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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi

If you’re vulnerable to sickness, chronic pain and low energy, it might be because you’re lacking a lot of the important nutrients your body needs to function properly.

The best solution? Make different food choices.

We know the food we consume directly affects our bodily functions and our overall health, which means once we start eating the right foods, we have a better chance of improving our health, longevity and vitality.

And many of the foods that can do that come from plants. Which is why a lot of people today are starting to adopt a vegan diet and lifestyle.

To help you get started on doing the same, VegHealth is launching The Ultimate Vegan Masterclass from April 2-4 for F.REE.

Register here to claim your F.REE spot for this masterclass
This 12-part masterclass series features 12 food experts and health specialists, including yours truly, who will share with you many of the benefits that come with a vegan diet…

And show you how you can get started the right way so you can quickly incorporate the vegan diet into your lifestyle.

Here’s a preview of what we will share with you:

  • The dangerous "food" you're consuming (without even knowing it!)
  • The "F" word every vegan or vegetarian should be saying
  • The most important nutrients you need to be and feel your best
  • How to optimize your nutrition on a plant-based diet
  • The best foods for healing and boosting immunity
And so much more.

Vegan diets are more than just a fad or health trend. For many, it’s the key to getting all the nutrients one needs for a longer, healthier life.

And it could do the same for you.

So if you want to avoid disease and secure your health with the help of a vegan lifestyle…

Register here and save your spot for this F.REE masterclass.

Yours in health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
I hope this finds you well. We all know someone who may be struggling with the big “C” and this leaves us all feeling helpless.
With all the emerging breakthroughs in science and medicine we’ve still yet to fully conquer the beast.
In a world promising better solutions for complex illnesses like cancer. Liver cancer, in particular, has posed significant challenges despite traditional treatment methods.
But what if I told you there's a groundbreaking new treatment on the horizon? Imagine combatting liver tumors without invasive surgeries, but with sound waves.
Intrigued? You should be.
Take a peek into this groundbreaking treatment that's shaking up the medical world, unveiling a promising new therapy for liver cancer that is safer and possibly even more effective.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Science Says Almonds Are the New Anti-Aging Superfood
Almonds have long been hailed as a healthy food packed with nutrients like vitamin E, but emerging research now shows they may also help keep skin looking young. Two recent clinical trials found that eating almonds daily led to significant reductions in facial wrinkles and age spots in postmenopausal women over 16-24 weeks.
Bee Propolis Beats Acyclovir for Treating Genital Herpes
Honeybees, not pharmaceutical giants, have developed a topical cure for one of the world's most vexing sexually transmitted viral infections.
Unlocking Turmeric's Healing Powers: The Best Way to Improve Bioavailability
For centuries, traditional Indian medicine has extolled the healing virtues of turmeric. Modern science is now revealing clever tricks that can amplify and unlock its full therapeutic potential.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

5 Ways to Increase Vitamin C Levels
Vitamin C is made naturally in almost all living animals except humans, primates and guinea pigs. Dogs and cats produce their own vitamin C from ingested food that have metabolized into glucose. This mechanism keeps their vitamin C levels up without the need to consume vitamin C rich foods.

Humans must consume vitamin C from its food sources, or they risk severe health problems. There is an intimate relationship between glucose and vitamin C that has a dramatic impact on immunity and overall cellular health. In this article, you will discover 5 keys to increasing your vitamin C levels.

Let’s talk candidly about aging…

There’s really only ONE APPROACH to slow it down substantially.

And that’s by addressing things at the cellular level.

The question is…are your cells regenerating effectively or perpetuating dis-ease?

In other words, the aging or anti-aging process happens at the micro level.

And what’s great is that there are SO many proven ways to enhance regeneration and reverse aging at the cellular level.

Click Here to Discover the Top 15 Strategies Now!

From supplements and dietary strategies to lifestyle habits and regenerative therapeutics, this brand new guide reveals the top tips to keep you youthful for years to come!

My good friend and integrative health practitioner, Jason Prall, is sharing this powerful report in support of the release of his award-winning documentary film series, The Human Longevity Project, that you can watch for FREE!

In this riveting 9-part series, Jason traveled to Ikaria, Okinawa, Sardinia, and Costa Rica to interview the longest-living and healthiest people from across the globe.

And he combined this wisdom with new scientific research on aging shared by 96 of the world’s leading experts on longevity, gut health, hormones, cancer, detoxification, immunity, sleep, mindfulness and more…

What he uncovers is truly astounding and has the potential to radically transform your health and extend your life.

So please, download your FREE copy of Secrets of Anti-Aging: 15 Proven Methods to Reverse Aging at the Cellular Level.

From supplements and dietary strategies to lifestyle habits and regenerative therapeutics, this brand-new guide reveals the top strategies to keep you youthful for years to come!

Autophagy: What is it and 8 Ways to Enhance It
Autophagy happens when your body recycles and gets rid of old or excess cells (like visceral fat, scar tissue or senescent cells) and cellular proteins that don’t serve a purpose or benefit your health.

The major drivers of autophagy are cellular stressors such as nutrient deprivation brought on from various mechanisms including fasting, exercise, and significant temperature change.

The Nobel Prize in 2016 was awarded to the Japanese researcher Yoshinori Ohsumi for his breakthrough work in helping us understand the process of autophagy and how it works. In this article, you will discover why autophagy is such an important concept and how to structure your life to optimize its benefits in your life.

When Heartburn Medications Can Be Dangerous
If you are one of the millions of Americans who are dealing with heartburn on a regular basis, you know the discomfort of burning in your chest or throat and indigestion. If you’ve been to a doctor with your issue, there is a good chance that you’ve been suggested or prescribed heartburn medications.

The problem is that taking heartburn medications long-term doesn’t solve heartburn and may lead to serious health issues. Instead, I recommend natural strategies to improve your stomach acid levels for heartburn.

Eating Too Many Carbs?
In this video, I go over the major warning signs you are eating too many carbs (some of these will surprise you) and how to set up your nutrition plan.

Watch the video and check out the short narrative in the description box of the video to get a quick review of this powerful information and check out the Dr Jockers Functional Nutrition podcast for more info.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Maria Christodoulou

Maria Christodoulou: Celebrating Greek Herbalism

I have something truly special for you today!

It's a tale that bridges the ancient past with the vibrant present.

Maria Christodoulou's story is not just about a transition from the bustling streets of New York City to the enchanting landscapes of Greece. It's a voyage back to her roots, exploring the depth of ancestral wisdom through the whimsy and wonder of ancient Greek herbal medicine.

From the medicinal virtues of Greek arugula, calendula, and dwarf nettle to the mythological tales surrounding bay laurel, Maria brings to light the connections between plants and their uses in Ancient Greece.

Whether you're a seasoned herbalist, a mythology enthusiast, or simply someone in search of a deeper connection with nature, Maria's journey is a testament to the power of plants and the enduring legacy of ancient wisdom.

So, I invite you to pause, put on your headphones, and let yourself be transported to a world where mythology meets medicine...​

Previous Episode


Anna Rósa Grasalæknir: Herbalism for Refugees​

Previous Episode


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello, Jimi
If you read my previous email message, it should be obvious that doing away with one-size-fits-all nutrition protocols is not just beneficial—it’s necessary!

Our upcoming training geared towards health and wellness practitioners, "The Myth of One-Size Fits All: How Mastering The Creation of Personalized Nutrition Programs Can Transform Your Practice," is designed to help YOU to elevate their practice to new heights.​
This isn't just another nutrition seminar that provides protocols. It's a deep dive into the methodologies and science behind personalized nutrition, offering you the tools and knowledge to craft tailored nutrition programs that align with individual client health needs.

It’s more than just custom meal plans; it's about understanding the biochemical and physiological foundations that make each client unique.

It's about learning how to use this knowledge to drive real, lasting health improvements.

And most importantly, it's about positioning yourself as a leader in a new era of health and wellness, so you stand out amongst those using cookie cutter approaches.

Don't miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of nutritional science and practice.​
Get ready to gain a deeper understanding of hormonal interactions so you can create personalized nutrition plans for your clients – because there is no “one-size-fits-all” plan!

Let’s debunk these nutrition myths together!

Secure your spot and gain access to the keys that will unlock a healthier future for both you and your clients. Click here for all the details.

Love, health, and joy,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Greetings: Jimi​
Imagine a day where you find every moment is an opportunity for growth, healing, and discovery….

… Knowing that wherever you feel stress, challenge, or limitation, is the same place where the seeds of new inspiration and new possibilities live.​
This Saturday ... that day can become your reality.
blossoming in the midst of struggle - seeds of inspiration

In just a few days, I will be going live, online to share a deeply powerful full-day Qigong experience with you: Revitalize Your Being: Energetic Paths to Physical Renewal”.

This Saturday's Mini-Retreat will be a day of respite — to experience renewed energy in your body, mind, and heart and to activate and embody the Source Energy of Life.

You'll practice foundational Qigong methods of energy movement and how to apply them to address the deeper causes of physical illness.
Here are just a few of the transformative benefits waiting for you Saturday:
  • Experience New Levels of Energy and Vitality: Learn practices that unlock your body's innate healing power.
  • Improve Your Sense of Well-Being: Experience a noticeable uplift in your energy levels and overall wellness.
  • Awaken Your Potential: Break free from stagnation and embrace a life filled with joy, creativity, and love.
  • Reduce Stress: Find peace and tranquility in every aspect of your life, from personal to professional.
  • Connect Deeply: Feel a profound connection to yourself, others, and the natural world around you.
  • Gain a Fresh Outlook for Navigating Life's Challenges: Find clarity and direction, turning obstacles into opportunities for growth.

It's time to “uncondition” old limiting narratives and embrace a new story of health and vitality.

Your journey to a revitalized life begins now ... when you tell us to send you the link for the livestream!

Revitalize Your Being on Saturday, March 23, 2024 with Master Mingtong Gu

This day will be your stepping stone to a life of fulfillment and well-being.

Let's take that step together.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
Before I get into tonight´s BRAND NEW episodes…
I am really excited to announce that…
My good friend Dr. Henry Ealy will be hosting a LIVE Q&A Session on Thursday, March 21st at 5PM EST!
So be sure to watch for your invite email to his Q&A and ask your questions.​
The last time Dr. Ealy hosted a live Q&A, we received thousands of questions…
So make sure you submit your questions soon!
And also, note that we will tally all the questions and prioritize the ones most asked.
Even if Dr. Ealy doesn’t answer your question, someone else may ask it and have it answered so we suggest you try to stay for the full session.
As much as I would encourage you to attend the Q&A when it's live…
I do understand that life can get busy and things happen.
So If you really can’t make it or can’t be there the entire time,
We will make the replay available to everyone for 24 hours for f.ree! (Buyers get lifetime access!)
There's zero doubt in my mind that you will find this LIVE Q&A extremely valuable in your healing journey.
You can ask Dr. Ealy all your questions by clicking the link below (this is the same link you can use to join the session):
>>> Submit your question and join this session here
I truly hope that these episodes from my latest docuseries, Cancer Secrets
Have made you feel super empowered to take your health to the next level.
You deserve to have access to life-saving insights that can help you combat the diseases of our time…
Especially now that we know that the global elites are using our food, water, and environment to cause more harm than good.
Which makes me excited to announce that we’ve released 2 BRAND NEW episodes of Cancer Secrets…
Episode 11, Toxic Harvest: The Unseen Threats Lurking in our Food Supply…

Bonus Episode 11, Hormonal Health: The Role of Endocrine Disruptors in the Development of Cancer and Chronic Illness…
And they are now LIVE!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Exposing Big Pharma
Discover the hidden truths of dentistry in this eye-opening episode. From toxic fillings to fluoride myths, we uncover the realities impacting your oral and overall health. Join us as we delve into the secrets your dentist might not want you to know.

-->> Listen here on your favorite podcast channel

-->> Listen on Spotify

-->> Listen on Apple

3 Powerhouse Complete Protein Foods to Eat on a Plant Based Diet
Today, I'll reveal a powerhouse plant-based meal featuring quinoa, tofu, and kale. These three ingredients combine to provide an impressive 57 grams of protein and 716 calories in one delicious, nutrient-dense meal.

Discover the cooking techniques and seasoning secrets that make this protein-rich dish a staple in your diet. Ready to boost your protein intake? Dive into this delectable, nutritious meal and share your thoughts in the comments. Your questions and feedback fuel the Plant-Powered community.

And remember, stay strong!

-->> Watch here



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

"In any given moment we have two options:
to step forward into growth or step back into safety.”​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
What are antioxidants? What are the best sources? Are there any you should avoid?
And should you take a supplement?
Get the whole story here.
Yours for knowledge you can use,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Most people aren’t getting nearly enough antioxidants. And this can leave you at increased risk of heart disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes, and even wrinkles. Which foods and beverages are your best sources? Find out right here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Getting to the Root Cause of PTSD + Healing Emotional Stress
Hey Jim,

Join me for a healing conversation with this episode's guest, Michele Rosenthal, as we talk about everything PTSD.

From identifying who gets posttraumatic stress disorders to discussing strategies to help with PTSD recovery, Michele speaks about the importance of being ready to go through the recovery process in order to succeed.

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
Michele Rosenthal – Getting to the Root Cause of PTSD and Healing Emotional Stress - #Podcast 63
In this episode, we cover:

Approach and techniques to support healing
11:48 Hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programming
18:45 Tension and trauma-releasing exercises and power postures
22:48 Breath work and breathing exercises
25:38 Meditation and coaching

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<

Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​
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Does Eating Healthy When Stressed Make You Feel Better?

Eating a healthy diet can reduce the negative effects of stress on the body and builds a solid, more enduring foundation for your longterm health. Eating a well-balanced diet promotes health by reducing oxidation and inflammation, and by helping to reduce weight gain. In this video, I am joined by Evan to talk about how we can better handle stress to keep our health in tact. I can't wait for you to check it out!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Quick Win

1 Simple Thing You Can Do Today for Better Health

Chew your food well! Yes, your mother was right... This simple habit enhances saliva production for better oral health, aids weight control by increasing satiety, and ensures smoother digestion. So make the most of your meal, and enhance your health with just a few extra chews! 🍽️🌿


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Best protein sources for women’s health

The phrase “protein goals” conjures muscly dudes talking about “gains”.
But those creatine tubs can go back on the shelf: plant-based protein is here to save your health.

A recent Tufts study studied 48,000 women and found those who consumed high levels of plant-based protein in their diets saw a reduction in risk for pretty much every single chronic disease we associate with getting older (and better mental health too!).

So set your own protein goals, but instead of hitting the weights, aim to consume plenty of plant-based proteins, such as beans, tofu, tempeh, mushrooms, and nuts.​

Cholesterol hero might be a villain

Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, has a history of being used for lowering “bad” cholesterol and upping the “good” one. In fact, it was a cardiologist’s go-to prescription before statins came on the scene.

But a new study published in Nature Medicine uncovered unexpected results: it seems that excessive amounts of niacin might be putting us at risk of heart disease. The findings suggest that an end metabolite of niacin can cause vascular damage and may lead to atherosclerosis which sort of... defies the point.

The study’s lead author advised that the average person does not need to supplement (but always talk to your doctor, if in doubt!).​

Pesticides found in popular kids’ foods

A newly-published pilot study found that up to 80% of Americans might be regularly exposed to the highly toxic agricultural chemical chlormequat, which has been linked with fertility issues in animal studies.

Out of 96 urine samples, 77 tested positive. Since chlormequat only remains in our bodies for 24 hours, this means that participants were regularly exposed to it.
How? Look no further than mainstream morning staples such as Cheerios and Quaker Oats.

More studies are definitely needed to determine whether it’s a public health concern, but, needless to say, many consumers are taking this as a cue to switch to easy homemade breakfasts to fuel their busy mornings.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Coconut Matcha Porridge

Stuck for breakfast ideas? Here's an oatmeal recipe with the addition of matcha for an earthy touch!​

  • 1/2 cup steel-cut oats or rolled oats
  • 1 cup coconut milk
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 teaspoon matcha powder
  • 1 tablespoon erythritol, xylitol (or other sweetener of choice)
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Pinch of salt
  • Toppings: Fresh berries, toasted coconut flakes, chopped nuts, edible flowers
  1. In a saucepan, combine steel-cut oats or rolled oats, coconut milk, water, matcha powder, sweetener, vanilla extract, and a pinch of salt.
  2. Bring the mixture to a gentle boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally.
  3. Reduce the heat to low and simmer, stirring occasionally, for about 15-20 minutes (adjust time based on the type of oats), or until the porridge reaches your desired consistency.
  4. Once cooked, remove the porridge from the heat and let it sit for a minute to thicken.
  5. Serve the coconut matcha porridge in bowls, topped with an artful arrangement of fresh berries, toasted coconut flakes, and chopped nuts.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

WITH THE WIND WITH DR. PAUL - SHOW 140; Pediatric Perspectives with guest Dr. Michelle Perro "Non-Toxic Kids "

Wednesday, 3/20, our 140th episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Click to watch!
In this episode of Pediatric Perspectives on With the Wind, Dr. Paul spoke with Dr. Michelle Perro, whose insights into children's health are nothing short of revelatory. Initially a conventional practitioner, Dr. Perro credits parents for her pivotal shift in focus. She shared with us how conversations with concerned parents opened her eyes to the underlying causes of the surge in chronic health issues among children. According to Dr. Perro, the myriad toxins and toxicants our children are exposed to are to blame. This realization not only changed her perspective but also reshaped her entire practice. Join Dr. Paul to dive deep into Dr. Perro's research and findings on the impact of what we put in, on, and around our bodies. Don't miss this enlightening session of 'Pediatric Perspectives' on With the Wind! Be sure to check out our podcast version!
Watch the Show


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
7 Surefire Ways To Improve Kidney Health

Kidney health is essential for overall health, and there are a few things you can do to keep your kidneys healthy and functioning correctly.
The kidneys filter blood and remove wastes, which are then excreted in the urine. If you are wondering how to improve kidney health, then you have come to the right place.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Is Soursop a Good Choice for Breast Cancer Healing?

Is Soursop a Good Choice for Breast Cancer Healing?​

The tropical fruit Soursop has recently become a popular natural breast cancer healing remedy, so I’m sharing the sweet and sour of it
Before we begin, I want to plainly say that one remedy or treatment will never be your end-all, be-all. Not even chemotherapy. There are several factors that may trigger the development cancer in your body, so many actions are needed to heal it.
This is why I created my 7 Essentials System®. It helps you navigate the root cause of what allowed breast cancer to show up so that you can truly heal, prevent recurrence, and THRIVE! A mind, body, and heart transformation. To start on a path towards vibrant health, please review my 7 Essentials System® and start the online program: How to Survive and Thrive—Conquering Breast Cancer with Conventional Treatments and Natural Medicine.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Essential Oils Massage Beats Tylenol for Menstrual Pain
Ancient botanical therapies like aromatherapy massage promise non-toxic relief from monthly menstrual agonies.
Ancient Root Extract Improves Thyroid Function, Reduces Fatigue in Mild Hypothyroid Patients
Do you find yourself increasingly sensitive to cold? Is mental fog or unexplained weight gain starting to become the norm? You may be among the fast-growing group of subclinical hypothyroid cases flying under the radar - but this clinical trial offers hope of taming symptoms and avoiding pharmaceuticals with an ancient adaptogenic herb.
Hidden In Your Fridge: Cabbage Leaves Offer NSAID-Level Knee Arthritis Help
Many "folk medicine" remedies once brushed off as superstitious have gained clinical credibility lately, as modern research uncovers biological mechanisms supporting certain natural therapies.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Next Tuesday at 9am Eastern!​
Hi Jimi,

Most holistic healthcare providers are telling me that cancer rates are set to explode around the world. Too many toxins, stress and a lack of education about anticancer protocols have made this a top threat to human health.

This is why I'm thrilled to offer you an opportunity to discover the very best anticancer protocols used by many of the best holistic cancer experts in the world.

For more than 35 years, I’ve been working in the natural health industry alongside hundreds of the brightest minds in natural health and science helping people to overcome a cancer diagnosis.

And I would like to offer YOU the gift of health and share the answers to STOP CANCER with you.

Starting on Tuesday, March 26th at 9:00 am Eastern, I'm going to give you access to the entire Stop Cancer Docu-Class!
We have so many great presentations to share with you - all focused on helping you understand how to avoid and even overcome a cancer diagnosis.

And I can promise you that you're going to discover things about cancer that you've NEVER heard before.

Remember to watch your inbox on Tuesday morning at 9:00 am Eastern when I'll be sending you a special link to start watching Episode 1.

I hope you enjoy the gift!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Is your posture shortening your lifespan?
Many of us suffer from "sittingitis" – that is, sitting for too long.

It's often called the new smoking, but that's just the beginning.

Aches and pains can transform every day into a struggle...

The solution isn't just to exercise. It's something more fundamental, and it all starts with your posture.

Click here to learn how to use posture to relieve pains and improve your life(span).

In this presentation Dr. Yoni Whitten will share:

  • A clear path for permanently eliminating many common chronic pains
  • Powerful strategies to improve your posture (and why it’s key to fixing pain)
  • The #1 factor everyone needs to permanently fix pain (“Kinetic Flow”) & how to put it work for you
  • How better movement & increased functionality directly translates to less pain
  • A counterintuitive strategy you can use to create perfect posture
  • Why posture is a major factor in your LONGEVITY
  • How to breathe better & energize your body
Adding these "posture secrets" to your health practice can be a game-changer, so be sure to claim your spot right now.

Yours in health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What do carrots make you think of first?

  • Anne of Green Gables' hair?
  • Rabbit food?
  • Being good for your eyes?
  • Snowman noses?
What about the rumor that you'll turn orange if you eat too many of them? Because I might be in real danger.

This recipe is one of my absolute favorites and turns the carrots from a side into a star.

It's all about the browned butter!

Slow Cooker Brown Butter Glazed Carrots

brown butter glazed carrots in a blue bowl.
This is the perfect recipe for holidays when you have a ton of other stuff in the oven.

Elizabeth says, "Love this recipe!! I make it a lot for family gatherings due to the crockpot and limited stove room."

More carrots:

Sauteed Carrots with Shallots and Thyme

carrots with shallots and thyme.
This is my sister-in-law’s famous recipe for the BEST CARROTS! Sautéing them with shallots and fresh thyme makes them next-level. She has made them at every Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter dinner for years. I finally finagled the recipe out of her!

Honey Lemon Glazed Carrots

honey lemon glazed carrots.
This EASY recipe for honey lemon glazed carrots is made in the slow cooker for a no-fuss vegetable side dish for Easter! Or for any weeknight really, because this stuff tastes like candy and who doesn’t want to eat honey carrots that are this sweet and delicious? The lemon gives them the perfect tang.

Roasted Carrots with Dill

roasted carrots with dill.
These roasted carrots are so simple, and soooooo good. Plus it makes you feel good to eat orange food. No really, it does. That’s why Cheetos are so addictive.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey, Jimi!
It’s almost time for us to go LIVE with Dr. Ed Group.
And I want to remind you not to miss our big event in three hours.​
To get the most out of today’s session, here are three things you should do now:
  1. Click the link below to submit your question;
  2. Prepare a healthy snack or beverage;
  3. And, 10 minutes before the start of the interview… snug into a comfortable chair and access the Live Q&A!
If you haven’t submitted your questions yet, click the link below to do it now:
>>> Click Here to Submit Your Question for Dr. Group
It’s going to be an epic session… and I’d love to have you join us LIVE!.
One more thing:
When you attend LIVE…
You’ll get to listen to Dr. Group answer other people’s questions that are also relevant to your health!


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
New Member
Reddit Exile
What do carrots make you think of first?

  • Anne of Green Gables' hair?
  • Rabbit food?
  • Being good for your eyes?
  • Snowman noses?
What about the rumor that you'll turn orange if you eat too many of them? Because I might be in real danger.

This recipe is one of my absolute favorites and turns the carrots from a side into a star.

It's all about the browned butter!

Slow Cooker Brown Butter Glazed Carrots

brown butter glazed carrots in a blue bowl.
This is the perfect recipe for holidays when you have a ton of other stuff in the oven.

Elizabeth says, "Love this recipe!! I make it a lot for family gatherings due to the crockpot and limited stove room."

More carrots:

Sauteed Carrots with Shallots and Thyme

carrots with shallots and thyme.
This is my sister-in-law’s famous recipe for the BEST CARROTS! Sautéing them with shallots and fresh thyme makes them next-level. She has made them at every Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter dinner for years. I finally finagled the recipe out of her!

Honey Lemon Glazed Carrots

honey lemon glazed carrots.
This EASY recipe for honey lemon glazed carrots is made in the slow cooker for a no-fuss vegetable side dish for Easter! Or for any weeknight really, because this stuff tastes like candy and who doesn’t want to eat honey carrots that are this sweet and delicious? The lemon gives them the perfect tang.

Roasted Carrots with Dill

roasted carrots with dill.
These roasted carrots are so simple, and soooooo good. Plus it makes you feel good to eat orange food. No really, it does. That’s why Cheetos are so addictive.

all vegies are good for you but if you remove their skin by peeling them. you lose the benefit of them, especially say potatoes


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
New Member
Reddit Exile
Is your posture shortening your lifespan?
Many of us suffer from "sittingitis" – that is, sitting for too long.

It's often called the new smoking, but that's just the beginning.

Aches and pains can transform every day into a struggle...

The solution isn't just to exercise. It's something more fundamental, and it all starts with your posture.

Click here to learn how to use posture to relieve pains and improve your life(span).

In this presentation Dr. Yoni Whitten will share:

  • A clear path for permanently eliminating many common chronic pains
  • Powerful strategies to improve your posture (and why it’s key to fixing pain)
  • The #1 factor everyone needs to permanently fix pain (“Kinetic Flow”) & how to put it work for you
  • How better movement & increased functionality directly translates to less pain
  • A counterintuitive strategy you can use to create perfect posture
  • Why posture is a major factor in your LONGEVITY
  • How to breathe better & energize your body
Adding these "posture secrets" to your health practice can be a game-changer, so be sure to claim your spot right now.

Yours in health,
why do they insist on giving the obvious these names, according to these experts we should be aware we are dying tomorrow as there is nothing safe in this world.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. Oz: Top Foods Causing Leaky Gut

By Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Mike Roizen, MDs

ESPN's Fantasy Football had to create the Undroppable Players List of players who can't be sent to waivers/free agency. The goal of the regulation? To prevent out-of-contention fantasy owners from dropping star players so a friend could pick them up and improve his or her team's chances.

Well, the woefully under-regulated processed-food industry has been allowed to come up with its own version. We call it the Unpalatable Players List, and its effect is just the opposite.

Instead of preserving the integrity of processed food, it makes a roster of products that are seriously health-damaging.

Special: It's Not Keto . . . Your Liver Is Causing Obesity

In a recent study, researchers laid out evidence that the increase in autoimmune diseases (Type 1 diabetes, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory joint diseases, primary biliary cirrhosis) is a result of the consumption of food additives that cause "leaky gut."

They compromise the integrity of the intestine walls and allow bad guys to sneak into the bloodstream, where they set off immune system alarms, triggering an autoimmune response.

Among the culprits are emulsifiers, organic solvents, nanoparticles, and microbial transglutaminase.

Emulsifiers keep ingredients in processed foods well-blended.

One organic solvent, hexane, is used to extract about 60 million tons of oils (mostly soy) annually. Microbial transglutaminase improves texture and appearance in meats and baked goods.

Nanoemulsions protect oils and oil-soluble flavors, vitamins, and nutraceuticals. These guys are everywhere and virtually invisible.

Clearly, here's another reason to cook using fresh produce, including vegetable proteins like nuts, seeds, beans, and quinoa; trout and wild salmon; and 100% whole grains.

Do you have the guts for it?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
New Life Experience?
In his blog, New Life Experience?, Dr. Dale Bredesen discusses the often transformative nature of documented Near Death Experiences (NDEs) to those who’ve recovered from Alzheimer’s using his protocol. See how the lives of these survivors have changed once they were able to heal and resume their lives — a path that was previously considered to be impossible.
My Experience with EWOT
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Sharpen the Brain: Try Retro Walking
In his blog, Sharpen the Brain: Try Retro Walking, Dr. Ram Rao discusses a novel form of physical activity that puts the three most important types of exercise for cognition together. If you’re ready to try to increase your neuroplasticity with a new exercise challenge that uses multiple mechanisms, read on to learn more.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Blue watercan watering a brain plant in a pot with green backgroun
Grow Your Brain With a
ReCODE 2.0 Health Coach
Chris Coward’s blog, Grow Your Brain with a ReCODE 2.0 Health Coach, answers your burning questions about health coaching. She outlines and describes the crucial role of a ReCODE 2.0 Health Coach that often makes a critical difference for PreCODE and ReCODE members following the Bredesen Protocol.
Three rows of Mason Jars top-down view of colorful meals

KetoFLEX 12/3 Kitchen:
Spring Mason Jar Challenge!​

Creating a KetoFLEX 12/3 Mason Jar Salad is like crafting an edible work of art. It’s a brilliant way to combine vibrant colors, diverse textures, and a plethora of flavors into a portable, convenient meal. Not only do these salads look beautiful, but they’re also packed with nutrition, making them an ideal choice for our PreCODE and ReCODE members and anyone following our KetoFLEX 12/3 diet.
The concept of a Mason Jar Salad is simple – it’s literally a salad packed into a mason jar. The idea has gained popularity due to its visual appeal, convenience, and the ability to maintain the freshness of ingredients. Due to the endless variety of ingredients, it’s a wonderful way to experiment and create fresh, new flavor combinations.

Given the endless array of ingredients, the possibilities for seasonal Mason Jar Salads are endless. Experiment with different combinations to find your favorite flavor combinations. See our tips, instructions, and inspirational ideas to build your Mason Jar Salad below.
  • The size and type of the mason jar largely depend on the quantity and type of salad you're planning to make. Wide-mouthed jars are the easiest to pack and also to shake out the salad when you're ready to eat. Typically, most salad jar recipes will recommend pint-sized jars for individual side salads and quart-sized jars for larger meal-sized salads.
  • Unless you use a 1/2-gallon mason jar, it will be very hard to reach your 6 to 9-cup non-starchy vegetable goal. If you’re using a smaller jar, consider excluding your leafy greens. Layer your ingredients minus the leafy greens. When you’re ready to eat, simply add the leafy greens to your plate and top with the mason jar ingredients.
  • Always add your dressing first to avoid soggy greens.
  • Leave some space at the top of the jar for shaking and mixing the salad before eating. When you're ready to eat your salad, just shake the jar to mix the dressing with the salad ingredients, then pour it into a bowl (or on top of greens) and enjoy.
  • If you’re adding warm KetoFLEX 12/3 protein(s), you can cook those right before serving and add them on top.
  • Mason Jar Salads are the perfect solution for meal prepping. You can batch prepare salads for the entire week, ensuring you have a healthy, ready-to-eat meal every day.
  • Grab a jar for a quick, wholesome meal at work or on the go.
  • These salads can be stored in the fridge until you're ready to eat. Most salads will stay fresh for about 5 days, depending on the ingredients used.

The key to a successful Mason Jar Salad lies in the strategic layering of ingredients. The dressing is always at the bottom, and the rest of the ingredients are layered with the hardier components at the bottom and more fragile ones at the top. Remember, this is an art. have fun; be playful. Pay attention to color and try to keep distinct, colorful layers.
  1. Dressing: Add about 2-3 tablespoons of your favorite KetoFLEX 12/3-approved dressing to the bottom of the jar.
  2. Hard Vegetables: Sturdy vegetables like cucumbers, carrots, and beets go in next. These veggies can sit in the dressing without becoming soggy.
  3. Resistant Starches: If you're including KetoFLEX 12/3-friendly resistant starches like sweet potatoes or legumes, add them next.
  4. Protein: Layer your chosen protein, such as pastured chicken breast, hard-boiled eggs, etc. (If you prefer your protein to be warm, you may add it at the end.)
  5. Additional Veggies: Add more delicate veggies like tomatoes or bell peppers.
  6. Extras: Layer in cheese, nuts, fruit, and avocado.
  7. Greens: Finally, pack in your choice of salad greens, or follow the tip above and add it to your plate instead.
Need Inspiration?

Experiment with different combinations to find your favorite flavor combinations. See some inspirational ideas below.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Join the Challenge

To celebrate spring, we challenge you to try 7 different Mason Jar Salads this month. Experiment with different combinations to find your favorite brain-healthy combos. See some Mason Jar Salad inspirations below.

Classic Greek Salad

Greek Vinaigrette + Kalamata olives + pepperoncini peppers + sliced red onions + cucumbers + cherry tomatoes + romaine + optional sheep or goat feta +warm wild-caught salmon

Beet and Goat Cheese Salad

Creamy Balsamic Vinaigrette + roasted, cubed beets + goat cheese + mustard greens + chopped pecans

Lemon and Mint Chickpea Salad

Lemon Vinaigrette + chickpeas + chopped cucumber + bell peppers + sliced red onions + spring greens + fresh mint
New Season, New You


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
You Are Invited: Free Reverse Alzheimer's Summit 4.0
March 26th to April 1st
Join hosts Dr. Dale Bredesen, Dr. Heather Sandison, and many brain health experts for the free online Reverse Alzheimer’s Summit 4.0 with the world’s leading experts in functional, integrative, holistic, and homeopathic medicine focused on cognitive decline optimization. You’ll discover new ways to take control of your health and overcome and prevent Alzheimer’s. Reserve your spot by selecting the button below.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Meryl’s COVID Newsletter recommended The Corbett Report​


Meryl’s COVID Newsletter
Meryl Nass of Meryl’s COVID Newsletter recommended The Corbett Report:
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