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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Food Revolution Network

Hi Jimi,
Weight-loss drugs are currently seeing their moment in the spotlight.
As I’m sure you’ve heard, there are some concerning side effects and enormous costs.
But there’s no doubt about it — they can help people lose weight. However, when people stop taking these drugs, they almost always gain back the weight they’d lost while on them. So, folks are faced with either staying on the drugs for their entire lives (at a current cost of more than $1,000/month) or regaining the weight.
But did you know that there’s a program that’s helped a whole lot of people to lose weight at the same rate as the weight loss drugs and to keep it off for good… without using drugs at all?
My dear friend, Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson, helped them do it. Thousands of them — including many hundreds of FRN members, some of whom had been eating plant-based food for years but were still struggling with their weight.
Susan serves on the faculty of the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the University of Rochester, and her expertise is in the neuroscience of food addiction and weight loss. She’s published the results of her research in several peer-reviewed journals and presented it at academic conferences, so this is really her area of expertise — her genius zone.
Now that these weight-loss drugs are all the rage, Susan’s made a brand-new, groundbreaking video series that exposes what the drug companies don’t want you to know: that there is a proven way to get the same weight-loss results as the drugs provide only without the drugs.
And right now, you can watch it for free.
Click here for a special invitation from Susan telling you about this fascinating new video series.
You don’t want to miss this!
Ocean Robbins
PS – Wait until you see the scientific research results comparing Susan’s program, weight-loss drugs, and the most popular diet programs. I was really surprised! See for yourself… watch Susan’s invitation by clicking here!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The email you're about to read could be a real game-changer—especially if you or a loved one has prediabetes, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, or want to lose unwanted pounds.

This might just be the most important message you've received in a long time.


We have something huge coming your way...

So, what's it all about?

We've prepared a life-changing, health-transforming video series.

And guess what?

It's 100% FREE.

But before we dive into the details, let's clear the air:

We know you've probably watched countless health videos. But not like these. The material we've prepared is entirely different from the stuff you've seen before.

Here's what our videos WILL NOT cover:
❌ Low-carb diets for managing diabetes
❌ Intermittent fasting to control blood sugar levels
❌ Medication options for type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes
❌ Importance of regular exercise in managing diabetes
❌ Meal planning and portion control for weight loss


Because you likely know about these already

Instead, whether you need to:

  • Lower your blood glucose
  • Lose those extra pounds
  • Avoid diabetes complications
  • Kick those meds to the curb
  • Get rid of stubborn belly fat
  • Figure out what to eat...

We've got the all-in-one, can't-miss solution for you.

And guess what?

It’ll be 100% FREE from June 6 to 11.

>>> Register TODAY and secure your spot, 100% free

Here’s what's coming your way:

  • An exclusive video series with the inside scoop on the best method for tackling all metabolic conditions (obesity, high blood glucose, high cholesterol, fatty liver, high blood pressure)
  • Real success stories from real people who turned their health around
  • Step-by-step process to make small but powerful changes to your lifestyle
  • Quick and easy health tips to speed up your progress, even if you're super busy
  • And so much more
Sounds good, right?

With over 10,000 success stories, we're confident this exclusive video workshop will help you rewrite your health story. And we're committed to making that happen in 2024.

If you want to be the healthiest you've ever been...

>>> Click here to register for the event today, 100% free


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Is Fish Oil Actually Dangerous?
Intriguing new information has recently surfaced about fish oil supplements.

As many of you know, fish oil has long been hailed for its potential health benefits, particularly for heart health. However, recent studies have highlighted a critical and timely development regarding these supplements, raising concerns about their safety, especially at higher doses.

During tonight's episode, I am going to delve into these studies and explore the question: "Are fish oils unsafe?"

The recent findings suggest a potential link between high doses of fish oil supplements and an increased risk of atrial fibrillation, a common heart rhythm disorder. These revelations have left many in the health and nutrition community pondering the true impact of these supplements on our well-being.

But are these supplements really harmful, or is there more to consider? How do the benefits weigh against the risks, and what does the latest research truly indicate?

I want to touch on all of these points, and I can't wait to share my insights with you.

Watch the livestream on YouTube or Facebook, tonight at 6PM central.

I promise it will be enlightening and help you make more informed decisions about your health.

See you in the zone,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Wow, I'm so humbled to see so many emails and comments about Modules 1 and 2 of my Becoming Cancer-Free Masterclass so far.

I'm excited that you are feeling empowered and encourage to take control of your health!

In case you missed those modules, you can go watch them here while they're still available for the next few days at no charge.

Additionally, I'm excited to share with you module 3 of the masterclass today.

In Module 3 of Becoming Cancer-Free, you will learn how to build your integrative success team to make sure you have the right people in your corner for fighting cancer.

This is incredibly important, and I share with you essential questions you need to ask your doctors before hiring them.

YES! You are the one in charge!

You are the one making decisions for your care.

You are the one who gets to decide whether to hire that doctor or not.

I teach you how to put yourself in control so you can make empowered and educated decisions for your health, and the health of your loved ones.

And that's the power you need to retain.

There are thousands of available doctors, you don't need to settle - you can have the best care!

Go watch Module 3 of Becoming Cancer-Free on this page, and let me know your questions and feedback below the video.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

Stefan here.

Ever heard about emotional toxins?

These toxins are so much worse than chemical toxins.

Because they poison your body from the inside out…spreading their poisonous spider webs into the core of your being.

But the good news is there are ways to protect yourself and your loved ones from being affected by these vicious toxins.

And if you watched our brand new episode already, you know exactly what these are.

But if you missed it, you still have until 5pm PST/8pm EST tonight to catch this episode before it disappears.

Watch Episode #9 now before it expires
Here’s what you’ll uncover when watching this episode:
  • Discover the emotional toxins that are causing depression, cancer, brain fog and chronic fatigue
  • Why “getting older” is not a death sentence. Our medical experts share their favorite ways to live a long, healthy, happy and fulfilling life way into your 60s, 70s, and even 90s
  • What’s the easiest way to become immune for life? Just doing 5 minutes of this seemingly trivial daily activity bulletproofs your immune system for the next 24 hrs
  • How ‘stuck’ emotions can flip the disease switch and cause cancer, depression, hashimoto's and many other diseases
  • Learn how an 87-year old woman has a life altering event that heals all her ailments
  • What is psychoneuroimmunology and how it is related to chronic and neurodegenerative diseases?
And so much more!

Watch Episode #9 Now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi ,

Cancer is a journey that no one anticipates, and it often brings a whirlwind of emotions and challenges. However, amidst the difficulties, there is room for hope, joy, and personal growth.

In this newsletter, we aim to offer support, practical tips, and encouragement as you navigate through this journey.

Remember, you are not alone, and there are ways to find light even in the darkest moments.

Embracing Hope and Joy: A Guide to Coping with Cancer
You are not your cancer. This profound truth is the cornerstone of reclaiming your life and identity. While cancer can be a challenging diagnosis, it does not define who you are. Learning how to cope with the disease allows you to live fully and joyfully.

Deciding How to Live the Rest of Your Life
Facing cancer often brings a new perspective on life and the future. This is an opportunity to pause, reflect, and decide how you want to live the rest of your life. Many find this period to be one of profound personal growth, choosing to live with hope and seeking out moments of joy and purpose.

Tips on Managing Your Daily Life
1. Incorporate Fun and Humor: Embrace joy in the little things. Watch your favorite comedies, read light-hearted books, and spend time with people who make you laugh. Laughter is a powerful medicine that can lift your spirits even on the toughest days.
2. Engage in Physical Activities: Gentle exercises like walking, yoga, or qigong can boost your mood and energy levels. Physical activity is beneficial for the mind and spirit as well as the body.
3. Faith and Spirituality: Many people find solace in their faith or spiritual practices. Whether through prayer, meditation, or attending a spiritual community, these practices can provide comfort and a sense of peace.
4. Look for What Makes You Laugh and Smile: Surround yourself with positivity. Whether it's playing with a pet, gardening, or enjoying a hobby, make time for activities that bring you happiness.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

The craziest thing happened when we had all of these experts in our studio filming the Cardiovascular Docu-Class.

Over and over again the connection between a healthy heart and healthy lungs kept popping up!

So while we had everyone in the studio we decided to film the Lung Health Docu-Class.
Click Here to Watch The Best of Lung Health
Right now, with the world feeling afraid of respiratory disease, it's more important than ever to make sure your lungs are as healthy as possible.

COVID aside, lung diseases are still big-time killers.

  • Respiratory diseases — like asthma, COPD, emphysema, lung cancer, cystic fibrosis — are the 3rd leading cause of death in the world.
  • Lower respiratory infections — like pneumonia, bronchitis, and tuberculosis — are the 4th leading cause of death in the world.
The 18 presentations in the Lung Health Docu-Class will open your eyes to just how much you can do to protect your family from these killers.

So for the next 24 hours, we're featuring "The Best of Lung Health Docu-Class" — a compilation of some of the most powerful moments from that docu-class, condensed into one amazing presentation.

If you're worried about respiratory health then you definitely don't want to miss this!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Gain access to 3 free events this week​


Just for YOU! 7pm EST!​

Let's kick-off summer with the In's and Outs of DETOX with HealingStrong's Christine Holcomb and Suzy Griswold. Both will share their personal experience during their own cancer journeys, along with expertise and insights on detoxification, providing valuable information on how to cleanse and nourish your body.

We will cover important information about the power of detoxification for healing, along with various detox methods and answer any questions you may have, creating an open and interactive space for discussion. Please join us!​

June 2024​
Register for FREE & SAVE your seat!

Now Released!​

Register for free and hear HealingStrong's own Christine Holcomb's story (cancer thriver and HS Board of Directors member), plus receive a free ticket to the 9 day Nutritional Wellness Summit:

78 World Class Health & Nutrition Experts Reveal How to Use Food to Prevent & Reverse Chronic Illness & Disease, Live Longer & With Greater Health & Wellbeing! Begins June 10th!​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Get ready because the spotlight is about to shine on your heart! Our Heart Harmony Reset event kicks off tomorrow, and you won't want to miss out on this 5-day, life changing event.

Join us as we uncover the secrets to giving your heart the star treatment it deserves.

From expert insights to practical tips, we'll equip you with everything you need to let your heart shine its brightest.

Don't let your heart play second fiddle—sign up now and get ready to steal the show!​
Love, health, and joy,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Magnesium Deficiency: The Silent Killer Linked to a 4x Higher Death Rate
You may religiously pop your daily vitamins and pride yourself on eating a balanced diet, but could you still be deficient in a mineral as essential as magnesium? A staggering 50% of Americans fail to get enough of this crucial nutrient1--and it may be putting their hearts and lives on the line. But fear not, dear reader, for science has unveiled a potential solution: a shiny new tool called the Magnesium Depletion Score (MDS) that could crack the code on your magnesium status and help you sidestep serious health consequences. Strap in as we embark on a journey to unravel the magnesium mystery and explore how this simple score could be the key to a healthier heart and a longer life.
At Risk of Stroke or a Stroke Survivor? Try Coconut Oil
Coconut oil offers neuroprotective properties, which researchers found delayed the incidence of stroke, reduced stroke-induced brain damage and increased survival afterward.
JAMA Bombshell: Fluoride in Pregnancy Linked to Worse Child Behavior Outcomes
A groundbreaking study published in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) has sent shockwaves through the public health community, providing damning evidence that prenatal exposure to fluoride - long added to public water supplies for dental health - may come at a previously unrecognized cost: harming fetal brain development and leading to neurobehavioral problems in children.
The Toxic Truth about Calcium & Why MAGNESIUM Is A Life-Saver
Did you know that most calcium supplements on the market today are basically limestone? Yes, that's chalk. Conceal it within a capsule, a slickly glazed tablet, or in the form of a silky smooth liquid, and it is magically transformed into a "calcium supplement": easy to swallow, "good for the bones" and a very profitable commodity for both the dietary supplement and mining industries. After all, a sizable portion of the Earth's crust is composed of the stuff

Sayer Ji and Ian Clark of Activation Products, unveil the toxic truths surrounding the calcium industry and how magnesium is truly a life saver.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hiya Jim!
Made to Thrive is LIVE!​
I’m SO EXCITED to share this with you! In this very first episode, I’m exploring the wonderful world of — you guessed it — thriving. Here’s just some of the practical nuggets you’ll discover:
  • 3 simple questions to help you determine whether or not you’re actually thriving
  • Common myths about thriving that keep us stuck (and how to get unstuck!)
  • How the 5 Pillars of Wellness drive your thrive (and some simple tips to adapt and follow through on them)
Peace & thriving,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi
With nearly 1 in 2 people getting a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime, preventing cancer seems like an impossible task.
But for those who have cancer, you now have to deal with the fear and uncertainty that comes with a diagnosis.
For either situation, having a clear action plan can make all the difference.
That’s why we’re excited to share this proven Anti-Cancer Blueprint with you.
It’s been carefully crafted, tested, and optimized to help you take control of your health and arm yourself with the exact steps to prevent and/or conquer cancer.
Inspired by the insights of world-renowned Dr. Dana Flavin, MD and the expertise of our certified holistic cancer coaches...
This blueprint is not just a set of guidelines; it’s a pathway to empowerment and hope!
Further, it distills the wisdom and strategies that have helped countless cancer survivors navigate their journey to wellness...
And now YOU could be our next success story!
>> Discover the proven blueprint to preventing and conquering cancer (activates self-healing 5-10 times faster)
By following this blueprint, you will learn about:
  • Essential lifestyle changes that can significantly reduce your cancer risk (and protect you from other diseases)
  • Dietary recommendations backed by scientific research and real life patient case studies
  • Mind-body techniques to strengthen your resilience and drastically lower your stress levels
  • Targeted steps that thousands of cancer survivors have implemented successfully
  • And so much more!
Bottom lime, this ‘blueprint’ is a comprehensive, easy-to-follow plan grounded in proven strategies and real-life success stories.
And whether you’re looking to prevent cancer or are on a journey to conquer it...
This step-by-step plan offers valuable insights and practical strategies to support your health and well-being.
So if you’re fully committed to your health and want a proven plan to achieve your health goals 5-10x FASTER...
>> Go HERE to learn more about the Anti-Cancer Blueprint for preventing and conquering cancer.
To your health,
The Conquering Cancer team​


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
New Member
Reddit Exile
Hi Jimi
With nearly 1 in 2 people getting a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime, preventing cancer seems like an impossible task.
But for those who have cancer, you now have to deal with the fear and uncertainty that comes with a diagnosis.
For either situation, having a clear action plan can make all the difference.
That’s why we’re excited to share this proven Anti-Cancer Blueprint with you.
It’s been carefully crafted, tested, and optimized to help you take control of your health and arm yourself with the exact steps to prevent and/or conquer cancer.
Inspired by the insights of world-renowned Dr. Dana Flavin, MD and the expertise of our certified holistic cancer coaches...
This blueprint is not just a set of guidelines; it’s a pathway to empowerment and hope!
Further, it distills the wisdom and strategies that have helped countless cancer survivors navigate their journey to wellness...
And now YOU could be our next success story!
>> Discover the proven blueprint to preventing and conquering cancer (activates self-healing 5-10 times faster)
By following this blueprint, you will learn about:​
  • Essential lifestyle changes that can significantly reduce your cancer risk (and protect you from other diseases)
  • Dietary recommendations backed by scientific research and real life patient case studies
  • Mind-body techniques to strengthen your resilience and drastically lower your stress levels
  • Targeted steps that thousands of cancer survivors have implemented successfully
  • And so much more!

Bottom lime, this ‘blueprint’ is a comprehensive, easy-to-follow plan grounded in proven strategies and real-life success stories.
And whether you’re looking to prevent cancer or are on a journey to conquer it...
This step-by-step plan offers valuable insights and practical strategies to support your health and well-being.
So if you’re fully committed to your health and want a proven plan to achieve your health goals 5-10x FASTER...
>> Go HERE to learn more about the Anti-Cancer Blueprint for preventing and conquering cancer.
To your health,
The Conquering Cancer team​
so basically eat nothing drink only warm water, and join a monestry. sounds good jimmi, we joining?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The 2024 Nutrition Wellness Summit will begin next Monday, June 10 – providing insights and strategies for using nutrition to prevent disease, improve brain and gut health, balance hormones, reset your metabolism, increase mental health and longevity, and much more.

This free event will feature 78 experts in the nutrition and holistic health space, including myself – exploring topics around:

  • Chronic Illness: Nutrition solutions to prevent and reverse chronic illness and disease.
  • Immune Health, Inflammation & Chronic Pain: Strategies for fortifying your immunity and soothing inflammation.
  • Microbiome, Gut & Digestive Health: How to nurture your microbiome, optimize your digestion and heal your gut.
  • Hormones & Metabolic Health: Balance your hormones and optimize your metabolism.
  • Eyes, Brain & Mental Health: Enhance your cognitive and mental health.
  • Weight Loss & Overeating: Explore strategies for creating sustained weight loss and transforming overeating.
  • Healing Your Relationship With Food: Of course, my most favorite topic on Planet Earth!
  • Anti-Aging, Longevity & Energy: Insights for a longer, healthier and more energized life.
  • Supplements, Herbs, Spices & Super Foods: Overcome nutrient deficiencies and optimize your health with plant medicine.

From June 10-19, each day will feature a new set of masterclasses intended to provide emerging perspectives on how we can use the power of nutrition to achieve greater well-being.

It’s rare that I support a conference like this, but with so many fascinating topics, this is one that I definitely recommend you check out!

A few personal friends and colleagues are participating in the event, and I’m personally looking forward to tuning into their classes, as well as others I haven’t heard from before.

To learn more and register for this free event, click here.

I hope to see you there!

My warmest regards,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This TikTok trend has gone viral and for good reason! Thousands of people are using this new coconut oil-pulling method to get rid of inflamed gums, yellow teeth and refresh their breath.

Coconut oil pulling is not something new, but what many people do not know is what you have to do AFTER oil pulling to make it 14 times more efficient. If you don’t do this one thing afterwards, you won’t see much results!

Skeptical? I was too, but then I saw the shocking proof for myself.

Within days of swishing coconut oil and then doing this for 15 seconds, I could see pink gums, whiter teeth, fresh breath and no more pain at hot or cold.

This coconut oil pulling method is also backed by science, with more and more prestigious universities such as Harvard and Stanford vowing for its amazing results.

Watch this video to find out how you too can get back your smile, starting today.

In health and wellness,

Kevin at Functional Nutrition NOW

a podcast you may have missed...

Top Strategies for Healthy Teeth, Gums and a Great Smile with Nadine Artemis​

In This Episode:

  • Marvel at how our bodies, including our teeth and gums, are designed spectacularly to work together and how our daily habits get in the way.
  • Find out how to feed your teeth from the inside out in five minutes. Discover the activities inside us that unleash chemical reactions to speed up this process!
  • Healthy teeth and gums rely on your body to flow like a river to get the whiteness of your teeth to reflect that current from within.
  • Identify the daily diet DO’s – the most important nutrients for healthy teeth – the DONT’S that harm our teeth and gums. Next, meet the hidden X factors that “usher” more minerals to your teeth and bones.
  • 8 steps to take your teeth health to a new level thanks to awesome botanical biotic ingredients in your biome and mouth cavity.
  • The FIRST thing your dentist needs to do to resolve teeth, gum, and mouth infections (and the questions to gauge if you have the right dentist for the job).
Continue listening here...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
PAULTHOMASMD Newsletter Headers

In case you missed it.... Dr. Paul's Blog weekly recap!​

Last Day to Watch REMEDY for Free: Don’t Miss Out!
05 Jun 07:30 AM​

Your Final Chance to Access Life-Saving InformationFolks,
Today is the last day to watch the REMEDY film series for free. This is your final opportunity to access critical information and solutions that can potentially restore your health and save your life.
Over the past few days, we've covered crucial topics on vaccine injury and recovery, featuring insights from leading experts like Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.
Learn More Here
If you or someone you know has been affected by vaccine injury, this series offers practical remedies and hope for recovery. Don't miss this chance to learn from the best in the field and take control of your health.
Click here to watch the series before it’s too late!
To Your Health & Liberty,
Dr. Paul...Read More


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Friend,
It is easy to feel grateful when things are going well in our lives. But what about those challenging times, when nothing seems to be going right — do you appreciate your abundance?
It’s important to recognize that feeling grateful — no matter what is happening in your life — offers countless health benefits. When you actively cultivate gratitude and take time for self-care practices such as meditation, you open yourself up to true healing.
In fact, practicing gratitude, meditation, and mind-body exercises such as yoga and Tai Chi are some of the most powerful tools for unleashing our bodies’ infinite healing ability and achieving optimal health — and this is true regardless of where you are on the wellness spectrum. Healing can happen on every level: physical, mental, emotional, and psycho-spiritual.
Similarly, a sense of purpose, which comes with adopting a positive mindset, can help fight off loneliness, according to a new study in the journal Psychology and Aging. Researchers found that people who reported living a purpose-driven life were less likely to feel lonely. Purpose can mean different things to different people, but it might include making a difference in your community, gardening, supporting your family, or feeling successful at work.
Keep in mind: Feeling grateful is more than being positive. It is about being honest and authentic, and finding joy in the little things, despite the chaos in life. Here are some ways to calm your mental chatter, open your heart, and extend love, compassion, and gratitude to others for true physical, mental, and emotional health.​

Post-Traumatic Growth

I’m very inspired to be among the presenters for the upcoming Post-Traumatic Growth Global Summit. My colleague and friend, Fleet Maull, has created an extraordinary online event to explore healing in light of the many complex challenges facing humanity today.

Through this pioneering exploration of trauma healing, you will not only gain access to cutting-edge research and practical tools but also to transformational technologies. These resources will empower you to harness the power of post-traumatic growth, overcome obstacles, and build resilience.
>> Register now
Yours in health,
Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAC​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

I wanted to personally invite you to join me for a very special event happening today at 12pm Eastern...

It’s a LIVE webcast and Q&A where I’ll reveal the top 3 proven ways to prevent and conquer cancer in 2024.

You’ll discover valuable insights drawn from thousands of patient case studies and verified by leading doctors as well as our holistic cancer coaches.

In our docuseries, you learned about many groundbreaking approaches that have transformed lives...

But today, you get the chance to understand which of those powerful strategies are a step above the rest and why...

So whether you’re looking to prevent cancer, or are currently facing a diagnosis, this LIVE webcast will provide you with the actionable steps to take control of your health.

Again, this is happening at 12pm Eastern and I’ll send you another quick reminder just before we go live but...

Here’s the link to join me for today’s webcast.

You can go there now and the broadcast should automatically start (if not just refresh the page at noon).

See you there,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

Stefan here.

What if there was a way to reverse most of the modern-day diseases like High Blood pressure, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s… and even cancer?

If you watched our last episode yesterday, you know the answer to this question.

But if you missed it, you still have until 5pm PST/8pm EST tonight to catch this episode before it’s taken down.

Watch our final Episode #10 now before it expires

We had so many people tune in to our last episode that our site got overloaded and down for a few minutes :).​
Here’s what you’ll uncover when watching this episode:
  • Build immune-boosting muscles without intense exercising? Discover unique techniques athletes have been using to grow muscles without testosterone or gruesome exercises for years.
  • Little-known breakthrough therapies to help you detox from heavy metals and pesticides, enhance your body’s healing process, and bulletproof your immune system
  • Learn about a plasma-based therapy and how it can become your most powerful anti-aging arsenal (in addition to treating immunological disorders)
  • Learn about an 11-year-old girl's story whose cut-off finger completely healed back using a breakthrough therapy
And so much more!

Watch Episode #10 Now!

Remember, this FINAL episode will be removed at 5pm PST/8pm EST tonight.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

Stefan here.

What if there was a way to reverse most of the modern-day diseases like High Blood pressure, Diabetes, Alzheimer’s… and even cancer?

If you watched our last episode yesterday, you know the answer to this question.

But if you missed it, you still have until 5pm PST/8pm EST tonight to catch this episode before it’s taken down.

Watch our final Episode #10 now before it expires

We had so many people tune in to our last episode that our site got overloaded and down for a few minutes :).​
Here’s what you’ll uncover when watching this episode:
  • Build immune-boosting muscles without intense exercising? Discover unique techniques athletes have been using to grow muscles without testosterone or gruesome exercises for years.
  • Little-known breakthrough therapies to help you detox from heavy metals and pesticides, enhance your body’s healing process, and bulletproof your immune system
  • Learn about a plasma-based therapy and how it can become your most powerful anti-aging arsenal (in addition to treating immunological disorders)
  • Learn about an 11-year-old girl's story whose cut-off finger completely healed back using a breakthrough therapy
And so much more!

Watch Episode #10 Now!

Remember, this FINAL episode will be removed at 5pm PST/8pm EST tonight.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Arsenic Toxicity​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
[FREE FROM TGN] A.I. and the Future of Food
As you've noticed, A.I. (short for Artificial Intelligence) is quickly creeping into many aspects of our lives. Our farms are no exception. This eye-opening interview, probably the most impactful interview The Grow Network has ever done, dives into the topic of A.I. and its growing effects on the future of food. Click here to watch free for 72 hours only!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Imagine strolling through your garden, the air filled with a sweet, citrusy aroma as you brush past clusters of lush green leaves. That’s the joy of lemon balm, a favorite among herbalists.

Today, Tara Ruth dives into the calming world of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis).

Tara explores the vibrant qualities of lemon balm, revealing how this wonderful herb can soothe your soul and body:

  • Stress Relief: Discover how lemon balm acts as a relaxing nervine to promote calm and uplift spirits, perfect for those challenging days.
  • Digestive Health: Learn about its role in soothing the digestive system and making meal times more comfortable.
  • Skin Care: Find out how topical and internal uses of lemon balm support skin health, reducing irritation and enhancing your natural glow.

Savor a cup of lemon balm tea as you read through the post—it’s a small but meaningful way to engage with the healing power of herbs. :)

Enjoy the read right here and the delightful aroma of lemon balm in your life!


John Gallagher


Our post also answers some burning questions about lemon balm:

  • Who should avoid it due to potential effects on thyroid function?
  • Is lemon balm more effective fresh or dried?
  • How can it support cognitive function?

Plus, discover unique ways to integrate lemon balm into your culinary adventures, like the lemon balm poppy seed cake recipe included in today’s postit’s a treat for the senses!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Food Revolution Network

Hi Jimi,
My grandpa Irv was the co-founder of Baskin-Robbins. My dad, John, grew up being groomed to one day join in running the family ice cream empire.
But when he was offered the opportunity, my dad said no. He walked away from what is today an $8 billion company — to follow his own “rocky road.”
What happened next took our entire family and the world utterly by surprise.
And now, for the first time ever, the story’s being told — in an epic film unlike anything you’ve ever seen before.
The world premiere is on Monday. And you can watch it for free.
>> Watch the powerful trailer and sign up to join in the global premiere of Love Over Money right here.
Yours for movies that matter,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. This is a film that will touch your heart, give you hope, and inspire you with the power of integrity. Save your seat right here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I recently had the pleasure of delving into the depths of herbal wisdom with one of my favorite herbalists, Margi Flint. In our conversation, I learned some things from her that totally changed the way I view client intakes, and I’m sure it will for you too.

Throughout our conversation, I got to ask her some of the biggest questions on my mind, such as, what do you do when the herb you give someone doesn’t work?

In our chat, Margi shared insights gained from decades of being a practicing herbalist. We talked about the importance of honoring the herbal teachers who paved the way, delved into the art of facial and body assessments, and the invaluable skill of listening beyond words.

Margi’s approach to client intake taps into the knowledge that the tongue, face, and nails can’t hide. By learning about these subtle signs, you can better understand the body’s messages and detect imbalances with better accuracy.

Curious to learn more? Be sure to click here to check out our interview on The Plant Path, or read the article on our blog.

Thank you for being a part of our herbal community, and I hope you found this conversation as inspiring as it was for me.

Take care,

PS: Margi’s in the process of publishing the only book ever based on the notes of the late William LeSassier. She had a Kickstarter campaign to help raise funds to get these books done and published, but alas it has ended. Nonetheless you can still support the project by contacting Margi directly here: [email protected] or check out the Kickstarter details here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
After a massive rally converged in Geneva, amendments to the International Health Regulations were rammed through in a late-night session on the last day. We chronicle what is in store moving forward.

Jefferey Jaxen reports on Fauci’s testimony before a House Panel as the COVID shot he aggressively pushed falls under fire over new studies confirming a slew of harms. Meanwhile, artificial intelligence has a new addition to its computing power, and it’s coming from a shocking place.

Then, Del is joined by independent journalist Savanah Hernandez to discuss her steadfast reporting on the crisis at the border as documented in her new film, along with other hot-button cultural issues facing America, as well as other policies threatening our health freedom.

Exposing the Weaponization of Health, today on The HighWire!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Toxic Truth about Calcium & Why MAGNESIUM Is A Life-Saver
Did you know that most calcium supplements on the market today are basically limestone? Yes, that's chalk. Conceal it within a capsule, a slickly glazed tablet, or in the form of a silky smooth liquid, and it is magically transformed into a "calcium supplement": easy to swallow, "good for the bones" and a very profitable commodity for both the dietary supplement and mining industries. After all, a sizable portion of the Earth's crust is composed of the stuff

Sayer Ji and Ian Clark of Activation Products, unveil the toxic truths surrounding the calcium industry and how magnesium is truly a life saver.
The Dark Side of Prostate Cancer Screening: An Epidemic of Overdiagnosis & Overtreatment
Imagine being told you have cancer, undergoing invasive treatments, and living with the side effects, only to later discover that your cancer would have never caused any symptoms or threatened your life. This is the reality for countless men diagnosed with prostate cancer, falling victim to the epidemic of overdiagnosis.
NJ Gym Owner Who Defied COVID Shutdown Cleared of all Charges After Years-Long Legal Battle
A New Jersey gym owner who defied the Garden State's COVID-19 restrictions was cleared of more than 80 charges relating to a series of pandemic-era confrontations with police.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Drugs like Ozempic and Mounjaro have become very popular in the past few months.

But do you need them for weight loss?

On June 9th, Susan Peirce Thompson, Ph.D. is hosting a free talk on how to get weight loss drug results…without the drugs.

>> Click here to save your seat for Dr. Thompson’s free weight loss webinar.

Dr. Thompson is a professor of brain and cognitive sciences, a multiple New York Times bestselling author, and an expert in the psychology of eating.

In this free webinar, Dr. Thompson will:

  • Explain how weight-loss drugs work and why they’re so successful
  • Expose what the drug companies don't want you to know…how to get weight-loss drug results without these drugs!
  • Unlock the secret to why not everyone gets food cravings—and the #1 thing you can do to break free of them
  • Demonstrate how you can reshape your relationship with food and shed your excess weight for good…without drugs!
>> Click here to register for this free, informative talk.

It’s worthwhile to explore drug-free options when it comes to weight loss. I hope you can make it.

Yours in health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi

In case you missed it...

Yesterday, Nathan revealed the top 3 proven ways to prevent and conquer cancer verified by leading cancer doctors and thousands of patient case studies.

The replay is available to watch here.

This is an important watch because the docuseries, while incredibly deep, covered so much that it’s difficult to know which protocol to apply first.

And truth be told, you can’t really go wrong with any of them.

But this video explains which strategies are a step above the rest and why, so you can reach your health goals much faster.

Now, we also want to let you know about a time-sensitive opportunity that’s closing soon.

This Monday, we’re ushering in the new members who’ve joined our exclusive community...

This where you not only get access to the 26-lesson Anti-Cancer Blueprint inspired by Dr. Dana Flavin, MD...

You’re also invited to join our weekly interactive coaching calls with our certified holistic health coaches!

This is the exact path that has helped countless cancer survivors and health seekers navigate their journey to long-lasting wellness up to 10X faster...

And now you have the opportunity to do the same.

So after you watch Nathan’s video, be sure to check this out before enrollment closes...

>> Discover the proven blueprint to preventing and conquering cancer (and how to get results 10X faster)

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This week's newsletter looks at the impact of omega-3s on aggression, how a father's food choices affect offspring, why air pollution is so detrimental to brain health, how sauna use can improve your mood, and more...

-->> Omega-3 Supplements May Reduce Aggression - Neuroscience News (May 2024)​

A new study found that omega-3 supplementation can reduce aggression by 30%...

-->> A dad’s diet affects his sperm — and his sons’ health - Nature (June 2024)​

Mouse fathers who ate high-fat foods and human fathers with high body-mass index have male offspring with metabolic disorders...

-->> Air pollution exposure tied to heightened dementia risk - PsyPost (June 2024)​

These findings highlight the broader impacts of air pollution beyond respiratory and cardiovascular health, showing its detrimental effects on brain health...

-->> Ten-minute brain scan could detect dementia early, study suggests - The Guardian (June 2024)​

Scan could become routine procedure in memory clinics if findings confirmed in larger cohort, scientists say...

-->> If you want to fight depression, head to a sauna - Business Insider (May 2024)​

The next time you need to boost your mood: Head to the sauna...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

New 5 Minute Read:
5 Alarming Truths of the Dairy & Factory Farming Industries

Have you ever considered where the food on your plate has actually come from? The realities of the dairy and factory farming industries might shock you.

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