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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
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Cancer Epidemic



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Don't want these Bible Health tips? Simply unsubscribe.
Today, we're excited to share with you a few of our best blog posts highlighting the Bible Health solutions you need for an abundant life and natural, gentle immune support...
500 Seats Reserved:
Protect Yourself - The Air in Your Home is NOT Safe (be sure to save your seat before it's too late)!
From the Blog...

Embracing Spring's Return
Just consider how devastating a winter season can be; it’s a wonder that anything can grow after what may seem like countless months of cold stillness. Yet every springtime, we get to witness the miracle of nature as it conquers snow, ice and inhabitable freezing temperatures to give birth to new life year after year.
The Bible says that God's mercy is new each morning and we see that same principle echoed in nature each spring. What does a winter season like spiritually speaking?
Perhaps you've not been growing the way you feel you should, in your relationship with the Lord and others. Or maybe you aren't sure how to bless those around you and sow into their lives.
We believe it's time to bask in the warmth and light that the Lord brings to our lives and bloom brightly for those around us to see...
We were blessed and honored to be featured on the 700 Club last week for their Boost Your Immunity Series. Check it out and let me know what you think!
Our segment starts at 16:07 and you can watch that here.
We were interviewed about how to keep your home healthy and free of toxins and we highlighted the importance of being aware of toxic fragrances.
The interviewers were shocked at what they learned and how they NEEDED air purifiers in their home to protect themselves from airborne pathogens, chemicals and harmful VOCs.

Learn more in the Healthy Air Web Class and be sure you and your family are protected!
Spotlight: Toxic Breath Syndrome
Like us, you're someone who cares about your health and your family’s health.
And the quality of the air you breathe at home can’t be ignored. In fact, it’s crucial!
Fact is, unless you are actively doing something about it...
The air in your home is dangerous...
And it could be contributing to Toxic Breath Syndrome, when every breathe you take is full of air that has microlevels of toxins that lead to chronic disease (cancer, diabetes, heart disease, autoimmunity) because they accumulate over time.
Things like Mold – often spread by your A/C systems. Airborne pathogens like bacteria, pet dander, VOC’s from your furniture, artificial fragrances in your body care & cleaning products...
And the list of problems goes on and on.
These particulates don't harm us at first, but when we are exposed to them day after day after day, chemical bioaccumulation occurs and our bodies literally become toxic waste centers.
And since we spend 90% of our time indoors now – it’s more vital than ever that we deal with these problems!
The EPA even tell us that indoor air pollution can contribute to health risks such as headaches, dizziness, fatigue, heart disease, and even cancer.
To bring this invisible issue to light and to offer some simple solutions, our friend Trevor created a brand new Web Class, " Protect Yourself - The Air in Your Home is NOT Safe" to explain everything.
If you’re concerned about the quality of air in your home (especially if you or a loved one struggles with allergies, respiratory issues, or you suspect your home is infected with mold)...
You will not want to miss this event. :)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Can Humans Metabolize Oxalate?​

Chris Masterjohn, PhD has recently come up with a compelling hypothesis based on scientific evidence that human beings can metabolize oxalate and that the rate at which they can do so depends on their biotin status. This of course has HUGE implications.
I summarized this hypothesis in a new section added to the article about "How To Stop Vitamin C From Forming Oxalate. To go straight to that new section of the article, click here.

Can Vitamin C Prevent Kidney Stones??​

You probably know that Vitamin C can convert to oxalate and that oxalate can contribute to the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones.
But it turns out that it's not that simple. I came across some research that showed that vitamin C and other antioxidants can actually reduce the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones.
I also looked at the research on high doses of vitamin C causing kidney stones and found something interesting. It looks like high-dose vitamin C therapy only contributes to kidney stones under certain conditions, and even then it seems quite rare.
So I added this information to beginning and end of the article I wrote previously, "How To Stop Vitamin C From Forming Oxalate". I recommend taking a look.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
check out these recent episodes from Rosie Radio:



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Heart disease—the leading cause of death in the United States—has been strongly linked to lifestyle factors, particularly diet. Medications and surgeries do not tackle the fundamental cause of heart disease. However, there is good news: heart disease can actually be prevented and even reversed…
And we’ve got 3 easy and delicious recipes to help you do just that!
A comprehensive review in July 2021, analyzing 99 studies, demonstrated that diets high in whole plant foods significantly reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases compared to diets high in meat and dairy.
Plant-based foods do not contribute to plaque build-up and can even enhance arterial health and reverse heart disease progression. This improvement occurs because, without the constant influx of cholesterol and fats from meals, the body starts to repair itself, stabilize existing plaque, and naturally expand blood vessels.
Each of these recipes was created with this in mind. (Get 7 more here)

Pumpkin Chai Smoothie​

- 2 sliced bananas, frozen
- 6 fl oz unflavored plant milk
- ¼ (15-oz) can pure pumpkin purée
- ¼ cup quick-cooking oats
- 2 TBSP dried cranberries
- ½ tsp ground cinnamon
- ½ tsp orange zest
- 1 dash ground nutmeg
- 1 pinch ground cloves
- Optional for serving: 1 TBSP dried cranberries
1. In a high-powered blender, combine frozen bananas, plant milk, pumpkin purée, oats, dried cranberries, cinnamon, orange zest, nutmeg, and cloves. Purée until smooth.
2. Pour into glasses and serve. Optionally, sprinkle each serving with dried cranberries.

Blueberry Muffins​

- 5⅓ fl oz unflavored plant milk
- 1 TBSP ground flaxseed
- 1 tsp apple cider vinegar
- 2 cups whole-wheat pastry flour
- 2 tsp baking powder
- ¼ tsp baking soda
- ¾ tsp sea salt
- ½ cup unsweetened applesauce
- ½ cup pure maple syrup
- 1½ tsp pure vanilla extract
- 5 oz blueberries
1. Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line a 12-cup muffin pan with liners.
2. In a large measuring cup, mix plant milk, flaxseed, and cider vinegar. Set aside.
3. Sift flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt into a large bowl.
4. Make a well in the dry ingredients, add the flaxseed mixture, applesauce, maple syrup, and vanilla. Stir until moistened. Fold in blueberries.
5. Fill each muffin cup three-quarters full and bake for 22 to 26 minutes.

Savory Shiitake Oats​

- ½ (32-fl oz) carton low-sodium vegetable broth
- ½ tsp fresh ginger, grated
- 1 cup rolled oats
- 4 oz shiitake mushrooms, sliced
- ¼ yellow onion, chopped
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 2¼ oz baby spinach
- 2 tsp brown rice vinegar
- 2 tsp coconut aminos
- 1 pinch cayenne pepper
- Freshly ground black pepper
1. In a saucepan, bring vegetable broth and ginger to a boil. Stir in oats and simmer for 5 minutes. Cover and let stand for 2 minutes.
2. In a skillet, cook mushrooms, onions, and garlic until tender. Add spinach, vinegar, coconut aminos, and cayenne. Cook until spinach has wilted. Season with black pepper.
3. Serve oats topped with the vegetable mixture.
Which is your favorite?

These heart-healthy recipes come courtesy of Dr Joel Fuhrman and Dr Kahn, who are hosting Reversing Heart Disease Naturally Summit 2.0 in just a couple weeks time…

>>Get a copy of TOP-TASTING RECIPES TO Reverse Heart Disease and a complimentary all-access pass to this online event, here

To a Healthy Heart,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The most powerful healing tools are often very simple, Jimi.

And one of the most accessible of all is conscious breathing, which you can use at any time to calm anxiety, reduce stress, and foster healing.

The good news is that conscious breathing is easier than you think, and we are excited to share a FREE eBook on the power of conscious breathing!

This eBook will teach you how the breath directly influences your nervous system, and you’ll also get specific, guided breathing practices to help you achieve balance and feel more grounded, fast.

Get immediate access to the Conscious Breathing eBook.

In support of your journey to greater health and wellbeing,

Laura Trumbull

P.S. After you receive the eBook, you’ll also get the chance to save a seat for the Beyond Functional Medicine: Deep Healing & Advanced Therapies event coming up this month!

Learn the Subtle Art of Conscious Breathing


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
We’ve officially kicked off our 2024 Masterclass Series: Discover Practical Solutions to Heal Your Gut, Balance Your Hormones, and Reduce Stress & Inflammation. 🎉

If you’re suffering from headaches, feeling fatigued, or think you might be addicted to gluten, you’re in the right place. Today’s release is one of the most sought-after topics in our community, and you can start watching now: Learn How to Heal Your Gut & Detox Your Body with Dr. Tom O’Bryan.

CLICK HERE to start watching NOW. >>

Dr. Tom O’Bryan is considered a ‘Sherlock Holmes’ for chronic disease and teaches that recognizing and addressing the underlying mechanisms that activate an immune response is the map to the highway towards better health.

In this Masterclass, you will learn:

  1. Why gluten proteins are not fully digested by humans, and why gluten intolerance is not just a trend.
  2. The science behind what makes gluten addictive (you’re not just imagining it!).
  3. Why detoxification is crucial for reducing toxin exposure and improving overall wellbeing.
  4. The #1 type of vegetable you can eat to feed the good bacteria in your gut.
  5. The surprising benefit of wheat and why going totally gluten-free can have consequences.
And much more!

Trust us when we say that you won’t want to miss out on today’s Masterclass. But, if you’re unable to watch it today, you have until March 21 to tune in.

You can start watching it HERE. >>

We can’t wait to hear your takeaways - make sure to leave a comment on the watch page!

In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Sleep Apnea: The Other Silent Killer

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

The number of people with sleep apnea has risen in recent years. It’s now estimated that more than 39 million Americans suffer from the disorder, according to the National Council on Aging. But, in fact, the actual figure may be much higher, as sleep apnea is drastically overlooked and underreported.

While sleep apnea has been linked to a growing number of dangerous ailments, it is rarely considered a killer. It should be. Research indicates that the condition is associated with a number of serious heart problems, sudden cardiac arrest included.

Special: What You Don't Know About Strokes Could Kill You

Other health risks related to sleep apnea include high blood pressure, stroke, irregular heartbeats, diabetes, weight gain, adult asthma, acid reflux/GERD, headaches, and liver problems.

The most common risk factors for sleep apnea include age, male gender, family history, obesity, thick neck circumference, smoking, certain medications, and nasal congestion.

People with congestive heart failure, hypothyroid disease, kidney failure, brain damage from stroke or other factors, or neurological ailments such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease are at particular risk for sleep apnea.

Common symptoms include loud snoring, gasping for air during sleep, daytime sleepiness, dry mouth, headaches, and frequently waking up during sleep. Adults aged 50-70 are more likely to be diagnosed with sleep apnea than other age groups.

A sleep study, known as polysomnography, is used to diagnose sleep apnea. This can be done at a sleep clinic or at home. Patients wear sensors that monitor heart rate, breathing, blood oxygen levels, and brain waves while sleeping.

To treat sleep apnea, healthcare providers may recommend lifestyle changes, alternative sleeping positions, oral appliances, or a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

This might alarm you, but we’re living in a world where we are exposed to 80,000 and more toxins on a daily basis.

At that rate, you would think it’s nearly impossible to escape these toxins. And when these toxins find their way into our bodies, they can cause all kinds of problems…

Including heart disease.

Does that mean getting heart disease in today’s toxic world is simply inevitable?

Not at all!

Because as Dr. Joel Kahn explains in this F.REE e-book Toxins and Heart Disease, there are ways to protect your heart from these toxins so they can’t cause any cardiovascular disease that can give you long-term damage.

If you want to protect your heart, download your copy here.
This f.ree resource promises a treasure trove of information to help you keep your heart safe from toxins for life.

But if that’s enough, then you’d love what’s included when you download your copy…

Because you’ll also get F.REE access to the upcoming Reversing Heart Disease Naturally Summit 2.0, where you’ll discover more insights and practical solutions for a healthier heart from 40 world-renowned heart health experts.

Here’s a preview of what you’ll learn in this summit:

  • The often-missed symptoms of silent heart disease
  • How a plant-based diet is your heart's best friend
  • Lifestyle adjustments that can dramatically lower blood pressure without medication
  • The untapped potential of herbal remedies in managing heart health
And many more!

Don’t miss out on the wealth of knowledge you can get here that can save you and your loved ones from the debilitating effects of heart disease.

Take action now to escape the world’s #1 silent killer and…

Download the e-book + get your F.REE ticket to Reversing Heart Disease Naturally Summit 2.0.


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Reddit Exile

Can Humans Metabolize Oxalate?​

Chris Masterjohn, PhD has recently come up with a compelling hypothesis based on scientific evidence that human beings can metabolize oxalate and that the rate at which they can do so depends on their biotin status. This of course has HUGE implications.
I summarized this hypothesis in a new section added to the article about "How To Stop Vitamin C From Forming Oxalate. To go straight to that new section of the article, click here.

Can Vitamin C Prevent Kidney Stones??​

You probably know that Vitamin C can convert to oxalate and that oxalate can contribute to the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones.
But it turns out that it's not that simple. I came across some research that showed that vitamin C and other antioxidants can actually reduce the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones.
I also looked at the research on high doses of vitamin C causing kidney stones and found something interesting. It looks like high-dose vitamin C therapy only contributes to kidney stones under certain conditions, and even then it seems quite rare.
So I added this information to beginning and end of the article I wrote previously, "How To Stop Vitamin C From Forming Oxalate". I recommend taking a look.

vitamin c cannot stop kidney stones. i have had them cut out,blown up 3 operations for them and every bit of suggested doers and old wifes tales.


Gold Contributor
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New Member
Reddit Exile
The most powerful healing tools are often very simple, Jimi.

And one of the most accessible of all is conscious breathing, which you can use at any time to calm anxiety, reduce stress, and foster healing.

The good news is that conscious breathing is easier than you think, and we are excited to share a FREE eBook on the power of conscious breathing!

This eBook will teach you how the breath directly influences your nervous system, and you’ll also get specific, guided breathing practices to help you achieve balance and feel more grounded, fast.

Get immediate access to the Conscious Breathing eBook.

In support of your journey to greater health and wellbeing,

Laura Trumbull

P.S. After you receive the eBook, you’ll also get the chance to save a seat for the Beyond Functional Medicine: Deep Healing & Advanced Therapies event coming up this month!

Learn the Subtle Art of Conscious Breathing
try holding your breathe till you pass out, you cant. controlled breathing is nothing new but really if you have a will breathe whether you want to or not. this plastic world comes with experts that can cue everything so i wonder why they are not multi millionairs!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Friend,
Researchers have been studying the effects of meditation on the brain for decades, and have come to some important conclusions that may offer further motivation and inspiration for regular—and certainly for aspiring—practitioners of this time-honored healing art.
Over the years, published research has demonstrated that the practice of regular meditation can increase brain density, boost connections between neurons, decrease symptoms of depression and anxiety, provide clarity of thought and increase positive mood endorphins. Other published studies have shown meditation can improve physical functioning, decrease chronic disease risks and enhance overall quality of life.
These studies demonstrate that regular meditation effectively supports mental, emotional and physical health in numerous tangible ways. In building upon this strong body of evidence, researchers are continuing to deepen our understanding of the profound and inspirational benefits of regular meditation practice in everyday life.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I know that you won’t be a victim of these environmental toxins or the bioweapons that were created under the name of “treatment.”
With that being said, I’m excited to announce Episode 2, Toxic Triggers: Unveiling the Environmental Exposures that are Linked to Disease Manifestation…
And Bonus Episode 2, Detox Protocols: Expert-recommended Alternative Treatments to Remove Toxins from Your Body Naturally…
Are officially LIVE!​
>>> Click here to watch Episode 2 and BONUS Episode 2
In this episode, Unveiling Bioweapons and Environmental Exposures that are Linked to Disease Manifestation…
Our experts open your eyes to the environmental exposures you might not be aware of that are ACTUALLY the root cause of your current health conditions and diseases.

We kickstart the episode with Fran Drescher, who shares a really touching story of how she survived cancer…
In this episode, her journey really lays an inspirational foundation and shows us the transformative power of turning pain into purpose…​

he BONUS Episode 2: Detox Protocols: Expert-recommended alternative treatments to remove toxins from your body Naturally…


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This week's newsletter focuses on a new look at Alzheimer's research, how different kinds of music influence the brain, what happens in your brain when you're not doing anything, why talking speed could be an indicator of cognitive decline, and more...

-->> A New Look at Alzheimer's Research - Dr. David Perlmutter (February 2024)​

In this video, Dr. David Perlmutter provides an in-depth exploration of a crucial but contentious topic in Alzheimer's research and treatment...

-->> Exposure to different kinds of music influences how the brain interprets rhythm - MIT News (March 2024)​

A study of people in 15 countries reveals that while everyone favors rhythms with simple integer ratios, biases can vary quite a bit across societies...

-->> What Your Brain Is Doing When You’re Not Doing Anything - Quanta Magazine (February 2024)​

When your mind is wandering, your brain’s “default mode” network is active. Its discovery 20 years ago inspired a raft of research into networks of brain regions and how they interact with each other...

-->> Having Sleep Apnea Tied to 50% Increased Risk for Memory Issues - Healthline (January 2024)​

Scientists suspect the intermittent drops in oxygen, blood flow, and neuroinflammation seen in people with sleep apnea may impair cognitive function...

-->> Talking speed is a crucial indicator of brain health - Earth. com (February 2024)​

As we age, talking speed slows, and finding the right words can become a slower process, sparking worries about cognitive decline and the possibility of dementia...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Hormones: what we have, what we need, and what to do when we’re out of balance.
This new event brings together in-depth interviews with 40+ of the world’s top experts in hormone health, and also offers extra resources, including tools, techniques and practices you can use to help you learn about your hormones and take an active role in balancing your system.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today's Thought:

"We do not learn from experience...
we learn from reflecting on experience.”​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Curious About PEMFs for Cancer?

Dive into the world of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF), a revolutionary approach to treating cancer. PEMF Therapy is a non-invasive, side-effect-free way to improve your cancer treatment experience. This ground-breaking approach promotes deeper healing and recovery by targeting the cancer process itself in addition to helping to manage symptoms.

PEMF therapy improves tissue health, lowers inflammation, and speeds up recovery after other cancer therapies, making it ideal for various stages of cancer. Consider this multiple action strategy to strike a balance between giving comfort and cancer prevention.

Find out how incorporating PEMF into your everyday cancer care routine can help maintain your health and vitality. Discover more about this integrative, cutting-edge treatment and get personalized guidance at, your complementary and holistic source as part of your comprehensive cancer care solutions.

-->> For more detailed information, guidance and options click here

Clinically-Proven PectaSol Modified Citrus Pectin Helps to Disrupt the Detrimental Cycle of Unhealthy Inflammation and Cellular Dysfunction

The inflammatory protein, Galectin-3, has been called by thousands of practitioners and research papers "one of the root causes of nearly every chronic illness".

PectaSol Modified Citrus Pectin is clinically-proven and backed by over 80 studies, 6 patents, and 30+ years of clinical success. This researched super-nutrient helps to disrupt the detrimental cycle of unhealthy inflammation and cellular dysfunction that comes with high levels of the protein galectin-3.

The life-changing benefits are supported by thousands of doctors who trust and recommend PectaSol to their patients to support oncology, immune health and gentle detoxification.*

I take PectaSol as a way to help manage the cascade of unhealthy inflammation and keep my body healthy and vital. The science behind this product is extraordinary! I can’t recommend it enough.

-->> Start your journey today toward a healthier you with PectaSol Modified Citrus. Get 15% OFF with the code NCRANE15.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
I'm a big fan of munching on fresh broccoli sprouts
Not only are they tasty and loaded with nutrients, but they're also a prime source of sulforaphane, a powerhouse antioxidant.
It’s hard to exaggerate the health importance of sulforaphane. Studies tell us that it can help fight inflammation, protect your brain, detoxify your liver, prevent cancer, support your heart, and promote healthy weight loss.
But sulforaphane isn’t actually in any foods. It’s created in your mouth when you chew raw cruciferous veggies (especially broccoli sprouts).
So, how do you get the most out of this truly incredible nutrient?
Get the whole story on sulforaphane here.
Yours for awesome antioxidants,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Can you get too much sulforaphane? What about supplements? Here's what you need to know.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Natural Ways To Increase Your Glutathione Level
Hey Jimi,

Glutathione is known as the "master antioxidant" and is one of my favorite substances for protecting the cells against damage and oxidation, along with helping reduce inflammation and providing so many more amazing benefits to our body!

As you may have guessed, glutathione is the topic of the day and Evan Brand joins me to discuss how glutathione is important in our health, how we can increase our glutathione levels the natural way, the pros and cons of supplementation, and a lot more.

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
Natural Ways To Increase Your Glutathione Levels | Podcast #292
In this episode, we cover:

Glutathione as Tri Peptide
06:06 Conditions Associated with Low Glutathione
11:32 Glutathione in Helping with Treating Cancer
23:03 Food and Supplements
38:46 Tips, Ideas for Higher Glutathione Levels

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​
You May Also Like... Movement Vs. Exercise

On this great show with Katie, the co-founder of, shares her expertise on redefining fitness standards through functional movement patterns for sustainable results.

Discover how offers personalized at-home workouts and engages users in a holistic approach to fitness. Tune in to gain valuable insights and embark on a journey towards improved well-being!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

For centuries, it has been understood that simple breath techniques can reduce stress, calm anxiety, improve sleep, and foster a state of healing and vitality. 🍃

Now, backed by both ancient wisdom and modern research, Michael Roesslein is excited to share this powerful guide about the profound impact that conscious breathing can have on your life.

--->>Download your complimentary guide, Breathing for Nervous System Regulation.

You'll delve into the fascinating science behind breathing and its direct influence on your nervous system.

From understanding basic nervous system physiology to recognizing the signs of dysfunctional breathing versus optimal breathing patterns, you'll gain invaluable insights into how you can harness the innate power of your breath and enter into a healing state.

You will be guided through practices to harness this natural tool for balance, grounding, and resilience, enhancing your life with ease and energy. The invitation is to try all of the practices and see which ones resonate the most for you!

Embrace the power of breath and embark on a journey towards greater well-being today.

Gain immediate access to Breathing for Nervous System Regulation now.

You’ll also save a seat for the online Beyond Functional Medicine: Deep Healing & Advanced Therapies.

In it, 35+ experts will teach you more about the therapies, practices, and tools that can facilitate lasting physical, emotional, and psychological healing in a way that diet, lifestyle changes, and supplements alone cannot achieve.

Yes, you can truly get started on better health today!

To your health,

Your DrTalks Family

P.S. Enjoy learning from this powerful guide, Breathing for Nervous System Regulation, when you unlock it now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Beets: Evidence-Based Health Benefits
Beets have always been and remain one of the world's most underutilized 'super foods' with a number of powerful, evidence-based health benefits.​
10 Natural Remedies for Arthritis Management Backed By Clinical Studies
Arthritis, affecting millions globally, presents a significant health challenge. This condition, characterized by joint pain and inflammation, varies in severity and type, including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Conventional treatments typically involve non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), corticosteroids, and disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), which, while sometimes effective at reducing symptoms, can pose serious health risks such as gastrointestinal bleeding, liver and kidney damage, and increased risk of heart problems. Emerging research highlights various natural alternatives that might offer comparable or superior benefits without these risks.​
Revolutionizing Grilled Meat: How a PEITC-rich Sauce Can Neutralize Carcinogens
Unlock the power of your favorite grilled dishes with a revolutionary PEITC-rich vegetable sauce, transforming them into a healthier choice.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,

JOIN ME Tonight 6PM CDT For Fibromyalgia Live Q&A

Get your questions answered and learn how to reduce or eliminate chronic pain, poor sleep, fatigue, fibro fog, fibro flares, irritable bowel, and more.


Meeting ID: 838 6872 5096
Passcode: 435788

Listen on Facebook:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

WITH THE WIND WITH DR. PAUL - SHOW 138; Pediatric Perspectives with guest Bob Sears, M.D.

Wednesday, 03/06, our 138th episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Click image to watch!
In case you missed the news, Dr. Paul has launched a new show on CHD.TV titled "Pediatric Perspectives with Paul Thomas." This pioneering series features Dr. Paul, a veteran pediatrician with over three decades of experience, offering invaluable insights into children's health, wellness, and vaccines. We are thrilled to add this show to our lineup. Should you miss the live broadcast on Wednesdays at 4 pm ET / 1 pm PT on the Children's Health Defense's premier platform, you can catch up on episodes here on WTW. Additionally, we have included the audio version in our podcast feed.

This week’s topic is “Informed Parents”​

Break through the mainstream media narratives and dive into the truth about important health-related topics from ‘The Defender,’ today, on ‘Pediatric Perspectives’! Learn about HPV shots and cervical cancer, the battle for parental consent, vaccine effects and adverse events, and more. Also, what should parents do about choosing trustworthy doctors and seeking medical care from a hospital? Be sure to stay to the end to find out!
Watch the episode here!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

How Pesticides Accelerate Aging​


Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Efforts to replace dairy farming with syn-bio milk go back to 1894.


Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
am excited to share TWO things with you today...

ONE -->

TODAY at 430pm ET, I'm hosting a Candida Overgrowth ASK ME ANYTHING!
I know we had technical difficulties when I tried to do this last month, but we should be all good today.
If you'd like to submit a question -- ADD IT HERE
You can use THIS LINK to join me later today.

TWO --> SIBO connection to skin problems...​

If you've never heard of SIBO (it stands for Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth), it can be a factor that definitely should be ruled out -- especially in those with rosacea and psoriasis.
I covered SIBO a couple of times really early on in the podcast (back in 2019), so I felt like it was time to have an updated conversation with one of the biggest SIBO experts -- Dr. Allison Siebecker -- whom I finally met in person this past fall at a conference (though we actually had met years ago online).
In my practice, I assess every client for SIBO (no matter the skin diagnosis) because even though there isn't research yet showing connections to eczema, hives and other conditions, it absolutely can be present.
A lot has changed in how SIBO is approached as well as what triggers SIBO (and how it impacts skin), so I know you're going to LOVE this conversation...

Watch the VIDEO HERE

And if you use Youtube, subscribe to my channel (it's free to do so!) where I'll share unique content outside of the weekly podcast.



In this episode, Dr. Siebecker + I discuss...
  • SIBO overview (based on what we currently know)
  • SIBO symptoms + surprising triggers
  • SIBO-rosacea connection + (other skin rash connections)
  • SIBO breath test vs other testing options
  • How to treat SIBO (conventional vs alternative SIBO treatment options)
  • Myth busting: Can you stop SIBO with a low FODMAP diet?
  • Nervous system dysregulation + SIBO
Leave your questions + comments ON THE BLOG about your experience with SIBO or food poisoning (since that is now considered to be likely the #1 trigger).
And I'm excited to host the Candida Ask-Me-Anything today at 4:30pm ET -- I'll see you all there (and yes, a reminder email will go out this afternoon with the link to join).
Wishing you a relaxing, beautiful weekend ahead!
Your copilot,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
10 tips to prevent vision loss
Dear Friend,
New research into eye health reveals that seniors who live in warmer climates (60°F or above) have a 44% increased risk of serious vision impairment. The study, published in Ophthalmic Epidemiology, also shows that the warmer the weather, the more severe the vision damage — regardless of sex, age, income, and education.
The research team could not identify an exact cause, but they speculate that factors such as higher UV exposure, pollution, and folic acid degradation may play a role.
It will be interesting to see what future studies reveal regarding this correlation. Meanwhile, there are plenty of ways to support your vision and eye health right now. Vision loss does not have to be a “normal” part of aging.
From making your diet rich in key antioxidants to simply wearing sunglasses, here are 10 tips to protect your eyesight and vision health well into your senior years.​
Upcoming Speaking Event
Beyond Functional Medicine Summit | FREE from March 25-31

Hosts Ana Paula Munoz and Michael Roesslein curated this event with deep empathy, recognizing the silent battles that many individuals face and the desire for comprehensive healing that goes beyond surface-level solutions. You’ll learn:
  • Innovative advances in diagnostics
  • Unique cutting-edge treatments & therapies
  • Safe trauma resolution
  • Emotional healing for improved health & well-being
  • Effective nervous system regulation practices
  • The role of energy & biofields in health & disease
  • How to use light & vibration to restore optimal cellular function
I will be speaking at this summit, along with 35+ other experts in chronic illness. Don’t miss my talk on “The Infinite Healing Potential of an Open Heart.” Hope to see you there!
>> Click here to register!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
We are particularly excited to share today’s BRAND NEW Masterclass with you.

If you have been experiencing stress, signs of burnout, or struggle to sleep well, this one's for you. Today, we join Nick Polizzi to learn how to use medicinal herbs to find calm and restore balance.

CLICK HERE to start watching it NOW. >>

With today’s Masterclass, we also wanted to give you a FREE eBook: Learn How to Use Medicinal Herbs to Reduce Stress, Calm Anxiety & Boost Your Mood. Get ready to embrace healing herbs and plants in your diet and lifestyle to find calm and restore balance to your health. Plus, we have included 5 delicious recipes you can make.

You can access the eBook HERE. >>

In today’s Masterclass with Nick, you will learn:

  1. The science of herbalism and how to use it to manage stress, anxiety, depression, and sleep issues.
  2. The #1 mushroom to help combat stress, anxiety, and low moods.
  3. What bitter herbs and flavors can do for your digestion.
  4. The nervine herbs that can calm your nervous system and give you better sleep.
  5. Why you should ditch the chamomile tea bags and grow chamomile yourself for daily use.
And much more!

The information shared in this Masterclass is going to give you insight into traditional healing rather than a ‘pill for every ill’ method that many doctors seem to use today.

Happy watching!

In good health,

Nick Polizzi Masterclass

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