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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
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Every review means more people learn about the fantastic information we share each week and find solutions to their most significant health issues. Thank you for your support!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Ever since the “pandemic” ended, many thought life would go back to normal, Jimi…

But unfortunately, that's not the case.

Studies have shown that C0VlD increases the risk of cancer development!

Here's what a recent study from PubMed said:

“Herein, we propose that long C0VlD‐19 may predispose recovered patients to cancer development and accelerate cancer progression.

You see, both C0VlD and the “vaccine” causes acute inflammation…

Which may lead directly to heart attacks, myocarditis, and yes… cancer.

Here's what Deborah Conrad told my good friend, investigative medical journalist, renowned filmmaker, and humanitarian, Jonathan Otto in one of their recent interviews…

I just had to share it with you:

“Well, the vaccines rolled out for our local community first in the nursing home population, and then also for the healthcare workers. And very shortly after everybody was getting vaccinated in the community, we started seeing a lot of patients coming in, just having been vaccinated and coming in with unusual heart attack patterns, myocarditis, and a lot of blood clots early on. A lot of problems with patients clotting.

We also saw some emergence of sudden cancers that were just unbelievable. And I've been doing this for a long time, so I know what we see on a day-to-day basis in our hospital. It was so noticeable the amount of problems patients were suddenly coming in with. And we were seeing people coming in with COVID-19 infection, which was not supposed to happen because remember early on, the vaccines were going to protect you from infection and you weren't going to die.

that was a lie from the very beginning. We saw it live. People were coming in from the nursing homes infected with COVID and dying despite their vaccination status.

The fact of the matter is… If you had C0VlD or the “vaccine”...

You NEED to fully detox from it.

Even if you haven't had C0VlD or taken the jab… you still could have been exposed to vaxx shedding.

It´s CRUCIAL that you follow proven, natural protocols to treat this.

And if you're wondering where you can find these…

You can find them in Jonathan’s BRAND NEW eBook, The Autoimmune-Cancer Link: 21 Protocols for Addressing Cancer, Chronic Diseases & C0VID-Vaxx Syndromes

Where you will learn more from incredible world-class health experts…

About how to successfully prevent and treat cancer development by addressing the autoimmune connections.​
  • Explore Dr. Bryan Ardis' insights on zinc, androgens, and their impact on acne and COVID-19 symptoms.
  • Explore Dr. Peter McCullough's insights on how curcumin and piperine in BSD detoxification protocol help unplug spike proteins.
  • Explore zinc's crucial role in immune function, protein synthesis, and overall health with Dr. Cathleen Gerenger.
  • Unlock the potential immune-supporting and anti-inflammatory effects of this remarkable mushroom, as recommended by Dr. Henry Ealy.
  • And SO much more!
And here's the BEST part:

When you download this amazing eBook, you’ll also get FREE VIP access to my good friend, world renowned filmmaker, investigative journalist, and humanitarian, Jonathan Otto’s BRAND NEW 12-episode docuseries, Cancer Secrets

You’ll hear from 40+ of the world’s top medical doctors and natural health experts who share the uncensored truth…

About highly effective ways to reverse autoimmune diseases with natural medicine protocols!

Cancer Secrets begins on the 4th of March, and it will feature breakthrough after breakthrough.

The world-class health experts featured in this docuseries are dedicated to pouring out as much as they know so that YOU can gain control of your health.

All you need to do?

Click HERE to download your copy of The Autoimmune-Cancer Link: 21 Protocols for Addressing Cancer, Chronic Diseases & C0VID-Vaxx Syndromes

See you on March 4th at 8 PM ET for the world premiere launch of Cancer Secrets.

Wishing you abundant health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Keto Flat Bread
This flatbread recipe is easy to make and is a great grain-free, low-carb side dish for a savory meal that satisfies the craving for bread. Try this out today and I know your family will love it!

Colon Cleansing: Benefits and How to Do a 3 Day Cleanse
Your colon is the home of billions of bacteria, including beneficial bacteria. They are essential for proper nutrient absorption, fighting off dangerous bacteria, reducing inflammation, and lowering your risk of pain and disease.

Having a well-functioning and healthy colon is incredibly important for your overall health and well-being. Having a compromised gut microbiome may lead to inflammation, pain, and disease.

This is why regular colon cleansing is essential to support your microbiome, detoxify your body, lower inflammation, and support your body.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
5 Steps to Heal Autoimmune Disease

We now have an epidemic of people with adrenal fatigue, hormone imbalances, autoimmunity and chronic inflammatory issues.

Autoimmune diseases plague over 250 million people all around the world and many more suffer from a wide variety of chronic inflammatory conditions. In this article, you will learn strategies you can take to reduce inflammation and heal autoimmune disease.

Skin Tags: Major Causes and Natural Support Strategies

Skin tags are small pieces of soft hanging skin that you may notice on your eyelids, around your armpits, upper chest, neck, armpits, groins, and under your breast.

While they are benign and not dangerous, they may be the sign of some underlying health issues, including insulin resistance and inflammation. By using natural strategies, you can improve your skin health.

The Truth About Eggs
In this video, I answer the question…are eggs healthy? You will discover the surprising truth as I address this question in great detail!

Watch the video and check out the short narrative in the description box of the video to get a quick review of this powerful information and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel hereand the Dr Jockers Functional Nutrition podcast on Apple iTunes here



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Reddit Exile

Keto Flat Bread
This flatbread recipe is easy to make and is a great grain-free, low-carb side dish for a savory meal that satisfies the craving for bread. Try this out today and I know your family will love it!

Colon Cleansing: Benefits and How to Do a 3 Day Cleanse
Your colon is the home of billions of bacteria, including beneficial bacteria. They are essential for proper nutrient absorption, fighting off dangerous bacteria, reducing inflammation, and lowering your risk of pain and disease.

Having a well-functioning and healthy colon is incredibly important for your overall health and well-being. Having a compromised gut microbiome may lead to inflammation, pain, and disease.

This is why regular colon cleansing is essential to support your microbiome, detoxify your body, lower inflammation, and support your body.
lol colon cleansing with flat bread!! no thank you jimmy i dont like sauce!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

As we know, heart disease is the #1 leading cause of death worldwide.

This has been the case for a number of years, and yet most people still can’t anticipate it early enough to prevent it. By the time they notice that something’s wrong, it’s already too late.

But this doesn’t mean there’s nothing we can do about it.

Yes, ALL of us are at risk of getting heart disease. That’s why now more than ever, it’s important to know how we can protect ourselves from it, or even reverse it while it’s still in its earliest stages.

Because despite the looming threat of heart disease, we still have a chance to dodge it and live a healthier, more vibrant life.

If this sounds like your ideal future, here’s your invitation to join the upcoming Reverse Heart Disease Naturally Summit 2.0.

And here’s the best part: you can attend this summit for F.REE.

Go here to reserve your F.REE spot for this upcoming

Get the chance to learn the ins and outs of heart disease and the most effective natural preventive measures you can apply immediately to protect yourself from this silent killer.

With insights from 40 of the world’s best heart health experts, you’re guaranteed access to F.REE, high-value information that can save you or your loved ones from a heart attack or stroke.

Here’s a preview of what you’ll discover:

  • The latest advancements in reversing heart disease
  • The importance of choosing organic foods and their direct benefits to cardiovascular wellness
  • Explore the relationship between dementia and heart disease, including common risk factors
  • Learn the differences in symptoms that distinguish silent heart disease from other heart conditions and what to look for
  • Why healthy sleep is crucial for your heart
And a lot more.

Don’t miss out on this chance to discover the real keys to avoiding heart disease that modern medicine couldn’t provide.

Empower yourself now with the knowledge and tools that can save you from a heart attack or stroke and allow you to live a healhy, worry-free life.

Register now for the Reverse Heart Disease Naturally Summit 2.0.

To a healthier heart,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Top 10 Vitamin D Foods & How to Boost Absorption
Vitamin D, often nicknamed the "sunshine vitamin," plays a crucial role in our health, influencing everything from bone strength to healthy immune system function. It’s also a common nutrient shortfall, especially after a long winter. Learn about the best vitamin D foods and ways to boost absorption.
Sheet Pan Pancakes with Fruit Topping
Sheet Pan Pancakes with Fruit Topping
Sheet pan pancakes is a trending breakfast that’s easy to make, delicious and fun to serve. It’s also very adaptable, as you can add whatever fruits you want! These also provide excellent macros for each 157-calorie sheet pan pancake: 20 grams of carbohydrates, 6 grams of fat and 7 grams of protein. Have a couple, and you’ve got a balanced breakfast!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How WHOLE Turmeric Heals the Damaged Brain​
Brain regeneration: long considered a feat impossible to accomplish, compelling research now reveals how a simple spice might contribute to stimulating the stem-cell mediated repair of the damaged brain.​
Twice as Deadly? Statin Drug Crestor Associated with Over Double the Mortality Rate in ARDS Trial​
When it comes to cholesterol levels and statin medications, less is not always more. Drastically low cholesterol may deprive patients of crucial biological functions during acute critical illness, while some statins like rosuvastatin appear to further endanger these already vulnerable individuals.​
Apple Extracts Remove Radiation: Chernobyl Survivors Show Protection Potential Amid Nuclear Fears​
When nuclear disasters expose millions to stealth health hazards, scientists race to uncover protective solutions in one of the most easily accessible, safe, and affordable foods that Nature provides humanity: apples.​
Fish Oil, CoQ10, and Tai Chi Could Help Heart Failure Patients Says Leading Cardiology Group​
Heart disease has remained the #1 cause of death in the U.S. for over 100 years, revealing the failure of the current medical model to move the needle on this epidemic.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Nature's Solutions: 20 Natural Agents Backed by Science to Prevent and Aid Stroke Recovery​
Research shows 20 natural substances like curcumin and therapies like music improve stroke outcomes by reducing risk factors, protecting brain cells, and aiding regeneration, without the concerning side effects of pharmaceuticals.​
Pharma Influences Diagnoses and Treatments in "Bible" of Psychiatric Disorders​
A new study published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) found that 55 of the 92 American doctors who determine what diagnoses and treatments are included in the American Psychiatric Association's (APA) most recent edition of their Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) collectively received more than $14 million in previously undisclosed industry funding.​
Elevate Your Detox: Why Exercise Sweating Surpasses Sauna Sessions​
Breaking a sweat isn't just about fitness; it could be a crucial factor in detoxifying your body from harmful metals. Discover how exercise trumps sauna in the latest health study.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How to Prep for Cardiac Procedure

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Cardiac patients should prepare for an upcoming cardiac procedure the same way they would if they were going to run a marathon.

As soon as the decision to undergo a cardiac procedure is made, it’s time to get serious about walking, lose weight if you need to, and make sure that you’re reaching your target numbers for blood pressure, blood glucose, and cholesterol.

Special: Protect Your Health: Get the #1 Guide on How to Navigate Hospital Care

Before surgery, experts also recommend that you do deep breathing exercises every day, which helps to reduce the risk of developing pneumonia; visit your dentist, especially if you have heart valve disease, as any low-grade infection in your mouth can lead to infection on your heart valve; quit smoking; and reduce alcohol intake.

Also, ask questions. It’s important for you to feel completely comfortable with the decisions that are being made about you.

No matter what your physical condition, virtually everyone can do something to improve. And you need to be in the best shape possible before your procedure.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food.”
America’s “healthy heart doc,” Joel Kahn, MD, wants to make it easy and delicious for you to follow this advice.
>> Download his Heart Healthy Recipe Guide right here.
This guide will teach you how to follow the “rainbow diet” protocol so you can maximize your intake of heart-healthy vitamins, minerals, fiber, and plant-powered nutrients called “phytonutrients.”
When you download the guide, you’ll also get a free ticket to the Reversing Heart Disease Naturally Summit 2.0 that Dr. Kahn is hosting with fellow Food Revolution Summit speaker Joel Fuhrman, MD.
These two brilliant doctors will give you this year’s latest insights about heart health as they interview 30 of the world’s leading experts.
>> Find out more, get your copy of Dr. Kahn's Heart Healthy Recipe Guide, and claim your spot in the free summit now.
Yours for loving heart-healthy foods,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Show your heart some love today — and every day. To download Dr. Kahn's recipe guide, and to join in the summit, click here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
In this crazy world we live in, it's easy to overlook your own self-care.
And a BIG aspect of our health that we tend to "forget" about is our brain -- which is perhaps the most vital organ in your body.
When your brain is out of alignment, it can quietly destroy your quality of life. So how best to nourish and protect it?
Thankfully, our ancestors knew how to harness the medicines of the natural world to heal and enhance brain function. Some of these remedies date back to over 3000 years ago!
And the most potent brain boosters that our ancient relatives relied upon were... mushrooms.
They used various fungi species from the forest around them to heal everything from depression, anxiety, trauma and forgetfulness all the way to more serious diseases like Alzheimer's and dementia...
With that in mind, I've got something amazing to share with you...
As part of his upcoming Beyond The Brain docuseries, my friend Stefan Apostolov has written a powerful (and free) eBook called 10 Ancient Mushrooms to Boost Brain Power & Release Stress.
In this timeless mushroom medicine guide, you will:
- Discover one of the best-kept secrets for shielding the brain from stress, anxiety and depression - backed by science
- Find out which mushroom holds the key to enhanced mental clarity and all-day focus
- Learn about a Traditional Chinese Medicine powerhouse proven to decrease brain inflammation and combat depression
- And much more...
Click here to get this free eBook now
We humans have an innate understanding about the power of these mushroom medicines... which is precisely why they've been used for thousands of years! And, like many things I talk about, science now proves their potent healing properties.
I’m really excited about this one :)
Stay curious,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Have you ever had an experience of spiritual awakening?

If so, I’m guessing it was probably one of the most meaningful moments of your life.

But if you’re like most seekers, chances are your spiritual experiences have also been fairly short-lived, leaving you longing to reconnect with the sacredness you felt in those moments, but not sure how to make that a sustained reality.

By now, you’ve probably tried meditation practice in the hope that it might bring you closer to the awakening you’ve sensed is possible.

But you’ve probably also noticed that although meditation can help us become calmer, more centered and less reactive, it rarely leads to the depth of spiritual awakening we’ve tasted in our most profound moments.

If that’s been your experience, too, I want to share some exciting news.

This coming Thursday, March 7th, I’ll again be offering my free online seminar:

Meditation 2.0 - The Miracle of Direct Awakening

In this 90-minute global gathering, I’ll offer an experiential journey into an approach to meditation that goes beyond the limitations of most meditation practices, and can even give us direct and consistent access to awakened consciousness

I first offered this seminar in October 2016 to an audience of over 50,000 people and the impact on participants was staggering.

Many people reported profound glimpses of awakening simply through engaging the brief “meditation experiments” I guided the group through.

So I’m thrilled to be offering this event to another large global gathering of awakening hearts and minds.

During this 90-minute webinar, I’m going to share the surprising truth I’ve learned in three decades of meditation research—and the unexpected discovery that has revolutionized the way I teach spiritual practice and awakening.

Indeed, the practice of “direct awakening” I’m going to be introducing is such a radical departure from the meditation most of us have been taught, that it’s really more accurate to think of it as an evolution of meditation. Which is why I’m calling it Meditation 2.0.

Now, instead of spending decades doing “indirect” practices like repeating mantras, watching your breath or being “mindful” in an effort to prepare for a future moment of Enlightenment, you can literally practice aligning with the limitless energy, intelligence and freedom of Enlightenment right now.

At Thursday’s event, I’ll share the essence of this life-changing practice and the journey of discovery that led to it.

There is no need to register for this event as you are already subscribed to my email list.

You can read more about the event and gain access to it this Thursday at 5:30PM Pacific (8:30PM Eastern) here:

Meditation 2.0 - The Miracle of Direct Awakening

In preparation for the event, I also want to share a resource I’ve created to enhance your experience of the workshop and to help you assess the power of your current spiritual practice—The Spiritual Progress Tracker and Meditation 2.0 Companion Guide.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Luteolin for Brain, Heart, Diabetes, Inflammation, Infections, Viruses, Testosterone, and Cancer​

Luteolin is one of my favorite phytonutrients.
It is a flavonoid found in many fruits, vegetables, and medicinal herbs with many potential benefits in the human diet and/or as a supplement, especially for the brain.
In the brain, luteolin can reduce the level of glutamate (an excitatory neurotransmitter that can run amock in many health conditions that stress the body and brain), reduce brain inflammation and oxidative stress, support neuron growth in the hippocampus (which shrinks with stress and trauma), and prevent protein mutations.
The most common (and easily grown) sources are celery and parsley. The highest plant source seems to be radicchio, a bitter-sweet purple cabbage-like vegetable that I love in salads.
Other great sources of luteolin include dandelion, onion, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, peppers, rosemary, thyme, oregano, and peppermint.
And this weekend is your last chance to learn how to grow your own vegetables in half the space and half the time, anywhere in the world in the replay weekend of the Joyful Gardern Docu-Series
If you doubt
that you can do it, you need to see the case studies presented in this docu-series.
Luteolin-rich plants have been used by herbal traditions around the world to strengthen the immune system, relieve inflammation, and even combat cancer.
Here are some other benefits of luteolin from animal studies:
  • Boosts glutathione and reduce oxidative brain damage
  • Increases the beneficial proteins BDNF and CREB
  • Reverses cognitive impairment
  • Prevents seizures and decrease their severity
  • Reduces symptoms of Parkinson’s disease, brain trauma, and multiple sclerosis
Luteolin has also been shown to have antimicrobial properties ahd to reduce inflammatory factors elevated by infections (e.g. TNF, nitric oxide, and prostaglandin-E2). In this , it was as effectve as the pharmaceutical corticosteroid prednisone. Tha's saying a lot!
It can also block the COX-2 enzyme, the one that is targeted by non-steroidal antiinflammatory drugs like Ibuprofen.
Luteolin even inhibits at least some viruses, including Epstein-Barr, hepatits B, and Japanese encephalitis.
Luteolin has exciting potential benefits for the heart, such as ...
  • Strengthening heart cells and enhance contractions
  • Stabilizing heart enzymes
  • Preventing tissue damage and cell death
  • Protecting heart cells against oxidative stress during a heart attack
... and for diabetes, like protecting against ...
  • Diabetic encephalopathy (brain damage)
  • Diabetic neuropathy (nerve damage)
  • Diabetic cystopathy (bladder dysfunction)
It is also an aromatase inhibitor, at least in the context of in vitro studies (test tube), which means it inhibits conversion of testosterone to estrogen. This is at least good news for men.
Luteolin increased testosterone levels and prevented testicle shrinking in rats exposed to strong electromagnetic fields. (But get that cell phone out of your pocket!)
As an anticancer agent, in animal studies luteolin prevented the growth of
  • Prostate cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Stomach cancer
  • Colon cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Liver cancer
Some research suggests that luteolin could even combat drug-resistant cancer cells and boost the effects of chemotherapy without significant side effects
Keep in mind that luteolin does have some side effects, at least in does reached by using luteolin supplements.
For example ....
Treatment with luteolin and other flavonoids temporarily increased irritability in 50% of children with autism spectrum disorders
Luteolin blocks the effects of progesterone, which might be detrimental in cases of uterine and cervical cancer.
While luteolin prevented spontaneous colitis (colon inflammation) in animals, it worsened chemically-induced colitis. By inhibiting NF-kB, it blocked protective molecules in intestinal cells.
Pregnant women and children should avoid luteolin supplements, unless under strict medical supervision.
But the amounts found in edible plants are probably safe to consume for most or perhaps all people.
So grow yourself some brain-protecting, heart-boosting, cancer-fighting luteolin this weekend in the final replay of the Joyful Gardener Docu-Series.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Can Vitamin C Prevent Kidney Stones??​

You probably know that Vitamin C can convert to oxalate and that oxalate can contribute to the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones.
But it turns out that it's not that simple. I came across some research that showed that vitamin C and other antioxidants can actually reduce the formation of calcium oxalate kidney stones.
I also looked at the research on high doses of vitamin C causing kidney stones and found something interesting. It looks like high-dose vitamin C therapy only contributes to kidney stones under certain conditions, and even then it seems quite rare.
So I added this information to beginning and end of the article I wrote previously, "How To Stop Vitamin C From Forming Oxalate". I recommend taking a look.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Why Fatigued People Probably Have the Biggest Risk Factor for Heart Disease - A Fascinating Interview with Dr. Thomas Lewis, PhD​

Every interview I've heard with Thomas Lewis, PhD has been fascinating and eye-opening, and the one on Day 5 of the Cardiovascular Docu-class is no exception.
Dr. Lewis explains the specific number one cause of cardiovascular disease, and I'll bet that this is not what you have heard before, at least not in this way.
It's "stealth infections". And in my opinion, most people with chronic fatigue (and/or gut health challenges), have this issue.
But this goes way beyond people with these challenges and is truly essential for all of us to hear because it's something that can sneak up on any of us.
And you absolutely must hear what Dr. Lewis share about a study of women and the difference in mortality among women with differing white blood cell counts in the normal range. And this applies equally to men.
Dr. Levy explains how this occurs and how to spot it on a $20 Comprehensive Blood Count with Differential blood test. This is priceless info.
So I encourage you to sign up for the Cardiovascular Docu-Series (February 27 - March 6).
By the way, if you decide to purchase the docu-series, they will probably offer you a great deal to add the Fatty Liver Docu-Series, which I think is an even better series. So it's a good opportunity to save a bundle on great content.
>> Sign up for the Cardiovascular Docu-Series here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Martin Neimoller's famous quote about collective responsibility and evil

Never forget this one​


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.​

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.​

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.​

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.​

—Martin Niemöller​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi,

Are you ready? The 2024 Masterclass Series: Discover Practical Solutions to Heal Your Gut, Balance Your Hormones, and Reduce Stress & Inflammation is LIVE starting March 5!

Here are 3 reasons you’ll love this online viewing event:

1. This Masterclass Series shares lasting, practical solutions to inflammation, mood swings, mental fog, stress, unexplained pain, and more so you can start feeling your best. No band-aid solutions or quick fixes here! PLUS, you’ll receive multiple nutritious recipes to help you on your way.

2. You’ll have 17 days to watch all 7 Masterclasses. This way you’ll get time to watch, take notes, and start to apply the life-changing health information you’ll be learning. That’s what it’s all about!

3. You’re sure to be inspired by the hosts and incredible expert lineup. Hosts James Colquhoun and Laurentine Ten Bosch have spent the last 17+ years creating many inspiring health series, such as Food Matters, Hungry for Change, and Transcendence, and sharing the message of life-saving health with the world.

In this new series, James and Laurentine interview Dr. Tom O’Bryan, Christa Orecchio CN, HHC, Nick Polizzi, Nat Kringoudis, Dr. Christine Smith, Dr. Heather Sandison, and Dr. David Jockers, who have countless credentials and successful wellness businesses to their names!

Save your complimentary spot at this Masterclass Series TODAY. >>

You deserve the most out of life, so understanding how to care for your health is critical.

We hope these masterclasses catalyze your transformation—big or small!

To your health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Do you or a loved one struggle with an autoimmune condition, unexplained pain and inflammation, gut discomfort, low energy, stress, difficulty concentrating, or poor sleep?

Are your symptoms, lifestyle, or job holding you back from the life you had hoped for?

Some of the best experts in the health space have been exactly where you are now and have gone on to rid their symptoms, heal their conditions, and build successful careers helping others do the same. You can too.

How to heal your gut, reduce stress & inflammation, increase your energy, and restore hormonal balance.

Each day of this masterclass series comes with at least one delicious recipe loaded with health benefits… that’s 7 NEW recipes to add to your regular rotation!

And, unlike most events, you’ll get extra time to watch all the Masterclasses in full — 17 whole days to watch everything!

So whether you're 30 or 70, there is always time to do something about your health. And with access to the right information, healing is 100% possible.

Discover lasting solutions for unwanted symptoms and create a life that inspires you everyday right here.

See you there,

The Cause Health team

P.S. When you register for the free masterclass series starting in just a few days…

You’ll also receive this book called 3 Simple Health Habits to Manage Stress, Heal Your Gut & Boost Your Brain, which includes delicious recipes to improve your health from world-class health experts!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jim,

Wow! The feedback on our Eat to Fight Cancer webinar has been stellar!

As a top trending video on Epoch Times right now, it has never been clearer that interest in natural medicine, self-care, and the truth about cancer and how to overcome chronic diseases, in general, is a top priority coming out of the past few really difficult years!

We were so honored to be showered with hundreds of glowing reviews. Here are just a few below....
Here's the GREAT NEWS! Epoch is making available the replay completed for free until Sunday (tonight) at midnight!

Epoch Times is a 100% user supported platform (just like us!) which is why they support our work so courageously and enthusiastically.
Big Pharma might not like it, but those who want to take control of their own health destiny and live long, happy and prosperous lives do!

Enjoy our webinar, leave your comments, and please share this with family, friends and colleagues!

To better health,
The GreenMedInfo Team​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Estate Planning for Dementia:
Insights from Jay Leno’s Conservatorship Case​

I’m not one to follow celebrity news, but it does catch my eye when it correlates to my work with dementia. There’s been a few Hollywood headlines lately about how comedian and former Tonight Show host Jay Leno has filed for conservatorship for his wife of over forty years, Mavis Leno. Mavis Leno has a dementia diagnosis and her symptoms are progressing.

According to the article, “The conservatorship is “being established for the sole purpose of” ensuring Mavis’s estate plan will be executed and that her “future care is provided for under the terms of a living trust” should Jay predecease her.”

I know many of you know first-hand how difficult it is to care for a loved one as they go through cognitive decline. Adding legal entanglements and court dates makes the situation all that more stressful and emotionally wrought.

This is yet another area where an early diagnosis is important. We know that it is easier to slow progression and reverse symptoms the earlier one starts addressing their cognitive decline. It is also easier to plan for the future together, building a support system for the person with dementia and just as importantly, their caregivers.

It’s important to put the tools in place now that will be helpful in the future. Four areas to address are:

Health Care Planning

  • Create a living will to let doctors know a person’s wishes in the event they are unable to make their own decisions.
  • Specify a durable power of attorney to enable a specified person to make medical decisions for them if they are unable.

Financial Planning

  • Again, a will is necessary for distribution of the estate/financial assets, care for minors and end-of-life arrangements when someone passes away.
  • A durable power of attorney is important in this capacity as well to make financial decisions if they are unable.
  • A living trust will name and instruct a trustee to manage the estate and funds if a person is no longer able.

Long-Term Care Planning

  • Discuss where the person wants to live and be cared for as they age. Be realistic about how different residences can support them and provide a safe environment.
  • Evaluate what services are available in the area and how much they will cost.
  • Plan to make these decisions far enough in advance, so that the person can be involved in making them.

End-of-Life Planning

  • Advance directives and durable power of attorney can alleviate the burden of caregivers and loved ones at this difficult time.
  • Consider the quality of life in conjunction with care to extend life.

More detailed descriptions of each of these areas can be found at from the National Institute of Aging. The National Institute of Aging also provides this free downloadable PDF checklist for “Getting Your Affairs in Order.”

In my upcoming book, Reversing Alzheimer’s I have a section dedicated to the kind of medical care one might need and what you can expect insurance to cover to help you with health care and financial planning.

If you’d like to learn more about how to plan for residence in Marama or the Clear Mind Center, fill out an application here. You’ll be able to talk directly with someone about your needs and if this is a good fit now or in the future.

These emotionally-charged topics can be difficult to discuss even in the best circumstances. If you need help on how to start the conversation with someone who has been diagnosed or is showing signs of cognitive decline, download my free conversation guide.

I encourage you to take the time to address your future needs and the future needs of your loved ones. This kind of planning can have a great effect on the cognitive health and quality of life for everyone involved.

Dr. Heather Sandison


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How does your garden grow, Jimi?
Join Nichole Dandrea-Russert, RDN, and superstar Ashlie Thomas in this month’s outstanding Action Hour — as they unearth the transformative power of gardening and urban farming.
Dig into the conversation and find out how you can reap the benefits from your own garden — right here!
Expect to walk away from this moving interview with a veritable shed full of action items and practical solutions! Nichole and Ashlie will also explore how nurturing gardens can revolutionize food security and nutrition in our communities and beyond while bringing us closer to the natural world that sustains us.
About our gardening guest: Ashlie Thomas is an author, entrepreneur, and food security advocate known on social media as The Mocha Gardener. Her gardening-forward blog has been featured on NBC, Taste of Home, Epicurious, MindBodyGreen, Country Living, Country Woman, Apartment Therapy, House and Home , and more. Ashlie is deeply conscientious of local food systems and their implications for human health. With a background in biological sciences and research management, Ashlie practices as a health and wellness coach. She works with nutrition and community health-based initiatives to help bridge the gap between food security and chronic diseases in rural and underrepresented communities.
Yours for gardens everywhere,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. I warmly invite you to take advantage of this opportunity to discover the wonderful possibilities that exist in gardening for improving the quality of your food sources and, as a result, your health! Join in this beautiful, inspiring gardening conversation here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
When Inflammation Becomes A Problem
If the process of inflammation self perpetuates, this long-term low-grade inflammation response can lead to chronic complications and can affect the whole body.
Chronic inflammation, which often has subtle signs and symptoms, may go undetected for decades.
What a lot of people don’t know is that chronic inflammation is a causative or major contributing factor to not just many, but most chronic and degenerative diseases!
Chronic inflammation in the heart and circulatory system is increasingly being recognised as a major factor in heart attacks, stroke, and blood vessel disease. Chronic inflammation is a major element of asthma and allergies, bowel diseases, and skin conditions.
Low-grade chronic infections also have strong associations with increased cancer risks due to inflammation. Chronic inflammation may also lead to autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and chronic fatigue syndrome.
Yes, it’s pretty scary!
>> Here’s an ancient spice that can help you soothe inflammation naturally
What Triggers Chronic Inflammation?
So what triggers chronic inflammation?
When chronic inflammation occurs, it means a switch in your immune system gets stuck to the “on” setting, releasing harmful chemicals that affect the cells. There are numerous triggers that cause this switch to stay “on”, including ongoing infections, common allergens such as food or pollen, toxins, and nutritional deficiencies.
Poor gut health is also a major trigger.
For example, leaky gut syndrome—when particles, including bacteria and undigested foods, escape through the permeable gut wall and enter the bloodstream—can cause an immune reaction, resulting in a constant source of inflammation throughout the body.
6 Ways To Reduce Your Risk of Chronic Inflammation

To reduce your risk of chronic inflammation, you can do the following:
  1. Reduce your intake of inflammatory foods by avoiding refined carbohydrates, processed and packaged foods, fried foods, high dairy foods, and animal products.
  2. Consume plenty of anti-inflammatory foods, such as antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables.
  3. Emphasise foods with omega-3 fatty acids like avocados, olive oil, and nuts and seeds like walnuts and chia seeds. Avoid omega-6 fatty acids and trans fats which may promote inflammation. This includes frozen foods, processed cakes and cookies, and red meat
  4. Include spices such as turmeric and ginger which have potent anti-inflammatory effects.
  5. Control your blood sugar levels as spikes in your blood sugar can cause inflammation.
  6. Implement lifestyle factors to reduce inflammation by exercising regularly, getting good sleep, and managing stress. Not only does stress dampen the immune system, it also leads to inflammation.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This Week’s Recipe: Nutrient-Packed Buddha Bowl For Your Gut
Repairing your leaky gut is one of the first steps to treating food sensitivities. You wouldn’t want these food chemicals to escape to your bloodstream and cause all kinds of chaos to your body, right?
And as you know, eating the right kind of food is always a great step toward a healthier gut.
So in this week’s recipe, we have for you our Chickpea Buddha Bowl. It’s got the whole package—chickpeas for protein plus a colourful mix of ingredients including broccoli, sweet potatoes, turmeric, oregano, and kimchi. Try it out and let me know how it goes!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The science is clear: you need a wide variety of different colored fruits and vegetables for the array of phytonutrients, polyphenols, and antioxidants they provide you.

The problem is it’s hard to do this on a daily basis.

That’s why Dr. Pedram Shojai created this amazing and free Colored Food Chart for you to tape to your refrigerator:

Even better, Jimi, along with this convenient chart, you'll also get free access to the weekend replay of Pedram's exceptional Vitality Summit -- you'll be able to watch any and all of it as you choose today!

Now, regarding the free Colored Food Chart, well...

Great things come in small packages, and this chart is a wonderful way to track foods by the various colors that you want to consume on a daily basis.

It helps you "gamify" eating the right foods and really reminds you to keep "mixing it up" when it comes to your foods.

And, again, best of all it's completely free for you right now along with full and free access to the Vitality Summit replay:

—> Get Your Free Colored Food Guide Now (LAST CHANCE today!) ←-

Now, regarding the replay weekend of Dr. Pedram Shojai’s Vitality Summit that you're also getting full access to...

The summit features many of the biggest names in health and wellness who’ve all been asked to “keep it real” and help people cut through all of the noise in the health information space.

This unique summit is all about “what actually works” for people and cuts through all of the hype. I highly recommend you try to catch one or more episodes today in the free replay if you have the chance!

Either way, though, you're definitely going to appreciate Pedram's very helpful and free 1-page Colored Food Guide for you.

You've likely heard of the great importance of routinely "Eating the Rainbow."

That's because different colored foods really do provide unique vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals that each especially benefit different aspects of your health.

Orange foods, for example, can be especially helpful for preventing cancer and reducing the risk of heart disease.

Blue and purple foods may especially benefit your memory and brain function.

Yellow foods can be particularly strong for your skin, digestion, and immune system.

That's why you'll LOVE this convenient Colored Food Guide that makes it easy to ensure you're "Eating the Rainbow"!

Finally, with colors in mind...

And because smiles and laughter are always "good medicine"...

Here are a few dad jokes that make my little kids giggle and are worth sharing with YOU:

Why did the tomato turn red?

It saw the salad dressing.


How does a banana answer the phone?



What color is the wind?



Okay, you'll definitely be tickled pink with the new 1-page Colored Food Guide, free for you right here, and you'll love Pedram's unique new Vitality Summit that you're getting full access to in their replay weekend, as well!

To Living Long and Living Well,

Brian Vaszily

P.S. You'll learn the tremendous value of "Eating the Rainbow" from the experts in the Vitality event and you'll walk away knowing exactly what to eat for your optimal health.

If you do have the opportunity to catch any of the Vitality Summit free replay that you're also getting access to, Jim...

One of the episodes to consider is Episode 2: Diet and Nutrition.

It features leading nutrition experts such as Marvin Singh, MD, Ocean Robbins, and Nicole Beurkins, PhD.

And in this episode you'll learn many new insights on the role of food, the gut lining, and the microbiome for your health and vitality, so...

Head here now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi,

Do you want to stay active and healthy as you age?

My good friend Kevin Ellis (also known as Bone Coach™) is hosting a FREE Stronger Bones Masterclass that will uncover the secrets to building strong bones…

So you don't have to worry about fractures slowing you down and preventing you from living the active life you desire!

Through a unique 3-step process and world-class coaching programs, Kevin and his team of credentialed experts have helped people in over 1500+ cities around the world get confident in their stronger bones plan.

>> Learn more about his unique process when you join the Stronger Bones Masterclass™RIGHT HERE!
At this masterclass, you'll learn:
  • The one thing bone density scans miss that doctors don’t seem to be concerned about
  • 5 action steps to boost bone health without leaving home
  • Why natural AND conventional approaches often FAIL even the most committed strong bone seekers
  • The #1 MISTAKE many people make with osteopenia and osteoporosis (it can cause lengthy setbacks)
  • The unexpected connection between water and low bone density
  • The essential "tools" used by Osteoporosis "Thrivers"
  • The surprising reason why many people don’t have a shot at better bone density (and how to avoid being one of them)
  • The 4 "internal disruptors" that prevent salads, smoothies and supplements from making ANY impact on bone health
  • Why a faulty "bone plan" now can lead to debilitating fractures and even loss of independence later in life
Don’t miss this great opportunity to build stronger bones and avoid the frailty that often comes with aging.

Wishing you abundant health,

Jason Prall

P.S. Wait until you see what’s in store inside the Stronger Bones Masterclass™. Register now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

States Try Censoring Social Media Since the Feds Got Blocked​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
After hearing about quality control lapses at a Moderna COVID-19 vaccine manufacturing facility, ICAN’s legal team immediately sent FOIA requests to FDA for more details. ICAN has now obtained FDA’s inspection report, which includes detailed descriptions about the conditions at the plant. In addition, ICAN submitted follow-up requests to dig even deeper.
Lead Counsel, Aaron Siri, Esq. details the shocking new information here:

On December 15, 2023, news broke that FDA found numerous quality control lapses during its September 11 to September 21, 2023 inspection of Moderna’s Norwood, Massachusetts facility, where it manufacturers its COVID-19 vaccine.
ICAN’s attorneys immediately submitted several FOIA requests to get more details on the inspection’s findings. In response, FDA recently produced this report to ICAN which has some stunning findings, including air and temperature alarms that were ignored, use of expired materials in the mRNA vaccines, failure to collect cleaning verification samples, and failure to design and control air handling equipment to reduce potential for contamination.
Incredibly, the report notes that Moderna “does not ensure that the equipment used for drug substance manufacturing are appropriately cleaned prior to the manufacturing of mRNA-1273 drug substance” and then proceeds to list the drug substance batch numbers that were manufactured using equipment utilized “without confirming the cleaning verifications test results for bioburden and endotoxin prior to the usage for subsequent batch manufacturing.”
It also contains the following disturbing observations:
  • Expired materials were found utilized beyond their expiration date and restricted materials were utilized in mRNA drug substance production. There are more than two thousand expired items stored in your GMP Warehouse and Cold Storage at time of inspection. These materials are currently stored at the same location with released or in-used materials. There was no clear demarcation between these items in the GMP Warehouse and cold storage.”
  • Equipment and Facilities are not designed to minimize potential for contamination. Specifically, the air handling systems were not adequately designed and controlled to assure appropriate air quality in the Grade C cleanroom in which mRNA drug substance is manufactured. The positive pressure was not consistently maintained between the grade C cleanrooms and grade D Airlocks. Monitoring data from [redacted] system showed frequent drops of Grade C Cleanroom pressure to negative values between January 2023 and September 2023. The negative DPs (differential pressure) were not assessed for potential impact.”
  • “Your firm [Moderna] failed to respond and follow up on the alarm responses within the timeframe established per SOP-0416.”
  • “Cleaning Validation studies of non-dedicated manufacturing equipment did not include challenges with actual conditions used in routine manufacturing processes.”
  • “A cleaning procedure update was implemented based on the change control and a six-month effectiveness check through cleaning verification after each equipment usage (due date: 14Mar2023) was required after the implementation of change actions to review cleaning verification data to ensure automated method change was effective. However, the cleaning verification samples were not collected after 06Feb2023.”
Given the deficiencies revealed in this report, ICAN’s attorneys have already submitted additional FOIA requests to dig deeper and we will keep you posted on the results.
See below for more examples of ICAN’s work in demanding accurate information on COVID-19 vaccines:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Curious About PEMFs for Cancer?

Dive into the world of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF), a revolutionary approach to treating cancer. PEMF Therapy is a non-invasive, side-effect-free way to improve your cancer treatment experience. This ground-breaking approach promotes deeper healing and recovery by targeting the cancer process itself in addition to helping to manage symptoms.

PEMF therapy improves tissue health, lowers inflammation, and speeds up recovery after other cancer therapies, making it ideal for various stages of cancer. Consider this multiple action strategy to strike a balance between giving comfort and cancer prevention.

Find out how incorporating PEMF into your everyday cancer care routine can help maintain your health and vitality. Discover more about this integrative, cutting-edge treatment and get personalized guidance at, your complementary and holistic source as part of your comprehensive cancer care solutions.

-->> For more detailed information, guidance and options click here

Clinically-Proven PectaSol Modified Citrus Pectin Helps to Disrupt the Detrimental Cycle of Unhealthy Inflammation and Cellular Dysfunction

The inflammatory protein, Galectin-3, has been called by thousands of practitioners and research papers "one of the root causes of nearly every chronic illness".

PectaSol Modified Citrus Pectin is clinically-proven and backed by over 80 studies, 6 patents, and 30+ years of clinical success. This researched super-nutrient helps to disrupt the detrimental cycle of unhealthy inflammation and cellular dysfunction that comes with high levels of the protein galectin-3.

The life-changing benefits are supported by thousands of doctors who trust and recommend PectaSol to their patients to support oncology, immune health and gentle detoxification.*

I take PectaSol as a way to help manage the cascade of unhealthy inflammation and keep my body healthy and vital. The science behind this product is extraordinary! I can’t recommend it enough.

-->> Start your journey today toward a healthier you with PectaSol Modified Citrus. Get 15% OFF with the code NCRANE15.

Healing Lyme Disease

Unveil the ultimate secrets to health transformation with renowned expert Dr. Tim Jackson.

Learn about nutritional biochemistry, digestive health, and functional endocrinology.

Discover how to empower your body to fight disease and optimize performance. Dive into the science-backed strategies applied in everyday life.

-->> Listen on Your Favorite Podcast Platform Here

-->> Watch on youtube here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Can Parasites Cause Thyroid Problems
Hey Jim,

Welcome to another episode of Beyond Wellness Podcast!

Parasitic infections are insanely common among my patients. Among the infections that I treat most frequently are giardiasis, which may cause diarrhea, gas, and an upset stomach, greasy stools; cryptosporidiosis, which may cause stomach cramps, stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting; and toxoplasmosis which may cause flu-like symptoms, including swollen lymph nodes and muscle aches or pains.

If you're struggling to get to the root of your weight, energy, mood, and concentration issues, you may have an infection. Be sure to check out this podcast to learn more!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
Can Parasites Cause Thyroid Problems? | Podcast #316
In this episode, we cover:

Parasites and Thyroid Issues
8:05 Conventional Medicines on Parasites
12:50 Thyroid Symptoms
16:54 Adrenals as Natural Inflammatory
19:55 Gut Healing Protocols

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<

Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​
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The Secrets to Addressing Lyme and Parasites

In this podcast with Dr. Jaban Moore, we’re diving into the areas of Lyme and parasites, and we discuss different strategies to address Lyme from food templates and lifestyle modifications to medical strategies.

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
I just wanted to remind you that our BRAND NEW Masterclass Series begins tomorrow.
If you care about your health, the health of those around you, and your future self’s health, then you really won’t want to miss this series. It’s one of a kind because we are sharing this information for FREE - there is no catch to it. We just want to provide our community with every opportunity to live their healthiest and happiest life.
CLICK HERE to save your seat. (Just a few left!) >>
You will hear from experts like Dr. Tom O’Bryan, Christa Orecchio, Nick Polizzi, Nat Kringoudis, Dr. Christine Smith, Dr. Heather Sandison, and Dr. David Jockers.
These experts bring a wealth of knowledge and information that holds the keys to taking your health into your own hands.
We cover topics like gut issues, detoxification, hormone imbalances, medicinal herbs, turning your passion for nutrition into a career, inflammation, cognitive health, autoimmunity, and more!
It kicks off tomorrow, and we hope that you will join us.
You can save your seat HERE. >>
In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Wednesday, 03/06, our 138th episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

In case you missed the news, Dr. Paul has launched a new show on CHD.TV titled "Pediatric Perspectives with Paul Thomas." This pioneering series features Dr. Paul, a veteran pediatrician with over three decades of experience, offering invaluable insights into children's health, wellness, and vaccines. We are thrilled to add this show to our lineup. Should you miss the live broadcast on Wednesdays at 4 pm ET / 1 pm PT on the Children's Health Defense's premier platform, you can catch up on episodes here on WTW. Additionally, we have included the audio version in our podcast feed.​


PP 021824 F
Click to watch the show!​

Informed Parents​

Break through the mainstream media narratives and dive into the truth about important health-related topics from ‘The Defender,’ today, on ‘Pediatric Perspectives’! Learn about HPV shots and cervical cancer, the battle for parental consent, vaccine effects and adverse events, and more. Also, what should parents do about choosing trustworthy doctors and seeking medical care from a hospital? Be sure to stay to the end to find out!
Informed Parents | Childrens Health Defense


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Fight for Food Freedom Rages in Pennsylvania; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on the UK Government’s New Angle on Excess Deaths, and the vaccine injury pushback; In the Eye of the Climate Change Storm; ‘Plandemic: The Musical’ Set to Premiere in Las Vegas in March
Guests: Max Kane, Judith Curry, PhD, Mikki Willis​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi,

The doctor calls it hypertension.

You call it a burden you have to carry every day.

It’s the dependence on medications, their side effects a constant nag, a reminder of what you’ve lost.

It’s the fear of what might be, the escalating health risks painting a frightening picture.

It’s the frustration of not knowing where to turn, unsure if natural options truly exist.

Aren’t you tired of relying on pills with unpleasant side effects to manage your high blood pressure?

Are you seeking a holistic approach to break fr-ee from the chains of hypertensive meds and regain control of your health?

If so, we have a special invitation for you – join us at the Reversing Hypertension Naturally Summit!

This exclusive event is designed for individuals like you who are looking for a natural and empowering way to tackle high blood pressure.

Hosted by Dr. Laurie Marbas, a double board-certified family and lifestyle medicine physician, this summit brings together over 40 experts in lifestyle medicine. Together, they will guide you toward practical measures to address hypertension without solely depending on medications.

You’ll learn about the power of a whole food plant-based diet, exercise, restorative sleep, stress management, and more.

Don’t miss this opportunity to reclaim your health and embrace a medication-free, energetic, and optimistic future.

Save your fr-ee spot now<<

See you at the summit!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Walnuts are controversial.
Proponents say they’re loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, B vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals. They say walnuts are good for your brain and digestion — and even help fight cancer!
But critics say that walnuts are high in fat and calories, use up an exorbitant amount of water, and should be eaten sparingly, if at all.
Get the truth about walnuts here.
Yours for answers,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Do you eat walnuts? Should you? Here’s what you need to know.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
6 Studies on Saffron Put Prozac to Shame for Depression and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
What if a common, affordable spice worked as well or better than antidepressants for mood disorders and anxiety--minus the dangerous side effects? Emerging research on saffron challenges pharmaceutical dominance over psychiatry.​
Boiling Away the Microplastics: A Simple Solution to a Complex Problem
A new study reveals that simply boiling tap water can eliminate up to 90% of concerning nano- and micro-plastics that have infiltrated our drinking water supply. This straightforward method provides a ray of hope amid the complex environmental challenge posed by plastic pollution.​
Microbial Mats: The Immortal Living Blueprint for Planetary Self-Regulation
Buried in the sedimentary layers blanketing our planet lies compelling evidence that microbial communities called microbial mats function as Gaia's foundation - ensuring the continuity of life on Earth despite repeated catastrophes...​


The Power of Brain Health with Sayer Ji
After spending decades researching and formulating, Sayer Ji and Dr. Edward Group put their hearts and minds to the task of co-creating a product like no other!

Combining the world's highest quality organic turmeric in all possible forms, ashwaganda, gingko biloba, and sea buckthorn antioxidants, this formula contains a potent and beautiful selection of the informational, energetic, and biochemical components of these powerful and sacred plant allies.​

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