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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
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'Shocking Numbers' from Acetaminophen Study Suggest Troubling Connection with Autism
"If you look at the overall numbers in his [Dr. Schultz's] study, it's shocking," expressed William Parker, Ph.D.

"If you give your child acetaminophen between the age of 12 and 18 months, you're 20 times more likely to have ... a child with autism than if you don't give them any acetaminophen from 12 to 18 months."


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hydrogen Water for Disease Reversal Webinar
There are currently over 1,200 studies showing that hydrogen water helps in over 150 diseases.

When you attend this eye-opening webinar, you will:
- Delve into the fascinating science behind hydrogen water and discover how molecular hydrogen acts as a powerful antioxidant that can potentially impact your overall health and wellness.

- Explore the potential benefits associated with hydrogen water consumption, from enhanced athletic performance and recovery to its potential role in combating oxidative stress and inflammation.

- Learn practical tips and strategies for incorporating hydrogen water into your daily routine, like optimal dosage, timing, and methods of consumption to maximize its potential health benefits.

- Gain insights into the latest research findings surrounding hydrogen water and emerging evidence supporting its efficacy in numerous health conditions, such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and neurodegenerative disorders.

Wednesday 22nd May at 4 PM ET, my good friend filmmaker, investigative journalist, and humanitarian, Jonathan Otto will be hosting his Hydrogen Water for Disease Reversal Webinar.

He will reveal the amazing benefits of hydrogen water for chronic diseases! This is a F.REE event that you simply cannot miss.

If you want to hear about this novel solution that can help humanity in the fight against the chronic diseases of our time…register below!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
4 Sugar Alternatives That Won't Poison You
You may think that staying slim and eating healthfully means NO sweets, but guess what? There are natural and delicious sweeteners that won't wreck your diet, and even have therapeutic 'side benefits'.
New York Times Investigation Finds People Injured by COVID Vaccines Are Being 'Ignored'
After years of reporting on news about vaccine injuries as "misinformation" and "conspiracy theory," The New York Times today reported that "thousands" may have been injured by the COVID-19 vaccines -- but ran accompanying articles declaring the shots safe and life-saving.
The Bitter Truth About Splenda
Tens of thousands of consumer products now contain Splenda (sucrolose), but few who consume it know the disturbing truth about its highly toxic nature...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
check out these recent episodes from Rosie Radio:



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
One of the most significant but little-discussed determinants of human health and life expectancy is trauma.
Most of us have experienced at least one traumatic event in our lifetimes.
But now a growing body of cutting-edge research is showing us that we have the capacity to cultivate resilience, and even sometimes to become stronger at the broken places.
To my eyes, this is some of the most profound and important work of our times. If we can learn to make something of value out of the wounds of our history, then perhaps we can actually create a brighter future.
That’s why I’m so excited about the Post-Traumatic Growth Global Summit from our friends at Heart Mind Institute.
During this groundbreaking event, you’ll gain access to cutting-edge research, practical tools, and transformational technologies to harness the power of post-traumatic growth, overcome obstacles, and deepen resilience, both individually and collectively, for human thriving.
The Summit features inspiring and influential neuroscientists, trauma experts, mindfulness teachers, Indigenous leaders, social justice and climate activists, futurists, and sensemakers.
The speakers include, among many others, Richard Schwartz PhD, Fleet Maul, PhD, Rick Hanson PhD, Arielle Schwartz, PhD, Peter Levine, PhD, Terry Real, PhD, James Gordon, MD, and yours truly (I’m honored to be joining in the conversation, as well). You’ll also get groundbreaking wisdom from Drs. Tara Brach, Gabor Maté, and Otto Scharmer.
>> Find out more and join in right here.
When you join us for this amazing journey (for free, from the comfort of your own home) you will:

  • Learn from over 40 world-class experts in healing trauma, realizing post-traumatic growth, building healing relationships, creating sustained well-being, resilience, and more
  • Find out about the latest post-traumatic growth research, practices, and tools
  • Explore the relationship between healing trauma and repairing our relationship with ourselves, the earth, our fellow species, and each other
  • Discover the potential of healing trauma for psychological growth, physical well-being, spiritual evolution, and awakening
  • Join a community of like-minded individuals on a journey of personal and collective healing and transformation
If this interests you, register here now.
Yours for getting stronger and wiser together,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. I have tremendous respect for this event's host, Dr. Fleet Maull, and the rest of the team at Heart Mind Institute. I expect they will hold this sensitive terrain with considerable skill.
Find out more about it, and register to save your complimentary spot right here.


Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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Raising Your Serotonin Levels
At the launch of his newest course, “The Secrets of Happiness,” Dr. Group shares his personal regimen and secret techniques to overcome serotonin deficiency, anxiety, and OCD. This clip is from the July Q&A for members of The Global Healing Institute, where a student asked about practical solutions to balance your neurotransmitters.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Honey Heals Chronic Dandruff, Scaly, Itchy Scalp (Seborrheic Dermatitis)
Amazingly, something as simple as crude honey has been found to alleviate an embarrassing scalp condition that most body care products and drugs can't even make a dent in.
70 Reasons To Eat More Flaxseed
The science has never been clearer: flaxseed deserves to be top of the list of the world's most important medicinal foods. For just pennies a day it may protect against dozens of life-threatening health conditions.
"Killer Germs" Obliterated by Medicinal Smoke (Smudging), Study Reveals
The ritualistic use of plant smoke stretches back to prehistoric times and is still used, the world over, as a way of 'cleansing' the spirit. Now modern scientific research reveals that the practice may actually have life-saving implications by purifying the air of harmful bacteria.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi

Do you know the difference between "women’s" and "men’s" cancers? There’s actually a common thread...

...a core root cause that manifests itself as either prostate cancer, breast cancer, or even ovarian cancer.

>> Find out what it is right now in Episode 8.

What’s so special about Episode 8?

Well, this episode deals with ‘gender-specific’ cancers, how they work, how they’re connected, and of course, how to prevent them.

To create this enlightening episode, I interviewed world-class experts Dr. Kevin Conners and Dr. Dana Flavin as well as cancer conquerors Saras Naidoo and Ryan Leulf.

And then just below Episode 8...

You’ll find the second half of my bonus interview with Dr. Bryan Ardis, who talks more about "turbo cancers" and the truth about the C0VID vaxx and cancer.

>> Watch Episode 8 and part 2 of my interview with Dr. Bryan Ardis right here.

Yours in health,

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Grocery store and produce growers positions on Bill Gates' "Apeel" coating:

I fully expected Whole Foods' position, since the Amazon merger is ruining Whole Foods bit by bit.

HEB and Central Market, very disappointing non-position.

Natural Grocers, bravo, a great grocery chain.

Sprouts and Trader Joe's: great, but wish they would make that public announcement.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Grocery store and produce growers positions on Bill Gates' "Apeel" coating:

I fully expected Whole Foods' position, since the Amazon merger is ruining Whole Foods bit by bit.

HEB and Central Market, very disappointing non-position.

Natural Grocers, bravo, a great grocery chain.

Sprouts and Trader Joe's: great, but wish they would make that public announcement.

Thank you for posting this, very good information. ;) Hope everyone reads it and stays away from those who use Apeel, sadly there are still many who don't know what Apeel really is or how dangerous it is.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

"Patience is not simply the ability to wait—
it's how we behave while we're waiting."​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Belly blues & brain fog — What’s your body telling you?
Do you ever wonder if your body is saying "no" to something you're eating? 🙁
If you’re regularly experiencing bloating, fatigue, headaches, or even skin problems — these may all be signs of gluten sensitivity.

To help you along your journey to listening to your body, I’d like to share with you, my Guide to Gluten Intolerance. This post provides you with resourced information as you explore the most common symptoms that might be giving you the blues. We also cover how to get diagnosed, discuss treatment options, and share tips on reducing gluten in your diet to take back control of your well-being and curb your cravings.​
Because I want you to be fully in the know, you’ll also learn:
  • How to tell the difference between gluten sensitivity and celiac disease (this one’s important, so be sure to check it out!)
  • A powerful tool to aid diagnosis (and why it works!)
  • How to find out if gluten sensitivity is the culprit behind your symptoms
If you're feeling lost in the land of "gluten-maybe" or "gluten-definitely-not," this post is for you! Let's get you back on the road to feeling your most vibrant self.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
3 Evidence-Based Ways To Reverse Skin Aging Naturally
Our aging skin is the target of billions of dollars worth of marketing, the object of a continual stream of cosmetics, drugs and 'nutraceuticals' promising to deliver age-defying results. But what really works? What does the scientific evidence say?
Magnesium's Importance Far Greater Than Previously Imagined
Calcium deficiency is a common nutritional concern, but how many folks consider the vital importance of magnesium in human health and disease?
To Save Your Teeth You may Need to Fire Your Periodontist
Could saving your teeth require firing your periodonist? While they mean well, many can not see beyond their training, using supportive, nutritional-based therapies that strike to the underlying cause of the problem.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Death Culture vs. Survival Instinct Whats Actually Killing People
In this video, you'll explore the connection between longevity and aging, gaining a deeper understanding of how your lifestyle choices can impact your overall health. Ian also provides expert advice on wellness tips and how to address common health problems. Whether you're seeking to enhance your vitality or simply looking for ways to improve your health and fitness, this video has valuable information to offer.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The top 5 toxins in your food that are hurting your hormones
Hey Jim,

I'm thrilled to announce the release of my latest podcast episode featuring Rob Edwards. On this show, we discuss the top five toxins in food that harm hormones and the nervous system, including chloroquat, glyphosate, mycotoxins, BPA, and trans fats.

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
Top 5 Toxins in Your Food Hurting Your Hormones -Live Podcast
In this episode, we cover:

🔍 Chloroquat, glyphosate, mycotoxins, BPA, and trans fats are all harmful toxins commonly found in food.
🧪 These toxins can disrupt hormone balance, impact detoxification pathways, and contribute to chronic health issues.
💡 Awareness and education about these toxins are crucial in making informed food choices and minimizing exposure.
⚠️ Avoiding processed foods, choosing organic options, and using safer alternatives to plastics can help reduce toxin intake.
🌱 Prioritizing a nutrient-dense, whole-food diet and supporting the body's detoxification processes are essential for optimal health.
🚫 Minimizing exposure to toxins is particularly important for children, as their developing bodies are more vulnerable.
🌟 Functional medicine approaches, such as personalized detoxification protocols, can provide effective support in reducing the toxin burden.

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<

Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​
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Reduce Inflammation & Improve Joint Mobility

Inflammation is a process in which your body’s white blood cells and immune proteins help protect you from infection and things like bacteria and viruses.
In this episode of Beyond Wellness Podcast, I'm joined by Evan Brand to discuss how and why your immune system triggers an inflammatory response – even when there isn’t anything to fight off.

>> Click here to check out the podcast!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
12 High-Fiber Foods for Gut Health Support
12 High-Fiber Foods for Gut Health Support
An estimated 95 percent of American adults and children don’t get the recommended daily amount of fiber in their diet. In part it’s because we simply don’t eat enough fiber-rich foods, including not knowing what are the best high-fiber foods that we may also enjoy eating. This article’s list will provide just that.
Learn More


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi

Is there really a cancer connection with the vaxx and long C0ViD? And why is the media downplaying turbo cancers?

Well last night, we aired part 2 of our interview with Dr. Bryan Ardis who shared with us even more shocking truths about these highly censored topics.

And in the main Episode 8...

Nathan interviewed two world-leading doctors and two cancer conquerors on ‘gender-specific’ cancers and the latest scientifically proven ways to prevent or treat them.

So if you missed any of this, make sure to catch up now while you can before we air the series finale tonight at 8pm Eastern.

>> Go here to watch Episode 8 and part 2 of the bonus interview with Bryan Ardis (replaying now).


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
In last Sunday’s newsletter I wrote about “Alzheimerogens” – like carcinogens – environmental toxins that contribute to Alzheimer’s. I included an excerpt from my upcoming book Reversing Alzheimer’s that goes through potential toxins in the kitchen. The book also addresses the toxins that are in our personal care topics.

Harvard experts have started warning women about the risks of all those chemicals found in personal care products and cosmetics.
They even have a name for it: toxic beauty.

Dr. Kathryn Rexrode, associate professor of medicine and chief of the Division of Women’s Health at Harvard Medical School cautioned:

“Products are tested to make sure they don’t cause short-term problems, such as skin irritation. But they’re not tested for long-term safety.”

My friend Brian Vaszily at Purity Woods has also been trying to educate folks about unsafe ingredients. Those found in creams, serums, cleansers, moisturizers, and many other products.

It’s a big concern, since cosmetics and personal care products usually contain multiple toxins.

Just look at the labels on products you most likely have in your bathroom right now.

You’ll see names you’d need to be a chemist to understand. Sometimes toxic ingredients are simply listed as “fragrance.”

Fortunately, Brian has created a FREE educational webinar on this topic. He’ll show you the link between certain ingredients and health issues such as cancer, hormonal issues, and fatigue or brain fog problems.
Purity Woods event

And it’s not all doom and gloom.

You’ll also discover some simple steps you can take to fight back against age-related skin changes. Wrinkles, crow’s feet, under-eye bags, “turkey neck,” and others.

You’ll also discover:
  • How widely used yet woefully outdated skincare approaches can lead to early aging… and may even be behind “mystery symptoms” such as fatigue and brain fog.
  • Why typical cosmetics are the equivalent of fast food (these rather disturbing “insider secrets” explain a lot!)
  • 9 potentially TOXIC “worst offender” ingredients in cosmetics you definitely want to AVOID feeding your skin.
  • How to do the all-important “CLEAN SWEEP” to ensure your most beautiful skin and protect your health.
  • The EASY and highly effective 4-step routine to achieve your youngest-looking skin fast.

I highly recommend you watch this short masterclass now — BEFORE you apply any other cosmetic or personal care product to your skin.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I'm excited to share my new series with you FIRST.

One year in the making and lots of learning has given birth to "Home Sick Home" a six part series about the hidden toxins in our homes and how they effect our health and energy levels.

It's eye opening and IMPERATIVE that you watch it so you can better protect your family from avoidable toxins that may be lurking in your home.

I'm offering you a free screening of the entire series right now. Simply click the image below and register to watch it over the next 6 days. You'll be glad you did!
Episode-1-EXPECT-THE-UNEXPECTED-Thumbnail (1)
Dr. Pedram Shojai

P.S. This series will certainly be on one of the networks but NOT on one that takes advertisers. Why? Because many of the main brands we buy into our homes are part of the problem and the big companies that own them control what the networks showcase. We tease the story out in the series bonus features. You really need to know this! Register here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Insider Guide: Breast Cysts​

Most of the time, breast cysts are harmless and do NOT increase your risk of breast cancer.
Breast Cancer Conqueror is rooted in knowledge and empowerment so that you never have to fear breast cancer again. Therefore, breast cysts are things you should know about. Keep reading to learn about what breast cysts are, what they are not, and the next steps.

What are Breast Cysts?​

Breast cysts are fluid-filled sacs inside your breasts that often feel like grapes and can be found in one or both breasts. They can be as small as the tip of a crayon or as big as a lime. About 7% of women will get them, and the most common between ages 30 and 50.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

This Week's Podcast​

At the young age of 30 Dr. Boham received a shocking breast cancer diagnosis. She was well-educated in health and doing “all the right things.”
It changed everything for her. She started focusing on true preventative medicine that provides balance and focuses on creating body terrain that doesn’t give cancer (or other health issues such as dementia or infertility) a chance.
Make sure to bring your notepad to this listening session because it is packed with wisdom and hope.


Diamond Contributor
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This Week on the Podcast​
Be sure to like, follow, and review our show on your favorite podcast app to help us continue to share these inspiring stories of healing!​
Dr. Wright is a Naturopathic doctor with over 16 years of experience in the field of integrative oncology, having spent 12 years working in hospital-based oncology teams. She is passionate about helping patients access evidence-based, natural therapies with a focus on improving both the quality and quantity of life. She provides tools to incorporate into each day that create a body terrain that is inhospitable to disease.

Dr. Wright also shares pearls and proven strategies to help with recovery from surgery and to protect against the side effects of chemotherapy, radiation, immunotherapy, and targeted therapy. She believes that empowering patients to best understand and participate in the decision-making for ongoing cancer treatment is an important part of care. She has special expertise in pancreatic cancer, breast cancer, ovarian cancer, brain cancer, and digestive tract cancers, offering fundamental support for people with cancer or other chronic conditions.​
The Latest Factor In Action Episode​
Don't forget to listen in to our mini-episode on Mondays!

5/20 - Self Compassion
5/13 - Mindset for Change


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hormonal Havoc: The COVID Fallout and How to Fix It
June 17-23, 2024

Have you been facing menstrual irregularities or disturbances such as blood clotting, late periods, fluid retention, heavier bleeding, early menopause, post-menopausal bleeding, or severe cramps?
It can be frustrating, scary, and even isolating to navigate these issues, especially since our menstrual cycles are often considered taboo topics. However, it’s important to remember you are not alone in this.
In recent years, many women have experienced unexpected changes in their menstrual cycles. Even women who have had regular cycles their whole lives are reporting the worst periods of their lives! And many are asking WHY? and WHY NOW?
Research indicates that COVID-19 may be a contributing factor to these disturbances, both after the vaccination and after infection.
Some women have noticed changes immediately following their injection.
Are you wondering if your symptoms are due to COVID-19 and/or the vaccine? Could hormones be playing a role in these changes?
If you feel your concerns haven’t been taken seriously by your healthcare practitioners, you are not alone.
That’s why I want to invite you to the my complimentary online event, join me at Hormonal Havoc: The COVID Fallout and How to Fix It!
This summit will address the medical issues that researchers and clinicians are seeing, the role hormones are playing, and how to address those issues – from simple nutrient replenishment to advanced therapeutics for long COVID and vaccine injuries.
Don't miss this opportunity to join me and a community that is ready to heal and make a positive impact.
Be sure to mark your calendar for June 17-23, 2024!
To your health,
Dr. Margaret Christensen MD, FACOG, IFMCP, ABOIM, CFMHC
P.S. When you register for Hormonal Havoc: The COVID Fallout and How to Fix It, you’ll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi

Have you heard of “turbo cancers?”

Well tonight, we have a doubleheader starting with part one of my full interview with Dr. Bryan Ardis...

He explains why these turbo cancers are being suppressed and downplayed by Big Pharma and the mainstream media but the truth is we should all be very concerned.

Dr. Ardis also reveals the cancer connection with vaccine injuries and Long C0V!D and what you can do specifically to heal and protect yourself.

And guess what... that’s just the bonus interview!

In tonight’s main episode, we go deep on the perfect anti-cancer lifestyle featuring 5 additional experts.

Odds are, you’ve heard a lot of conflicting information from doctors, surgeons, and from “Dr. Google”…

Well, what if you had one place where the BEST experts in the world could give you the most scientifically backed anti-cancer lifestyle information and strategies to live your best and healthiest life?

If that’s something you want, then you’ll want to...

>> Watch Episode 7 right now (AND don’t miss the bonus interview with Dr. Bryan Ardis just below it)

You know, it’s really unfortunate that a lot of these protocols for preventing and healing cancer are being HIDDEN from you.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Can Homeopathic Medicine Treat Infectious Diseases? [The Science]​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi

Tonight we close out The Missing Link docuseries...

And I’m so grateful for all the support you’ve given me because without you, none of this would be possible.

The fact you’re here, learning about these natural healing protocols and the best ways to avoid cancer...

And seeking solutions to empower yourself and your loved ones makes me incredibly hopeful that one day we CAN live in a world without this disease.

So with that said, are you ready for the series finale?

Because we may have saved the best for last!

And in case you missed my time-sensitive update we recorded just one day ago while I’m on a mission in Africa, I’ve included it with this episode too.

>> Watch the final episode here (available 24 hours)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Friend,
Maintaining strong, healthy bones is crucial for your overall well-being, particularly as you age. It’s also key if you want to live a long life: According to one study from the journal eLife, bone fractures can shorten your life by one to seven years!
Can you prevent osteoporosis and bone fractures? Yes, there is a lot you can do naturally to prevent weak and brittle bones. And if you have been diagnosed with osteoporosis or osteopenia, it’s not too late to repair and rebuild your bones.​

Addressing Trauma and Dissociation

Thank you to everyone who joined me live for this month’s LIVE with Dr. Eliaz. During the session, I discussed healing trauma by integrating the psychological and physiological aspects.
>> Watch the Replay Now

Conquering Cancer

I firmly believe that each of us has our own unique healing journey, and integration is key to achieving lasting wellness. The upcoming Conquering Cancer Docuseries offers invaluable insights that can benefit us all, regardless of where we are on our paths to health.
This docuseries isn't just about external treatments; it delves into the inner journey of healing, highlighting the importance of exploring our emotional and psychological landscapes, addressing trauma that may be hindering our health, and tapping into the energetic and psychospiritual aspects of healing.

>> Here is a brief clip where I share more about why I'm so enthusiastic about this series.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Liver and Gallbladder SOS & Rescue Summit

Did you know that your liver processes about 1.4 liters of blood every minute? It also performs over 500 vital functions that sustain life.
Just take a moment and imagine the immense workload that your liver and gallbladder take on a daily basis.
However, for many, the health of the liver and gallbladder remains an overlooked aspect of their healing journey, a crucial part that demands our attention.
I was honored to participate in Shivan Sarna’s Liver & Gallbladder SOS Rescue Masterclass Series taking place June 1st, where I discussed how Galectin-3 impacts non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), therapeutic apheresis, and much more.

>> Join Me, Register Now


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Member For 5 Years
Food Revolution Network
Hi Jimi,
Some of the most popular sunscreens contain ingredients that are linked to hormone disruption, cancer, and increased risk of birth defects.
Which ingredients do you need to watch out for? And what are the better alternatives?
Get the whole sunscreen story here.
Yours for healthy protection,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Sunshine is good for our health, but too much sun exposure can cause skin cancer and premature aging. And most of the popular sunscreens turn out to be loaded with dangerous chemicals. So, what are the best options if you want to protect your skin while you’re out in the sun?
Find out in this guest article from Annmarie Gianni, here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

11 Tips On Allergies​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Happy Thursday Jimi!
Did you know you can reverse type 2 diabetes and effectively manage type 1 by eating a high carbohydrate diet with unlimited amounts of fruit?
I know how crazy that sounds, but hang with me...
My friend Cyrus Khambatta, PhD, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and two autoimmune diseases in 2002. Initially he followed the standard diabetes advice and adopted a low-carb diet, but he soon realized that it wasn't working. He continued to feel worse and needed more and more insulin.
Then he tried something completely different, a high carbohydrate plant-based diet with unlimited amounts of fruit.
And it transformed his condition and his life!
Cyrus went on to get hid PhD in Nutritional Biochemistry from the University of California Berkeley and has since helped thousands of people all over the world reverse type 2 diabetes and manage type 1 through his Mastering Diabetes program.
In this awesome new interview, Cyrus and I take a deep dive into the misconceptions of diabetes, including how sugar doesn't cause it, and how you can use a high carbohydrate diet to reverse insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and manage type 1. This interview is so much fun and you will learn a ton, I promise. Enjoy!
Show Notes:
-Cyrus' diabetes diagnosis and bleak prognosis
-Cyrus finds fruit
-The causes of diabetes
-The cause of insulin resistance is not sugar
-The oil and water analogy for insulin resistance
-More plants, more benefits
-The best way to gather evidence-based information
-The most pervasive bias in science and medicine
-The primary fuel source for your brain is...
-What Cyrus eats on a typical day
-And more!

Watch our interview here

May you prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers...

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