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Late Night in DIYland, take II


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Oh, I could write a book on "Why things go wrong in nursing". However, I value my life and need a job. :)
My SIL just obtained my diy Carrot cake with cream cheese frosting and a new flavor "birthday cake". Birthday cake is from vaporco so it will be a limited time only flavor for her. I don't care for the vanilla tones in it. However, its not bad for a fluffy flavor.

Cream cheese frosting? That sounds tasty!
(Not ignoring the Carrot Cake part, but cream cheese frosting is one of my favorites!)


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^ me too

I have an easy recipe, but it's not for vaping.


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I could never be a mother, but something just works for me in the classroom. I also could never be a nurse. I commend you. I think the two jobs are very similar. No day is the same nor what may or may not happen. You'd be surprised with how much bureaucracy there is teaching and coming from people who have little classroom experience. It's ridiculous that we're told what do to and how to be better by people who have never experienced being in a room full of 35 - 16 year olds. Luckily, I can close my door and focus on the students.
I imagine management telling nurses to conserve gowns and other supplies but take no account for reality. Rant over...I think.
My wife is a teacher. Her biggest gripe?Bureaucracy. This year, the power crazy control freak principal tried to move THIRTY TWO teachers around for the sake of "variation". Ridiculous. ESPECIALLY after all the teachers had just gotten comfortable with common core, and rewritten their whole curriculum. Luckily, they all made a big stink, and the superintendent had to squash the whole thing. It sucks that they had to even go through that though.

Also, yeah, summers off. BUT, 60 hours a week in class and doing work at home more than make up for the "time off". Plus whatever monetary contributions you end up making towards supplies and other stuff.


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My wife is a teacher. Her biggest gripe?Bureaucracy. This year, the power crazy control freak principal tried to move THIRTY TWO teachers around for the sake of "variation". Ridiculous. ESPECIALLY after all the teachers had just gotten comfortable with common core, and rewritten their whole curriculum. Luckily, they all made a big stink, and the superintendent had to squash the whole thing. It sucks that they had to even go through that though.

Also, yeah, summers off. BUT, 60 hours a week in class and doing work at home more than make up for the "time off". Plus whatever monetary contributions you end up making towards supplies and other stuff.
Yep. You pretty much said it all. Common Core...rewriting my new curriculum as we speak.


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Word to the wise, don't try to calculate your final recipe formulas and post them in the middle of the night when you're half asleep.


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Making an order from ecigexpress sometime today. Here's what's in the cart:

NF Ginger (thanks to HIC)
NF Gooseberry (thanks to Smoky Blue)
NF Chocolate Malt
NF Japanese Plum
JF Boysenberry (just because the review for this brand was good - let's hope so)
FA Lemon Sicily
FA Chestnut
FW Salted Caramel
TFA Pie Crust (for a 5 Pawns clone recipe)

Anything else I should add? Any must-have's, go-to's to add on?


Down with the Clown
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Maybe this will help: (Not my work - Borrowed from a knowledgeable person or group)
Mix by weight Densities:
PG: 1.036 g/ml
VG: 1.261 g/ml
PGA: 0.789 g/ml
Vodka: 0.938 g/ml

The awesomeness referenced and cited above has been assimilated into my juice calculator. I was using number from when I still used syringes, instead of mixing by weight. Mine were slightly off, but now they can be spot-on, for more consistent juice! To you, good vaper, I say bravo!


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Making an order from ecigexpress sometime today. Here's what's in the cart:

NF Ginger (thanks to HIC)
NF Gooseberry (thanks to Smoky Blue)
NF Chocolate Malt
NF Japanese Plum
JF Boysenberry (just because the review for this brand was good - let's hope so)
FA Lemon Sicily
FA Chestnut
FW Salted Caramel
TFA Pie Crust (for a 5 Pawns clone recipe)

Anything else I should add? Any must-have's, go-to's to add on?
I was going to get the chocolate malt too if you wanna share. =) I was also looking at the double malt.


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The awesomeness referenced and cited above has been assimilated into my juice calculator. I was using number from when I still used syringes, instead of mixing by weight. Mine were slightly off, but now they can be spot-on, for more consistent juice! To you, good vaper, I say bravo!

Glad to be in a position to pass it on. Is this a public or private calculator you speak of?


Down with the Clown
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Public. I have a link to the Google drive file download here


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hey everyone! been real busy - hoping I can catch up here tmwr. going to a friends house to hang at pool. I'll prob read on my phone LOL

but in the meantime ROCKETPUPPY! this is for you



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B.O., Farts, Skunk Cabbage, cheese, and perfume custard. I've tried it. Once. I've bought it more than once for other people to try (try = "you gotta try this. It's good! Trust me..."). I eat almost anything, but I draw the line at durian and muskrat, after one go around. Both surprisingly similar flavors.

LOLOL When I was a kid visiting family in Singapore my uncle told me I should try one because 'they taste just like strawberries and cream'....................I fell for it:D


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It's actually illegal to bring fresh durian into the US. lol


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hey everyone! been real busy - hoping I can catch up here tmwr. going to a friends house to hang at pool. I'll prob read on my phone LOL

but in the meantime ROCKETPUPPY! this is for you

I almost emailed you just to check that you're ok. I'm glad you're alive and well.


Down with the Clown
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Only on a vaping forum will you find a blowtorch stuffed into a shoe organizer and hung in the closet.
Actually, if you look closely, there are 3 torches in there.

Sent from the Otter Box around my Galaxy S4.


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But, now where are all the shoes?

If it was my SO using the shoe organizer for something, all of my shoes would have been dumped in a pile at the bottom of the closet :-/ This is why they say things like, in a relationship there is a give and take, etc.


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Don't remember many give and take conversations but I do recall being told "what's yours is mine and what's mine too":eek:
But, now where are all the shoes?

If it was my SO using the shoe organizer for something, all of my shoes would have been dumped in a pile at the bottom of the closet :-/ This is why they say things like, in a relationship there is a give and take, etc.


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1st part of vape mail came in. 300 feet of various kanthal wire (with added bonus of Wahl hair trimmer) waiting for battery charger and some flavors. Probably need to get some pg vg and nic soon too.


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I know just not really comfortable with the 100mg thing.
Hey can you use canning jar for nice storage? Or should the cap be not metal?


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I know just not really comfortable with the 100mg thing.
Hey can you use canning jar for nice storage? Or should the cap be not metal?

You know, I'm not sure. I know people use those for extractions, but not sure about nicotine storage.


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So I have had some Vanilla ice cream flavoring for a few months now and I can't seem to get a good mix no matter how I mix it.
I did add a little bit of Strawberry to it and that is not too bad but still not great.
I think I'm using too much at 5% so maybe I should try less
Any suggestions for the Vanilla ice cream?
My base is 36mg VG and then diluted with VG to about 6mg. The only PG I use is what is in the flavoring
Any suggestions would be appreciated
What other things are you adding to the icecream base? What do you have to work with?


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New to this thread, a brief intro: I picked up vaping 0nic in Feb after my boyfriend started vaping with nic to quit smoking. I picked it up because his flavor clouds were making me crave certain foods, and I have a notorious sweet tooth. I vape for flavor, and because I like pretty shiny things. I figured I'd like bakery/dessert flavors, I've found 2 I like out of about 30 bottles of juice I've tried. Most of what I vape is fruit or floral, though I do have some dessert betas steeping.

I don't DIY at home because we have rescue cats, a lot of them. I don't have a space that's conducive to a lab of sorts other than the kitchen which is limited in space as it is. So I get to DIY & dream and mix part time for 2 area vape shops. Since I'm a part-time on call person for the shops I only get to play when I'm at work and not busy with customers. Most of my creations come from my weird mind and a long history of baking & cooking experimentation. So I have creations others say "i would never have thought to put those together." I've been told I tend to give unusual suggestions, or advice on recipes and fixes/help for others so if I can help I will.

I apparently jumped in with both feet, because most of my recipes are 3 ingredients or more up to 6 or so for two things I have steeping. I would love to have the $ and the space to mix here at home, because I've got at least 3 of my creations likely being picked up by the local shops so I get a % of sales of those flavors, it goes to pay off my debt on mods & attys and stuff.


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I know just not really comfortable with the 100mg thing.
Hey can you use canning jar for nice storage? Or should the cap be not metal?
Honestly I have no clue, however I should note that you can can things in jars that are acidic and that would eat the metal of a canning jar ring. The inside of the jar is a red non-latex rubber gasket (I think its silicone), and a plastic liner (center part). So in theory you should be safe. Except that glass can break. Though they make plastic canning jars that are for things like freezer jam that have a screw on lid and don't break.
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Down with the Clown
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Sorry, we don't have any around here, but what's wrong with Ross?

Or is it a guy thing? ;)
Just a guy thing. Ross has basically nothing that appeals to men, so I don't much care to be seen in there.

Sent from the Otter Box around my Galaxy S4.


Down with the Clown
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But, now where are all the shoes?

If it was my SO using the shoe organizer for something, all of my shoes would have been dumped in a pile at the bottom of the closet :-/ This is why they say things like, in a relationship there is a give and take, etc.
That's why I bought this specifically for me, so I didn't have to move her stuff. I wanted to hang it on the wall right next to my desk, but she convinced me to keep it in the closet.

Sent from the Otter Box around my Galaxy S4.


Down with the Clown
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LoLoL. I would agree except for 2 things. She doesn't have that many shoes, and we have another shoe organizer (for shoes) in the closet.

Sent from the Otter Box around my Galaxy S4.


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LoLoL. I would agree except for 2 things. She doesn't have that many shoes, and we have another shoe organizer (for shoes) in the closet.

Sent from the Otter Box around my Galaxy S4.

That's 'cause the was no place to put them. Now that you've fixed that problem...
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What the hell is my cat doing? Whatever.... At least my NF Plum/Apricot mix turned out well...

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