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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
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Melanie Kennemann has been experiencing physical discomforts and mood swings for a while. In this video, she shares with us how a ‘traditional’ doctor advised her to quit her job and take antidepressants instead of addressing her symptoms in a natural and holistic way. She fortunately meets an incredible doctor who immediately got to THE CAUSE of what was going on with her body.

Find out what THE CAUSE is and watch this video. You just might have it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Happy Sunday!

We are speaking TODAY in North Carolina at Dr. Buttar’s “Advanced Medicine Conference.” If you live in the Charlotte area, come see us. But if you can’t make it, no worries! All the lectures will be live streamed, so be sure to watch!

When we are traveling, it’s important for us to keep our immune systems healthy, and one of the best ways to do this is through juicing! Whether you are brand new to juicing or looking to take your juicing routine to the next level, Cherie Calbom (aka “The Juice Lady”) has some practical tips that you’ll want to learn. She'll help you save time by improving your juicing process and introducing you to some storage methods to help increase the longevity of your juices.

>> Watch Cherie’s lecture from TTAC LIVE here. Keep watching to the very end for her recommended juicing protocol for cancer patients.


What do you really know about polio? Was the polio vaccine effective at eradicating polio?Is it possible that it only appeared that polio was eradicated because they changed the criteria for diagnosing polio? Learn the TRUTH in this eye-opening video!

Do you know the largest donors to the World Health Organization (WHO)?

Have you ever wondered exactly who is running the WHO? Read part 1 and part 2 and part 3.

Join Charlene and Dr. Sherri Tenpenny as they talk about COVID-19, vaccines, and tie it all into our source of power and love - the Alpha and Omega - God. They get into scripture and the spiritual powers behind the physical world.

>> Watch the interview here.

In 1775 – just a few months before the Declaration of Independence was signed, Patrick Henry famously said “Give me liberty or give me death!” But our once great nation is in danger of losing the freedoms that our forefathers sacrificed so much to obtain.

Read part 1 here and part 2 here.

Remember Proverbs 3: 5-6

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

God Bless!




Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Your body is consistently detoxifying.

Every time you use the bathroom, when you sweat, and even as you exhale, these forms of excretion are detoxifying – removing waste.

All ongoing processes at the microscopic levels of our cells also have byproducts. Byproducts that need to be moved out and eliminated. It's part of a healthy, functioning body.

When those systems get stalled, overwhelmed, or backed up, our systems can start to have difficulty "keeping up" with elimination.

And that's exactly what most people are experiencing in one way or another...

...but why is this happening and what can we do about it?

In the 20th and 21st centuries, we began exposing ourselves willingly and unintentionally to mass quantities of toxins throughout the day.

Processed food additives, toxins in our environment, paints, furniture, cleaning products, excess alcohol, and more...

The liver is not only the largest organ inside the body, it's our main detoxification organ.

*If you're considering doing any sort of "liver cleanse" it is important to talk to your doctor before making a decision.

Alcohol, drugs, medications, and more are all processed through the liver.

We should not forget that chemicals in pesticides, herbicides and even from makeups or perfumes can enter through the skin.

The challenging reality is that if intentional steps aren't taken, these chemicals will very likely put a burden on your liver as well.

Remember, if you have suffered liver damage over the years for any reason, healing this organ is not something that happens overnight. It's not even entirely clear how much regeneration is possible.

If you're able to, the best choices are those you make to prevent excess stress on your liver in the first place.

If you are interested in exploring some herbs for supporting a healthy and functioning liver, here are some to consider...



Milk Thistle
: Milk Thistle seed is one of the most popular herbs used for liver cleansing. This herb is used for most liver diseases including cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, fatty filtration of the liver, and inflammation of the bile duct. Research shows that Milk Thistle causes regeneration of liver tissue immediately after exposure to toxins. Milk thistle is also used for mushroom poisoning and protects the liver against poisoning by organophosphate insecticides.

Artichoke Leaf: Artichoke is a strong bitter that stimulates digestion, absorption and intestinal elimination. It stimulates gastric hydrochloric acid, bile, liver, pancreatic and small intestine juices and has mild 'hepatoprotective' activity (liver protection). Artichoke is indicated for sluggish liver, impaired digestion, elevated LDL/VLDL cholesterol levels, dyspepsia and Metabolic Syndrome.

Yellow Dock: Yellow dock is used for liver and gallbladder insufficiency, jaundice, and for iron deficiency. The root enhances bile secretion and improves liver and digestive function. Yellow Dock is also used for chronic skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and acne, for constipation and acid reflux.

Dandelion Root: Dandelion root is an excellent Bitter that stimulates the secretion of gastric fluid from the liver pancreas and small intestines, enhancing digestion and stimulating the growth of healthy bowel flora. Dandelion root is used for chronic constipation, impaired absorption of fats, and for sluggish liver function.

Blessed Thistle: Blessed Thistle is effective for treating liver stagnation, poor fat digestion, hiatal hernia, GERD, and hiccups. Blessed Thistle also acts as a digestive stimulant, cholagogue (promotes discharge of bile), and febrifuge (helps reduce fever). It increases stomach, small intestine, and liver activity.

Turmeric: Turmeric is not only a powerful anti-inflammatory and immunoregulator but is also useful in reducing oxidative damage to the liver. Turmeric also mildly lowers blood pressure, reduces LDL cholesterol levels and prevents hardening of the arteries. Turmeric can help prevent viral or chemical-induced liver damage, enhances glutathione levels, and promotes liver detoxification.

Schisandra: Schisandra berry is a versatile herb that not only normalizes endocrine, nervous system and immune activity, but is also used as a liver restorative, lung tonic and for immune system support. Schisandra increases brain efficiency, mental alertness, work capacity and builds strength. It is useful for insomnia, hepatitis, cirrhosis, asthma, night sweats, prolonged diarrhea and immune deficiency.

To a healing future,
The Need To GROW / Earth Conscious Life


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Life and Death
I learned something very valuable about life and death this week. Below, you can read about a captivating, difficult, tender, and vulnerable interview I watched live on Friday. It was with a woman named Lorraine Cohen who, after a decade-long battle with cancer, has decided to complete her life and this fight, and I wanted to share a couple of the many nuggets of wisdom I walked away with. This topic is one that is extremely polarizing and can cause volatile conflict, but regardless of your feelings on assisted suicide, there is no doubting that Lorraine has some profound insights about life and death to share.

All of my grandparents (with the exception of one, who died unexpectedly in an accident) lived well into their 90's. Sitting here and thinking about Lorraine, I have come to the realization that for my entire life, I have equated a satisfactory or worthy life with the number of years lived. On many occasions, I have told family and friends that I'll be so pissed if I don't make it to my 90's like my grandparents. On some subconscious and logical level, I knew that there is more to life than length, but my focus has definitely been on accomplishing that lengthy milestone, as if everything will have been for naught if I don't make it to 90. How backwards is that?

Lorraine brought this imbalance in my thinking into sharp relief. Going into watching this interview, there was definitely a part of me that wanted to know WHY. I'm sure it was the same part that was responsible for my feelings on reaching 90. Listening to Lorraine talk about her life and this strong sense of completeness she has (in spite of not reaching her 90's), I felt the balance start to shift. And thinking about it now, Lorraine has adjusted my focus and changed my rating scale.

We've all heard the saying, "It's not the amount of years lived, but the amount of life in those years that matters." I understand now that I never quite got this quote. I do now. Life is not a race or a competition. We're not competing to see who can stick around the longest, or at least we shouldn't be. If you can live your life with joy and gratitude, with an effort to help those around you whenever you have the ability to, and if you can stuff as much love and compassion into it as possible, you will have a life well-lived. Whether you reach 45 or 105, your life will have held meaning and you will have left this earth a little better than when you arrived. That is the real goal. That is what belongs at the top of the list.

And everything else besides, the most simple and yet the most important thing I learned from Lorraine is the value of helping others and the meaningfulness of doing this right up until the end. One of the last things Lorraine wants to do while on this earth is to help those that she can by opening her heart and the process she went through to reach this decision. There is something so very honourable and noble in that, that in this time where so many would rightfully be focused on themselves, Lorraine took time to consider how she could support others in her death as she did in life. What a gift. Thank you, Lorraine.
Happy Healing Everyone ❤️


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Mental Health Monday
If you read my newsletter last week, you will have heard (read ) me talking about celebration. When big, scary, negative things happen in our lives, the last thing we feel like doing is celebrating. But I think that, when these things like cancer or COVID happen, it makes it all the more important to celebrate the good stuff, to seize every opportunity we have to feel gratitude for the light that still exists even with the dark hanging around.

For those in Canada, although this past holiday Monday looked a lot different this year for most of us, I hope you were still able to take a day off from your “regular” isolation routine and celebrate with your quarantine buddies or on your own in whatever way you could.

Happy Healing, and Happy Celebrating ❤️


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

*A trigger warning here that there is discussion of assisted suicide and death.

On Friday, I had the absolute honour of listening in on a uniquely special call with spiritual health mentor and coach Lorraine Cohen. I hope some of you were able to make it as well. Lorraine, has been fighting breast cancer for ten years. She is an energy healer and soul power coach, and in the spirit of helping others that permeates this work, she wanted to share an extremely intimate part of her journey with the public.

She has come to the difficult decision to complete her life and her battle with breast cancer, and in a very personal interview, she explored that choice and how she came to it. I understand that this may be upsetting for some or even offensive; there are such powerful and conflicting opinions on this topic. But regardless of your feelings on assisted suicide, it was one of the most powerful things I have ever listened to. Hearing Lorraine's perspective on life, death, and the decision to fight for one or the other was nothing like anything I have ever heard before, and I don't know when I will again. It was extremely special.

I cannot think of another time that you will have the ability to hear from someone about how they came to this decision, and I'm sure that it will be a powerful and profound experience for all who hear her talk. Some may not feel able to, and that is completely understandable and okay. For me, I find that the only way to diminish fears is to confront them, and I can't think of a better way to face our fear of death than to hear from someone who has embraced it. Whether you are struggling with a late stage disease yourself or are seeking a deeper understanding of what might happen to us after death, you will find meaning in her words. It diminished my fear of death, and even if just a bit, that is such a gift.

The recordings are available on Zoom for streaming or download, and you are most welcome to share this link with whoever you think may benefit from hearing this discussion with Lorraine. When you click this link, you will see the first recording and the chat. At the end of the official interview section, there is a second video that will pop in. After their discussion, the host Kim allowed other people to share messages with Lorraine, and this was such a heartwarming and beautiful process to hear.

Also, Lorraine is raising money to help pay for her medical expenses up to this point and for the team that will assist her in completing her life. If you listen to the call and feel you get something out of it, please consider making a donation. Donations are most welcome and can be made here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


This is probably not a new quote for many of you, and it’s one that I always kind of shrugged off as one of those stereotypical things people say to others when they are trying to make them feel better about something not working out the way they wanted it to. Pretty fluffy and insubstantial.

It took being tested in a hard and substantial way to understand what the author meant by this sentence. Cancer has transformed me by teaching me, and one of the best ways it has done this is by teaching me about myself, the true, deep self that was buried under a mountain of self-doubt, insecurities, and people pleasing. She’s far from fully uncovered and I’m far from finished with my climb up that mountain, but we’re getting there together. I TRULY had NO IDEA I was as strong as my awesome self is. And so are you


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Hi Jimi,

Your body is consistently detoxifying.

Every time you use the bathroom, when you sweat, and even as you exhale, these forms of excretion are detoxifying – removing waste.

All ongoing processes at the microscopic levels of our cells also have byproducts. Byproducts that need to be moved out and eliminated. It's part of a healthy, functioning body.

When those systems get stalled, overwhelmed, or backed up, our systems can start to have difficulty "keeping up" with elimination.

And that's exactly what most people are experiencing in one way or another...

...but why is this happening and what can we do about it?

In the 20th and 21st centuries, we began exposing ourselves willingly and unintentionally to mass quantities of toxins throughout the day.

Processed food additives, toxins in our environment, paints, furniture, cleaning products, excess alcohol, and more...

The liver is not only the largest organ inside the body, it's our main detoxification organ.

*If you're considering doing any sort of "liver cleanse" it is important to talk to your doctor before making a decision.

Alcohol, drugs, medications, and more are all processed through the liver.

We should not forget that chemicals in pesticides, herbicides and even from makeups or perfumes can enter through the skin.

The challenging reality is that if intentional steps aren't taken, these chemicals will very likely put a burden on your liver as well.

Remember, if you have suffered liver damage over the years for any reason, healing this organ is not something that happens overnight. It's not even entirely clear how much regeneration is possible.

If you're able to, the best choices are those you make to prevent excess stress on your liver in the first place.

If you are interested in exploring some herbs for supporting a healthy and functioning liver, here are some to consider...



Milk Thistle
: Milk Thistle seed is one of the most popular herbs used for liver cleansing. This herb is used for most liver diseases including cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis, fatty filtration of the liver, and inflammation of the bile duct. Research shows that Milk Thistle causes regeneration of liver tissue immediately after exposure to toxins. Milk thistle is also used for mushroom poisoning and protects the liver against poisoning by organophosphate insecticides.

Artichoke Leaf: Artichoke is a strong bitter that stimulates digestion, absorption and intestinal elimination. It stimulates gastric hydrochloric acid, bile, liver, pancreatic and small intestine juices and has mild 'hepatoprotective' activity (liver protection). Artichoke is indicated for sluggish liver, impaired digestion, elevated LDL/VLDL cholesterol levels, dyspepsia and Metabolic Syndrome.

Yellow Dock: Yellow dock is used for liver and gallbladder insufficiency, jaundice, and for iron deficiency. The root enhances bile secretion and improves liver and digestive function. Yellow Dock is also used for chronic skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and acne, for constipation and acid reflux.

Dandelion Root: Dandelion root is an excellent Bitter that stimulates the secretion of gastric fluid from the liver pancreas and small intestines, enhancing digestion and stimulating the growth of healthy bowel flora. Dandelion root is used for chronic constipation, impaired absorption of fats, and for sluggish liver function.

Blessed Thistle: Blessed Thistle is effective for treating liver stagnation, poor fat digestion, hiatal hernia, GERD, and hiccups. Blessed Thistle also acts as a digestive stimulant, cholagogue (promotes discharge of bile), and febrifuge (helps reduce fever). It increases stomach, small intestine, and liver activity.

Turmeric: Turmeric is not only a powerful anti-inflammatory and immunoregulator but is also useful in reducing oxidative damage to the liver. Turmeric also mildly lowers blood pressure, reduces LDL cholesterol levels and prevents hardening of the arteries. Turmeric can help prevent viral or chemical-induced liver damage, enhances glutathione levels, and promotes liver detoxification.

Schisandra: Schisandra berry is a versatile herb that not only normalizes endocrine, nervous system and immune activity, but is also used as a liver restorative, lung tonic and for immune system support. Schisandra increases brain efficiency, mental alertness, work capacity and builds strength. It is useful for insomnia, hepatitis, cirrhosis, asthma, night sweats, prolonged diarrhea and immune deficiency.

To a healing future,
The Need To GROW / Earth Conscious Life

I keep forgetting to drink my dandelion and chicory “coffee”. Thanks for the reminder, Jimi. Love you, my friend.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
VU Challenge Team
Member For 5 Years


This is probably not a new quote for many of you, and it’s one that I always kind of shrugged off as one of those stereotypical things people say to others when they are trying to make them feel better about something not working out the way they wanted it to. Pretty fluffy and insubstantial.

It took being tested in a hard and substantial way to understand what the author meant by this sentence. Cancer has transformed me by teaching me, and one of the best ways it has done this is by teaching me about myself, the true, deep self that was buried under a mountain of self-doubt, insecurities, and people pleasing. She’s far from fully uncovered and I’m far from finished with my climb up that mountain, but we’re getting there together. I TRULY had NO IDEA I was as strong as my awesome self is. And so are you

Your story and the struggles you have shared the past few years were positively instrumental in leading me down the health path I am following - which changed my life in almost every aspect - and I mean that literally

Four years ago, if someone told me I would be a fledgling organic farmer and happily given up everyday things like sugar and grain, I'd have laughed so hard and thought they were a total kook - thank you Jimi :hug:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Your story and the struggles you have shared the past few years were positively instrumental in leading me down the health path I am following - which changed my life in almost every aspect - and I mean that literally

Four years ago, if someone told me I would be a fledgling organic farmer and happily given up everyday things like sugar and grain, I'd have laughed so hard and thought they were a total kook - thank you Jimi :hug:
You're very welcome Lucy:hug:, I am so glad you made the change, It really makes me feel so good to know I was able to help you or anyone, makes all my work here worth it. You just made my day my friend;):bliss:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
You're welcome, I am glad you drinking that instead of something bad for you my friend:hug:

I drink organic coffee and tea, but I’ve got dandelion and chicory powder that I bought to drink instead of or with coffee.

I bought 2lbs and I didn’t realize how huge the bag would be! It’s fine powder so I guess I need to put half of it in a jar or something.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Your story and the struggles you have shared the past few years were positively instrumental in leading me down the health path I am following - which changed my life in almost every aspect - and I mean that literally

Four years ago, if someone told me I would be a fledgling organic farmer and happily given up everyday things like sugar and grain, I'd have laughed so hard and thought they were a total kook - thank you Jimi :hug:

I love to hear that, Lucy! Jimi has helped me, too. I was already into health stuff, eating organic/non GMO. But having someone to bounce ideas off and that posts great articles is so helpful.

Just like talking to you is great, too. :hug:

Edit: do you eat the GF grains like quinoa, millet, amaranth and buckwheat? The Body Ecology diet book I read suggested those. She’s into culturing veggies and also not eating any candida forming foods.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I drink organic coffee and tea, but I’ve got dandelion and chicory powder that I bought to drink instead of or with coffee.

I bought 2lbs and I didn’t realize how huge the bag would be! It’s fine powder so I guess I need to put half of it in a jar or something.
Sounds like a good idea:)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
You're very welcome Lucy:hug:, I am so glad you made the change, It really makes me feel so good to know I was able to help you or anyone, makes all my work here worth it. You just made my day my friend;):bliss:

I was reading this thread when I was getting ready to leave ECF, and lurking on VU over a year ago. It’s funny because now we’re friends, but then I just thought your posts were great.

So you may be helping people who don’t even say anything, Jimi. :hug::hug:


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
VU Challenge Team
Member For 5 Years
I love to hear that, Lucy! Jimi has helped me, too. I was already into health stuff, eating organic/non GMO. But having someone to bounce ideas off and that posts great articles is so helpful.

Just like talking to you is great, too. :hug:

Edit: do you eat the GF grains like quinoa, millet, amaranth and buckwheat? The Body Ecology diet book I read suggested those. She’s into culturing veggies and also not eating any candida forming foods.

No grains here at all period - Paleo hard core

It's easy for me to do - have never been able to ingest dairy anyway - and the rationale behind Paleo principals make total sense to me

Plus, I had to give up grains, processed sugar, meats with added nitrites/nitrates, etc anyway - so Paleo made it easy and opened up a whole new world of eating

Oh, and I am healthier in my mid/late fifties than when I was 40 and RA in remission for 2.5 years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
No grains here at all period - Paleo hard core

It's easy for me to do - have never been able to ingest dairy anyway - and the rationale behind Paleo principals make total sense to me

Plus, I had to give up grains, processed sugar, meats with added nitrites/nitrates, etc anyway - so Paleo made it easy and opened up a whole new world of eating

Oh, and I am healthier in my mid/late fifties than when I was 40 and RA in remission for 2.5 years

Where did you find info about Paleo? I tried to go Keto, but I wasn’t eating enough veggies, and the amount of meat I was eating was too much.

I’d like to get off grains as much as possible. The BED grains are the GF ones, but if CHO is an issue, forget it. I’ve got to remember that I can’t change things in 2 seconds, even though my mind would like me to.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I was reading this thread when I was getting ready to leave ECF, and lurking on VU over a year ago. It’s funny because now we’re friends, but then I just thought your posts were great.

So you may be helping people who don’t even say anything, Jimi. :hug::hug:
I really hope so:)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today's Health Thought:
"An investment in your health is one of the best investments you can make."


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
VU Challenge Team
Member For 5 Years
Where did you find info about Paleo? I tried to go Keto, but I wasn’t eating enough veggies, and the amount of meat I was eating was too much.

I’d like to get off grains as much as possible. The BED grains are the GF ones, but if CHO is an issue, forget it. I’ve got to remember that I can’t change things in 2 seconds, even though my mind would like me to.

Had heard about it years ago, but thought it was more of a go outside and eat acorns and squirrels kind of thing

Then, when doc said the only thing left that would help me was to give up white carbs, grains, processed sugar and most processed foods, it was a real struggle to find anything I wanted to eat

Every day it was an endless parade of combing online for recipes, and a lot of stuff that was tasty were from Paleo blogs, so decided to look into Paleo more

Ended up buying the book for Kindle and have followed it ever since as the transformation - along with other things like taking up yoga again and also tossing out chemical-laden hygiene products - has worked amazingly

Man, when I cheat and have anything bad, my body lets me know very quickly, sometimes as I'm eating it

The End
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
"Man, when I cheat and have anything bad, my body lets me know very quickly, sometimes as I'm eating it"

That's just what my body does if I slip


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Future Of Medicine is THIS
The journal Scientific American called it “the medicine of the future”. Their cover (March 2015) said Bioelectronic medicine (microcurrent therapy) could create an “off switch” for arthritis, diabetes, even cancer!

I christened it “Star Trek Medicine” in one of my early cutting-edge books (Virtual Medicine 1999), later expanded into Medicine Beyond (2015), which takes the story to a whole new level.

It’s Medicine’s Greatest Revolution, since anesthetics and antibiotics!

What was once an amazing spin-off development from the Russian space program has now become a whole new branch of medicine, taught in universities, community medical centers, used by NFL teams and doctors and healers world wide.

It’s bio-electronic modulation, otherwise known as micro-current therapy (MCT) and one of the biggest restorative and healing approaches EVER. In the right hands it outstrips all other electronic devices—Beemer, Rife machines, MORA machines, EPFX and Scio—because it’s real and relies in standard biology and physics, nothing woo-woo.

Think of it as calling up an on-board brain pharmacy, where your own body generates the most needed healing substances (neurotransmitters), then you’ve just about got it!

It heals infections, wounds, clears pain, calms inflammation, restores function and does countless almost miraculous things, in fact. It has saved amputations on multiple occasions. One simple hand-held device has been used to defibrillate a heart (no “Clear!” or danger of shocks).

I used one of these devices to heal my son’s ankle: he’s a chef and slipped on a greasy kitchen floor, causing a fracture RIGHT THROUGH HIS ANKLE; but instead of months, it was healed and the plaster cast off in just 3 weeks!

You can learn more about this miracle healer in an upcoming webinar (details below).

One of the outstanding functions of an MCT device is to do what we call vagus nerve stimulation. What’s that?

The vagus nerve (old name, the splanchnic nerve) is part of the autonomic nervous system and covers all our gut and other organs, such as heart, spleen, kidneys, bladder, liver and sex organs. It primary action is to induce what we call the parasympathetic state, meaning calm and relaxation.

It’s sleep, rest, digest, assimilate, the exact opposite of the well-known flight or fight response, which is the sympathetic “alarm” response when danger is present.


Better than that: the vagus nerve quenches inflammation. Inflammation means fire, it’s hot and it’s damaging. So to calm that down is very healing (diabetes, Alzheimer’s, most heart disease, strokes, arthritis and autoimmune diseases have an inflammatory basis. Even cancer spreads by inflaming tissues nearby, which then can’t resist).

Inflammation is bad news. Therefore vagus nerve stimulation is good news!

That’s why GlaxoSmithKline sank $50 million into developing ways to achieve this. They are not stupid. They could see the way this is going.

But their plan is to sell a small electronic implant which will be surgically implanted into a person’s neck, and clamped round the vagus nerve, into which it will fire signals that lead to calming.

The cost will be absurd. The patient will have to undergo this ordeal every few years, to replace the electronic device. There will be scar tissue, which is inflammation in its own right! And all this, because they will be able to charge $25,000 to $40,000 a pop.

But we can do it quickly and easily, non-invasively: no surgery, no need to break the skin even. We do it with a remarkable, hand-held MCT device called the Avazzia Sport Pro.

It really is a bit of magic. Remember the famous saying of Arthur C. Clark: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

So, I hope I have whetted your appetite and that you want to know more about what this amazing family of devices can do.

If so, you are in luck!

On Thursday next, May 28th, I’m interviewing the world’s TOP MCT specialists and we’ll be talking about the way this new wave is going. I’ve christened it “Medicine’s Greatest Revolution”. You NEED to join us in this, especially if you are a career healer or practitioner. Those with this treatment methodology under their belt will get the clients—because it’s so simple and easy.

Every MD, DO, ND, chiro, sports coach, acupuncturist, etc. should have the top model, the Avazzia Sport Pro in their office.

But one of the best things about this new and amazing technology is ANYONE CAN DO IT, layman and professional alike! It really is a miracle.

I’ll also be telling you how and where you can get FREE training, from top experts.


Date: Thurs May 28th, 2020

Time: 5.00 pm Pacific time (Eastern 8.00 pm)

Duration: 1 hour, PLUS usually an hour of question time! (We stick at it till we have answered all questions)

Registration Link here.

Go there now. It’s FREE

It will be a night to remember! Mark your calendars!

To Your Good Health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey friends,

I hope you're having a fun, safe, and relaxing holiday weekend.

I won't interrupt your day for long... I just wanted to let you know that we're doing Part 2 of the Gut, Microbiome & Immunity webinar w/ microbiologist Kiran Krishnan this Wednesday at 7pm ET / 4pm PT.

>> Grab Your Seat Here for Part 2! <<

Heads up: We were almost at capacity for Part 1, so show up early to make sure you get in the live room!

This was not actually intended to be a two-part webinar... but Kiran's incredible presentation last week went a full 90 minutes, so we ran out of time for Q&A and detailed recommendations!

I've got over 40 of your questions that I'll be asking Kiran this week - and he'll also be sharing a ton of actions we can take to cultivate a healthy microbiome, optimize our overall gut health, and build resiliency and balance in the immune system.

As we learned last week... gut health, the microbiome, and our immune function cannot be separated - all 3 are interdependent on the other. I already knew that, but I've never, in 10 years in the functional medicine world, seen it presented in such a complete way as Kiran was able to do last week.

In case you missed it, click here to watch Part 1! This is an elite-level professional presentation unmatched by anything I've ever seen on the subject - a subject that should be the #1 most talked-about aspect of health given the current pandemic situation.

Kiran will be presenting this information to doctors around the world, once medical conferences come back... for now, it's a Rebel Health Tribe exclusive! (How amazing!)

Bring your notebook, invite your friends, and ask questions this Wednesday!

See you there! <<<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Get Moving to Prevent Frailty

The website IMDb (Internet Movie Database) lists "Good Will Hunting" as the No. 1 movie about the fear of failure. But we'd like to point out that with a little help, Will (Matt Damon) is able to overcome the crippling emotion and realize his potential.

We hope you can do that as well, if fear of frail-ure is what's haunting you.

It turns out that pre-frailty, which most people associate with advanced age, is as prevalent in 40-year-olds as it is in people over 70.

In fact, a new Australian study published in BMC Geriatrics found that pre-frailty occurs in 45% of people ages 40-49 — about the same as the percentage for folks 70-75. And when it hits in your 40s, it puts you on a glide path to early frailty, which is something everyone should work to avoid.

Pre-frailty means you are dealing with one or two of the following problems: declining energy, reduced muscle function, low grip strength, slowed walking speed, sedentary behavior, and unintentional weight loss.

Frailty is defined as having at least three of those issues.

Luckily, you can prevent or reverse pre-frailty and avoid the cascade of health problems that accompany frailty, from cognitive decline to broken bones.

The No. 1 way to prevent or reverse pre-frailty is exercise: 60 minutes, five days a week of walking, resistance or strength training, aerobics, jumping/stretching, and most importantly, fun.

You can do yoga, jumping jacks, stretchy bands, walking up and down stairs, step-class routines, barre exercises, or dancing.

Just get moving. You have nothing to fear but frail itself.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi, "Leaky brain" is a brain health issue that often goes undetected and can underlie stress, anxiety, depression, neurological disorders, brain degeneration and autoimmunity.

Caused by various lifestyle factors -- infections, stress, trauma, poor diet, environmental toxins -- leaky brain is treatable and preventable!

Given that "leaky brain" is not as common a term in our health culture as "leaky gut" has become, I invite you to learn more about this concern, as it may be contributing to your health challenges.

Especially if you want to decrease stress and anxiety, and optimize your brain health.

--->>Learn more about leaky gut, and how to evaluate the health of your brain when you attend this online event!

Often, symptoms of these issues are automatically prescribed pharmaceutical drugs -- WITHOUT the identification or treatment of underlying causes.

However, there are data-driven answers and actionable solutions for brain regeneration and neurological health!


Your hosts, Dr. Elena Villanueva and Dr. Ryan Wohlfert, have committed the last 12 months of their lives to searching the globe and interviewing the most qualified experts in leaky brain to give you the most cutting-edge information on this potentially harmful condition.

They're here to show you evidence-based programs and protocols to understand, identify and address the root causes and symptoms of leaky brain, and the neurochemical and neurodegenerative conditions associated with it.

The Leaky Brain Summit will help you:

  • Identify symptoms of leaky brain
  • Understand the brain-immune-gut connection
  • Reduce inflammation to help heal leaky brain
  • Overcome pain, trauma and stress
  • Detox and regenerate your brain
  • Master your mindset to optimize brain health
  • Know which foods to choose or avoid
  • Help children avoid mental health disorders
  • And more!

You're not broken. There are answers. We can heal together.

--->>I'll see you online at The Leaky Brain Summit when you register today! (Literally I am a guest!)

See you on the next page,
Jonathan Otto

P.S. When you register for The Leaky Brain Summit, you'll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

So many people in our community asked thyroid questions over and over again…

And today, your wish is our command!

In this week’s vodcast, Matt and I interviewed thyroid expert Dr. Olivia Joseph and asked several of the most common thyroid questions we hear in our community.

Her 16 years in practice—whether through helping thousands of patients, consulting with large companies, or training conventional doctors—have guaranteed a superhighway of information during this interview that just kept coming.

(Honestly, this vodcast could have gone longer than an hour. She really didn’t hold back!)

When you watch this video, you’ll learn:

  • The long and comprehensive list of thyroid symptoms that you should watch out for
  • Why some conventional doctors are against getting a full panel thyroid test (some even react too harshly)
  • How thyroid is linked to so many systems in the body, including the brain and the gut
  • The differences between TSH, T4, and T3 tests and why you need all three
  • Why autoimmune disease of the thyroid is so common (most especially Hashimoto’s)
  • Why testing is extremely crucial for thyroid and which one you should get
  • The first steps you can take to get your thyroid functioning better again
  • The mineral that can add that much-needed security system for your thyroid
  • The causes and cure for thyroid nodules and goiters (and why you need to be careful with iodine)
  • Why women are more prone to thyroid issues
  • The truth about thyroid issues in men
  • Is it okay to take thyroid meds and should you come off it

If you’re one of the people in our community who wants to get to know this master gland, please watch this interview.

And if you’re feeling any of the symptoms she mentioned, I encourage you to get your thyroid tested.

As Dr. Olivia pointed out, early detection is key to thyroid repair. The earlier it is, the greater the likelihood of you fixing your thyroid issues (or even coming off medications).

Dr. Oliva is so passionate about all things thyroid, it’s no wonder there’s a waitlist of patients who want to work with her!

So click here to watch Episode 8 of The Goodness Lover Vodcast and find out how you detect thyroid problems and repair this master gland.

To your health,

Sarah Otto


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

I hope you are enjoying your Memorial Day Weekend!

I just wanted to pop in to send you this brand new guide to help you achieve and preserve better brain balance. You can download it free right now.

--->>Gain IMMEDIATE ACCESS to this brain chemistry eBook now!
Our bodies are amazing and complex chemical machines and are biologically designed to restore and heal themselves. But when they are burdened with chemical toxins, unhealthy food or unknown infections, our bodies and brains can become ill -- without intervention, those illnesses can develop into chronic health problems.

Everyday exposure to environmental interference can result in defective cell function which can lead to:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety, Worry
  • Lack of Motivation
  • Alzheimer's or Dementia
  • And, sadly, more that keeps us feeling stuck or stifled…

But there is hope! Removing and minimizing these environmental interference can get your body and brain "engines" working again WITHOUT dangerous prescription medication.

This 33-page eBook takes you through 13 simple steps to remove and minimize environmental interference so your body can heal and function as it was biologically designed to do.

--->>Gain IMMEDIATE ACCESS to this 33-page, brain chemistry eBook now!

As an added bonus, I just did an amazing interview with Dr. Elena V and Dr. Ryan Wolfert for the upcoming Leaky Brain summit that you won't want to miss. When you download the Brain Chemistry E-book, you'll also get free access to the entire Leaky Brain summit, happening online in just a few weeks!

With Love,


P.S. Anxiety, Depression and brain fog are at an all-time high due to the current global health and economic climate. This guide is needed now more than ever. Please share this email with your friends and family, so they too can take advantage of this amazing free resource.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What I'm doing during the covid crisis...

I'm always surprised when a patient or friend tells me I'm 'still in good shape' or didn't 'let myself go' during this whole covid situation. Of course health is still my priority especially DURING a health crisis!

I believe we can always find a way to take care of our brain, body, and health... But sometimes we need help especially in stressful times. I realized three things that spurred my to start a covid HEALTH UPGRADE Plan (it starts June 8).

1) I’m more concerned about what’s gonna happen the rest of the year (and beyond) than I am about you and I getting this specific infection. I want us to be prepared mentally and physically going forward.

2) Do people have the knowledge, support, and/or accountability to get or stay in shape no matter what's happening in their life (including a pandemic).

3) Am I doing enough? Am I giving enough? Am I sharing my 'health & fitness skills' to those who need and want it?

So that's why I created this 'stress relief' program for people who want to upgrade their brain, body, and health... no matter what age they are... no matter what life or world situation they're in... and they'll get access to me the rest of the year.

Click here to learn more and find out if this is right for you.

An inside look at the covid HEALTH UPGRADE Plan!
Head here to learn ALL the details.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


A Time of Remembrance

Memorial Day is a time to remember the past, celebrate the present, and plan for the future. A time to give thanks for those who have given their lives and health to keep this nation safe. A time to honor those brave soldiers who are still with us, and to thank them for the freedoms we enjoy.

It is also a time to enjoy our family, friends, food, and fun. Most important, there is no better time than the present to appreciate our blessings and future as a free people.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cruciferous Vegetables? For Spring? Groundbreaking

2,500 years ago, ancient Romans and Greeks found a leafy plant known as wild mustard – called Brassica oleracea – growing in Europe and the Mediterranean. It tasted differently depending on where it grew, but the point is, it was edible!

So they began cultivating it. But they didn’t stop there...

They started planting those seeds with larger leaves, which eventually produced kale and collard greens.

Fast forward to the 1600s, and people started using terminal leaf buds of the wild mustard plant to create the world’s first cabbages.Then, people took wild mustard that had bigger stems and made kohlrabi. The lateral leaf buds turned into brussel sprouts. Flower buds and stems became broccoli, and flower buds became cauliflower.

As trade routes became more accessible, cruciferous veggies were brought from Italy to England to the Americas.

And now, we all enjoy them as fall delights, yes?

Perhaps… we do tend to pair them with heavier meals to savor as the weather begins to turn. But the magic of cruciferous vegetables begins in spring. Right now.

Since it takes between 100 and 150 days on average for cruciferous vegetables to grow, from germination to harvest, spring is the best time to start planting your cruciferous veggies! (More on that later.)

Especially because they offer such a bevy of complex nutritional benefits.

If your victory garden is running light on these man-made treats, consider planting them now… and absorbing the following from them.

What’s So Miraculous About Them

Cruciferous vegetables pack triple, even quadruple, punches in conquering our dense human operating systems.

When we talk about CVs, we’re talking about broccoli, cauliflower, kale, bok choy, arugula, brussel sprouts, watercress, collards, radishes, cabbages, wild mustard, and cabbages.

And because they all come from the same original plant, they all have similar nutritional profiles.

They’re all pretty filling, for starters. That’s because they’re low in calories but high in fiber, which means they’re great for keeping your digestive system running smoothly and also for maintaining weight.

CVs are heavy in folate, which helps create red and white blood cells as well as convert carbs into energy, and vitamins C, E, and K. But more importantly…

They contain plenty of phytonutrients and glucosinolates. Phytonutrients are plant-based compounds, well-known for reducing inflammation (critical not just for gut health, but for proper cognitive and physical function), and having cancer-preventive properties.

But glucosinolates are different. While they give CVs their unique taste and smell, they also break down into isothiocyanates and indoles, which strengthen cells from within, have antiviral and antibacterial properties, and neutralize carcinogens (substances that encourage cancer growth).

Humans were awfully prescient when they decided to multiply the uses and forms of wild mustard to create more than a dozen varieties of densely-packed cruciferous veggie.

And they’re simple to grow!

Try it In Your Own Garden

Whether you’ve been victory gardening during the pandemic, or have been gardening all your life, this is the right time to start planting CV seeds, so that you can harvest them in the fall!

Companion planting is the science focusing on which plants grow best near each other to naturally control pests, provide optimal organic pollination, and infuse the soil with better nutrients. For example, planting something with tall leaves next to something that needs shade to grow has obvious benefits.

Along with your broccoli, kale, cabbage, and cauliflower, plant garlic and onions to help keep pests away, as well as geranium, beetroot, radishes, and potatoes!

Here’s what you should know in order to plant them…

They’re frost-resistant plants, which is why it’s a good idea to have them growing into the fall. They also prefer slightly acidic or neutral soil, because it’s the same kind of soil found in coastal western Europe.

Mostly, they should be planted around 100 days before the first fall frost – although each specific plant can give or take time. Plant them where they can get a full 6-8 hours of sunlight a day!

The really leafy varieties – bok choy, kale, mustard greens, arugula – can be planted close together, but the larger kinds – cabbage, broccoli, collard greens, brussel sprouts, and cauliflower – need more space between each plant.

Planting these little man-made miracles early will make your fall harvest plentiful and filling.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good day, Jim!

While you're waiting for our Immune Defense Summit to begin on June 8th, check out our spotlight on immune health series of expert talks (for free)!

We've made it really easy to start learning from them now when you click here to unlock this expert series -- 8 health talks on mastering essential oils from such experts as Dr. Tom O'Bryan, Dr. Aristo Vojdani, Judy Taylor, Dr. Peter Osborne and more...

You’ll gain immediate access to these expert talks, and retain access to them indefinitely -- you can learn and make changes to your life at your own pace.

There’s no catch. No purchase required. No commitment necessary.

Here's how it works:
  1. Click here to unlock this expert series.
  2. Our platform will verify your email address on HealthMeans.
  3. Then, the series will be added to your "Library".
  4. Just look for the spotlight logo there and click to start learning!

To your health,
Bob & Bobby
Co-founders, Health Talks Online

P.S. Can't wait to see you at our Immune Defense Summit, and hope you enjoy these additional free talks today!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Had heard about it years ago, but thought it was more of a go outside and eat acorns and squirrels kind of thing

Then, when doc said the only thing left that would help me was to give up white carbs, grains, processed sugar and most processed foods, it was a real struggle to find anything I wanted to eat

Every day it was an endless parade of combing online for recipes, and a lot of stuff that was tasty were from Paleo blogs, so decided to look into Paleo more

Ended up buying the book for Kindle and have followed it ever since as the transformation - along with other things like taking up yoga again and also tossing out chemical-laden hygiene products - has worked amazingly

Man, when I cheat and have anything bad, my body lets me know very quickly, sometimes as I'm eating it

The End

I’ll look for a book online or something. I read one Paleo blog and the guy was arguing about things not being “authentic” Paleo enough. Like not what people would have eaten thousands of years ago! How many people are hunting and gathering or wearing skins now? I understand wanting to eat like they did back then, but I’m not sure if trying to be exactly like them is realistic.

I started doing deep breathing exercises again this weekend. Whatever flu I had made my breathing more shallow, although it took me a few months to notice. So I’m trying to rectify that now.

Hugs and howdy to Hawaii!

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