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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
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Recent interviews with Charlie Ward and with Tommy Carrigan​



Diamond Contributor
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If you clear the room when you pass gas or clock more miles running to the toilet than you do at the gym…

A breakthrough new study now confirms this could actually be an early warning sign of a serious health hijacker.

It might be destroying the lives of millions of Americans, and it turns out 8 out of every 10 Americans are affected.
If you care about the health of you and your loved ones, then you should watch this important health alert now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
When you're experiencing symptoms of hormone imbalance, like weight gain, anxiety or fatigue, you may feel like

√ You've lost all control

√ You're unworthy

√ Past traumas continue to take you out (women have many of these)

√ Like your mind is all over the place - often referred to as the "monkey mind"

"Imagine a life where anxiety, difficult emotions and fearful thoughts no longer control you."

How do you rise above the inner turmoil to find more inner peace and fulfillment so you can heal and feel fabulous?

✨ Discover Inner Peace and Fulfillment with Rachael Jayne Groover ✨

Rachael Jayne is going to show us how.

She's the Founder of The Awakened School®, a community of elevated conversation on spiritual awakening, human potential, and entrepreneurship.

Rachael Jayne is a best-selling author of three transformative books, a TEDx speaker, and is an Inc 5000 CEO.

She is also the creator of the Art of Feminine Presence® training, a revolutionary program that has been taught worldwide to over 13,000 women in the last 13 years.

Join me with Rachael Jayne this Thursday, March 14th at 10am PT

We'll meet right here on Zoom:

Join a few minutes early so we can begin on time.

I can't wait to see you on Thursday for the path to inner peace and fulfillment.


Diamond Contributor
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Hey Jimi,
Did you catch Episode 8 and BONUS Episode 8 of my BRAND NEW docuseries, Cancer Secrets?
These episodes were super insightful because in Episode 8: Integrative Medicine: Harnessing Powerful Alternative Therapies for Whole-Body Healing….
Our world-renowned experts shared POWERFUL healing modalities…
Including infrared sauna, healing pads, and pulsed electromagnetic field therapy that have been designed to help your body tap into its self-healing mechanisms!
And in BONUS Episode 8: The Heart of Natural Medicine: Addressing Cardiovascular Disease with Powerful Natural Protocols…
We learned top natural medicine and protocols to heal and reverse any cardiovascular disease from our amazing doctors and experts.
If you missed these amazing episodes, NOW’s the time to catch them because you don’t want to miss any of these transformational insights.


Diamond Contributor
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Hi Jimi,

If you’ve been looking for a sign to join the Reversing Heart Disease Naturally Summit 2.0, this is it!

Because it’s starting TODAY.



Diamond Contributor
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Make Your Heart Attack a Wake-Up Call

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Even with the advances in medicine throughout the past several decades, a heart attack is still a very serious matter.

While more people are surviving, they’re being left to grapple with damaged hearts and serious complications — which is not how you want to live your life.

Ask your doctor about a cardiac rehabilitation program, a 36-week course in which you exercise under medical supervision and are provided with support to change your lifestyle. Medicare and private insurers often cover it.

Special: Take Charge of Your Heart Health – Start Today!

Whether you’re in cardiac rehab or not, other major components to heart-healthy living your doctor should discuss:

  • Whether you need to lose weight and how to achieve it
  • The components of a heart-healthy diet
  • How to achieve your exercise goals (doctors recommend a one-hour daily walk, along with twice-weekly sessions of strength training)
  • How to reach your target blood pressure and cholesterol numbers
  • Stress reduction
  • Smoking cessation
A heart attack is indeed a scary and life-changing event — but it doesn’t have to be wholly negative. It can also be the wake-up call you need to guide you toward a far healthier life than you lived before.


Diamond Contributor
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12 Surprising Factors that Influence Nutrient Deficiencies

Nutrient deficiencies are a common root issue behind chronic symptoms, chronic health issues, and risk factors for chronic disease. While you may develop nutrient deficiencies due to a poor diet, the cause of nutrient deficiencies can go beyond poor nutrition.

Correcting the root issues behind nutrient deficiencies and taking steps to improve nutrient intake and nutrient absorption can help you achieve optimal nutrient levels and improve your overall health.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
If you or anyone you love is concerned about high blood pressure, I have great news.
Renowned lifestyle medicine expert Laurie Marbas, MD, has just released a powerful new ebook, 5 Ways to Decrease Your Blood Pressure Without Medications. It’s a comprehensive and authoritative guide to the specific natural and low-cost solutions that have been proven to work.
How many of Dr. Marbas’ five key steps are you already taking?
>> Find out when you get your free copy right here.
With it, you’ll also receive a free ticket to the Reversing Hypertension Naturally Summit, hosted by Dr. Marbas herself. She’ll gather and interview 40 of the world’s top cardiovascular health experts for this groundbreaking new Summit.
>> Get it all here.
Yours for healthy blood pressure and a thriving life,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Blood pressure medications come with troubling side effects, and they don’t always work. Fortunately, there are five proven and all-natural ways to reduce blood pressure and improve your quality of life. Find out what they are and how to put them into action now.


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Diamond Contributor
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Stage 4 Prostate Cancer
the Unexpected Blessings

Episode #81

When Brad Corley retired, he expected leisure, not a cancer diagnosis. Yet, as he and his wife Becky sit down with us, their tale isn't one of despair, but of unexpected growth and an enriching journey towards health, hope, and faith. This podcast episode is an intimate account of how pre-diagnosis changes to diet and personal care became their armor in the battle against cancer and their source of resilience. Together, Brad and Becky reveal how leaning on one another, fortifying their faith, and embracing change and community transformed their ordeal into a story of hope and healing.

An oasis of fruit trees was just the beginning of Becky Corley's story. Beneath their branches, a profound transformation took root, as Becky and Brad navigated the tumultuous path of cancer treatment. Our conversation meanders through the emotional landscape of grappling with such a diagnosis, the power of a plant-based diet, and how these trials led Brad to declare cancer as the best thing to ever happen to him. Their journey is a testament to the profound gratitude that can blossom from life's most challenging moments and the pivotal role of a supportive spouse in weathering the storm.

Join us as we celebrate the creation of a support group that became a lifeline for those walking the tightrope of cancer treatment. Brad and Becky recount the initial reluctance that blossomed into a community rooted in faith, lifestyle transformation, and collective strength. They also highlight the work of HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization providing a harbor of resources and support for individuals and families navigating similar journeys. Our discussion underscores the power of purpose, the joy in every moment, and the courage found in unity, offering listeners an uplifting beacon of hope and a call to action to become part of a supportive healing network.

Want to connect with our guests?

The Corley's HealingStrong Group Information & Contact:

[email protected]
*The group meets the third Sunday of every month from 5:00-6:30 pm, at Praise Family Church in West Mobile, AL.



Diamond Contributor
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Education over Medication
I’ve run into my friend Katie, the Wellness Mama twice in the last few months since I’ve moved to Austin and saw her once last year in Florida where she lives. I’m always awe-inspired about how she’s raising her six children to be independent, think outside the box and learn business at such a young age. She is giving them so many tools to thrive so young!
She’s putting her oldest through the Food Matters Institute Nutrition Certification program so that he has a viable skillset he can use however he wants, whenever he wants.
I’m thinking of doing the same with different vocations that support what the world needs when my son gets to a certain age. That’s why I chose an entrepreneurial school for him here in Texas that helps him discover his passions and gifts and then guides him how to give them to the world.

The Food Matters Institute enrollment is open now and all the details are HERE.
I am delighted to have somewhere around 10 classes/modules that I teach inside this program and am grateful my information resonates enough to be one of their most popular teachers.
I love this program, all the teachers, and the immense value it provides not just to master your own mind and body but to help you assist many others in their own transformation. Such a beautiful thing.
Check out all the details on their enrollment page.​


Diamond Contributor
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Hey Jimi,
Can you believe that we’re almost at the end of Cancer Secrets?
It amazes me to see just how much we’ve learned from our phenomenal health experts already…
And while we can still hear from them, I really encourage you to stay the course because, in all honesty…
You won’t find any of these life-saving insights on G00gle.
This is where you’ll hear the real and raw TRUTH about the chronic diseases that are mercilessly overtaking humanity.
With that being said…
I’m excited to announce that Episode 9 and BONUS Episode 9 are now LIVE…
And you can watch them right away!​
>>> Click Here to Watch our BRAND NEW Episode 9 - PLUS – BONUS Episode 9
Now before I go into tonight's episodes…

I´d like you to have a look at this truly heartwarming and encouraging message from Misty Elkins:


Cranky Old Fart
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Removing Toxic Fluoride from the Naples, FL Drinking Water with's Most Powerful Feature

In this video, Sayer Ji, founder of, explains the historical decision by the Collier County Commissioners to unanimously remove fluoride from their municipal tap water.​

Must be some Ents in there... :giggle:


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This week's newsletter highlights a new brain health score card, how dementia affects sleep, how viruses change the brain, why writing by hand is better than typing, and more...

-->> How well do you score on brain health? - Harvard Health (February 2024)​

A new scorecard developed by researchers could encourage you to pare down risks for dementia and stroke...

-->> How Does Dementia Affect Sleep? - Cleveland Clinic (October 2023)​

Difficulty staying asleep at night or sleeping too much during the day are common issues...

-->> How Viruses Change the Brain - Dr. Austin Perlmutter (February 2024)​

Breakthrough science suggests powerful implications for brain health...

-->> Writing by hand may increase brain connectivity more than typing, readings of student brains suggest - NBC NEWS (January 2024)​

After recording the brain activity of university students, researchers in Norway determined that writing by hand may improve learning and memory...

-->> The difference between normal aging and Alzheimer’s - MedicalNewsToday (January 2024)​

Aging can cause mild forgetfulness, but Alzheimer’s disease can cause significant changes in memory, mood, and personality...


Diamond Contributor
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"Follow your instincts. That's where true wisdom manifests itself.”​

~Oprah Winfrey



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The Truth About Root Canals, Dental Fillings, and Mouth Dysbiosis
Discover the hidden truths of dentistry in this eye-opening episode. From toxic fillings to fluoride myths, we uncover the realities impacting your oral and overall health. Join us as we delve into the secrets your dentist might not want you to know.

-->> Listen here on your favorite podcast station

-->> Watch Here on Youtube
A Powerful Immune System Hack

We’re not huge fans of most national holidays because they focus on fluff nonsense, but this one is worth taking notice…

March 11 is National Immune System Day, and..

Our friends at Better Way Health are celebrating your immune system by giving you 40% off their clinically-proven, immune-boosting beta glucan!

It’s their way of helping us "thank" our immune systems. :)

Why beta glucan?

In 1990, an immunologist from the University of South Carolina heard about an ingredient Japanese scientists were researching at $1,410 per dose.

So, he took a trip overseas to see what it was all about.

Turns out he discovered an immune system ‘cheat code.’

He came back to the United States and figured out how to make it….

But for a whole lot cheaper than what they were buying it for in the lab & it revolutionized the supplement world forever.

You can read about his story here.

The University of Louisville tested it, and found out it was 160x more effective than Vitamin C.

The American Nutraceutical Association hailed it as "The Most Effective Dietary Supplement for a Healthy Immune System."

And there are over 200,000 published studies about this feel good ‘cheat code,’ making it the most researched immune modulator on the planet.

It is a simple solution that takes just 3 days to strengthen your immune system long-term and it starts here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jim,

Have you heard about nature’s Metformin?

It sounds crazy, but there’s a berry that’s been used for thousands of years in India to lower blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure.

And…India has been known as the mecca of holistic medicine for centuries.

So if you’re interested in lowering your blood sugar the natural way, keep reading.

This powerful berry is known as amla, and they contain the highest amount of antioxidants per bite of any food on the planet.

Research shows that only 3 grams per day can lower blood glucose by as much as 60 points in 3 weeks.

According to a new study published in 2021, amla berries enhance the functioning of insulin, reduce insulin resistance, activate the insulin-signaling pathway, protect β-cells, scavenge free radicals, alleviate inflammatory reactions, and reduce the accumulation of advanced glycation end products.

That’s a lot of stuff for one simple berry.​


Diamond Contributor
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would you like a VERY easy solution for when you are feeling anxious or fatigued?

Because research shows that simple breathing techniques may be the fastest, most effective way for you to quickly stop anxiety and boost your energy.

Head here now to find out the BEST simple breathing techniques to help you in this completely free one-time online class taking place TOMORROW

If it do ever experience feelings of anxiety or feel more exhausted than you ought to, what you'll discover in this free class can truly be life-changing.

It's hosted by my good friend and energy expert, Ari Whitten...

...And it's entirely geared to help you dramatically increase your energy, stop stress, and even help your immune health in just 10 minutes a day.

Click here for a QUICK SUMMARY of what will be covered in this free event and to sign up if interested

This online event happens tomorrow, March 14, at 7:30pm Eastern / 4:30pm Pacific and Ari is giving away the secrets on:

  • How to quickly rewire your nervous system out of stress mode and dramatically decrease anxiety levels
  • Why deep breathing is actually bad advice (and what the right approach is to increase your energy and decrease anxiety)
  • How to improve your health, energy, and mood by increasing oxygen delivery to your cells
  • The 4 keys to optimal breathing (and how to rewire your brain into doing it automatically)
  • Why dysfunctional breathing is a common cause of brain fog and anxiety (and why fixing your breathing is the hidden key to fixing your anxiety)
  • Specific breathing practices to calm your nervous system and open your airways to help you sleep deeper than you have since you were a kid
  • A specific 10-minute morning routine that resets your anxiety and dramatically increases energy levels
Find out more and register completely free right here


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Forwarded this email? Subscribe here for more

WITH THE WIND WITH DR. PAUL - SHOW 139, Featuring Brandon and Jolene Weiberg, Founders MN Team Humanity

Wednesday, 3/13, our 139th episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

In his From the Heart segment, Dr. Paul shares a heartfelt message about the importance of community and unity. He calls for efforts to unite while embracing different perspectives, fostering a sense of togetherness starting from our homes and extending to our towns. Drawing from his upbringing in a tight-knit village where everyone cared for one another, he emphasizes the value of community support and belonging. Don't miss this touching reminder to prioritize love, unity, and connectedness in building a stronger community.
"It made me open my eyes to find there are a lot more medical practices out there that do things holistically and also listen to each patient's story and come up with a care plan for that patient. And I didn't know that was out there. I just every year went in and did what I was told."
— Brandon Weiberg
Brandon and Jolene Weiberg, members of Minnesota Team Humanity, join Dr. Paul and DeeDee Hoover to share their remarkable journey from personal health struggles to political action. Their story begins with Brandon's adverse reaction to the COVID-19 jab, which culminated in his decision to run for mayor to promote freedom, unity, and informed choice in their small town. Don't miss this inspiring episode, which highlights the importance of individual agency, community engagement, and advocating for health freedom. To learn more about MN Team Humanity, check out
Don’t miss out on DeeDee’s closing thoughts, where she shares a personal realization about how good intentions may sometimes be misinterpreted and emphasizes the importance of communication rooted in love and understanding. This is a gentle reminder for all of us to communicate and receive feedback with love and openness, fostering meaningful connections and personal development.
Watch the episode here!


Diamond Contributor
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Hi Jimi,
Want to age vibrantly? To get more active and energetic with each passing year?
New research has pinpointed four pivotal areas on which to focus.
And I'm thrilled to share that this evening, I'm joining my friend, Food Revolution Summit speaker Laurie Marbas, MD, for a free live webinar to explore this research in-depth.
The webinar will be hosted by Matt Tullman, co-founder of Complement, and will kick off at 6:00 pm Eastern Time tonight (that’s 3 pm Pacific Time).
In this totally free event, Dr. Marbas and I will delve into the following:

  • Simple lifestyle habits that nurture a healthy brain
  • The movement and fitness routines that are key to maintaining balance and strength
  • Essential nutrition strategies for preventing chronic diseases and feeling your best
  • The three crucial nutrients most plant-based eaters are lacking, which are vital for bone and brain health, immunity, and sustained (energy as you age!)
Plus, Dr. Marbas and I will answer your most pressing questions about aging, nutrition, and health live during the webinar.
>> Register now for tonight's webinar on "4 Secrets to Vibrant Aging" with Ocean Robbins and Dr. Laurie Marbas.
If you're unable to attend the live session, don't worry. We'll send a replay to all registered participants.
Yours for a long and healthy life,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. I hope you’ll join Dr. Marbas and me for this exclusive free event. Secure your spot right here.


Diamond Contributor
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Hello Jimi,
My friend and colleague Evan Hirsh, M.D., interviewed me for is hidden causes of fatigue podcast/summit. I hope you find this interview helpful.

(Video replay) Fibromyalgia Interview with Evan Hirsh M.D.​



Diamond Contributor
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Hey Jimi,

I hope you had a chance to watch Episode 9 and BONUS Episode 9 last night…

Because we heard from 5 of the BEST natural medicine doctors…

Jason Prall, Dr. Gabriel Cousens, Brenda Davis, Dr. Daniel Nuzum, Nathan Crane, Dr. Syed Haider and Dr. Eric Zielinski.

In Episode 9 – Foods for Longevity: Harnessing the Power of Plant-Based Diets for a Longer, Healthier Life…


Dr. Dalal Akoury, Dr. Sheila Dean, Dr. Veronique Desaulniers and Nathaniel Mead…

Joined us for BONUS Episode 9 – Food as Medicine: Uncovering the Right Foods to Feed Your Body and Starve Disease…

>>> Click here to watch Episode 9 and BONUS Episode 9


Diamond Contributor
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Hey Conquerors! This week is all about C, sea, and see!
We are running a special on Liposomal Vitamin C because it's one of the most essential vitamins for inhibiting tumor growth. (Learn more via this article).
And I just discovered the most delicious and decadent way to eat seaweed via Rootless Daily Bites—Use Veronique10 for 10% off. Coconut Chai is my current go-to sweet bite for boosting my iodine levels and promoting anti-cancer activity! (Learn more via this podcast episode and this blog post).
Lastly, make sure to always "see" what you are eating. Apeel's produce coating is actually extremely toxic, and you will learn why in my latest blog post.
It's time for you to THRIVE! A little C, sea, and see will help you get there!


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Discover The Truth About Apeel And Toxic Produce​

I first learned about Apeel’s toxic produce coating from the Deep Roots at Home blog and continued to investigate further.
The food you choose to fuel your body has one of the biggest impacts on your healing journey, which is why Essential #1 (of my 7 Essentials System®) is Let Food Be Your Medicine. But sadly, even universally agreed upon known “healthy foods” such as fresh fruits and vegetables can be laced with toxins. This is why you should investigate everything, as I like to do.
Today’s culprit is produce sprayed with the Apeel’s coating. It is an edible plant-based coating that claims to keep fruit fresh twice as long. Apeel’s taglines are: “Plant-based protection that helps the produce you love stay fresh for longer.” And “Apeel gives the entire supply chain more time. That’s better for your business, your customers, and our planet.” While all of that sounds good, peeling back the layers is rather horrifying. It’s another example of how we shouldn’t use chemicals to mess with nature and fresh, wholesome produce.


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Just a reminder that Nathan Crane and Dr. Dana Flavin are all set to host a webinar tomorrow on the everyday toxins that could be increasing your risk of cancer and how to protect yourself from them…

And if you haven’t saved your spot yet, we highly suggest you do so while there’s still time because seats are filling up fast.

Go here to register for tomorrow’s webinar.


Diamond Contributor
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This Japanese Condiment Clinically Improves Memory: How Wasabi Protects Against Cognitive Decline
A spicy, bright green horseradish paste served alongside sushi, wasabi has gained immense popularity at Japanese restaurants worldwide. But emerging research suggests that beyond livening up your meal, wasabi contains powerful compounds that may bolster declining brains.​
PCOS? How to Induce Ovulation Using 'Hen of the Woods'
This natural culinary delicacy helped trigger ovulation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), offering a natural alternative to commonly used medications.​
8 Prescriptions Sabotaging Your Bone Density & Increasing Fracture Risk
Trusted treatments you'd never suspect could be stealthily chipping away at your bone health. A 2021 review compiles extensive data on 7 drug classes that studies connect to a significant deterioration of skeletal integrity, density, and shockingly higher fracture rates.​


The Journey Of Self Healing
GreenMedInfo’s Dr. Joel Bohemier meets with Sachin Patel. Considered one of the most innovative leaders in Functional Medicine, Sachin will share his inspiring message of empowered health. This conversation will educate and challenge you to look at your relationship with your body and health in a new light. They will also share steps and strategies of how you can shift into living your best, healthiest life.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

This Saturday (16th March), I'll be hosting a live breathing class that you won't want to miss. (register here)

The best part? It's completely free!

During this session, we'll explore the NATURE breathing method, a technique I've developed to help you harness the power of your breath.

I'll walk you through some calming breathwork exercises, and afterwards, we'll have a Q&A session to discuss any questions you might have.

The workshop will last for an hour, and I'm looking forward to guiding you through this soothing experience.

When is it?
Saturday 16th March @ 8pm London (4pm ET, 1pm PST) - Register here.

Spaces are limited—our last session had over 700 interested participants, but my Zoom can only accommodate 500.

So, if you're interested, click here to secure your spot. If you register but later find you can't make it, please let me know so I can offer your spot to someone on the waiting list.

Wondering what you'll gain from this class?

I'll demonstrate how to use breathwork to significantly reduce stress and anxiety, share quick tips for cooling down and calming yourself in under 5 minutes, and teach you how to breathe more efficiently for sports and physical activities.

Plus, I'll share secrets on achieving some of the best deep sleep of your life.

For those who may not know me...

I'm Mike Maher, the creator of TAKE A DEEP BREATH on YouTube, where our community of over 200,000 followers shares a passion for breathwork. So why not join us? It's a fantastic opportunity to say hello, learn valuable breathing techniques, and take a few rejuvenating breaths together. Click here to register.

Breathe well,



Diamond Contributor
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That's a Wrap for Season 1!​
As we head into a brief break between podcast seasons, we invite you to give a listen to some of our most popular interviews from earlier in the season. Check out the interviews from Kris Carr, Dean Hall, Tara Coyote and doctors Keith Block, MD and Henning Saupe, MD, as well as other inspiring survivors.

We'll kick off Season 2 with a new episode on
Wednesday, April 3rd.

Be sure to like, follow, and review our show on your favorite podcast app to help us continue bringing you these inspiring stories of healing!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Did you attend Kami’s recent herbal oil workshop, Jimi?

If you missed it, you can still catch the replay this weekend by registering HERE.

If you caught it, are you ready to learn even more about making your own herbal oils? Registration for Kami’s Handcrafted Healing Herbal Oils Course is now open through this weekend.

Button: Sign Me Up!
Why make herbal infused oils?

🌿 They are easy to make—only three ingredients.
🌿 You only have to make them once a year.
🌿 They are great for everyday self-care.
🌿 They have amazing first aid uses.
🌿 They are a safe, kid-friendly home remedy.

The Handcrafted Healing Herbal Oils Course is for beginners and experienced herbalists alike. Kami’s techniques honor the herbs, and she teaches the WHY behind every step of extracting maximum healing from your herbal oils.

Yes, you could go down the rabbit hole searching online for how to make your own herbal oils. However, why not make it easy on yourself and learn directly from a master with 30+ years experience all in one course? Kami has literally thousands of hours making and using these oils since she first started in 1987. She knows all the tips and tricks to extract the most from your herbs and how to combine them to achieve the most potent results with the most reliable shelf life.

Natural herbal oils are expensive when purchased, but you can make them yourself for a fraction of the price with the knowledge you learn from the Handcrafted Healing Herbal Oils Course. Click below to learn more about this course.

🌿 I’m Ready to Learn to Make My Own Herbal Oils! 🌿
Enrollment is closing soon so don’t wait and miss out on this great opportunity!

It’s thyme to get natural!

🌱 Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱


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Tucker on X (Twitter) speaking with Dr. Pierre Kory about vax injuries. This link is to WND and you can watch it there without going to X.



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Dear Friend,
When you discover the key to engaging your body’s natural healing capacity, you can tap into that infinite resource to overcome disease.
To achieve true biochemical, physiological, and psychospiritual wellness, your mind, heart, and body must be in harmony. That harmony, that openness to learning, experience, and change promotes robust health, longevity, and optimal quality of life. Opening yourself up on every level can open you up to healing and long-term health.
Unfortunately, your innate drive to survive upsets that harmony and shifts your body toward disease states. That’s the survival paradox: when your body’s fight or flight instincts conflict with your ability to heal and thrive.
By taking a holistic approach to mind-body healing, you can transform your survival response into a positive experience. You can create space for this transformation, and cultivate your own essential healing capacity through meditation, love, and compassion.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
We’re nearing the end of this groundbreaking docuseries, Cancer Secrets…
And I am SO grateful for all the support you´ve given me!
Honestly, without you, none of this would be possible.
It means so much that you´re here…
Learning about natural healing…
Seeking the solutions to empower yourself…
It's simply incredible, and I want you to know that!
Now, with all that said, I'm excited to announce that
Episode 10: Brain Drain: The Root Causes of Mood Disorders and Neurodegenerative Syndromes...
Bonus Episode: The Stress-Health Link: The Silent Connection Between Stress and Chronic Diseases...
Are LIVE right now!​


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Member For 5 Years
This Japanese Condiment Clinically Improves Memory: How Wasabi Protects Against Cognitive Decline
A spicy, bright green horseradish paste served alongside sushi, wasabi has gained immense popularity at Japanese restaurants worldwide. But emerging research suggests that beyond livening up your meal, wasabi contains powerful compounds that may bolster declining brains.
PCOS? How to Induce Ovulation Using 'Hen of the Woods'
This natural culinary delicacy helped trigger ovulation in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), offering a natural alternative to commonly used medications.

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