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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi,
I had SO much fun yesterday hanging out with Steven & Cory from Forks Over Knives, talking all about how to make plant-based eating simple, easy, and CHEAP!
We received many emails asking about the replay from people who weren't able to sign up, so we are sharing it in case you missed it or didn't get to watch the whole thing.
Watch yesterday's class I did with Forks Over Knives HERE
We dove into how whole food plant-based eating can easily change your life.
In the class we covered:
🌱 Delicious, family-friendly meals that everyone will enjoy.
💰 How to make plant-based eating affordable – for less than $7 a day.
👩‍🍳 Tools and tips to make cooking easy and fun, even if you’re just starting out!
Watch the replay HERE (for free!)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
  1. Post:The Truth About Chocoloate, Cacao, and Carob. I’ve always been confused by chocolate vs. cocoa vs. cacao, and their supposed health benefits. This blog post clears it all up nicely, and shows which one you should be using for its health benefits. Click here to read the post.
  2. Quote:“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.” - Naval Ravikant. Naval made this statement in response to the latest social media uproar over God-knows-what. He’s noting that the Outrage Economy is predicated on getting you to care about the latest happenings and engage. It’s a game, and even a business model for some. They are trying to get you to engage in an argument simply for clicks, page views, and likes. And the prizes for winning that game are maybe momentary feelings of “Oh yeah, I showed them!!” seems pretty stupid right?
  3. Product: Biocidin. I have two little kids that are constantly in some state of sickness. They go to school and daycare and come back sneezing, coughing and with noses running. Being a busy parent and business owner, I just don’t have time to be sick. Whenever I feel something coming on, I take a few squirts of this stuff and it’s gone. It’s expensive, but worth every penny. One bottle will last months.
  4. Recipe of the day: Paleo Peanut Butter Cups. Speaking of chocolate… We eat a diet that I would call ‘dirty keto’. We never consume refined sugar, and often use stevia as sweeteners. But we (and especially our kids) often crave treats, so this was perfect for a delicious sweet treat. There’s no baking involved! Paleo peanut butter cup recipe.
  5. Offer of the week:No doubt you’ve heard about the benefits of collagen. I started taking it about 2 years ago and the pain I used to have in my knee is completely gone.

More good stuff coming next week, stay tuned!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Wow. What an exhilarating couple of weeks it’s been.

I'll get straight to the BIG NEWS:

The Healing Kitchen docuseries ended on Thursday evening and we’ve received an influx of emails from viewers who weren’t able to watch all of the 9 Episodes during our free event.

So… we’ve decided to do a 48-Hour Replay to make sure you have time to watch any episodes you’ve missed - or re-watch the ones that are particularly important to you. The Healing Kitchen series is back open for 2 days!

Click the link below to access the replay page and all the episodes:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Managing diabetes poorly can increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer

There is a crucial connection that's often overlooked in traditional medical approaches.

But here’s the good news: there are groundbreaking insights and practical solutions that can help.

Introducing "Endocrine Crossroads: Diabetes and Cancer’s Shared Pathways",
a f.ree eBook that uncovers the hidden links between diabetes and cancer.

It provides actionable strategies to protect your health. Inside, you'll learn:

  • How insulin resistance and chronic inflammation fuel both diseases
  • Real-life stories of health transformations
  • Expert-recommended lifestyle changes to lower your risks
And that’s not all.

By downloading the eBook, you'll also gain exclusive access to the CANCER Decoded Replay Weekend.

The summit featured cutting-edge insights from 60 renowned integrative health experts like Dr. Bryan Ardis and Dr. Christina Parks.

Whether you missed the original broadcasts or want to dive deeper into the latest research, this Replay Weekend gives you another chance to explore groundbreaking strategies for preventing and managing both diabetes and cancer.

Download your f.ree eBook today and secure your spot for the Summit Replay Weekend—your health journey starts here!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
You're invited to (virtually) hang out with me and Michael on October 1st, at 7pm EST.

We will be livestreaming from our kitchen to share one of our fall traditions...making fire cider!

We’ll be teaching you how to make your own fiery concoction to ward off winter colds and keep your immune system running at 100%.

fire cider ingredients

The basic concept of infusing vinegar with medicinal herbs and roots has been around for a long time, but it was an herbalist named Rosemary Gladstar who gave it the name "fire cider" in the 1970s and shared it widely as a remedy for boosting the immune system and fighting off colds.

Since then, it's become a beloved staple in herbal medicine and DIY health communities, especially among homesteaders and those who value natural remedies.

Making fire cider is a fall tradition here at the Kilpatrick farmhouse, because we wait until all of our root crops are harvested (garlic, onions, turmeric, ginger) so we can make the spicy infusion with fresh ingredients. All of the ingredients are chosen for their immune-boosting qualities, having high levels of antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, and vitamins.

Then we batch-prepare several different fire cider flavors, and take a spoonful every day throughout the winter to combat colds and stay healthy.

This year, you’re invited to see exactly how it's done!

Join us on October 1st, at 7pm EST for a DIY fire cider event that will be livestreamed from our home kitchen. We’ll show you how we make our signature fire cider, and give you a basic recipe to use and access to the livestream replay so you can rewatch it. Tickets are only $5!

This is our first time hosting a fall event like this, and we’re excited to see how many people are interested in natural wellness alternatives!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Nutritional yeast (affectionately known as “nooch”) is loaded with protein, B vitamins, potassium, iron, calcium, and other minerals.
It can also taste pretty darn amazing — when you know what to do with it.
Regardless of your current state of nooch savviness, our team put together some nutritional yeast recipes that I think you’ll love.
Get the whole noochy story and some extraordinary recipes here.
Yours for culinary awesomeness,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. These brilliant recipes were created by FRN’s lead dietitian and recipe developer, Nichole Dandrea-Russert, RDN. Nichole and I teamed up to create FRN’s forthcoming recipe book, Powered By Plants: Nutrient-Loaded 30-Minute Meals to Help You Thrive. If you love excellent nutrition and great recipes, check out our new book, and order your advance copy here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
No Saturday morning basketball for me today:-(

But I'm still gonna crush a workout before heading to Chicago to celebrate my wife’s birthday with some friends.

Before I leave, I've got something super-cool to share with you.

I recently did an interview on the Christian Natural Health podcast, and it's perfect for your weekend listening.

We had a great chat about why and how your spine is crucial for natural and holistic health.

I also covered what a healthy spine and posture should look like.

But the best part was some simple daily tips to improve your spinal posture.

Remember, simple and consistent changes equals HUGE differences in your strength, mobility, and energy.

Plus as a gift, you can download my Posture Retraining MiniCourse at no charge.

Head here to watch on YouTube


Here if you want the audio version.

And as always, Be Your Own Guarantee for your health and life.

Dr. Ryan


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Inflammation Poses Heart Disease Risk

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

There are steps you can take to prevent chronic inflammation within your body and reduce your risk for serious diseases, including heart disease. Here’s a rundown of some of the common causes of chronic inflammation within the body.

Gum disease is one of the most common forms of infection that people fall prey to, affecting anyone. But what few people know is that it can raise your risk for heart disease. To fight gum disease, brush and floss your teeth after every meal, see your doctor for regular dental checkups and cleanings, don’t use tobacco products, and take 3,000 mg of vitamin C a day to prevent gums from receding.

Special: Avoid Top Hospital Screwups With This Critical Handbook…FREE!

Smoking not only contributes to gum disease, but causes inflammation on its own. In addition, exposure to cigarette smoke makes the blood more likely to clot, which leads to heart attack and stroke.

Autoimmune diseases occur when a person’s immune system becomes activated not against a foreign invader, such as a virus or bacterium, but against the body itself. Autoimmune diseases put the body into a chronic inflammatory state, raising heart disease risk. The most common ones that can affect the heart include rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, lupus, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, and Crohn’s disease.

Belly fat just doesn’t sit there, making your belt too tight. It actually interacts with biological processes in the body — and in a very unhealthy way, releasing “inflammation mediators” into the bloodstream.

Chemotherapy and radiation can contribute to the development of heart disease. Cancer survivors who have undergone such treatments should be monitored for early signs of heart disease.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Lucretia VanDyke: Listening When the Plants Talk​

Have you ever discovered something that completely transformed how you see the world?
That’s exactly what happened when we sat down with the incredible Lucretia VanDyke on HerbMentor Radio.
Lucretia is a renowned herbalist and author of African American Herbalism: A Practical Guide to Healing Plants and Folk Traditions.
Her work is rooted in southern folk healing, plant spirit meditation, and ancestral wisdom, and in our latest episode, she shares stories that will inspire you to look at herbalism and life in a new light.
In this episode, Lucretia explores:
  • The deep cultural connections to plants and how food can be a powerful form of medicine.
  • Herbal rituals and spiritual practices passed down from her ancestors.
  • The magic of everyday plants like pokeweed and how we can reawaken the knowledge our elders have held for generations.
  • Grief work with plants and the importance of community and ceremony in the healing process.
Lucretia’s insights remind us that plants do more than just heal—they connect us to our roots, our stories, and each other.
If you’re curious about how to deepen your relationship with plants or want to learn how to bring sacred traditions into your herbal practice, this episode is for you. Tune in and discover a new perspective on herbalism that’s rich in history, culture, and heart.
Previous Episode...

Asia Suler: The Power of Plant Communication​

Play Previous Episode



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Big Pharma's New Target: Kids? The Alarming Truth About Statin Hype​

Recent headlines urging statin use in children as young as 15 are based on flawed science, ignore hundreds of known adverse effects, and may be influenced by pharmaceutical industry funding.

Dawn and Dusk Wavelengths: Evolutionary Keys to Wellness in the Modern World​

For thousands of years, the rising and setting sun governed human biology. Now, researchers are uncovering how recreating these natural light cycles can dramatically improve our health in the modern world.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
There’s no time to sugarcoat this...

  • Over 1 billion people globally suffer from chronic diseases
  • 4 in 10 U.S. adults live with two or more conditions
  • 90% of healthcare costs go to managing it
From diabetes to heart disease, asthma, arthritis, and even depression – chronic diseases are everywhere, affecting people of all ages. But here’s the good news: these conditions can be prevented, reduced, and even reversed with the right approach.

The root cause? Lifestyle...
The solution? Lifestyle Medicine!

Thousands of doctors are already using this revolutionary, evidence-based practice to help patients take control of their health and stop managing chronic symptoms. As Dr. Dean Ornish said, "If Lifestyle Medicine were a drug, every doctor in the country would prescribe it." And the impact is undeniable: up to 80% of chronic diseases could be reversed if we apply what we already know.

You and your family deserve good health...

--->>Discover evidence-based solutions that work when you attend the Lifestyle Medicine Summit!

Be sure to mark your calendar for October 18-24, 2024!​
So thankful that you’re making an investment in your health, your life and yourself.

Because health means everything,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,
In this episode, I speak with Dr. Achina Stein and Silvia Covelli about their soon-to-be-launched venture, The Healing Depression Project.
If you’re a long-time depression sufferer, this episode is for you. And if depression isn’t an issue you deal with, please consider passing this episode on to someone you love who lives with this disease. There are so many helpful steps we discuss…it might be what they need to finally feel a difference in their life and spark hope.
In this podcast, Dr. Stein, Silvia, and I discuss:
  • How Silvia had to be her own advocate and find alternatives to her pharmaceutically-treated depression because drugs simply weren’t working

  • How The Healing Depression Project offers a new approach to treating depression (that takes into account the entire person, not just the brain)

  • The fact that 60% of people who take depression medications get little to no benefit…where should people turn when nothing else has worked?

  • What depression actually is and how it’s viewed and diagnosed in the conventional medical model

  • Why is the serotonin theory still the dominant explanation for depression, even after being debunked for years?

  • The strong role of the placebo effect in depression treatment

  • The 2 primary focuses of The Healing Depression Project and why retreat-based treatment is the best way to heal this chronic illness

  • The biggest needle-movers for depression Dr. Stein has seen in her practice
→ You can watch or listen to the podcast HERE.
Yours in health,
Yours in health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Dear Jim,​

This week's newsletter highlights the brain benefits of flavonoids, the impact of light pollution on dementia risk, how the brain handles surprises, where love llives in the brain, and more...

-->> Flavonoid-Rich Foods Like Berries and Tea May Cut Dementia Risk - Technology Networks (September 2024)​

A cup of tea really can clear the mind, apparently...

-->> Brain goop that traps hunger neurons drives obesity - Nature (September 2024)​

A mechanism for metabolic disease is traced to a defective cellular scaffolding that holds together the brain’s hunger cells...

-->> Light pollution at night may increase risk of Alzheimer’s, study finds - The Guardian (September 2024)​

Researchers have uncovered how the brain processes inferential reasoning by recording neuron activity in individuals as they learned through trial and error...

-->> Newly Discovered Brain Mechanism Helps Us Handle Surprises - IFL Science (September 2024)​

What happens when the brain’s prediction machine gets it wrong?

-->> Finding love: Study reveals where love lives in the brain - NewsWise (August 2024)​

Researchers from Aalto University utilised functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure brain activity while subjects mulled brief stories related to six different types of love...


Tired of feeling lost in menopause? Discover solutions to a vibrant, healthy next chapter. Join the Mastering the Meno(Pause) Transition Summit 3.0 and unlock the secrets to:
  • Balancing hormones naturally
  • Optimizing your diet and lifestyle
  • Reclaiming your energy and vitality
Don’t miss this life-changing event! Register now for FREE


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jim, would you like a VERY easy solution for when you are feeling anxious or fatigued?

Because research shows that simple breathing techniques may be the fastest, most effective way for you to quickly stop anxiety and boost your energy.

Head here now to find out the BEST easy breathing techniques to help you in this completely free one-time online class

If it do ever experience feelings of anxiety or feel more exhausted than you ought to, what you'll discover in this free class can truly be life-changing.

It's hosted by my good friend and energy expert, Ari Whitten...

...And it's entirely geared to help you dramatically increase your energy, stop stress, and even help your immune health in just 10 minutes a day.

Click here for a QUICK SUMMARY of what will be covered in this free event and to sign up if interested

As you will see, this online event happens NEXT WEEK and Ari is giving away the secrets on:

  • How to quickly rewire your nervous system out of stress mode and dramatically decrease anxiety levels
  • Why deep breathing is actually bad advice (and what the right approach is to increase your energy and decrease anxiety)
  • How to improve your health, energy, and mood by increasing oxygen delivery to your cells
  • The 4 keys to optimal breathing (and how to rewire your brain into doing it automatically)
  • Why dysfunctional breathing is a common cause of brain fog and anxiety (and why fixing your breathing is the hidden key to fixing your anxiety)
  • Specific breathing practices to calm your nervous system and open your airways to help you sleep deeper than you have since you were a kid
  • A specific 10-minute morning routine that resets your anxiety and dramatically increases energy levels
Find out more and register completely free right here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jim,
As the crisp fall air sets in and the leaves start to change, it's the perfect time to think about a detox—not just for your home, but for your body too. After a long summer of indulgence, your body might be craving a reset.
But where do you start? Detox plans and trendy cleanses can be overwhelming and confusing. Luckily, there's a natural way to rejuvenate your body from the inside out:
Glutathione… a powerful antioxidant that works wonders to clear out toxins that can weigh you down. Think of it as your body's natural detox agent, targeting those hidden fat pockets and flushing away harmful substances that contribute to weight gain and sluggishness.
4 Reasons This is Your Fall Detox Hero?
  1. Powerful Antioxidant: Glutathione helps combat oxidative stress by neutralizing free radicals and protecting your cells from damage.
  2. Anti-Aging Properties: By protecting your cells from damage, glutathione helps reduce the signs of aging.
  3. Enhances Skin Health: Glutathione helps brighten skin and reduce wrinkles.
  4. DNA Repair and Immune Support: Glutathione plays a critical role in repairing damaged DNA and boosting your immune system. This means fewer colds, fewer health issues, and more days feeling your best.
So… what happens when your body doesn’t have enough glutathione?
Weight Gain:
When glutathione levels are low, oxidative stress runs rampant, which can lead to weight gain, especially in stubborn areas like your belly.
Increased Health Risks: Low levels of glutathione have been linked to serious health conditions like dementia, heart disease, and diabetes. In fact, those with lower glutathione levels have a 30% greater risk of heart attack.
Chronic Fatigue and Poor Mood: Feeling constantly tired or irritable? This could be due to depleted glutathione levels, which are crucial for maintaining energy and a positive mood.
A recent study on elderly individuals found that those with higher glutathione levels had fewer illnesses, lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and reported feeling healthier and happier.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi,
I wanted to remind you that the 10-part health Masterclass Series Learn How to Heal Your Gut, Balance Your Hormones, & Reduce Stress from the team at the Food Matters Institute goes live TOMORROW!
Here are 3 reasons you’ll love this online viewing event:
1. This Masterclass Series shares lasting, practical solutions to persistent gut issues, PMS, brain fog, stress, unexplained pain, and more so you can start feeling your best. No band-aid solutions or quick fixes here! PLUS, you’ll receive multiple nutritious recipes to help you on your way.
2. You’ll have 11 days to watch all of the Masterclasses because who has time to cram multiple hours of viewing into each day for a week?! This way you’ll get time to watch, take notes, and actually start to apply the life-changing health information you’ll be learning. That’s what it’s really all about!
3. You’re sure to be inspired by the hosts and incredible expert lineup. Hosts James Colquhoun and Laurentine ten Bosch have spent the last 17+ years creating many inspiring health series, such as Food Matters, Hungry for Change, and Transcendence, and sharing the message of life-saving health with the world.
Watch James and Laurentine interview master biohacker Aggie Lal, THE woman behind the groundbreaking HEAL documentary Kelly Noonan Gores, and multi-disciplinary physician and gut specialist Zach Bush MD - all in the first 3 days of the event! On Day 4, they’re dropping 7 MORE amazing masterclasses - stay tuned for the full lineup!
Save your free spot at this Masterclass Series TODAY. >>
You deserve the most out of life, so understanding how to take good care of your health is critical.
I hope that the gems of info in these masterclasses are the catalyst for your transformation - big or small. It's time to redefine your story and take control of your health!
P.S. If you happen to read this email after the Masterclass Series goes LIVE on Monday, September 23, don’t worry! You can register at any time and watch right up until midnight on Thursday, October 3 PLUS receive two new recipe eBooks as gifts: 10 Gut-Healing Recipes to Repair Your Microbiome and Top 10 Easy Recipes to Destress & Support Your Hormones. PLUS, two more most-popular eBooks from the Food Matters Institute team! Register here now


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This is your last chance, Jimi...
Today you still have unlimited access to Healing Kitchen: Let Food Be Thy Medicine.
I highly recommend you check it out!
This series is all about the power of food and herbs as medicine to heal the physical and mental health struggles that are so rampant in our civilization today.
It’s hosted by my friend Nick Polizzi, a man who has been deeply involved with green medicine and healing traditions around the world for over 20 years.
He really knows his stuff and the experts he tracked down for this series are literally the best in the world when it comes to healing your body with nutrition and herbs.
Tap here to watch now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello, Jimi
Exciting news! Tuesday is the day for our cutting-edge training:

"Top Genetic SNPs That Influence Microbiome Balance"

Here's what you need to know:
  • Date: Tuesday, September 24, 2024
  • Duration: 75 minutes (including Q&A)
  • Time: 6pm ET (3pm PT, 4pm MT, 5pm CT)
🔬 Discover the genetic keys to unlocking optimal gut health
🧬 Learn how to personalize treatments based on genetic profiles
💡 Get your questions answered in our interactive Q&A session

Please block out the full 75 minutes in your calendar. You won't want to miss a moment of this transformative session!​
Can't wait to see you there and share these groundbreaking insights with you.​
With love, health, and joy,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi

How do we, as humans, have the ability to heal ourselves both physiologically and emotionally? How does meditation change the body?

Never-before-seen scientific data reveals how the power of our thoughts can shape every aspect of our lives, from the tiniest molecules to our overall well-being.

For the first time in the history of meditation studies, scientists have discovered something profound happening inside the body when a simple formula of brain and heart coherence is practiced.

Join us as we celebrate the global release of SOURCE: It's Within You documentary.
Prepare to witness rigorous scientific exploration into the transformative power of the mind.

Invite your friends, family, and loved ones to gather and enjoy a weekend full of science, research, and meditation.

🎤 Fri., Sept. 27: View new clips from Dr Joe’s SOURCE interview.
🎥 Sat., Sept. 28: Stream SOURCE free in 16 languages for 24 hours.
🔬 Sun., Sept. 29: See new highlights from research scientists’ SOURCE interviews.

Don’t miss your chance to be inspired by the groundbreaking discoveries about the profound impact of meditation on our mind and body in Source: It's Within You.

To better health,
The GreenMedInfo Team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Not too long ago, we called menopause “the change” and it was talked about only in hushed whispers.
Well, I’m on a mission to change that.
Because you deserve better, Jim
Sure, symptoms like hot flashes and stubborn weight gain are bothersome.
But did you know there’s a whole host of other (kinda scary) things that happen to women in menopause?
That’s right, shifting and declining hormones in menopause can lead to adverse metabolic changes.
In fact, 70% of women, by age 50, will struggle with poor metabolic health, the biggest risk factor for:
  • Prediabetes & diabetes
  • Cancer
  • Cognitive decline
  • Cardiovascular disease
The good news is that dialing in your metabolic and hormone health NOW can lead to much better outcomes in the future.
And that’s exactly why I’ve partnered with 40+ of the top menopause experts in the world to create the Thriving in Perimenopause and Menopause Summit.
To give you the blueprint you need to engineer a healthier, more resilient life — in menopause and beyond.
This summit is going to be like nothing you’ve ever seen or heard before because of it:
  • Is completely FREE to register and attend!
  • Includes some powerful bonuses just for signing up: the Top 14 Hormone-Balancing Recipes Guide, and the Thriving in Perimenopause: Your Ultimate Survival Guide!
  • Showcases the top minds in women’s health from across the globe
  • Gives you education and answers you can’t get from most doctors
  • Will teach you how to build a resilient, strong body from the inside out, not just focus on banishing symptoms
You’ll walk away from this summit with heaps of knowledge you can put into action to immediately fortify your health and your future.
We expect seats for this incredible event to fill up quickly, so save your seat NOW here.
I can’t wait to see you inside!
Much love,
Dr. Mariza

P.S. The Thriving in Perimenopause and Menopause Summit is just around the corner. This is your chance to access over 40+ of the world’s finest women’s health experts for $0! Hurry and save your spot HERE before they’re all filled.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Gut Bacteria Could Raise or Lower Alzheimer’s Risk
A study has pinpointed ten specific types of gut bacteria that are associated with the development of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Six of these bacteria groups were identified as having protective effects against AD, while the remaining four were associated with an increased risk.
Of the four types of bacteria connected to an increased risk of AD, at least two are also linked to gut inflammation. One, Collinsella, is associated with rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, and type 2 diabetes as well as AD. The researchers were able to pinpoint these ten types of bacteria by analyzing a large set of genetic data from the MiBioGen consortium initiative.
In the study discussion, the authors noted that some of the protective bacteria were more likely to be found in populations with plant-based and high-carbohydrate diets (especially versions of the Mediterranean diet), while at least one risk-associated bacteria type was more abundant in those with a diet high in fat and protein.
Exercise May Be More Effective for Mental Health than Medication
Exercise may be 1.5 times more effective for managing depression than either counseling or the leading medications, a study has found. Specifically, exercise interventions that last for 12 weeks or less can effectively reduce mental health symptoms.
This recent research review examined the results of 1,039 trials and 97 reviews, which included a total of 128,119 participants. The best results of exercise for mental health were seen among individuals with depression, pregnant and postpartum women, healthy individuals, and those diagnosed with HIV or kidney disease. Higher-intensity exercise showed the greatest improvements for anxiety and depression, but all physical activity was found to be beneficial.
“Physical activity is known to help improve mental health. Yet despite the evidence, it has not been widely adopted as a first-choice treatment,” said Dr. Ben Singh, the lead researcher. “We hope this review will underscore the need for physical activity, including structured exercise interventions, as a mainstay approach for managing depression and anxiety.”​

Partner of the day:
Simple Smart Science

The Definitive Guide to Dementia Prevention (free today!)
Research increasingly suggests that dementia may be largely preventable.
However, memory damage often starts decades before symptoms arise, which means it’s critical to start making changes to support your brain health as soon as possible. Unfortunately, this can be problematic, since there is limited and often conflicting information available about which specific changes you should focus on. That’s why Julia Lundstrom, Neuroscience and Brain Health Educator, created her free workshop: The Definitive Guide To Dementia Prevention. In it, you’ll discover what your current Alzheimer's risks are, how to boost a specific protein that is key to Alzheimer's prevention, and how to heal any past damage to your brain by stimulating stem cell rejuvenation.
Find out more about this FREE definitive dementia prevention workshop and save your spot here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
5 Serious Health Risks of Common Cookware (+ Safer Alternatives)
Nonstick cookware is often hailed as a timesaving, frustration-reducing invention, but unfortunately, this convenience comes at a price. The same chemicals that keep food from sticking to the pan are also linked to several types of cancer, kidney and liver damage, immune problems, and reproductive issues. They also off-gas toxic fumes that can cause flu-like symptoms and even kill pet birds. These chemicals are even more harmful during manufacturing and can pollute drinking water. (More)
Potassium-Rich Foods Boost Heart Health, Offset Sodium Intake
Potassium is an essential mineral and electrolyte that is required for normal cell function. It can also help to lower blood pressure when consumed abundantly via potassium-rich foods, as documented by a recent study, and even helps negate the negative effects a high salt intake has on the heart. Overall, those who consumed the most potassium had the lowest risk of a cardiovascular event, but the effects on blood pressure were more significant for women than men. (More)
IBS + Other Digestive Disorders May Increase Risk of Parkinson’s
Parkinson’s disease is a disorder of the central nervous system, resulting in symptoms like slow movement, loss of balance, and tremors. However, some new research indicates that gastrointestinal health could play a role in the development of this disease. Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) without diarrhea, constipation, gastroparesis, and swallowing difficulties (dysphagia) were all associated with a higher risk of being diagnosed with Parkinson’s. (More)​
Compelling Health Fact
There are so many cells in the human body that it’s hard to count them all, but current estimates put the number at around 30 trillion cells (give or take a few). Cells are divided into about 200 different types that all perform unique functions and have a different structure, size, and shape.​
Chaga Mushroom Latte
Creamy, rich in antioxidants, and made with inflammation-fighting chaga.
Veggie Stuffed Pepper Soup
Full of nutrients and flavor, plus easy to make via the stove or slow cooker.
Cinnamon Baked Apples
Delicious fall recipe with a heart-healthy filling.

“You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Many of us struggle with anxiety and managing & releasing stress, myself included - and I have found that breathwork is the single most effective tool to help ground and come “back down” into your body.

It’s also a simple and natural way to boost your energy, slow the aging process, improve your mental health, reach your fitness goals, enhance your metabolism, and build resilience—all in just 10 minutes a day.

And the best part? It’s completely free and available to you anywhere, anytime.

This is backed by solid research from my friend and energy expert, Ari Whitten, M.S. and you can now dive into this knowledge and start applying it today through his free webinar.

Click here to save your spot in Breathing for Energy: How To Dramatically Increase Your Energy and Squash Anxiety In Just 10 Minutes A Day, kicking off on Thursday, September 26th @ 6:30pm CDT / 4:30pm PDT.
Breath For Energy - Free Webinar

In this comprehensive but highly practical event, you’ll quickly learn:

  • The 10-minute morning practice that is the fastest way to increase your energy levels… the most effective method Ari’s discovered in over 25 years of studying health science!
  • Powerful breathing hacks to decrease anxiety (including a method to dramatically lower anxiety in seconds)
  • How to reverse aging thanks to a staggering 50% increase in stem cell production… within minutes.
  • The fascinating history of this 1000-year-old practice and how it relates to our stressful, modern lives
Ari has teamed up with world-renowned breathing expert Patrick McKeown to create a truly life-changing experience, one breath at a time.

In this personalized event, you’ll discover how to breathe for longevity, balanced mood, a faster metabolism, and improved fitness. Plus, you’ll learn how to assess your own respiratory function and find out if it’s playing a role in your low energy or chronic health issues.

Click here to join this exciting event (remember to save the date for 9/26/2024 @ 6:30pm CDT), we can’t wait to see you there!

To your most vibrant, anxiety-free life,



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi ,

This Monday, we're thrilled to guide you through a transformative Qigong session designed to fortify your immune system and awaken your body's healing potential.

Led by Dr. Roger Jahnke, an expert in Qigong Practice, you're in for a deeply nourishing experience.​
In Today’s Session:
  • Deep Dive into Qigong: Understand the four dimensions of Qigong and Tai Chi and how they contribute to longevity, health, and healing.
  • The 3 Treasures of Chinese Medicine: Explore these fundamental concepts that are key to understanding how Qigong promotes health.
  • Qigong for Cancer: Discover specific practices recommended for those battling cancer and learn how often you should engage in Qigong to support your wellness journey.
  • Scientific Insights: What does the latest research say about Qigong and its effects on cancer?

Don’t miss our upcoming Live Q&A Ask the Experts on September 26th at 3 PM EST with Dr. Jay Faber, where we will discuss Brain Health and Cancer.

This is a unique opportunity to gain insights directly from leading experts in the field.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Proponents of the alkaline diet claim that it can improve health by promoting an optimal body pH balance. This balance, they argue, helps reduce inflammation, boost energy, prevent chronic diseases, and support weight loss.
But is there evidence to back this up?
Here’s what you need to know about the alkaline diet.
Yours for separating fact from fiction,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Fans of the alkaline diet tell us that certain foods (like fruits, vegetables, and nuts) create an alkaline environment in the body, which in turn prevents conditions such as cancer and osteoporosis, compared to acid-forming foods (like meat, dairy, and processed foods). But what does the science tell us? Get the whole story here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Plastic on the Brain: Groundbreaking Study Detects Microplastics in Human Olfactory Bulbs for the First Time
Tiny plastic particles are infiltrating our bodies at an alarming rate, with new research uncovering their presence in human brains, reproductive organs, and even our bloodstream.
AminoSweet: The Deceptive Rebrand of Toxic Aspartame You Need to Know About
Imagine biting into your favorite "sugar-free" snack, confident you're making a healthier choice, only to discover you've been unknowingly consuming a controversial artificial sweetener in disguise. This scenario is becoming increasingly common as aspartame, a synthetic sweetener with a troubled reputation, undergoes a deceptive makeover. Enter "AminoSweet" - a name designed to evoke images of natural, wholesome amino acids, while concealing a potentially dangerous chemical cocktail.
Sweet Success: Homeopathy's Promise in Halting Pre-Diabetes Progression
In a world where diabetes looms large as a global health threat, a groundbreaking study from India offers a glimmer of hope through an unexpected source: homeopathy. This ancient healing system, often dismissed by mainstream medicine, may hold the key to preventing the relentless march from pre-diabetes to full-blown diabetes.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
SOURCE - It's Within You
For the first time in the history of meditation studies, scientists have discovered something profound happening inside the body when a simple formula of brain and heart coherence is practiced.

This powerful film celebrates the work of Dr Joe Dispenza, a global community, and the research being conducted by a team of dedicated scientists.

This documentary proves the incredible potential that lives within us.

Join us as we celebrate the global release of our documentary in 15 new languages with a free screening of the film, a special Interview with Dr Joe Dispenza, and highlights from the Research Team interviews.
Ageless Energy Summit
During The Ageless Energy Summit, you'll discover:
- Why traditional approaches to diet and exercise are failing us
- The hidden environmental factors sabotaging your health
- Cutting-edge technologies to optimize your cellular function
- Revolutionary strategies to reset your hormones and metabolism
- Science-backed methods to fix your gut for good

It's a deep dive into the latest scientific discoveries and proven protocols that are transforming lives.

Join us at The Ageless Energy Summit, October 3-9 and discover the breakthrough solutions you've been searching for.
The People's Reset UK
What started as a response to a push by governments around the world, has now evolved to be a movement which focuses on solutions – not because we live in fear, but because we know that we are here on this planet to effect real world change and leave behind a better world for the coming generations. The People's Reset UK is a movement dedicated to decentralization, localization, individual and collective healing, community, and liberty.

The Greater Reset Activation was our response to the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” initiative. In June 2020, the WEF called for using the COVID19 panic to reset the world and shift it towards a digital panopticon with facial recognition, social credit scores, censorship, and the Metaverse all powered by AI. This world would shame private ownership and travel all in the name of “collective good”.

In 2024, after 4 years and 5 successful events, John Bush, Derrick Broze and team announced that starting in January 2025, The Greater Reset in Mexico would be called “The People’s Reset”. The People’s Reset will stick to the same 5 core themes and continue to broadcast a free livestream for all 5 days of the Activation. Join us September 27-29.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi ,

Continue your wellness journey with us as we explore groundbreaking integrative therapies.

Today, we focus on an innovative approach to cancer treatment—the SEP Electrohydraulic Pressure Pulse Device.​
In Today’s Session:

  • Cancer Cell Reversal: Understanding the science behind reversing cancer cell polarity and how it could lead to better outcomes.
  • Integrative Treatment: How the SEP Device complements traditional cancer therapies for a holistic treatment approach.

Don’t miss our upcoming Live Q&A Ask the Experts on September 26th at 3 PM EST with Dr. Jay Faber, where we will discuss Brain Health and Cancer.

This is a unique opportunity to gain insights directly from leading experts in the field.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

In case you missed it (or didn’t have time to watch the full video), here’s why the Toxins Exposed webinar is something you really don’t want to skip…

For one, feeling constantly tired, foggy, or just not like yourself might be your body’s way of telling you it’s overloaded with toxic chemicals you encounter every day…

… and you need to know why that is and what you can do about it.

And then there’s the fact that you’re surrounded by over 140,000 toxins that could be silently putting your health (and even your life) at risk…

Risk of getting chronic diseases and even increasing your chances of getting cancer!

The good news is you can stop this toxic buildup once you know what to look for.

Get the full scoop on how to reduce this risk with our F.REE Toxins Exposed Webinar
Here’s why the webinar is worth your time:

  • The 9 silent toxins that are secretly increasing your cancer risk every day.
  • A simple 3-step detox process to help your body eliminate these toxins for good.
  • The truth about “healthy” products that are actually loaded with toxins, and how to avoid them.
  • Why most detoxes fail—and the strategy that actually works.
This is your chance to finally regain control over your health.

>> Watch the video now and see what’s at stake before it's too late!

To your health,

The Conquering Cancer team

P.S. The clock is ticking. This offer ends Friday, and with it, your chance to take advantage of what’s inside.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Even though you may have a family history…

Or because you're getting older…

That doesn’t mean you're destined to have arthritis!

Specifically, osteoarthritis (OA).

This is also known as degenerative joint disease (DJD) and in the spinal discs, degenerative disc disease (DDD).

It’s typically thought of as "wear and tear" arthritis.

No matter what you call it, it’s NOT an inevitable part of aging.

If that was the case, then every joint in your body and spine would have the same level of arthritis, right?

Lifestyle factors play a huge role in preventing, slowing, and even reversing OA.

From diet and supplements to exercise and posture, there are so many natural ways to support and restore your joint health.

So in this video, I breakdown why…

Arthritis is NOT normal!

And what you can do about it.

Check it out right here.

And of course, Be Your Own Guarantee for your health and life.

Dr. Ryan


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Butternut Squash Soup

Butternut Squash Soup

There's something incredibly healing about a simple soup. This recipe is elevated by the use of some of our favorite spices - turmeric and paprika. Perfect for an easy and nourishing dinner!

The Food Matters Podcast

The Ozempic craze is booming. The wildly popular medication is now being used for a quick-fix weight loss solution, but at what cost to your hormones? Learn more in this podcast with Christa Orecchio.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hippocrates said, "All disease begins within the gut," and modern research increasingly shows this may be true.

Early symptoms of potentially more serious diseases you don't want to ignore include constipation, bloating, excessive gas, mood issues, and fatigue, to name a few.

That's why you don't want to miss this brand-new eBook -- 10 GUT-LOVING PLANT-BASED FOODS (Plus 5 Recipes to Heal Your Gut, Optimize Digestion & Feed Healthy Bacteria -- that you are getting free right here.

Now, Jim, one very strong recommendation to start:

Be sure to try the easy 5-ingredient Cleansing Aloe Vera Juice recipe on page 7 of this excellent new guide!

As the recipe's name implies, it provides you aloe vera and some other key ingredients that are outstanding for cleansing and healing your gut.

The other recipes are easy and excellent, too, such as the Turmeric Ginger Gut Tonic.

Meanwhile, back on the first half of this very helpful new guide...

It concisely provides you 10 foods that you can easily incorporate into your diet that are stellar for promoting good health.

You may be able to guess at a few of these top foods...

However, there are also a few surprising foods in store for you (for example, POTATOES! And you'll find out exactly why they're a gut-loving superstar.)

Click here to download your free copy of 10 GUT-LOVING PLANT-BASED FOODS now

Also FYI, Jim, along with this helpful guide you'll also get full, free, and immediate access to the Food Matters masterclass series.

This online event features unique new expert masterclasses where you will learn If It Is Gluten or Glyphosate Harming Your Gut... How to Improve Your Health WIthout Sacrificing Your Happiness... How to Intuitively Eat, Exercise, and Heal... and more!

FINALLY, with one of the top gut-loving foods featured in the report in mind, potatoes...

And because smiles and laughter are always "good medicine"...

Here's a dad joke that makes my little kids giggle and is worth sharing with YOU:

What do you call a reluctant potato?

A hesi-tater.


Alright, don't be a hesi-tater! Head here right now for the free 10 GUT-LOVING PLANT-BASED FOODS guide, enjoy the gut-healing recipes that are included (such as the excellent Cleansing Aloe Vera Juice) and enjoy your day!

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