

  • The Value of Hydrogen Medicine by Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM(P)
  • Avoid Cancer Checklist by Nathan Goodyear, MD, MDH
  • The Insulin-Cancer Link by Dr. Brian Mowll
  • Breast Cancer Alert by Ronald Hunninghake, MD
  • Anti-Infection Game Plan by Thomas Lewis, PhD
  • and so much more!
You also have access to the "Best of Stop Cancer for Dogs and Cats".

If you're a pet owner, you're going to LOVE the bonus presentations with Dr. Marlene Siegel.

These special presentations dive deep into how your dog or cat (and you!) can reduce the risk of cancer naturally.

During the "Best of Stop Cancer for Dogs and Cats", you'll discover things like ...

  • the most significant toxins that your pets are exposed to
  • the right kind of nutrition your pet needs
  • urgent warnings (and solutions) linked to digestive problems
  • an emotional look at how your feelings can affect your pets
  • and vital information about how to properly remove pet toxins that cause disease.
The "Best of" bonus presentations will be available for you to watch until tomorrow morning at 9:00 AM (Eastern time).

I just know you're going to love them!

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Member For 5 Years
How Dr. Cynthia Li Reversed Her Chronic Fatigue and Autoimmune Condition and Got Her Life Back
Join our conversation with Dr. Cynthia Li as we unravel the miraculous impact of qigong on her profound health transformation. Explore the ancient practice that became Dr. Li's secret weapon against autoimmune struggles and chronic conditions, and learn how this mind-body exercise played a pivotal role in her rehabilitation journey. Our discussion delves into the harmonious blend of traditional practices with cutting-edge insights. 💡 Don't miss this engaging conversation—subscribe for more stories, practical tips, and transformative insights on natural health and holistic wellness.

-->> Watch or listen here

Bliss Doubt

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The 9 Worst Foods to Eat (+Healthy Swaps)

If you feel like healthy eating gets more complicated every day, I feel you. Paleo, vegan, low-carb, high-fat, organic, and the endless list of dietary terms can make it difficult to even begin eating healthy.

Experiencing this feedback from my patients and followers for years, I completely understand where you are coming from. Here are 9 of the worst foods to eat, and healthy alternatives to swap them for.

For alternatives to canned tomato products he says to buy tomatoes in glass jars, or cut up fresh tomatoes, always organic either way. But further down in the article, to avoid BPA in containers, his suggestions include using food packaged in cardboard cartons. There are organic tomato products that come in cardboard cartons, like this one (and many others):


2.50 for the 13.75 oz. carton seems like a good price for the pictured item, as compared to the 14.5 oz. cans.
There are other products like that out there. Of course fresh and local is always best, but sometimes you need to use pantry staples.

That's the only thing I would add.

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