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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
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Had a pic that the planes made a Skelton head, it actually was pretty cool looking. Had posted it a long while back, but deleted it, cause I think, people didn't think it was real. It was b4 AI and it wasn't photo shopped in any way.


Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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check out these recent episodes from Rosie Radio:



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. C here.

I hope you’re enjoying the cooler temperatures as fall sweeps in.

Kirin and I are getting excited for the leaves to change in the north woods. The temps have cooled off, the bugs are gone - this is one of our favorite seasons!

With this change of season and preparation for winter, it reminds me that our health is cyclical too. As long as you know what season you are in, and what to expect, you can manage things so much better.

When it comes to thyroid nodules, what ‘season’ are you in?

Thyroid Nodules

Here is a quick quiz: How aware are you of thyroid nodules?

  1. I don’t know if I have them or not.
  2. I know I don’t have any.
  3. I have them but have not been keeping track of them.
  4. I have them and am current with my screening.
You should be aware of thyroid nodules and natural ways to keep them from becoming cancerous.

In episode 7 of the Thyroid Beginner Series, I delve deep into understanding thyroid nodules. Don't worry, it's all in plain English!

We'll explore:

  • The risks associated with nodules, particularly the rise in thyroid cancer among women.
  • Self-examination techniques to empower you to take charge of your health. (Plus, a handy social media reminder coming soon!)
  • The role of thyroid ultrasounds and why they're crucial for early detection.
  • The exciting news: Safe, natural options to manage nodules, including iodine regulation, weight control, and beneficial supplements (nutraceuticals).
Remember, early detection and proactive wellness strategies can significantly reduce the risk of nodules becoming cancerous.

Click here to listen and take control of your thyroid health: Understanding Thyroid Nodules for a Proactive Approach to Wellness

Let me know what you think by leaving a review after listening!

To your best health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Healing the Sensitive Patient
Steven Harris, MD​

For those battling complex chronic illnesses like Lyme disease, sensitivity can be a major obstacle on the path to recovery. Sensitive patients typically have highly reactive systems, especially when it comes to their nervous system.

This over-reactivity can manifest in physical, cognitive, and emotional symptoms.

We're excited to share a key insight from Dr. Steven Harris's upcoming book, "The Order of Treatment." In this sneak peek, Dr. Harris addresses a crucial aspect of treating sensitive patients.

While heightened reactivity can make treatment challenging for highly sensitive individuals, there is hope. With the right approach, even the most sensitive patients can make meaningful progress in their healing journey.​
Why Am I Suddenly Sick?
The Metals-Menopause Connection
with Dr. Nafysa Parpia​

Dr. Nafysa Parpia has observed that chronic illness often emerges during peri and post-menopause. Patients are baffled, as their habits haven't changed. The culprit? Hormonal shifts that unveil underlying issues. She takes a deep dive into this important topic with Dr. Sharon Stills for her upcoming Mastering the Meno(pause) Transition event.

Discussion highlights include:
  • Menopause-related bone loss releases stored heavy metals.
  • These metals, now in the bloodstream, can trigger latent conditions.
  • The result: sudden onset of illness despite unchanged lifestyle.
Why Aging Is Just Another Chronic Illness
with Dr. Eric Gordon​
Many people think of inflammation in terms of external signs: swelling, bruising, and so on. But in truth, uncontrolled inflammation plays a role in almost every major disease, from cancer, heart disease, and neurodegenerative diseases to diabetes, chronic pain, and autoimmune issues.

Inflammation occurs naturally and is your body’s first line of defense against toxins, infections, and injuries.

Here’s the problem with inflammation - over time, you can end up with too much of a good thing.

With chronic inflammation, your body is on high alert all the time.
Join us as Dr. Eric Gordon takes a deep dive into Inflammaging - Why Aging is Just Another Chronic Illness for the upcoming Inside Inflammation Weekend Series, September 20th - 23rd.​
Fortifying Your System Against the Impact of EMFs
Eric Gordon, MD​
In the midst of our daily routines, we navigate through a myriad of toxins that continuously surround us. Among these, Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs) stand out as a relatively new challenge to our well-being.

While the effects may vary depending on individual resilience, it's undeniable that prolonged exposure can take a toll on our systems, particularly for those dealing with chronic illnesses.

During the upcoming EMF Hazards Summit, Dr. Gordon delves into strategies to support your healing journey and fortify your system against the impact of EMFs. By addressing the nutritional needs of our nerves and seeking to balance the nervous system, we can empower our bodies to better withstand the challenges posed by our modern environment.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

I’m beyond excited to personally invite you to a very special and FREE Forks Over Knives webinar, "How Whole Food Plant-Based Eating Can Easily Change Your Life."

This is an exclusive event just for our community, and I’ll be joining Cory and Steven from Forks Over Knives to host this presentation LIVE!

Mark your calendar for this Thursday, September 19, at 2 p.m. ET – you won’t want to miss it!

You might already have the Forks Over Knives Beginner's Guide to a Whole-Food, Plant-Based Diet, but in this webinar, we’ll go even deeper and share three powerful secrets that can make plant-based eating easier and more impactful than ever.

Here’s what we’ll cover together:

🌱 Mouth-watering plant-based meals that even your family will devour – no more separate meals!

💰 How to make plant-based eating super affordable – you can do this for less than $7 a day!

👩‍🍳 The must-have tools to make cooking a breeze – even if you’re brand new in the kitchen!

Click here to register or hit the “register now” button below to claim your free spot! I’m so excited to share this time with you and our amazing plant-based community.

It’s 100% FREE, but spots are limited, so don’t wait to grab your seat.

Let’s take the next step together towards vibrant health and a happier, plant-powered life.

I can’t wait to see you there!

For your best health,


"Let food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food." - Hippocrates

My mission is to help you create a plant powered life that you love so you can have your best health and life.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If you're having trouble sleeping, it's a serious matter.
Losing a little sleep here and there adds up and your hormones, your mental health, your skin tone, your cardiovascular health, and, in fact, pretty much everything suffers.
Not to mention the people around you when you get cranky...
I just recorded a brand new video on what I've found WRONG with conventional sleep remedies and what I have experienced actually does work.
Hint- there's no magic bullet here.
I ran a brain lab and a sleep lab so I'm familiar with everything out there and know sleep medicine.
If you're interested in actually fixing your sleep, watch this video...

I've helped fix my own sleep and then helped thousands of patients in my career do the same. There's no magic but there IS a method.
Watch the video here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
Can you believe we’re just one episode away from the end of this GROUNDBREAKING docuseries, Cancer Decoded…

We’ve heard our experts expose the ills in our world that are costing our health in more. ways. than. one…


We’ve heard about the most life-saving protocols that have been HIDDEN by the elites for years.

Speaking of ills in our world…I recently read an article that said that…

The WHO has approved the first MPOX vaxx for adults and said it can also be used for babies, children, teens, and pregnant women in certain outbreak situations…

Where the benefits outweigh the risks. (There can NEVER be any benefits in this poison!)
Image Source: NewsMedical
The vaxx, made by Bavarian Nordic and known as MVA-BN or Jynneos in the U.S., will be available for purchase by governments…

And international groups like Gavi and UNICEF.
Some experts, like Brian Hooker from Children's Health Defense, are already coming to the fore…

To express their concerns that approving the vaxx for young children in Africa could lead to SERIOUS problems.
He says…
“The safety profile is abysmal in adults (up to 2.1% serious cardiac events in clinical trials) and the vaxx has not been adequately tested for efficacy or safety in pediatric populations.

“In other words, the WHO has no idea whether it will work nor do they know how much damage it will do. The WHO has again abandoned good public health principles and waved their magic vaxx wand on the mpox outbreak.”

They always do this and it’s sickening because they put vulnerable people…

At high risk. When will this ever stop?
It breaks my heart that many people are going to suffer because they don’t know about this.
This is why I say that the first step in anyone's health journey is learning the TRUTH about our current war for our health…
And what you can do about it.
Knowledge comes first, and then you must apply what you’ve learned.
THAT is how you get results!
For this reason, I decided to create the Cancer Decoded Gold Premium Package…
Which was carefully designed to teach you everything you need to know…
And how to apply it for maximum results!
I’ve seen firsthand what sharing holistic protocols can do in one’s life…
And I’ve watched people who were hungry to learn about their health situation…
Turn around the WORST cases you could ever imagine!
By giving you access to this amazing package and $5,830 worth of f.ree gifts…
I’m helping you to claim your health within the confines of trusted, well-researched and proven protocols that will help your body thrive!
The truth is, you will have times when you don’t trust yourself or you’re not courageous enough to do certain things…
That’s where this package comes in handy.
We’ve taken out the guesswork or trial-and-error so that you can get the results you want sooner rather than later!
Imagine spending countless hours trying to figure out how to resolve your chronic health condition as soon as possible…
You wouldn’t have to do that when you have this package<> because, in it…
We have our 11 Cancer Decoded Books (Online Access)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Tired of restless nights and waking up exhausted?

What if the key to perfect sleep isn’t about buying the latest sleep aid or fancy mattress?

The Hidden Truth:

Many believe that sleepless nights are just a part of aging, but that's a myth.

The real culprit might be lurking in your diet. Yes, what you eat can drastically impact the quality of your sleep!

Imagine being able to:

🌙 Fall Asleep Quickly: Uncover the foods that help you drift off faster and stay asleep longer.
🌙 Wake Up Refreshed: Say goodbye to grogginess and start each day feeling revitalized.
🌙 Improve Your Health: Tackle chronic issues like indigestion and heartburn with simple dietary tweaks.

How to Make This Happen:

The 2024 Food Revolution Summit Docuseries is your ultimate guide to transforming your sleep through diet.

Hosted by John and Ocean Robbins, this 8-part docuseries features 45 top health experts who will reveal how the right foods can revolutionize your rest.

What You'll Discover
  • Expert strategies
  • Life-changing tips
  • Simple solutions
👉 Claim Your F.ree Spot at the 2024 Food Revolution Summit Docuseries Now!

Don’t wait to transform your sleep and your life.

This is your chance to stop struggling with sleepless nights and start enjoying restful, revitalizing sleep.
Register for f.ree now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Evening Snacks to Help You Sleep
By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.
Although it’s best not to eat after dinner, many people can’t resist a snack. Here are good choices that won’t spoil your sleep:
Special: Tired of Tossing and Turning? Here’s the Secret to Deep, Restful Sleep...
  • A carbohydrate-rich snack will increase the level of tryptophan, a sleep-inducing chemical, in the blood. Good choices include a small bowl of cereal and milk, a few cookies, toast, or a small muffin.
  • Avoid protein because it is difficult to digest. But a small piece of cheese or a dab of peanut butter on a few crackers is fine.
  • A small apple is a dense food that is rich in soluble fiber, which expands in your digestive system, leading you to feel full. It also provides sweetness without raising blood sugar levels too high.
  • Pumpkin seeds contain magnesium, which promotes quality sleep. Brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, and edamame are also high in magnesium.
  • Foods that contain bran, including oatmeal, rice, and wheat bran, are also high in magnesium. A small bowl of steel cut or Irish oatmeal, possibly sweetened with a little fruit, makes an excellent evening snack.
  • Chamomile tea is a tried-and-true sleep aid. If you don’t like that flavor, lemongrass or lemon balm teas are also good choices.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Last night in Healing Kitchen Episode 7, we took on one of the scariest diseases of our time. Cancer.

Our herbalists, chefs and nutritionists loaded up and delivered a powerful dose of healing goodness that every one of us needs to see.

The quiver of culinary remedies in the cancer episode includes green elixirs, antioxidant-rich superfood medleys, medicinal mushroom-infused dinners, nutrient-dense cruciferous salad recipes, delicious detox plates from Asia, and... a side of hope and empowerment.

You can use the link below to watch the Replay of Episode 7 – it will be up until 9pm Eastern Time tonight!

Click here to watch Episode 7

We’re nearing the end of our 9-part Healing Kitchen series and the team and I are beyond moved by the thousands of touching responses that have been flowing in so far!

With only 2 episodes left, where are we going next?

Episode 8 is all about ANTI-AGING foods and topical potions for BEAUTY.

There's an old saying that you should never put anything on your body that you wouldn't put in your mouth. This episode takes that ageless wisdom to the next level.

You will learn time-tested recipes and herbal formulas that nourish your skin, strengthen your hair, and add youthful vibrance to your being.

Why did Cleopatra use a honey scrub at night? Why did Ancient Maya women make a formula containing avocado and banana to strengthen their hair?

For the same reason that people do most things - because they work!

This episode is going to WOW a lot folks...

I’ll be sending you more details - including your links to watch Episode 8 - later today. But in the meantime, make sure to watch Episode 7 while it’s still up!

Click here to watch Episode 7

Stay curious,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Episode 389: THE DARK HORSE
Del details former New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo testimony before the Select subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic this week; Jefferey Jaxen reports on Digital ID’s, global tracking systems, and electronic vaccine cards as world powers push toward a digital dystopia; Del sits down with The Dark Horse Podcast host, Bret Weinstein, for an incredible, in-depth conversation about his evolution in awareness of some of the most critical issues affecting our world today.
Guest: Bret Weinstein, PhD​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cancer Conversation Season 3 Episode 17 Full Video

On Tuesday’s Cancer Conversation, I shared my vision for shifting the paradigm from disease care to health care with everyone who tuned in live. In case you missed it, you can watch it right here, right now.

My goal is to empower every person worldwide to take control of their health. I want to give people the tools and knowledge to prevent disease, engender health, and redirect the collective focus to human optimization and total-body wellness.

I firmly believe we must act now to change the future of humanity, our perspective on medicine, and our care of the incredible human miracle we hold in our hands.

We want to reach as many people as possible. Change needs to happen, and it needs to happen now. We cannot continue doing the same broken things repeatedly and being reactive to our health. It’s time to be proactive and make changes—starting today—that will improve our health and the health of future generations.

Some of the topics we covered on Tuesday included:

  • What are the best suggestions for cancer prevention?
  • How does one know if chemotherapy is too aggressive or not working?
  • What are the immediate side effects of radiation to resolve cancer that’s on the bone?
  • What are the best ways to prepare for and detox after surgery?
  • Is EBOO effective against cancer?
  • And many more!

Please watch and feel free to share this life-changing information with your friends, family, and anyone who will listen to help us spread the word. Join me and start making changes today that will shape the health of future generations. I’m looking forward to taking this journey together.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Improving Deep Sleep May Help Prevent Dementia

Increasing or maintaining the amount of deep sleep older adults get each night may help to prevent or stave off dementia, a recent study has found. On the flip side, each 1% reduction in deep sleep per year could be associated with up to a 27% higher risk of dementia.

In the study, 346 participants over the age of 60 completed two overnight sleep studies that were around 5 years apart. They were then followed for about 17 years and cases of dementia were tracked. Researchers found that the amount of deep sleep declined as a whole between the two studies, and greater loss of deep sleep corresponded with a higher dementia risk.

Deep sleep, also known as slow-wave sleep, occurs in the third stage of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. Adults normally spend about 20% of the night in slow-wave sleep, and it’s a critical time for the body to repair and restore itself.

Could Bacteria in Your Gut Reduce Heart Disease Risk?

The bacteria in our gut influence many aspects of our health, from our weight to brain health, and even our risk of type 2 diabetes. Now, researchers have found that certain gut bacteria may have the power to reduce our heart disease risk—paving the way for potential new treatments.

For a recent study published in Cell, researchers from the Broad Institute of MIT, Harvard, and Massachusetts General Hospital looked at data from 1,429 participants in the Framingham Heart Study, which examines risk factors for cardiovascular disease. What they found is that a certain bacteria species from the Oscillbacter family helps to digest cholesterol.

Looking at data, the researchers found that those individuals with higher levels of the Oscillbacter bacteria in the gut have lower levels of cholesterol. They also determined how those bacteria may break down cholesterol, lowering both fecal and plasma cholesterol levels. This study adds to the growing body of research revealing links between gut bacteria and cardiovascular symptoms, including triglycerides and blood glucose levels following eating.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Best and Worst Foods for Your Liver
Your liver does a lot of hard work without getting much appreciation. It’s responsible for breaking down nutrients and chemicals, producing bile to aid digestion, and filtering toxins out of the blood. What you eat has a big impact on liver health. Foods high in sugar and fat have a negative impact on the liver, while foods like broccoli, oatmeal, almonds, and green tea can help protect liver function. (More)

11 Key Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency
Vitamin D deficiency is estimated to affect about 4 out of every 10 Americans, but it can be tricky to spot. Key signs to watch out for include fatigue, bone or joint pain, muscle pain, a depressed mood, and low energy. You might also experience more frequent illnesses, hair loss, or weight gain if you aren’t getting enough vitamin D as well as anxiety and irritability. Those who don’t get skin exposure to sunlight or have a GI disorder are at higher risk of a deficiency. (More)
12 Surprising Causes of a Cholesterol Spike
You probably know some of the more common causes of high cholesterol– like an unhealthy diet– but there are some other surprising triggers that can make your cholesterol “spike”. High levels of stress are enough to do this, and certain medications also elevate cholesterol. Eating a lot of sugar or drinking more than 3 cups of coffee per day may raise cholesterol, too. Health conditions like thyroid issues, liver or kidney problems, and type 2 diabetes can also be “culprits” behind high cholesterol. (More)​
Your Personal Growth
3 Mental Habits Happy People Avoid
Compelling Health Fact
On average, you blink about 15-20 times a minute, which helps to clear debris and restore moisture to your eyes. That adds up to blinking about 900-1,200 times an hour, 14,400-19,200 times a day, and up to 7.1 million times a year.​
Creamy Roasted Pumpkin Soup
Silky texture, packed with brain-boosting carotenoids, and loads of flavor.
Carrot Cake Pancakes
Yummy, gluten-free, and easy to make.
Sweet Bell Pepper Smoothie
A delicious way to get your veggies, plus full of antioxidants & vitamin C.​


Cranky Old Fart
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Diamond Contributor
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Tonight we dive deep into anti-aging foods and topical potions for beauty.

For thousands of years, people around the world have been crafting beauty formulas in their kitchens... and the science now shows that many of these anti-aging secrets are extremely effective.

In this episode, you will learn time-tested recipes and herbal formulas that nourish your skin, strengthen your hair, and add youthful vibrance to your being.

Are you ready?

(We are expecting a lot of viewers again tonight, so please allow a few extra seconds for the page to load.)

Click here to watch Episode 8

This one also contains plenty of soulful wisdom about aging with joy and grace in the crazy world we live in today.

Can't wait to hear what you think!

Stay curious,

Nick Polizzi
Host of Healing Kitchen: Let Food Be Thy Medicine


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Ideally, your gut health is on cruise control, Jimi.
You have tons of energy, a sharp memory, and no aches, pains, or serious diagnoses.
Wait…energy, memory, and chronic disease are linked to gut health?
The surprising answer is YES! Your gut is the unrecognized, rarely discussed regulator of both digestive and whole-body health.
Just because very few people are discussing the profound connections between your digestive system and systemic health doesn’t mean they don’t exist!
Thankfully, one world-renowned expert has dedicated his entire career to illuminating these life-altering links.
On Thursday Sept 19th, join Dr. Jason Hawrelak and I for the free 5 Keys to Gut Health webinar, all about how to create a robust, optimized microbiome and the many ties between gut health and the health of your entire body.
>> Save your spot in this webinar and learn:
  • 5 keys for optimizing gut health, drawn from Dr. Hawrelak’s decades of direct clinical experience and work as a GI researcher

  • The number one compound you should avoid that has the greatest detrimental impact on your gut health and microbiota

  • The close link between increased risk of childhood allergies and asthma, obesity, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and triglycerides, autoimmunity, and gut health…and what to do to avoid these diagnoses

  • The 5 steps you need to take to strengthen the gut-mitochondria axis and improve your energy, resilience, and health span
>> Click here to save your spot! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

Let’s be real for a moment…

If you got a life-threatening diagnosis like cancer, would you leave it to chance?

Most people wouldn’t dream of fixing their car or repairing a broken pipe without a professional…

But when it comes to something as serious as cancer, they think, “I’ll figure it out on my own.”

But here’s the thing…

Navigating cancer isn’t something you can afford to DIY.

There are countless supplements, treatments, and conflicting opinions out there already.

And trying to piece it all together by yourself?

That’s a risk you DON’T want to take.

You need someone to guide you, who has decades of experience, specialized knowledge, and understands what truly works.

Get that guidance NOW!

That’s what Going Integrative Plus really is.

(We told you about this in a previous email and shared with you a F.REE event by this program.)

Going Integrative Plus is designed to give you direct access to the world’s top integrative cancer experts, like Dr. Nathan Goodyear.

Dr. Goodyear has spent years at the forefront of holistic cancer care, working at the cutting-edge Williams Cancer Institute.


If you get a chance to ask him anything, what would you ask him?

Well, our friend Ryan Sternagel is giving you that chance.

You can ask Dr. Goodyear your toughest questions in a F.REE LIVE Q&A session!

No, we don’t want you to replace your doctor…

We just want to add a powerhouse of knowledge to your health care team.

Because why guess when you can get answers directly from someone who knows what works?

Whether you’re looking for prevention strategies, curious about the latest integrative treatments, or want guidance on your current path, this is the place to be.

Here’s what you’ll get when you join the LIVE Q&A:

  • Insights into what supplements and treatments actually work.
  • Advice tailored to your situation from a leading expert.
  • A community of support with others on similar journeys.
And right now, you can join this exclusive session at no cost, thanks to Ryan’s open invitation.

So, don't miss this rare opportunity to get the clarity you need from someone who has successfully guided so many on their path to healing.

Cancer isn’t a road you want to walk alone.

And you don’t have to.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Has anyone else noticed the rise in the cost of living? Especially groceries?
Eating healthy can feel overwhelming when the cost of food is on the rise. And when everyone around you seems to have the newest “must-have” health product. We get it… supplements can be expensive, superfoods can cost you a pretty penny, and sometimes you simply don’t have an extra $50 to buy the latest health food product. While we are big believers that your health is worth every dollar, we are also big believers that healthy eating should be accessible for all people. What you may not realize is that the healthy ingredients you need to heal could very well already be in your pantry. We’re going to show you how to use simple everyday ingredients to support your hormones and reduce your stress in our BRAND NEW recipe eBook.
CLICK HERE to download the Top 10 Easy Recipes to Destress & Support Your Hormones eBook. >>
We are releasing this recipe eBook in conjunction with our upcoming masterclass series: Learn How to Heal Your Gut, Balance Your Hormones, & Reduce Stress. James has filmed 3 new masterclasses with experts Aggie Lal, Kelly Noonan Gores, and Zach Bush MD. Plus, we are re-releasing some of our most popular masterclasses for a limited time!
Inside this eBook, you will find:
🥒 An electrolyte-rich green hydrator juice recipe
🤤The ultimate hormone-healthy snack that uses almonds, walnuts, and Brazil nuts
📝 A shopping guide showing you how to healthify your kitchen, including foods you should buy more of and less of
🔟10 simple biohacking tips for busy people
And so much more. You can’t miss the recipe for a Food Matters HQ favorite - nut butter fudge!
Healthy eating doesn’t have to be overwhelming, complicated, and expensive. This eBook gives you recipes (using ingredients you probably already have) that are designed to help support your hormones and destress your body.
When you download this eBook, we are going to throw in another new recipe eBook: 10 Gut-Healing Recipes to Repair Your Microbiome PLUS a ticket to our new masterclass series.
You can’t afford to miss out on these eBooks and this series - the information inside is truly invaluable.

Make sure to download the eBook and free series ticket HERE. >>
In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi,
Just a quick reminder – you’re invited to join me for a FREE Forks Over Knives webinar that’s happening this Thursday, September 19th at 2 p.m. ET!
I’ll be teaming up with Cory and Steven from Forks Over Knives for this special presentation exclusively for our Simply Plant Based Kitchen community.
We’ll be diving into how whole food plant-based eating can easily change your life.
If you haven’t registered yet, there’s still time to save your spot!
Click here to register now.
In this session, we’ll be covering:
🌱 Delicious, family-friendly meals that everyone will enjoy.
💰 How to make plant-based eating affordable – for less than $7 a day.
👩‍🍳 Tools and tips to make cooking easy and fun, even if you’re just starting out!
This is the last reminder, and I don’t want you to miss out on this fantastic opportunity.
It’s going to be full of insights that can help you take your plant-based journey to the next level. And remember – it’s 100% FREE to attend!
Secure your spot now, and I’ll see you there!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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WITH THE WIND WITH DR. PAUL - SHOW 156; Pediatric Perspectives: What's In A Vaccine With Suzanne Humphries, M.D.

Wednesday, 9/18, our 156th episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Sep 18
Click to watch Wednesday at 11:30 am
What's In A Vaccine? With Suzanne Humphries, M.D.
Dr. Suzanne Humphries returns to ‘Pediatric Perspectives’ for an invigorating conversation on the observable contrasts between the vaccinated and unvaccinated populations, how immunizations affect the immune system, ingredients in the shots, types of injections, standards for developmental milestones, disease prevalence and more. Don’t miss it!
"Parents need to learn how to nurture their children's health every day and when they fall ill, to understand how to care for them naturally. It’s about being prepared, informed, and empowered to make the best decisions for their children's future."
Dr. Suzanne Humphries
In this episode of With the Wind, Dr. Paul Thomas welcomes back Dr. Suzanne Humphries, renowned vaccine expert and author of Dissolving Illusions. Together, they discuss the profound differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated children, dive into the ingredients found in vaccines, and highlight the importance of informed consent. This insightful conversation explores how vaccines might be influencing developmental milestones and the growing concern around mRNA technology in vaccinations.
Click to visit the Dissolving Illusions site.

Show available Wednesday 11:30 AM​

Watch the Show

Be sure to check out our podcast version!

Follow the links below to subscribe:
Or Subscribe to Against the Wind - Podcast in other podcatchers!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Vinegar: The Surprising Natural Remedy for Depression Symptoms
In a world where mental health challenges are on the rise, could the answer to alleviating depression symptoms be sitting in your kitchen pantry? A groundbreaking study suggests that a daily dose of vinegar might just be the unexpected mood booster we've been searching for.
Dawn and Dusk Wavelengths: Evolutionary Keys to Wellness in the Modern World
For thousands of years, the rising and setting sun governed human biology. Now, researchers are uncovering how recreating these natural light cycles can dramatically improve our health in the modern world.
Sweating Away the Blues: The Science Behind HIIT and Depression
In a world where depression affects millions, a powerful ally in the fight against this mental health crisis may be found in an unexpected place--the gym. High-intensity interval training (HIIT), a popular workout method, has shown promise in alleviating depressive symptoms, offering hope for those seeking a natural, drug-free approach to managing their mental well-being.
Shocking Facts about Anti-Depressants & Psychotropic Drugs
An estimated 40 million Americans take psychiatric drugs. The 5 main forms of psychotropic medications include antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, antipsychotics, stimulants, and mood stabilizers. The market for Global Mental Disorder drugs was valued at $36.7B in 2020, projected to reach nearly $60B by 2031.

Here are some shocking facts about the motives of this industry, including how these drugs advertise warnings that they can cause psychotic, aggressive, and even suicidal behaviors, especially in youth and adolescents.
30-Second Fix Masterclass
Ian Black of Activation Products, has organized a vast treasury of DIY health techniques that require less than 30-seconds per day of your time.

Techniques & “fixes” designed to…
- Strengthen your body’s natural defenses against colds, infections, and other illnesses…
- Reduce bloating, indigestion, and discomfort by optimizing your gut health…
- Eliminate constant fatigue and enjoy sustained energy throughout the day…
- And finally, to get restful, deep sleep you need to wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated…

He’s made them all available (over 100 in total) in a deeply thorough masterclass training, called the 30-Second Fix Masterclass.

Narrowing our focus to techniques that require 30-seconds or less per day, only helps us better navigate, narrow down, and even eliminate potential options with greater ease.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The People's Reset UK
What started as a response to a push by governments around the world, has now evolved to be a movement which focuses on solutions – not because we live in fear, but because we know that we are here on this planet to effect real world change and leave behind a better world for the coming generations. The People's Reset UK is a movement dedicated to decentralization, localization, individual and collective healing, community, and liberty.

The Greater Reset Activation was our response to the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” initiative. In June 2020, the WEF called for using the COVID19 panic to reset the world and shift it towards a digital panopticon with facial recognition, social credit scores, censorship, and the Metaverse all powered by AI. This world would shame private ownership and travel all in the name of “collective good”.

In 2024, after 4 years and 5 successful events, John Bush, Derrick Broze and team announced that starting in January 2025, The Greater Reset in Mexico would be called “The People’s Reset”. The People’s Reset will stick to the same 5 core themes and continue to broadcast a free livestream for all 5 days of the Activation. Join us September 27-29.
Healing Kitchen: Let Food Be Thy Medicine
You may have heard the saying, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine thy food.”

These words were spoken two thousand years ago by the celebrated Greek Physician, Hippocrates - commonly hailed as the father of modern medicine. He knew that the right foods combined with specific medicinal herbs was a recipe for a long and healthy life…

But somewhere along the way, we seem to have forgotten this simple truth.

Sadly, it’s no surprise that people who consume foods that not only lack nutritional value, but also contain carcinogenic and other harmful ingredients – are winding up sick and even worse.

That’s why we're so excited to share a remarkable new docuseries that is screening in 2 DAYS!!

It’s called Healing Kitchen: Let Food Be Thy Medicine, and it’s a hard-hitting, transformative - and FREE - documentary series exploring the world’s most promising medicinal foods and how they can be used to prevent and heal disease.

This is going to be a real treat. Each episode is beautifully filmed and jam-packed with powerful recipes and ancient remedies that will turn your kitchen into a personal sanctuary of natural wellness and true nourishment. Healing Kitchen will be live September 10-19.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Last night in Healing Kitchen Episode 8, we explored a number of medicinal foods and formulas that have been used for centuries to improve your skin, hair and overall vibrance.

This one is packed with tried and true herbal elixirs, lotions, rinses, and balms that are going to delight and inspire you.

These recipes and remedies now have hundreds of studies proving they work... Make sure to squeeze this episode in!

If you haven’t watched it already, you can use the link below to watch the Replay of Episode 8 – it will be up until 9pm Eastern Time tonight!

Click here to watch Episode 8

And then at 9pm Eastern tonight, we are airing our FINAL EPISODE!

Wow, I can’t believe we are already here. This worldwide screening has been a tidal wave of inspiration, community and breakthrough healing knowledge and I’m deeply grateful for everyone who has tuned in.

We've received thousands of messages from folks whose lives have been changed already by the information in this series. I can't tell you how much that means to us.

Are you ready? We’re going to finish off the Healing Kitchen journey on a very intimate note…

Episode 9 is all about hormones, intimacy, and overall reproductive health.

Tonight we will be exploring medicinal foods and herbs that have been used for thousands of years to help with all aspects of sexual function and hormone health. We were blown away by the depth of knowledge that our experts shared on these two topics.

This episode is going to be a lot of fun! You will learn some potent and delicious recipes from around the world that are proven to help with hormonal balance, fertility, and libido. We will also explore a few go-to herbal preparations that can be a life-changer during menopause.

And yes, we will be exploring some powerful aphrodisiac foods and herbs that enhance romance. (A little secret - these frisky ingredients are also wonderful for our overall vibrance and longevity!)

I promise you, this finale to our series will not disappoint – and not to worry, the subject matter in this episode is completely appropriate to be viewed in the workplace.

I’ll be sending you more details - including your links to watch Episode 9 - later today. But in the meantime, make sure to watch Episode 8 while it’s still up!

Click here to watch Episode 8


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Fascinating Connection between Blood Sugar and Cancer​

The connection between blood sugar and cancer is real. Blood sugar imbalances are a key factor in the development of both cancer and diabetes, as they often stem from the same underlying causes. Think about it this way: diseases occur when your body is not at ease, it’s in dis-ease. Our bodies are designed to be functional and healthy, but our world (GMOs and other toxins in food, lack of exercise and sunlight, stress and bad sleep, etc.) can drive our bodies to dis-ease.
Epigenetics proves the above statement to be true. It is the study of how cells control gene activity without changing the DNA sequence. In short, it tells us that our lifestyle has far more to do with our health than our genes. Your DNA is not your destiny. You can prevent disease-producing genes from “turning on” with lifestyle choices. For example, please read this blog for an in-depth article about how, even if you do have the feared BCRA Gene, you can strategically prevent breast cancer.

This Week's Podcast​

In this episode, Dr. V and our incredible head coach, De'Ann Richter, dive deep into the key questions every Breast Cancer Conqueror should be asking.
From diet tips to navigating the "Big 3" treatments (chemo, radiation, surgery), we’re clearing up the confusion so you can take confident steps in your healing journey.
This is one conversation you won’t want to miss!
If you still have questions after tuning in, we’re here for you. Drop us a message anytime—we’re by your side, every step of the way!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This Week on the Podcast​
Nalini Chilkov, L.Ac., O.M.D.
Author of Outsmart Cancer​
Be sure to like, follow, and review our show on your favorite podcast app to help us continue to share these inspiring stories of healing!​
As Season 3 comes to an end, we are excited to share our interview with Dr. Nalini Chilkov.

Dr. Chilkov is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and a leading authority and pioneer in the field of Integrative Cancer Care, cancer prevention, and immune enhancement. Having overseen many cases of radical remission over her decades of practice, she is also the Founder of the American Institute of Integrative Oncology, creator of the OutSmartCancer® System, and author of the bestselling book, "32 Ways to OutSmart Cancer: How to Create a Body in Which Cancer Cannot Thrive."

Her programs are recognized as comprehensive, science-based, and safe for those who are supporting cancer patients, are cancer survivors themselves, or are health seekers looking to get well, stay well, and live well beyond cancer.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Varying Mental Tasks Boosts Memory by 75%: Study

If you’ve been dutifully completing your daily crossword puzzle in hopes of staving off cognitive decline, you might want to rethink your strategy. A new study suggests that the path to a sharper mind in old age is paved with variety, not repetition. Researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign have discovered that engaging in varied mental exercises can supercharge learning and enhance working memory for those over 60 by as much as 75%. Read More Here


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Varying Mental Tasks Boosts Memory by 75%: Study

If you’ve been dutifully completing your daily crossword puzzle in hopes of staving off cognitive decline, you might want to rethink your strategy. A new study suggests that the path to a sharper mind in old age is paved with variety, not repetition. Researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign have discovered that engaging in varied mental exercises can supercharge learning and enhance working memory for those over 60 by as much as 75%. Read More Here
no thanks jimmi, it takes all my strength to remember my name!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
Can you believe that we’ve reached the FINAL episode of my brand new, 9-Episode docuseries, Cancer Decoded?
I trust this has been an eye-opening journey with you that has put many things in perspective for you.
As we have reached this final episode…
There's still SO much to uncover about life-saving research…innovative healing protocols…and insightful perspectives…
From our INCREDIBLE holistic health experts.
So without further ado…
I’m excited to announce that Episode 9: Empowering the Immune System: Using Expert-Proven Immunotherapies to Transform Cancer Treatments….
And BONUS Episode 9: Holistic Heart Health: Embracing Natural Remedies for Optimal Cardiovascular Care…
Are now LIVE…
And you can watch them right away!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Episode 9 just went live!

In tonight's finale, we’re going to be exploring healing recipes and remedies for everything reproduction-oriented. There’s far more to this sacred aspect of ourselves than we were taught as teenagers in health class!

We'll be uncovering a number of hormone-balancing foods and formulas that help with a variety of women's health needs, from aiding in fertility to soothing the symptoms of menopause. You will also discover powerful aphrodisiac herbs that are revered for their ability to boost circulation to the reproductive regions of our body, and enhance romance.

Don't miss this exciting final episode of the Healing Kitchen series! You're about to see why we saved this truly special episode for last...

(We are expecting a lot of viewers again tonight, so please allow a few extra seconds for the page to load.)

Click here to watch Episode 9

Reproductive function is a perfect place to begin experimenting with the abundance of medicinal foods and herbal formulas that exist. Our goal is to give you access to the full spectrum of what these recipes can do, because this is an area of life that is important to our health, happiness, and connection to our partners.

And when it comes to overall hormone health, the plant-based foods and remedies in this episode are an absolute must. Hormone balance is so vital to the proper function of the rest of our body – and as we get older, these levels can get out of whack. Thankfully there are extremely effective natural ways to heal and thrive in this department - as you’re about to see.

I can't wait for you to watch this one! And not to worry, the subject matter in this episode is completely appropriate to be viewed in the workplace.

Click here to watch Episode 9

Stay curious,

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