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Kelli's Critters


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Jesus man , poor thing , some dogs may not be as attractive as some others but they still need love , look if both your parents are severely lacking in the looks department why not just hold off on " lets have a baby" part.

Chances are the baby isn't going to come out any better , probably worse actually , a mix of the worst features of both parents , man , would i be pissed .

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LOL, beware of the Sloths , the three toad and the two toad Sloth , most can rip you to threads with those claws , those things hang upside down in trees and at night they crawl along the ground looking for food .

Very friendly looking but ferocious at the same time , prefers to attack the head and is a known maneater , one should also note that they always consume their victims entrails first and then concentrate and work on the head . Jesus man wtf .

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Just got back from my nightly outing of feeding the stray animals that i know of in town and surrounding areas because it's freezing here and i can't catch a wink when i'm thinking about the strays suffering out there .

Last night i noticed one mother cat with only one of her babies and asked someone what happened to the others , she told me someone ran them over.


Went back tonight and just the baby was there and the mother was no where to be found , let me say this , anybody who purposely kills these animals has big time mental issues , it's just that simple .

I have run into some real jackasses down here who kill baby turtles on purpose, cats on purpose (they will gladly admit to it and have) , i know some are very much into dog fighting and not too long ago a certain group (commercial gill netter's imo) were responsible for breaking the wings of dozens of Pelicans because the Pelicans were interfering with them when they were harvesting fish .

Found out all the Pelicans had to be euthanized , what a disgrace , some people man i'm telling you.

Just atrocious and unacceptable behavior all around and i have been fighting hard against all of it since i have been down in this area . Let me say that people who have lived here their whole lives really despise people who come from another State (especially a northern State) and try to change the way their used to doing things.

Luckily for me i don't care what they think and have said that directly to many of them already , been banned from websites that do everything in their power to protect the abuses thats going on , no joke .
It seems anybody who opposes what they consider the norm cannot be tolerated. I will always do the right thing and i just can't tolerate animal and wildlife abuse .

I know this probably isn't the most appropriate forum for my rant but it fit more than any others on VU i could think of , it is called "Kelli's Critter" thread after all and i'm a very loyal Critter protector .

Anyway if this is inappropriate please forgive me.

Your little buddy

VH fan
(Not to be confused with Gilligan because Gilligan is also a "little buddy" but were not the same, i'm VH fan..)
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Yes Thomas , that is the Loggerhead sea turtle that i so want to protect , i guard the nests during the overnight hours as much as i can to prevent theft and vandalism to the eggs , you wouldn't believe what people actually do to them , sick bastards.

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