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Late Night in DIYland, take II


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Thanks to Jeremy (damn, forgot his last name), I now have my own customized banner, saying whatever I want.

Now I need to customize it. Hmmm...what would I like it to say? ;)
Say "Come to the darkside we have Juice" hahaha


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Hmmm, try taking the cap off and steep it a few days, see if that helps. Some flavors are just perfumey/floral regardless of what you do.
The Flavor is "Honey wood" its a flavor west flavor every messed with it


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Hmmm, try taking the cap off and steep it a few days, see if that helps. Some flavors are just perfumey/floral regardless of what you do.
Will do I am thinking it have nasty PG or something alcohol or maybe ass juice dear god


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No, I've never worked with it. It's been steeping a month? I would try cap off, but it may just be a floral flavor, I don't know. What % did you use?


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No, I've never worked with it. It's been steeping a month? I would try cap off, but it may just be a floral flavor, I don't know. What % did you use?
just a 60/40 mix with 18mg nic and that flavor did not add anything else ,,, hmmm thanx I will try to just let the cap off see if that fixy


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Who's the juice by @Mrscaryz & what is the description of the flavor?

Floral flavors can be tricky - if you're going for a floral-y taste (Wacky Vapes Katana is a favorite of mine) if the flavor isn't in the flowery persuasion it could be the alcohol in the flavor base giving it the lysol overtone.

If it helps we have a "nutella"-esque flavor from a company that's steeped over a month & it still tastes like uncooked ramen noodles.


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Who's the juice by @Mrscaryz & what is the description of the flavor?

Floral flavors can be tricky - if you're going for a floral-y taste (Wacky Vapes Katana is a favorite of mine) if the flavor isn't in the flowery persuasion it could be the alcohol in the flavor base giving it the lysol overtone.

If it helps we have a "nutella"-esque flavor from a company that's steeped over a month & it still tastes like uncooked ramen noodles.
Thanks @Frawg yeah I got it free with a huge flavor order and never tried it just didnt smell good first time I sniffed it... I think its hopeless but I will leave the cap off never know


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Who's the juice by @Mrscaryz & what is the description of the flavor?

Floral flavors can be tricky - if you're going for a floral-y taste (Wacky Vapes Katana is a favorite of mine) if the flavor isn't in the flowery persuasion it could be the alcohol in the flavor base giving it the lysol overtone.

If it helps we have a "nutella"-esque flavor from a company that's steeped over a month & it still tastes like uncooked ramen noodles.
The Juice is by me...


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Hey @Frawg, how're you tonight?
I'm confused - which is mostly normal. I'm trying to watch fb and guess whether my other coworker is going to bail on work today or not. I end up getting extra days because she's not reliable...


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@Frawg, have you tried yet? For DIY flavorings?


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@Frawg, have you tried yet? For DIY flavorings?
No I haven't. My personal (non-work related) vape budget is zilch til I get my muffler fixed & new front tire for my car. Though admittedly I can't complain, its had the same tires since 2008.


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That's a long time for tires. I just got a set this summer, my car needed them desperately too.

They are having a sale which is why I asked. I'm thinking of trying them.


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cat food - 14 days.jpg cat litter - 3 months.jpg
Most of our budget goes to care & feeding of kitties. The food pic is about 2-3 weeks worth of food; the boxes pic was the resulting pile of cardboard bound for the recycle center after 8 weeks the last time I bothered to catalog quantity.


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Well duhh you been drinking that Absinthe again there Chowder? hehe :)
No, just a REALLY strong batch of cinnamon red hots 18 mg on my dripper @ 0.2 ohms. Why, was I slurring my words again? Damn, I need to learned how to type better! lol


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Yeah, I thought that was kind of expensive. They have a sale right now, just for today, the 6th, for 20% off all DIY flavors, but still, that's high.

With tax it would run about $11.00 per flavor at 12.99 with the sale. That's still high.


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Yeah, I thought that was kind of expensive. They have a sale right now, just for today, the 6th, for 20% off all DIY flavors, but still, that's high.

With tax it would run about $11.00 per flavor at 12.99 with the sale. That's still high.
Outrageous where do you usually get your flavors from Flowerpots or do you want me to send you a PM?


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Hey @Frawg, and Pots, I have a couple single flavors maybe you can make suggestions for, TFA Huckleberry and TFA Grape Juice. I mixed at 1/5 ratio in a 50/50 base, my typical mix. However, both are currently unvapeable. Any experience with these as a single?


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I buy direct from INW Poland, ECX, WL, VT, different places. I like ECX because they have everybody's flavors.


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Hey @Frawg, and Pots, I have a couple single flavors maybe you can make suggestions for, TFA Huckleberry and TFA Grape Juice. I mixed at 1/5 ratio in a 50/50 base, my typical mix. However, both are currently unvapeable. Any experience with these as a single?

I've never worked with either of those flavors. What do you mean unvapeable? Too strong? Medicinal/chemical?


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TFA grape juice is very grapey. Shop uses it as a single flavor for their grape flavor. Its overpowering if you ask me at 20% on its own, which is shop standard. Said grape is one of our least popular flavors, most everyone says "its just too strong."

I use it in a fruity blend I make. Version 1 was 1ml grape juice in a 15ml bottle. Version 2 was .25ml in a 15ml bottle. Its still stronger of the 3 notes in the fruity blend. Its just potent. Then again the other 2 flavors I use with it aren't strong flavors on their own so it could be that it needs to go with equally strong things like peach or something. Maybe adding something creamy would cut the 'holy grape-ness' of it. I'm sure you could go down to 10% or even 5% and still have a tasty vape.


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@Chowder, have you seen that google doc that has all of the recommended %'s for each manufacturer?


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You run a cat rescue, @Frawg?
Yep. We're not state official or anything - due to $800/year for non-profit paperwork is better spent on the cats, right now and we don't have any local support. This area is hugely pro-dog, anti-cat, so the fact I have the county animal control guy on my side is a rare bonus. We're keeping our little corner of podunk from becoming what downtown has become with ferals running loose. We feed around 50 cats a day on average, and vet them as much as they let us. I've done this for almost all of the 4.5 years I've been here (mid September = 4 year anniversary of rescue). Our vet is awesome and helps as much as they can. I've had 3 of our rescues adopted by people out of state, and one in state. So we've pledged to keep the ones we have til someone says they want a furever kitty. At least we got the county shelter go from killing around 300 cats a month to trying to control population through TNR, and they're a 'humane pro-life shelter' now which is better than a high-kill shelter.

OK I'll stop here, I get going and I don't stop.


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I think that's awesome of you, @Frawg, I did TNR with ferals down in Florida too. My cats are from the feral colony I fed and tried to keep healthy. There were so many, it was hard to keep up. And the landlord wanted to shelter them.


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@Chowder, have you seen that google doc that has all of the recommended %'s for each manufacturer?
I've never worked with either of those flavors. What do you mean unvapeable? Too strong? Medicinal/chemical?
(1) Ok, your last question first, a resounding Nope! I have seen the posts here on what flavors tend to do well together, but haven't utilized the information yet. I've been trying to buils stock on singles to provied a good base/basis on more complex mixes. I order almost all my flavors from WL and am currently looking to branch out for more bulk purchases on the singles that have been popular with the locals I supply.
(2) I get almost an alcohol/chemical flavor from both that is exactly how the flavoring smells strait out of the vial. In the case of the Grape Juice, as @Frawg pointed out a above, It might just be that it is entirely too strong. I did try to cut it (GJ) in half to 1/10 ratio, but had the same results. Since the Huckelberry had exactly the same tones, I haven't even tried to play with it since I mixed it. I still have 4mls of each flavoring unmixed and 20mls of each mixed, still at 1/5. They've been steeping for a month and still are just like the day I mixed them.

I'm not out big bucks or anything here, just thought you might have some advise to save the day! I DO so love huckelberries and really wanted that flavor in a vape, if possible.


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I would say start at 5% for TFA, that's low for them, and you will likely be more in the ballpark with that than your original concentration.


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TFA flavors are funny, some need low, some middle, and some high concentrations - they are all over the board.


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Well, time to pull them back out and try again. I'll start at the 5% and let you know how it went.


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So my coworker is posting drunk statuses on facebook. I wonder if I'll get called in today.
The brown bag flu is a legitimate excuse......well, at least for you to put some OT into your paycheck! Hey everybody, party at Frawg's house next payday! She's buying!


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I've never worked with either of those flavors. What do you mean unvapeable? Too strong? Medicinal/chemical?
The old list on FB says Grape should be around 12% of course these are just guesstimates I know I have made some horrible mistakes by adding way to much not saying you did .. I have not used those two either but I have used Blueberry and I find 12-15% at a 60/40 good
LOL@brown bag flu. I've never heard that before.
Me either I like it


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So my coworker is posting drunk statuses on facebook. I wonder if I'll get called in today.
Dear lord Being a Computer Engineer I cannot understand why everyone thinks facebook is like sitting around with buddies saying Hey dude Im drunk , Hey look I just made this killer burger and taking a pic WTF... I remember the good old IRC days crazy but no posting of someone taking a bowl movement.. :)


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The brown bag flu is a legitimate excuse......well, at least for you to put some OT into your paycheck! Hey everybody, party at Frawg's house next payday! She's buying!
lol yeah I wish. You'll forgive the plethora of cat-hair and if you show up early expect to be put to work. I should take photos of the back "yard" now that its in its full un-mowed glory. I'm just waiting on the part to come in to fix the mower (we hope).


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lol yeah I wish. You'll forgive the plethora of cat-hair and if you show up early expect to be put to work. I should take photos of the back "yard" now that its in its full un-mowed glory. I'm just waiting on the part to come in to fix the mower (we hope).
Buy a couple of goats. They won't chase the cats. They will keep theives out of the back yard. You get all the fresh milk you want. And you will never have to mow the dirt that is left again!


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That would work if we had grass. Goats won't eat tree saplings, especially not oak or ash, nor half the poisonous crap in our yard. We live 1 mile as the crow flies from the historical heritage garden at the state park up the road. We have lots of 'not supposed to grow here' stuff living in the yard. I've discovered Datura - a poisonous Solanae family - loosely related to Tobacco - growing near the AC unit the other day...pretty & deadly, and the acre of virginia creeper I've had goat owners ask me "how do you kill it so it doesn't overrun your yard" - uh burn everything and plant new grass is going to be my future option.

Though the smoothies I have are a testiment to the raspberry plants we have that we didn't plant. Blackberries too - but the cooler weather didn't help those this year.

Not sure if this will show up to those not on fb - but this is the plant survey I did of the yard earlier this season -


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The short story is 'the mower doesn't work'. The longer story is the mower hasn't worked right for 3 years and our neighbors like to bitch more than offer to help. The longer story is that I'm not the land-owner I just live here and help out (and rescue cats). Landowner has MS, doesn't handle IN heat real well, and 2 years ago broke both her wrists in a fall, 2 acres to mow by hand with a weed-eater gets out of hand fast. I have a high tolerance to poison ivy - but am more allergic to other things that grow "wild" in the yard. So I can pull ivy all day as long as my body doesn't care. It comes back faster than I can pull it. We're thinking of asking for a stand-by fire-truck from the town for this fall and just do a controlled burn on most of it. I'd like to keep the 8 or so large raspberry plants and the 4 or so blackberry plants, the rest of it can die in a fire!


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Dude. Tree people are out of their damn minds. Who wakes up one day and thinks they'd like to climb a 100ft. telephone pole with a chainsaw?
Whatever I'm paying them isn't enough. I'm not going to tell them that. lol

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