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Late Night in DIYland, take II


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The Indiana end of the USPS is incredibly talented, in all the wrong ways. I can get mail from me in southern IN to Russia in less time than it takes to mail a package from me to a friend who lives on the other side of Indy, from the USPS sort facility. (5 days vs 2.5 weeks) figure that one out. Now if I need to send him something I just drive up and drop it off. $20 in gas is less than the hassle of $12 in postage for them to wait so long the contents that were perishable are moldy.
Hey Frawg you are from Indiana? I grew up in Indiana until I was 15 40 miles south of Chicago :)


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Your lucky! My 118,00 order from Mouser is AWOL. UPS said they left it at a side door. That's cool Except I don't have a FKN Side door. :mad: There going to call Mouser. What the fuck for? they DID their job. ?


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Your lucky! My 118,00 order from Mouser is AWOL. UPS said they left it at a side door. That's cool Except I don't have a FKN Side door. :mad: There going to call Mouser. What the fuck for? they DID their job. ?
Dude I have had that happen all the time I am currently living a bit outside the city like 40 miles and have 5 acres and a the stupid UPS guy has even thrown my packages into my Mulch pile crazy they just do not seem to care by the time they get out here to deliver they just want to be done so if I get something coming from UPS I sit out front as they never come before 8pm with my a couple of my Huge Siberians they now honk ahahaha and I go to grab it :)


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I have some Mods ready for chips, & no chips. I am sure we'll dance, sing, & then they can meet my lawyer. Something so small will piss him off. They don't want to piss him off. The parts are worth more than the $ to me.
The irony of it all is USPS was a buck cheaper. I trusted UPS because they have always done a good job.
He told me one time, "respected is nice, Feared is better".
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@Frawg . I've used FA Red Wine as an additive in bakery flavors. Alcohol free. I haven't tried it standalone, since I don't drink and never liked wine. It does a nice job in bakery flavors, though. HeadInClouds would probably be able to answer that question way more thoroughly.


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I have two vamo 5s from fastech. I'll prob order 2 more in the near future

vaping one day at a time
ClaireW wow thats alot of Vamo's.. J/J Let see I have 2 now that work one that was dragged outside by the dogs in the mud and it still worked then the switch stopped working so I cut it up in little pieces with my Dremel :)


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I have some Mods ready for chips, & no chips. I am sure we'll dance, sing, & then they can meet my lawyer. Something so small will piss him off. They don't want to piss him off. The parts are worth more than the $ to me.
The irony of it all is USPS was a buck cheaper. I trusted UPS because they have always done a good job.
He told me one time, "respected is nice, Feared is better".
Dear god


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Lock which controls Emile? for the Vamo? If you are asking about the vamo sadly not up through release V5 after that I do not know and doubt it
Sorry for not clarifying.

Yup, I was wondering about the Vamo.

I actually had a v5 for a couple of days, but I never took it out of its box. I ordered it a day before I received my first SVD in the mail, and I never looked back, so I sold my still-sealed Vamo.

Don't take that as an indictment of the Vamo, because I never even tried it. I just love my SVD that much. :)


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I recommend them big time. I have had no trouble with the three I have. Matter of fact vaping on one now. They like to collect finger prints, that's about it. Oh they won't fire under 1.2 Ohms.
What kind of top do u have for them


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0715141217a.jpg I can't answer that. It would take hours. I have some pics in post your Mods sections. Not all Atomizers will work on a Vamo. Only 1.2 Ohms & above will fire.
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Tiny tip. You Tube is your best friend when it comes to knowing what to buy. Or anything else about Vaping for that matter. Vendors are after one thing, to sell you stuff. 95% are straight up. Some are not. I see your Avatar. You might like Twisted 420's reviews. He is about my favorite. He tells it like it is. P. Bursado is another, Grim Green. These guys don't lie. I have left a lot out. Just watch & learn.


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Where are you getting the kit.. Usually the kits are a rip off give you some crummy charger and two pissant batteries
I would buy the items separate
Yep only 900mah


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You can do better. Sam Sami owns evapes. I got mine from him. Paid like 32.00 ea for them. No nothing, just the Vamo. Free Shipping. EBay might be cheaper.


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You can do better. Sam Sami owns evapes. I got mine from him. Paid like 32.00 ea for them. No nothing, just the Vamo. Free Shipping. EBay might be cheaper.
How long till u got it I'm in missouri


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Yep only 900mah
If you are moving up to a VV/VW device I highly suggest you get a descent charger
I would buy the Vamo V5 seperate I just saw some great buys on Ebay and some other sites... Then get a set of good batteries and a good charger
it will surely go over 40.00 but in the end you will have to replace the crap batteries and the crap charger. :)


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About a week. Some stuff I buy I wait more than a month.
Thank you very much
My collection is small. Some have over One Hundred.

Omg that's alot

Tiny tip. You Tube is your best friend when it comes to knowing what to buy. Or anything else about Vaping for that matter. Vendors are after one thing, to sell you stuff. 95% are straight up. Some are not. I see your Avatar. You might like Twisted 420's reviews. He is about my favorite. He tells it like it is. P. Bursado is another, Grim Green. These guys don't lie. I have left a lot out. Just watch & learn.

Where are you getting the kit.. Usually the kits are a rip off give you some crummy charger and two pissant batteries
I would buy the items separate

Yep only 900mah

You can do better. Sam Sami owns evapes. I got mine from him. Paid like 32.00 ea for them. No nothing, just the Vamo. Free Shipping. EBay might be cheaper.

How long till u got it I'm in missouri

ANY 510 atomizer will work as long as it is over 1.2 Ohms. Pro Tanks are 1.8 or more.


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I was standin' in the rain. Rain drops falling on me, I had not a care, as I was standin' there, but I knew. Vapin' made me happy, happy, happy!
Juice was in my hair, juice was everywhere!

I love my Vamo5, oh I don't know just why, I just had to buy, I love my Vamo 5, a brand new Vamo 5. Suddenly it all came true, I wasn't smoking again, that's when I knew, Vapin' made me happy. (to the tune of Flower Girl) by: the Cowsills.


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I am becoming more and more interested in DIY but it seems quite complicated for me, I am honestly slow due to many severe Traumatic Brain Injuries.


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Tripster, let me put things in perspective for you. Quite a few people here know what the hell their doing. I bought a new type of atomizer & when I got it, I didn't know how to build it. Nucleus style dripper. I had to watch a video on You Tube of a guy in England build one. That's a big part of the fun! If I knew what the Hell I was doing it would be a job. I hate jobs. I am retired. The hardest thing I want to do is, Whatever I want.
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Happy friday!

RP hope you survived ok?

Caffeine is not working this morning. Even the dog went back to bed!

Trying to decide. Clean fridge. Sit at desk do client work. Mix? Eventually I need to do all three just not sure which order.

For now I'm deciding not to decide and hanging in kitchen read vaping drinking tea.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

vaping one day at a time


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Hey flower. Free concert in down town Woodstock this weekend. Was told the band is suppose to be good. Don't ask me who. Not sure I know my name right now :p

vaping one day at a time

Hobby Kid

Brighton Boy
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Happy friday!

RP hope you survived ok?

Caffeine is not working this morning. Even the dog went back to bed!

Trying to decide. Clean fridge. Sit at desk do client work. Mix? Eventually I need to do all three just not sure which order.

For now I'm deciding not to decide and hanging in kitchen read vaping drinking tea.

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

vaping one day at a time
lol I'm still waiting for my dose to kick in

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