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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

3 Ways to Avoid Fractured Hip
By Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Mike Roizen, MDs

There are around 350,000 hip fractures in the U.S. annually, most occurring in folks over age 50. Only 25% fully recover, and 40% can't walk independently a year later.
But no matter your age, you want to protect yourself from a fall that fractures your hip and upends your life. Here are three ways to help you do that:
Special: More Than Half of Americans Over 50 Have Bone Loss. Do Something About It.
1. Exercise. Maintain balance by improving your core strength. Practice planks, bridges, crunches, and bent-over back rows. Do balancing exercises as well. For two minutes a day, stand on one leg, then the other, facing tight into a corner (so you'll fall against a corner wall if you lose balance), or do a "tightrope walk" along a straight line on the floor.
2. Eat right. Protect your bone health with a diet that provides plenty of calcium, vitamin K, and vitamin D. For calcium and vitamin K, enjoy low- or non-fat dairy, kale, broccoli, and collard, turnip, dandelion, and mustard greens. For vitamin D, opt for fatty fish such as salmon as well as mushrooms.
3. Take vitamin D supplements. A 2012 study found that taking 2,000 IU of vitamin D daily reduced the risk of hip fracture by 30%, and a 2019 study found that combined supplementation with vitamin D (daily doses of 400-800 IU) and calcium (daily doses of 1,000-1,200 milligrams) reduced hip fractures by 16%. Ask your doctor for a blood test to check your D levels and recommend a dosage.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Stage 3 Breast Cancer, Stress and Surrendering to God's Sovereignty


Julie DeKam faced a breast cancer diagnosis in December 2015. Though she considered herself healthy prior to her diagnosis, she realized this new trial would leap her into new and deeper levels of her faith. Julie found a peace that surpasses all understanding from Psalm 18:30, helping her embrace the journey that lay ahead. Her courage shines through in this podcast episode, where her powerful testament to the strength found in faith, community, and the HealingStrong network comes to life. As we sit down with Julie, she uncovers the emotional roller coaster of prioritizing her own health as a mother and homeschooler, and how the metaphor of securing your own oxygen mask first, resonates deeply with her story of discipline.⁣

Venturing into the world of alternative cancer strategies after learning she no longer had to continue with conventional, Julie begins to forge her own path in treatment. Rejecting the conventional route, she embarks on a holistic approach, guided by Chris Warks Square One program's pillars of nutrition, exercise, stress management and more. Her journey, underscored by the guidance of a Naturopath and the inspiring advocacy work of Chris Wark, ignites the monumental improvements and hormone regulation achieved through a plant-based diet and individualized care.⁣

The conversation also discussed the unfortunate circumstances of loss, but triumph, as a homeschool mom who confronts cancer amidst personal trials, including a friend's passing and her own divorce. Through these challenging times, Julie discovers a new level of depth in her relationship with God, along with a newfound relationship offering rays of hope. We end the episode with a focus on HealingStrong, a faith based nonproft supporting those with cancer and chronic illness by delving into the organization's pillars of nourishing the body, renewing the soul of those in healing, and how listeners can contribute to spreading this message of hope and renewal. Join us for these inspiring stories that not only touch the heart, but also offer practical strategies and encouragement for those walking a similar path.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Did you miss episode 88?

It's worth a listen, and here's why...

Imagine a place where the stillness of nature meets the cutting edge of cancer-fighting protocols—a sanctuary in the heart of British Columbia, born from loss, a leading from the Lord and a passion for genuine healing for others. Dave Vass guides us through the transformation of scenic woodlands into a tranquil retreat that offers peace and strength to those in the throes of battling cancer.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We've had an overwhelming response from you guys to our previous email on digestive enzymes, low stomach acid, and the Live with Steve Wright.

Many questions came in and I therefore decided to compile a bunch of resources to give you more information about a few key things:

Digestion and hormones - The health of your digestion is CRITICAL for overall health as well as your hormone balance. I've personally never met a person struggling with digestive issues (such as bloating, constipation, IBS, loose stools, gas, and acid reflux) and enjoying excellent overall health and balanced hormones.

Stomach acid - There’s a difference between enzymes and stomach acid. Please watch my interview with Steve (replay below) to learn more and I also show you how to test for stomach acid at home.

Digestive Enzymes - These can turn your digestive health around substantially (more on that below, plus the very information-rich and inspiring interview with Steve Wright). This is especially relevant if you suffer from many food sensitivities and chronic bloating.​
Replay of "How Low Enzymes & Stomach Acid Kill or Build Your Hormone Balance"

What you will learn:
  1. How low stomach acid and low enzymes impact your hormones?
  2. How to do a simple stomach acid test at home?
  3. Eating more protein in peri/menopause? But how to absorb it properly?
  4. How to deal with acid reflux, constipation, bloating, and food intolerances?
  5. How to lower inflammation by upping your enzyme and stomach acid.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

I’m "going live" with one of the best cancer doctors in the world in just a few minutes...

And I also have a surprise guest joining us... Dr. Bryan Ardis!

Both of these amazing doctors were featured throughout our docuseries we're all looking forward to seeing you there live with us.

So click below to join us as we answer the top questions from The Missing Link docuseries to help you live a happier, healthier, cancer-free life.

Go here to join the broadcast

We’re looking forward to a lively and informative question and answer session and hope you’ll be there to interact with us!

And yes, there will be a limited replay if you can’t make it or you’re opening this late...

But I do encourage you to join us live to watch with the rest of the community.

Hope to see you there!

Yours in health,


Gold Contributor
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Reddit Exile
We've had an overwhelming response from you guys to our previous email on digestive enzymes, low stomach acid, and the Live with Steve Wright.

Many questions came in and I therefore decided to compile a bunch of resources to give you more information about a few key things:

Digestion and hormones - The health of your digestion is CRITICAL for overall health as well as your hormone balance. I've personally never met a person struggling with digestive issues (such as bloating, constipation, IBS, loose stools, gas, and acid reflux) and enjoying excellent overall health and balanced hormones.

Stomach acid - There’s a difference between enzymes and stomach acid. Please watch my interview with Steve (replay below) to learn more and I also show you how to test for stomach acid at home.

Digestive Enzymes - These can turn your digestive health around substantially (more on that below, plus the very information-rich and inspiring interview with Steve Wright). This is especially relevant if you suffer from many food sensitivities and chronic bloating.​
Replay of "How Low Enzymes & Stomach Acid Kill or Build Your Hormone Balance"

What you will learn:​
  1. How low stomach acid and low enzymes impact your hormones?
  2. How to do a simple stomach acid test at home?
  3. Eating more protein in peri/menopause? But how to absorb it properly?
  4. How to deal with acid reflux, constipation, bloating, and food intolerances?
  5. How to lower inflammation by upping your enzyme and stomach acid.

why are somethings that have been known and practised for generations suddenly become a new breakthrough?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
why are somethings that have been known and practised for generations suddenly become a new breakthrough?
Because the old and proven have been forgotten and the new Big Pharma drugs that they push seem so much easier to most, sad that people have gotten so lazy that they choose convenience over natural


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
NEW Episode of the HEAL with Kelly Podcast -
The Big Silence: Destigmatizing Mental Health Issues with Karena Dawn
In honor of Mental Health month, we close out May with a new episode of the HEAL with Kelly Podcast. In this deeply moving conversation, I sit down with Karena Dawn, New York Times best-selling author of The Big Silence: A Daughter's Memoir of Mental Illness and Healing and the visionary founder of Tone It Up, the world's largest female fitness platform and nutrition company. Karena's life has been shaped by profound challenges, beginning with her mother's diagnosis of paranoid schizophrenia when she was just 11 years old. Raised amidst the complexities of severe mental illness, Karena endured a series of adverse and traumatic experiences, eventually overcoming her own situational depression.

In this candid discussion, Karena shares insights into growing up with a mentally ill parent and the impact it had on her psyche, health, and life. She reflects on her journey towards healing and self-discovery, highlighting pivotal moments that inspired her to become a leading advocate for mental wellness. After her mother's passing in September 2021, Karena furthered her mission to destigmatize mental health issues as she now actively works to provide vital resources for those supporting loved ones in similar situations. Tune in to discover Karena's inspiring journey from darkness to empowerment, and find resonance in her message of reclaiming life and purpose.
You can also listen to this episode and all other episodes of the HEAL with Kelly Podcast now on both SPOTIFY or APPLE.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Journey of Letting Go Sound Bath Now Available on YouTube
Are you feeling overwhelmed by stress and the demands of daily life? Take a moment to pause and join us for this Journey of Letting Go sound bath and meditation led by HEAL with Kelly team member, Lexi Pacella.

In this immersive experience, Lexi guides you through a soothing sound bath accompanied by meditative prompts, creating a sacred space for releasing what no longer serves you. Allow the gentle vibrations and healing frequencies to wash away tension, stress, and emotional burdens, leaving you feeling lighter, freer, and more at peace. Click the link below to experience the profound healing benefits for yourself.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Breathwork Exercise of the Week: 3 Rounds of Wim Hof Style Breathing

This week’s exercise is a powerful technique inspired by Wim Hof, involving three rounds of guided breathing with breath holds. This exercise has garnered millions of views and is one of my favorite versions to alleviate migraines or blow off stress. Enjoy this practice here.

Podcast or Interview of the Week: Dr. Rhonda Patrick on the Science Behind the Wim Hof Method

This week, I’m excited to share a fascinating podcast from Dr. Rhonda Patrick, where she interviews Dr. Pierre Capel who provides an in-depth explanation of the science behind the Wim Hof Method. This episode significantly deepened my understanding of the method and its scientific foundations. It’s probably one of the best podcast episodes on Wim Hof science that I’ve ever encountered. I think you’ll get a lot of value from it, click here.

Community Corner: Feeling Feelings using Conscious Connected Breathing

This week in our private breathwork community, we’ve been geeking out on all things conscious connected breathing. Super relevant for this edition, right? We’ve been diving into a breathing technique called Vivation. I’ve had a blast guiding everyone through the Vivation process, and let me tell you, the feedback has been fantastic. People are feeling so relaxed, so calm – it’s awesome.

You can join our private breathwork community risk-free with a seven-day money-back guarantee. No questions asked. Click here to find out more. We’d love to see you inside!

Study I've Been Reading This Week: Does the Wim Hof Method have a beneficial impact on physiological outcomes?

This week, I’ve been diving into a fascinating systematic review published in PLOS ONE.

The findings suggest that the WHM, which includes breathing exercises, cold exposure, and commitment, can significantly increase epinephrine levels (amount of adrenaline in the body) and reduce pro-inflammatory cytokines (lowering substances in the body that cause inflammation). These changes point to a beneficial anti-inflammatory response, which could be particularly useful for managing conditions involving chronic inflammation. Additionally, the WHM has shown potential benefits in enhancing immune response and improving mental health.

This systematic review underscores the need for further investigation, but it offers valuable insights into the potential health benefits of the Wim Hof Method. You can read the full study here.

Wild Card: Coherence Breathing

I appreciate that Wim Hof isn’t for everybody. Our bodies are unique, and what works for one person might not work for another. So, I thought I’d share one of my favorite relaxing breathing exercises: coherence breathing. This technique is fantastic for improving heart rate variability, as mentioned by Rick Rubin on Huberman's podcast. It can also lower blood pressure and help us get better sleep.

This is one of my favorite versions, so enjoy this practice right here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Enhancing Bowel Motility:
A Key to Optimal Health
Hey Jim,

Bowel motility is crucial for overall wellness, affecting everything from digestion to energy levels and hormone balance. Inadequate bowel movements can lead to the reabsorption of toxins, impacting brain function, mood, and metabolism.

In this podcast, I'll teach you effective strategies to improve bowel motility, emphasizing dietary adjustments such as reducing sugars and allergens, stress reduction techniques to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, and natural remedies like magnesium and ginger. We'll also take a look at comprehensive lab testing to identify underlying causes of motility issues.

For those experiencing symptoms like brain fog, fatigue, or hormonal imbalances, be sure to tune in to this episode for expert guidance to enhance bowel function and overall health!

>> Click here to check out the episode! <<
Say Goodbye to Constipation & Bloating - 5 Key Ways to Improve Bowel Motility Naturally
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​
In Case You Missed It...
I'm on TikTok! @justinhealth

Recently on TikTok, I posted several videos, including Should you take (HCL) hydrochloric acid for digestion when you have stomach pain?
Click here to follow me on TikTok!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Most of us know that we need to eat less sugar and processed junk — and more vegetables.
We know we need to prioritize sleep and exercise.
But at the end of the day, it’s not what you know that matters most.
It’s what you do!
That’s why I’m so excited that on June 1, I’ll be hosting Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. Helen Powell Stoddart, and FRN’s brilliant dietitian-nutritionist team for a free and live WHOLE Life Club workshop that’s all about helping you take action, to get the best possible results.
>> Find out all about Thriving on a Plant-Based Diet: 10 Tips for Maximizing Your Health and Happiness and register to join us, right here.
Yours for making it happen,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. In this powerful live workshop, we’ll share breakthrough research on the science of habit change and focus on the simple action steps you can take to optimize your well-being. Find out more and claim your free spot now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
A quick reminder that tonight is Episode 1 of the Microbiome Masterclass Series, and it's free to attend!
My friend Dr. Tom O'Bryan once told me that "the origin of most chronic disease is in the gut" and that by healing our microbiome (the trillions of bacteria that live in there), we can stop or prevent most of these illnesses.
This is a new frontier of alternative health and if you'd like to learn from a remarkable person who healed her own chronic illness this way + a number of world-renowned microbiome experts, I highly recommend checking out the FREE Microbiome Masterclass Series.
Microbiome will show you alternative and natural medicines that help bring balance to this living system within you, so that it works for you instead of against you. This one is going to be truly fascinating... HIGHLY recommended!
Click here to watch the trailer and sign up


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Moringa Leaf Extract Outperforms Drug for Oral Precancer Lesions
Lesions lurking in your mouth that can turn cancerous? This ancient medicine from the moringa tree might help banish them better than modern drugs.
Rediscovering the Lost Art of Soy Preparation: Minimizing Excessive Plant Estrogen Exposure
In an era where soy foods have become ubiquitous in the Western diet, concerns over the potential health risks associated with consuming high levels of plant estrogens, or isoflavones, have risen to the forefront. However, a closer examination of traditional soy preparation methods reveals an ancient wisdom that modern science is only beginning to appreciate - a wisdom that may hold the key to mitigating these risks and unlocking the true nutritional potential of this versatile legume.
Healthy Aging: Boosting Senior Muscle Health with Whey Protein
As we age, our bodies naturally begin to lose muscle mass and strength - a condition known as sarcopenia. This gradual decline can lead to frailty, falls, and a loss of independence. But what if there was a simple, natural way to combat this process? Enter whey protein, a powerful ally in the fight against age-related muscle loss.
Creators Corner with Ann O'Brien, Teacher of Practical Intuition
Join on as we get to know Ann O'Brien, of Ann O'Brien Living. Ann is a pragmatic mystic, intuitive, and a seasoned instructor in practical intuition. With a journey spanning back to 1999, she invested a decade in psychic training, complemented by explorations in yoga, Aikido, holistic health, and conscious relationships. Since 2004, Ann has been a pillar of support for thousands of private clients, sharing her wisdom through speaking engagements and teachings across the United States.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
PAULTHOMASMD Newsletter Headers

In case you missed it.... Dr. Paul's Blog weekly recap!​

Understanding Vaccine Injury: Dr. Paul Thomas Explains in REMEDY
31 May 11:00 AM​

Discover Insights and Remedies for Vaccine Injuries
With the launch of the REMEDY film series, I wanted to share some insights on vaccine injury. In this powerful docu-series, we delve deep into the realities of vaccine injuries, exploring the causes, symptoms, and potential remedies.Many of you have asked whether it's possible to reverse the damage caused by vaccines. REMEDY not only answers this question but provides hope and practical solutions for those affected. Our goal is to empower you with knowledge and tools to reclaim your health.
Learn More Here
Join us on this journey of discovery and healing. The series features renowned experts, including Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who share their invaluable expertise and insights.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn how you can take control of your health and reverse vaccine injuries. Reserve your spot now and be part of this transformative experience.
To Your Health & Liberty,
Dr. Paul...Read More


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,
In this episode, I’m speaking for a third time with Borge Fagerli about some powerful mindset techniques he uses in his coaching practice that will help you achieve your fitness, muscle-building, and weight-loss goals.
If you haven’t yet, be sure to listen to our first two episodes. In them, Borge explains his simplified but highly effective approach to training, gives us some insight into his history, and explains why he’s now focused on psychology and mindset rather than the common hyper focus on relatively trivial details that tends to dominate the world of evidence-based fitness.
In this podcast, Borge and I discuss:
  • The number one reason why most people can’t make the choices they know are healthy and continue making harmful choices, instead

  • The art of goal setting: Why your goals shouldn’t be too challenging to attain…but shouldn’t be too easy, either!

  • Borge’s emotion and identity-based technique for helping his clients achieve their goals—this is a unique, potent process!

  • 2 excellent strategies to deal with the desire to experience pleasure now, like eating tasty junk foods, so we can accomplish goals that might take us years or months to achieve, like building muscle and losing fat

  • The specific, anatomical, and trainable part of your brain that controls willpower…and how you can optimize this structure for more determination and better outcomes

  • 2 major obstacles that hinder people from losing fat and building muscle, i.e., creating a leaner, stronger, and more capable body

  • How to shift from the external validation of compliments and ego to the internal validation of feeling great with tons of healthy energy

  • The best way to balance consistency and routine with novelty and variety to get the results you want from your workouts

  • Borge’s heartfelt, personal thoughts on the best ways to achieve your goals and dreams
Yours in health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jim,
Once upon a time, we believed that serotonin a.k.a. the "happy hormone" was mostly produced in the brain.
InterestingIy, according to the most up to date science - that story is old news now.
Breakthrough studies have revealed, incredibly, that roughly 90% of serotonin is actually produced in the gut.
This has led researchers to look into the power of your gut to help treat diseases of the brain such as anxiety, depression, and other mental health disorders.
In fact, a 2007 study found that found that after only 20 days of consuming a probiotic-containing milk drink, subjects improved their mood!
But this relatively new science is far from being general knowledge.
That’s why this brand-new masterclass, called Microbiome, was created—to help spread the word and educate viewers about the latest discoveries in this field straight from world-leading experts.
It will show you what the research says about the role of the microbiome in mental health challenges like depression, anxiety, brain fog, and mood disorders. It will also enlighten you with strategies that have been shown to help heal your gut and improve it's robustness, diversity and health!
This series is enlightening and full of useful information.
-->> Go here to discover how deep this gut-brain connection goes. (free only for a limited time)

We’ll see you there!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Causes of Sudden Cardiac Death in Young People

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Sudden cardiac death is rare in people younger than 35, but infrequently you may read about a young and apparently healthy person who suffers one, usually while engaged in a physical activity such as sports.

In fact, about 7,000 children die from sudden cardiac death annually, the American Heart Association says. These young people are usually boys, and the cause is most often an undiagnosed heart problem.

Special: More Than 50% of Older Americans Fail to Get Enough Magnesium

The causes for sudden cardiac death in young people are similar to those in adults, except these conditions are most often hereditary when they occur in young people, as opposed to those which can develop later in adults. Some specific causes of sudden cardiac death in young people include:

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). In this usually inherited condition, the walls of the heart muscle thicken. That thickened muscle can disrupt the heart's electrical system, leading to fast or irregular heartbeats (arrhythmias), which can lead to sudden cardiac death. Although not usually fatal, HCM is the most common cause of heart-related sudden death in people under 30. It's the most common identifiable cause of sudden death in athletes. Unfortunately, HCM often goes undetected.

Coronary artery abnormalities. Sometimes people are born with coronary arteries that are connected abnormally. The arteries can become compressed during exercise and fail to provide proper blood flow to the heart.

Long QT syndrome. As with adults, this inherited heart rhythm disorder can cause fast, chaotic heartbeats, and often leads to fainting in young people.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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Understanding Vaccine Injury: Dr. Paul Thomas Explains in REMEDY

Discover Insights and Remedies for Vaccine Injuries​

Dr. Paul Thomas REMEDY film, reverse vaccine injury solutions, vaccine injury remedies documentary, life-saving vaccine injury film series, Dr. Paul vaccine injury recovery
Greetings Folks,

With the launch of the REMEDY film series, I wanted to share some insights on vaccine injury. In this powerful docu-series, we delve deep into the realities of vaccine injuries, exploring the causes, symptoms, and potential remedies.
Many of you have asked whether it's possible to reverse the damage caused by vaccines. REMEDY not only answers this question but provides hope and practical solutions for those affected. Our goal is to empower you with knowledge and tools to reclaim your health.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
‘Protocol 7’ Director and Lead Actress Talk Coming Release; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on the perils of microplastics, the NIH FOIA Scandal, and The Digital ID Debate heats up in Australia; Can two simple supplements slow or even stop Alzheimer’s?
Guests: Andrew Wakefield, Emmy Robbin, Dr. Michael Nehls​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
For thousands of years, people around the world have been aware of a mysterious force that lives inside us all.
The Druids, Egyptians, Sumerians, Inca, Maya and countless cultures before them saw this divine power as a doorway to self-discovery -- that connects us with our higher selves.
It has been called the heart of healing, the origin of intuition and the mother of manifestation.
I'm talking about The Sacred Feminine.
What did our ancestors know that we have forgotten?
Could our overly masculine dog-eat-dog world be numbing us to a part of ourselves that we desperately need to reunite with?
In a few days, I'll be joining renowned women's health specialist (and modern-day medicine woman), Dr. Tieraona Low Dog, for a worldwide webinar that we're calling Awakening The Sacred Feminine. In this FREE talk, we'll be exploring the lessons that our ancestors left us about this deeply innate power -- and how to use it to heal your mind, body and spirit.
Click here for full details and to sign up now


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Take Magnesium Along With Vitamin D

By Dr. Oz and Dr. Roizen, MDs

When Magneto — a Marvel Comics mutant who generates and controls magnetic fields — teamed up with the X-Men, it came as a surprise that the once-villainous character was now on the good guys' side.

But sometimes, the good guys need a hand to get their work done.

Special: The Magnesium Miracle…More HERE!

That turns out to be the case with the super-vitamin/hormone D. True, it defends your immune health and neuromuscular function; it also protects bone strength, modulates cell growth, and reduces inflammation.

But according to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it can't do all that if it doesn't team up with magnesium. If your body doesn't have enough magnesium, synthesis of vitamin D gets shut down, and so does its metabolic pathway.

Many people take vitamin D supplements. According to the Cleveland Clinic, 35% of U.S. adults have a vitamin D deficiency.

But magnesium deficiency flies under the radar, even though around half of U.S. adults don't get enough to meet the daily recommended dietary allowance of 410-420 mg for women and 360-320 mg for men.

That makes a difference, and not only for powering up vitamin D. According to a study in BMC Medicine, an extra 100 mg of dietary magnesium daily could reduce your risk of stroke by 8% and Type 2 diabetes by 19%.

So, to maintain a healthy level of vitamin D, talk to your doctor about checking your magnesium level, too.

And increase your consumption of magnesium-rich green leafy vegetables, fruits, nuts, and salmon.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Featured Article​
Brain Health: Natural Solutions for Alzheimer's and Dementia
As we age, maintaining brain health becomes increasingly important. Recent insights from Healthnews highlight effective natural approaches to enhance cognitive function and potentially prevent conditions like Alzheimer's and dementia.

Key takeaways include:

  • Natural Ingredients for Brain Health: Incorporating natural supplements such as Ginkgo Biloba, Curcumin, and Lion’s Mane Mushroom can support brain health
  • Diet and Brain Health: Emphasizing a diet rich in antioxidants — found in berries, leafy greens, and nuts — can protect against cognitive decline
  • Lifestyle for Longevity: Engaging in regular physical activity, maintaining social connections, and challenging your brain with puzzles and learning can fortify your mind against age-related diseases
We encourage you to explore these natural and effective strategies for supporting your brain health...​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Signs Toxins Are Attacking Your Brain
Are you constantly battling with brain fog, memory lapses, or simply feeling too exhausted to get through your day?

It's not about just feeling off; it's about living in a state where clarity seems like a distant memory, and every task feels daunting!

You're doing everything "right" — eating healthy, trying to rest, and trying to manage stress — yet nothing changes.

That relentless feeling of being overwhelmed, coupled with digestive discomfort and a mind that won't clear, is far from what you deserve.

But what if there was a way to turn the tide on these symptoms?

It boils down to toxic overload. Our bodies are subjected to huge amounts of toxins daily, disrupting the essential connection between our brain, gut, and immune system.

This triad works in harmony to maintain our health, but when toxins interfere, they trigger inflammation and a host of issues ranging from cognitive dysfunction to digestive discomfort.

This isn't just about a lack of wellness; it's about a pervasive barrier to living our lives to the fullest!

It's time to peel back the layers on how environmental and dietary toxins are impacting our gut health, weakening our immune response, and clouding our brains.

Our friends Laura Fronterio, NP and Dr. Peter Kan are leading the charge with the upcoming Toxic Brain Masterclass, bringing together top experts to shine a light on these connections and what you can do to protect yourself.

Don't miss this chance to transform your understanding of health and wellbeing, arming yourself with the knowledge and strategies you need to fight back against the toxic threats we all face...​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Improve Your Brain Health eBook
Are you striving to optimize your health to live and enjoy your best life? Then you may want to improve your brain’s health and performance!

Because of neurogenesis and neuroplasticity, it’s never too late to make positive changes in your habits to optimize brain health and enhance performance.

You have it within your power to grow new brain cells and rewire the connections between them.

Four areas to focus on for improved brain health include:

  • Stop any attacks on your health that lead to inflammation
  • Nourish your brain with everything it needs to thrive
  • Create an environment for detoxifying and clearing the brain
  • Stimulate the growth of new neuronal connections
As presented in this eBook, there are many factors within your control to improve your brain health today and throughout your life.

Together let's explore brain health, what it is, why it’s important, and what you can do to protect your brain...​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi ,

As we navigate through life, the quest for vibrant health and longevity remains paramount, especially for those of us facing the challenges of cancer or wanting to age gracefully.

We had an enlightening session with Dr.Joel Fuhrman who delved into "The Evidence-Based Diet for Cancer Patients and Anti-Aging."

This discussion wasn't just about food; it was a deep dive into how what we eat affects our body's ability to fend off diseases and maintain youthful vigor.

Key Takeaways from Our Session:
  • Plant Power: A diet rich in vegetables, fruits, and whole grains, packed with essential micronutrients, antioxidants, and phytochemicals, can significantly reduce your risk of cancer and support anti-aging.
  • Understanding Cancer and Diet: Learn how environmental toxins, poor dietary choices, and lifestyle habits play a pivotal role in cancer development.
  • Personalized Nutrition Strategies: Discover how your genetic makeup can influence dietary needs and how to tailor your nutrition for optimal health.

Why This is Crucial for You:
Whether you're a cancer survivor, currently undergoing treatment, or simply eager to age healthily, understanding the correlation between diet and disease is crucial.

Dr. Joel Fuhrman, armed with decades of research and clinical experience, highlight how making informed food choices can dramatically alter the course of your health journey.

For a limited time, we are thrilled to offer you free access to the recording of this transformative session.

This is your chance to learn from leading experts about the powerful relationship between diet and long-term health.

Access Your Free Session Recording Here

Join Us and Start Your Journey to Better Health

If you're looking for more than just temporary fixes and are ready to make lasting changes to your health, Healing Life is here to guide and support you.

By signing up for our services, you gain access to a wealth of resources, expert advice, and a community that understands your health needs.

Sign Up for a Free Trial and Join Our Community Today

We believe in empowering you with the knowledge to make the best choices for your health and well-being.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
As my good friend Dr. Lodi says,

"cancer is not something you get or you catch, it's something you make in your body - and we have to learn how to stop making cancer."

Would you like to learn how to "stop making cancer"?

If so, go watch Module 1 of my Becoming Cancer-Free masterclass here while it's free for the next 24 hours.

This information applies for cancer prevention and cancer healing.

In Module 2 (Coming tomorrow) you will learn how to take back your power and accelerate your healer within.

So keep an eye out for my email tomorrow with Module 2...

...but in the meantime go watch Module 1 at the link below while it's available.

Here's your VIP access to Module 1 - Becoming Cancer-Free


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Toxic Truth About Calcium with Sayer Ji and Ian Clark
Did you know that most calcium supplements on the market today are basically limestone? Yes, that's chalk. Conceal it within a capsule, a slickly glazed tablet, or in the form of a silky smooth liquid, and it is magically transformed into a "calcium supplement": easy to swallow, "good for the bones" and a very profitable commodity for both the dietary supplement and mining industries. After all, a sizable portion of the Earth's crust is composed of the stuff.

Join Sayer Ji and Ian Clark for their discussion, TOMORROW, Tuesday, June 4 at 12pm EST.
Artificial Sweeteners Linked to Stroke Risk: 4 Natural Alternatives That Won't Poison You
As concerns mount over the potential health risks of artificial sweeteners, a new systematic review has revealed a disturbing link between these synthetic sugar substitutes and an increased risk of stroke. The findings, published in Current Nutrition Reports, underscore the importance of exploring natural, healthier alternatives to satisfy our sweet tooth without compromising our well-being.
Debunking the CCDH's "Disinformation Dozen" Report: How Flawed Methodology and Misleading Claims Fuel Misinformation
When the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH) released its "Disinformation Dozen" report, it ignited a firestorm of criticism and calls for censorship against the named individuals. However, the report's questionable methodology and contradictory data from Meta raise concerns about the potential for overreach and the suppression of legitimate debate under the guise of combating misinformation.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

Stefan here.

Today’s episode is really special.

See, I rarely share this with anyone...

But my best friend lost her grandpa to cancer.

And it was the most horrific and traumatic experience in her life.

As you can imagine, she now lives in fear of getting cancer herself because it runs in the family.

So when I initially had an idea to create this docuseries, I knew I wanted to get to the bottom of what cancer is and find out if there is a way to escape this horrible disease….

Even if your genetics say otherwise.

So the question is, can you escape cancer and never succumb to this life altering disease?

Or in case you or your loved one already have cancer, can you go into remission?

Find out the answer in our next episode #8:

“Escaping Cancer: Digging Deeper into the Lost Connection”

The episode is LIVE now.

Click here to watch episode #8
When you watch this episode, you’ll discover:
  • What is the Warburg effect and how it led to one of the biggest misunderstandings about cancer
  • How one of our featured doctors went from being diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer to being symptom-free in 4 months
  • How our immunity, specifically T reg cells, cleans up cancer stem cells (most dangerous cancer cells) and what vitamins you need to take to become cancer-immune
  • How a patient with double breast cancer extended her 3-month verdict to 13 years of life
  • The relationship between cancer and your emotions - find out why cancer is actually an accumulated anger in your body. Plus discover tips on how to release your emotions through your parasympathetic nervous system
  • Can quantum physics help with natural cancer treatment? Discover a surprising answer in this episode! And why a technology based on this has healed thousands of people
Click here to watch Episode 8 “Escaping Cancer: Digging Deeper into the Lost Connection”


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
PAULTHOMASMD Newsletter Headers

In case you missed it.... Dr. Paul's Blog weekly recap!​

The Experts Behind REMEDY: Meet the Pioneers in Vaccine Injury Recovery
03 Jun 07:30 AM​

Featuring Leading Voices in Health and Wellness
Hi Folks,
The REMEDY film series is not just another documentary. It brings together some of the most respected voices in health and wellness, all dedicated to uncovering the truth about vaccines and providing real solutions for vaccine injury.I am honored to be featured alongside these incredible experts:
- Dr. Peter McCullough
- Dr. Andrew Wakefield
- Dr. Joseph Mercola
- Dr. Sherri Tenpenny
- Dr. Judy Mikovits
- Dr. Bryan Ardis
- Mike Adams
- Sayer Ji
- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
- +more!
Learn More Here
Each of these experts brings a unique perspective and wealth of knowledge, contributing to a comprehensive guide on how to mitigate and reverse vaccine damage. Their insights are invaluable for anyone seeking to understand the full impact of vaccines and how to recover from any adverse effects.
The series is available for free May 30th through June 6th, and I encourage you to join us. Together, we can navigate these challenging times and find pathways to better health.To Your Health & Liberty, Dr. Paul...Read More


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,
We are thrilled to announce the LIVE with Dr. Eliaz Summer Series Book Club, where Dr. Eliaz will discuss his best-selling book, The Survival Paradox. This is a unique opportunity to explore the book's insights and discover new revelations that have emerged since its publication.
June 10th, 4 pm PT | 7 pm ET
Part One: How the Survival Response Affects Our Health (Chapters 1 - 6)
  • What is the Survival Paradox?
  • How it relates to Galectin-3.
  • A deeper dive into our survival mechanisms beyond the book.
  • Dr. Eliaz’s latest insights on the Survival Paradox developed from his personal journey post-publication.
>> Register Now for Part One
July 8th, 4 pm PT | 7 pm ET
Part Two: A Closer Look at The Survival Response’s Role in Major Conditions (Chapters 7 - 13)
  • The survival response and its impact on various diseases.
  • The universality of the survival response and its general effects on health.
  • Additional teachings and an expanded understanding of trauma and the survival response not covered in the book.
>> Register Now for Part Two
July 22nd, 4 pm PT | 7 pm ET
Part Three: Breaking Free From the Survival Paradox
(Chapters 14 - 16)
  • Deep dive into detoxification.
  • Healing the scars of survival.
  • Freeing yourself of the Survival Paradox.
>> Register Now for Part Three


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
check out these recent episodes from Rosie Radio:

  • How to Reverse Weight Loss Resistance
    with Dr. Keesha Ewers
    • A commonly overlooked hidden stressor that might be causing your weight-loss resistance
    • The surprising effect of Dr. Keesha’s 21-Day Detox
    • What does a detox lifestyle really look like and an amazing case study of how someone going through menopause is living it



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
By now, we hope you have had the opportunity to check out our most recent webinar in which we examined important information about vitamin B12 and how it relates to so many aspects of health. Here's some additional information on vitamin B12 you may find to be of interest.
There are a few forms of vitamin B12 available in supplemental form, but the two forms we get the most questions about are methylcobalamin and hydroxocobalamin.
There are other forms also, including the popular cyanocobalamin and lesser-known adenosylcobalamin. Chances are, you have seen at least one of these forms on your supplement label.
We cover all of these forms very thoroughly in our Mastering Raw Food Nutrition online course, but for starters here, we’ll take a look at methylcobalamin and hydroxocobalamin.
Methylcobalamin is one of the human bioactive forms of B12 and is involved in a number of important reactions in our body, including the maturation of red blood cells and keeping our nervous system, brain, and blood vessels healthy. If one takes a methylcobalamin supplement, the body can use it essentially ‘as is’ for the activities in the body that require it.
Hydroxocobalamin is a naturally-occurring form of vitamin B12 that is made by certain bacteria, including some strains that live in soil. Not all types of bacteria make vitamin B12 and not all soil contains B12 producing bacteria. Yeast, mushrooms, and other types of fungus do not produce vitamin B12; neither do animals nor plants.
Like methylcobalamin, hydroxocobalamin is available as a supplement. Since hydroxocobalamin is not a human bioactive form, it needs to be converted in the human body to one of the bioactive forms. When someone takes a hydroxocobalamin supplement, their body needs to remove the hyroxo- portion of the molecule and replace it with, for example, a methyl group or adenosyl group and then use it from there.
We have also seen good results with other forms of B12 in the various delivery methods in our clinical practice, but some may work better than others depending on the individual situation. We are not attached to any particular form or delivery method, because as educators and clinicians, results are what is most important to us.
As with any other endeavor, when you are well-educated, you can much more easily see accurate information versus those trying to sell you ‘the latest and greatest’ supplements, and make better, well-informed decisions about your health that get you real results.

There’s a lot more to share about vitamin B12, since it’s such an important and fascinating nutrient. In our online class, Mastering Raw Food Nutrition, we have in-depth presentations on vitamin B12, so you can really know the ins and outs of vitamin B12, its supplemental forms, how the forms work together, and what the body does with them.
Beyond that you will learn which other nutrients work with vitamin B12 and what affect all of them working together have upon the various systems of the body, and how to structure the healthiest diet possible for nutrient synergy and overall well-being.
We cover this topic and so much more in our online Mastering Raw Food Nutrition Course beginning in late August, and can’t wait to share with our students how all of these topics fit together beautifully and synergistically!
If you are excited about spending a few (about 4) hours per week for one year, learning about raw food and whole food plant-based nutrition at an extremely thorough, comprehensive, and detailed level, you'll have the opportunity to be incredibly confident in your knowledge to be able to implement the maximum benefits of a plant-based diet for a lifetime of supercharged health.
If you are interested in learning more about the Mastering Raw Food Nutrition curriculum, we invite you to schedule a time to speak with us about the course to see if it is a good fit for you:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Toxic Truth About Calcium with Sayer Ji and Ian Clark
Did you know that most calcium supplements on the market today are basically limestone? Yes, that's chalk. Conceal it within a capsule, a slickly glazed tablet, or in the form of a silky smooth liquid, and it is magically transformed into a "calcium supplement": easy to swallow, "good for the bones" and a very profitable commodity for both the dietary supplement and mining industries. After all, a sizable portion of the Earth's crust is composed of the stuff.

Join Sayer Ji and Ian Clark for their discussion, LIVE TODAY, Tuesday, June 4 at 12pm EST.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Taking Calcium Supplements Causes Brain Lesions
Taking calcium supplements -- even at low doses -- linked to brain lesions in the first study of its kind.
7 Reasons to Get More Magnesium
Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in your body, and is the reason why vegetables are green. But few people fully appreciate the importance of this miraculous mineral.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Have you ever heard that cancer is a genetic disease?

That's what most scientists believed about cancer for decades.

The problem with that faulty view is that it makes cancer seem scary and unavoidable, and pushes for drugs, surgery and radiation to treat it.

The good news is, that old dogmatic view has been proven wrong time and time again.

For example, Professor Thomas Seyfried, a world renowned multi-award winning professor of biology at Boston College, says cancer is NOT a genetic disease...

...He, I, and many other outspoken cancer experts and scientists agree, cancer is a metabolic disease.

As a metabolic disease, cancer is primarily caused by diet and lifestyle.

Here's why that's great news:

Because those things are primarily within our control.

If you want to learn how to prevent and heal cancer by understanding cancer as a metabolic disease - go watch Module 2 of my Becoming Cancer-Free Masterclass - available this week only.

In Module 2 of Becoming Cancer-Free you will learn how to take back your power and accelerate your healer within.

As Thomas Edison once stated, "The doctor of the future will give no medication but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease."

And as I will share with you, in my Becoming Cancer-Free Masterclass, how cancer conquerors continuously use lifestyle strategies to reverse cancer, I know it's totally possible.

In fact, there's thousands of cases of remission from people using natural, holistic and integrative solutions.

And knowing how many people are struggling with accessing real actionable non-toxic strategies for fighting cancer...

... That's why I've decided to make the first 3 modules of my Becoming Cancer-Free Masterclass complementary to view - this week only.

Here's your VIP access to Module 2 - Becoming Cancer-Free (Available this week only)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

Stefan here.

Did you know that only about 8% of cancer is due to genetics?

This means even if you have the worst possible cancer history in your family…

You might be the lucky one and dodge the bullet.

But that being said, there are three things that trigger cancer….even if you don’t have the cancer gene.

And if you watched our brand new episode, you know exactly what these are.

But if you missed it, you still have until 5pm PST/8pm EST tonight to catch this episode before it's taken down.

Discover 3 things that trigger cancer even if you don’t have the cancer gene here.
Here’s what you’ll uncover when watching this episode:
  • How up to 93% of cancer types are caused by three little-known major triggers
  • Find out how quantum physics can help with natural cancer treatment - and why a technology based on this has healed thousands of people
  • How a patient with double breast cancer extended her 3-month verdict to 13 years of life
  • Is there a link between cancer and genetics? How epigenetics (gene expression) can change the course of your cancer trajectory
  • Why most people live with cancer without even knowing it - accepting cancer is part of life and what you can do about it
  • This doctor shares their fascinating personal story of overcoming stage 4 cancer without chemotherapy!
  • How an 84 year old lady got rid of her stomach cancer in less than 3 months without radiation
And so much more!

Watch Episode #8 Now!

Remember, this episode will be removed at 5pm PST/8pm EST tonight.

And it will be replaced by our new episode #9:

“Emotional Healing and Trauma at the Center of Your Health Journey: Powerful Stories and the Cold Science”

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