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Jimi's Daily Health Articles

Bliss Doubt

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Tennessee bans chemtrails.

I could link at least five articles from mainstream media, in which they're laughing at a law they say is based on "conspiracy theory", but the main ingredients in the chemtrail sprays are aluminum and barium salts. This law is very positive move, and we can hope it catches on in other states. I wish it would. The ground fall of these chemicals into the soil is killing giant ancient trees in our Texas hill country. We inhale it, and the aluminum penetrates our own biology.

More accurately the law bans geoengineering in Tennessee. It goes into effect on July 1.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
Tennessee bans chemtrails.

I could link at least five articles from mainstream media, in which they're laughing at a law they say is based on "conspiracy theory", but the main ingredients in the chemtrail sprays are aluminum and barium salts. This law is very positive move, and we can hope it catches on in other states. I wish it would. The ground fall of these chemicals into the soil is killing giant ancient trees in our Texas hill country. We inhale it, and the aluminum penetrates our own biology.

More accurately the law bans geoengineering in Tennessee. It goes into effect on July 1.

Each time I get a chance, I tell my representatives... to ban these death clouds and a whole lot of other stuff !!!
This hopefully will be the beginning for other states to follow.
Keep up the good fight never give up !!!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi

In case you missed our email earlier...

We’ve extended the on-demand replay of all 9 episodes of The Missing Link until 8pm Eastern tonight!

And on the replay page, you’ll find this brand new interview Nathan recorded with Dr. Ed Group and Jonathan Otto.

It’s an in-depth conversation about an ancient Ayurvedic treatment called “Shivambu Kalpa” or more commonly known in modern medicine as urotherapy.

Now, there’s a lot of Big Pharma-funded outlets attempting to debunk the efficacy of this therapy...

And when you watch this eye-opening interview, you’ll understand why that is.

Because the truth is, “Shivambu” has been described in sacred Hindu texts that are over 5,000 years old...

And is STILL practiced today in many Asian countries as a therapy for asthma, arthritis, allergies, acne, indigestion, migraines, wrinkles, and yes — cancer too.

These are places with some of the healthiest and longest-living people in the world, so you owe yourself to check out this interview and decide for yourself.

>> New interview reveals the ancient Ayurvedic treatment for cancer (plus watch ANY episode for another 8 hours)

With care,

The Conquering Cancer team
P.S. Stay tuned because tonight at 8pm Eastern, we’re airing a full-length Bonus Episode titled “The Anti-Cancer Blueprint.”


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
check out these recent episodes from Rosie Radio:



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

I hope you paid attention to our very first episode of “Immune For Life” - the new, never seen before groundbreaking docuseries.

The episode premiered yesterday, and it was packed with lots of valuable and life changing information.

(In case you missed, you can still watch it here)
But the best part about this episode is the overwhelming amount of positive feedback we got from our viewers.

Not to scare you, but if you watched this episode, you know there is a lot happening behind the scenes in the medical industry…that they don’t want you to find out.

Our experts shared shocking TRUTH about why so many Westerners are practically addicted to medications…without feeling any better.

These doctors and medical experts shared why this information isn’t available to the public.

Our experts shared reasons why big pharma doesn’t have our best interest in mind when creating medications…

As well as why so many Americans are addicted to junk food…even though we know it’s not good for us.

This was extremely sad to hear.

Because it showed us that the way we feel, function and even look is not our fault.

So if you’ve tried to improve your health before and struggle with it…

Know you’re not alone.

But the good news, there is a way out from this vicious cycle.

And that’s exactly what our first episode was about.

And in case you missed the premiere last night, you can still catch this episode for a limited time -- you have until 5pm PST/8pm EST tonight before it’s replaced with the next episode:

The Root Causes Of Everyday Diseases - Discover The Triggers for Cancer, Dementia, Autoimmune Disease, Diabetes and more”

Watch Episode #1 Now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Big Picture​
Click here to start watching Episode 1.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Clinical Study on Blushield Efficacy - The Results Are In
Almost three years ago (back in September of 2020), we were contacted by Tom Blue, the owner of a research company and Executive Director of the American Academy of Private Physicians. Tom is connected with a large network of doctors. He had recently discovered Blushield EMF protection devices, and noticed significant positive results from using the devices on himself, his wife and their son.
EMFs Linked to Cancer, Autoimmunity, Immune Dysfunction
Science shows electromagnetic fields are unavoidably harmful to human health, causing bioeffects and derailing the immune system at levels deemed within safe exposure effects.
Why Blushield's EMF Protection Is The Most Sophisticated On The Market
Worried about the impact of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on your health and well-being? Look no further! Dive into this in-depth interview with Brandon Amalani, CEO of Blushield USA, the groundbreaking solution for EMF protection.🛡️


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi ,

We know navigating chronic illness and cancer can feel overwhelming.

You might have a million questions, and traditional medicine might not have all the answers you seek.

That's where Healing Life comes in.

We believe in empowering you with knowledge and offering a holistic approach to healing on your terms.

Here's the thing: you're not alone.

We're featuring a powerful video interview with Cyrus Khambatta, PhD, co-founder of Mastering Diabetes, and Nathan Crane, founder of Healing Life, where they tackle a critical question: What triggers Type 1 Diabetes?

This isn't just about diabetes, though. It's about uncovering the latest research on how environmental factors might influence chronic illness altogether.

Sound interesting? We bet it does.
Here's why you should check it out (and why Healing Life might be a game-changer for you):
  • Free Video Snippet: Get a sneak peek at this insightful conversation and see if it resonates with you.
  • Top Health Experts: We connect you with world-class doctors, researchers, and wellness leaders who share your integrative approach to healing.
  • Live Q&A Sessions: Don't just watch, get involved! Ask your questions directly to the experts during our live sessions.
  • Holistic Support: We go beyond traditional medicine, exploring alternative and complementary therapies to empower your journey.
We understand you might be skeptical. There's a lot of noise out there.

That's why we're offering a free trial. See for yourself the caliber of information and the supportive community Healing Life offers.

Ready to take charge of your health?
Click the link below to watch the video snippet and start your free trial today. You've got nothing to lose, and potentially a whole lot to gain.

What Triggers Type 1 Diabetes

Wishing you health and happiness,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

Everything we call “aging” is really just inflammation.

Wrinkly skin?

Feeling tired all the time?

Increased risk of heart attack?

All caused by inflammation.

But, you probably already knew that.

Here’s what you didn’t know about inflammation:

Lots of people online say that free radicals cause inflammation.

So if you just eat enough antioxidants, inflammation will go away.

But that’s not the whole story.

Some new evidence suggests that inflammation comes from a completely different source:

Your gut.

What does your gut have to do with inflammation?

Well, inside your gut, there are lots of mean, nasty bacteria.

Sometimes, parts of those bacteria escape from your gut... and your immune system attacks them.

That fight can damage your cells, and cause inflammation.

(You know how 2 young boys fighting at home can knock over tables, rip up the sofa, and maybe even break a window? It’s kind of like that, except it’s not your sofa and your window — it’s your heart and lungs.)

The good news is, you also have good bacteria in your gut.

And if you give those good bacteria the tools, they can keep the bad bacteria in check.

Making you way less likely to get inflamed.

Want to learn how to take care of your gut?

Good news: Sarah Otto (you may know her from Goodness Lover) created a masterclass all about gut health.

She interviewed 27 separate gut health experts...

Took what they said...

And then put them into one big training program, just for you.

Normally, she sells this masterclass for $297.

But right now, you can get instant access...

For free.

Click right here to enroll:

>> Learn how to take care of your gut (for free) — just click here!


P.S. If your gut’s not healthy, inflammation isn’t the only problem you’ll have.

In fact, it’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Here’s a list of all the nasty symptoms you can get if your gut’s out of whack:

  • Weight gain
  • Skin problems like acne and eczema
  • Bloating, gas, and diarrhea
  • Mood swings
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Constantly feeling tired
  • Brain fog
  • Increased risk of heart attack
  • And more.

If you don’t take good care of your gut, you’re much more likely to fall victim to one of these conditions.

To learn how to take good care of your gut, click below:

>> Click here to enroll in Sarah Otto’s microbiome masterclass (while it’s still FREE!)

When you register for Sarah’s masterclass, she’s going to give you 2 additional bonuses completely free:

#1: The Microbiome Toolkit, which helps you figure out if your microbiome is out of whack — and shows you how to restore it.

#2: Top 12 Foods & Natural Remedies For Better Gut Health. This is exactly what it sounds like: 12 things you can eat/drink to improve your gut health. (#9 is really easy to add to your diet — in fact, you probably have some in your spice cabinet right now.)

If you want FREE access to the masterclass and these 2 bonuses, click here:

>> Learn how to take better care of your gut (and get 2 FREE bonuses) — click here.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Plant Sterols May Help Lower LDL Cholesterol

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

While the foods you eat are the most powerful instruments for taking charge of your heart health, you can also enhance the effect of your diet with the proper use of supplements that contain plant sterols.

Plant sterols are substances similar to cholesterol but are found in plants, notably nuts and seeds as well as vegetable oils. They can also be obtained in supplements.

Special: Coronary Heart Disease: 5 Tips to Reduce Your Risk

When consumed in sufficient amounts, plant sterols may inhibit the absorption of cholesterol in the small intestine, and have been shown to lower LDL cholesterol without lowering good HDL cholesterol — a result that is the equivalent of a statin drug, without the side effects.

A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that when plant sterols were consumed in sufficient quantities, they lowered LDL cholesterol an average of 13%.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Happy Tuesday Jimi!
I am so excited to announce that Dr. Jenn Simmons is back on the podcast.
Dr. Jenn is one of my favorite conventional-turned-functional doctors. She is fearless, passionate about health, and she's brilliant.
My new interview with her is jam-packed with valuable new information and resources for you. Just look at the show notes!
In this interview we cover:
-How to protect yourself from PET/CT and mammogram radiation
-How to protect yourself from MRI gadolinium toxicity
-How mammograms cause cancer and why you should avoid them
-The new safe breast screening tool that Dr. Jenn uses (not thermography)
-Why you shouldn't get radiation after lumpectomy
-Why soy is good for estrogen positive cancers
-Why Dr. Jenn is still haunted by OxyContin
-Dr. Jenn's new book for breast cancer patients
-And so much more!
Dr. Jenn Simmons drops some massive knowledge bombs in this interview. You will be informed and empowered, I promise.
Don't miss it!

Watch our interview here!

May you prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospers...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

Our replay for The Missing Link docuseries has ended but we have a special BONUS EPISODE for you tonight and it’s airing right now! It’s called...

>> The Anti-Cancer Blueprint: A Step-by-Step Guide to Avoiding & Beating Cancer

Joining us tonight are 11 experts who present the ultimate road map for preventing and beating cancer — and this could blow this whole experience wide open for you!

You’ll hear from Dr. Michael Klaper, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Jenn Simmons, Master Chunyi Lin, and more!

We are beyond excited to release this previously unaired episode to you and hope you take the time to watch it now...

>> Watch The Anti-Cancer Blueprint (24 hours only)

See you there,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Root Causes Of Everyday Diseases - Discover The Triggers for Cancer, Dementia, Autoimmune Disease, Diabetes and more”

We’re going live now!

Click here to watch episode #2
This episode is one of my favorites because inside, we reveal:
  • Why one of our Medical Experts issued an urgent health warning: if you take any of these common pills you need to stop right now
  • What are the 4 most common types of stress and how it can inhibit (and even STOP completely) your immune function
  • The ONE thing that makes smokers healthier than people with diabetes, cancer, and obesity combined (I was SHOCKED when I heard about it during the interview)
Click here to watch Episode #2 “The Root Causes Of Everyday Diseases - Discover The Triggers for Cancer, Dementia, Autoimmune Disease, Diabetes and more”


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
PAULTHOMASMD Newsletter Headers

In case you missed it.... Dr. Paul's Blog weekly recap!​

Dr. Paul is featured in REMEDY - The film series that may restore your health and save your life! Begins on May 30th, don’t miss it!
28 May 12:13 PM​

Uncover Proven Remedies and Hope for Vaccine Injury.
Greetings Folks,

I am excited to share that I am featured in a groundbreaking new docu-series called REMEDY. This 8-episode series delves into the controversial topic of vaccines, shedding light on the censorship, misinformation, and hardships many have faced in recent years due to vaccine mandates.Many individuals have lost their jobs and even their lives due to their stance on vaccines. However, REMEDY explores the possibility of reversing vaccine injuries and offers hope to those affected.
What if you could go back in time?
What if you could “undo” the damage that’s been done?
What if you could reverse vaccine injury?
These questions are at the heart of why we created REMEDY.
Learn More Here
The fact is, there are proven remedies to mitigate and even reverse vaccine damage, whether it's from the COVID-19 injection or other vaccines like MMR, DPT, or HPV. We have gathered as many of these remedies as possible to share with you in this series.
REMEDY provides solutions for those who have suffered vaccine damage from the CDC’s recommended shots, offering real hope and actual remedies for those living in fear or already experiencing vaccine injuries.Click here to watch the trailer and reserve your free seat!The series features an impressive lineup of experts, including...Read More


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Understanding Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) in Men and Women
Hey Jim,

Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) is a vital glycoprotein that regulates the bioavailability of sex hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen, in both men and women. The balance of SHBG influences various physiological processes, including reproductive function, mood, and energy levels. High SHBG levels can lead to reduced availability of these hormones, causing symptoms like fatigue and decreased libido, while low levels can result in an excess of hormones, contributing to conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and hormonal imbalances.

In this episode, we'll go over everything you need to know about SHBG as well as the functional medicine approach to supporting better hormonal health and overall well-being.

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG): What It Is & How It Affects You
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​
You May Also Like... Supercharge Your Metabolism: Expert-Backed Secrets for Faster Metabolic Health

For this this inspiring conversation, Nagina Abdullah joins me to share her personal journey of overcoming weight struggles and sugar cravings, unveiling her revolutionary approach to boosting metabolism and achieving sustainable weight loss.

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

What did you think about our second episode: “The Root Causes Of Everyday Diseases - Discover The Triggers for Cancer, Dementia, Autoimmune Disease, Diabetes and more”?

(In case you missed it, you can still watch it here)
You most likely heard this phrase:

“Knowledge is power”

This saying is especially true when it comes to our health.

Because after watching our second episode you now know exactly what dangerous toxins might be hiding in your own house.

And it’s this knowledge that gives you an advantage and allows you to bulletproof your own house and health…

So you can protect yourself and your family from getting sick with horrible modern-day diseases.

And in case you missed the premiere, you can still catch this episode in the next 12 hours before it’s taken down.

Here’s what you’ll discover:
  • Why you should NOT try to 'manage' or 'reduce' your stress, but rather try to understand your perception of stress, leading to improved inflammatory markers in your body
  • What is toxic load and what are the biggest myths about toxins conventional medicine leads you to believe in
  • Why drinking a lot of water may not be enough to be hydrated?
  • How cancer isn’t a disease you can “catch” but rather a disease that your body creates. And how to empower yourself to prevent this from happening
  • The most dangerous and toxic metal that might be hiding in your tap water
  • What’s the connection between cancer and silent toxins that might be hiding in your house right now
And so much more!

Watch Episode #2 Now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Forwarded this email? Subscribe here for more

WITH THE WIND WITH DR. PAUL - SHOW 148; Pediatric Perspectives with Guest Elizabeth Mumper, M.D. “How To Have a Healthy Child”

Wednesday, 5/29, our 148th episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

MAY 29
Click to watch Wednesday at 11:30 AM

How To Have a Healthy Child​

"I think that if people like you and me sat on the committees that made decisions about vaccine administration, the same decisions would not be made; the academic people that tend to sit on the committees are looking at charts and looking at epidemiologic data that is fundamentally flawed, and don't have the opportunity to hear the same story over and over again, which is certainly impacted your career and my career in very profound ways."
— Elizabeth Mumper, M.D.
On this week's show, Dr. Paul and Dr. Elizabeth Mumper discuss the essential role of trustworthy, well-informed pediatricians in light of the alarming statistic that 1 in 36 kids are diagnosed with autism, according to 2023 CDC data. As rates of neurological disorders continue to rise, physicians are facing novel and unexpected health conditions, necessitating continuous education and up-to-date knowledge on therapies. Learn from doctors who advocate for children's health and guide parents in making informed medical decisions for their kids.

Show available Wednesday 11:30 AM​

Watch the Show


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Dr. Paul is featured in REMEDY - The film series that may restore your health and save your life! Begins on May 30th, don’t miss it!

Uncover Proven Remedies and Hope for Vaccine Injury.​

Dr. Paul Thomas REMEDY film, reverse vaccine injury solutions, vaccine injury remedies documentary, life-saving vaccine injury film series, Dr. Paul vaccine injury recovery
Greetings Folks,

I am excited to share that I am featured in a groundbreaking new docu-series called REMEDY. This 8-episode series delves into the controversial topic of vaccines, shedding light on the censorship, misinformation, and hardships many have faced in recent years due to vaccine mandates.
Many individuals have lost their jobs and even their lives due to their stance on vaccines. However, REMEDY explores the possibility of reversing vaccine injuries and offers hope to those affected.
  • What if you could go back in time?
  • What if you could “undo” the damage that’s been done?
  • What if you could reverse vaccine injury?
These questions are at the heart of why we created REMEDY.

The fact is, there are proven remedies to mitigate and even reverse vaccine damage, whether it's from the COVID-19 injection or other vaccines like MMR, DPT, or HPV. We have gathered as many of these remedies as possible to share with you in this series.
REMEDY provides solutions for those who have suffered vaccine damage from the CDC’s recommended shots, offering real hope and actual remedies for those living in fear or already experiencing vaccine injuries.

Click here to watch the trailer and reserve
your free seat!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
We’ve all heard that it’s important to eat a healthy breakfast. But we’ve also heard that so-called intermittent fasting — eating all your food in an 8-hour window — can be good for blood sugar, metabolism, and weight loss. And some people tell us it’s good to eat nothing but fruit, or a smoothie, in the morning.
So, should you eat breakfast, and if so, what kind and how much?
Join us for tip #6 in WHOLE Life Club’s first-ever live workshop to find out!
>> Sign up for Thriving on a Plant-Based Diet: 10 Tips for Maximizing Your Health and Happiness right here.
On June 1, I’ll be hosting Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. Helen Powell Stoddart, and FRN’s brilliant dietitian-nutritionist team for a live workshop you’ll never forget.
We’ll share breakthrough research on the power of lifestyle medicine to reverse disease and maximize health. And our focus will be action.
You’ll leave the workshop with practical tips to help you get lasting results.
And it’s all live — so there’s a chance to get your questions answered, too.
>> Find out more and claim your free spot now.
Yours for making it happen,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. We’ll focus on 10 tips for maximizing your health and happiness. And these aren’t the same old things you’ve heard a million times — like get enough fiber or eat your vegetables. Sure, those are important, but we’ll also focus on the mindset pillars and implementation tools that can literally make all the difference. Jimi, I hope to see you on June 1! Register here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Truth About Breast Cancer Metastasis​

Disclaimer: This blog is a source of general breast cancer metastasis information; it is not designed to provide specific protocols for your specific case.
Please speak with your medical team to determine the best course of action for your body.
We live in an environmentally complex world inundated with foreign chemicals that assault our bodies every day. In the 1940s, the chances of developing breast cancer were 1 in 40. Now it is 1 in 3 will develop some form of cancer, and 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer.
What you put into your body, mind, and heart influences your cells’ ability to fight or welcome dis-ease. Researchers at the M. D. Anderson Cancer Center have backed this up with countless studies that concluded: “Cancer is a preventable disease that requires major lifestyle changes. Only 5-10% of all cancer cases can be attributed to genetic defects. The remaining 90-95% have their roots in the environment and lifestyle.”


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Nutritional Wellness Summit​

If you’re confused about what you need to eat to be well or feeling overwhelmed by all the diets and eating styles out there.
Then I have the solution for you.
I have been asked to speak at the Nutritional Wellness Summit which will start on June 10th and would love to have you join me!
I will be joining some of the most well-known names in health and nutrition to give you the latest research-based and critical nutritional information to help you make the best food choices for you personally.
We’ll cut through all the myths and misinformation to share our best tips, strategies, and ideas for using what you eat to prevent illness and disease and optimize your health and well-being.
The best part is if you click on the links below you will receive your complimentary ticket.
That’s right, it’s all free.
==> Click here to get your complimentary ticket!
If you’re serious about your health and are committed to taking responsibility for doing everything possible to prevent illness and disease, to live not only longer but healthier. Then this is the must-attend event of the year.
Wherever you are in your wellness journey, you’ll learn tons of new nutrition strategies and tips to help you optimize your health and well-being.
P.S. When you register today you will also receive two eBooks: Your Path to Nutritional Wellness and Expert Insights Into Nutritional Wellness.
Are you ready to get informed — and to get empowered? Register today and access it all.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Artery Unclogging Duo: How Pomegranate and Garlic Could Save Millions of Lives
In a world where cardiovascular disease claims more lives than any other ailment, a groundbreaking solution may be found not in the latest pharmaceutical wonder drug, but in two humble foods that have been cherished for millennia: pomegranate and garlic. Mounting scientific evidence suggests that these natural wonders possess an extraordinary ability to combat atherosclerosis--the buildup of deadly plaque in the arteries--yet their potential remains largely untapped and underreported.
The Evidence Against Aspirin And For Natural Alternatives
Millions take aspirin each day -- presumably to prevent cardiovascular disease -- but how many are aware of its true risks (which include deadly bleeding events) and of the natural, evidence-based alternatives that exist that are much safer?
Removing Children's Tonsils and Adenoids Increases Risk for 28 Diseases, Study Finds
While the conventional medical establishment's standard of care includes removing "broken" or "defective" body parts, a watershed study on the long-term effects of tonsillectomy and adenoid removal calls into question the propriety of this commonly applied surgical procedure, performed on nearly half-a-million children in the United States each year.

5 Vital Ways to Protect Yourself
Almost 2 in every 3 Americans (64%) have experienced a major data breach. Think stolen passwords, credit card fraud, bank accounts drained, text scams regarding loved ones….

It’s an epidemic.

And even though most of us are concerned about online privacy, very few of us do anything about it. We don’t take action because we feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start.

Cyber scams and bank card scams are everywhere and ransomware is flooding the internet. That’s why our good friend Trevor King asked his own son, Daniel, to join us for a webinar to give us some simple, practical but highly effective tips that we can take to protect ourselves.

His credentials?

Five Years in the Software Industry with extensive professional security training and Top Secret clearance by the UK Government’s Home Office (the department that deals with passports, drug offenses, crime, counter-terrorism, and police affairs).

Join us on Thursday, May 30 at 4pm EST for the first ever webinar we have done about this. You’ll discover a LOT that you didn’t know.
Blushield Advanced EMF Protection Technology Overview
Worried about the impact of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on your health and well-being? Look no further! Dive into this in-depth interview with Brandon Amalani, CEO of Blushield USA, the groundbreaking solution for EMF protection.🛡️

In the interview, Brandon discusses the unique features and benefits of Blushield products and which product is best for your use case, e.g. home coverage area, portable devices, and children's EMF protection.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
There's too much expert advice out there about food. The problem is not everyone giving that advice is an expert. Just because some weird fad diet worked for somebody, it doesn't mean it'll work for you. Worse, it may be harmful to you.

I invited Kristin Kirkpatrick onto the podcast to discuss the wild world of dieting. She's an actual expert on the topic and has worked with patients at the Cleveland Clinic for years...alongside the best functional medicine doctors in the world.

Let's hear what an actual expert who's been down in the trenches has to say about dieting...
Kristin Kirkpatrick
I'm committed to bringing you the best people with the most honest conversations so you can navigate this mess of health information better so you can learn to trust yourself and your decisions.

Dr. Pedram Shojai
The Urban Monk

P.S. We speak of a number of natural ways to reduce blood sugar and regulate insulin in the interview. As discussed, here's the version of Berberine I've found to be very effective with my patients. It suppresses appetite, regulates blood sugar and helps normalize insulin levels.

Enjoy the podcast!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This Week on the Podcast​
Be sure to like, follow, and review our show on your favorite podcast app to help us continue to share these inspiring stories of healing!​
Romy was diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer in October 2014. In the first four years, she had 8 surgeries, 7 recurrences, and lots of chemo and radiation. In her gut, she never actually thought this was going to take her out, but since everyone was telling her it would, she did all that her doctors told her to do. Around the three-year mark, she added in several other modalities to help improve her outcome. She believes that releasing suppressed emotions and having a strong will to live changed her outcome dramatically.
January of 2024 marks 5 years of No Evidence of Disease.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Bombshell Admissions from Francis Collins in Closed-Door Meeting; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on the COVID Public Health Scandal being exposed by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, and massive conflicts of interest in the Pharma/Medical Apparatus are exposed; XClear Founder’s Company is Last One Standing in Fight against FTC Attack on his effective product; ‘Plandemic: The Musical’ Set for Premiere in Austin.
Guests: Philipp Kruse, Esq., LLM; Nate Jones; Mikki Willis & DPAK​


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
New Member
Reddit Exile
Bombshell Admissions from Francis Collins in Closed-Door Meeting; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on the COVID Public Health Scandal being exposed by the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, and massive conflicts of interest in the Pharma/Medical Apparatus are exposed; XClear Founder’s Company is Last One Standing in Fight against FTC Attack on his effective product; ‘Plandemic: The Musical’ Set for Premiere in Austin.
Guests: Philipp Kruse, Esq., LLM; Nate Jones; Mikki Willis & DPAK​

this covid has certainaly awoken peoples imagination jimi, is the world still round or is it now flat?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Did you watch the 5 Simple Things You Can Do To Heal Your Gut, Boost Your Mood & Shift Stubborn Weight masterclass?

In it, James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch from the Food Matters Institute gave so many great strategies for leveling up your wellness game with powerful new foods and morning rituals that can impact everything from your mindset to your blood sugar levels.

It’s a good reminder of the everyday things we can do right at home to live healthier and prepare our bodies for the future! And, right now there might be health issues holding you back from actually doing the things you love...

Which is why we want to tell you about the Food Matters Nutrition Certification Program...

This program was designed by our friends James and Laurentine from the Food Matters Institute, who are passionate about helping people take their health into their own hands.

--->>Click here to learn more about the program today!
The Food Matters Nutrition Certification Program is an accredited, study-at-your-own-pace, online program. After completing it, you’ll know how to:

  • Identify which foods to eat and which to avoid to help heal and nourish your body, help boost your immunity, longevity, and energy, and guide others on how to do the same.

  • Apply practical solutions in your everyday life that will help reinforce the importance of using food as medicine.

  • Understand the importance of biochemical individuality and that there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to nutrition and health and how to apply this principle to your own life.

  • Utilize nutrition and natural healing methods to handle any future health issues that arise, ensuring you stay healthier for longer.

  • Use your Food Matters Nutrition Certification to not only improve your health using nutrition but also help others do the same, creating a positive impact in their lives.

  • Create your own health and wellness business and start practicing straight away with membership and insurance from industry professionals IICT
We wanted to share this with you because we believe this program is top-caliber and one of a kind. PLUS, enrollment ends soon!

They are only open for a limited time, so make sure to have a look if you’re interested.

--->>Click here to learn more about the program today!
Because health means everything,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today, the WHO pandemic treaty appears to be dead in the water, but is it? Del gives the latest as he prepares to head to Geneva himself.

Jefferey Jaxen reports on the apparent NIH COVID COVER-UP at the highest levels of our Health Agencies to avoid public transparency around the origins of COVID. Also, Australia is moving to green light digital IDs while microplastic contamination and their health concerns hit the mainstream.

Then, Del is joined by Dr. Michael Nehls to discuss groundbreaking evidence of the benefits of vitamin D and Lithium. The two compounds performed very well against COVID, and has he found an effective treatment for Alzheimer’s?

Finally, we welcome back Andrew Wakefield, along with Actress Emmy Robbin, to promote the release of his new movie Protocol 7, which tells a true story of corruption and greed within the medical industry, as witnessed by Wakefield himself.

Shing a light on PERILOUS PROTOCOLS today on The HighWire!

It all happens TODAY, 11AM Pacific Time, 2pm Eastern, at The HighWire!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

That’s right, we’re airing one final bonus episode tonight and it’s airing now for the next 24 hours...

But first, who in your life has had cancer... or is actively fighting an existing diagnosis?

If the answer is no one, consider yourself lucky...

Because it’s estimated that half the population today will eventually get cancer at some point in their lifetime.

Not good, but it’s one of the main reasons why I’ve dedicated over a decade of my life to this cause.

It’s also why we put together this bonus episode for you...

Because tonight’s episode flips the focus from patient to caretaker — watch the bonus episode right here.

You see, as a caretaker, you are an essential part of your loved one’s journey through treatment and recovery.

This role, however, comes with its own set of unique challenges and responsibilities that can feel overwhelming...

Managing daily tasks, doctor’s appointments, meals, medications, not to mention emotional support...

Then there is the reality that this person may be someone you care about deeply. Your own fears, uncertainty, and needs must be honored and handled, as well.

And all these demands of being a caretaker quickly add up and can take a toll on your own health and well-being.

So whether you’re a caretaker now, or one in the future (and there’s a good chance you will be)...

Make sure to watch this episode so you will not only be better equipped to handle the practical aspects of caregiving...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Friend,
Depression can be paralyzing. You want to be happy, but you just can’t shake that heavy feeling of sadness. You might also feel empty or hopeless and cry a lot. You might get annoyed and angry at every little thing or spend your days sleeping. While there are many sides to depression, these are a few common signs.
If you are struggling with overwhelming sadness and/or anxiety that never seems to go away, consider using a multilayered strategy to help bring your mind and body into balance, while also reducing aggravating factors that contribute to depression and anxiety.
Something as simple as going for a walk can help. For example, according to a new study from the University of Limerick, Ireland, just 20 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise (e.g., brisk walking) five days per week helps slash the risk of depression symptoms and odds of major depression!
By supporting your mental and emotional health from many angles, you can do a lot to alleviate depression and enhance your energy naturally — creating positive, rather than negative, feedback loops.​

Post-Traumatic Growth

I’m very inspired to be among the presenters for the upcoming Post-Traumatic Growth Global Summit. My colleague and friend, Fleet Maull, has created an extraordinary online event to explore healing in light of the many complex challenges facing humanity today.

Through this pioneering exploration of trauma healing, you will not only gain access to cutting-edge research and practical tools but also to transformational technologies. These resources will empower you to harness the power of post-traumatic growth, overcome obstacles, and build resilience.
>> Register now


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
5 Vital Ways to Protect Yourself
Almost 2 in every 3 Americans (64%) have experienced a major data breach. Think stolen passwords, credit card fraud, bank accounts drained, text scams regarding loved ones….

It’s an epidemic.

And even though most of us are concerned about online privacy, very few of us do anything about it. We don’t take action because we feel overwhelmed and don’t know where to start.

Cyber scams and bank card scams are everywhere and ransomware is flooding the internet. That’s why our good friend Trevor King asked his own son, Daniel, to join us for a webinar to give us some simple, practical but highly effective tips that we can take to protect ourselves.

His credentials?

Five Years in the Software Industry with extensive professional security training and Top Secret clearance by the UK Government’s Home Office (the department that deals with passports, drug offenses, crime, counter-terrorism, and police affairs).

Join us TODAY, Thursday, May 30 at 4pm EST for the first ever webinar we have done about this. You’ll discover a LOT that you didn’t know.
Calcium Supplements Pose Serious Risks: New Study Reveals
A groundbreaking study reveals that habitual calcium supplementation significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and mortality in individuals with diabetes. This vital information sheds new light on the potential dangers of these commonly recommended supplements, especially for those managing diabetes.
The Hidden Danger Lurking in 99% of Cars: Flame Retardants Linked to Cancer and Autism
For many of us, our daily commute is a necessary part of life. But what if every time you stepped into your car, you were exposing yourself and your loved ones to toxic chemicals linked to cancer, autism, and other serious health issues? A startling new study has found that this is the reality for passengers in 99% of cars sold in the US between 2015 and 2022.
Chris D'Adamo, PhD and Brandon Amalani: Blushield Clinical Trial Interview
In this interview Dr. Chris D'Adamo and Brandon Amalani discuss the independant review board certified clinical trial on Blushield EMF protection technology.

In the interview, Brandon discusses the unique features and benefits of Blushield products and which product is best for your use case, e.g. home coverage area, portable devices, and children's EMF protection.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

If you’re experiencing chronic pain, persistent gut health challenges, dry or inflammatory skin, brain fog, food sensitivities that won’t improve, or an autoimmune condition…

There is one thing for certain, uncontrolled inflammation is playing a significant role in your symptoms.

One of the most important things you can do is to put the breaks on the inflammatory cascade that wreaks havoc throughout the body.

That’s why many traditional medical doctors so readily prescribe NSAIDs and Corticosteroids.

The idea is correct… but these medications just temporarily mask the issue and can cause more problems if used for an extended period of time.

The real trick is to go upstream and block inflammation where it starts!

Fortunately, there are 100% natural solutions that I think are the best-kept secrets in integrative medicine. And they’re backed by 80+ studies and thousands of success stories.

Come join me in a total FREE masterclass where Dr. Isaac Eliaz and I reveal breakthrough research and practical solutions to block inflammation at its source.

Click here to register for the FREE Addressing Inflammation at the Source Masterclass

I’m confident this will be one of the most valuable investments of your time.

I hope you join us!

Wishing you abundant health,

Jason Prall

P.S. In this LIVE masterclass, you'll discover groundbreaking insights, including:

  • The little-known immune protein driving aging and disease.
  • How to improve gut health and reverse chronic inflammation.
  • The overlooked protein that triggers the inflammatory cascade.
  • Proven methods to enhance your body's natural detoxification.
  • And more…

Dr. Eliaz’s holistic approach, combining Western medicine, traditional Asian medicine, and complementary modalities, will provide you with proven and actionable strategies to transform your health.

Click here to save your seat.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Too little, too late: EPA moves to ban nerve agent from food use​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
New, Free Course
POWER UP: All-Levels, Full-Body Workout
with Gabby Reece and Mark Roberts
Five fun, dynamic workouts focused on stamina, strength, and core conditioning. Pick from 10-, 25-, and 40-minute class options! Get the full course for free.

You do not need to spend hours in the gym to get results. These classes feature short bursts of dynamic circuit training followed by brief, intentional rests:

  • Do it anywhere: Simple, body-based exercises with minimal equipment
  • All-in-one: Cardio, resistance training, balance, and mobility
  • Modular by design: Multiple workout lengths to fit your schedule
  • Move for life: Training that translates to the real world
  • Never boring: Cycle through more than 80 movements
  • Motivating & confidence-building: Smile while you sweat!
Let’s get strong and fit — together.​

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