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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We invite you to join us for a beautiful 10-Minute Energy Medicine Yoga practice that will guide you on a journey to "Let Go with Grace guided by Dr. Lynn."

In this brief yet powerful session, Dr. Lynn will lead you through techniques specially crafted to help you release the burdens of the past and step into a future filled with balance and rejuvenation.

It's time to honor yourself and your well-being by taking these 10 minutes to let go of what's been holding you back.

Release the past, welcome balance, and step into a more rejuvenated version of yourself.

May this practice inspire you to embrace the art of letting go with grace and to step into a brighter, more balanced future.

P.S. Don't miss this opportunity to experience the power of Energy Medicine Yoga in just 10 minutes. Watch now and embark on your journey to letting go with grace. [Watch Here]


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How to Use Mushrooms to Strengthen Immunity, Defend Against Viruses & Illness and Reduce Stress!​
There’s a place in Japan where many of the residents live well past their centenary years.

It’s believed one of the reasons is due to their mushroom-rich diet. Not just any kind of mushroom, but functional mushrooms packed with antioxidants and powerful properties that can help support a healthy immune system.

Discover all there is to know about functional mushrooms in our free guide today. We reveal:

  • The 3 types of “beneficial” mushrooms and how to recognize them
  • The 7 most powerful mushrooms used in healing today
  • The unique properties of each of these 7 powerhouse fungi


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Question Jimi,

Why are cancer rates STILL skyrocketing when we have all this science-backed information and research at our fingertips?

Maybe it’s because we’ve been looking for the “answer to cancer” in all the wrong places.

You see, we’ve been told that cancer is something you get…

But no one really “gets” cancer — it’s something your body creates.

And so, if your body has the power to create it, it’s only natural that your body also has the power to heal it.

Now this doesn’t mean we toss all conventional therapies out the window, but what it does give you are more options that aren’t riddled with horrific side effects or invasive surgeries.

And coming up on November 15, 2023 at 7:30 PM Eastern, I’ll share these little-known healing therapies with you during a LIVE webinar and Q&A session.

Save your spot with me HERE and discover the secrets to creating a cancer-resilient body.

During this interactive presentation, I’ll share with you:

  • How to shift your focus from disease to health, empowering you to be proactive instead of reactive
  • How genetics and epigenetics play a pivotal role in prevention and healing
  • How to assess your cancer risk and status with precision
  • My 3-step blueprint that every cancer survivor takes
  • The little-known secrets for a toxin-free lifestyle
  • How to supercharge your immune system and energy
And last but not least, a Q&A session with me where I’ll answer your most burning questions on becoming cancer-free.

It’s sure to be a transformative session, so please don’t miss this opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of your symptoms and discover practical knowledge you can implement immediately!

Reserve your spot HERE for the live & interactive Cancer Resilient Body webinar and Q&A session.

To your health,



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

9 Health Benefits of Oranges Backed By Science​

The orange is both a literal and symbolic embodiment of the sun, from whose light it is formed and vibrantly emanates. As a whole food it irradiates us with a spectrum of healing properties, the most prominent of which some call "vitamin C activity," but which is not reducible to the chemical skeleton known as 'ascorbic acid.' Science now confirms the orange has a broad range of medicinal properties, which is why the ancients knew it both as a food and a medicine.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

If You Missed It, Here's Your FINAL Chance to watch FREE...​

We are having a FULL REPLAY encore weekend, free for anyone to watch any and all episodes for 48 hours. Join us on Saturday, November 11 + Sunday, November 12. This is a great opportunity to watch episodes you missed, or watch those you liked most, as well as to share this with anyone you know who would benefit from this information. It’s free, and anyone who isn’t already enrolled can do so here now.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
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Hey Jimi!

Get ready for a week of rejuvenation and self-discovery with our upcoming breathwork classes! Our weekly schedule is thoughtfully curated to offer you a diverse range of sessions led by expert instructors, each bringing a unique style and expertise to the practice.

Whether you're seeking grounding techniques, energy renewal, executive stress relief, or breathwork & fitness fusion classes, our lineup of instructors ensures there's something for everyone.

Check out the rest of November and dive into a world of breathwork that caters to your needs, providing a holistic and enriching experience. See you on the mat!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
My 5 Guardians of Health: How to Supercharge Your Immune Defense

My 5 Guardians of Health: How to Supercharge Your Immune Defense​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Join my talk on Day 2 at the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit Encore Weekend and get my free eBook The Not-So-Radical Cancer Diet.

I'll be talking about:
1. Why strict cancer diets can be harmful
2. How certain cancer diets may feed the cancer
3. Why simply removing what FEEDS the cancer may be best
4. Misconceptions about cancer and diet, and how people should realistically approach dietary changes following a cancer diagnosis
Here are some things you’ll learn during the encore weekend:
✅ Different paths to face cancer head-on.
✅ The crucial role of understanding cancer in overcoming it.
✅ A wealth of resources and choices available to those battling cancer.
✅ A welcoming community ready to stand by you on your cancer journey.
✅ How your emotional and mental well-being matters just as much as your physical health.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from some of the leading experts in the field.

Join my talk on Day 2 at the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit Encore Weekend and get my free eBook The Not-So-Radical Cancer Diet.

Join Encore Weekend Now

Yours in health and healing,


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
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Reddit Exile

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Hey Jimi!

Get ready for a week of rejuvenation and self-discovery with our upcoming breathwork classes! Our weekly schedule is thoughtfully curated to offer you a diverse range of sessions led by expert instructors, each bringing a unique style and expertise to the practice.

Whether you're seeking grounding techniques, energy renewal, executive stress relief, or breathwork & fitness fusion classes, our lineup of instructors ensures there's something for everyone.

Check out the rest of November and dive into a world of breathwork that caters to your needs, providing a holistic and enriching experience. See you on the mat!​

jimi fix me am appointment with carla would you buddy


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
  • Regulates you body temperature
  • Converts food to components needed for survival – digestion
  • Acts as a shock absorber for brain and spinal cord
  • Helps deliver oxygen all over the body....



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
With just a little attention to how often you could be drinking water instead of your favorite go-to drink, you can start to improve your levels of hydration. Start enjoying the healthy benefits of proper hydration by trying these simple ideas. It will help you to maintain normal bowel function, improve your skin, energize your muscles and even help to fight fatigue and keep your focus....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Register NOW for Episode 22 of Season 2 of the Cancer Conversation
Join us Tuesday, November 14, 2023, at 5:00 pm PST / 8:00 pm EST

Join hosts Dr. Daniel Roney and Dr. Natalie Greenberg as they walk us through the downsides of heavy metal toxicity and all the sneaky symptoms and how mineral deficiencies lead to a host of health problems. Learn all about the cutting-edge diagnostic tool we are using the Cancer Center for healing to discover these tricky conditions and the safe and effective treatments and solutions. As always, you will also have a chance to ask your health questions LIVE!


Diamond Contributor
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Lots more on the fight against the WHO

We are expanding our fight internationally, creating a worldwide network​

NOV 11
  1. The audio on the initial video of our VERY IMPORTANT symposium on the WHO in Congress was awful. It has been fixed. Please watch this and share it. No one has connected all these dots before, and each speaker did a great job. Frank Gaffney asked all the right questions and turned it into a really special event.
Here is the full symposium on both the EpochTimes TV website and on YouTube:

  1. Jan Jekielek interviewed me after the symposium and I actually like this interview, which gets into more depth than I could provide at the symposium. (Normally I hate my interviews—I forget the important pooints or feel tongue-tied—but I did a very interesting one today on the anthrax vaccine, government malfeasance and the common legal strategies that were used for both the anthrax and COVID vaccines. It is not published yet, but I talked about things I have not previously discussed; I will post when available.)
  1. We held our first meeting of international groups yesterday that are working to stop the WHO sovereignty grab, sponsored by DoortoFreedom. 78 people attended from around the world. My plan is to help them with translations of the best documents, help the lawyers share legal strategies, share the petitions, open letters, and other efforts so we can push out the best ones, identify the most effective strategies, and spread the knowledge and best actions efficiently. I want to fundraise to hire a coordinator for this international work. This substack has paid for almost all of our work so far. (Thank you for your generosity!!) I will put out information on how you can help contribute financially and in other ways over the next few days, so we can strengthen and expand our efforts worldwide.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
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The globalists are using your tax dollars to create more pandemic pathogens to use against you.

Think I am crazy? Read the proposed pandemic treaty--or just 2 slides I posted earlier tonight which demand the finding and sharing of new potential pandemic pathogens.​

NOV 11
Proposed treaty:
[The two guys below were competing for who earned the most: each collected about $450 K/year—that we know about. However, Jeremy Farrar earned about $650 K/year working for the Wellcome Trust. As Catherine Austin Fitts says, “The crime that pays is the crime that stays.” If we don’t charge and try the criminals, things will only get worse.
And BTW, both of these clowns wrote articles claiming pandemics were due to climate change. Both are globalist tools working to enslave the planet. Come to think of it, for crimes of this proportion, they came rather cheap.—Nass]
The article goes on and on, and has many graphics as well. Go to this link for the entire article:



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
8 Anti-Viral Nutrients to Prevent Illness

Encountering viruses is an everyday occurrence and a normal part of life. However, some people adapt well to the stress of a virus and fight it off while others struggle with this form of stressor.

Using these 8 antiviral compounds will help improve your body’s resilience and give you the immune power to adapt strong!!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
God's Natural Chemotherapy

Cancer is at an all-time high and people are looking for more natural chemotherapy treatments. I believe deep within my spirit that God created us for incredible health & vitality and desires for us to look to nature to provide the resources for health & well-being.

Our society has been trained to look first to man-made interventions and treatments. However, I believe we honor and glorify Him by looking to His creation for the answers to our health goals.

The more I study nature, nutrition, human physiology and biochemistry, etc. the more His majesty comes alive in my body, mind, & soul. Discover what I believe to be God’s natural chemotherapy.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Broccoli Cream Soup
This recipe tastes amazing and is choked full of powerful anti-inflammatory nutrients. Broccoli contains detoxifying agents that help protect our DNA.

Mushrooms help stimulate the immune system and garlic is a profound anti-microbial that helps our body reduce bad bacteria, viruses, yeast and parasites.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
In a few minutes I'm headed to Saturday morning pickup basketball.

But before that, I need to share this with you.

One, because I only found out about it recently.

And two, the replay is happening right now.

It's the Brain Health Breakthroughs series, and you can catch all the episodes this weekend at no charge.

Just head HERE if you haven't signed up for it yet.

Here are some details:

This is an online replay of all 10 Brain Health Breakthroughs episodes.

That means if you're registered, you’ll have the whole weekend to watch any episode, any time, as many times as you like...

From now, Saturday morning, until Monday at 9am ET, you'll have access at no charge.

This Replay Weekend is perfect if you:

★ Want to learn more about taking the best care of your brain

★ Couldn’t attend the live online broadcast

★ Are concerned about losing your memory

★ Currently take care of someone with dementia (and are at risk yourself from all the stress)

★ Feel fine now... but wonder how you can protect yourself from these diseases.

★ Want to optimize your brain so you can be independent for life.

You can watch all the episodes this weekend.

Learn more and register here (if you haven't already), and get the Replay Weekend link now.

And of course, Be Your Own Guarantee for your health and life.

Dr. Ryan

P.S. Huge apologies for the late notice, but please take advantage of Brain Health Breakthroughs while it's here. Enjoy Replay Weekend, and the practical tips to safeguard yourself against Alzheimer's and dementia.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Grapefruit Arugula Beet Salad
(full recipe in this email below)
This salad is a beautiful powerhouse of flavors and nutrients! Enjoy!
  • 1 beet cooked, cooled and sliced
  • 1 cup arugula
  • 1 medium grapefruit peeled and membrane removed
  • 1 banana sliced
  • 1/2 cup blueberries
  • 1/2 cup blackberries
  • 1/4 cup pomegranate seeds
  • 2 figs chopped
  • 1 tsp ground flaxseed
  • 1 scoop Amla Green optional
  1. Place the arugula in a bowl.
  2. Add all the fruit and sliced beets*.
  3. Top with flaxseed and Amla Green if using.
*NOTE: Cook beets ahead of time so that you can cool it before adding to your salad.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Did you know that a staggering 77% of adults admit to experiencing regular physical symptoms caused by stress?

But here’s the shocker: a simple daily routine might just be the antidote we've all been seeking!

Deep within the realms of ancient yoga, lies Viparita Karani - the Legs Up the Wall pose. Celebrated by athletes, dancers, and even the most overworked office employee, this inconspicuous pose promises not only to melt away the tensions of modern life but also to bestow a range of physical benefits that science is just beginning to uncover.

Discover the Secret: 3 Things Happen When You Put Your Legs Up Against A Wall Everyday [Article]

Imagine combating daily stress, increasing blood flow, and reducing inflammation, all from the comfort of your own home. And the best part?

It doesn’t require any special equipment or vast expanses of time. A wall, a few quiet moments, and you're on your way to rejuvenation.

Why This Should Be on Your Radar....

In a digitally-charged world where downtime is a luxury, tools like this simple pose are invaluable.

From improving hamstring mobility to reducing lower back pain, and notably, elevating your mood, this pose is the unsung hero waiting to be incorporated into your daily ritual.

Embark on a Wellness Revolution: Unlock the Secrets of This Simple Stress Relieving Pose [Article]


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

20 Years On…​

And the work continues

Monsanto had planned to replace 100% of all commercial seeds with GMOs.

We had a different idea.

IRT pioneered massive consumer education, promoting the strategy that even 5% of shoppers choosing non-GMO brands would force food companies to become non-GMO.

It worked!

Today, half the world’s population understands that GMOs are dangerous. Our tipping point limited the number of GMO foods to about a dozen.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

News You Can Use​

Let the Buyer Beware (or as the Old Romans would have it, “caveat emptor”)

Scientist warns on the safety of synbio milk

Testing has revealed the presence of unknown compounds in “synbio milk”, i.e., milk created through the process known as synthetic biology. Basically, organisms are genetically modified to produce the product. “Synbio milk” involves genetically engineered whey genes and yeast/fungal compounds. John Fagan, PhD, chairman and chief scientist at the Health Research Institute (HRI), said that these compounds need to be studied for food safety and nutritional quality, including by the US Food and Drug Administration. He said synbio milk products should either have a risk warning on their packaging or be taken off the market since the testing revealed the presence of 92 unknown compounds. None of the 92-novel yeast/fungal compounds are Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) or have undergone any FDA testing, he said.

“Basically, there are 92 compounds identified in synbio milk that are not named by scientists,” he said. “Nobody has looked at them for safety, nutrition, quality.”


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Alarming Results of Testing of the Top 20 Fast Food Brands

Zen Honeycutt, founder of Moms Across America, reveals shocking reports about the top 20 fast food brands. The results show that many of the

m use harmful ingredients which should be a wake-up call to many people. About 30 million meals are served at school from these brands each day, and 42 samples were tested for various harmful ingredients. The top ten brands were additionally tested for 104 commonly used veterinary drugs and hormones.


The lowest in glyphosate from the top 20 tested? Chipotle.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Bayer investor calls for rethink after $332 million glyphosate defeat

Union Investment analyst Markus Manns says Bayer should rethink its lawsuit strategy after losing three times in a row. A California jury found Bayer liable in a case brought by a man who claimed his cancer was due to exposure to the company's glyphosate-based Roundup weedkiller. The verdict was the third recent defeat for Bayer, after it was ordered to pay a total of $175 million and $1.25 million in two other Roundup lawsuits before that. Before those nine losses, Bayer had won nine cases in a row. Bayer is trying to avoid an expensive settlement because of its hard financial situation and high debt levels. Head Topics Canada

Commenting on the jury verdict, attorney Brent Wisner, managing partner at Wisner Baum, hailed the verdict. Wisner did not represent plaintiff Mike Dennis in the case but did lead the case that secured a $2 billion verdict against Monsanto in Oakland in 2019. “Glyphosate’s days are numbered. With two more outstanding jury verdicts in the last few days and the (European Union’s) failure to decide on extending the use of glyphosate for another 10 years, the writing is on the wall,” Wisner said. ProgramBusiness


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We’re Defending the Microbiome from GMO 2.0

Do you know a healthcare professional who might be interested?


IRT believes in creating coalitions to multiply our power to defend against GMO 2.0, especially when it comes to gene edited microbes.

The microbiome is critical to life:

  • GM microbes carry unpredictable, even inheritable dangers;
  • They might transfer altered genes into our microbiomes, damaging our health;
  • They may also devastate the environment;
  • GM microbes released on farms might inadvertently promote disease;
  • The need for responsible governance is absolutely urgent.
Healthcare practitioners, who understand the microbiome’s critical importance, are the natural choice to be its protectors. Therefore, we created our Healthcare Practitioner Community on Mighty Networks.

Our vision is for this to become a thriving community of healthcare practitioners committed to safeguarding the microbiome. Members gain access to a library of assets to make informed choices about GMOs and GMO 2.0, and take action toward a better future for themselves, patients, and the planet.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Shop Non-GMO: Make conscious choices when shopping for food and other products. Look for the Non-GMO Project Verified label, which indicates that a product has undergone rigorous testing to ensure it is free from GMOs. Also, utilize IRT’s Non-GMO Shopping Guide. By supporting non-GMO brands and products and sharing videos that educate others about the importance of non-GMO choices, you contribute to creating a demand for safer and healthier options.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
[Free] How to Make a Safe and Effective Pain Killer. From a Weed?
Download TGN's free 38-page eBook that shows you how to identify, harvest, and make your own medicine with this common and potent weed.
Click here to Download now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Vitamin D Slows Diabetes Onset

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than 27 million people in the United States have Type 2 diabetes.

A recent study in the journal Cell revealed that vitamin D may slow the onset of diabetes by protecting the beta cells of the pancreas which manufacture and release insulin, the hormone essential for controlling glucose levels in the blood.

Special: Doctor Reveals Little-Known Immune Health Secret

If the beta cells produce too little insulin, glucose can accumulate in the blood at levels that are toxic to cells reaching potentially lethal proportions.

Researchers at the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California, used a compound called iBRD9 to boost the activity of vitamin D receptors which had a protective effect on the beta cells and brought the glucose levels of mice within a normal range.

“We know that diabetes is a disease caused by inflammation,” explains senior author Ronald Evans. “In this study, we identified the vitamin D receptor as an important modulator of both inflammation and beta cell survival.”

By adding iBRD9 to the vitamin D, scientists could supercharge genes to trigger an anti-inflammatory effect and protect the beta cells to survive even under stressful conditions.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
You've probably heard about heavy metals and their sneaky impact on your health…
But do you know how to effectively purge them from your system?
In an episode of the Feel Freaking Amazing podcast…
Ed and I sat down with renowned heavy metal detox specialist, Dr. Wendy Myers.
Together, we unpacked the mystery of heavy metals and how they sneak into our bodies...
Leaving us with seemingly random symptoms like chronic fatigue, persistent headaches, and tingling in the hands or feet.​
Dr. Myers is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to ridding our bodies of the toxic metals that are abundant in our everyday environment—from the air we breathe to the food we eat.
But luckily she came with solutions.
In this clip here, Dr. Myers Sheds light on 6 powerful and natural detoxifiers that could be sitting in your kitchen right now.
But this is just one golden nugget from a treasure trove of insights from our full Feel Freaking Amazing episode.
>> Discover a simple, low-cost way to start ridding your body of toxic metals (Watch the Full Podcast we recorded here)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Lives get turned upside down when the doctor reveals a cancer diagnosis.​
And now 1 in 2 adults (and growing) will hear the words "You Have Cancer".​
Chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery are the choices given by the doctors.​
And you can learn what they are at the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit.​
This summit is more than event - it's a movement.​
Every aspect is covered, from medicines that really work, to mental health support, to eating right, and dealing with emotions and family issues.​
And it is especially recommended for those who have cancer, have a loved one with cancer, or those wanting to prevent a recurrence of cancer.​
You can beat cancer by both identifying the root cause of the cancer, and by strengthening the body’s natural ability to heal from cancer (and all diseases).​
The Cancer Breakthroughs Summit gives you the latest treatments and the little-known secrets to prevent and heal from any type of cancer.​
Plus you'll join an expert community ready to assist you in your fight.​
You'll also discover:​
  • How certain foods can prevent cancer from ever forming
  • The role of mitochondrial signalling in cancer gene expression
  • How ozone kills off cancer cells, and how to administer it
  • The potential pitfalls of extreme diets for cancer patients
  • How to eliminate cancer cells without any medications
  • The role of estrogen in cancer development and progression
  • An ancient technique that disrupts the cancer cell wall membrane
  • The amazing potential of ferroptosis in killing cancer cells
  • Why gluten impacts cancer, regardless of Glyphosate
  • The clinical benefits of Metatrol, from fermented wheat germ
  • How algae's unique nutrients restore mitochondrial function
  • The metobolic similarities between fungus and cancer
  • A first-hand account of a Radical Remission Survivor's story
  • The immunological effects and merging uses of Mistletoe
The Cancer Breakthroughs Summit finished last week, but ALL EPISODES are replaying for free this weekend only.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Further Reading:

The WHO’s Proposed Treaty Will Increase Man-Made Pandemics, by Meryl Nass M.D.

What Can Countries Do Right Now to Slow Down the WHO? (PDF Download)

Collected IHR Amendment Drafts

Collected Pandemic Treaty Drafts


[1] the body representing the global innovative pharmaceutical industry in official relations with the United Nations, IFPMA has issued the following statement in response. IFPMA Director General, Thomas Cueni said on October 17, 2023:

“It would be better to have no pandemic treaty than a bad pandemic treaty, which the draft circulated to member states clearly represents.”

and "WHO: INB Bureau proposes unbalanced draft negotiating text; no concrete deliverables on equity"

[2] WHO Report: Independent Oversight and Advisory Committee for the WHO Health Emergencies Programme.

Interim report on WHO’s response to COVID-19 January-April 2020.

“The IOAC sees no clear relation between JEE scores and country preparedness and response to COVID-19,

suggesting that existing metrics for public health preparedness and health care capacity do not reflect the full range of variables that affect a country’s response during a severe pandemic on a massive scale. The majority of countries appeared ill-prepared and struggled to implement public health measures in response to COVID-19. In the light of this pandemic, the IOAC recommends that Member States and the WHO Secretariat 6 review the IHR core capacities and existing tools and framework for national and international preparedness and consider whether they need to be updated.”





Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
From the Organic Consumers Association news letter:

New genetically engineered Frankenfoods made with synthetic biology (what the industry calls “precision fermentation”) are already being sold in stores. They’re different from Monsanto’s first GMOs, the Roundup Ready crops that were tweaked with bacterial DNA that made them impervious to the herbicides that would normally kill them.

Roundup Ready GMOs grow from seed like normal crops. They look and taste like regular corn, soy, canola, etc. (even though they contain proteins human beings had never eaten before).

The new GMOs are 100% synthetic. Instead of growing in living plants, they are spit out of genetically engineered yeast or E. coli. Instead of having foreign DNA from another living organism, their molecules and DNA might be totally unique structures not found in nature.

These new synthetic Frankenfoods could be toxic or trigger allergies, but companies like Perfect Day, a maker of “dairy identical” synbio GMOs, say they’re just like real food.

Buyer beware! Back in the 1980s, when a manufacturer of the amino acid tryptophan decided to produce it with genetically engineered bacteria, 37 people died and 1500 were permanently disabled.

This dangerous technology shouldn’t be used in food!

Link to take action:



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

One of the worst things you can experience in life is the pain of chronic disease and inflammation.

Not only does it affect your body, but it also affects how you enjoy life like you used to.

And if left untreated, it all goes downhill from there…

No more energy, no excitement, and a cloud of hopelessness always follows you around.

Doctors may prescribe you a few medications, but that’s actually worse because they NEVER cure you fully…

Not only that, but these prescriptions come with side-effects that can even worsen your condition!

This is no way to heal and reclaim the joy you once had for life.

However, there is hope…

And you can find it in mother nature.

You see, plants can be more potent and effective in treating the worst diseases than anything that’s being promoted by Big Pharma.


You can learn more about the healing power of plants through Jonathan Otto’s brand new docuseries, Natural Medicine Secrets.
Register here to watch all 9 episodes for F.REE

You won’t get the information you’ll find here from your doctor or any other medical expert supporting Big Pharma…

But what you may learn here are the keys to finally eliminating the most debilitating diseases of our time for good.

If you’re tired of being at the mercy of chronic illnesses and inflammation, this is definitely a must-watch.

Don’t wait any longer and start discovering how plants and herbs can pave the way to a healthier future for you.

Watch all episodes of Natural Medicine Secrets for F.REE.

To a disease-free life,

The Conquering Cancer team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Power of Peppermint: 15 Health Benefits Revealed​

A favorite herbal medicine of the ancients, peppermint leaves have been found in Egyptian pyramids dating back to 1,000 BC. Modern scientific investigations have now confirmed that this remarkable plant has over a dozen healing properties.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
And as part of the celebration, I’m thrilled to be joining Nichole Dandrea-Russert, RDN, and Tracy Garrigan, HHC, to bring you a totally free Plant-Based Coaching Masterclass.
>> Find out all about it and join in here.
After decades of working with my dad and our whole team at FRN to promote a plant-based lifestyle, we’ve decided it’s time to nurture a new generation of leaders in the plant-based movement.
Maybe you’ll be one of them, Jimi!
When you join the Plant-Based Coaching Masterclass, you’ll learn:

  • What the latest research tells us about the specific foods that have the power to increase lifespan, improve heart health, starve cancer, slash the risk of dementia, decrease type 2 diabetes markers, and much more.
  • The big mistake that outdated coaching techniques make — and how to motivate clients to go from wanting to change… to doing it. And,
  • The proven strategy that successful coaches use to get plenty of clients.
Register for the free Plant-Based Coaching Masterclass here.
This Masterclass is for you if…

  • You want to learn how you can start your own business (and be your own boss!) as a plant-based coach; or
  • You’re a coach, doctor, nutritionist, or in the health and wellness industry, and you want to help your clients make the switch to more nutritious food; or
  • You want to land a job in a forward-thinking wellness center, food business, or nonprofit where you can make a difference with work you love; or
  • You just want to gain some skills that you can use to help people get healthy.
Join the Masterclass here.
Yours for making a difference, together,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. At the end of the Masterclass, you’ll get the exclusive guidebook, 27 Rewarding Paths to a Thriving Career as a Plant-Based Coach. It’s packed with brilliant ideas to create a mission-driven career or side gig as a plant-based coach. And you’ll also find out about FRN’s Plant-Based Coaching Certification, with a special opportunity to join in.
Get it all here.
P.P.S. Not interested in the Plant-Based Coaching Certification? Click here, and we won’t send you any more emails about the upcoming program. (You’ll still get regular emails from me.)


Diamond Contributor
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What does the WHO say about its power to enforce the Pandemic Treaty (and International Health Regulations, another treaty)?

NOV 12
Many people have insisted that the WHO could not make the US do anything. Let me remind those people that the US government under Biden is instrumental in pushing forward the WHO proposals, and so it will comply. Here is what the WHO says:
What is meant by a ‘convention, agreement or other international instrument’?
Conventions, framework agreements and treaties are all examples of international instruments, which are legal agreements made between countries that are binding.
Why did WHO’s Member States decide to create an accord for pandemic preparedness and response?
In light of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, WHO’s 194 Member States established a process to draft and negotiate a new convention, agreement, or other international instrument (referred to in the rest of this FAQ, generally, as an “accord”) on pandemic preparedness and response. This was driven by the need to ensure communities, governments, and all sectors of society – within countries and globally – are better prepared and protected, in order to prevent and respond to future pandemics. The great loss of human life, disruption to households and societies at large, and impact on development are among the factors cited by governments to support the need for lasting action to prevent a repeat of such crises.
[Ho ho ho—Nass]
At the heart of the proposed accord is the need to ensure equity in both access to the tools needed to prevent pandemics (including technologies like vaccines, personal protective equipment, information and expertise) and access to health care for all people.
[If this were true, why do the treaty and amendments only discuss health “coverage” which means health insurance, rather than health care? The WHO knows the difference, but only demands “coverage”—a sop to the insurance industry.
Furthermore, the WHO demands censorship of information not in agreement with the WHO’s narratives, not free sharing of information—so much for information equity—and its so-called expertise was used to overdose hospitalized patients with HCQ without informed consent, when these unfortunates were enrolled in the WHO’s “SOLIDARITY” trial. Its expertise led to demanding that nations stop the use of HCQ and ivermectin for COVID and administer more shots. Who needs this expertise? —Nass]
Who else is involved in the process for the accord?
Besides WHO Member States, the process for developing a possible new accord is providing extensive opportunities for engagement with relevant stakeholders, including other United Nations system bodies, and a wide range of other non-State actors in official relations with the WHO, to ensure robust and inclusive participation in the proceedings of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body. Furthermore, WHO is seeking complementary inputs through public hearings with stakeholders including: international organizations; civil society; the private sector; philanthropic organizations; scientific, medical, public policy and academic institutions and other entities with relevant knowledge, experience and/or expertise.
[In other words, Bill Gates, who was the largest funder of the WHO the year Trump defunded the organization, gets the lion’s share of input, while we peons get none. Trump then turned around and funded Gate’s’ charity GAVI with the money, and GAVI turned around and gave it back to the WHO. That was our money, by the way.—Nass]
—There is more of this nonsense on this webpage, but you can go look it up yourself if you have the stomach for it.—Meryl

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