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Next Generation MTL tanks Part 2


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I think you're going to get the same restricted DL hit with the single coil, probably cooler though. I think the choke point is the outer air inlet slots. The single coil air port is pretty large.

I'm actually really impressed with the tank.
The 510 is loger than any other atty I have though, something to point out. This is the only atty I have that won't sit flush. It sits about 0.5mm off the deck.
I need to get one of those POM spacer/washer things from FT... that means I need to order the led flashlight and 316 fused clapton wire spool that's been sitting in my cart for a few days :devil:

This is in the GM3 thread but I'll leave it here. That dotmod delrin baby friction DT is the :bomb:
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In TC, using single coil SS 28g, 11 wraps 2.5 mm at 1.02 ohms, 37.8 with and 400 deg.F, this thing is rocking.


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No, I saw that... didn't really tear into the spares. I saw the anti-spit cap in there too but this does not spit whatsoever, not a drop or even the slightest misting.

So why ss instead of gold plated brass or whatever came installed?


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In TC, using single coil SS 28g, 11 wraps 2.5 mm at 1.02 ohms, 37.8 with and 400 deg.F, this thing is rocking.

I'm running twisted spaced coil ss430 28g wire and it does TC beautifully. Really controls the temp more accurately than 316.


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The latest addition to the bunch-o-tanks. Smooth threading, we'll machined. Includes 2 velocity style decks for dual and single coils, even though you could stack 2 coils on the single coil deck. The single coil deck is very similar to the Merlin, but somewhat smaller. Here's a picture of a 3 mm ID, 8 wraps 1.1 ohms fused clapton. View attachment 62112 View attachment 62113
That airflow way too large for mtl...would need a restrictor...that's bigger than the 3.5 mm airhole on rose 3


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Close the airflow and you get lemon face trying to draw on it
Understood but what I've found is for true mtl have to have small airflow under the coil...otherwise the tank is made for large airflow w suped up coils like Clapton, etc

Small chamber, tight chimney with tight airflow under coil is true mtl...closing down outer airflow is not enough


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Swapped out the center post to the ss one hoping it was a little shorter but it wasn't. The pin may not be whats bottoming out anyway... picking up the POM spacer.

While it was out I changed out to a 316 26/32 clapton 3mm @ 1.02 ohms. Sweet :D



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Yeah, I didn't build a micro coil but as far a mtl... there is a lot of effort to draw on this. Like as tight as a 4 year old(?) KFL with a 1mm or maybe smaller air hole.

I'm not going to build for a mtl style to find out because that's not my style and I can't be bothered. You can pick one up to try it for your style... or not, miss out on a great tank and just assume that it won't mtl ;)

Maybe a mtl'er around here that ends up getting one will share their experience.


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I was actually playing with the dual coil deck. Too warm for MTL (for me) but restricted DL flavor one top of flavor out of 28g SS wire, 2.5 mm ID, 11 wraps at 0.5 ohms. In TC 37.8W, 400 deg. F
Now, I'm going back to the single coil.
So you're loving it??


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Yeah, I didn't build a micro coil but as far a mtl... there is a lot of effort to draw on this. Like as tight as a 4 year old(?) KFL with a 1mm or maybe smaller air hole.

I'm not going to build for a mtl style to find out because that's not my style and I can't be bothered. You can pick one up to try it for your style... or not, miss out on a great tank and just assume that it won't mtl ;)

Maybe a mtl'er around here that ends up getting one will share their experience.
Don't get me wrong I respect the dl tanks but I know the attributes needed for what qualifies a mtl style like I prefer and with that airflow it ain't it... I've had many (serpent mini, kf monster, etc.) Which are fantastic tanks just not my style.. too much juice consumption, too much power needed, too much air, etc.

But no doubt it's a fantastic tank... don't doubt that :)


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Well, I wouldn't be a good judge of it even if I did throw a mtl build in because I haven't vaped that way for many years. Not since that was the only thing available :D


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Well, I wouldn't be a good judge of it even if I did throw a mtl build in because I haven't vaped that way for many years. Not since that was the only thing available :D
Understand and wouldn't expect it... but I am a pretty good judge because have done (and do) both and choose mtl as my style for a multitude of factors... it's just my personal preference and the dl tanks just don't have the factors to meet that preference..closing down outer airflow doesn't meet all the criteria of a mtl vape.

All that said I have no doubt it is a fantastic tank for DL vaping, the velocity deck alone is a great platform for building power coils!


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I agree with both of you gents. The v3 is a great little tank. I like it's versatility, at the moment I have the single coil deck on, airflow ring open about 1.5 mm in TC mode. Very intense flavor. I MTL and DL and with this tank I can change styles between puffs.
It's kinda like the Almond Joy and Mounds commercial, sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.
@Huckleberried , I'm not gonna say I love it, not yet. It is very versatile and if you liked the Merlin, you'll probably gonna love this little guy. I did the wicking before I installed the deck in the base since I used slightly spaced coil and it was so easy, even I could do it. I'm on my third tank since about 3 pm and I keep switching between DL and MTL. With out a doubt much easier than v1 and v2 for both coil installation and wicking.
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After the 4th tank, the gob. mini v3 still has dry feet. No seeping, no leaking, nice and dry. I've been alternating between mtl and dl, it does a decent job at both, maybe a shade better dl for a single coil. Flavor is pretty good. I doubt this is the last tank I'll buy, but it is one I'll have with me when out and about.


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As it happens, I have a Dotmods rta on it's way. It was meant for the Triton, but it will reside one the VF DNA133


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Those are sexy, I expected to see a Gucci tag hanging off it it's so bling ;)


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I'm going to give my 2c on how I define MTL vaping and why I prefer this style 95% of the time:

MTL attributes:
  • Simple single wire coils of 26 gauge or smaller
  • Above 1 ohm builds
  • Airflow coming from below coil with a 2 mm max path from AFC ring to inlet below coil
  • Small/tight deck
  • Short/tight chimney
  • Produces excellent flavor
These factors constitute all the attributes I look for in a MTL tank. Some DL tanks can mimic some of these factors but it takes all of them to generate a true MTL experience that I'm looking for.

What are the Pros of this type of vaping:
  • Low battery usage, under 30 watts, resulting in long battery life
  • Safely use on mechs and regulated mods with lower risk of battery venting, etc.
  • Minimum juice consumption
  • Outstanding flavor where taste buds of mouth are fully engaged
I have a personal philosophy of moderation that I try to apply to most things and MTL vaping ensures that I can consume e-juice at a moderate level, that produces fantastic flavor and does not break the bank on juice consumption as well as putting a large portion of chemicals in the lungs, etc.

Battery life and devices are also kept at a lower level and inexpensive mechs and regulated devices can be used.

To me DL vaping puts a ton more vapor and chemicals in the lungs than I personally want to consume on a daily basis. With MTL vaping style I naturally am able to vape in a moderate fashion, not to mention it is the style that I prefer, producing a flavor and experience that is very satisfying.

The juice manufacturers who cater to MTL style juices are able to use less flavorings because a higher PG ratio is used, whereas high VG juices, by their nature of muting flavor, require that more flavorings are used. Another factor of moderation.
With coming regulations this may become more of a factor than it is today.

All that said, this is JUST my personal preference. As I am a fairly libertarian in my viewpoints I feel any adult should be able to pursue any style that they choose.

I am simply an advocate for this style of vaping as I feel over the last year it has been pushed somewhat to the background as the industry has catered more and more to the cloud side of vaping and I want the manufacturers and businesses to know there are still a HUGE group of us out here who desire the style of vaping described above and we have money to spend :)


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I know this is the wrong thread for this but...
I enjoy DL because it is still hard for me to stay off the stinkies and MOAR helps keep that craving at bay.

Moderation is not one of my attributes :D

I mix DIY along with buying zero nic mech sauce then spike it to 4mg with vaperstek for a cheap and wonderful juice so that is one of my smallest expenses in life.

Been doing this for a long time so battery safety is not a problem to me and I've been using lipo's for decades in rc cars so I have a ton of experience with them and have seen their danger so I have respect for them.

I enjoy building coils and can build a DL setup to deliver tons of flavor while still giving me the massive amount of vapor needed for me to be satisfied and stay off the stinkies. And I can accomplish that in the 25 to 30 watt range with a single coil clapton getting through a full day on a dual cell 350j chip mod (see above pic). Granted I can also build for 80w+ if I'm drinking with my buddies that smoke and really need MOAR:zombie: Thats where the Boreas or a rda comes in paired with a 3 cell mod.

As far as the chemicals, who knows... we do know that abstaining from putting anything in our lungs is best but for me its vape or cigs... again... moderation is not one of my attributes :devil:

Everyone's got their preferred vape style though, good thing there are a billion choices of gear now :stars:

Sorry about the sidetrack, carry on with the mtl tank convo...
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Translation for Snake: Alleria - dual coil rta, clear glass chamber, DL. Aromamizer Supreme - dual coil rta, DL could be used for a looser draw MTL. Gem v2 - single coil rta, MTL slightly one the loose side. Phenomenon lite - single coil rta, very small chamber, great flavor, strictly MTL. Melo/ Melo 3 - pre built coil atomizer, mostly MTL, could be DL depending on coil used.
VF DNA133 - VaporShark Vapor Flask dual 18650 battery, has the DNA200 board stepped down to 133w. VF Classic - Vape forward (used to be vapor flask) dual 18650 flask mod, made by Wismec.
G2 - dual18650 mod by Hohmtech, uses proprietary (FSK) board, TC capable on any wire except kitchen sink (that may be available with the next update):confused: Up to 171w.
Slice - single 26650 made by Hohmtech, using FSK board, up to 101w.
Pico you already know about.
That was a very long winded way of saying :you're not the only one walking on both sides of the street. :vino:
TYVM kind sir.


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I know this is the wrong thread for this but...
I enjoy DL because it is still hard for me to stay off the stinkies and MOAR helps keep that craving at bay.

Moderation is not one of my attributes :D

I mix DIY along with buying zero nic mech sauce then spike it to 4mg with vaperstek for a cheap and wonderful juice so that is one of my smallest expenses in life.

Been doing this for a long time so battery safety is not a problem to me and I've been using lipo's for decades in rc cars so I have a ton of experience with them and have seen their danger so I have respect for them.

I enjoy building coils and can build a DL setup to deliver tons of flavor while still giving me the massive amount of vapor needed for me to be satisfied and stay off the stinkies. And I can accomplish that in the 25 to 30 watt range with a single coil clapton getting through a full day on a dual cell 350j chip mod (see above pic). Granted I can also build for 80w+ if I'm drinking with my buddies that smoke and really need MOAR:zombie: Thats where the Boreas or a rda comes in paired with a 3 cell mod.

As far as the chemicals, who knows... we do know that abstaining from putting anything in our lungs is best but for me its vape or cigs... again... moderation is not one of my attributes :devil:

Everyone's got their preferred vape style though, good thing there are a billion choices of gear now :stars:

Sorry about the sidetrack, carry on with the mtl tank convo...

And that is the bottom line, vape the style that keeps you off the cigs!

I love a nice cloud blowing session myself (have KF monster, Serpent and multiple drippers for just that) I just don't want the industry to forget about the need for devices that satisfy that MTL style also or for new vapers to not have that option. Balance Daniel-san as Mr. Miyagi said :)


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The latest addition to the bunch-o-tanks. Smooth threading, we'll machined. Includes 2 velocity style decks for dual and single coils, even though you could stack 2 coils on the single coil deck. The single coil deck is very similar to the Merlin, but somewhat smaller. Here's a picture of a 3 mm ID, 8 wraps 1.1 ohms fused clapton. View attachment 62112 View attachment 62113
My latest tank addition and something I've quickly become obsessed with is the Reaper.

There is another version of this tank called the (Reaper Plus).Which is quite a bit like the (Herakles Plus) but with a top side fill.So if you liked the (Herakles Plus) then you might want to check out the (Reaper Plus).


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I know that when I restarted the thread it was meant to be all about MTL tanks, but I just couldn't resist. This has got to be one of the most flavor intense tanks. The Dotmod Petri rta.1474682042512-784141432.jpg


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Thanks for the derailment @fq06 :vino: Now, getting back on track, I really like the Phenomenon lite (thank you @ToolmanTexas for the tip) and the various iterations of the kayfun mini v3. The goblin mini v3 is pretty good as an either or type of tank, but not really the tight draw without the warmth I have with the Phenomenon or the tons of flavor I have been accustomed with the Alleria or the brand new tank in the post above. The flavor falls just shy of the Alleria and the Petri rta is the closest to a rda a tank could get.


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Update on the Rose3... I took your advice @BrewBear and put a SS mesh roll and put in the air inlet and that tightened it up a lot better!

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@f1r3b1rd, I seem to remember you mentioning that you use a Petri rda, in that case, you'll love the tank. It is one thirsty sonofagun tho.
That's ok by me, its being used on my flask that stays in the box and only for 'nights out'


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@ToolmanTexas, I'm glad it worked, I need to get some mesh for the K5s (I have enough mesh for a screen door but since we moved....easier to order some)
@f1r3b1rd, I have it on a VF DNA133 and am tempted to take the other flask out of the box for the Alleria. As of right now the Alleria is on the VF Classic but the DNA flasks are so much nicer... I asked Chef if the pre-made coil version of the Petri tank is just as good.


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According to Chef, the pre-made coils tank is a better made sub ohm tank using Atlantis coils. I'll stick with the rta version.

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@ToolmanTexas, I'm glad it worked, I need to get some mesh for the K5s (I have enough mesh for a screen door but since we moved....easier to order some)
@f1r3b1rd, I have it on a VF DNA133 and am tempted to take the other flask out of the box for the Alleria. As of right now the Alleria is on the VF Classic but the DNA flasks are so much nicer... I asked Chef if the pre-made coil version of the Petri tank is just as good.
is the build quality that much better?


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To answer your question @f1f3b1rd, if the dna flask wasn't 3 times as expensive as the classic, I'd have more than two. The fit and finish is better, I'm guessing the wiring is better, and it is lighter than the classic.

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To answer your question @f1f3b1rd, if the dna flask wasn't 3 times as expensive as the classic, I'd have more than two. The fit and finish is better, I'm guessing the wiring is better, and it is lighter than the classic.

I'm seriously tempted to get a third flask. I only have 2 24mm tops, and to be honest I prefer 22mm. The only mods I use as of late are the radius60w and VF133.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


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SoI decided to take off the gloves and put a 28x2/36g SS fused clapton in the gob mini single coil deck. The flavor and cloud production got much better. Not MTL type draw, but it is a keeper. If you like a warm vape, it will work for MTL also.


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Just thought I'd ad a note on my experience with the kf v3 mini clone so far.

This is it. This is the tank for me.

So far this tank is awesome. It's forgiving when it comes to building. The first few builds I put in it were pretty shite and I didn't get punished with a mod covered in juice or dry hits. It takes simple builds really well (Kanthal 29g 2.5od 5-6 wraps) and turns them into great flavor.
The Juice control is dead simple, 1 turn using 60/40p/v has plenty of flow.
It's pocket friendly, I can toss it in my front pant pocket and clunk around the job site without it leaking. (leaving jfc open)
Super easy to clean. Breaks down in no time at all.
Lastly, AFC. I love it.... set it one time, make a couple adjustments. Never touch it again. WIN! I really liked the draw I was getting from the GS-Tank and wanted something that was somewhat similar. This tank has, at least to me, the perfect amount of air flow.


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Have you played with the kf v3 mini plus? Same attributes as the kf v3 mini but slightly girthier and somewhat shorter, more pocket friendly.


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Have you played with the kf v3 mini plus? Same attributes as the kf v3 mini but slightly girthier and somewhat shorter, more pocket friendly.

It's on the to-try list. If it performs on par with the normal v3 mini (build deck/air flow) then I'd be happy. Sadly I didn't see a black version.


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I haven't seen any black ones, but given the way they perform, I'll put up with the SS ones. I have 3 kf v3 minis, 4 v3 mini plus and 2 v3 mini plus v1.5 , the last one is 22.5 mm diameter so it fits one the Pico mod. They all perform the same, I'm tempted to say the mini plus version having a slightly shorter chimney is just a hair better one flavor....but that is a subjective thing.


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Hey y'all I just ordered a kf5 clone mini. How's that thing at handling high vg juices? Pretty excited, its been awhile since I vaped a kayfun. A welcome change from the high wattage rda clouds I've become accustomed to


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You'll like the slightly larger deck (compared to kf v3 mini). It should be fine, as long as you open the jfc enough.


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Got my sxk rose v3 from fasttech today :)


Put a 1.5ohm clapton coil in :)


So far I am liking it a lot, vaping at 16 watts with single air flow open with 2 holes, even with the larger air hole on the deck, really liking the MTL vape with this tank, was going to see about getting a plug to make it tighter, but don't think I will bother.

To early to say if will get another yet, but will wait a few weeks, if no leaking by then, probably get another one, but doubt it will knock out my genny style kind of tanks though.


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@Nailz, that setup looks sweet. Please don't take a few weeks to decide on the Rose, I've been waiting for more information /opinions on it. It will be OOS by the time I decide whether to get one or not :confused:. To give you an idea of my MTL draw preference, the K5 at one peepoint is a little bit too loose.


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@Nailz, that setup looks sweet. Please don't take a few weeks to decide on the Rose, I've been waiting for more information /opinions on it. It will be OOS by the time I decide whether to get one or not :confused:. To give you an idea of my MTL draw preference, the K5 at one peepoint is a little bit too loose.

If the kayfun v5 is too loose for you, then think you will think the same about the rose v3 too, I know they want to cover DL too nowadays, but they really should include plugs for the people who like a really tight draw. It works well for me, but I do like a more airer draw even though I MTL.

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