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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Are you tired of coughing, sneezing, and struggling to breathe due to chest and throat congestion? According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, allergies are the 6th leading cause of chronic illness in the United States, affecting over 50 million people. If you're one of them, we have good news: relief may be closer than you think.
Our recent article, "Onion: Fastest Way to Eliminate Throat and Chest Congestion" explores the surprising benefits of this humble vegetable when it comes to clearing up respiratory issues.
Onions contain a compound called quercetin, which has powerful anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce congestion and promote easier breathing.
In addition to their anti-inflammatory effects, onions are also rich in antioxidants, which can help boost the immune system and reduce the risk of chronic disease. Whether you're dealing with seasonal allergies, a cold, or something more serious, incorporating onions into your diet or using them as a natural remedy can be a game-changer.
Don't suffer through another day of congestion and discomfort empower yourself with natural remedies!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Brain Autophagy: Healing the Toxic Brain

Your brain is an incredibly important organ. It is the center of everything. It is responsible for learning, cognition, memory, thinking, and individual growth. Keeping your brain healthy is clearly critical.

Brain autophagy is a process that allows your brain to regenerate, get rid of old and unhealthy cells, and replace them with new and healthier ones.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Nebulizing Hydrogen Peroxide for Respiratory Health
Hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic agent that is used to fight pathogens. Increasing evidence suggests that it may be beneficial for your respiratory health when nebulized.

Nebulizing changes medications or other therapeutic agents from liquid to mist. Inhaling hydrogen peroxide through a nebulizer may help you improve your respiratory system and regain your health quicker if you are feeling unwell.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Toenail Fungus: Symptoms, Causes and Support Strategies
Toenail fungus is an experience most people have or will experience at one point in their life. It is a fungal infection affecting your toenails causing discoloration, thickening, brittleness, and other toenail issues. Conventional treatment strategies for toenail fungus only tend to address the symptoms.

Unfortunately, without addressing the root cause issues behind your problem, your toenail fungus will keep returning. The good news is that by using a few natural support strategies you can address the toenail fungus itself and the underlying causes, improving your health and reducing your risks for toenail fungus.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
7 Strategies to Heal Fatty Liver
The liver is your body’s workhorse. It performs many functions including converting food to fuel, filtering harmful toxins, making proteins that help blood clot, and producing bile. Unfortunately, this powerful organ is susceptible to a potentially dangerous condition called fatty liver disease.

In this video, I go over the best strategies to heal fatty liver naturally. Check out the video and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel here



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Protein is often "the big question mark" for those who primarily or entirely eat plant-based foods.

That's why you'll enjoy this clear and concise article:

The 15 BEST Plant-Based Proteins for a Healthy Diet

If you do appreciate it, please SHARE your comments at the bottom of the page.

Because in the article, you're about to discover:

>>> Misconceptions of meat vs. plant proteins

>>> Why nuts are a great protein source, and the #1 nut overall in terms of protein

>>> A great plant-based protein source that also provides you 50% of the RDI of fiber in just one cup

>>> A top recommendation to make sure you get enough plant-based proteins

>>> And more!

Head here to disccover the 15 Best Plant-Based Proteins now


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The New Mystery Disease In Dogs: What You Need To Know​

New Blog From Doc Jones​

A new disease syndrome in dogs has recently emerged in the United States. Cases have shown up in several states and it’s likely to spread quickly. The illness is characterized by a severe, hacking cough much like Kennel cough but much more serious. Infected dogs also tend to run a fever and may have nasal or eye discharge and may show signs of low oxygen like cyanosis (blue gums and tongue) and lethargy. The disease often quickly progresses to pneumonia and has a very high fatality rate...
I received an email from The State Animal Disease Diagnostic Lab this morning..



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It’s full circle vindication for The HighWire with new studies and headlines this week.
First, after posting a viral video to the HighWire twitter account, it was tagged by ‘community notes’ with a correction that isn’t quite correct. Here Del breakdown how the more things change on Twitter-turned-X, the more they stay the same.
Then, Lockdowns, masking, school closures, and COVID vaccine authorizations…all officially proven wrong. Then, the pushback to the WHO’s pandemic treaty is in full swing as European nations say no! Finally, a new investigation has found Moderna has been influencing big tech and public talking points with its own internal public relations arm.
Then we welcome The $500 Billion Man, Eric Nepute, DC, DNM Naturopath, Chiropractor & functional medicine doctor who was sued after recommending natural remedies to treat COVID. Hear how he was exonerated of all charges brought by the FTC & DOJ and turned down the DOJ’s settlement money attached to a gag order.
The MILLION DOLLAR MATCH TO FREE THE FIVE is off and running! Now, until the end of the year, every dollar donated toward our campaign to bring religious exemptions to the entire U.S. will be matched up to $1,000,000, and we’re on our way! Donate now to double your impact!
It all happens TODAY, 11AM Pacific Time, 2pm Eastern, at The HighWire!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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Vaccinated People More Likely to Suffer Blood Disorders, Ear Disease: Studies

Epoch Times reviews several scientific papers from Korea​

NOV 30
People who received COVID-19 vaccines at higher risk of a range of conditions, South Korean researchers find.
Vaccinated People More Likely to Suffer Blood Disorders, Ear Disease: Studies



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

"Healing Is Voltage"​

Earlier this year, I wrote a sequence of posts about some of the bioelectrical properties of the body and how this understanding can potentially help you make sense of persistent health challenges and get new ideas about what to explore next as a solution.
If you have not yet read these posts, here they are:

Healing is Voltage (Part 1): A Deeper Truth Behind Acidity & Akalinity in Your Body

Healing is Voltage (Part 2): Do You Have Blocked “Circuits” & Drained “Battery Packs”?

Healing is Voltage (Part 3): Toward a “Unified Theory” of Health & Healing



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

The day is here! The Wisdom of the Body Masterclass will be going live to the general public at 12pm Eastern Time.

Remember, day 1 is really going to set you up with the foundations you need for the rest of this week, so it’s really important not to miss it if you want to see the most benefits from the masterclass.

I’ll be sending the live link via email just before we get started, but don’t forget that as a Healing Life member you can watch the masterclass content ahead of everyone else by logging into your portal HERE <<<

Speak soon!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

If you’ve ever tried losing weight, or simply eating healthier foods, you know how overwhelming sugar cravings can be.

To make matters worse, sugar actually FEEDS cancer cells so eliminating it from your diet is crucial to conquering cancer.

But when we talked with our good friend Dr. Joel Fuhrman…

He told us that the number ONE complaint from patients throughout his 35 year career as a medical doctor is that quitting sugar is darn near impossible…

And that’s because sugar can be just as addicting and hard to overcome as a drug addiction… And it’s literally in every single food in the ‘Standard American Diet’.

Crazy right?

The good news is, there’s actually an EASY way to put an end to your sugar cravings FOREVER…

And you can do it in just 21 days!

How is that possible? Dr. Fuhrman explains in this video…

Fastest way to detox cancer-favorite’s food

To your health,

The Conquering Cancer team

P.S. In this video, you’ll also meet who battled health challenges, weight loss, and sugar addiction for YEARS.

None of the diets or exercise programs that she tried worked, and her weight eventually ballooned to 350 pounds.

But once Carole met Dr. Fuhrman, she learned that there was a way to kick her sugar cravings to the curb forever…

She tried it, and discovered how AMAZING it feels to have no sugar cravings going on nearly 5 years now…

And now she weighs in at only 130 pounds. Amazing!

How Carole lost over 200 lbs and quit sugar for good

Just make sure to watch this video now because we can only leave it up for a few more hours.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
As you know Jimi, there’s a tremendous amount of fear around cancer, and for good reason…

But at the same time, there are many myths and lies about cancer that keep us living in fear, that simply aren't true.

There’s also a lot of misinformation and outdated information about cancer that most people don't know about.

The truth is; Cancer does not have to be a death sentence!

There are many people who have overcome cancer using natural, holistic and integrative solutions…

And are still alive, healthy and happy telling me their stories many years later.

That’s why I’m re-opening my webinar titled:

How to Never Be Afraid of Cancer Again — Register Now

During this free training you will discover:

  • 3 secrets to overcome fear about cancer
  • Empowering yourself to heal — discover empowering steps you can take to improve the length and quality of your life
  • Overcome myths and limitations — breakthrough myths and limiting beliefs around cancer that are preventing you from healing (or even causing cancer)
  • Creating your own healing plan — how to optimize your very own personalized healing plan
  • And more!
It’s happening this Thursday so if you missed it the first time, or you want to join me again…

Register here now as I help you break through the myths and limiting beliefs around cancer preventing you from healing.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
A couple weeks ago, Kiran dropped a loaded presentation on the skin biome, "leaky skin", the skin as predictor (not symptom) of chronic disease and accelerated aging and so much more... for our LIVE audience of 250+ on a Thursday afternoon!

He also introduced the new SIV Biome-Balancing Serum - which is now on back-order because you (the RHT community) grabbed all of it! (They should be receiving more soon, which means we should be receiving more soon...)

His presentation was so packed that we did not have time for the 50+ questions you posted in the Q&A.

Always a good sport, Kiran agreed to return soon to do a full hour-long Q&A Part 2!

And that is taking place next Tuesday!

Deep Dive: Skin Microbiome Part 2 - LIVE Q&A!
Tuesday, Dec. 5th
4pm PT / 7pm ET


I've got all of your questions from the Part 1 Q&A and you're welcome to bring more - Kiran will be firing out answers for a full hour!

If we have any leftover time once all the skin-related questions are answered, we can switch to any topics you want... and after what he dropped last time, you definitely don't want to miss this one.

See you there!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,
Thank you to everyone who joined me live for my recent webinar.
The replay is now available, you can view it HERE.
There was a LOT of information that we reviewed, including essential guidelines that I recommend in my own practice to help enhance treatment efficacy, reduce side effects of conventional therapies, and open the door to profound healing on every level.
Key takeaways:
  • Evidence-based, clinically recommended strategies to fight the cancer while optimizing long-term health
  • Groundbreaking research on natural anti-cancer solutions
  • Tools to unlock and increase your innate healing capacity
  • And more…
>> Click here to access the webinar replay.
Optimizing your integrative anti-cancer program is an individualized path — and with resources like this to access on your own time, you can have greater autonomy in personalizing and improving your experience.
I’m honored to support you on this journey.​

What’s Next? Join me LIVE

Ask Me Anything - December 4th, 4 pm PT | 7 pm ET
Everyone Can Be a Miracle, Open Heart Medicine - December 6th, 4 pm PT | 7 pm ET​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Food Revolution Network
Hi Jimi,
Are you passionate about helping people make healthier choices? If so, I invite you to join Food Revolution Network’s brand-new and totally free Plant-Based Coaching Masterclass.
You’ll learn to guide clients (and friends and even family members!) through life-changing transformations that are shown to prevent chronic diseases.
>> Find out all about it right here.
Yours for changing lives and changing the world,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Whether you’re new to coaching, a seasoned coach, or a wellness professional, this potent and free masterclass will open your eyes and inspire you.
And, when you register and join in, you’ll get a free guidebook: 27 Rewarding Paths to a Thriving Career as a Plant-Based Coach. This is like a cheat sheet of all the best opportunities that have just opened up for plant-based coaches.
Claim your free spot in our brand-new Masterclass, right here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How Dr. Cynthia Li Reversed Her Chronic Fatigue and Autoimmune Condition and Got Her Life Back
Join our conversation with Dr. Cynthia Li as we unravel the miraculous impact of qigong on her profound health transformation. Explore the ancient practice that became Dr. Li's secret weapon against autoimmune struggles and chronic conditions, and learn how this mind-body exercise played a pivotal role in her rehabilitation journey. Our discussion delves into the harmonious blend of traditional practices with cutting-edge insights. 💡 Don't miss this engaging conversation—subscribe for more stories, practical tips, and transformative insights on natural health and holistic wellness.

-->> Watch or listen here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
3 powerful principles for profound health, happiness and fulfillment

In this video I share with you nearly 2 decades of personal experience and research into what are some of the top principles the happiest and healthiest people follow to help them live their best lives.
—>> Watch the video here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Image item
Hey Jimi!

In the hustle and bustle of December, amid the holiday festivities, carve out moments for self-care and breathwork rituals. As the season whirls with excitement, these intentional pauses become anchors, offering a sanctuary of calm amidst the joyful chaos. Embrace the gift of self-nurturing breathing practices to navigate the holiday whirlwind with grace, fostering not just celebration but a genuine sense of well-being throughout December and beyond.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Ever forget a thought mid-sentence, or walk into a room and forget why you're there?

These are caused by dying brain cells, and on average the "brain decay" starts around age 35.

If you do nothing to stop it, it can continue to happen fast.

By age 55, nearly 10% of the brain can be gone for good, and 20% can be gone by age 75.


This is actually not really age-related. It is lifestyle related.

If you're doing any one of 3 common habits, you can accelerate this shrinkage.

The really good news, though, is that you can take very effective steps against it... quickly and relatively easily regardless of your age.

In this FREE new workshop (where you pick the day and time that works best for you), you'll...

Discover these 3 toxic habits and how to FIX them for good

If you choose to register for free, you'll also get a free copy of The Failing Memory: Exclusive Protection Plan...

...Which is a detailed report on dementia and Alzheimer's and a plan to take care of your brain well into old age.

You see, the World Health Organization estimates that the number of cases of dementia are estimated to more than triple by 2050.

However, there truly is SO much you can do starting right now to not become a part of those statistics.

So please head here to find out more about this free workshop and sign up on the day/time that works for you if interested.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Censorship Hurts Everyone - Help Us Fight Back
At GreenMedInfo we believe that free speech and our First Amendment rights are not only the cornerstone of our democracy, but are also essential for protecting and honoring your basic health freedoms.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
9 Health Benefits of Oranges Backed By Science
The orange is both a literal and symbolic embodiment of the sun, from whose light it is formed and vibrantly emanates. As a whole food it irradiates us with a spectrum of healing properties, the most prominent of which some call "vitamin C activity," but which is not reducible to the chemical skeleton known as 'ascorbic acid.' Science now confirms the orange has a broad range of medicinal properties, which is why the ancients knew it both as a food and a medicine.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What Common Foods May Kill Multi-Drug Resistant Cancers?
The GreenMedInfo database has assembled more than 60 articles and studies regarding what food substances can help kill cancers, including those that are resistant to treatment with drugs. Curcumin (the primary polyphenol within turmeric) was by far the #1 food, with 27 studies attesting to its efficacy.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Day 1 is live to the public, but as a Healing Life member you don’t have to wait to access each of the daily content, you can find them in your member portal HERE.

And you have 4 exclusive bonus modules that will not be shown to the public:

Module 11 - The Secret to Abundance

Focuses on the connection between physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being and abundance in all areas of life. You’ll learn the principles of energy cultivation and how it relates to abundance, including the concept of Qi and its impact on personal and financial prosperity.

Module 12 - Secret to Longevity

Looks at the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine and how it relates to Qigong. Focusing on how to promote health and longevity.

Module 13 - Pure Consciousness

This module delves into the nature of consciousness and explores ways in which individuals can cultivate a deeper connection with their inner self and the world around them through Qigong practices. You will learn various techniques for developing mindfulness and expanding awareness.

Module 14 - Mastering Qigong

Covers the advanced techniques and principles of this traditional Chinese practice. The module focuses on refining and deepening the understanding and mastery of Qigong, including specific exercises and movements for improving physical, mental, and spiritual health.


You also have access to the Healing Life library of over 200 videos, and I want to remind you about the two bonus courses that you have access to when you signed up, which you can access here:
These tie in well with the knowledge and teachings you’ll gain from the masterclass so you can continue learning and practicing!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

The Wisdom of the Body Masterclass is starting, to experience day 1 click below:

Click Here for Module 1

Let’s take the first step on your health journey together right now - see you there!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
EMF and brain health

The amount of EMFs we dump into the air far surpass anything we are naturally exposed to... so we haven't developed defenses against them.

If you gaze on the first picture at the top you see how calcium can rush into a cell to change its function. Just so you know, the 50 Hz and 60 Hz is stuff like appliances and TVs and it can vary based on the country you are in and how they set that stuff up. Yes, you read 'leukemia' right and there are several studies that point generally in the same direction.

Side note - calcium in a cell can be used by viruses to replicate. Nom, nom, nom. You know that whole envelope protein in SARS?

This is where things get tricky because some studies will be like "well that improved their brain function" ... yeah because calcium rushing in will make a nerve fire, but if they keep being exposed those same people typically report they start to feel bad, and if a neuron fires too much it can literally destroy itself by firing more than it can handle.

The other one to pay attention to is 900 MHz. That is a cellphone. Nothing like damaging DNA and increasing oxidative stress inside of a cell.
So none of this stuff is great, but a developing brain is more sensitive to this type of thing. So what these smarty-pants did is expose rats to 900 MHz EMF and see how the brain developed. They took a few samples of a part of the brain called the hippocampus and if you look at the second picture the one on the left is the one exposed to cellphone EMF and the one on the right isn't. It looks like those stem cells just don't mature as they should. That one on the left is just pitiful compared to the right.

Not only are their brains more sensitive, but their skulls are thinner too so they calculated how much can get through.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey friend,
I love the Holidays. It's an amazing and wonderful time of year. BUT...

...It's also a time filled with temptation. There's Thanksgiving "weekend", Holiday parties, cookie trays, candy canes, social occasions, and that festive spirit that lowers our inhibitions and can lead to self sabotage.

The Holidays can also be a time filled with stress. It's easy to feel overwhelmed with the decorations, shopping, traveling, visitors, and hectic holiday schedule. For many of us, the feelings go deeper when we think of loved ones who won't be with us this year.

In my 25 years of experience, I've seen many people lose control of their blood sugar during the Holiday season. I don't want that to happen to you!

The most important thing to staying healthy through the Holidays, and avoiding pitfalls is to actively work on your nutrition, fitness, and blood sugar health, and to lean on a community of like-minded people for the support and accountability you need.

That's why I decided to create a brand new program this year called, the "21 Day Holiday Detox" program, to help guide you through the Holidays in a healthy way.

It's designed to create a structured plan to get you from Thanksgiving to the Christmas holiday in a healthy way, with tips, strategies, videos, and support from me and a group of others sharing the experience with you.

If you want to learn more about this program, watch my short video below:

We'll be starting our "21 Day Holiday Detox" this Monday, December 4th, and wrapping up the just before the Christmas Holiday.

If you want to learn more, just click this link to watch my 10 minute video.

The Holidays are a beautiful, joyful time of year, and should be celebrated. Unfortunately, for many of us, they can also be filled with pitfalls, which cause weight gain, high blood sugar, and can destroy our momentum and health.

Let's work together this year to ensure that the Holidays are the healthiest and happiest ever!
Dr. Brian Mowll
The Diabetes Coach™
Certified Diabetes Educator
IFM-Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner
P.S. If you want to know more about the "21 Day Holiday Detox", starting THIS Monday, December 4th, just click this link to watch my brief 10 minute video.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hard to keep a doctor.... when I moved back to KY 22 years ago found a clinic and DR I liked. Went with him for prolly 6 years then he went into politics and never saw him again. So I saw his partner up until earlier this year. He quit theat clinic to join a concierge service an hours drive away. I would have had to pay an addition $1,800 per year just to talk to him plus whatever the visits costs. So Doctor shopping again. I did not even realize that doctors had concierge services?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This week's newsletter highlights an excellent new podcast on cognitive decline, the link between heart health and brain health, why a short bout of exercise might help after a poor night of sleep, why you should try brushing your teeth with the opposite hand, and more...

-->> Brain Fitness: Reversing Cognitive Decline And Improving Brain Function - Dr. Mark Hyman (November 2023)​

In this episode of The Doctor’s Farmacy, I’m excited to talk to Dr. Majid Fotuhi about the top actions we can take to prevent cognitive decline and optimize brain function...

-->> Coronary Heart Disease by Age 45 Linked With Subsequent Dementia - MedPage Today (November 2023)​

All-cause dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and vascular dementia risks elevated...

-->> Just 20 Minutes of Exercise Can Boost Brain Function in Sleep Deprived Individuals - Technology Networks (November 2023)​

Moderate intensity exercise can improve cognitive function in those who are sleep deprived...

-->> How Obesity Can Impact Your Brain Health - EmeranMayer .com (November 2023)​

The parallel rise of modern chronic non-infectious diseases such as obesity and neurodegenerative diseases is difficult to ignore...

-->> A Brain-Boosting Way To Start Your Day, From A Memory Coach - MBG (November 2023)​

Why you might want to try brushing your teeth with the opposite hand...

To your health,

VU Sponsors
