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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I often get asked what is "the worst" chemical common in everyday products that you "most" want to avoid.

Directly below ↓ I concisely spotlight what is at least one of the worst toxicants -- and the home products you most need to beware of that often contain it.

First, though, Jim, and with all the enthusiasm I can muster...

After you learn about the toxicant below, please do not allow yourself to miss this free new What ACTUALLY Causes Cancer guide for you here.

This exceptional guide reveals what research (not hearsay) confirms are the top causes of cancer in your home, your diet, and more...

...And many will be news to you (you will also find out why you don't hear much about these surprising causes, including why most doctors don't even mention it!)

Even better, along with the eye-opening What Actually Causes Cancer guide, you'll get entirely free access to any and all of Conquering Cancer: The Missing Link in their free weekend replay (I'll share a bit more on that at the end).

The Group 1 Human Carcinogen in Our Products

There are many thousands of chemicals in our cosmetics, food, supplements, cleaning supplies, furniture, and more that you want to avoid.

That's why I'll share the most important advice with you here at the start:

Look for respected certifications -- granted independent of the company -- that confirm a given product is free of, or at least greatly reduces concerns about, all the toxicants.

For example, for new furniture, look for certifications such as GREENGUARD.

For cleaning products, look for the GREEN SEAL certification.

For cosmetics, food, and supplements, look for USDA CERTIFIED ORGANIC.

With that noted, though, what is at least one of the "worst offender" chemicals that is very common in many home products?


Yes, this is the same chemical you may recall from biology class -- and still used in embalming at funeral homes.

And let's get to the two most disturbing parts:

One, formaldehyde is extremely common in everyday products (you will see top products below).

Two, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) now classifies formaldehyde as a Group 1 human carcinogen.

What does "Group 1" mean?

It means it is not just probably carcinogenic to humans (that would be a Group 2A).

Group 1 means it is an agent that is KNOWN to cause cancer in humans.

(By way of comparison, some other Group 1 carcinogens are tobacco smoking... processed meat... and asbestos).

Now, its strong link to cancer -- including lung cancer, nasal cancer, and more -- is the obvious top concern.

However, it is also strongly linked to various respiratory issues and skin issues.

Even short-term exposure is linked to symptoms such as ear, nose and throat irritation.

And these are three top categories of products that formaldehyde is very common in:

1. Cosmetics and Personal Care Products:
Formaldehyde and formaldehyde-releasing preservatives (FRPs) are often present in cosmetics, shampoos, and nail products. These compounds are added to help prevent microbial growth, thereby extending the shelf life of products. Common FRPs include quaternium-15, DMDM hydantoin, and imidazolidinyl urea.

2. Furniture and Building Materials:
Furniture, particularly items made from pressed wood products such as particleboard, plywood, and fiberboard, often contains formaldehyde-based resins. These materials release volatile organic compounds (VOCs), contributing to indoor air pollution.

3. Household Cleaning Agents:
Some cleaning products contain formaldehyde; unfortunately, it is typically not listed explicitly on labels. Instead, ingredients that disintegrate into formaldehyde, such as methylene glycol, may be present.

Again, in these categories of products, the most important step is to look for respected independent certifications that indicate it does not contain formaldehyde, such as those I mentioned above.

I also encourage you to ASK the companies that make and sell the products if it contains this and other harmful chemicals -- and trust your intuition if you do not get a very clear answer.

Okay, then, next up, Jim...

Please DO be sure to read this crystal-clear, very helpful, and free new What ACTUALLY Causes Cancer guide

As the title implies, you will discover the top causes of cancer in your home, diet, and more, according to the latest science, not hearsay or hype.

And, again, some of these top causes will certainly surprise you.

Plus, you will also get full and free access to ALL episodes of one of the best series on avoiding and overcoming cancer I have ever seen in my decades in health...

Conquering Cancer: The Missing Link.

Every episode of this online series is well-worth your while -- and you get full access to all of them today and tomorrow.

However, if you only have time to watch one...

Check out Episode 5, which reveals the best diet for preventing and even reversing cancer!

(You can scroll down this page to see what each episode is about.)

Enjoy the very important learning in this free new What ACTUALLY Causes Cancer guide and in the free weekend replay of Conquering Cancer: The Missing Link, and enjoy your day.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cancer Conversation Season 3, Episode 20
Video Replay

On Tuesday evening, we had the pleasure of hearing from Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., on Season 3, Episode 20 of the Cancer Conversation.
Bruce walked us through the powerful connection between our bodies and our minds and shared vital insights into how we can make changes in our beliefs TODAY that can better our health and our lives in the coming days, weeks, and months.
Watch the full replay here.

Did you know that your brain is hardwired with thoughts, beliefs, and patterns by the time you are seven years old?

Or that your subconscious mind—with all those pre-programmed beliefs—runs on autopilot 95% of the time?

What if you could change your “wiring” and rid yourself of sadness, anxiety, chronic illnesses, and more? Dr. Lipton discusses how you can do exactly that in this riveting, must-see episode.
Please share Dr. Lipton’s message with friends, family, and anyone who needs to be inspired. Together, we can change the future of humanity. We are so thankful Dr. Lipton agreed to join us, and hope you enjoy the bridging of science and spirit as much as we did.
To learn more about Dr. Lipton, visit

Our next Q&A session is on November 5, 2024. Be sure to save the date, and if you have questions you’d like to submit for consideration, please email them to [email protected]. If there are specific topics you are eager to explore or learn about in future Cancer Conversations, we’re all ears. Your input is invaluable, so don’t hesitate to let us know by emailing Ryann at the address above.



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Long-Term Care Out of Reach for 6.5 Million Seniors

About 6.5 million "Near Dual" seniors are struggling to afford long-term care as they grow older and more frail, a new study warns.

“Near Dual” seniors are those who are eligible for Medicare but are only at the cusp of eligibility for Medicaid, the federal/state insurance program for the poor, researchers said.

Special: These 3 Things Will Push You Into a Nursing Home...

Medicaid covers long-term care for seniors; Medicare does not.

But to become eligible for Medicaid, seniors must essentially spend themselves into poverty.

Only 6% of Near Duals drained their finances enough to transition to full dual-eligible status between 2017 and 2020, researchers found.

These people will likely struggle to manage their long-term care unless government action is taken, researchers said.

Near Duals usually have a similar number of chronic illnesses and mobility limitations as those who have both Medicare and Medicaid coverage, researchers noted.

“This research exposes a critical gap in our current system of funding long-term care,” said Dianne Munevar, vice president of health care strategy at NORC at the University of Chicago. “As a growing number of Americans reach older age, future policy should be informed by data around the needs of the most vulnerable older adults.”

For the study, researchers analyzed Medicare enrollment, claims and survey data to figure out how many people are Near Dual and how often they transition to full coverage from both programs.

Near Dual seniors have $11,000 to $28,000 in annual income, and less than $26,000 in total assets, the report says.

Those finances can’t come close to the annual cost of an assisted living facility ($51,600), home health aide ($55,000), or a private room in a nursing home ($105,850), the report says.

The research team offered four policy solutions that could help these folks better afford long-term care:

  • Expand Medicare to provide long-term care for seniors based on their needs
  • Provide incentives for states to expand eligibility for Medicaid
  • Increase funding for home repair and modification programs to help seniors stay in their homes longer
  • Fund community-based programs that directly support vulnerable older adults
“Nearly 7 million older adults live in a perilous financial situation, which can be hazardous to not just finances, but healthcare and access, too,” Narda Ipakchi, vice president of policy at The SCAN Foundation, said in a NORC news release.

“Real policy change and relief for Near Duals is urgently needed so they can receive the necessary long-term care needed to age in their homes, safely and surrounded by community,” Ipakchi added.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Please disregard the link from our previous email and use this corrected one instead. Thanks for your understanding!

Your liver might be failing—and you won’t even feel it.

That’s because fatty liver disease is silently destroying the health of over 100 million people, and most of them have no idea it's happening.

This condition doesn’t come with loud warning signs, but the consequences can be deadly:

cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and more.

And if you’re like most people, you’re probably at risk.

Everybody’s liver is under constant attack from toxins, processed foods, and stress.

So if you’re not actively protecting it, you’re unknowingly putting yourself in danger.

This is why you absolutely must join this F.REE 7-Part Fatty Liver Docu-Class by my expert colleague, Jonathan Landsman.

This series will reveal natural, powerful solutions that most doctors won’t tell you about about your liver.

Here’s what you’ll learn:
  • Why fatty liver disease is a leading cause of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
  • The best supplements and therapies that will restore your liver health.
  • Insights from 23 world-class experts on the latest liver research and breakthroughs.
  • Easy-to-follow changes that can dramatically reduce your risk of liver damage.
  • The biggest mistakes people make with liver detox—and how to avoid them.
You only have one liver. Take care of it.

Your liver is silently working overtime, but fatty liver disease is lurking.

Fight back before it’s too late.

Join the docu class starting November 7, 2024, and take control of your liver health naturally.

👉 Click here to secure your f.ree spot



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

10 minutes per day. 2x your energy.

By breathing. And not "deep breathing," but new, next-generation breathing science...

Ari Whitten has partnered with Patrick McKeown to develop a new process of specialized breathing that dramatically increases your body's oxygen-carrying capacity -- adopting the practice for 10 minutes per day could deliver recognizable results in mere weeks!

In fact, Ari says this is "the single fastest method to increase energy levels" that he has found in 25 years of studying health science.

--->>We invite you to save a seat for Ari's webinar taking place October 31st, 7:30pm US Eastern!

During this new event, you'll learn how to use specific breathing practices to:
  • Measure your body’s vitality/energy in 60 seconds
  • Rewire your nervous system out of stress mode
  • Dramatically decrease anxiety levels
  • Improve fitness level and endurance dramatically
  • Increase oxygen delivery to your cells
  • Teach your brain how to do this automatically
  • Improve circulation to your brain
  • Sleep deeper than you have since you were a kid
This is NOT the typical "take deep abdominal breaths and relax" type of stuff.

This is next-generation breathing science to rewire your brain and body for relaxation and energy.

We hope to see you on Thursday!​
So thankful that you’re making an investment in your health, your life and yourself.

Because health means everything,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

You hear about heart disease and cancer all the time...

But when was the last time you heard about fatty liver disease?

Unfortunately, most people don't realize that 1 in 3 people have fatty liver disease, a significant yet overlooked cause of:
  • Heart disease
  • Cancer
  • Diabetes
  • Dementia
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Sleep disorders
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Underactive thyroid
  • Skin issues
To make matters worse...

Most conventionally trained physicians are NOT talking about fatty liver disease, making this topic the “unspoken” health crisis of our time.

Keep in mind, your liver is the largest internal organ—and the reason it's so big is because it's involved in over 500 bodily functions.

So when your liver is compromised, it affects every organ and system in your entire body.

But there’s great news!

You can regenerate and protect your liver naturally, without the need for toxic medications or invasive procedures.

That is why this F.REE 7-Part Fatty Liver Docu-Class by my friend and natural health expert, Jonathan Landsman, couldn’t have come sooner.

Starting November 7th, this online event is designed to help you:
  1. Understand how fatty liver disease is connected to major health issues like cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.
  2. Learn the most effective natural therapies and supplements that can help regenerate your liver and prevent disease.
  3. Gain knowledge from 23 of the world's leading experts on liver health, sharing their latest research and groundbreaking discoveries.
  4. Discover how simple lifestyle and dietary changes can dramatically reduce your risk of liver damage and improve your overall well-being.
Click here to save your seat now

Bonus Offer:

When you sign up today, you'll also receive exclusive access to a 7-Part Program, featuring detailed insights and actionable steps to protect and enhance your liver health.

This bonus content is designed to complement the docu class, providing you with a complete roadmap to a healthier liver.

Why You Should Join:

  • Completely FREE: No cost to you—this life-changing information is accessible to everyone.
  • Expert Guidance: Hear directly from top experts who are at the forefront of liver health research.
  • Immediate Impact: Start applying the strategies right away to see real improvements in your liver function and overall health.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: From the basics of liver function to advanced detoxification techniques, we've got you covered.
What Others Are Saying:

"This is AMAZING info... I am blown away!"
— Jorae H.
"Pure Excellence from start to finish. Thank you so much!!!"
— Peter J.
"An incredible learning experience. No fluff - just facts!"
— Harold F.

Don’t Miss Out—Save Your Seat Now!

Fatty liver disease won't wait, and neither should you.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Home Remedies For Achy Muscles​

Achy muscles can result from a myriad of causes, including strenuous exercise, repetitive motion, or even everyday stress. The discomfort often manifests as a dull, persistent ache, stiffness, or a burning sensation in the affected muscles.
Although this is a common issue, it’s not something one has to endure without relief.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Watch the highlight reels:
📼 These 4 things are NOT breakfast food
📼 Useless weight loss tips you've been taught

🥳 In case you missed it:

▶ Listen to episode 142 of Your Midlife Comeback Story Podcast - THE SURPRISING LINK BETWEEN HOUSEHOLD TOXINS AND WEIGHT GAIN

And GET YOUR FREE PDF COMPANION to follow along this week's episode!
🤫Psst - If you are a woman in midlife who is ready to ditch the belly fat without crazy diets, or hours in the gym, AND without adding one more thing to your busy schedule, CLICK HERE to register for the brand new training/content - WTH Happened to My Midlife Body training session - it's totally FREE!

👇👇 In other news at Pink Fortitude HQ:

▶ I was a guest on The Label Free Podcast with Deanna Radulescu, where we discussed my ROCKY-inspired framework for personal growth.



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Vitamin D: Nature’s Medicine - Raise your hand if you think sunlight causes skin cancer. For decades, doctors and the “cancer industry” have warned us to stay out of the “dangerous” sunlight and/or use plenty of sunscreen…
>> Discover Why Vitamin D is Vital for Health <<
taxi drivers here in oz have their right arm twice as dark as their left arm by driving around with their arm out the taxi window!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

What to Look For (and Avoid) in a Multivitamin
It’s common to have more questions than answers when it comes to multivitamins. Do they actually work? Do I really need one? What ingredients should I look for? Can’t I get all my nutrients from food? The short answer is yes—multivitamins can benefit your body and you likely need one. But this holds true only if you choose a high-quality, well-formulated product. Here’s what to look for in a multivitamin, along with which ingredients to avoid. (More)
Good Oral Hygiene May Protect Against Cancer
Maintaining good oral health may do more than prevent cavities; it could also lower the risk of head and neck squamous cell cancer (HNSCC). Researchers analyzed oral samples from 236 patients who later developed HNSCC and compared them to 485 controls without the cancer. While overall bacterial diversity didn’t show a clear connection to HNSCC risk, 13 specific bacterial species were significantly associated with the disease. Notably, a higher score based on certain bacteria was linked to a 50% increased risk of developing HNSCC. (More)
Mediterranean Diet May Lower Heart Failure Risk
Following a Mediterranean Diet could significantly reduce your risk of heart failure. Researchers analyzed data from six studies involving 216,385 European participants who were free of heart failure at the start. Over an average follow-up period of 11 years, they found that even a small increase in adherence to the Mediterranean Diet—reflected by a 1-point increase in the diet score—was linked to a lower risk of heart failure (risk ratio of 0.940). Interestingly, women who adhered more closely to the Mediterranean Diet experienced a notable decrease in heart failure incidence, while men did not show the same trend. (More)​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Four Top Health Benefits of Pumpkin
More than just a celebrated autumn fruit, pumpkin provides a wealth of health benefits, including reducing the risk of chronic diseases, facilitating wound healing and providing cardiovascular protection.
5 Tips to Keep Halloween Healthy
When it comes to raising my 7-year-old daughter, one of the biggest challenges has been getting her to eat healthy. I've tried teaching her about nutrition, playing games, and yes-even a little bit of light-hearted bribery. But as it turns out, little girls are also little tanks that enjoy eating every delicious morsel in sight.
Detoxifying: The Main Mechanism of Action
Do you know what's secretly draining your energy and lowering your vibration? Discover the hidden culprit and how to reclaim your vitality in ways you never expected.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How've you been? Are you also feeling stressed or overwhelmed lately?

A lot of people I know are going through big transitions this year and struggling to keep their mental, emotional, physical and spiritual health balanced.

As sensitive people, it's common to feel like no matter how much you try, no one truly "gets" you and you end up feeling alone and disconnected.

But it doesn't have to be this way!

That's why I'm excited to invite you to my newest live workshop on Sunday, Nov 3
(1 pm Pacific Time):​
Loneliness to Love:
5 Communication Mistakes Sensitive People Make & How to Fix Them.

In this 2-hour workshop, I'll walk you through the top 5 unhealthy communication habits that keep sensitive people stuck in feelings of loneliness and isolation—and I'll show you how to shift them. We’ll cover:

  • People-pleasing: Why it’s costing you your energy and how to set boundaries instead.
  • Emotional overwhelm: How to protect your energy while still connecting deeply with others.
  • The inner critic: Rewiring your inner voice to create more self-love and confidence.
  • Disconnect from self: Reconnect with your mind-body-spirit to ensure you're showing up authentically.
  • Hiding and isolation: How to safely open up, be vulnerable, and find meaningful connection.

If you've been struggling with communication in relationships—whether romantic, platonic, family, friendships, or professional—this workshop is designed to help you gain clarity, confidence, and practical tools you can use immediately.

I'm holding a live get-together on zoom and would love to see you there.

WORKSHOP: Loneliness to Love on Sunday, Nov 3 at 1 pm Pacific
Can't make it live? Register to receive the limited-time recorded replay!​

This LIVE workshop will be ~ 2 hours and I’ll also be sharing more details about my upcoming Relationship Bootcamp for Sensitive Souls—a 2-day deep dive designed to transform your communication, boundaries, and personal life. But first, let’s tackle the basics in this free workshop!

Ready to transform your relationships and finally feel understood?

Click here to reserve your spot — at no charge — for the Loneliness to Love workshop and start building the authentic connections you’ve been craving.

Spots are limited, so sign up today!
I can’t wait to see you there.

Dr. Natasha F
Founder, Club Sensitive

P.S. Feel free to invite a friend who might benefit from this session—sometimes the best transformations happen together!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Stroke Risk Factors

Dr. Chauncey Crandall, M.D., writes:

Here’s a list of the traditional stroke risk factors that usually occur in older people:

High blood pressure. Also called hypertension, high blood pressure increases stroke likelihood by four to six times.

Atherosclerosis. This is the term for buildup of plaque in the arteries. In the heart, it’s known as coronary artery disease. But it can occur in the brain as well, and is a major cause of stroke.

Special: Dr. Crandall Saved His Own Heart With This

Carotid artery disease. Blood flows to your brain through the carotid arteries in the neck. If these vessels become narrowed, a clot can form, causing a stroke. Fifty percent of strokes are caused by problems in the carotid arteries.

Atrial fibrillation. Like high blood pressure, this common heartbeat irregularity increases stroke risk four to six times. Other types of heart arrythmia can also cause a stroke.

Smoking. Because the inflammation it causes damages blood vessels, smokers are at greatly increased risk of stroke.

Diabetes. People with diabetes tend to develop underlying cardiovascular disease much more often than others. And most people who suffer from diabetes end up dying of a clot-related cause, usually either a heart attack or stroke.

Abnormal lipids. High levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol, low levels of HDL (good) cholesterol, and high triglycerides all contribute to atherosclerosis — and thus to stroke risk.

Obesity. Too much belly fat is a stroke risk factor because it increases risks for hypertension and diabetes. It also produces chronic bodily inflammation.

Stress. As with heart attack, stress has been an overlooked cause of stroke. Although stress is not yet considered an independent stroke risk factor, it is implicated in several of the other major factors, including high blood pressure, smoking, and obesity.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
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Trending Recipe

Nourishing Watermelon Gummy Candies

Ditch the refined sugars, unnatural dyes, and artificial flavors this Halloween, and try these nourishing gummies. They're simple to make and sure to be a hit with adults and kids alike.
I watched a video on how they make the unnourishing kind of candy gummies. Ewww, it was so so so gross, I'll never put one in this mouth, never ever!!! Just so disguisingly yuk!!!

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