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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

As a breath coach, I guide people towards better breathing every day, people often describe me as a calm, happy, relaxed person.

But i need to make a confession.

One that often shocks people when they first find out...

I've lived with stress and anxiety for what feels like forever!

It always seemed normal, an unavoidable part of life. That was until eight years ago, at a breathwork workshop, where everything changed.

In just one hour, by changing how I breathed, my anxiety melted away, leaving calmness in its place. It was a revelation that transformed my mindset and well-being - all through the power of breath.

Since that pivotal moment, I've dedicated the last eight years to exploring everything about breathwork.

Initially, it was a quest for personal peace. Soon, it evolved into sharing what I learned with friends, family, and beyond.

This passion led me to create the "TAKE A DEEP BREATH" YouTube channel, now with over 30 million streams, and 200,000 followers, and start a podcast to dive even deeper into breathing techniques with world-renowned experts.

Now, I want to extend an invitation to you.

Join me for a free breathing workshop this Saturday (16th March) at 8pm London time (4pm ET/1pm PST). Register here.

It's an opportunity to discover the most powerful breathing techniques that have not only helped me but countless others to find tranquility, improve sleep, reduce stress, and enhance presence.

Space is limited to 500 participants - our last workshop saw over 700 registrations, so please, reserve your spot only if you can attend live. This is to ensure those who really need this can benefit from being there.Register here.

I'm excited to share with you the N.A.T.U.R.E breathing method, a technique that's been a game-changer for me. Looking forward to breathing together this Saturday.

Breathe well, and see you soon,



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
New, Free Course
Explorations in Consciousness
wisdom of Ram Dass
visuals by Louie Schwartzberg
music by Mickey Hart and Zakir Hussain

10 guided meditations to feel at peace and in harmony with the universe. Sign up for a free course pass.​
“The only way you're going to feel at home ever again in this universe is when your soul acknowledges its true identity.” — Ram Dass​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How Pomegranate Juice Dramatically Reversed Arterial Plaque in Landmark Study
Could a simple fruit hold the key to reversing heart disease? A groundbreaking study from 2004 suggests that pomegranate juice may possess unparalleled potential in the fight against atherosclerosis, yet this natural solution has been largely ignored by the medical establishment.​
How Eating Tomatoes Can Alleviate Insomnia
Could a nutritious garden-variety fruit pave the path to sounder sleep? Emerging research suggests getting your dose of tomatoes at dinnertime may bolster the body's own production of melatonin.​
90% of U.S. Cheese Contains GMO Made by Pfizer
Rennet is used as a clotting agent to curdle the milk into cheese, separating the liquid parts of milk from the solids. Pfizer makes a genetically modified rennet, but because of a labeling loophole, cheese containing Pfizer's rennet does not have to be labeled as containing a genetically modified organism.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today, we cover Bayer's takeover of Monsanto as possibly the worst business decision in modern history. Legal and financial issues mount as their flagship weedkiller, RoundUp, continues to spiral out of control. Then, the fake meat industry is tanking. Are consumers seeing it as a fad? Will they accept insect proteins as a viable alternative? Meanwhile, California bill makers are proposing devices in people’s cars to control their driving speeds. Is there something more to this story? Jefferey Jaxen investigates.

Then, Del sits down with Jim Lee, the founder of, to discuss the latest in weather modification and geoengineering. Jim has collected and archived over a decade's worth of weather modification history for the public to access. In an attempt to get to the bottom of what’s really going on in the skies above, Del dives in and asks the hard questions.

We’re Keeping our EYE ON THE SKY, TODAY on The HighWire!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Have you ever met someone truly magical? A person who seems to dance on a different plane of existence, harnessing invisible forces that most of the world is unaware of?
Well, my friend Tara is such a being. She speaks to the forest and the forest answers…
I think of her a spirit sibling. (I was the best man at Tara's wedding and we still laugh about how I spooked her family when I called out some of her wild woman ways!)
One of Tara’s favorite things to do is cook. But not the “greatest hits” dishes that you often see on restaurant menus. She’s a culinary alchemist, weaving together the most incredible flavor tapestries out of consciously grown and gathered foods.
She has a sixth sense ability with the ingredients she touches, and her recipes somehow reawaken a wildness inside of your heart and palette.
When Tara invites us over to her house for dinner, we know we’re in for an experience. Pure deliciousness with a pinch of healing on top.
I guess this is what happens when a medicine woman leaves the forest and becomes an herb-to-table chef…
Each spoonful seems to melt and mend you.
Why am I telling you all this? Because Tara just published an incredible cookbook called Foraged & Grown: Healing, Magical Recipes For Every Season - and it is a masterpiece.
Here’s just a taste of what Tara has infused into her new cookbook:
- Dandelion Pakoras with Tamarind Sauce
- Nettle Doughnuts with Butterfly Pea Flower Icing & Marigolds
- Hollyhock Wraps with Rose Tahini Sauce
- Adaptogenic Selkie Sipping Broth
- Lemon Balm, Nettle & Green Olive Pasta with Pine Nuts
- Snow Pea Warm Salad with Black Locust Flowers
- Meadowsweet & Fireweed Madeira Cake
- And on and on!
I love seeing the look on folks’ faces when they first encounter Tara’s cooking. Her food is dazzling to look at and the taste of each morsel on your tongue is a never-ending story unto itself.
Click here to enchant your kitchen with Tara’s new cookbook
Tara's recipes are a love-letter to the earth goddess, to the moon mother, to the goodness and magic that lives inside us all. I’m honored to call her my close friend and our family is blessed to be able to warm our hearts, minds and bellies by her fire.

She lives each day by this simple code, spoken by her hero Barbara Cooney:
“You must do something to make the world more beautiful.”
If you could only have one cookbook, I’d strongly recommend this be it.
Stay curious,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Cranky Old Fart
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ECF Refugee
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Fight cancer and destroy parasites with the help of wormwood​

I took wormwood when I had the Wuhan Flu as it has similar effects as Ivermectin... I got this info from an article you (@Jimi) posted here way back when... I ended up having a very mild case.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
NEW Episode of The HEAL Podcast -
Unlocking the Full You: Transformational Human Design with Emma Dunwoody
In this episode of The HEAL Podcast, I sit down with Emma Dunwoody, a distinguished Human Design Expert, Master Coach, and Behavioral Specialist. Emma's profound expertise lies in awakening individuals to the boundless power residing within them through her innovative approach, Transformational Human Design™ (THD). As Emma passionately explains, THD is a comprehensive system of self-knowledge and guidance that, unlike any other, is designed to illuminate one's unique blueprint for life and decision-making.

In our discussion, we dive into the core of THD, exploring its five distinct types and uncovering profound insights into our authentic selves, our interpersonal relationships, and how to truly embrace our unique nature. We also speak on how THD draws from ancient wisdom, offering clarity on life's essential questions, and providing a roadmap to discovering our purpose and unique gifts. Tune in to discover the fascinating wisdom surrounding Transformational Human Design™ and unlock profound insights into understanding yourself and how you show up for the world.
You can also listen to this episode and all other episodes of The HEAL Podcast now on both SPOTIFY or APPLE.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Shedding Past Conditioning to Reveal Our Authentic Selves -
A 10 Minute Podcast Nugget with Dr. Nicole LePera
In this nugget from last week's episode of The HEAL Podcast, Dr. Nicole LePera illuminates the transformative journey of shedding past conditioning to reveal our authentic selves. With her profound insights, Dr. LePera dives into the reasons why we become stuck in old habits, emphasizing the primal need for safety and security that drives us to seek familiarity, even if it means perpetuating patterns that no longer serve us. By understanding that these habits were formed unconsciously as a means of self-protection, we can release the shame associated with them and embark on a journey of self-discovery with greater understanding and acceptance. Watch the nugget now for free on our YouTube channel via the button below.
You can also watch the full podcast episode with Dr. Nicole LePera on YouTube by CLICKING HERE, or listen to it now on both SPOTIFY or APPLE.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
NEW Healing Session with Rob Wergin -
Now Available on YouTube
Experience the profound healing energies of Rob Wergin, a gifted individual whose remarkable abilities transcend the ordinary. You might remember Rob from the HEAL Documentary, where his transformative work was featured. Rob serves as a clear and sacred instrument of divine healing light, offering a transformative experience that transcends the physical realm. Through his compassionate guidance, participants find solace and comfort as they embark on a journey of releasing pain, disease, addictions, and more.

Whether you missed last night's Instagram LIVE session or wish to revisit its powerful impact, you can now watch the replay on our YouTube channel. Don't miss this opportunity to immerse yourself in the healing energies of Rob Wergin and witness the profound transformations that unfold.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

An Unexpected Role for Vitamin K2​

Vitamin K2 was tested in rats for its effect on testosterone (T) production, and the difference between supplemented and unsupplemented rats was surprising. And because estrogen is made from T, this research applies equally to women and men. This information was added as a new section near the bottom of the recent article about vitamin K2. The section shows a graph from the researching showing how much difference vitamin K2 made in the level of testosterone.
>> Jump to the new section about Testosterone (and Estrogen).

Dramatically Reduce Muscle Cramps With .... Vitamin K2?​

I justed added a section to the new article on vitamin K2 about a study that showed a remarkable reduction in muscle cramps by using vitamin K2. It has been added near the end of the article, right after the section about Cancer.
>> Jump to the new section about K2 for Muscle Cramps.

Is Vitamin K2 Involved In ... Everything?​

The latest post on the Bio-Individual Wellness website is about vitamin K2's surprisingly diverse roles in the body and its use in treating various conditions.
Vitamin K2 is clearly important in mitochondrial function, diabetes, neuropathy, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular health, athletic performance, inflammation, and cancer.
Vitamin K2 has a very bright future in research and treatment of various conditions.
>> Check it out.

Can Humans Metabolize Oxalate?​

Chris Masterjohn, PhD has recently come up with a compelling hypothesis based on scientific evidence that human beings can metabolize oxalate and that the rate at which they can do so depends on their biotin status. This of course has HUGE implications.
I summarized this hypothesis in a new section added to the article about "How To Stop Vitamin C From Forming Oxalate. To go straight to that new section of the article, click here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Here’s an alarming truth, Jimi...

Every year, 7 out of 10 people in the U.S. die from chronic diseases like heart problems, cancer, and strokes. That's over half of all deaths annually.

So, what can we do to fight back and take control of our health?

Knowing the facts is a powerful first step toward taking care of yourself. But finding the right answers isn't easy.

Searching online or consulting several health experts often leaves us with more questions than solutions.

But what if you had access to the world's leading natural health doctors without the hefty price tag or impossible waiting lists?

If you want that kind of experience where you can get the secrets to long-lasting health, The Food Matters Nutrition Certification Program is perfect for you.

They've just opened enrollment for this year, and it's a chance you don't want to miss.

Go here and enroll now. (open until March 21 only)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Jimi, are you confused by all of the conflicting messages in the world of nutrition?

You are not the only one!

In today’s world, it seems that getting healthy has become expensive, confusing, and extreme.

But my good friends at the Food Matters Institute, James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch, have created a program that cuts through the confusion— the Food Matters Nutrition Certification Program.

>> Click here to learn more and enroll today!

James, Laurentine, and their team take a ‘middle path’ approach to nutrition, meaning that they don’t believe there is a one-size-fits-all way of approaching nutrition and health. This is exactly why I am a big fan of their Nutrition Certification Program…it takes the mystery out of health and teaches you practical solutions for transforming your life.

This program focuses on giving you a deep understanding of the foundations required for optimal health and nutrition, along with the science behind food, nutrition, and many key systems in the body.

Once you have this foundational knowledge, it's much easier to interpret and implement information on health and nutrition and then share that knowledge with others!

Enrollments are NOW OPEN for this program!

>> Click here to save your spot and end nutrition confusion once and for all!

In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Qi Gong Master: Thrive using THESE Ancient Breath Techniques​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
New Release | Prana Portals Vol. 3:
Music for Breathing
Berkshire Yoga Festival
I'm excited to share my latest release, Prana Portals Vol. 3: Music for Breathing, now available on Apple Music and Spotify.
This 35-minute continuous play, cinematic sound journey is perfect for breathwork. Simply hit play and breathe along to the beat of the music for an epic experience.
Listen on Spotify 🎶
Listen on Apple Music 🎶


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi
We are thrilled to announce that registration for the highly anticipated inaugural Open Heart Medicine and Healing Retreat with Dr. Eliaz is officially open! Immerse yourself in the beauty and healing energy of the Big Island, create the shift, and deepen your healing potential.​
Big Island, Hawaii | Fairmont Orchid Hotel | September 18th - 21st​
Here's what you need to know:
Available Spots: Limited quantities are available, and they will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
How to Secure Your Spot: Simply click here to learn more and purchase your spot.
Early Bird Special: Save $150 by using code EARLY150 (if you are purchasing 2 spots, use code EARLY300) at checkout.
Additional Nights: We have secured a limited number of rooms before and after the retreat at a deep discount. These are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. You will be prompted at checkout to purchase any additional nights if this is of interest.
If you decide to stay on Saturday afternoon and Sunday Dr. Eliaz will be leading an additional informal evening meditation on Saturday and a morning meditation on Sunday.
Dr. Eliaz strongly recommends staying one extra night if possible to allow for the effect of the retreat to settle in. The two additional group meditation sessions on Saturday evening and Sunday morning will also support the integration process.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Dr. Eliaz’s Director of Operations, Darcie Purcell at [email protected]
Join Us for Open Heart Medicine​
We have also included a few frequently asked questions below. You can find a complete list of FAQs on the retreat page.
What is included in the retreat package?
Accommodations: Four nights at Fairmont Orchid, arrival Tuesday, September 17th departure September 21st.
Meals: Breakfast on September 19th – 21st, Lunch on September 18th – 21st, Dinner September 18th – 20th
Activities: Guided meditation practices and hands-on healing sessions. Mind-body practices including yoga, qi gong, and breathwork. Detoxification and theoretical lectures and teachings.
Is there a payment plan option? Yes, you can learn more about the payment plan option on the retreat page.
When should I arrive? When should I leave? Your retreat package includes 4 nights at the Fairmont Orchid starting Tuesday, September 17th, departing on Saturday, September 21st. As mentioned above we have limited quantities of rooms before and after you will be able to purchase at check-out.
Will there be special meal/food options? We will be serving nourishing and detoxifying Ayurvedic meals, as well as gluten-free and vegetarian options.
How do I get there? The closest airport is Kona International Airport. You can take a taxi to the hotel from the Kona International Airport or if you want to rent a car it is an easy 40-minute drive up the coast from the airport.
Are there any specific traveling restrictions we should be aware of? No
Will this event offer CEUs? No
Thank you for being a valued member of our community. We can't wait for you to experience the incredible beauty of the Big Island of Hawaii with Dr. Isaac Eliaz.
Click here to secure your spot now.
We hope to see you soon!
Team Dr. Eliaz​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Every 14 seconds, a woman somewhere in the world will hear the words, “You have breast cancer.”

Though this diagnosis can be daunting, breast cancer is not a death sentence. Conventional medicine is often singularly focused on traditional treatments like chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. But those are not the only options. An alternative path—one filled with hope and healing does exist…and we’ll tell you all about it on next week’s Cancer Conversation.


Join Dr. Roney and I, along with our esteemed guest, breast cancer expert Jennifer Simmons, M.D., as we discuss An Integrative Approach to Preventing, Diagnosing, & Treating Breast Cancer.
Tune in to learn about:

  • The etiology of breast cancer
  • The potential problems associated with mammograms.
  • Cutting-edge, non-invasive, new testing modalities.
  • Unraveling the safety of hormone replacement therapy.
  • Lifestyle changes and practices that can help prevent and treat breast cancer.
  • Gentler, less invasive treatment options.
If time permits, we will open the floor for a LIVE Q&A session, during which you will have the option to ask us your most pressing breast cancer and breast health questions. If you have questions you would like to submit ahead of time, please email them to [email protected].
Please feel free to forward this information to friends and family, and don’t forget to register now for Tuesday’s webinar.
The Cancer Conversation: Season 3, Episode 6
An Integrative Approach to Preventing, Diagnosing, & Treating Breast Cancer with Jennifer Simmons, M.D.
Tuesday, March 19, 2024, @ 5 pm PST/8 pm EST
Register Now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
GMO salmon pose a risk to the environment, to people’s health, and to the way of life of fishing and Indigenous communities. It should not be sold in restaurants – and certainly not unlabeled.

Join IRT and our fellow non-GMO advocates at “Friends of the Earth” in telling restaurants to say NO to genetically edited salmon! We need your help to convince major restaurant chains to follow the lead of the largest grocery retailers, food service companies and top restaurants to reject GMO salmon before it’s too late.

Your urgent action is needed. Learn more and sign the petition linked below from Malaika Elias, Food and Agriculture Campaigner with Friends of the Earth.

Genetically engineered fish could end up on your plate without you even knowing! Act now!

Genetically engineered salmon may already be in restaurants near you. The largest grocery retailers, food service companies, and many large restaurants have said no to GMO salmon – but restaurants like Long John Silvers, Hard Rock Cafe, and Landry’s Inc. could decide to sell unlabeled GMO salmon!

If GMO salmon escape from production facilities, they could cause IRREVERSIBLE DAMAGE to wild salmon populations, which are essential for healthy ecosystems and a cultural keystone and food source for many Indigenous communities. Tell major restaurant chains like Long John Silvers, Hard Rock Cafe, and Landry’s Inc. to keep unlabeled GMO salmon off our plates!

“In 2020, a federal court found the FDA’s approval process for GMO salmon was unlawful. But a GMO salmon company is trying to sneak it onto the market anyway -- and it won’t have to be labeled in restaurants.

Scientists have raised red flags about potential health risks, such as triggering allergic reactions. The truth is we just don’t know enough about potential risks to send this product out for anyone to eat.

That’s why it’s so important for you to help us convince top restaurant chains to REJECT GMO salmon.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We've been informed that the links to the Retreat Page weren't functioning properly. Rest assured, we've rectified the issue and the links are now operational in the email below. A big thank you to those of you who took the time to bring this to our attention!​
Hello Jimi
We are thrilled to announce that registration for the highly anticipated inaugural Open Heart Medicine and Healing Retreat with Dr. Eliaz is officially open! Immerse yourself in the beauty and healing energy of the Big Island, create the shift, and deepen your healing potential.​
Big Island, Hawaii | Fairmont Orchid Hotel | September 18th - 21st​
Here's what you need to know:
Available Spots: Limited quantities are available, and they will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.
How to Secure Your Spot: Simply click here to learn more and purchase your spot.
Early Bird Special: Save $150 by using code EARLY150 (if you are purchasing 2 spots, use code EARLY300) at checkout.
Additional Nights: We have secured a limited number of rooms before and after the retreat at a deep discount. These are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. You will be prompted at checkout to purchase any additional nights if this is of interest.
If you decide to stay on Saturday afternoon and Sunday Dr. Eliaz will be leading an additional informal evening meditation on Saturday and a morning meditation on Sunday.
Dr. Eliaz strongly recommends staying one extra night if possible to allow for the effect of the retreat to settle in. The two additional group meditation sessions on Saturday evening and Sunday morning will also support the integration process.
If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact Dr. Eliaz’s Director of Operations, Darcie Purcell at [email protected]


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
One Man's Astonishing Results from a Nutritional Self-Experiment: Side Benefits, Not Side Effects
What if a simple vitamin regimen could not only heal your heart, but also cure a host of other chronic conditions? One man's remarkable self-experiment reveals the astonishing power of targeted nutrition.
I am a spammer ban me’s Ugly ‘Side Effects’ Run Deeper Than Skin, Alter Mind & Numb Emotion
Millions around the world have, and no doubt will continue to receive I am a spammer ban me injections, but this increasingly popular 'beauty' strategy has a dark side: it doesn't only deaden facial nerves and muscles; it may also alter human cognition, emotion, and possibly empathy as well.
Top Ten Spices to Have in Your Medicine Cabinet and How to Use Them
In this informative video, viewers are guided through the top 10 essential spices to keep in their medicine cabinets for natural healing purposes. Sayer Ji along side Ayurvedic chef Tania Melkonian will dive into the medicinal properties of each spice and provide practical insights on how to incorporate them into everyday use for maintaining optimal health.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

Join me for a free breathing workshop this Saturday (16th March) at 8pm London time (4pm ET/1pm PST). Register here.

It's an opportunity to discover the most powerful breathing techniques that have not only helped me but countless others to find tranquility, improve sleep, reduce stress, and enhance presence.

Space is limited to 500 participants - our last workshop saw over 700 registrations, so please, reserve your spot only if you can attend live. This is to ensure those who really need this can benefit from being there.Register here.

I'm excited to share with you the N.A.T.U.R.E breathing method, a technique that's been a game-changer for me. Looking forward to breathing together this Saturday.

Breathe well, and see you soon,



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,
In this episode, I’m speaking with Dr. Tom O’Bryan about his upcoming docu-series, The Inflammation Equation: Decoding the Steps to Optimal Well-Being, why he believes inflammation is at the core of disease, and his approach to solving it.
>> Click here to gain access to The Inflammation Equation 7-part docuseries to go deeper into what inflammation truly is and exactly how to keep it in check for optimal, full-body health.
In this podcast, Dr. O’Bryan and I discuss:
  • The 10-year gap between healthspan and lifespan that most Americans will unfortunately experience…and how to shorten that gap for a longer, HEALTHIER life

  • The crucial aspects you need to know about inflammaging, the way chronic inflammation contributes to the aging process and a less joyful life

  • One surprising (and aesthetically pleasing!) step you can take to protect your home from inflammatory compounds

  • The role of the microbiome in inflammation, neurological signaling, and systemic health, and how it changes over the lifespan

  • How genetics influence inflammation and why the same genes can be harmful in some situations and helpful in others!

  • An unexpected trigger of Alzheimer’s that might make you rethink your body care routine

  • How “network medicine” balances inflammation and helps us avoid illness. Remember, inflammation isn’t bad for you! Excessive inflammation is the problem.
Yours in health,
P.S. Click here to get your free ticket to Dr. O’Bryan’s docuseries, The Inflammation Equation: Decoding the Steps to Optimal Well-Being! You don’t want to miss the practical, evidence-based tools you’ll gain from the guidance of over 60 inflammation experts!
P.P.S. Ready to supercharge your energy? Subscribe to The Energy Blueprint on YouTube and discover actionable strategies for improved mitochondrial function, increased performance, and a longer, healthier life.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Many people regard eggs as essential ingredients in cakes, cookies, and other baked desserts. And eggs definitely do their part in binding, leavening, coloring, and flavoring baked goods.
But there are many good reasons you may want to avoid eggs.
Does this mean you have to give up delicious desserts forever? Or are there plant-based alternatives that can still give you delicious desserts?
Get the whole story on eggless desserts (and some fabulous recipes) now.
Yours for healthy solutions that taste great,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. From muffins to cobblers to cupcakes to pies, there are healthy solutions that are nourishing, delicious, and eggless, too. Find out how to make egg-free taste amazing right here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Keto Creamy Hot Chocolate

I love drinking this creamy hot chocolate in the wintertime. It is low-carb, keto and fat burning and tastes delicious! Try this out and I believe it will be a family favorite.

10 Nutrients to Improve Thyroid Function

Thyroid function and its metabolic roles are reliant on nutrient feedback signals. Without specific nutrients, there is a lack of expression from a variety of physiological activities that ultimately cause a decline in total health.

Restore your vitality by addressing 10 key nutrients outlined in this article to improve thyroid function and see positive changes in your energy and mental clarity.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

I have some super EXCITING news for you right now.

Today marks the very beginning of our Replay Weekend!

This means you have a priceless opportunity to catch up on ALL 10 Episodes and 10 BONUS Episodes

From my latest docuseries, Cancer Secrets!

So from today, Saturday the 16th of March 16th, 2024…

Until 11:59PM ET on Monday the 18th of March

You’ll get to hear from our INCREDIBLE health experts all over again!

Don’t miss out!

>>> Click here to watch ALL 20 episodes of Cancer Secrets


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
5 Cardiologist Mistakes With Serious Consequences

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

We all like to think that our doctors will do everything correctly, but unfortunately that’s not always the case.

This problem is becoming worse for two reasons. The first is that today’s healthcare system pressures doctors into seeing too many patients in too a short a time.

But the major problem is that too many veteran doctors are leaving the field and being replaced by younger doctors who have gone through training programs in which standards have been relaxed. This makes them ill-equipped to handle patient care, leaving them susceptible to making mistakes.

Special: Ease Your Inflamation With This 'Golden' Healer

Here are five common errors cardiologists make that can have serious consequences for the diagnosis and treatment of heart problems — and may even endanger a patient’s life.
Taking Blood Pressure Wrong. In order to have your blood pressure taken correctly, you should be seated in a chair, with your feet on the floor and your legs apart. Your legs and ankles should be uncrossed. The cuff size should fit your arm correctly and the pressure should be taken in both arms.

Prescribing Statins Instead of Lifestyle Changes. Research that shows people who take statin drugs are at a higher risk for Type 2 diabetes, as well as a wide range of muscle disorders and cognitive problems. Doctors should start by giving people the chance to make lifestyle changes that can reduce their cholesterol levels without drugs.

Overlooking the Importance of Triglycerides. According to research, people with high triglycerides have three times the risk of heart disease compared to those with high levels of LDL cholesterol. It can also be a predictor of stroke.

Downplaying the Risk of Stress. Sudden stress doesn’t always spark a heart attack, but it’s more likely to occur if you have an underlying problem, such as coronary artery disease, arrhythmia, or high blood pressure.

Ignoring ‘White Coat Hypertension.’ This term describes people whose blood pressure becomes elevated when it’s measured at the doctor’s office, but is otherwise normal. Research finds that more than half of the people with this condition develop actual high blood pressure eventually. In addition, their risk of heart disease is higher than that of people whose pressure is normal all the time.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Remember the clear light,
The pure clear white light.
From which everything in the universe comes,
To which everything in the universe returns;
The original nature of your own mind.
The natural state of the universe unmanifest.
Let go into the clear light, trust it, merge with it.
It is your own true nature, it is home.
- The Tibetan Book Of The Dead

Never forget who you really are.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How To Lower Your Blood Pressure Naturally

Did you know that hypertension (aka high blood pressure) is one of the leading causes of death worldwide?

It didn't used to be this way - but poor modern diets, high stress, alcohol abuse, and reduced physical activity are making hypertension a serious threat to human health.

To help remedy this, I'm excited to share my friend Laurie's new ebook, 5 Ways to Decrease Your Blood Pressure Without Medication. She’s giving it away as part of the upcoming Reversing Hypertension Naturally Summit.

You know we’re all about natural remedies and Laurie shares our passion. She tends to her own healing kitchen and draws from her medical knowledge as a licensed practitioner to bring you a holistic, wholly informed approach to wellness.

Click here to get your FREE copy


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
90% of U.S. Cheese Contains GMO Made by Pfizer​
Rennet is used as a clotting agent to curdle the milk into cheese, separating the liquid parts of milk from the solids. Pfizer makes a genetically modified rennet, but because of a labeling loophole, cheese containing Pfizer's rennet does not have to be labeled as containing a genetically modified organism.​

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