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depend on yorself that way you dont get lied to


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I’m not sure that I can convey in words how moved I am by the responses I’ve received to my Meditation 2.0 event.

Many who attended the event reported having profound glimpses of awakening simply by following along with the material.

If you were able to join us, thank you for your participation in this potent transformational process.

If you weren’t able to attend the seminar earlier, I hope you’ll find time to tune in to the streaming event that my team is making available for free online listening now until Sunday night.


Meditation 2.0: The Miracle of Direct Awakening

Until Sunday, March 10th at Midnight Pacific Time

Access the Streaming Here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi, if you're interested in discovering the latest and most effective evidence-based steps to improve your gut health (and, therefore, your overall health)...

Join the FREE "Gut Rescue Summit: Evidence-Based Solutions to FInally Fix Your Health" that starts this Monday, March 11:

This new online learning event features leading gastroenterologists and other MDs and gut health researchers who will consolidate the most valuable new research and advice for you!

It's hosted by veteran gut health researcher and bestselling author, Shivan Sarna, and here's just a taste of what you'll learn:

--> How Your Microbiome Influences Aging

--> Microbiome Restoration After Antiobiotic Exposure

--> How to Stimulate Your Vagus Nerve for Better Gut Health

--> Strategies for Effective Fatty Liver Treatments

--> Getting to the Heart of Heartburn

--> Unraveling the Intricate Connection Between Oral Microbiota and Gut Health

--> Revolutionary IBS Treatments

--> Gut Health's Role in Fighting Metabolic Disorders

--> Methods to Heal and Seal Your Gut

--> Proven Solutions to Repair After Pesticide Exposure

Head here now to find out more and to sign up free for the "Gut Rescue Summit" that starts this coming Monday!

There really is a lot of confusion and misinformation out there right now when it comes to your gut health.

As you'll see, this new event brings together today's top experts, such as William Davis, MD, Margaret Christensen, MD, Isaac Eliaz, MD, and many more...

...Who will share guidance you can personally put into action in your life based on evidence-based research and clinical results.

This actionable advice from trusted sources makes a big difference, so if you are interested in the important area of gut health (whether you suffer specific gut-related issues or you seek to optimize your overall health)...

Register for the free "Gut Rescue Summit: Evidence-Based Solutions to Finally Fix Your Health" right here

Finally, another of the presentations in the summit is Dr. Tom O'Bryan's "Wheat: What's New and What's Next," where he'll share the latest insights and advice regarding gluten and more.

That reminds me of bread, and that -- of course -- reminds me of a couple wonderfully bad dad jokes that are worth sharing with YOU because smiles and laughter are always "good medicine," so...

What did one piece of bread say to the other when they were breaking up?

"You broke my crust!"


What did the other piece of bread say in reply?

"It's true. You deserve butter."


You deserve optimal gut health, so enjoy the important learning in the free "Gut Rescue Summit: Evidence-Based Solutions to Finally Fix Your Health" that starts this Monday, March 11, and enjoy your day!

To Living Long and Living Well,

Brian Vaszily

P.S. Be sure to check out all the free gifts you're getting when you sign up today.

One of these, called "From Gum to Bum: How Your Digestive System Works," is a fascinating and very well-worth-your-while guide presented by gastroenterologist Ali Rezaie, MD:

Head here now


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What if I told you that there was a healing power already at your disposal, and you could use it at any time to calm anxiety, reduce stress, and foster healing?

Well, there is… your breath!

The art of conscious breathing is easier than you think, and I’m excited to share a FREE eBook on how to harness it for better health!

The eBook will teach you how the breath directly influences your nervous system, and you’ll also get specific, guided breathing practices to help you achieve balance and feel more grounded, fast.

Get immediate access to the Conscious Breathing eBook here!

To your health and longevity,

Naomi Adams
Community Director
Awakening To Your Life’s Purpose

P.S. After you receive the eBook, you’ll also get the chance to save a seat for the Beyond Functional Medicine: Deep Healing & Advanced Therapies event coming up this month!

Learn the Subtle Art of Conscious Breathing


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
I can’t believe we’re already halfway through my latest docuseries, Cancer Secrets!
As you know, our journey is FAR from over, so I bring you our latest episodes…
Episode 6 and Bonus Episode 6, which are LIVE right now!
You can watch them right now by clicking on the link below…​
>>> Click here to watch Episode 6 and Bonus Episode 6 of Cancer Secrets
How are you enjoying the series so far?
There’s NOTHING that makes me more excited than sharing the latest, most groundbreaking healing methods that are helping people acheive near-miraculous healing!
I remember when I started thinking about doing this launch…
Before the “pandemic”, Cancer was the C word, and then it was C0VlD…
But now it’s Cancer again… and it’s much more prevalent and more aggressive than before.
Many of the experts I’ve interviewed have revealed their findings about how the jab has clearly influenced this massive trend in turbo cancers.
I knew that if I wanted to try help as many people as possible with my docuseries, I would need to focus on cancer.
The truth is… I have been uncovering these solutions for the longest time…
… but it’s not until now that I have felt confident enough to say that I truly believe there are possible lifesaving treatments that have emerged…
And I NEEDED to get this out to you! My hope is that you’ll share this with anyone and everyone…
It’s not just the jab that has now put our population at risk for these deadly turbo cancers…
It’s even in our food, our air, our water…
The solutions I’ve shared from renowned experts who are helping so many people to heal cannot be found anywhere else
I’ve been researching for over a year now to uncover these methods, and now I’m giving you the chance to watch this for f.ree.
That’s because one of the biggest motivations behind my mission is to share healing protocols that anyone can use to restore their health… No matter how much money they have…
Because I genuinely believe everyone has the right to living a beautiful and healthy life.
So I really want to encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity as I share the brand new episode 6 with you tonight…
I also want to take a moment to say thank YOU to everyone who has supported my mission so far…
The continuation of my work depends on your support, and so by choosing to own my entire docuseries… you are helping me to continue doing what I love…
Sharing the latest groundbreaking healing tools that are kept hidden from you!
>>> Click here to watch Episode 6 and Bonus Episode 6 of Cancer Secrets


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Research continues to be published regarding how noise pollution can negatively impact your health.

There’s even literature on the increase in anxiety and mental health impacts of being in a noisy environment.

For the last few years, I have been sharing with you sound therapies I’ve created based on my research on the human biofield - the electrical system in and around our bodies.

So I was excited when my colleague Lloyd Burrell shared with me an audio to modulate the frequencies in our bodies. And even more excited to be able to finally share it with you now!

To download the FrequencyModulator for no charge, click here.

It comes with a video that gives an overview of sound healing and how it works.

It’s a tool to harness frequencies to address physical, emotion, mental and energetic imbalances.

If you’re interested in learning more about sound healing or experiencing deeper relaxation for yourself, take advantage of this great gift today.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
As nature transitions from winter into spring, we are often inspired to follow the seasonal changes and flow into mindsets and behaviors that support growth, renewal, and revitalization…

With that in mind, I want to invite you to attend the all-new Free, 8-Day ‘Expanded States of Consciousness’ World Summit!

Many of Jean’s friends and colleagues will be presenting at the Summit including Deepak Chopra and acclaimed spiritual teacher Craig Hamilton.

Over the 8 days of the Summit, more than 60 world-class experts — practitioners, scientists, philosophers, researchers, spiritual teachers, and others — will be sharing their leading-edge research and practices with you.

You’ll hear from Sharon Salzberg, Stan & Brigitte Grof, Dan Siegel, Marisa Peer, Gita Vaid, Grandmother Flordemayo, Thomas Hübl, Matthew Johnson, Sandra Ingerman, Richard Schwartz, DaeEss 1Drea Pennington, Robin Carhart-Harris, A. H. Almaas, Sunny Strasburg, John Vervaeke, Amoda Maa, Stephen Porges, Kien Vuu, Kathleen Booker, and many others…

See the full schedule here for the ‘Expanded States of Consciousness’ World Summit

The Summit will focus on the numerous ways we can access expanded states of consciousness and the deep healing, transformation, and awakening they can provide.

Areas of exploration will include meditation, breathwork, psychedelics, plant medicines, shamanism, chanting, and more.

During this inspiring and transformative 8-day event, you’ll also learn practices and techniques to access and integrate those states into your life, while connecting with a global community of kindred spirits.

Get Your Free Ticket to the ‘Expanded States of Consciousness’ World Summit here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Today’s NEW Masterclass is very close to our hearts as Laurentine’s father struggled with some of the health issues we discuss.
We were lucky enough to sit down with Dr. Heather Sandison, an expert in cognitive health, particularly Alzheimer’s & Dementia. In today’s Masterclass, she shares many little known truths about these two conditions, including that 40% of Dementia and Alzheimer’s could be prevented.
CLICK HERE to watch it NOW. >>

Symptoms like brain fog, forgetfulness, and difficulty concentrating shouldn’t be ignored, and today Dr. Heather breaks down not only how to reverse cognitive decline, but also how to prevent it.
In this Masterclass, you will learn:
  1. The importance of taking action to optimize cognitive function as early as your 40s.
  2. How to understand cognitive decline, including detection, prevention, and reversal.
  3. The easy win and biggest change you can make for your brain health today.
  4. Dr. Sandison’s favorite brain-boosting recipe using just 5 ingredients.
  5. The widely available supplements you can take to support your brain health.
And much more!
The information Dr. Heather shares is cutting-edge and so important for everyone to hear. Feel free to share this Masterclass with your family and friends.
In good health,

James & Laurentine

James & Laurentine
James & Laurentine

Dr. Heather Sandison Masterclass


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

Can you believe we’ve already reached Day 6 of my BRAND NEW docuseries, Cancer Secrets?

Last night, we launched the latest Episode 6:The Golden Secret: Harnessing the Power of Urotherapy for Holistic Healing.

Viewers got to hear from top natural health experts Dr. Nathan Bryan, Dr. Nathan Goodyear, Dr. Antonio Jimenez and Dr. Eric Zielinski…

I also aired the brand new BONUS Episode 6 – Beyond Conventional Medicine: Exploring Holistic Healing Approaches for Cancer and Chronic Diseases…

Both episodes gave you access to top-notch protocols that you won’t find anywhere else!

Did you know that Big Pharma is actively seeking out to BLOCK this information from you?

The crazy part is they’re even watching what I’m doing! And all the experts who bravely bring you this information.

I was less than shocked to hear that one particular person who covered from very severe disease - a type of cancer…

Using Chlorine Dioxide… was too afraid to be interviewed for my series…

His reason was that someone who had a similar, near-miraculous experience was actually killed for talking publicly about the benefits of Chlorine Dioxide.

We’ve even heard of people being locked up for this.

But I refuse to let the fear of speaking about these potentially life-saving methods hold me back.

And so I really want to encourage you to take advantage of this series - even if you DON’T claim your gold package…

You will still get access to affordable healing methods that to most are completely unheard of.

So just for the next few hours… you can watch the latest Episode 6 and Bonus Episode 6 before I remove them (Due to heavy censorship, I can’t keep airing these indefinitely)

>>> Click here to watch Episode 6 and Bonus Episode 6 of Cancer Secrets


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

I asked about gadolinium from MRI contrast during our Going Integrative Plus call with Dr. Michael Karlfeldt last week Jim…

And he said that while the best option is not getting contrast (which IS an option way more often than most radiologists will acknowledge until you stand your ground and demand to try)…

His primary go-to for getting it back out of the body is chelation with EDTA.

Also last week, I talked about tire and brake dust in the air…

exposing all of us to heavy metals, nanoplastics, and the whole chemical cocktail, including 6PPD-quinone in particular that’s been proven ESPECIALLY toxic, found in that particulate matter.

Tying this together, back in the SIXTIES, a study was conducted on residents of a small Swiss town next to a freeway…

in which one group was preventatively treated one group with EDTA, and compared to a control group who were NOT treated.

18 years later, only ONE of 59 treated patients (1.7%) had died of cancer, while 30 of 172 non-treated control subjects (17.6%), had died of cancer.

That’s a 90% reduction in cancer deaths, in other words.

Death from artherosclerosis was also reduced.

Amaaaaazing timing that we’re finally doing a webinar on the EDTA cream I’ve been talking a whole lot about on our Q&A’s and interviews lately!!

I’ll be live with my friend Sarina Roth, going deep on EZDtox - the gift to humanity her late husband and my good friend Dr. Michael Roth left behind!!

You can register to attend + ask questions live / catch the replay / get the webinar-only deal here!!

Oh, and one note of explanation on why this is such a miracle.

EDTA chelation therapy has up until now been something you had to pay hundreds of dollars a pop for a trained practitioner to administer IV…

now you can do it yourself for a few bucks in the comfort of your own home. :)

Oh… and I’ll also talk about why you want to know about this concerning gr@phene oxide and the sp1ke protein in another email. :)

Bottom line this is a VERY important one make sure to catch it!!

- Ryan Sternagel & The Anti-Cancer Revolution Team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

Cancer is a complex health issue that has many causes both known and unknown, and perhaps one of the most overlooked root causes of it are the hundreds of thousands of toxins we’re being exposed to on a daily basis.

Over 140,000 chemicals and toxins are invading our environment, affecting every part of our daily lives - from the food we eat to the air we breathe, making our bodies fertile ground for cancer.

This alarming fact might seem overwhelming, but the good news is that you have the ability to counteract these invisible threats and protect your health.

Which is why we’re inviting you to a transformative webinar this coming Thursday at 7pm led by Nathan Crane and Dr. Dana Flavin, two leading figures in holistic cancer prevention.

Just register here to reserve your seat.

This session is completely F.REE and will arm you with the knowledge and tools you need to:

  • The nine most DANGEROUS hidden toxins strongly linked to cancer and other chronic diseases most people don’t know about
  • A 3-Step "Anti Toxin Shortcut" that cleanses cancer-causing toxins from your organs
  • What REALLY causes tumors to grow in your body? (This acts like Miracle Gro for cancer cells and explains why cancer rates have 5X’d in the last 70 years.)
  • Why most Toxins are disguised as "Healthy" and the simple steps you can take to eliminate these toxins from your life
  • Why most detoxes don’t work, and how you can eliminate these toxins out of your body for good
And so much more.

This webinar is more than just information—it's about empowering you to take decisive action against the toxins that threaten our well-being with the kind of knowledge that you may not get anywhere else.

Don't let these toxins compromise your vitality and future. It's time to make an informed stand for the sake of your family and yourself.

Reserve your spot now for this F.REE webinar.

Together in fighting cancer,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Did you know that 1 in 5 Americans suffers from digestive problems?

And those are the people who admit to them. Countless more are suffering silently, every day.

I know that because I suffered silently for years

I dreaded the post-meal bloat and I never knew just *what was wrong* 😩.

And the worst thing? I now know that gut illnesses silently erode your health, your body and even your mind!

But all that changed when I discovered how to heal my gut.

So whether you suffer from SIBO, reflux, IBS, or even unexplained bloating, you won’t want to miss a special event: The Gut Rescue Summit.

Featuring the insights of over 40 gut health experts, this masterclass series will dive deep into the latest scientific discoveries, studies, and practical tools to help you get your health back.

Here is a sneak peek of some of the research-driven strategies you’ll discover:

🍞 How to recover from pesticide exposure (we all need this one)

🧪 The latest on IBS treatments and solutions that work

🥇 The first step to your gut-healing journey (hint: you have it daily)

🧠 The gut-brain connection and how to use one nerve to heal your digestive health

And much more (all for free!).

Jim, I never cease to be amazed by how gut healing changes lives (most of all mine!).

So don’t miss the chance for this - it starts tomorrow!

>>> Get your spot here.

To healthier guts and richer lives,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are you part of the almost 50% of Americans dealing with high blood pressure?

If so, you don’t have to worry anymore. Because we have some exciting news for you…

We’re offering a unique resource that could be a game-changer in your health journey – and it’s absolutely fr-ee.

👉 Introducing 5 Ways to Decrease Your Blood Pressure Without Medications by Laurie Marbas, MD, MBA.

Dr. Marbas, a renowned expert and the host of the upcoming Reversing Hypertension Naturally Summit has compiled this essential guide to help you manage hypertension without relying solely on pills. Inside this insightful guide, you’ll:

✅Discover alarming statistics about hypertension and its global impact.

✅Learn about five natural, effective strategies to reduce your blood pressure.

✅Understand how simple, everyday lifestyle changes can dramatically improve your health.

This guide is more than just a collection of tips; it’s a comprehensive approach to taking control of your blood pressure naturally.

And the best part? As a bonus for downloading the guide, you’ll receive a FR-EE ticket to the Reversing Hypertension Naturally Summit, hosted by Dr. Marbas herself!

Here, Dr. Marbas and over 40+ experts will delve deeper into natural ways to manage blood pressure, share their insights, and answer your burning questions.

>>Click here to get your fr-ee copy and ticket now<<

Don’t miss this chance to gain invaluable knowledge from Dr. Laurie Marbas and take a significant step towards a healthier, medication-free life.

We’re excited to have you join us on this journey to better health!

P.S. Remember, understanding and managing your blood pressure naturally can lead to a healthier, more fulfilling life. Let’s start this journey together today!<<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Food Revolution Network
Hi Jimi,
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes inflammation of the joints, as well as fatigue, pain, stiffness, and impaired physical functioning.
Medications like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or steroids are often used for treatment.
But they come with significant negative side effects.
Can diet and lifestyle help?
Get the whole story here.
Yours for less pain and more health,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. If you, or anyone you love, suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, or if you just want to know more about the foods that can help, check out our new article now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Are you a parent with an adult child who is distant, irritable, or difficult to connect with?
Or, conversely, do you struggle to feel seen, validated, or accepted by a parent?
Parent-child conflict is very normal, but it doesn’t typically resolve on its own.
That’s why I strongly recommend Bridging Family Divides: The 3 Critical Ingredients To Healing Parent-Child Relationships for anyone looking to heal their familial relationships.

It’s a FREE online training offered by my dear friend and trusted colleague Matthias Barker, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, aimed to provide the skills necessary to repair parent-child conflict in order to prevent hurt feelings, estrangement, and long-term relationship damage.
Among other topics, he’ll cover:
  • How to have productive conversations without making things worse (Situations like these are already hard…here’s how to make them more approachable)
  • How to get your relationship back to a positive place (Instead of being stuck in the past or in cycles of negativity)
  • What to do when you encounter resistance or your efforts are rejected (Also, what should you do when you’re being ignored or treated badly?)
  • How to lower the other person’s defenses, opening the way for communication (This is how you help them understand what you need and get them on board)
  • Get to the real root of conflicts so you engage in healing exchanges (Laying the groundwork for mutual respect and reconnection)
  • And much more
Matthias is a very in-demand healer and this is a one-time event without a replay, so if you believe that any of your relationships (with your family OR otherwise — these skills are applicable to all relationships!) could benefit from this wisdom, please don't miss out.
Secure your FREE spot while you still can
P.S. If you’re not familiar with Matthias yet, I sincerely hope you’ll take this opportunity to become acquainted with him. Matthias is a long-time friend whom I trust and admire, one I turn to often for insight and collaboration. He’s internationally-renowned for his psychoeducational content, which he delivers to a global community of over 5 million people — and his innovative blend of mental health advocacy and advice has helped countless people experience healing and personal growth. Register now for FREE


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Green Light's Surprising Role in Combating Migraines
With pharmaceutical approaches to migraines failing to produce safe and effective outcomes, a landmark study shows that something as simple as exposure to Nature's preferred wavelength: GREEN, may make all the difference in helping those suffering from receiving lasting relieft.​
Unlocking Longevity: Polyphenols' Role in Profound Reductions in Mortality Risk
Imagine reducing your risk of early death by over a third just by what you eat. Unveil the power of polyphenols in this insightful exploration.​
The Emerging Choice for Infants: Evaluating the Benefits of Goat Milk Formula
Is goat milk formula the key to better infant health? Dive into recent research findings that are challenging long-held beliefs and offering new hope for parents seeking the best for their babies' nutrition​


Microdosing the Spirit of Nature featuring Katie Hess
Katie captures the activating life-force potential of flowers and translates it into an accessible method to bring more happiness into our daily lives. One of the most sustainable forms of natural medicine, flower remedies are known for their short-term benefits like clarity, focus and sleep, with long-term benefits of rapid personal growth. Having gathered empirical research from thousands of private clients, Katie created a flower essence library with over 150 elixirs now used by people in more than 50 countries.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Yesterday, a bill that exempts private and parochial schools from the state’s childhood vaccine mandates passed in West Virginia and is expected to become law.
ICAN is pleased to announce that West Virginia private and parochial schools will now be able to offer an exemption to the state’s vaccine mandate for school children! ICAN recently supported a monumental lawsuit in Mississippi that restored a religious exemption for all elementary and secondary schools in that state. It then supported a lawsuit in West Virginia to do the same that is still ongoing but is already clearly having an impact. Rest assured, ICAN does not intend to stop until public school students in West Virginia also have an exemption available to them and ICAN will continue its legal efforts in the other four remaining states that do not yet have a non-medical exemption. Thank you for supporting this groundbreaking and critical work!
To support future legal action like this, click here to donate!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Is It Ever Too Late To Build Muscle?
The good news is that muscle mass can increase at any age in response to exercise. In an important study of weight lifting and older adults conducted with 100 male and female residents of a nursing home in Boston (age range: 72 to 98 years; average age 87), subjects lifted weights with their legs three times a week for 10 weeks...
Is the Sugar Substitute Splenda Safe?
A study done at Duke University and published this past week in the Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health has some interesting news about the sugar substitute known as Splenda (sucralose). Splenda is an artificial sweetener that creates the sugar sucralose from raffinose – a starch derived from sugar beets. The chemical sucralose, which contains chlorine, is marketed as a natural sugar. However, Splenda isn’t natural at all....
Have a Sore Throat? Gargle With Salt Water
In a randomized study published in The American Journal of Preventive Medicine, researchers recruited almost 400 healthy volunteers and followed them for 60 days during cold and flu season. Some of the subjects were told to gargle three times a day...
Magnesium is the Anti-Stress Mineral
Here are just some of the symptoms of a magnesium deficiency: asthma, lowered energy levels, sleeplessness, headaches, muscle aches, tension and soreness, fatigue, anxiety, seizures, nervousness, PMS, weak bones, teeth grinding, insomnia, difficulty breathing, and heart problems....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Breastfed Babies Are Smarter
The American Academy of Pediatrics as well as the American Medical Association and the World Health Organization recommend breastfeeding for babies. Health experts claim breastfeeding helps defend against infections, prevent allergies, and protect against a number of chronic conditions...
Exercise Before Breakfast Yield Best Results
For the study, researchers in Belgium recruited 28 healthy, active young men and began stuffing them with a truly lousy diet, composed of 50 percent fat and 30 percent more calories, overall, than the men had been consuming. Some of the men agreed not to exercise during the experiment. The rest were assigned to one of two exercise groups. The groups’ regimens were identical and exhausting...
Get Off The Couch And Start Exercising!
According to epidemiologist and researcher Steven Blair, the gravest public health problem of the 21st Century is Americans’ physical inactivity and it poses the greatest risk of ill health to Americans.
A professor of exercise science and epidemiology at the University of South Carolina’s Arnold School of Public Health, Dr. Blair is recognized as one of the world’s leading experts on exercise and its health benefits....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I hope you're feeling good today :).

Do you have any idea how easy it is to be exposed to a DEADLY heavy metal?

Mercury is all around you—in your food, water, even in the air you breathe!

It’s imperative that you take action to protect yourself against the serious health consequences that can result from exposure to this metallic element.

Click here to read our blog post for a deep-dive into everything you need to know about mercury…
I promise that after reading this, you’ll never take the topic lightly again.​

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Genetically modified rennet in most American cheeses:



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
EAT TO LIVE PODCAST: Sleep & Meditation​

Dive into the world of sleep and meditation, and learn how a Nutritarian lifestyle impacts your overall well-being. Watch or listen to the latest episode of the Eat to Live Podcast, which I host with my daughter, Jenna Fuhrman. CLICK HERE


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
Did you catch last night’s AMAZING Episode 7 and BONUS Episode 7 of my BRAND NEW docuseries, Cancer Secrets?
In Episode 7, our amazing health experts took us through key principles on our immune system’s function…
And how God designed it to not only protect your body against infectious diseases…
But also for wound healing and even chronic disease prevention.
In Bonus Episode 7, top health experts Dr. Henry Ealy, Dr. Daniel Nuzum and Thomas E. Levy…
Joined us to uncover the hidden sources of inflammation that you should be on the lookout for…
As well as natural and holistic remedies that you can do to lower or even eliminate chronic inflammation in the body.
If you missed this or would like to watch it again, NOW’s the time to do so!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

I thought it was time to let you know what's been going on lately...

You might be wondering why there's been radio silence on the podcast.

It's been nearly two months since our last guest, (which by the way, was an absolute belter with Dr. Alan Watkins - one of the most downloaded podcasts so far)

So, why did I stop the podcast?

This last year has been a rollercoaster with the arrival of my little one. It's been the best of times but also quite rough. It's been hard to venture out as much, mingle, and dive into breath retreats, leaving me feeling a bit lonely at times.

I must confess, one of my biggest regrets in 2023 was letting my breathing practice slide amid the joys and challenges of parenting and running TAKE A DEEP BREATH full-time.

My clients were smashing their goals, but my own practice was gasping for air!

A couple of months back, I hit pause for a bit of soul-searching. I realized just how much I missed community and holding myself to my own practices.

This led to a difficult choice:
putting the podcast on hold to pour my energy into fostering a community where we can:

- Deepen our breathing practice.
- Learn and teach the art of breathwork.
- Make connections with amazing people.
- Have accountability and structure to improve our health.

And guess what? It's been two weeks since we kicked off this adventure.


Yeh, but what is it, you ask?

It's a vibrant breathing community on an amazing platform called Skool, (no more sad Facebook groups) and it's become my new daily hangout with over 120 kindred spirits.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Wednesday, 3/13, our 139th episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Ep. 139 - Twitter - 1
Click to watch the show!​
In his From the Heart segment, Dr. Paul shares a heartfelt message about the importance of community and unity. He calls for efforts to unite while embracing different perspectives, fostering a sense of togetherness starting from our homes and extending to our towns. Drawing from his upbringing in a tight-knit village where everyone cared for one another, he emphasizes the value of community support and belonging. Don't miss this touching reminder to prioritize love, unity, and connectedness in building a stronger community.
Brandon and Jolene Weiberg, members of Minnesota Team Humanity, join Dr. Paul and DeeDee Hoover to share their remarkable journey from personal health struggles to political action. Their story begins with Brandon's adverse reaction to the COVID-19 jab, which culminated in his decision to run for mayor to promote freedom, unity, and informed choice in their small town. Don't miss this inspiring episode, which highlights the importance of individual agency, community engagement, and advocating for health freedom. To learn more about MN Team Humanity, check out
Don’t miss out on DeeDee’s closing thoughts, where she shares a personal realization about how good intentions may sometimes be misinterpreted and emphasizes the importance of communication rooted in love and understanding. This is a gentle reminder for all of us to communicate and receive feedback with love and openness, fostering meaningful connections and personal development.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Mother nature's joint lubricant...

Last week, the topic was getting real with your food.

One aspect we covered is the importance of getting fat with your food.

It’s not what you think. Let me re-frame it…

Getting healthy fats in your nutrition plan.

Healthy fats are absolutely essential for rebuilding strong bones, mobile joints, and a sturdy spine.

Foods like avocados, almonds, walnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, salmon, mackerel, sardines (my personal favorite;-))...

And of course the grand-daddy of them all: Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO for short)

EVOO is packed with powerful polyphenol antioxidants.

These little guys act as bodyguards, protecting your cells from oxidative stress.

Less cellular damage means better conditions for healing and growth.

Plus, polyphenols also help control inflammation naturally which is always nice.

Want more?

They also support brain health and provide neuroprotection.

As you may know, the brain-body connection is key for having upright posture, coordination, and balance.

Now, the bad news:

Most store-bought olive oils are old news.

The longer olive oil sits, the more those precious polyphenols degrade.

That's why you need freshly pressed olive oil from a trusted source.

To be upfront with you, that’s how I bought my EVOO in the past…


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. Chris Flowers, an academic physician, radiologist, and breast cancer specialist, said…

“Perhaps most distressing is the rise in the young of what some oncologists now call ‘turbo cancers,’ a new term.”

But even in the face of these challenges, there is hope in the healing power of natural medicine…

There are numerous natural solutions to repair your cells from deadly bioweapon attacks…

But it all begins with acknowledging and understanding the issue at hand.

That’s why Jonathan Otto and his team have spent countless hours putting together his latest docuseries, you can watch DAY 8 of Cancer SecretsHAPPENING NOW!

Where you will learn some INCREDIBLE natural protocols that have all it takes to change the tide on cancer.

A lot has been hidden from you, but NOW’s the time to know the truth for yourself!

Watch the Cancer Secrets trailer HERE!

Get ready to learn from world-renowned natural health experts who have risked it ALL to keep the flag of functional medicine flying high.

They have experience and a deep understanding of how to turn the tables on chronic disease by uprooting it from its roots.

Watch this exclusive interview with Sayer Ji and grab your FREE download of the Top 6 Evidence-Based Cancer Fighting Foods.​
Cancer is a growing threat in our modern world. If you have not downloaded any of the FREE eBooks, we encourage you to do so now before the Cancer Secrets series ends on March 15.​
Cancer Epidemic: The Alarming Rise in Post-Vaxx Turbo Cancers – And How to Reverse Them​
The Cancer-Parasite Connection & How to Effectively Purge Your Body with Research-Proven Natural Medicines​
Beating Brain Cancer: Nicotine & Other Censored Natural Medicines for Tumor Reversal​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Anthony Fauci is Tackling Misinformation?!; Jefferey Jaxen Reports ON CDC Now Saying Treat COVID Like The Flu, Nine COVID Shots to Bring you Up-To-Date, the Failing Electric Vehicle Market, new Draconian Laws Carry Severe Penalties For ‘Hate’; Kentucky Senator Rand Paul Exposes the COVID Deception and the Business of Science in Stellar Interview with Del; ICAN Legal Update Exposes FDA Circus; Make Sure to Attend the Spring MAPS Conference
Guests: Senator Rand Paul​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi!
I have a new interview for you today with raw living foods expert Carolyn Marin.
Carolyn is the Executive Director of the Ann Wigmore Natrual Health Institute and serves as a diet and lifestyle instructor and therapist. She has helped thousands of people improve and restore their health with raw food and healthy lifestyle practices.
Carolyn is a compassionate patient advocate committed to helping others adopt a healthier lifestyle in order to thrive and overcome chronic health conditions. She is a wealth of knowledge. Enjoy!
Show Notes:
-The story of Ann Wigmore
-Ann's principles of health and healing
-The importance of doing the mental, emotional and spiritual work
-Reexamine every part of your life
-The gateway to radical life change
-Loving yourself is taking care of yourself
-Your thoughts impact your health
-You're not a victim of disease
-Unlocking your inner healer
-Don't force others to change with you
-Healing happens at home
-Healing the gut with fermented foods
-The benefits of Energy Soup
-It takes time to build a healthy gut
-Reasons to keep dosing throughout the day
-And more!

Watch our interview here

May you prosper in good health even as your soul prospers...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Anti-Aging Power of Kale: Harnessing Nature's Secret for Youthful Skin
With billions spent every year on exotic chemical- and toxin-based anti-aging schemes like I am a spammer ban me, what if the key to unlocking the fountain of youth was nestled in the curly leaves of kale?​
"Remarkable" 20% Drop in Post-Surgery Opioids With Simple, Safe Supplement
Giving the antioxidant NAC during spine surgery was demonstrated to lower patients' postoperative pain and reduce their need for dangerous opioid drugs.​
Sweet Relief for Cystic Fibrosis Patients: Honey Syrup Promising Results
For cystic fibrosis patients dependent on harsh drug regimens just to breathe, an ancient Persian medicine syrup made with honey and herbs offers a sweet sigh of relief.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Removing Toxic Fluoride from the Naples, FL Drinking Water with's Most Powerful Feature

In this video, Sayer Ji, founder of, explains the historical decision by the Collier County Commissioners to unanimously remove fluoride from their municipal tap water.​


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